Friday, October 14, 2011

The Death of an Airplane - Air France Flight 447

The newly released final dialogue between the crew of the doomed Air France Flight 447:

Marc Dubois (captain): 'Get your wings horizontal.'

David Robert (pilot): 'Level your wings.'

Pierre-Cedric Bonin (pilot): 'That's what I'm trying to do... What the... how is it we are going down like this?'

Robert: 'See what you can do with the commands up there, the primaries and so on…Climb climb, climb, climb.'

Bonin: 'But I have been pulling back on the stick all the way for a while.'
Dubois: 'No, no, no, don't climb.'

Robert: 'Ok give me control, give me control.'
Dubois: 'Watch out you are pulling up.'
Robert: 'Am I?'
Bonin: 'Well you should, we are at 4,000.'

As they approach the water, the on-board computer is heard to announce: 'Sink rate. Pull up, pull up, pull up.'
To which Captain Dubois reacts with the words: 'Go on: pull.'
Bonin: 'We're pulling, pulling, pulling, pulling.'

The crew never discuss the possibility that they are about to crash, instead concentrating on trying to right the plane throughout the final four minutes.
Dubois: 'Ten degrees pitch.'
Robert: 'Go back up!…Go back up!…Go back up!… Go back up!'
Bonin: 'But I’ve been going down at maximum level for a while.'
Dubois: 'No, No, No!… Don’t go up !… No, No!'
Bonin: 'Go down, then!'
Robert: 'Damn it! We’re going to crash. It can’t be true!'
Bonin: 'But what’s happening?!'

The recording stops.

Daily Mail


  1. How is it they didn't know the engines stalled?

    Surely there would have been loud bells and whistles indicating that fact.

    A few years ago there was a qantas 747 flying from Malaysia or Thailand to Perth. They flew through an ash cloud from an eruption in Indonesia some where at 39,000 ft. which clogged up the engines and cut them out.

    The captain put the 747 into a steep dive hoping to clear the gook from the engines all the while trying to re-ignite them.

    It worked. Disembarked in Perth a hero.

    I'll see if I can dig up the article.

  2. bah!

    I can't find it anywhere.

  3. The airplane stalled. The engines were fine and working. An airplane has to have sufficient wind over its wings to give it lift. If a plane slows to the point where their is not enough air flowing over the wings, it (the airplane) stalls. When an airplane stalls, it is necessary to increase the speed as soon as possible to pull it out of a stall.The fastest was to do that is to put the nose down, take advantage of gravity, so that it accelerates , gains speed, increases lift, and the engines which never were off can propel the airplane faster and then fast enough so that the nose can be pulled up to climb.

    In a stall an airplane has to go down before it can climb.

    When you you put the nose of an airplane up, you offer more resistance to air flow . That is why airplanes land with the nose up and tail down.

    Remember your vectors, an airplane is always being pulled down by gravity. The engines push the airplane forward and the air over the wings creates lift. Pulling the nose of an airplane up, while the plane is in a stall is not where you want to be.

  4. The pilots were disoriented and did not trust their instruments. They did not have sufficient training for high altitude safety procedures. Such training is very expensive. I bet they have it now. I hope.

  5. Please no more airplane stories until after Feb. Especially long international flights.

    Thank you and have fabulous day.

  6. MeLoDy said... Please no more airplane stories until after Feb. Especially long international flights.

    Oh, Mel, if the Lord wants to getcha (and he will someday) he doesn't have to wait until you're vulnerable up in the air. Peace be with you.

  7. 68. Ceteris Paribus As an active duty military member in the early 80′s I wanted our government to turn Tehran into glass with a hydrogen bomb for their act of war in taking our embassy hostage and for their surrogates killing two hundred plus Marines in Beirut. Our Presidents from Reagan onwards did not agree and we have basically let them smack us as they pleased ever since.

    That reminds me of Pork Rinds for Yahweh over on the Elephant Bar, when he goes all Habu on us and says nuke Mecca, or even Nahncee right here who wanted an al-Qaeda radiological megaterror attack to strike San Francisco, California, USA.

    "And should not I spare Tehran, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?" -- El Shaddai

    "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." -- Yeshua bar El

  8. It is not, Q, that Mr Stockman is going to "Lead the Charge", no, he just adds to the crescendo.

  9. 65: smboy: This occupy protest has no substance, its like jelly. The second you go up against it it squashes with the slightest of force. That the beauty. If they had anything legitimate about their protest then why quash it?

    Occupy Seattle has turned the heart of the shopping district downtown (Westlake Mall) into a garbage dump. It is my sincere hope that they remain camped down there until at least December 24, and even go a couple blocks east and occupy Pacific Place too, and freak out the Tiffany's customers, maybe drive them over the lake to Bellevue Square. The city council has already proposed jacking up annual car tab fees by $80 to pay for new Green buses that run on carbon-neutral vat-grown soy diesel, plus a life-sized replica of Piss Christ for a new bicycle-friendly traffic circle in front of St. James Cathedral, so a precipitous decline in the city's Business and Occupation tax revenue this Solstice Shopping Season will have the dual benefit of sticking it to the Corporations, at the same time creating such a big budget shortfall that the comrades will have no choice but to pony up for the license tab fees. It will be either that, or hundreds of police officers will have to be given pink slips. It's not a charity outfit the Mayor is running here. Priorities are priorities.

  10. Deuce: Remember your vectors, an airplane is always being pulled down by gravity. The engines push the airplane forward and the air over the wings creates lift. Pulling the nose of an airplane up, while the plane is in a stall is not where you want to be.

    There's another mistake rookies make right after takeoff. They roll into a turn to get off the line of the runway, but their roll reduces the surface of the wing that is producing lift and the plane stalls, maybe only three hundred feet above the ground, and down she goes. Sucks to be stupid.

  11. They are the Flea party, as Coulter likes to call them.

  12. Thanks T.

    I wish it was me flying to New Zealand in Feb, but it's my daughter who is flying solo. So it's more than the plane that worries me, I guess.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The latest poll mentioned on the tellie, it has the Occupiers at 37% approval, amongst the general public.

    Higher than the Tea Party and the Congress, both.

    Higher than Mr Romney, amongst Republicans.

    The Occupiers lagging only Mr Obama, in the general approval ratings.

    It is what it is.

    Hang on, the ride is going to get wild.

    Romney didn't raise half the money that Mr Obama did in the past 90 days, just a tad of a quarter of it.

    Mr Romney did not garnered as much cash as Mr Perry.

    75% of the Republicans, they want someone else to be their candidate.

    Someone "Conservative".

  15. 77. stoicheion: My ‘Y’ chromosome plan is better. Nobody dies, no big glowing craters, no mega expensive clean-up. Just nothing but female babies being born

    Sounds like paradise on Earth for me, but it's not nice to mess with Mother Nature. We know what a shortage of girls is doing in China. And Y chromosomes can be imported into the Middle East in Ice Cream Trucks, with a free turkey baster thrown in for every order of a dozen bottles of the little swimmers.

  16. Romney didn't raise half the money that Mr Obama did in the past 90 days, just a tad ...OVER ... a quarter of it.

    mea culpa.

  17. hey Deuce...

    POLICE this crap will ya????

    """" Teresita said...
    68. Ceteris Paribus As an active duty military member in the early 80′s I wanted our government to turn Tehran into glass with a hydrogen bomb for their act of war in taking our embassy hostage and for their surrogates killing two hundred plus Marines in Beirut. Our Presidents from Reagan onwards did not agree and we have basically let them smack us as they pleased ever since.

    That reminds me of Pork Rinds for Yahweh over on the Elephant Bar, when he goes all Habu on us and says nuke Mecca, or even Nahncee right here who wanted an al-Qaeda radiological megaterror attack to strike San Francisco, California, USA.

    "And should not I spare Tehran, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?" -- El Shaddai

    "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." -- Yeshua bar El

    by the way, the cunt Ms T, lies...

    I did not ever advocate the NUKING of an entire city of mecca.

    The CUNT ms T.... lies....


  18. Federal authorities said Thursday that they have crippled a large drug-smuggling organization responsible for moving 50,000 pounds of marijuana a month through Arizona, evidence that the state remains a major corridor for transporting marijuana and other drugs from Mexico into the United States.

    In a raid carried out by hundreds of local, state and federal police, officials arrested 17 high-level members of a smuggling organization that worked with Mexican cartels primarily to move marijuana that had already been smuggled across the border to stash houses in Tucson, Casa Grande and metropolitan Phoenix.

    "These are what I would call the command-and-control elements in Pinal County and in Phoenix who were responsible for orchestrating the smuggling," said Matthew Allen, special agent in charge of investigations for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Phoenix. ICE led the investigation, which lasted over a year, along with the Pinal County Sheriff's Office.

    In recent years, the Sinaloa cartel, the largest cartel in Mexico, has been smuggling increasing amounts of marijuana through Arizona, where it is hidden in stash houses throughout the Phoenix area and held until orders come in and it is shipped out, said Elizabeth Kempshall, former special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration in Phoenix.

    "That is their primary revenue-generating crop, so they push through a lot of marijuana through Arizona to be distributed throughout the rest of the country,"

    Read more:

  19. The Story of "o" attempts a rewrite, but he certainly advocated a nuclear strike upon Mecca.

    It led his target list.

    To discredit Islam, he proposed nuking a target in the center of Mecca.

    What he proposes, now, is like saying that Iran would not be attacking Jerusalem, if the Dome of the Rock was a target of an Iranian nuclear blast, in a Shiite v Sunni sectarian war.

  20. It is so funny watching the twit WiO trying to walk back his numerous urgings to Nuke Mecca by claiming he simply meant that he wanted to nuke the rock and nothing else. What a putz!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Story of "o" making the case for his rewrite of history.

    His claim of vocalization for attacking "only" the Rock, comical.

    Equivalent to telling us that the attack of 11SEP01 was an attack upon globalism, not NY City or the USA.

    That the target, the WTC, stood alone, independent of the city and country. A symbol of global capitalism.
    That it's destruction would bring down global capitalism.

    Pure foolishness.
    Deceitful at best.
    A forthright falsehood, really.

  23. It is amazing that so few informed people believe our government. Gary Sick, a former National Security Council analyst who advised Jimmy Carter during the Iranian Revolution and the founder of the Columbia University’s Gulf 2000 Project (G2K), agrees with this assertion in a recent post to G2K members:

    “Iran has never conducted — or apparently even attempted — an assassination or a bombing inside the US. And it is difficult to believe that they would rely on a non-Islamic criminal gang to carry out this most sensitive of all possible missions. In this instance, they allegedly relied on at least one amateur and a Mexican criminal drug gang that is known to be riddled with both Mexican and US intelligence agents.”

    Going further, Sick concludes rather mockingly, “If Iran is really as stupid and as incompetent as this case implies, then perhaps they are their own worst enemy and not the clever and determined adversary that they are made out to be.”

  24. The al-Haram Mosque is within the second ring road around Mecca.

  25. 80. Pork Rinds for Allah: I advocate the destruction of the Black Rock of mecca, to which she then turns into a call for genocide.

    The Kaaba is in a large square in downtown Mecca, which is a major world city containing millions of people, each of whom were created in the image of God. The black rock is surrounded by markets and densely populated insulas inhabited by innocent women and children who have no personal culpability for 9-11 or the rocket attacks on the Israeli farm communities near the Gaza Strip. Modern nuclear warheads, even those with adjustable yields, exceed the destructive power of Little Boy (suitcase nukes are a myth). It is true that the Kaaba would be completely vaporized in such an attack, but tens of thousands of people would die instantly, and perhaps a half-million others would die over the next few decades from ailments directly related to the radiation from the blast, and the fallout, and the contaminated water table.

    Jews are called to be a priestly people who witness to the justice and compassion of the creator of heaven and Earth. To call for nuking a rock in the heart of a major city in the name of YHWH is the ultimate transgression of his own commandment, written by his finger in stone at Mt. Sinai: "THOU SHALT NOT TAKE MY NAME IN VAIN."

  26. If Iran were to strike at the US, would they not utilize the Hezbollah cells that are spread throughout the US?

    For the most part, it is reported they participate in petty crimes, like inter-State smuggling of cigarettes and drugs, too.

    hezzbolla operating us

  27. Not quite accurate, Ms T.

    "Suitcase" nukes are possible, but they still provide a pretty massive yield.

    There was a nuclear warhead, the W54, fitted upon Maverick missiles.
    a blast equaling 600 tons of TNT.

    That is the smallest nuclear weapon ever deployed.

  28. As a comparison:

    In October 1994, McVeigh showed Michael Fortier and his wife, Lori, a diagram he had drawn of the bomb he wanted to build.[43] McVeigh planned to construct a bomb containing more than 5,000 pounds (2,300 kg) of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, mixed with about 1,200 pounds (540 kg) of liquid nitromethane and 350 pounds (160 kg) of Tovex. Including the weight of the sixteen 55-U.S.-gallon drums in which the explosive mixture was to be packed,

    the bomb would have a combined weight of about 7,000 pounds

  29. 7,000 pounds, that's 3.5 tons.

    bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. It was the most destructive act of terrorism on American soil until the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6,[1] and injured more than 680 people.[2]
    The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius

  30. The OK City bomb
    3.5 tons of explosive

    The smallest deployed nuke
    600 tons of explosive.

    The damage radios of ...
    3.5 tons = 16 blocks.
    600 tons = 256 blocks

  31. Blogger desert rat said...
    It is not, Q, that Mr Stockman is going to "Lead the Charge", no, he just adds to the crescendo.

    Fri Oct 14, 09:22:00 AM EDT


    The major flaw of the US political system is the re-election in 4 years. Our leaders do not plan or care about the long term. We've more poor than the rich and each has one vote. However, after they've been elected, they have to pay back to the special interest groups (such as no gun control) that have funded their campaigns. That's why democratic system always leads to corruption and self destruction.

    Politicians have to watch out for the benefits/welfare of the poor in order to buy votes. The rich will migrate to other countries with less taxes, and be rewarded for their investment and taking risks. So are the corporations moving jobs and investments overseas. We have to blame ourselves as we vote to elect our leaders.

    Most of the recent protesters in Wall Street belong to the unemployed and the 45% of the citizens who pay no taxes. It is some kind of taxation without representation in reverse. They should take minimal paid jobs (that are taken by illegals today), give back their entitlements... They are taking more from the society than giving back.

    Greece has been illustrated this concept thoroughly. Democratic system esp. the rich ones could lead to socialism/corruption, and socialism/corruption in turn could lead to self destruction. With the world interconnected, it could lead to global recession.

    Obviously non-democratic systems could also lead to socialism, which in turn could lead to capitalism with corruption too.

  32. Intrade rates Barack Obama's chance to be re-elected President in 2012

    Last prediction was: $4.85 / share

  33. "45% of the people do not pay taxes"

    Another piece of propaganda.

    Everyone that works pays tax upon their income.

    These are the FICA taxes, they are based upon income.

    The Supremes in "Flemming vs. Nestor" found that the FICA taxes are just that Federal taxes. They go directly into the General Fund.

    And are dispersed by Congress as appropriations.

    The FICA taxes are every bit an income tax and they are a regressive income tax. With the income upon which the tax applies, capped.

  34. 48.5%, mighty high, considering the state of things.

    If all one watched was FOX News.

  35. Ash said...
    It is so funny watching the twit WiO trying to walk back his numerous urgings to Nuke Mecca by claiming he simply meant that he wanted to nuke the rock and nothing else. What a putz!

    Fri Oct 14, 10:52:00 A

    Fuck you ash...

    I have always advocated nuking the black rock of mecca period.

    I have said over and over again, use a small tactical nuke, a special designed nuke, a laser or kidnap it and send it to the sun.

    If people here, like the self confessed murderer of civilians (rat) and the lesbian pat buchanan (ms t) like to distort and misdirect?

    Then that is on their heads...

    We all know that Islam must be reformed.

    Islam (which murders scores of women and homos) must be stopped....

    The only way I see is to make them change their religion.

    Take out one of the 5 pillars of Islam.

    Hopefully Ms T, will retire to the Phillipines someday and someday masked hooded Moslems will educate her about her evil lesbian ways according to the faith that she defends so much...

  36. Wow, new poll being reported on the tellie.

    Tea Party 27% favorable
    Occupying Forces 54% favorable

    Time Magazine poll.

  37. desert rat said...
    The Story of "o" attempts a rewrite, but he certainly advocated a nuclear strike upon Mecca.

    It led his target list.

    To discredit Islam, he proposed nuking a target in the center of Mecca.

    What he proposes, now, is like saying that Iran would not be attacking Jerusalem, if the Dome of the Rock was a target of an Iranian nuclear blast, in a Shiite v Sunni sectarian war.

    Thus the self confessed murderer of civilians continues to slander...

    Even after yesterday...

    Notice the asshole started it again on this tread, not I...

    The Rat and Ms T aka Xena aka Teresita are established jew hating, israel hating trolls.

    Proven again today!!

  38. So if you lie and swear an oath the US Armed Forces and then collect a pension after lying about your conduct....

    Should you not be prosecuted for your crimes?

  39. The Story of "o" wears blinders as a matter of choice, and so advocates that tens of thousands of people should die, because of it.

    While his proposal would not lead to the desired outcome.

    It would invigorate the radical Islamoids, their icons being attacked.

    Their people becoming torches.

    Not dis-spirit them.

    The Temples of Judaism, razed, yet that religion flourishes, still.

    The historical precedent stands in evidence of the fallacy of the proposal. The destruction of Temples and Icons does not destroy a religion.

    The historical success of Catholicism and Judaism exemplify that persecution of the adherents of Religion will not dissuade them from their faith.

  40. Yes, Q was correct.

    The Story of "o" has grown a bit old.

    "PR for Allah" is more appropriate.

    As he spreads the word of the righteousness of their cause.

  41. PR for Allah disdains those relationships that the US has spent blood and treasure to forge, with Islamic leaders throughout the whirled ...

    Destroyed in a moment.

    With the radicalization of a billion souls, more than likely.

    All for naught.
    But perhaps for some perverse joy in provoking an apocalypse.

  42. One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime if they are able to do so. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction (as viewed from above). This circumambulation, the Tawaf, is also performed by pilgrims during the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage).[2] However, the most dramatic times are during the Hajj, when, officially, about 6 million pilgrims gather to circle the building on the same day.[4][5]

  43. .

    Most of the recent protesters in Wall Street belong to the unemployed and the 45% of the citizens who pay no taxes. It is some kind of taxation without representation in reverse. They should take minimal paid jobs (that are taken by illegals today), give back their entitlements... They are taking more from the society than giving back...

    It's true OWS started out with a bunch of young people (probably the only people with enough energy to be protesting these days). However, the movement seems to have growing support among the public at large.

    That public includes people who have been laid off from jobs in manufacturing and financial services where they have been working, some for 25 to 30 years and many who have been making in excess of $100k per year, you know, the dregs of the earth.

    And the advice they are given? Get a job.

    A post was put up on the last stream showing the plight of workers who have been laid off for more than six months and theior chances (or lack of chances) of getting a job. There are five people looking for every job that opens up.

    Appears some are getting all their news from Fox and CNBC.

    And this just talks about jobs. OWS has a broader agenda.

    For those who say how much better we have it these days because we have a big screen TV and an i-APod, this from AARP:

    Over 20 Years (1989-2009):

    3% Increase in full times earnings for men.

    73% Increase of average cost of one year of college

    182% Increase in health insurance premiums

    292% Increase of median debt of middle-class families

    Get used to OWS, it's coming to a park near you.

    Saw in today's paper there will be a demonstration down in Detroit. Got some appointments today. But if it lasts, I may go down and check it out.


  44. desert rat said...
    The Story of "o" wears blinders as a matter of choice, and so advocates that tens of thousands of people should die, because of it.

    I never advocated the killing anyone. You on the other hand have bragged about personally liquidating civilians in Central America, under the orders of Ollie North.

    Wow, if you are just a lair? then you are slandering Ollie North.. If you speak the truth? You are an international war crimes unarrested felon.

    I advocate the nuking of the 39 foot tall rock at mecca.

    I advocate taking all possible actions to avoid human death.

    This can be done by many ways...

    But rather than NUKE a people, I say kill a rock...

    Rat kills people... I kill Rocks....

    Evil Pagan Rocks...

    I want That rock killed....

    But sorry ole murderer, I do not advocate the murder on purpose of thousands of innocents.

    Like it or not Islam is the issue and Islam MUST be reformed.

    rat's silly and childish responses are not worth addressing....

    But then again, he has a history of supporting Islam and it's peoples....

    And they call him Ishmael...

  45. .

    #Occupy Wall Street: A Manifesto for [Insert Date]

    "We meet every day to decide what our demands are."

    — Hero Vincent, a Wall Street Occupier, quoted in The New York Times.

    Demands? Ask me tomorrow

    While I'm sympathetic to OWS, I have to admit to the theme in the link above. Plus it's kind of clever.

    OWS definately needs to focus on a specific agenda or as the article states a manifesto.


  46. You continue to address them, "PR for Allah".

    Providing petulance enough for all of us.

  47. That's what I've been saying, Q. The Occupation Forces have to chose a target, personalize the attack.

    They have managed to not name politicos, from either side of the aisle.

    The target will be political, but will not be a politician.

    Mr B fills the bill.
    He and his Bank.

    That either becomes high on the target list, of the "movement" will fizzle out.

    I can't see how Mr Axelrod can allow that to happen.

  48. I am certainly not anti-Islamic, no more than I am anti-Christian or anti-Judaic.

    I hold them all at arms length.

    As a matter of faith.

    Interesting histories and myths, to be found in their books and texts.

    Same as can be said for the sruti texts of the Hindu.

    And the legends of the Sumerian, of which Abraham was one.

  49. The targeting of the Federal Reserve, may not be a cause, not amongst the motivations of the original Occupying Forces, but there is a high probability that it will be an effect of the mobilization.

    Especially if Mr Axlerod and Obama really do hold the ideas of Saul Alinsky in as high esteem as has been the common theme, here.

  50. I am, primarily, a nationalist with regards international affairs.

    Rather than a religionist.
    Or a racist.
    I'm not very clannish or even much for supporting tribalism.

    All those tend to diminish the individual.

    Being in Mr Jefferson's camp:

    I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.


  51. ... rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.

    When a people perceive their natural rights to have been violated, while the unnatural rights of others have been subsidized, there will be trouble in River City.


  52. I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others.

    T Jefferson


  53. The majority, oppressing a minority, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society.

    The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

    This from the man that first ordered the Marines to Tripoli.

  54. .

    That either becomes high on the target list, of the "movement" will fizzle out.

    I disagree.

    The movement may fizzle out anyway. It remains to be seen.

    However, there are so many major issues to focus on right now whether the FED is high on the list, in the middle, or low on the list will not be a determining factor as to whether the movement fizzles out.


  55. The Rules say, Q, that it HAS to be person.

    Not a place, thing or organization.

    Indeed the Rules prohibit any other target, but individuals.

    There will be an effort, at least initially, to NOT name any partisan politician.

    Mr Bernanke can be demonized, has been by Mr Perry, already.
    There is a "natural" market for it, on the "Right".
    Historically, the "Left" hasn't seemed to care.

    They can now be directed towards the target.

    The dots are there, it is either part of a grand mosaic, or just a bunch of dots.

  56. On a practical level, all that is demanded, Accountability.

    Authority for an annual Congressional audit.

    Odds on bet, Mr Boner would not let it come to the floor of the House.

    Not open to debate nor vote.

    Obama calls for a vote.
    As does Dr Paul.

    We know Mr Romney stands with Mr Bernanke, shoulder to shoulder with Mr Boner on the steps of Congress.

    All in the next 8 to 10 months.

  57. Sound and fury
    Signifying turmoil
    Resulting in nothing of import.

    Rhetoric with out depth or substance.

    Or, the Congress does vote to audit the Federal Reserve, which is a good thing for the Republic, in and of itself.

  58. Whether or not the measure passes, the vote would be beneficial.

  59. It would, though, keep many of those on the "Right" from voting for Mr Romney.

    3 or 4% of what is today the GOP base.

    It'd have no negative impact on the Democratic side, as far as turnout goes.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. In the first, or second debate, I can hear one of the pompous pundits ...

    Mr Obama is supporting accountability to Congress by the Federal Reserve, tell US, Mr Romney, why do you oppose accountability for the Fed?

    Answers being limited to what, 20 seconds?

    All but the most attentive tune 'em out after that, regardless.

  62. While to say incomes are stagnant, underplays the problem.

    Incomes, over the past decade have declined, by 7%, I heard reported.

    That is worse than stagnant.

    Lord have mercy!

  63. WSJ -

    Americans' incomes have dropped since 2000 and they aren't expected to make up the lost ground before 2021, according to economists in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey.

    From 2000 to 2010, median income in the U.S. declined 7% after adjusting for inflation, according to Census data. That marks the worst 10-year performance in records going back to 1967.

    On average, the economists expect inflation-adjusted incomes to rise over the next decade, but the 5% projected gain isn't enough to reach prerecession levels.

    "Standards of living in the U.S. will continue to decline as we deleverage and emerging markets take over as the growth engine of the global economy,"

  64. This is a staged English translation with the purpose of demeaning these brilliant Frenchmen.

  65. Obama sends 100 troops combat LRA in Uganda

    In a letter to Congress, President Obama said the troops will act as advisers in efforts to hunt down rebel leader Joseph KonyPresident Barack Obama said Friday he is dispatching roughly 100 US troops to central Africa to help battle the Lord's Resistance ... [Published 18 mins ago by]

  66. desert rat said...
    While to say incomes are stagnant, underplays the problem.


    ...and the "reforms" now in place make a repeat of the Wall Street meltdown MORE rather than less likely.

    The Japanese screwed the pooch.
    We've buttfucked the Dogue de Bordeaux and bared our necks to see what happens next.

  67. .

    Lord, spare me from religious nitwits:

    One of the world's most wanted rebel chiefs, Joseph Kony of the Lord's Resistance Army

    Here’s some things to know about Kony and the group:

    Kony proclaims himself the “spokesperson” of God.

    [Don't they all, or at a minimum, claim he is on their side.]

    The group claims to be Protestant, with influences of mysticism. Kony believes he is a medium of the Holy Spirit...

    What does the LRA want?

    The LRA wants to establish a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments and the tradition of the Acholi people, an ethnic group in northern Uganda...

    God's Army

    Funny how these whack jobs always say they are committing their atrocities in the name of god.


  68. 110. Sgian Dubh
    Just saw this on Real Clear Politics. Fits very well into the Harbinger narrative:

    Listen to it. It’s a very interesting analysis by Rush on a “huge” New York Times article which includes comments from prominent GOP “Leaders” on the foolishness of the idiots in the TEA party who think that they will come to Washington and actually do “anything.” Some commenters in the article (Bill Kristol on the Tea Party: “It’s an infantile form of conservatism.”) were “surprised” that the TEA Partiers are actually “serious” enough to believe they will not be destroyed by their contact with the abyss of Washington.

    If this doesn’t make some of us knuckle-dragging Neanderthals (present company excluded) in the hinterland furious, nothing will.

    This is a “declaration of war” against real conservatives.

    My gut has been right now for about 5 years. The same time I dropped supporting the National Review and the Weakly Standard. There is more truth on the Drudge Report than the pap offered up by these treasonous maggots.

    Does L3 publish MP3s of his speeches. I need to listen to them in my car to keep my blood pressure in check. Last trip to the doctor it was 107 over 65. I just think what it could be if I wasn’t constantly hyperventilating.

  69. Herminator our last, best, hope.

  70. 'Hollywood Hacker' Apologises To Victims'Hollywood Hacker' Apologises To Victims

    A computer hacker accused of infiltrating the email accounts of several Hollywood stars such as Scarlett Johansson has apologised for his actions. ...

    I'm expecting a formal apology from Deuce asap

  71. .

    Actually doing something about China’s cheating makes some people nervous. Not doing something makes me nervous. We are warned that we might precipitate a trade war. Really? China is selling us $273 billion per year more than America is selling China — why would it possibly want a trade war?

    Romney on China

    In the link above, Romney clearly identifies the problem we have with China. He offers up a plan I agree with. And he says what he will do if he becomes president.

    The issue is that we have heard many plans before from many politicians on many issues that have never come to fruition. Will this one?

    We have heard Romney say many things before and then change his positions. Is he really committed on this one or is it an "election year promise"?

    What can one man actually accomplish? it's not what he wants to do that counts but what he can do. The question is not only does Romney actually want to do what he says but can he do it given that many in his own party will be strongly against his plan.

    On China, Romney has both the words and the music but can he get it done? I remain coutiously skeptical.


  72. .

    My gut has been right now for about 5 years.

    Wasn't that about the same time you stopped getting those taco salad grandes from Chi Chi's?


  73. .

    ...and the "reforms" now in place make a repeat of the Wall Street meltdown MORE rather than less likely.

    Interesting how some decry the actions intially taken to bail out the banks yet decry the regulations put in place to keep same people in charge from putting their pants on fire again.


  74. More Friday night follies from Obama, this will back fire on! You know, we tried a similar operation in somalia in the early 90's to remove a local warlord. the battle of Mogadishu, otherwise known by the movie "black hawk down", is a perfect example of failed american intervention among african nations, and the political collapse that follows. True, Kony is psycho, but for the US to make plans assassinating him, along with other very powerful military and religious figures, leaves a huge vacuum in these regions, look at iraq, afghanistan, libya! Africa needs to make itself or otherwise western nations will always be cleaning up after it.

  75. .

    Hey, T. This guy is from Seattle. Have you seen him wandering the streets in his costume?

    I saw the film of this latest caper the other night, him in his costume (huge guy) and pepper spray being chased around under what looked like a viaduct by a young lady (maybe 23) in evening dress weilding her high heels as weapons in an attempt to take him down.

    As rat would say, now that's entertainment.


    Despite arrest, Seattle superhero vows to fight on

    Benjamin Fodor, who goes by the name Phoenix Jones, has emerged as the poster child of the estimated 300 or 400 nationwide Real Life Superheroes, a movement that involves fantastically costumed citizens patrolling to stop crime or doing ad hoc social work. But Fodor, arrested early Sunday morning, has at times been controversial as a grandstanding media magnet who too quickly uses his Taser and pepper spray...

    Mon Dieu, Blackhawk, It's Phoenix Jones


  76. While we're marveling over "shit jefferson said," let's keep in mind that the babbling, pompous, hypocritical buffoon was a Slave-Owner, who, upon death, did not even "free" his own son.

  77. How in the whirled, doug, can you support the introduction of a Federal Sales Tax, in addition to a Federal Income Tax?

    Talk about unwarranted Federal intrusion into John Q Public's privacy.

    Just unbelievable to me that you would support that.

  78. .

    But Fodor's arrest underscores increasing frustration among police and even some fellow "superheroes" about his yearlong stint as "Real Life Superhero" Phoenix Jones.

    He has emerged as the poster child of the estimated 300 or 400 nationwide Real Life Superheroes, a movement that involves fantastically costumed citizens patrolling to stop crime or doing ad hoc social work.

    After the arrest was reported, Real Life Superheroes weighed in online, and many weren't kind.

    On the comment board of, "Knight-Hood," who says he has patrolled St. Petersburg, Fla., for more than a decade without serious incident, wrote, "I am surprised it has taken the Seattle police this long to find an excuse to arrest him."

    "He tells a ton of lies, makes up stories, and embellishes and exaggerates what he does," Dark Guardian, co-administrator of, told the Weekly.

    "He's a pansy" says Doug Dark Dog, who patrols the crime ridden streets of Maui in a buffed up post-apochalyptic Dogue de Bordeaux costume with "Maui's Last, Best Hope" emblazoned across the chest. "He's a faux conservative and treasonous bastard. He makes me want to puke, something I haven't done in five years."

    Who da thunk it.


  79. The wars are piling up for the Nobel Prize winner, war-monger-in-chief. 100 guerillas in the jungles and our 100 "advisors" are to recon and train, and capture these men on their own home ground? Where is his head up where the sun dont shine? My God, what is wrong with this picture…Is it possible that the same president that will not enforce US laws against illegal invaders of US territory using an arbitrary presidential decree, Obama has involves America in another war without asking for approval from Congress and without even giving an explanation as to how in the world it serves our “national security interests” at all.

    Previous operations targeting Kony ended badly. In 2006, Bush sent a squad of Guatemalan commandos trained by the U.S. infiltrated an LRA encampment. But Kony was away. In the ensuing firefight, LRA troops wiped out the entire eight-man commando force and beheaded their commander.

  80. Rat,
    It's never gonna happen.

    I had a link that said as much a few days ago, I'll find it later.

  81. to puke, something I haven't done in five years."

    It's true, except for the last time I was in hospital.

  82. Then how, or why, has Mr Cain become the last best hope?

    If what Mr Cain advocates is neither "Conservative" nor possible?

  83. Nobody's perfect.

    Perry would re-run Bush on the Border.

    Herman will lose on 999 and have to carry on.

    Won't be the first time reality teaches him a lesson.

  84. .

    The wars are piling up for the Nobel Prize winner, war-monger-in-chief...

    Some people just can't recognize the difference between a war and a time-limited, scope-limited kinetic military action.



  85. While Mr Jefferson may have had feet of clay, rufus, it does make the eternal wisdom embodied in the words wrote any less true.

    Then or now.

  86. "Interesting how some decry the actions intially taken to bail out the banks yet decry the regulations put in place to keep same people in charge from putting their pants on fire again."

    A rewrite would be appreciated.
    I can't figure out what it says.

  87. Uganda, at 91,000 sq miles, about twice the size of Mississippi, and 32,000,000 people. And, we're going to send 100 troops. Now, what the fuck?

  88. desert rat said...
    While Mr Jefferson may have had feet of clay, rufus, it does make the eternal wisdom embodied in the words wrote any less true.

    Then or now.


    He just rehashes all those feelings until he's so mad it makes a good excuse to start drinking.


  89. Rufus,

    Refugees will be given US Citizenship.

  90. 100 troops - Quite the force multiplier, even more so if the US was involved the initial training of the indigenous troops.

    Those 100 troops, plus satellite recon and armed Predators ...

    The next phase of "Military Intervention".

  91. It's just that the guy that wrote (or, plagiarized) this:

    ... rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.

    was a slave-owner that did not even "free" his own children upon his death.

    I'm not the least bit "mad." I'm just a little choosey as to where I obtain my "preaching."

  92. I'm not the least bit "mad."


  93. .

    Many on the right decry actions taken and money spent in bailing out the banks. Yet when it comes to instituting regulations to prevent that same bank management from taking the same risks all over again, the actions are denounced as anti-competitive and job killers.

    Jamie Diamond calls it "un-American".

    While the chicks on CNBC constantly call Jamie a rock star, I call him and his ilk dicks.


  94. "Angry," anyway.

    Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, and sizable mineral deposits of copper and cobalt. The country has largely untapped reserves of both crude oil and natural gas.[

  95. We're not opening the Church of Thomas. rufus.

    Just remembering that the injustices perpetrated against a minority, by a "democratically empowered" majority is nothing new.
    And is just as morally corrosive today as it was then.

    Here, there and abroad.

  96. Neighboring Ghana is starting to pump quite a bit of oil, also.

  97. .

    Uganda, at 91,000 sq miles, about twice the size of Mississippi, and 32,000,000 people. And, we're going to send 100 troops. Now, what the fuck?

    You don't get it Ruf. Haven't you been reading the posts here over the last couple days. That merely means that 1 American = 3,200,000 Ugandans.


  98. There's just something about that Jefferson fellow that irritates me, Rat. :)

  99. Most likely, in the Primary, Dr Paul, unless Perry is close.

    Then I'd vote for him.

    In the General, more than likely, the Librarian, whomever he may be.

  100. No, Q, you don't get it. If 1 American equals 3,200,000 Ugandans then we're sending 90 "too many."

    10 X 3,200,000 = 32,000,000

    A waste of manpower.

  101. .


    Foiled again.

    (But still 1 = 320,000 isn't bad)


  102. African Bonny Light (same grade as Brent, Louisiana Light Sweet, or West Texas Intermediate) closed, today, at $116.00/bbl

  103. He you go, boobie, another case of Misprison of Felony.

    Someone covering up for a sexual predator, by not reporting their knowledge of the crime.

    (CNN) -- Catholic Bishop Robert W. Finn and the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph have been indicted by a grand jury on a charge of failure to report suspected child abuse by a priest, prosecutors said Friday in Missouri.

  104. When the Bishop explains he was "protecting" the victim, the Judge will not be impressed.

  105. The District Attorney certainly was not.

  106. No euphemisms required

  107. Seems like it would be easier to just send a couple of Seismic teams up to ANWAR.

  108. This fellow, Joseph Kony of the Lord's Resistance Army, is one that Wretchard would speak of, from time to time.

    A real nut job of a clan leader.
    Bio of Kony @ Wiki

  109. The GDP of Uganda is $17 Billion.

    They're there; they speak the language; and, they have $17 Billion to work with. But, they need our 100 white, non-swahili speaking scouts to ferret out the outlaws.

    And, Iran is contracting with unemployed check-kiters, and would-be Mexicali Cartelistas to pull off assassinations in DC.

    I don't believe you could get any more smoke up my ass with a "Fracking Pump."

  110. Looks like President Obama has finally found some Christians he wouldn’t mind killing, 100 U.S. Combat troops in Africa to assist in ending the reign of terror perpetrated by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda.

    Obama also wants troops from other nations to find, capture, or kill Joseph Kony and the senior leaders of the LRA. The troops will only engage in a firefight if they themselves are attacked, but it looks like Obama has cover on this one.

    Obama said he is, “deploying these U.S. Armed Forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa.”

    In May 2009, Obama signed into law the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act, legislation aimed at stopping Joseph Kony and the LRA. The bill passed unanimously in the Senate with 65 Senators as cosponsors, then passed unanimously in the House of Representatives with 202 Representatives as cosponsors.

  111. Ok I get it. They pass a law to kill Jospeh Kony in May 2009. It is such a matter of national urgency that every member of the congressional braintrust passes the bill. It has taken Obama 540 days to get around to dispatching 100 troops to defend US interests. WTF

  112. I guess the bullshit was not as shovel ready as Obama had been told.

  113. The only "U.S. interests" in Uganda is "Exxon is deeply interested in their oil."

  114. How did Exxon's oil get underneath those nasty, African feet.

    I've had about all I can stand of that shit.

  115. The Pentagon was whining the other day that if the supercommittee cut $50 B from Defense they would have to cut (?) Africa Command.

    Cain't have that, now can we?

  116. That $50 Billion for AfricaCom would build Refineries for $17 Billion Gallons of Ethanol/Yr.

    That's ONE Year for AfricaCom provides A Million Plus Barrels of Fuel a Year, for, basically, forever.

    Approximately, five or six years of "AfricaCom" puts us Out of the Oil Importing Business, Forever.

    Whatever would Exxon do?

  117. I'm so tired of these thieving sonsabitches I just Might get drunk.

  118. Such cynicism

    Enough to make one believe there could be conspiracy theorists afoot!

  119. Conspiracies happen, right.

    Curveball, and 8+ years in Iraq jump readily to mind.

  120. There you go, again, rufus.

    Well let me tell you something; I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine and rufus... You're no Thomas Jefferson!" -- paraphrasing Ronald Reagan, 1992 ...

  121. But yes, conspiracies do happen.

    They are often covered up, in plain sight.

  122. There are, indeed, several differences between Me, and Thomas Jefferson - chief among them, of course, is that I write my own material. :)

  123. S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 KAMPALA 001401


    E.O. 12958: DECL: 2019/12/17

    REF: KAMPALA 1356

    CLASSIFIED BY: Donald Cordell, Economic Officer, State; REASON:
    1.4(B), (D)

    ¶1. (C) Summary: Tullow Oil claims senior Ugandan government officials were "compensated" to support the sale of a partner/rival firm's exploration and production rights to Italian oil company ENI
    (ref. A). Tullow Vice President for Africa Tim O'Hanlon identified Security Minister and National Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary
    General Amama Mbabazi and Energy and Mineral Development Minister Hilary Onek as Ugandan officials who benefited from the sale of
    production rights by Heritage Oil and Gas to ENI. He requested U.S. assistance in ensuring the open and transparent sale of oil assets. If Tullow's allegations are true - and we believe they are - then this is a critical moment for Uganda's nascent oil sector.
    The Heritage-ENI sale will likely derail any potential partnership between Tullow and Exxon Mobil and have profound consequences for
    transparency and openness in the future management of the industry.
    End Summary.


    Seeking Partners


    ¶2. (U) On 14 December, Tim O'Hanlon, Tullow Oil's Regional Vice President for Africa met with Ambassador Lanier to discuss recent
    developments in oil exploration in Uganda (see ref. A for background). O'Hanlon explained that the $10+ billion required to produce, refine, and export oil from Uganda far exceeds the
    financial capacity of Tullow and other mid-sized exploration companies currently working in Uganda. Tullow is therefore considering selling a portion of its Uganda holdings to a larger
    international oil partner, and has unofficially "short listed" three major companies as potential partners - including Exxon
    Mobil, Total (France), and the Chinese National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC).
    After Tullow concludes its process of selecting a
    partner, likely in January or February 2010, Tullow will present the "bids" to the Uganda government and work with Ugandan officials
    to gain approval of the much larger oil partner.

  124. --------------------------------------------- ---

    Comment: Inaction Sets Bad Precedent

    --------------------------------------------- ---

    ¶6. (C) This is a critical moment for the future of Uganda's oil industry. The Heritage-ENI deal could prevent a multi-billion dollar deal for Exxon Mobil by drastically diminishing both the
    size and value of Tullow's Ugandan holdings. Allegations that Minister Mbabazi, who has already been implicated in other
    government corruption scandals, solicited and/or accepted payment in exchange for government support will, if true, have serious
    adverse effects on the economic activity of U.S. businesses in Uganda and U.S. Mission goals regarding accountability, good governance, and economic development. After discussions with Exxon Mobil to confirm Tullow's story, we intend to approach the British High Commissioner and the Irish Ambassador about drafting a joint letter to President Museveni expressing concern about these very
    troubling signs of high-level corruption in Uganda's oil sector, and advocating for the open and transparent sale of oil assets and
    management of future oil revenues. Depending on the outcome of this major deal, we believe it could be time to consider tougher action - to include visa revocation - for senior officials like
    Mbabazi who are consistently linked to corruption scandals impacting the international activity of U.S. businesses, U.S. foreign assistance goals, and the stability of democratic

  125. (SBU)z In October 2006, Canadian firm Heritage Oil
    announced the first oil discovery on the shores of Lake
    Albert. The British firm Tullow Oil, has made major
    discoveries both around and under Lake Albert, and has plans
    to begin producing and exporting crude oil by mid-2010.

    Libya's TamOil is the primary investor in a proposed pipeline
    from Uganda to Kenya to import fuel, and possibly export
    crude. Chinese firms are also interested in expanding
    investments in Uganda's oil. The Norwegian Agency for
    Development Cooperation (NORAD) is funding a feasibility
    study for a refinery in Uganda. Exxon/Mobile is considering
    a visit to Uganda later this year.

    ¶24. (SBU) Our message: Uganda's oil resources could and
    should be a boon for economic development and make the
    country less dependent on foreign assistance. We wish to
    support transparent management and prudent investment of oil
    wealth in the years ahead.


    Diplomatic Cable - Origin - U.S. Embassy, Kampala, Uganda


  126. That was just "too easy" wan't it?

  127. Within a few years Uganda could be producing 100,000-150,000 barrels a day (b/d). But where will it go? Some might be used to generate electricity, of which Uganda is desperately short. That could put an end to persistent blackouts and boost local manufacturing, which has withered on unreliable and exorbitantly priced electricity. The country’s president, Yoweri Museveni, has made it clear he wants a big refinery built. The oilmen politely disagree, arguing that east Africa’s economy can absorb only a fraction of the petrol and other products a full-sized refinery would turn out. They would prefer a much smaller facility, consuming perhaps 30,000 b/d, with the balance being pumped across neighbouring Kenya to the Indian Ocean.

    Mr Pearmain points out that Ugandan oil is waxy, and so likely to solidify in a pipeline unless heated. Building such a pipeline will cost at least $1.5 billion. Iran has offered to invest, and has been advising Mr Museveni’s government. America, too, says it is willing to help. But China seems the likeliest investor. Speculation is rife that Mr Museveni will sign an agreement with one of China’s acquisitive state-owned oil firms at an Africa-China summit in November. Meanwhile, in Kenya, which has long lorded it over its poorer neighbour, exploration firms keep drilling dry holes, to Ugandans’ delight.

    Iran, and China, Exxon, et al

    These are the types of numbers that look pretty big for an "oil company," but, Globally, they're pretty much insignificant.

    In other words: This will make no difference to "me, and thee," but would be a good lick for Exxon.

  128. We're the most ignorant cocksuckers in the universe.

  129. It's a "no-lose" proposition for Obama, though. The Pubs sure aren't going to object.

  130. Getting elected, going to Washington, must be like going to Vegas for 2-6 years, all comps, unlimited credit for no-limit play, money for nothing and chicks for free.

  131. The only thing that will ever clean up Washington is an asteroid.

  132. I got kicked off Froggy's site years ago by inimating that it was too bad those heros took it down before it reached the Capital.

  133. Doug said...
    desert rat said...
    While Mr Jefferson may have had feet of clay, rufus, it does make the eternal wisdom embodied in the words wrote any less true.

    Then or now.


    Doug said...

    He just rehashes all those feelings until he's so mad it makes a good excuse to start drinking.



    Rufus II said...
    "I'm so tired of these thieving sonsabitches I just Might get drunk."


  134. Yeah, but at least you can "sleep off" bein' drunk.

  135. .

    Tonight Jay Leno mentioned a news story about a family; man, woman, and child in MA that got lost in a corn field maze and ended up calling 911 to have someone come to get them out.

    A corn field maze.

    Corn field.



  136. Seems to me Dougooooo, if memory serves me correctly, that is not the only site you have been kicked out of. Never mind.

  137. Next thing , he will want to buy Kodak.

  138. You got me. I did not look at the source.

  139. .

    NEW YORK, NY (October 12, 2011) - Apparently seeking to ride the wave of popular anger being expressed by the growing "Occupy Wall Street" movement, today President Obama punched an investment banker in the face.

    The punch occurred during a White House meet-and-greet around noon. After a brief speech on tax reform, President Obama called investment banker Ron Milner to the podium and then, without provocation or warning, delivered what witnesses describe as a "haymaker" punch to Mr. Milner's jaw. "That's for ruining the economy, asshole," Mr. Obama remarked, then spit at Mr. Milner's feet and walked away.

    Early polls indicate the President's punch is receiving widespread voter approval, with 44% of respondents telling survey-takers "It's about damn time one of those rich pricks got their teeth knocked in" and another 32% saying they wished Obama had kicked Mr. Milner in addition to punching him.

    On-the-street interviews with "Occupy Wall Street" protestors also indicate broad support for Obama's action. "I personally do not condone violence of any kind, but come on, you gotta admit that was pretty sweet," activist Louis Cartwright, 32, told Onion News Network reporters. "Obama was all like 'Bam!' and that dickhead banker was like 'No, not my perfect face!' I mean, I would prefer to see Obama push for financial regulatory reform, but that was still pretty awesome."


  140. The US sends troops to Afghanistan, Libya and now Southern Sudan, Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize and yet Israel is considered a warlike nation when it defends itself from enemies that want to destroy it and its citizens.

  141. .

    Damn. I hate to admit it but Rufus was right again.

    U.S. Back On Top As Gas Prices Drop Slightly

    WASHINGTON—With gasoline prices dropping a full 26 cents from where they were a month ago, a new era of confidence and hope washed over Americans this week, confirming the United States is once again the greatest nation in the world...

    Arriving amidst an intractable 10-year military occupation of Afghanistan, the decreasing likelihood that workers will be able to retire at 65, and a wildly fluctuating stock market, today's announcement that the national average price of self-serve regular has fallen to $3.39 verified that the worries of the past are now officially behind us, and that the U.S. stands alone as the world's preeminent superpower...

    Whoohoo. Let The Good Times Roll


  142. I sympathize anon, however, what really frightens me if the 100 find and kill Kony. Then we will have to spend at least $700 billion to rebuild Uganda.

  143. Dear Mrs. Ryan,

    We regret to inform you that your son was killed by a friendly drone…

    A Marine and a Navy medic are the first known U.S friendly fire casualties from a drone strike. They were targeted when Marine commanders in Afghanistan mistook them for Taliban fighters.

  144. .

    I never intend to Ruf. I think it may be Ash's influence.


  145. Topeka Decriminalizes Domestic Violence

    “I can’t afford to bail him out again, so I guess my asshole husband and I are moving to Kansas.”

  146. :) You misunderstood, Q. I was chuckling over the fact that you not only said I "was right," but that you threw in the descriptor, "again."

  147. .

    Folks, you read it here first.


  148. It isn't real until Q reads it in the Onion. :)
