Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Turkey's Erdogan is Playing a Dangerous Game- No Surprise There

Turkey attempts to rally diplomatic alliance against Israel

Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that the Jewish state's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla last year had been "grounds for war".

8:36PM BST 12 Sep 2011 TELEGRAPH

Mr Erdogan arrived in Cairo last night intent on burnishing his populist credentials after casting himself as a rival to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, as Israel's critic-in-chief in the Middle East.

In what appeared to be a deliberate piece of timing designed to maximise the impact of his visit, Mr Erdogan's office yesterday released a previously unpublished transcript of a redacted interview he gave to Al Jazeera's Arabic language service last week.
In it, Mr Erdogan claimed that Turkey would have been justified in going to war after Israeli commandos shot dead nine Turkish activists during the interception of an aid convoy seeking to breach Israel's blockade of Gaza in May last year.

"The attack that took place in international waters did not comply with any international law," he said. "In fact, it was grounds for war. However, befitting Turkey's greatness, we decided to act with patience."

Mr Erdogan's comments appeared to be designed to rile Israel at one of the most strained moments in relations with the Jewish state, which until recently was a close Turkish ally.

Incensed by Israel's refusal to apologise for the raid, Mr Erdogan announced the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Ankara earlier this month. He also downgraded diplomatic relations, suspended military ties and announced that warships would in future escort any vessels flying the Turkish flag that attempted to reach Gaza.
Although alarmed by the rapid deterioration of its relationship with one its few friends in the region, Israel has dismissed Mr Erdogan's increasingly bellicose rhetoric as sabre-rattling.

But while few believe Turkey has any wish to engage Israel, with its vastly superior military strength in a war, Mr Erdogan does seem to be intent on attempting to isolate Israel in the Middle East at a time of heightened vulnerability for the Jewish state.

Persistently rebuffed in his attempts to seek European Union membership for Turkey, Mr Erdogan has instead sought to concentrate on projecting power in the Middle East by presenting himself as a champion of the Palestinian cause, traditionally the single most emotive issue among ordinary Arabs.

The Palestinian Authority is expected to submit a controversial application for statehood at the United Nations next week, in a move that will further raise tensions across the Middle East.

Mr Erdogan's visit to Egypt, once a part of the Ottoman Empire, is the first by a Turkish leader in 15 years and comes at a time of growing popular discontent against Israel on the streets of Cairo and elsewhere.

Over the weekend, rioters angered by Israel's inadvertent killing of at least three Egyptian border guards last month, ransacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo. Israel was forced to evacuate its ambassador and nearly all its diplomats from the country.
But Mr Erdogan's visit is reportedly being viewed with considerable mistrust among Egypt's transitional military leadership, which has taken charge of the country after the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, the former president, in February.

Mr Erdogan had been expected last night to address crowds in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the epicentre of the revolution against Mr Mubarak, but his speech was mysteriously cancelled.

In a further sign that Egypt would resist Mr Erdogan's anti-Israel advances, one of the ruling generals said a state of emergency would be expanded because of the storming of the embassy.

The announcement could further incense public opinion, already outraged after three protesters were reportedly shot dead in disturbances outside the embassy and elsewhere in Cairo over the weekend.


  1. Our good friends, the Ass-stabbing Turks, do not like the subjugation of the Palestinians by Israel.

    In 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus seizing the northern part of the island and ethnically cleansed 80% of the Greek Cypriots who lived there. Turkey created the Federated Turkish State of Cyprus.

    Erdogan has arrested many journalists who have been imprisoned and others have been killed .

    Erdogan won the 2010 Muammar Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights.

    Turkey has never apologized for the genocide of the Armenians , thought to be over a million people.

    Please do not mention the Kurds who like the Palestinians, having been fighting for their own country. The Turks have been killing them by the thousands.

    Honor killings of woman has become a daily occurrence in Islamist Turkey.

    Turkey is rapidly becoming re- Islamized by the Islamist Erdogan government .

    70% of Turks saying they wouldn't want to live next door to a Christian or Jew.

    Since 2005 six Christian bishops have been murdered in Turkey, The last one in 2010 was head of the Catholic Church in Turkey .

  2. George W Bush embraced Erdogan as the exemplar of moderate Islam who would build a bridge to modernity. In 2005, Bush praised democracy in Turkey as "an important example for the people in the broader Middle East."

  3. The US cannot get out of the Middle East fast enough.

  4. George W Bush embraced Erdogan as the exemplar of moderate Islam who would build a bridge to modernity. In 2005, Bush praised democracy in Turkey as "an important example for the people in the broader Middle East."

    Mr Bush was CORRECT.

  5. Israelis, better known as
    The Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    On par with Somali pirates, attacking NATO flagged shipping on the high seas.

    The US attacked Tripoli, landing the Marines there, for much the same thing, back in the day.

  6. While boobie thinks his paper Federal Reserve Notes, that they are stores of value, while the coins the US mints, are just facades.

    Could a human being be more stupid?

  7. While the funding mechanism for boobie's apartment is increasingly being defaulted upon.

    Default rates on federal student loans have risen sharply in recent years, the US Department of Education reported Monday, blaming the increase primarily on weak job growth in a tepid economy.

    The wheels are falling off boob's "free lunch".

  8. From Saudi Arabia, the view is pristine, crystal clear.

    "Israel has convinced the world that any measure taken against it is either anti-Semitic or an act of Arab or Islamic terror,"
    the newspaper Alriyadh said in an editorial.
    "The Arab revolutions have renewed the popular belief that Israel has remained the epitome of aggressive behavior, being an entity propagated by an international plot backed by Europe and the US."

  9. Erdogan uses the phraseology and I quote: ""The eastern Mediterranean Sea is not Israel's private playground. As long as it avoids intervening in the freedom of movement in the region"

    The Palmer report was very clear in its finding:
    * Israel is in a state of war with Gaza and Hamas.
    * Over 10,000 rocket and mortar attacks were made against Israeli civilians.Therefore:
    1) The blockade was/is legal, and defensive.
    2) The enforcement of the blockade was legal.
    3) That Israel has intercepted weapons being smuggled before by sea. and it constitutes more proof of the blockade's necessity.
    4) That the IHH started the fight, it was premeditated, termed "reckless and violent" in the report.
    5) That the IDF acted in self defense.

    Frankly, there was much more in the report, most, in Israel's favor. So when Erdogan uses the silly remark about Israel using the Mediterranean as a "playground". Nothing could be further from the truth, Israel is rightfully defending its citizens from almost daily attacks.

    When those attacks stop, Hamas recognizes Israel's right to exist, and renounces its intention to destroy Israel, the blockade can be removed. As is always the case with the Arabs, their problems are simply self inflicted.

  10. Quirker, I'm in Boise with my PewterTrillionCoins.

    Where are you?


  11. Wasn't it Kazanzakis wrote some books about the Greekers and the Turkers.

    Fuck them all.

    Something about Gorba or something....


  12. Yes, Gaza is part of Israel, so Israel can blockade it, legally.

    No, Israel cannot go far out into the Med and attack legitimate commercial shipping, just because they are afraid.

    If those ships had attempted land fall, in Gaza, then the Israeli would have had standing to act.

    As it was, they behaved as pirates.

  13. Mark, you have picked up on the fact our rat is an asshole of the first degree.

    Pirates of the Med, my ass.

    Leave Occupied Phoenix NOW.


  14. In 1949 Turkey became the first ever Muslim country to recognize Israel. Since that time, Turkey has become Israel's apologist in chief in the Muslim world, ignoring Israel's horrific brutality towards the Palestinian people, courting the Israeli military even as it continued with its unconscionable cruelty towards Palestinians, and alienating its Arab neighbours in the process.

    The shift occured in Davos a few years back, when in keeping with Western tradition of silencing any form of criticism of Israel, Prime Minister Erdogan was repeatedly interrupted while criticizing Israel's killing of Gaza civilians. He left the conference room in rightous indignation, taking a stand that Israel's behaviour would not be tolerated.

    In the summer of 2010, when 9 Turkish citizens were murdered by Israel in international waters while trying to provide aid to Palestinians in Gaza, Turks got a small taste of what Palestinians had helplessly been experiencing for decades - Israel's remorseless cruelty towards Palestinians was now directed against anyone challenging the brutality of the Israeli occupation. That the relationship has been going downhill since then is hardly surprising, especially given that Israel's behaviour seems to be getting more abhorrent with time.

    It is refreshing to see a democratically elected government like that of Prime Minister Erdogan taking a touch stand against Israel's violent occupation of the Palestinian people and the untold suffering being caused to them. One hopes that with the Arab spring well in place more governments in the region will take a tough stance against Israel's unacceptable behaviour.

    As far as your reference to the Kurds:

    If the PKK, the self appointed guardian and champion of Kurdish rights, claims to be acting for greater rights for the Kurdish people, will somebody explain to me why they feel the need to do things like murder Turkish soldiers, blow up bombs in Turkish cities and resorts, and smuggle cocaine in European cities ?

    Could it be because it is not an organization of idealistic freedom fighters at all, but a bunch of murderous thugs, who, in keeping with the tradition of all terrorist organizations, only know how to murder and maim without concern for the consequences ?

    In which case Turkey has every right to defend itself and its citizenry from them.

  15. Fuck the Palestinians....

    Fuck Turkey...

    Fuck the Egyptians...

    and as for those that support them?

    Fuck them too...

  16. Deuce said...
    Our good friends, the Ass-stabbing Turks, do not like the subjugation of the Palestinians by Israel.

    n 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus seizing the northern part of the island and ethnically cleansed 80% of the Greek Cypriots who lived there. Turkey created the Federated Turkish State of Cyprus.

    What is "Occupation" said...
    Fuck the Palestinians....

    Fuck Turkey...

    Fuck the Egyptians...

    and as for those that support them?

    Fuck them too..

    We have also had powerful connected Greeks/Armenians that "tipped" our relations against Turkey in the 70s-90s...and ethnic Cubans in power in America playing exile politics. We have politicians in the pocket of the China lobby as well as AIPAC. Black Caucus members that say we should give "The Brothers" in Africa and Haiti almost everything they request.
    Bill Richardson had a Mexican flag in his New Mexico governors office until he removed it after protest. Palin had her twin US, Israel flags on her governors desk.

    My personal opinion is no US politician should have loyalty to anything but the American people.

  17. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back.

  18. Well said by


  19. It was Zorba I believe, now my mind is thinking a bit, going bout spewing sperm without regard to where it landed.


  20. Here, there, anywhere, fuck it.

    Mr. minter

  21. The pornographer and his sycophant, a fitting couple.

  22. Pirates of the Med, my ass

    Squatters in Phoenix

    Squatters in Phoenix

    Leave now

    Leave now


  23. The UN head man says o Mr Palmer's report::

    Ban said today that the two countries should accept the recommendations of a UN report that examined the incident.

    The report found Israel had used "excessive and unreasonable" force to stop the flotilla approaching Gaza ...

    Piracy and murder, yep, a tad excessive.

  24. WiO is not a pornographer and I am not his sycophant, but we might be a "fitting couple", if we hit the Tucannon with fly rods in hand.

    You are a sick man, rat.

    Really really sick, as in sicko.


  25. No, boobie, I am not leaving.

    Will be here for the duration.

  26. You are most definitely a sycophant, boobie.

    And just look at Story"s first post.
    Pornography, to be sure.

    You do know what Fuck means, do you not?

    Crude pornography, that's the stock and trade of the Story of "o"...

  27. While I thought your claim of not reading my posts was a lie.

    You proved that it is, and that you are, a liar.

    Along with being sycophantic towards the Story.

  28. The majority of citizens in Germany, France, and the U.K. support the planned Palestinian statehood bid in the United Nations. If properly worded and not manipulated by the Jewish controlled American media, Americans would agree as well.

    If we wait for Israel to negotiate in good faith, that will be when all Palestinian land is taken for settlements and every fair minded honest person knows it.

  29. sicko

    Leave occupied Phoenix!!!!!!

    the minter

  30. by the Jewish controlled American media


    the minter

  31. " desert rat said...
    From Saudi Arabia, the view is pristine, crystal clear."


    Palestinians could have had their own state in 2000. Arafat rejected the Wye Accords, started a war. Palestinians could have had their own state in 2008 with a slice of Jerusalem as its capital. Abbas rejected the proposal and missiles continued raining down on Israel from Gaza. Both Israeli proposals had no counter proposals. For those who feel Israel hasn't been playing the peace game, that Israel steals land, and keeps the Palestinians in caged, open air prison obviously don't read the news and quite clearly have only one motive in mind: to bash Israel irregardless of the true human condition. The entire argument of Palestinian unilateralism is hogwash until those who support the Palestinian leadership intransigence actually put pressure on these leaders to make peace. But, then, those who support Palestinian leadership are just as racist, ignorant, and blood thirsty as Arafat and Abbas.

  32. We are run by the Jewish controlled Federal Reserve and the Jewish controlled BANKS


    the minter

    (And the Jewish controlled Idaho Fish and Games Department)

  33. You are crazy as shit, rat.


  34. US embassy in Kabul under attack - live updates
    Rockets are being fired at the US embassy in Kabul, say police in Afghanistan. The Taliban has claimed responsibliity and says the attackers are armed with rocket-propelled grenades, AK-47s and suicide vests.

  35. China announced on Monday it will provide $1 billion in loans to Caribbean countries to finance infrastructure projects as it deepens ties in a region historically linked with the United States.

    The loans will be made available through the state-run China Development Bank, China's Vice Premier Wang Qishan told a meeting of Caribbean and Chinese officials in Port of Spain, capital of oil and gas producer Trinidad and Tobago.

    "China cannot develop itself in isolation of the world and the world needs China for its development," he said.

    The financial help comes as many Caribbean countries struggle with stagnant economies hit by anemic growth in the United States and Europe, the traditional sources of investment and visitors for many of the region's tourism-dependent states.

    China's wooing of the Caribbean is part of a global push by Beijing promoting loans and investment while seeking natural resources and political influence in the developing world from Africa to Latin America.

  36. Put on a suicide vest, rat, that is your obvious next step.

    the minter

  37. We waste all our assets on idiotic wars in the Middle East spending a $1 billion plus per day.

    China takes $1 Billion into the Caribbean for infrastructure.

    Who do you think gets a better return for their money?

  38. Or you could, like normal people, just chill out and relax a bit.

    the minter

  39. I am going to the Jewish controlled Starbucks for some coffee.

  40. Don't go to Jaimaca, so my travel agent said.

    You are just a target.

    the minter

  41. If they don't have an X-Bold on tap take their Bold, and have them throw in a shot os Espresso.

  42. There is no such thing as a "nationalistic" people called "Palestine". Never has been.

    It's a created by the Brits.

    In fact there aint even a P in arabic.

    The Palmer report did infact show that Israel's blockaid of the disputed lands called "gaza" was legal.

    Gaza is not a state, it is not a member of any UN body.

    It is run by Hamas, you know those fun loving fatah tossing Islamic goons that are not know for life or liberty.

    The stopping of a ship, bound for Gaza, by Israel is and was totally legal. Not piracy. Israel gained no booty. Unlike the true pirates of the med, the moslems, Israel sought to stop arms getting to terrorists. In the specific case that Turkey is getting it's panties in a wad about? 9 "activists" (one American, Let's not forget that "son of sam" was an American) armed with pistols, firebombs, iron clubs and knives were shot and killed.

    Now, in AMerica, if the police were surrounded by a similar VIOLENT crowd, armed with the same "tools" of the trade, the out come would have been the same but many more would have been killed.

    After all in America, out National Guard has shot and killed unarmed protesters at Kent State. Compare that to Israelis rope propelling down into a crowd of "activists" (some who actually produced martyr videos BEFORE leaving Turkey) trying to stop the ship.

    Israel was wrong, It should have tear gassed the entire ship 1st. It should not have put it's people into a hostile crowd armed with paint ball guns and 3 (three) 9m pistols.

    The Powell Doctrine calls for overwhelming force to subdue an enemy.

    Israel should have landed 100 or more on the ship at once.

    The fact that one American violent criminal got shot several times? Too bad.

    Israel has captured over 300 TONS of weapons via ships that have been attempted to be smuggled into an ACTIVE war zone.

    Gaza is not a state.

    Turkey has no problems in going into Iraq and bombing civilians intentionally. Last week, 89 different targets inside Iraqi lands sere bombed. Many civilians were targeted. And not a peep...

    The Kurds? A real people, occupied, by Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria.

    Cyprus? A real people, Occupied and ethnically cleansed by Turkey...

    The solution is simple....

    Stop supporting the opec nations with cash for oil

    As for all the personal digs that our very own Rat makes about me? Come on folks, he is a self confessed killer. Murdered people in Central America as a "contract killer" for Ollie North, or at least that's what he was bragging about before he got called on it....

    Now he claims innocence..

    Deuce the Blog owner claims no knowledge of the dirty deeds, so I guess that makes it a fact?

    Or is really Rat just a liar and a blowhard?

    either way? he is a supported of the seed of Ishmael.

  43. It's starting to look like the '70's, more and more.

    US risks being 'toxic' over Palestinian veto: Saudi prince
    (AFP) – 18 hours ago
    WASHINGTON — The United States must back a Palestinian bid for UN recognition of statehood or risk becoming "toxic" in the Arab world and forcing a split with ally Saudi Arabia, a top Saudi diplomat warned Monday.

    If Washington imposes its veto when the Palestinians seek to become the 194th member state of the United Nations then "Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has," former Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki al-Faisal wrote.

    He warned in a commentary in the The New York Times that a US veto would see American influence decline, "Israeli security undermined and Iran will be empowered, increasing the chances of another war in the region."

    "The 'special relationship' between Saudi Arabia and the United States would increasingly be seen as toxic by the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims, who demand justice for the Palestinian people."

    Saudi leaders would be forced therefore to "adopt a more independent and assertive regional policy," he warned, pointing to such incidents as Riyadh's recent military intervention in Bahrain

    A Saudi Ambassador Warns

  44. There is no sense in arguing that there is no state called Palestine, because if the UN says there is, Palestine will be a state.

    Israel declared that it was a state on 14 May 1948.

    By inference, Israel was not a state on 13 May 1948.

    On 11 May 1949, Israel took its seat as the 59th member of the United Nations. That was UN confirmation that Israel was a state.

    The exact confirmation can be bestowed on Palestine.

    That which is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  45. The current leaders of Turkey have steered their nation back to the past.

    As recently as 50 days ago, over 100 Generals and their top assistants have resigned.

    The current government of Turkey is Islamist.

    It seeks to regain it's historic seat of the Caliphate.

    ANd let's all remember it was the ottomans that murdered over a million armenians.

    it was the ottomans that invaded europe.

    it was the ottomans that hijacked the American ships the Betsey and the Philadelphia in 1783 and caused America to become United.

  46. Deuce said...
    There is no sense in arguing that there is no state called Palestine, because if the UN says there is, Palestine will be a state.

    Israel declared that it was a state on 14 May 1948.

    By inference, Israel was not a state on 13 May 1948.

    On 11 May 1949, Israel took its seat as the 59th member of the United Nations. That was UN confirmation that Israel was a state.

    The exact confirmation can be bestowed on Palestine.

    That which is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

    You didnt READ what I wrote...

    There is no Historic people called Palestine.

    There is no P in arabic.

    Now if the UN does create a nation and calls it

    Then it will be a fact that the UN has created, on paper a nation.

    Just as if the Crips and the Bloods got a nation, I could argue that there never was a Cripian nation or people.

    As for the UN? They also created the fact that Zionism was racism, another fact that they un-did.

    If the fake thugs called "palestinians" wangle a a state?

    So be it.

    If they do it by unilateral action at the UN, so be it.

    But the law of unintended consequences will apply.

    All previous agreements with Israel will become null and void.

    and me personally? I would love to see a violent, terrorist state called Palestine to come into being...

    I call that a target rich environment.

    War is hell....

    The day after Palestine is created, the Palestinians will seek thru war, the liberation of disputed lands...

    Then hopefully a real war will solve the Palestinian issue once and for all....

  47. The UN should create a Kurdish nation, they are a real people and have been for thousands of years....

    The squatting arabs that call themselves "Palestinians" good luck becoming a real nation....

    But the fact is the arabs do not view the concept of nationalism like the west does...

    After all it was America in the late 1800's that had to teach the egyptians about the concept of being a nation.

    The islamic/arab world does not think in nations, example abound...

    Tribes and Clans rule just under the unified leadership of the Caliphate.

    independent nations?

    not the way Americans think....

    it's about land control for the arabs and islam

    no matter what lands the Israelis cede for the formula "land for peace" there never will be peace as long as Israel is...

    Islam cannot tolerate it...

    a simple examination of every "palestinian"group's logo will show a "palestine" from the river to the sea, no israel.

    text books (paid for by America) that teach palestinian children refer to tel aviv as "occupied"

    no, this is a prelude to war...

    but the arabs are arabs, they are the seed of ishmael, they cannot help themselves...

    war is coming...

  48. Two of the people who led Israel to statehood and became the country's leaders: David Ben-Gurion, head of the Jewish Agency, was chosen as the first prime minister; and Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Zionist Organization, was elected by the Knesset as the first president.

    Ben-Gurion, whose real name was David Grüen, and was born in Płońsk, Poland. Chaim Weizmann was born in Motol, Russia.

    Your arguments that there is no Palestine and the people that have lived there for generations is patently intellectually dishonest and absurd.

    Nothing demonstrates the absurdity more than the fact that the two founders of Israel were Polish and Russian born.

  49. dwuce:
    Your arguments that there is no Palestine and the people that have lived there for generations have no right to a state, is patently dishonest and intellectually absurd.

    Nothing demonstrates the absurdity than the fact that the two founders of Israel were Polish and Russian born.

    No, it is a fact, there never has been a nation or a people called palestine. at least not until 1967.

    There was a nation of Israel. A people who created the land and it's history, the Jews.

    Dont like it?

    to bad....

    To compare Jewish rights in the middle east to the rights of arab squatters THAT ALREADY CONTROL 899/900 OF THE MIDDLE EAST IS DISHONEST.

    The arabs already have 21 nations. (many according to themselves are brit and french creations)

    As for living there for generations?

    so what?

    that doesnt make them a nation....

  50. deuce: Nothing demonstrates the absurdity more than the fact that the two founders of Israel were Polish and Russian born.

    It is apparent your knowledge of the land called Israel is lacking.

    Please go learn some history, you sound like a nitwit.

  51. "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a
    Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle
    against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality
    today there is no difference between Jordanians,
    Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and
    tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of
    a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand
    that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian
    people' to oppose Zionism.

    "For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state
    with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa.
    While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa,
    Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we
    reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even
    a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

    (PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in a 1977
    interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)

  52. This fact is also clearly expressed in the covenant of Fatah,
    the ruling faction of the PLO:

    The Movement's Essential Principles:
    Article (1) Palestine is part of the Arab World, and the
    Palestinian people are part of the Arab Nation, and their
    struggle is part of its struggle.

  53. I love the ideas that this blog puts forth...

    SO let me get this straight...

    If a people live for generations, no matter when or how they got there, decide on nationhood they should get it?

    So tell me oh great and wise blog leader....

    what will you say when the hispanics of sw America decide to take lands and create a new nation out of their wants?

    be careful of what double standards you put on Israel as they will bite you in the ass...

  54. I support the concept of Palestine.

    I really do....

    I love the fact that an Arab nation has a name that cannot be said in it's native arabic tongue.

    I actually cant wait to watch the creation of another corrupt, homophobic, murderous nation to consume it's people like saddam hussein and wood chippers....

    I cant wait to see israeli arabs leave israel and move to their new Palestine....


    it's going to be a clusterfuck and I have popcorn... lots of popcorn

  55. Now what will be interesting is who will PAY for Palestine?

    No other nation on the planet gets 40 -50 % of it's budget from direct aid...

    The lion's share of the aid comes from the European Union and the United States. According to estimates made by the World Bank The Palestinian Authority received $525 million of international aid in the first half of 2010, $1.4 billion in 2009 and $1.8 billion in 2008.[52] Foreign aid is the "main driver" of economic growth in the Palestinian territories.[52] According to the International Monetary Fund, the unemployment rate has fallen as the economy of Gaza grew by 16% in the first half of 2010, almost twice as fast as the economy of the West Bank.[53]
    In July 2010, Germany has outlawed a major Turkish-German donor group, the Internationale Humanitaere Hilfsorganisation (IHH), unaffiliated to the Turkish: İnsani Yardım Vakfı (İHH)[54] that sent the Mavi Mamara aid vessel, saying it has used donations to support projects in Gaza that are related to Hamas, which is considered by the European Union to be a terrorist organization,[55][56] while presenting their activities to donors as humanitarian help. German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said, "Donations to so-called social welfare groups belonging to Hamas, such as the millions given by IHH, actually support the terror organization Hamas as a whole."[55][56]

    Let the games begin!!!!!!!!!

  56. If a people live for generations, no matter when or how they got there, decide on nationhood they should get it?

    The population of Palestine in 1947 was 1,845,000. Only 33% were Jews, and 67% were non-Jews. The UN partition proposal of November 29, 1947 recommended giving 56% of the land to Jews and 44% of the land to non-Jews. Jerusalem was to be divided into roughly equal parts of 100,000 people from each side. In the months before Israel declared itself a state in May 1948, the Zionists seized land beyond the proposed Jewish State and engaged in ethnic cleansing, expelling 300,000 Arabs from the lands assigned to them by the UN. Now, sixty-three years later, it's the turn of the non-Jews to declare their own state unilaterally, but anyone who views this as setting the historical balances aright is a "Nazi" who "hates Jews".

  57. Teresita said...
    If a people live for generations, no matter when or how they got there, decide on nationhood they should get it?

    The population of Palestine in 1947 was 1,845,000. Only 33% were Jews, and 67% were non-Jews. The UN partition proposal of November 29, 1947 recommended giving 56% of the land to Jews and 44% of the land to non-Jews.

    Stop there sweetie!!!!

    Go back to the League of Nations for standing law on the Statehood of israel....

  58. Ms T:

    In the months before Israel declared itself a state in May 1948, the Zionists seized land beyond the proposed Jewish State and engaged in ethnic cleansing, expelling 300,000 Arabs from the lands assigned to them by the UN.

    Just how many jews were expelled from their lands in the same area by the arabs?

    Come on sweetie, you know better than that one...

    try again....


    Who accepted the UN plan?

    Israel who declared war?

    The arab nations!!!

    Come on...

    try better toots....

  59. MST: Now, sixty-three years later, it's the turn of the non-Jews to declare their own state unilaterally, but anyone who views this as setting the historical balances aright is a "Nazi" who "hates Jews".

    No, again you try to hard sweetie...

    Israel did not unilaterally declare a state.

    The arabs REJECTED STATEHOOD several times...

    Try harder easy rider, try harder...

    I view those that advocate the destruction of the Jewish people and their right to live in Israel (as a Jewish state, open to all faiths, but Jewish by design and character) nazis...

    But if the swastika fits? Wear it...

  60. There is no League of Nations.

    Another chapter in the fiction the Story of "o" tries to sell to the ignorant as non-fiction.

  61. Interesting, more ARABS live in Israel today than the entire area in 1948...

    in fact 20% os Israel is arab...

    600,000 jews driven from the arab world in 1948...


    In the arab world there are fewer than 10,000 jews.

    and btw sweetie, I love the way you portray the "zionists" driving out 300,00 arabs...

    historic revisionism at it's finest...

    How's that swastika holding up ?

    Tell me, I heard a rumor that female nazis were lesbians much of the time...

    any truth?

  62. No one but the Story of "o" mentions the destruction of the "Jewish" people.

    While, since 1948 it is the Israeli that have murdered over 1,000,000 Jewish souls.

    The Chief Rabbinate of Israel describes the actions taken by Israeli as the murder of Jewish souls.

    A reasonable man would have to figure the Rabbinate would know the murder of Jewish souls, when it sees it.

    It sees it, in Israel.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. desert rat said...
    There is no League of Nations.

    Another chapter in the fiction the Story of "o" tries to sell to the ignorant as non-fiction.

    Your pornographic references to my "what is Occupation" speaks highly to your actual persona...

    as for the League of Nations. As you like to tell us what happens in Central America stays in Central America. When you were doing "black ops" and killing people you have said that it didnt break any laws since you never were caught...

    Yep the League of Nations doesnt exist anymore, but sadly for you international laws and treaty simply do not just disappear because something NEW comes down the pike.

    The International agreements put down in the League of Nations for the ex-turkish occupied and then british occupied lands in the middle east called for a state given to the jews that included all of the west bank, gaza, jerusalem and jordan.

    if discussing what happened in the land PRE-UN mandate for the creation of the state of Israel one MUST know history, all of it.

    Not just selected mis edits...

    the arabs ethnically cleansed the area in the 1910's to the 1920's of Jews, so to quote population figures about 25 years latter is disingenuous.

    But to make it simple for you.

    Israel accepted statehood...

    The collective arab world said no...

    this is a fact jack.....


    a fake nationalistic people has been given the green light to get a nation.


    if nationhood was that easy....

    good luck to your pals the palestinians, the 9th wonder of the world.. a people without a real ID...



    Good luck with that stillborn...

  65. Israel must be disbanded, to save Judaism from extinction.

    The second genocide of Jews in the 20th century has already occurred, in Israel.

    The first genocide of Jews in the 21st century is taking place, as we speak, in Israel.
    Over 500,000 Jewish souls murdered since the dawn of the New Millennium, in Israel.

  66. desert rat said...
    Israel must be disbanded, to save Judaism from extinction.

    The second genocide of Jews in the 20th century has already occurred, in Israel.

    The first genocide of Jews is taking place, as we speak, in Israel.
    Over 500,000 Jewish souls murdered since the dawn of the New Millennium, in Israel.


    back to abortion again????


    you are to funny....

    did you wife or daughter abort a jewish fetus?

    is that what this is really about?

    did they fuck around on you and get a jew baby in their tummy?

    some jew dick fucking your daughter or wife?

    or maybe YOU?

    Yes that's it!!!!!

    Some Jewish Gay guy turned you down and your still hung up over him?

    Rat and a Jew dick sitting in the tree... Kissing of course...

    Now before you go calling ME a pornographic nitwit...

    you do understand that your calling me "story of "o" opens you up to the rules for radicals theory..

    but it you my sick twisted horse fucking asshole that is the sick bastard here....

    really you are one sick fuck...

    desert rat said...
    Israel must be disbanded, to save Judaism from extinction.

    desert rat said...
    The twin towers were a border raid....

    one sick puppy....

  67. Interesting that the number of Jewish souls murdered in Israel in the 21st century roughly balances out the immigrant wave from Russia, in the 1990's.

    Not enough room for everyone, the government of Israel importing Nuremberg Standard "Jews", while murdering the souls of those conceived in Israel.

  68. The Attacks of 11SEP01 were a border raid.

    In the classic sense.

    Just as the Israeli bombing of the Osirak reactor in Iraq, was a cross border raid.

    In the case of 11SEP01, it was not a domestic attack, the platoon sized raiding element, it came from across our borders.

    It was not an act of war, as no Nation State was "officially" involved.

    It was a border raid.

    The British had great experiences during the Empire days. Travel being more difficult, most attacks occurred amongst the wogs, not in the Homeland.

    A contemporaneous example of this, the recent raid on Bombay. Another raid emanating from Pakistani controlled territory, by "Stateless Souls".

    Not an act of war.
    But more than a common criminal occurrence.

    A border raid.

  69. Perhaps reading a little Kipling will broaden your vocabulary.

    The Ballad of East and West aptly describes the historic norm of raiding.

    OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
    Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
    But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
    When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!

  70. Poor Rat....
    spends his days as he states "Riding horses in the national park"



    A true animal lover the rat is....


  71. desert rat said...
    Interesting that the number of Jewish souls murdered in Israel in the 21st century roughly balances out the immigrant wave from Russia, in the 1990's.

    Not to worry ole ratboy...

    I done reproduced a couple of times....

    and we dont work on volume...

    but quality.

  72. rat:
    Just as the Israeli bombing of the Osirak reactor in Iraq, was a cross border raid.

    but there was already a state of war ratboy...

  73. Gangs, like aQ or MS-13 are not countries. Though they may, often, be used as agents of governments.

    But then, there is always "Plausible Deniability", when they are.

  74. Rat obsesses about the number of fetuses "murdered by jews on jews" in israel since 1948...

    Rat are you next going to count spilled seed too?

    There are Jews in the world.
    There are Buddhists.
    There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
    There are those that follow Mohammed, but
    I've never been one of them.

    I'm a Roman Catholic,
    And have been since before I was born,
    And the one thing they say about Catholics is:
    They'll take you as soon as you're warm.

    You don't have to be a six-footer.
    You don't have to have a great brain.
    You don't have to have any clothes on. You're
    A Catholic the moment Dad came,


    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite irate.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite irate.

    Let the heathen spill theirs
    On the dusty ground.
    God shall make them pay for
    Each sperm that can't be found.

    Every sperm is wanted.
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed
    In your neighbourhood.

    Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
    Spill theirs just anywhere,
    But God loves those who treat their
    Semen with more care.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,...
    ...God get quite irate.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    BRIDE and GROOM:
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed...
    ...In your neighbourhood!

    Every sperm is useful.
    Every sperm is fine.
    God needs everybody's.
    MOURNER #1:
    MOURNER #2:
    And mine!
    And mine!

    Let the Pagan spill theirs
    O'er mountain, hill, and plain.
    God shall strike them down for
    Each sperm that's spilt in vain.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed
    In your neighbourhood.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite iraaaaaate!

  75. Still a cross border raid, Story.

    The modern US Army Rangers were developed as a "Raiding" force.

    In WWII the US fielded Merrill's Mauraders, a raiding force.

    1 a short attack on a place intended to cause damage but not take control:

  76. I stand corrected, a short border raid, nuking the enemy qualifies...

    but we all KNOW that you used the words "short border raid" as a way of minimizing 911...

    what a turd you are..

    was that clear enough for you rat the wordsmith?

    you are a turd...

  77. Words have meaning
    It was a raid.

    English is the language we use.

    Your ignorance is excused, again.

  78. The Royal Marines raided the occupied coast of Europe.

    There is nothing demeaning, in the truth.

    The attacks of 11SEP01 was not an invasion, not a siege, not an occupation, no, it was none of those.

    In military parlance, it was a raid.

    That the attackers were from across the borders of the US, makes it a cross border raid.

    If the truth conflicts with your personal hubris, so what.
    The truth often hurts.

  79. 1-800-QUIRK

    Damn, I'm in the last Jewish controlled telephone booth in Boise.

    Where the fuck is Quirk.

    He was spossed to be here by now.

    I'm blinged to the tooth but ain't got no ride south.

    My TrillionDollarCasinoCoins are heavy in my pants....QUIRK!!

    the minter

  80. Get some sleep, rat.


  81. The Kamikaze pilots of Japan, were suicide raiders, too.
    Also using flying bombs to attack US targets.

    The victims of those raiders, not demeaned by that reality.

    The operation that took out Osama, in Pakistan, was a raid.
    It does not diminish the importance of that particular target, nor does the reputation of SEAL Team 6 suffer, to be described as raiders.
    It is what they do, and well.

  82. It is not time to sleep, boobie.

    It is time to call for action.
    For the US to more actively support our NATO allies in their endeavors to maintain and expand whirled peace and security.

    As we did in Libya we can do anywhere in the Mediterranean, when our NATO partners take the lead.

    Especially to secure the safe passage of US citizens and those of our Treaty allies on the open sea.

  83. It is time for you to sleep, rat, you've got that early morning frustration syndrome again.

    But take a big B.M. first cause you're full of shit, again.


  84. .

    Deuce has described the Turks under Erdogen correctly.

    Erdogen is a dick.

    Now Turkey is trying to draw the US further into Erdogen's power play.

    Turkey Pushes for US Drones in Fight Against PKK

    The entire Eastern Med is filled with dicks and we should wash our hands of all of them.


  85. Yes, we should, Q.

    All we need is a domesticly produced fuel source, for our fleet of over 300 million vehicles.

    1.5 million barrels per day, plus or minus, would free US of the Middle East.

    44 gallons per barrel.

  86. And Golda came from Russia too, and I had thought she had taught in the Chicago school system, but it may have been in Milwaukee.

    What the fuck, I love them peoples.


  87. Works out to be about 2,200 commercial ethanol distilleries.

    The latest, state of the art distillery built with loan guarantees of $110 million, or there about.

    I'd imagine the unit cost could drop, if there was an effort to build out 2,200 distilleries, across the farm belt.


  88. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ...

  89. Nearly the entire eastern med is filled with dicks, and we should wash our hands of all the muzziers.

    posted from a telephone booth

    (the jews elected - o my god, my god --a WOMAN)

  90. May thou get there
    With utmost speed


  91. Have you found that professional diagnostician?

  92. There is something really disgusting and shameful about a wonderful poetic line being shat upon by a turd.

    It's sad when the best gets corrupted.


  93. Premature dementia, well maybe yours is not so premature, aye?

    Find a professional, it'll help.

  94. desert rat said...

    You'll be dead, first, boobie.

    Tue Sep 13, 12:35:00 PM EDT

    But you see. Or rather don't see.

    That death is a beginning, as I have been trying to teach you, all these years, Caliban.

    You are a hard learner.

    A very stubborn student.

    But, the gentle finger of the Lord brings up the laggards.


  95. Truly, our bard had it right, it is hard, o so hard, to teach Caliban.


  96. .

    All we need is a domesticly produced fuel source, for our fleet of over 300 million vehicles.

    The link is tenuous. Oil is a fungible commodity. We import twice as much oil from Canada as we do from the Saudi's. As much from Mexico as SA. Almost as much from both Nigeria and Venezuela.

    People use 'protecting the oil' as a rationale for all our misadventures around the world.

    Pure bullshit.

    As far as those 2200 refineries. Ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Wake up and smell the coffee.


  97. “To have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just wrong,” Bachmann said. “Little girls who have a negative reaction to this potentially dangerous drug don’t get a mulligan.”

    - Michelle Bachmann

    Let's see:

    Young girls, some as early have sex starting at the age of 12.

    About half of all 9-12th grade female students have had sex.

    Approximately four million teens contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) each year.

    Michelle Bachmann thinks it is wrong to save any of the four million infected annually from an STD.

    Presidential material if ever there was one.

  98. .

    Anonymous said...
    Nearly the entire eastern med is filled with dicks, and we should wash our hands of all the muzziers.

    posted from a telephone booth

    (the jews elected - o my god, my god --a WOMAN)

    Tue Sep 13, 12:30:00 PM EDT

    Bob, you have been ranting for three days straight and I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


  99. They will all turn against Israel in the end days, isnt that what the Bible said?


  100. Oh, I've smelled the coffee, Q.

    I know it is not going to happen.
    Not soon, anyway.

    As long as we are importing 1.5 million barrels of oil, from the ME, we are tied to it, at the hip.

    Imports from within North America are not comparable to those from Saudi Arabia. Especially from a security viewpoint.

    To a lesser degree, economic security. The money stays in the neighborhood, even if it's not on the block. Where as sending the funds to Saudi Arabia takes it out of our hemisphere. Far from our natural sphere of natural influence, first enunciated by President Monroe.

    As for boob, he needs professional help.

  101. You have a talking Bible?

    Cassette or CD?

  102. Can we download the Bible to an IPod?

  103. I want to go on another adventure, Quirk, though you left me in Vegas last ime, I got the big bling, we share, I've minted TrillionDollarCoins, from the ratmint, I'm in the phone booth in Boise, have you lost your spunk and quirky mind???

    I got to go back to bed, I've got to talk to my lawyer in two hours.

    I feel for you Quirk, when a man loses his sense of adventure.....

    Got to talk to my lawyer lady about big real estate deal...


  104. Where o where is the old Quirkster of Yesteryear?


  105. Mexico, Canada and even Hugo, all together, do not an extra 1.5 million barrels available, every day.

    It is not a matter of there being an alternate source, unless we create it, whole clothe.

    Which could be done.

  106. .

    Re: Michelle Bachman

    I disagree with you on the issue you mentioned Deuce for two reasons.

    1. On personal rights. The government may have a responsibility to prevent child abuse. However, a Texas governor doesn't have the right to determine what is abuse.

    2. One man doesn't determine what is right for the entire population of Texas. Perry's mandate was rejected by the public and then overturned by Legislature.

    More government overreach to my mind.

    Now if want to talk about Bachman's qualifications for president, I think that comment the Daily Show put up the other day is more appropriate.

    "What do are kids really need most? Jobs."


  107. .

    Imports from within North America are not comparable to those from Saudi Arabia. Especially from a security viewpoint.


    (In my opininion of course.)


  108. Quirk, please, it's simple, on rathole's advice I minted up some TrillionDollarCoins, but no one will take them, and I'm in a telephone booth in Boise, the last Jewish controlled booth of all, and I need a goddamned ride, south.

    If you let me down again.......


  109. Not at all ridiculous, Q.

    How many US troops garrison the US/Canada border region?

    How many US troops are on the US?Mexico border region?

    More, but they are not there on a security mission.

    But in Kuwait, Bahrain and Iraq we maintain a large expeditionary footprint, in part to secure the Region from internal and external threats.

  110. The US Navy maintains quite a fleet, in that Middle Eastern region.
    More than are in the Gulf of Mexico..

  111. We're there, because we need to be there, to continue to have 25% of the GDP of the whirled.

    Those 1.5 million barrels per day are essential, today, to maintain our quantitative edge.

  112. Until that fuel source is replaced, we're there, for the duration.

  113. .

    But in Kuwait, Bahrain and Iraq we maintain a large expeditionary footprint, in part to secure the Region from internal and external threats.

    True enough, a projection of empire. However, like others here you imply it is there solely to protect the oil.

    As I said ridiculous (and simplistic).


  114. .

    Until that fuel source is replaced, we're there, for the duration.

    If you think us becoming energy independant would remove the footprint I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

    What would remove the footprint is technology (drones, etc.) which remove need for the massive footprint, the political will (purging ourselves of the neocons philosphy that calls for us to spread democracy around the world), and fiscal responsibility (realizing that we can't continue to spend more than the rest of the world combined on the military).


  115. (purging ourselves of the neocons philosphy that calls for us to spread democracy around the world)

    O for Christ's dear sake, what the hell should we be spreading about the world?

    Is the ozone layer really really that low/high in Detroit now?


    the minter

  116. The Quirkster has lost his sense of humor and needs a big BIG brake.

    He is going downhill.

    risky politico

  117. As simplistic as is going to be ironed out, here, Q.

    While all you say is true, we will be doing more, better, with less.

    I would remind you that prior to the "oil days" the Brits maintained a colonial footprint, there, which was relatively light.

    Though they were wiped out to the man, a time, two or three.

    Though that occurred in Afghanistan and Africa, not Arabia.

  118. Turkey, a place where democracy is breaking out, in spades.

    Not another military coup in sight.

    "an important example for the people in the broader Middle East."

    GW was correct

  119. O for Godsakes you idiots, out of necessity and modern commerce we will be having, long after the minter is dead, relationships with all these countries, and we should be trying to lighten things up, and spread a little democracy around/

    On the other hand, I've always likedd the idea of being a Prince....

    Grow UP

    the coin minter

  120. You know nothing about Perry!!!

    The real issue is this guy is a fraud. He was chairman of Al Gore's campaign years ago, he's all about globalization, one world government. He's not even really a Republican. He's a total phony. Look how he's acting with the TSA groping issues. The votes are there Rick, come out and admit you're a a globalist. Not to mention he was caught at Bilderberg bowing down to the puppet masters just like Clinton, Bush and Obama. And Karl Rove has been grooming him. All this is available for you who think Perry is something special. Don't be fooled conservatives and republicans! as for you libs, there's no making you happy ever, so have a nice year.

  121. I doubt I could support Perry for president but believe in the innoculations of children for communicable dissease. We innoculate for measels and do not allow children in school with it. I doubt a hundred die a year in the US of measels.

    Obviously, it is much more dangerous as a communicable disease.

  122. the puppet masters


    They ain't no puppetmasters, cept in Detroit and Phoenix.

    And maybe Philly.

    Be a man

    Go your own way


  123. deuce: insane

    go to medical school

    read some law

    the government has an compelling interest in.....


    For dear Christ's sake....

    read some basic LAW


  124. but believe in the innoculations of children for communicable dissease.

    I missed that somehow, so I apologize.


  125. It is so well established in our law that the government has an - I can't think of the phrase -overwhelming right- a vested interest? - to do those things that are in our own best interests, like forceful innoculation, the 7TH Day Adventists be damned.


  126. .

    I would remind you that prior to the "oil days" the Brits maintained a colonial footprint, there, which was relatively light.

    You don't have to remind me rat. It has little to do with the main premise of our conversation which started out with your comment,

    Yes, we should, Q.

    All we need is a domesticly produced fuel source, for our fleet of over 300 million vehicles.


  127. The government has a

    "compelling interest"

    that is the legal phrase

    to intervene

    when some nitwit 7th Day Adventist

    is PRAYING for their child

    when a dose of drugs will do the tick

    government is hard, but not all bad



  128. .

    It is so well established in our law that the government has an - I can't think of the phrase -overwhelming right- a vested interest? - to do those things that are in our own best interests, like forceful innoculation, the 7TH Day Adventists be damned.

    Bob, all you have been giving us for the past couple days is bushwa and brain farts.

    If you knew anything about the subject you would know that Perry put out his mandate on his own, he didn't ask the public or the legislature. In the end he got slapped down by both.

    Don't talk to me about the government 'can'.

    The government did.


  129. .

    Not to mention he was caught at Bilderberg...

    Shit, I didn't think I could vote for Perry.

    This kinda changes things.


  130. Quirk, if you don't think it is a "brain fart" to think when you are on your death bed as a 7th Day Adventist child when your parents are praying for you, when a government ordered dose of medicine will do you some real good, then go to medical school, at say, Portland, Oregon to the autopsy lab.


  131. WTF is Bilderberg? I don't care to look it up right now. I am in the middle of applying to Law School.

  132. Idiot

    I've been there.

    Popped the scalp off of some dead DRUNK.

    In the med school at Portland. Oregon.

    Brains are not pretty thing to see.


  133. I am in the middle of applying to Law School.

    Idiot, you are too old.




  134. Q built them Detroit Muscle Cars, Rat. You'll never get through to him on "peak oil," or the advantages of home-grown ethanol.

    It's hard-wired out of him. :)

  135. But I am betting my deuce, deuce has one hell of a good lawyer.


  136. It's a meeting where they decide upon the future of the whirled, Deuce.

    Not sure if it is the one with the giant owl that becomes a bonfire, near San Francisco, or if it's one of those meetings in Switzerland.

    Diving deep into the Boner infrastructure.

  137. You're confusing the SDA nuts with Christian Scientist nuts.

  138. Mixed nuts, Ms T, boobie likes a little mix in his nuts.

  139. .


    You are a nitwit.

    First you start talking about the 'government has the right to...' When I point out that the government, the Texas House and Senate, shot down Perry's mandate doing what the 'government has the right to do' you change the subject to Seventh Day Adventists.

    The Seventh Day Adventists have nothing to do with this. It's not a religious issue. The drug Perry mandated was approved for general use in certain sexually mandated deseases a few months before Perry mandated its universal use in Texas.

    There has been no long-term testing on the drug to determine if there will be any long-term adverse effects. I'm sure your arguments would be well received by those women who took Thalidomide back in the day. As I recall it was a government approved drug before it was banned.

    I haven't followed the whole Perry mandate fiasco for a couple of years. Evidently, you never followed it at all.

    Here is a list of articles on the subject (from all perspectives),

    Rick Perry's Mandate

    Here is a cut from the first article,

    February 2007, Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed a shocking executive order forcing every sixth-grade girl to submit to a three-jab regimen of the Gardasil vaccine. He also forced state health officials to make the vaccine available "free" to girls ages 9 to 18. The drug, promoted by manufacturer Merck as an effective shield against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) and genital warts, as well as cervical cancer, had only been approved by the Food and Drug Administration eight months prior to Perry's edict.

    Gardasil's wear-off time and long-term side effects have yet to be determined. "Serious questions" remain about its "overall effectiveness," according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. Even the chair of the federal panel that recommended Gardasil for children opposes mandating it as a condition of school enrollment. Young girls and boys are simply not at an increased risk of contracting HPV in the classroom the way they are at risk of contracting measles or other school-age communicable diseases...

    Perry's Mandate

    The whole "innoculations are good" argument becomes silly in cases where the long term effects of these drugs hasn't been determined. There should be no mandates without that testing. If parents want their kids to take Gardisil, they have the legal right to do so.


  140. Speaking of the "Minx ON the nuts," barb, of course. :)

  141. .

    Q built them Detroit Muscle Cars, Rat

    Full disclosure.

    They also pay for my pension.



  142. .

    It's a meeting where they decide upon the future of the whirled, Deuce.

    Heck, Duece. Don't you remember my trip to Spain last year?


  143. .

    I've been there.

    Popped the scalp off of some dead DRUNK.

    Are you sure he was dead, and that it wasn't in the parking lot of the Alibi Inn rather than at the med school? You know how things get confused when you pop a few.

    This could be how rumors get started, like those of rat taking out people in Central America.


  144. Data released by the Census Bureau today showed the proportion of people living in poverty climbed to 15.1 percent last year from 14.3 percent in 2009, and median household income declined 2.3 percent. The number of Americans living in poverty was the highest in the 52 years since the U.S. Census Bureau began gathering that statistic. Those figures may have worsened in recent months as the economy weakened.

    “Families are struggling to put food on the table, and they don’t have the purchasing power to help the economy recover,” said Isabel Sawhill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

    Stagnating incomes and rising poverty will be at the heart of the 2012 presidential campaign that’s focusing on joblessness and will give added urgency to debates in Washington and statehouses across the U.S. over budget cuts to programs designed to protect families from hardship.

    The ranks of people in poverty increased to 46.2 million from 43.6 million. The last time the poverty rate reached 15.1 percent was in 1993. It climbed to 15.2 percent in 1983. Median household income in 2010 was $49,445, down from $50,599 the year before.

    Slip, Slidin', Away

  145. ... some light housekeeping ...

    Yasser Arafat was an Egyptian. Many within the Hamas leadership in Gaza are not "Palestinian" (that used to mean "Jew" until four decades ago).

    Mark this: The US is preparing to base Predators in Turkey. The deal will be done within a year.

    Other than that, I obviously have missed nothing. What a shame is that.

    How many "fucks" can be etched on the head of a heavenly pin. Isn't there some other epithet or insult that could fill in for a day or two. I feel like I'm in the middle school boys restroom.

  146. .

    I feel like I'm in the middle school boys restroom.

    Don't let the door hit you on your way out.


  147. One thing, Q: The American Car Companies are quite far ahead of the Foreign Manufacturers (except, possibly, Volvo) in Flexfuel Technology, and Planning.

    Ethanol is, almost certainly, a Positive for the security of your future pensions.

    The Japs are Way behind, having focused, almost entirely, on "Electric" cars.

  148. .

    I was kidding Ruf. You know that.

    Just as you also know I am not against ethanol.

    In moderation. :)


  149. unh, actually, you had me fooled. :)

    not the hardest thing in the world to do. :)

  150. .

    I've said it here many times, we will need all types of energy in the future, wind, solar, ethanol, oil, et al.

    Where I disagree with you and rat is in the belief that ethanol is the holy grail and can be brought on within the time frame you guys project.

    That shouldn't be taken as a bias against ethanol, merely my take on the facts as I see them.


  151. RE: Michelle Bachmann

    Maybe God told her it was immoral and that innocent 12 years olds don't have sex.

  152. The U.S. has done some remarkable things when it set its mind to it, Q. jes sayin.

  153. Today is my birthday. Very shortly I will be pulling my last bottle of '94 Stags Leap cab out of the cellar and celebrating my 56th year. It is a remarkable vintage and I will miss it. I would share it with you if you were here. No really, I would!

  154. The happens to be a small town, in Idaho, where a man shot a grizzly bear in his back yard, and the Federals are going to prosecute him for violating the Endangered Species Act.

    An interesting story about how the community is coming together to fund his defense.

    But ...
    Beyond that

    In Bonners Ferry, Idaho a town with 2,540 people and an unemployment rate of 14.5%, many residents say economic recovery is impossible in an area where the federal government owns 75% of the land.

    Just how boobie likes it, there in Idaho, because ...
    economic recovery is impossible in an area where the federal government owns 75% of the land.

  155. hehehe Quirk, it's getting hot in this phone booth, ain't you every goona show?


  156. economic recovery is impossible in an area where the federal government owns 75% of the land.

    Which is great, we got no economicy uppers and downers, no illegals, just a very few rightious Swedes hanging on through farming, lawyering, doctoring, an' shit.

    We print a little coin, from time to time, too\


  157. Print a book, once in while, or a learned legal opinion.


    mostly eat trout, or grouse

    and our teeth are white

  158. Most of them peoples in Bonners is rejects from California, you can take my word on it. Let them go back to LA, Vegas, or Philly.

    They have never added a thing to here.


  159. Federal District Judge Christopher C. Connor said the federal government cannot force individual citizens to buy products against their will, the newspaper said.


    The couple's lawsuit is one of dozens in various federal jurisdictions around the country challenging last year's federal health care overhaul.

    One or more of the cases could land at the Supreme Court as soon as its 2011-12 term, which ends in June 2012, or wait until the 2012-13 term, which would put the final resolution after the November 2012 presidential election.

  160. I think them peoples in
    Bonners come from Cali, the types we here said "don't Californicate Ideehoo" on our bumper stickers. and they set up cafes an' shit on the boardwalk, and tried to make a living off lattes and stuff, and glass goods, an' it didn't work out, an' now they whine, like Allen.


  161. "It puts people back to work and it puts more money in the pockets of working Americans," he said, adding, "Tens of thousands of construction workers will have a job again."

    He added later that the plan would save the jobs of "up to 14,000 Ohio teachers and cops and firefighters."

    "So let's tell Congress: pass this bill right away," Obama said, to chants of "Pass this bill!"

  162. They is a few loggers up in Bonners who went hard when the fed judges took over the forests, bless them, but the pot smokes went back south then too, those that still had a sense of direction, there never was all that much money in dealing soft shit.


  163. When I visited Europe in 2008 and before, the idea that Europe was not going to emerge as one united political entity was regarded as heresy by many leaders. The European enterprise was seen as a work in progress moving inevitably toward unification — a group of nations committed to a common fate.


    The tensions underlying Europe were bought to a head by German unification in 1871 and the need to accommodate Germany in the European system, of which Germany was both an integral and indigestible part. The result was two catastrophic general wars in Europe that began in 1914 and ended in 1945 with the occupation of Europe by the United States and the Soviet Union and the collapse of the European imperial system.


    The European Union was designed not simply to be a useful economic tool but also to be a means of European redemption. The focus on economics was essential.

    European Nationalism

  164. Businessman Herman Cain again stressed that he was the only non-politician on the stage. In response to criticism that he doesn’t know how Washington works, he said, “Yes I do,” he said.

    “It doesn’t. The American people are ready to do something bold.

    We need a bold solution to get this economy going.”

  165. They went back to
    Cali, stoned good, and voted democratic there, with the results you can see around you, if you is from there.


  166. While there have been many attacks in Kabul, this incident is one of the rare occasions that militants have demonstrated the capability to get extremely close to the heart of the Western military and intelligence presence in the Afghan capital. The ability to get numerous operatives armed with explosives and heavy guns into this area could not have been possible without the Taliban obtaining aid from Afghan security personnel posted in high-security areas.

    The attackers are unlikely to succeed in doing much damage, and they will likely be overpowered by coalition forces — a fact the planners of the attack knew in advance. The light weapons the attackers were armed with simply could not cause significant damage to a hardened facility such as the U.S. Embassy.

    Therefore, the attack was meant to be more of a psychological operation than a physical one. This attack, likely the work of the Haqqani network, is designed to undermine U.S. efforts to negotiate with the senior leadership of the Afghan Taliban movement.

  167. Four men were bragging about how smart their cats were.

    The first man was an Engineer,

    The second man was an Accountant,

    The third man was a Chemist, and
    The fourth man was a Government Employee.

    To show off, the Engineer called his cat, "T-square, do your stuff."

    T-square pranced over to the desk, took out some paper and pen and promptly drew a circle, a square, and a triangle.

    Everyone agreed that was pretty smart.

    But the Accountant said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said,

    "Spreadsheet, do your stuff."

    Spreadsheet went out to the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He divided them into 4 equal piles of 3 cookies.

    Everyone agreed that was good.

    But the Chemist said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said, "Measure, do your stuff."

    Measure got up, walked to the fridge, took out a quart of milk, got a 10 ounce glass from the cupboard and poured

    Exactly 8 ounces without spilling a drop into the glass.

    Everyone agreed that was pretty good.

    Then the three men turned to the Government Employee and said, "What can your cat do?"

    The Government Employee called his cat and said, "CoffeeBreak, do your stuff."

    CoffeeBreak jumped to his feet.......

    Ate the cookies........

    Drank the milk.....

    Sh*t on the paper.......

    Screwed the other three cats........

    Claimed he injured his back while doing so.

    Filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions.......

    Put in for Workers Compensation..................and
    went home for the rest of the day on sick leave............

  168. :)

    You ever been up to Bonners, Sam?


  169. There goes boobie, classifying those 2,400 folks as Californio druggies, you know, not "REAL" Idahoans.

    Everyone has to fill their preconceived role, in the mind of the boobie.

  170. I'm sure of I've been there as a kid but I don't remember. I do go to Priest every time I'm back home. Have relatives and old family friends that have lived there forever. Grandfather used to log up in there.

  171. Hadn't been to Bonner's Ferry since the 1970s, but I remembered it, same old brick buildings from 1909 or something. But you scoot around most of downtown on a new bridge now. Great little corner of the USA.

  172. The former Vice President has mainly stayed out of the limelight since his term ended in 2009 and declined to offer his perspective on the current presidential campaign.

    "I have not endorsed anyone. It depends on how the show goes," he said, adding the cast of GOP presidential hopefuls are "going to have to prove themselves."

    When asked how he would handle the politically divisive climate in Washington if he were in office today, he smiled and responded, "I would retire and write books."

  173. On the Democratic side, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and former President Bill Clinton recorded automated phone calls to voters for Mr. Weprin, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, who formerly represented the Ninth District in the House, campaigned with him, as did the City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn.

    The upset in New York came the same day that, in a special election in Nevada’s Second District, an open seat was won by the Republican Mark Amodei over the Democrat Kate Marshall. While Mr. Amodei’s win was hardly a surprise, the district has been held by a Republican since it was created in the 1980s, his defeat in the more Democratic leaning parts of the district demonstrated the challenge Democrats face in a country frustrated with high levels of joblessness and no near end in sight to the spate of economic woes.

    The New York loss is a particular embarrassment to Representative Steve Israel, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Mr. Israel just a few months ago had expressed hope that the Democrats could move to take back control of the House; now his party appears to be facing a challenge defending seats it already holds.

  174. The Dems have held NY-9 since 1922.
