Sunday, October 02, 2011

Advice to Wall Street Protestors; Next Time Bring 500,000

"In communist Russia you rob bank! In capitalist America bank robs you!!"


NEW YORK—More than 700 protesters associated with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement were arrested Saturday afternoon for blocking traffic on New York's Brooklyn Bridge.

Police prepare to arrest demonstrators affiliated with the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement after they attempted to cross the Brooklyn Bridge.

The arrests began at 4:45 p.m. and continued for hours. Brooklyn-bound traffic resumed at about 8 p.m. after being halted for roughly four hours, snarling traffic throughout lower Manhattan, according to Paul Browne, deputy commissioner of the New York City Police Department.

Protesters were taken to precincts throughout Brooklyn and New York, where many were issued tickets for disorderly conduct and released, according to Mark Taylor, an attorney working with the nonprofit National Lawyers Guild.

A Beautiful Thing:


  1. I am not sure what these people are protesting against but if they are protesting against the Big Banks and the pirates on Wall Street, how bad can they be?

  2. The last part of the second video, the young babe says "they are looking for some accountability."

    That sounds good to me, or as we said in the day, Right On!

  3. But then again, you have to be careful about what you wish for

  4. “I don’t think we’re asking for much, just to wake up every morning not worrying whether we can pay the rent, or whether our next meal will be rice and beans again,” Ms. Larkins wrote in an email to The Associated Press.

    Sounds like the folk in Israel...

    ...Egypt too?

    Americans appear to be a pretty complacent people these days, 500,000 marching in the street? How bad would it have to get?

  5. That's easy, ash.

    It'd have to be as bad to be a resident of the US as it is to be one of Israel or Egypt.

    A little accountability, that is not what the protesters in either Egypt or Israel want.

  6. "Jim Crow" is so corrosive to a society, that even those it benefits are sullied.

    "We are the new Israelis," the student leader Itzik Shmuli told the rally. "And the new Israelis want only one simple thing: to live with dignity in this country."

    The organizers, in Israel, have popular support. Polling at 90% approval, in Israel.

    "The people demand social justice."

    Among the issues raised were the cost of housing, transport, childcare, food and fuel; the low salaries paid to many professionals, including doctors and teachers; tax reform; and welfare payments.

  7. All the protesters want on Wall Street:

    "A little accountability"

    There is no aura of popular discontent and social failure, here.

    There are no protests, to speak of.

    The big crowd on Wall Street there, for the prospect of a free concert by Radiohead, who no-showed.

    If the majority of the US public wanted accountability, they'd support an audit of the Federal Reserve.

    Some argue against that, here. While few actively support the idea of a little accountability.

  8. DR: "The people demand social justice."

    This is precisely why El Shaddai wrote in stone with His own finger:

    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

    The Left covets the neighbor's ass. They make private business transactions a public moral issue.

    The Right covets the neighbor's wife's ass. They make private consensual sexuality a public moral issue.

  9. Speaking of the Israeli government, a resident in distress:

    I think this is an anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish policy. It doesn’t address the values of Judaism in any fashion.”

    Read more:

    Now this fellow quoted, some here would describe him as a looter.
    Or just a supremely disgruntled Israeli and Jew, one that thinks his government has sold the people out, thrown them "under the bus", as it were.

    Pesach Hausfater, the Labor Zionist youth leader who’s described as the key organizational mind—some call him “the responsible adult in the room”—in the leadership of Israel’s current economic protest movement. His critique of Netanyahu’s economic policies is the most trenchant I’ve heard since the protests erupted, so I decided to translate it into English for your viewing pleasure.

    Read more:

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "Debt equals slavery" and the debt is controlled by the few, imposed by the demon banksters, as a way to control the many. Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it.

  12. King David? Forget it till I put up a post on him.

  13. But the leader of the Israeli protests makes the point, the Israeli government does not represent Judaism.

    Pesach Hausfater compares Bibi's government to that of King Louis XVI of France who faced a fiscal crisis in the 1780s.
    "Let them eat cake" transforms to:

    But the government says that at least there’s no unemployment here and the people aren’t shouting that there’s no bread.

    “There isn’t work, there’s servitude. This is what’s called double-think. It’s taken straight from George Orwell’s 1984. ...
    ... How much are all those employed people earning? They’re making starvation wages. They’re not even making the minimum wage ...

    Read more:

  14. You people deserve a prize....

    another thread about Israel and Jews...

  15. The largest mass protests in Maricopa County, bring out about 50,000.

    Immigration being the issue that draws, with NFL like attendance.

    It's entertainment, for most.

    Let the Good Times Roll!

  16. No, about protests, economics and established State religions.

    How politicians use economics and religion to gain power over the people.

  17. The United States Congress has blocked nearly $200m in aid for the Palestinians, threatening projects such as anti-school rockets, suicide bomb vests, and support for efforts to drive the Jews into the sea. The decision to delay the payments runs counter to the wishes of the Obama administration.

    Wall Street occupier: "Corporations should die!!! Oh hang on, my iPhone beeped, and its a FaceBook alert!"

    Roseanne Barr says wealthy bankers should be sent to re-education camps or be beheaded.

  18. Her show was cancelled, Ms T.

    No viewers.

  19. When Oprah says that, let me know, ok?

  20. Besides, boob, I have been told countless times that
    "Israel is the canary in the coal mine", that it is the "Light of Western Civilization" and all the rest.

    Meanwhile it is melting down, internally.

    Should there not be a lesson to be learned, from their societies failures?

    So that the rest of the West can avoid the missteps of the vanguard?

    Which has, so obviously, stumbled.

  21. It is currently home to the largest protests in the whirled.

    By both gross numbers and percentage of population.

    Hundreds of thousands flood the streets, with a message.

    Listen to it.
    How does it correspond to the situation in the US?
    Are we headed to the same destination?

    Following the leader to further socialism and servitude?

    What did the Federal Reserve do with that $2.2 trillion in tax payer money?

  22. Go
    Israel: Ticho House

    Long before anyone ever thought of rebranding Jerusalem, the archetype
    for its user-friendly, family-atmosphere cultural image existed in the
    home of an ophthalmologist and his cousin/wife from Austro-Hungary - a
    building purchased from a 19th century Arab dignitary.

    Dr. Avraham Albert Ticho arrived in Jerusalem in 1912, an emissary of a
    German Zionist organization, sent here to establish a clinic. His
    cousin Anna who had been studying art since the age of 15 soon followed
    him, and the two were married. She began painting seriously while the
    two were stationed in Damascus during WW I, and several years after
    their return to Jerusalem, they purchased the house, which had been one
    of the first to be built outside the Old City Walls.


    The clinic operated until the doctor's death in 1960, and the home
    became a central venue for Jerusalem's social and cultural milieu.
    Israel prize winner Anna continued painting until her own death in
    1980, and her paintings are internationally acclaimed and found in
    museums around the world. Upon her death, she bequeathed the house and
    its collections to the people of Jerusalem - a public center of the
    arts that is administered by the Israel Museum.


    Besides the collection of works by Anna Ticho and Dr. Ticho's Hanukkah
    lamps, the garden restaurant has become a favorite venue for Friday
    morning concerts and other cultural happenings.



    Ticho House

    7 Harav Kook Street

  23. Go
    Israel: Restoration of the Crown in Jerusalem's Damascus Gate

    After nearly a year of extensive conservation work on the largest and
    most impressive of Jerusalem’s gates, visitors to the Old
    City can now enjoy the Damascus Gate in all its splendor, 
    just as the public experienced it for hundreds of years.The
    conservation of the gate, carried out as part of the Jerusalem City
    Wall Conservation Project in cooperation with the Jerusalem Development
    Authority, the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Prime
    Minister’s Office, included the restoration of the large
    crown that Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent built atop the gate in 1538
    CE, which was destroyed during the 1967 Six Day War when the gate
    sustained serious damage.

    Crown on Damascus Gate After Renovations


    Guided by pictures of the gate taken at the beginning of the twentieth
    century when the British governed Jerusalem, professionals restored and
    secured the crown to the core of the wall by means of eleven anchors.
    At the same time, the four stone decor was completely restored, and its
    ceiling was covered again with stone slabs. The work on the wall
    included conservation, the removal of hazards and the rehabilitation of
    elements in the wall.


    “The Old City of Jerusalem is a focus of interest for people
    the world over and the number one tourist attraction in
    Israel”, says Elad Kendel, director of the Old City Basin in
    the Jerusalem Development Authority. “The city walls and
    gates are the first thing that everyone sees when they arrive at the
    Old City, and it is therefore important to us that tourists, both
    domestic and foreign, see the city in all its glory”.


    According to Avi Mashiah, the project’s architect on behalf
    of the Conservation Department of the Israel Antiquities Authority,
    “The work at Damascus Gate was particularly challenging since
    it is located at the entrance to a noisy and bustling marketplace. All
    of the work that was carried out there was done so in agreement with
    the local merchants. In order to avoid disturbing business in the
    marketplace, work was begun after the last stall closed at 10:00 PM,
    and continued until the early hours of the morning, prior to the start
    of the following business day.”

  24. Last Ethiopian Jews Finally Make Exodus to Israel
    After Years of Waiting, Falash Mura Given Permission to Move

    GONDAR, ETHIOPIA — In the half-light of dawn, 16 families huddle on benches in the early morning chill, waiting patiently for their journey to a new and unimaginable life. They sit in a courtyard, hidden from the view of friends and relatives who have come to say farewell, behind the modest local offices of the Jewish Agency for Israel, in a walled and guarded lot.

    Read more:

  25. Back to the GM post, Ms T, as to GM's dwindling market share.

    My father is 79, vehemently dislikes the Japanese. He vividly recalls the "Rape of Nanking", at least the propaganda posters that resulted.

    Yet he now has two Toyotas in the driveway. When asked why, the answer is simple, "Made in the USA"

    But what of Ford and GM, dad?

    "Made in Mexico", comes the response.

    That the US would bail out Mexican manufacturing, rankles the sensibilities. That is if further expansion of the Union was not the goal of our agenda.

    Viva la Revolution!

  26. Story, if you want to make cuts and pastes from PDFs readable, you have to manually edit out the "returns", otherwise it really is "unreadable".

    Hard to even "skim".

  27. 850,000
    Jewish refugees, not counting offspring... Just from the arab occupied



    When the issue of refugees is raised within the context of the Middle
    East, people invariably

    refer to Palestinian refugees, virtually never to Jews displaced from
    Arab countries. 


    In reality, two major population movements occurred as a result of over
    a half century of turmoil

    in the Middle East. Securing rights for these former Jewish refugees
    has never been adequately

    addressed by the international community. For any peace process to be
    credible and enduring, it

    must address the rights of all Middle East refugees, including Jewish
    and other minority

    populations that were displaced from Arab countries.


    Historically, Jews and Jewish communities have existed in the Middle
    East, North Africa and the

    Gulf region for more than 2,500 years. Jews in substantial numbers
    resided in what are to-day

    Arab countries over 1,000 years before the advent of Islam. Following
    the Moslem conquest of

    the region, for centuries, while relegated to second-class status, Jews
    were nonetheless

    permitted limited religious, educational, professional, and business


    It is important to note that the treatment of Jews by Arab leaders and
    Islamic populations

    varied greatly from country to country. By way of example, in some
    countries, Jews were

    forbidden to leave (e.g. Syria); in others, many Jews were expelled
    (e.g. Egypt) or displaced en

    masse (e.g. Iraq); while other Jewish communities lived in relative
    peace under the protection

    of Muslim rulers (e.g. Tunisia, Morocco). 


    When Arab countries gained independence, followed by the rise in Arab
    nationalism, state-

    sanctioned measures, coupled often with violence and repression, made
    remaining in the land

    of their birth an untenable option for Jews. 


    In 1948, the status of Jews in Arab countries worsened dramatically as
    many Arab countries

    declared war, or backed the war against the newly founded State of
    Israel. Jews were either

    uprooted from their countries of longtime residence or became
    subjugated, political hostages of

    the Arab-Israeli conflict. In virtually all cases, as Jews left the
    country, individual and communal

    properties were confiscated without compensation.


    Since 1948, over 850,000 Jews have left their birthplaces and their
    homes in some 10 Arab

    countries. To-day, fewer than 7,000 Jews remain in these same


    The fact that Jews displaced from Arab countries were indeed bone fide
    refugees, under

    international law, is beyond question.

  28. But then, again, you care not if people read your posts.

    Lessons learned.

  29. The Jewish side of the partition was to have 500,000 Jews and 400,000 Arabs. The Arab side was to have 700,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews (whose life expectancy after Partition was about the same as a child's balloon). The Jews would get the blasted wasteland of the Negev desert, and the Arabs would get the fertile upper Galilee region. The UN thought all these arrangements were fair. So fair, in fact, that after Israel declared Statehood and the UN realized the Displaced Persons were being handed rifles as soon as they got off the boat at Haifa, another SC resolution was passed to prevent immigration of males from age 17 to 45.

  30. Many Iranian and Kurdish Jews fled Iran and abandoned their property in fear, that they would remain hostages of a hostile regime.When combined all together, as much as 37% of Jews in Islamic countries - the Arab world, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan, left for Israel between May 1948 and the beginning of 1952. They amounted for 56% of the total immigration to the newly founded State of Israel.[

  31. 1920 Nabi Musa riots left four Arabs and five Jews killed, with 216 Jews and 23 Arabs wounded. The majority of the victims were members of the old Yishuv. About 300 Jews from the Old City were evacuated following the riots.[13]

    The "Baltimore News" reports the accounts of Jewish refugees from Hebron, following the 1929 Hebron massacre
    During Jaffa riots in 1921, thousands of Jewish residents of Jaffa fled for Tel Aviv and were temporarily housed in tent camps on the beach. Tel Aviv, which had previously been lobbying for independent status, became a separate city due in part to the riots. However Tel Aviv was still dependent on Jaffa, which supplied it with food and services, and was the place of employment for most residents of the new city.[13]
    Following the 1929 Palestine riots, which left 133 Jews dead,[14][15] the Jewish community members of Gaza and Hebron were ordered to evacuate by the British forces, in fear of their security.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. 90% of the US population does not "believe" that these conditions exist, in the USA.

    As a result, small protests became huge ones nationwide in 11 cities. More on the largest ones below.

    At issue are the following grievances:

    (1) Along with America and Britain, Israel has the greatest wealth disparity and social inequality among developed nations, causing unemployment, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and eroding benefits.

    (2) Unaffordable housing, creating an intolerable burden for growing numbers being priced out of a place to live.

    (3) High food and energy prices.

    (4) Low wages and eroding social benefits.

    (5) Onerous taxes on working households.

    (6) Lack of free education and better healthcare benefits.

    (7) Weak labor rights.

    (8) A disproportionate amount of construction funding for settlement development, leaving too little to build affordable housing in Israel.

    (9) Israel spends double the amount per settlement resident compared to others Israelis. In fact, since the 1990s, it's been official government policy to encourage population shifts to West Bank and East Jerusalem locations, depriving most Israelis in the process. In addition, Israel spends over $700 million annually on occupation, besides an inordinate amount on defense at the expense of social needs.

    (10) The "high cost of raising children," the common ignored complaint voiced by most Israelis.

    By Stephen Lendman

    I was born in 1934, am a retired, progressive small businessman concerned about all the major national and world issues, committed to speak out and write about them.

  34. Never underestimate the kids. Remember the 60's.

  35. All they need, right now, is a "Galvanizing" Voice.

    A couple of Articulate leaders, and a resonant "catchphrase," and they're off and running.

  36. Reuters reports, almost as an aside:

    Similar protests are sprouting in other cities, including Boston, Chicago and San Francisco.

  37. In addition to what they view as excessive force and unfair treatment of minorities, including Muslims, the movement is also protesting against home foreclosures, high unemployment and the 2008 bailouts.

    Filmmaker Michael Moore and actress Susan Sarandon have stopped by the protesters' camp, which is plastered with posters with anti-Wall Street slogans and has a kitchen and library, to offer their support.

    more than 1,000 demonstrators, including representatives of labor organizations, held a peaceful march to police headquarters a few blocks north of City Hall ... No arrests were reported.
    The United Federation of Teachers and the Transport Workers Union Local 100, which has 38,000 members, are among those pledging solidarity.

    The unions could provide important organizational and financial support for the largely leaderless movement.

  38. Last year it was Mom, and Dad (and Grandpa, and Grandma) showing the kids how to do it = The Tea Party.

    The only thing is, the kids are off on their timing. It'll be getting cold soon. Such movements should start in the Spring.

  39. Alinsky had the Catholic Church, the Wall Street Radicals have the Teachers Unions and the Hollywood Left.

    It could become a wild ride, especially if the Congress continues to shirk it's responsibility ...
    To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof ...

  40. This time around the Establishment can't blame it on the "Communists." The communists are capitalists, now; and better at it than we are.

    How does it look on Capital Hill if the Tea Party is coming at you from one end of the street, and the College Kids from the other?

  41. Sarah Palin is wetting her undies trying to figure out how to make this work. :)

  42. So is George Soros. :)

    Lord, you gotta love this country.

  43. They spend five months "organizing", rufus, then hit hard in the Spring of 2012.

  44. Lester Crown may well sign a couple of book deals, flood a few million USD into the project.

    Doing battle against the "Banking Interests", if history is a guide.

    It's the Economy, Stupid."

    Us v Them.

  45. That may not be "their" (the people you see on the street's) plan, Rat,

    but that is "The" Plan. :)

  46. Look at it this way; right now the Democrats have lost 2012.

    If they can get the "masses" (esp. the youngsters) stirred up, who knows what might happen?

    They might lose big, ala Nixon - 1968, but at least they'll have some kind of a shot.

  47. Saw on some video, confirmed by the witness/narrator, that the Blue shirt officers were peaceable, with the demonstrators, but the White Shirts assaulted the demonstrators and behaved in an uncivil manner.

    Behavior that harkens back to "Brown Shirts", so to speak.

  48. If the Dems can get the country "Mad at Wall Street," and get'em to the polls . . . .


  49. A picture of Bull Connors' German Shepherds did more for the Civil Rights Movement than a thousand Northern College Students.

  50. The Democrats, if they had real balls, would co-opt Dr Paul's theme of making the Federal Reserve accountable to the People.

    It's an easy win.

    To defend the Federal Reserve, well, it'd be easy to demonize that.

    When asked what his greatest accomplishment had been during his two terms as President, Andrew Jackson replied "I killed the Bank."
    From a 2006 entry at the Daily Kos.

    Harken back to one of the greatest Presidents, would be a brave move, by the Obama and his minions.

    It could play well, across the middle, if done correctly.

  51. That little gal went from "troubles with her man" to "Accountability!"

    Someone has a "Plan."

  52. Rick Perry is running against the "Bank", has stated that Mr B and the Bank are behaving in a traitorous manner.

    Dr Paul is running against the "Bank".

    It is an issue that crosses the aisle.

    Leaving Mr Romney defending the "Bank"?

  53. "Someone" has a plan.

    more better :)

  54. Someone posted notice about this a couple of weeks ago, "opposition research"?

    This is going somewhere. People are sick of it. How about when they are joined by people "underwater", in foreclosure, unemployed, people disgusted with DC?

    How about a three million person march on DC?

  55. The Federal Reserve becomes the target, through triangulation.

  56. Foreclosures continue at all-time high.

    Unemployment Sky-High, and getting Higher.

    Gas Prices choking the bottom quintiles.

    Median Incomes Continue to Fall.

    Oh, yeah; these be fertile grounds.

    Cast ye some seeds, here.

  57. The young girl at the end of the second video wrapped it up rather well.

  58. We need a little revolution. Let's just hope we don't get more than we bargained for.

  59. The move by Bank of America to start charging five dollars a month on people's debit cards, when many people who cannot get a credit card and have only a debit card, is a real "let them eat cake" move.

  60. :)

    Yeah, a "Little" Revolution is good for the country - and the "Soul."

    Makes for good music, usually, too.

  61. If it appears Obama is going to go down, come 2012, look for a flurry of activity, drawing distinct economic battle lines.

    Co-opt the "Right" on the National Bank. Tie the House GOP to it, in the next, Springtime, debt debate.

    Mint the coin and take the battle to the streets.
    The electorate is looking for bold leadership, not Casper Milquetoast.

    Could save his bacon.

    Being Jacksonian.

  62. The Elites own this. This is thirty years in the making. Someone will pick up the cudgel. The Elites got us into this mess and they have proven they have no answers except to save their own asses.

    With all the bullshit going on back and forth on this blog about Israel and the Jews, important and educating videos have come and gone, being smothered by the same old inane bullshit.

    We are seeing the beginning of something very big and important.

    Three weeks ago the Obamas were in Martha's Vineyard, Michelle was dancing with the stars wearing $75,000 worth of bling. Now the bitch is shopping at Target. We shall see how this will go very shortly.

  63. Of the four "Great" Democratic Presidents ...


    At least three of them opposed the power wielded by the "National Bank".
    I am not sure of Roosevelt's behavior.

  64. Deuce, your "right on" link doesn't work.

  65. NYCPD create 700 new recruiters for POWER TO THE PEOPLE

    In a tense showdown above the East River, the police arrested more than 700 demonstrators from the Occupy Wall Street protests who took to the roadway as they tried to cross the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday afternoon.

    The police said it was the marchers’ choice that led to the enforcement action.

  66. Well, Deuce, there is a global reaction to the "Westernization" of the whirled.

    As that "Westernization" has come to represent Crony Capitalism, across the whirled.

    Crony Capitalism and the accompanying empowerment of the military industrial complex.

    In the US, China, Russia, Egypt, Syria, Israel et al.
    Breaking the back of the "average man", everywhere.

  67. The only one this seems to 'help,' other than Obama, is the li'l populist poontang from wasilly.

    She seems to feel the sentiment of the people. She knows that once you win the nomination, you've still got to beat a powerful machine represented by a potentially populist message from the Bully Pulpit.

    She thinks she is the only one that can "out-populist" the Dem; and she might be right.

  68. With all the bullshit going on back and forth on this blog about Israel and the Jews, important and educating videos have come and gone, being smothered by the same old inane bullshit.

    We are seeing the beginning of something very big and important.


    Ignore the Jews and Israel you might actually see what is going on....


  69. Remember, she started pushing the "Crony Capitalism" a couple of months ago.

  70. So now the Story of "o" advises we ignore the vanguard of Western Civilization, after telling us it was the beacon that showed the way.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

  71. This from a fellow that claimed he was "awakened" by the election of Mr Obama.

    Prior to that, he was toeing the ideological line.

    Humorous stuff.

  72. It is a message that transcends the aisle, rufus.

    It resonates across the land.

    No doubt of that.

    The triangulation opportunities seems pretty clear, especially for "An Agent of Change".

  73. Palin will try to make it about "Obama, and the other Cronycrats," and Obama will try to make it about The Bank of America, and the Republican Cronycrats.

    Palin has nicer legs.

  74. In a close election, I'm going with the legs.

  75. Deuce: Now the bitch is shopping at Target. We shall see how this will go very shortly.

    ONLY when they bring cameras along, Deuce. No cameras, and she wouldn't be caught dead in Target. She's more a Tiffanys girl now.

    Rufus: The only one this seems to 'help,' other than Obama, is the li'l populist poontang from wasill

    Poon Tang is a very good thing, normally. But Palin is as dumb as a box of hammers.

    "Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" (Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008)

    I presume that means she was in favor of the Dred Scott decision, which voided the Missouri Compromise since the act exceeded the powers of Congress, insofar as it attempted to exclude slavery and impart freedom and citizenship to non-white persons.

  76. desert rat said...
    So now the Story of "o" advises we ignore the vanguard of Western Civilization, after telling us it was the beacon that showed the way.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    No, I suggest that you, a hate filled, jew hating, israel hating, zionism hating piece of shit has ruined the Blog by making each and every thread your personal jew bashing, israel bashing, zionist repudiating world.

    YOU and your fellow anti-semites cant discuss Israel, Zionism or Israel without either Aryan Nation, Islamist or replacement theology nonsense talking points coming up..

    You are not worthy of any real discussion on those topics.

    Simply put?

    You suck...

    And you are ruining the BLOG.

    But I guess that is the choice of the Blog's admin...

    Reap what you sow....

  77. WiO: YOU and your fellow anti-semites cant discuss Israel, Zionism or Israel without either Aryan Nation, Islamist or replacement theology nonsense talking points coming up.

    From Mass today, thus saith the LORD G-d, through his prophet Isaiah:

    For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry.

    Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

  78. Aw, you're being too tough on her, T. Being thrown into a National Campaign, ranker than a Missouri Mule, a six-hour interview (edited) conducted during/in between stump speeches. It would be hard for any of us to come off looking too good (unless the editors wanted us to.)

    I have serious doubts about whether I would vote for her; but I have No doubts about her brainpower.

    The fact that she's riding the "Tea Party," and that the Tea Party is largely a Charles, and David Koch invention worries me a lot more.

  79. Like I said, there is no discussing anything with anti-semites...

  80. Dang, now Q's gonna be grouchy. The Deetroit Lyins done got caught out on the wrong side of the Zebras down in Dallas.

    They be gettin' "Palined." :)

  81. What is "Occupation" said... Like I said, there is no discussing anything with anti-semites...

    My point is that apparently even G-d is an anti-Semite, by WiO's definition, since G-d said (through Ezekiel) said to an anthropomorphized Jerusalem: "In the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger"

    In most cases during the run up to the War of Independence, the Arabs fled their communities when they were besieged and occupied. In the case of the town of Dair Yassin where they did not (April 1948), the Jewish "militant" groups Irgun and the Stern Gang massacred 107 Arabs: men, women, and children.

  82. This present crop needs to study the "game films."

    This is how it's done: Country Joe and the Fish at Woodstock - The Vietnam Song

  83. Like I said, there is no talking to anti-semites who sound like they are talking from their islamist/aryan nation/replacement theology talking points.

    I just hope that those that are whom I am talking about?


  84. The Lying Bitch Ms T thows out another "blood libel"

    "In most cases during the run up to the War of Independence, the Arabs fled their communities when they were besieged and occupied. In the case of the town of Dair Yassin where they did not (April 1948), the Jewish "militant" groups Irgun and the Stern Gang massacred 107 Arabs: men, women, and children."

    This is my point...

    Another example of distortion and lies by the replacement theology/aryan nation or islamist talking points...

    No discussing actual events...

    Just toss out a blood libel...

    Next we will hear from that crowd...

    The liberty...

    Jenin Jenin

    and other assorted examples of nonsense...

    Within the last few hours to the last few weeks the anti-semites have stoked the libels with "Lester Crown", mass murder, organ theft, G-d's blessings on Israel removed and moved...

    You cannot discuss Israel, Jews or Zionism with irrational nitwits...

    and so the sewer continues...

  85. " You cannot discuss Israel, Jews or Zionism with irrational nitwits..."

    That's right. Remember:

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
    Albert Einstein

  86. Jeez, the Deetroit Lyings is 4-0.

    The world is all messed up.

  87. Elephant Bar Occupies Wall Street: Shit is Fuck Up and Bullshit

    As Patton probably wouldn't have said, 'A Man So Eloquent Must Be Followed.' :)

  88. .

    Jeez, the Deetroit Lyings is 4-0.

    They must have heard I was getting grouchy.


  89. I speak for AIGHT. I think I speak for many. I need to take the time. The many need to take the time. To take the stand. To let those mother fuckers know they better take the stand or we fuck them up.

    This real-life triage is what's been holding Americans at bay, and keeping most of us from speaking above an exhausted grumble. The holders, movers and shakers of our corporatocracy know it all too well. Growing, maintaining, and deploying superior resources against an exhausted populace (target) is their go-to paradigm for keeping things going their way, and maximizing what can be siphoned off from us.

    We will only fix this mess when we stop exhausting ourselves and our budgets with marketed distractions, and re-enter real life with our full attention. (This engineered exhaustion is a major factor in the protesters' apparent lack of focus -- these people are still emerging from the haze, albeit ahead of the rest of us.)

    It will take a real choice to help. But most of us would be neglecting responsibilities or risking loss of job to do so, but must it be done. The beast must be broken.

  90. WiO: The Lying Bitch Ms T thows out another "blood libel"

    Anyone can Google the massacre in question. I went with the "authoritative" figure of 107 dead. Irgun itself boasted of 254 dead.

    Just as when I brought up the King David Hotel bombing, or the USS Liberty, WiO gets all upset, because it punctures his belief that Zionists were 100% pure good.

  91. This time around the Establishment can't blame it on the "Communists." The communists are capitalists, now; and better at it than we are.

    This is about more than just wall street, there is an underlying theme that even President Obama won't touch about the lack of equal reciprocity in society. It's not just taxes, it's about resetting value sets all over the system. This capitalist economy has focused on short term gains for too long, while turning a blind eye to the whole.

    You go Rufus.

  92. Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

    Yes, she is. And if it were not the matter of scientific fact, her statement would imply a bell-curve of diametrical opposition.

    And, now, a round of applause for the Moors and Visigoths who invented flamenco

  93. I have never read such rubbish. People do have the right to protest, according to the Constitution. They have the right to say what they want, hence the "freedom of speech". Here these people are complaining, though, but they really did this to themselves. "The poor are getting poorer". Well then go out and find a job, or a better one.

  94. .

    Here these people are complaining, though, but they really did this to themselves. "The poor are getting poorer". Well then go out and find a job, or a better one.

    Find a job, or a better one?

    Carrying on the tradition of Anonymi everywhere.

    There are five unemployed for every new job that becomes available. Yet Anonymous tells the unemployed to "work it out".



  95. Teresita said...
    WiO: The Lying Bitch Ms T thows out another "blood libel"

    Anyone can Google the massacre in question. I went with the "authoritative" figure of 107 dead. Irgun itself boasted of 254 dead.

    Just as when I brought up the King David Hotel bombing, or the USS Liberty, WiO gets all upset, because it punctures his belief that Zionists were 100% pure good.

    Sun Oct 02, 05:43:00 PM EDT


    One standard for the Jews, none for anyone else...

    Blood Libels without any real proof or context...

    Ms T, is still a lying bitch...

    Throwing blood libels and doing her best to libel jews, israel and zionism...

    You cant rationally discuss these topics with a hating nitwit

  96. .

    I happen to think the GM and Chrysler bailouts were the right thing to do, and not just for GM and Chrysler.

    However, in certain ways (the UAW labor contract rules for instance) it put the other automakers at a disadvantage.

    In addition, it is pure bullshit when the government starts interfering with the automakers that didn't take the bailouts.

    White House wrong to lean on Ford

    One would think the Obama White House has enough to worry about — with unemployment at more than 9 percent, a housing market that remains depressed, and a new stimulus spending plan that is failing to gain support from Democrats and Republicans — that it wouldn't worry about television ads.

    But the micromanagement practiced by President Obama's politically driven regime has reached a new level with its involvement in a Ford TV ad that had been acclaimed as popular in helping the company sell the nation's most popular automotive product, the F-150 truck.

    Ford's ad, which was part of its "real people" series, featured customer Chris McDaniel in a pseudo press conference where he extolled the virtues of the pickup.

    McDaniel, an auto credit agent, said he made his decision because he "wasn't going to buy another car that was bailed out by the government," a reference to U.S. bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler as part of their bankruptcy.

    "I was going to buy from a manufacturer that's standing on its own: win, lose or draw," he says in the ad.

    "That's what America is about — understanding when you fail that you gotta pick yourself up and go back to work," he continued.
    But the Obama administration didn't care for the free market message and, as my Detroit News colleague Daniel Howes reported this week, the White House contacted Ford to discuss the ad and the company has now pulled the popular spot.

    While Howes quoted an industry source insisting that there was no pressure to take the ad down, any such inquiries from the White House represent coercion...

    Obama Leans on Ford


  97. ly·ing

    the telling of lies, or false statements; untruthfulness: From boyhood, he has never been good at lying. Synonyms: falsehood, falsity, mendacity, prevarication. Antonyms: truth, veracity.


    telling or containing lies; deliberately untruthful; deceitful; false: a lying report. Synonyms: deceptive, misleading, mendacious, fallacious; sham, counterfeit.

    Yep when one throws out lies and misdirection on purpose...

    Yep this is Ms T and The Rat..

  98. Anon said: "Go out and find a job"

    They tried that, the previous generation has made sure that there aren't enough of them to go around, and those that do exist pay less and less of what approaches a decent wage. Then we hear, "try starting up your own business", but the same bankers who have driven this economy into the shitter now cling to their funds in a death-grip which stifles any new innovation.
    Perhaps that's why they are out there in the first place - have no fear, their message will coalesce given time.

  99. Blogger desert rat said...

    The Federal Reserve becomes the target, through triangulation

    What, Rat, are you a party to the conspiracy? A toady of the establishment? It isn't the Fed that is the villain but rather the patsy, the straw man, for the elite to pawn the blame on to. No, little rodent, it isn't the Fed but rather the hand/glove relationship of the money'd and the politico's that is at the heart of the rot, or the corruption.

  100. as doug would say

    "of the corruption"

  101. .

    Yep when one throws out lies and misdirection on purpose...

    "The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else." George Bernard Shaw

    A fellow who says he has never told a lie has just told one.


  102. I don't care if you're Captain America, if you're riding in an Al-Qaeda convoy in Yemen, you're ass belongs to the CIA. If you remove yourself to a group that makes war upon America, you are a traitor. Al Awlaki was assassinated you say? If so, then we assassinated hundreds of thousands of US citizens in the War To End Slavery.

    Besides, tribal sources on Yemen are now saying Al-Awlaki is still alive.

  103. What is a massacre?

    A massacre is the general and unnecessary slaughter of members of one group by one or more members of another more powerful group. A massacre may be indiscriminate or highly methodical in application. The massacred group may be humans or animals. A massacre is a single event, though it may occur during the course of an extended campaign or war. A massacre is separate from a battle (an event in which opposing sides fight), but may follow in its immediate aftermath, when one side has surrendered or lost the ability to fight, yet the victors persist in killing in their opponents.

    So when some people call 105 deaths in a firefight a massacre it does not make it one...

    Lies lies lies....

  104. .

    A massacre is the general and unnecessary slaughter of members of one group by one or more members of another more powerful group. A massacre may be indiscriminate or highly methodical in application. The massacred group may be humans or animals. A massacre is a single event, though it may occur during the course of an extended campaign or war. A massacre is separate from a battle (an event in which opposing sides fight), but may follow in its immediate aftermath, when one side has surrendered or lost the ability to fight, yet the victors persist in killing in their opponents.

    Gee, kinda sounds like the attack on the Liberty.


  105. Liberty?


    The USA is and was a much more powerful force than the IDF.

    After all the IDF could not even SINK one boat....

    Hardly a powerhouse...

    But America? They KEPT all of the legal forces out of the area...

    Maybe the More POWERFUL group (America) WANTED to see the LIBERTY sunk, since it was violating both international law and direct American orders.

  106. The USS Liberty was ordered to leave the area.

    As were ALL American vessels.

    The Liberty? Was illegally hijacked by the NSA on an illegal spying mission.

    America did not KNOW she was in the line of fire as repeated reports stated that all US forces were evacuated prior to the war...

    In the book "6 days of war" John Loftus makes it quite clear that the Liberty was infact spying on Israel and transferring the electronic war map to the Egyptians via the English on Cyprus.

    The US did not send any rescue or back up to "help" the Liberty as NONE of them thought any USA warship was in the area. (nor did Israel as Israel KNEW of the American withdraw from the area) thus the Liberty?

    Was going rogue...

    Occum's Razor says it all...

    The Liberty?

    Hijacked by the NSA, they got the crew killed....

  107. What the Germans did to the Jews...

    A massacre........

    What the English did at Dunkirk..

    A massacre........

    What Pol Pot did..

    A massacre........

    What Stalin did to millions of his own...

    A massacre........

    What Red China did to the intellectuals...

    A massacre........

    What America did in Hiroshima?

    A massacre........

    What the Iraqi did to the shia and the kurds?

    A massacre........

    And so many more real examples...

    But Quirk and others devalue the term when they use such poor examples to take shots at Israel....

    Was the Liberty a tragedy?


    But that's not good enough for those with an axe to grind...

  108. .

    The Liberty? Was illegally hijacked by the NSA on an illegal spying mission.



  109. .

    Maybe the More POWERFUL group (America) WANTED to see the LIBERTY sunk, since it was violating both international law and direct American orders.

    You are beginning to sound like an idiot. The Liberty was in international waters and was flying the flag of a nuetral nation, not only a neutral nation but of an ally.


  110. The Federal Reserve, ash, is an agent of the "Elites".

    President Jackson was a prophet on the subject.

    Having Congress control the value of money, another of the "Checks & Balances" of the original design, later called a "Flaw", by the Progressives of their day.


  111. Jerusalem (CNN) -- A mosque in northern Israel was set on fire and graffiti scrawled on its walls, the imam told CNN Monday. The vandalism took place overnight in the village of Tuba-Zangariyye.

    Reuters reports the attackers were Jewish "extremists", which is just another euphemism for terrorists.

  112. Cultural schizophrenia, a symptom is delusional thinking.

    We know who has the symptoms.

  113. .

    Having Congress control the value of money, another of the "Checks & Balances" of the original design, later called a "Flaw", by the Progressives of their day.

    As Ash said, the FED is merely a tool. What Congress has done they can undo. Congress can mandate an audit of the FED anytime they want. The fact that they don't, merely a reflection of the quality of representation we have in OZ.

