Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christie Carves Obama a New One

Hat Tip Drudge


  1. That guy is fat enough to make a truly great President.


  2. Draft the Rubio/Christie 2012 Ticket now!

    Voters would be assured of no 16 year reign:

    Fatso's bound to stroke out before then.

  3. Have to fit Air Force One with a couple booster rockets for extra lift on takeoffs.


  4. Celibacy sharpens the senses.

    ...like going blind.

  5. So says a male model on Medved who took a vow of celibacy after tiring of all the women hanging around him.

    Poor dude.

  6. Is he giving Press (good Press, I might add) from Hospitals now, just in case?

  7. ...probly couldn't resist a swig or two from each of those bottles behind him.

  8. Obama has really shown that he is the Cool Dude he was said to be:

    Apparently suffers no pangs of conscience whatsoever watching Basketball while America withers.

  9. Those bottles, noticing that is acute perception on your part Dougo.


  10. Sorry, doug, but Mr Rubio is not a "Natural Born" citizen.

    He does not meet the Constitutional requirements that boobie has told us prevail, in regards being a "Natural Born" citizen.

    Since neither Mr Rubio's mother or father, both, were not born in the USA.

    At least Mr Obama's mama was.
    Who's to tell, really, who the baby daddy was?

  11. The crapper has got one right. I was going to mention that about Rubio, and Jindal too.

    Good comment, crapper.


  12. "Clearly there will be other, further, and serious consequences."

    In Washington, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Washington condemned the incident "in the strongest terms."

    At the UN, the Security Council issued a statement saying its members "condemned in the strongest terms the attacks" against the British embassy but did not threaten any action.

  13. A woman walked into the kitchen to find her

    husband stalking around with a fly swatter

    "What are you doing?"

    She asked.

    "Hunting Flies"

    He responded.

    "Oh. ! Killing any?"

    She asked.

    "Yep, 3 males, 2 Females," he replied.

    Intrigued, she asked.

    "How can you tell them apart?"

    He responded,

    "3 were on a beer can,

    2 were on the phone! "

  14. While Cain claims to have had a major fundraising windfall in the past six weeks, his cash collection operation up until that point had sputtered. He raised $5.4 million in the first nine months of 2011 — including a $675,000 personal loan; that total puts him well behind the likes of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

    Cain’s collapse is largely attributable to his campaign’s absolute inability to effectively rebut or respond to the allegations brought against him.

    The latest example? Cain spokesman J.D Gordon insisting that the campaign is moving “full speed ahead” and that “[Cain] is not thinking of dropping out of the race” even as the candidate himself contradicts that message.

  15. I've been called a terrorist for sitting quietly with my wife in a lawn chair at a Tea Party rally, American flag in hand.

    I don't like the smell of it.


  16. Clan Rufii grows by one. It's a Boy.

  17. Listening to Mark Levin. He is absolutely rudderless. Hewitt sense his man Romney may have a race on his hands.

  18. I'll drink to that.
    Might as well have a reason.

  19. Cain really jumped the shark thinking he could become president keeping that baggage hidden. Hell, if you’re stepping out there, you may as well let it all hang out instead of denying it with your wife wagging her head. Everyone just wants him to leave. Enough.

  20. desert rat said...

    Sorry, doug, but Mr Rubio is not a "Natural Born" citizen.


    Bob is a Constitutional Scholar par excellence.
    Somebody should tell Marco and Bobby.

  21. Drinks are on me the rest of the night; but, now I must go find a room. Cheers.

  22. Deuce said...
    "with your wife wagging her head."

    Gotta do the obligatory public humiliation of your spouse.

    It's already stuck in her back, might as well turn it.

    There was one recently (not talkin Edwards) whose wife let him do the solo mio sunset solo.

  23. How many do you have Mel?

    Can I borrow your gun?

    Hm...Yeah, I really don't like people right now so one would be too many.

    Except for my BFF. She can do no wrong in my eyes.

  24. There was that crazy guv of North Carolina, but I think there was another.
    If your gonna go Latin, might as well find one that doesn't require the paper sack.
    ...just sayin.

  25. Why can’t these guys handle it like a man and leave the wife out of it?

  26. Do you have a particular target in mind or will it be mass murder?

  27. I hear Cain is staying in, to win.

    Congrats, Rufus.

    The thought of three of you is terrifying.


  28. Make sure to use a shotgun, can't trace it.


  29. If possible, try to do it outside.


  30. You don't even have a gun, I remember you saying that.

    Use a Malaysian Kris Knife. Disembowel 'em.


  31. Wait? Isn't Rufus to old to have a baby?

  32. No offense Rufus I just assumed.

  33. Rufus is one of these hard as grit birthers - drove himself all alone all the way to Chattanooga to the maternity ward at the hospital.


  34. I was just told by L. Larson that Cain was staying in, now I'm told we don't know yet.


  35. aw, personal is it?

    Let's play a game. You tell me something about you first and I'll tell you something about me.

    And while you polish that gun you have over there in the closet, I'll go fix another drink.

  36. check your email.

  37. The Geese

    Today as I hang out the wash I see them again, a code

    as urgent as elegant,

    tapering with goals.

    For days they have been crossing. We live beneath these geese

    as if beneath the passage of time, or a most perfect heading.

    Sometimes I fear their relevance.

    Closest at hand,

    between the lines

    the spiders Imitate the paths the geese won't stray from,

    imitate them endlessly to no avail:

    things will not remain connected,

    will not heal,

    and the world thickens with texture instead of history,

    texture Instead of place.

    Yet the small fear of the spiders

    binds and binds

    the pins to the lines, the lines to the eaves, to the pincushion bush,

    as If, at any time, things could fall further apart

    and nothing could help them

    recover their meaning. And If these spiders had their way,

    chainllnk over the visible world,

    would we be In or out? I turn to go back in.

    There Is a feeling the body gives the mind

    of having missed something, a bedrock poverty, like falling

    without the sense that you are passing through one world,

    that you could reach another

    anytime. Instead the real

    is crossing you,

    your body an arrival

    you know Is false but can't outrun. And somewhere in between

    these geese forever entering and

    these spiders turning back,

    this astonishing delay, the everyday, takes place.

    J. Graham


  38. US Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Baghdad Tuesday on a surprise visit ahead of the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, FOX News Channel reported.

  39. McCrazy is behind this shit.

