Friday, September 30, 2011

Stairin' Through My Rear View


  1. II did not know who Tupac Shakur was until I saw the movie "Gang Related". I was mesmerized by the music and this song in particular. i never listened to rap. The story of Tupac Shakur is something right out of Shakespeare. I suppose there is something about him that I can relate to when I was a young man, as I did with George Forman and Mike Tyson. I'll let you know when I figure it out.

  2. From Nuclear nihilism to Shakepaerian Rap. All in a day's work. :)

  3. Tupak got shot in the balls by some soldiers of Biggie Smalls, and for a while he was OnePak. Of course, he's dead now.

  4. As is Biggie.

    Not a lot of upside to cruisin' "The Strip".

  5. I guess he should have spent a few more moments stairin' through his rear view.

  6. Looks like Assad may surf the wave.

    BEIRUT, Lebanon - Thousands of Syrians took to the streets on Friday in demonstrations that seemed to be dwindling in size ...

  7. WASHINGTON - US military chaplains can perform gay wedding ceremonies in states where it is legal, the Pentagon said Friday,

  8. "On the night of September 7, 1996, Shakur attended the Mike Tyson–Bruce Seldon boxing match at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. After leaving the match, one of Suge's associates spotted 21-year-old Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson, a member of the Southside Crips, in the MGM Grand lobby and informed Shakur, who then attacked Anderson. Shakur's entourage, as well as Suge and his followers, assisted in assaulting Anderson. The fight was captured on the hotel's video surveillance. Earlier that year, Anderson and a group of Crips had robbed a member of Death Row's entourage in a Foot Locker store, precipitating Shakur's attack."

  9. What you gonna do when they come for you?

    On March 9, 1997, Wallace (Biggie Smalls) was killed by an unknown assailant in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles. His double-disc set Life After Death, released 15 days later, hit #1 on the U.S. album charts and was certified Diamond in 2000

    Those that glorify living by the gun, often die that way.

    Bad boys, bad boys ....

  10. Secure the United States or Afghanistan.

    Looks like Afghanistan has a higher priority, with the Federals

    In Dr. Paul's own words:

    Immigration reform should start with improving our border protection, yet it was reported last week that the federal government has approved the recruitment of 120 of our best trained Border Patrol agents to go to Iraq to train Iraqis how to better defend their borders! This comes at a time when the National Guard troops participating in Operation Jump Start are being removed from border protection duties in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan! It is an outrage and it will result in our borders being more vulnerable to illegal entry, including by terrorists.

  11. Dr. Paul equates the Fed with deeply-in-debt parents sending their teenagers out with credit cards and blank checks. Dr. Paul's ultimate goal would be to see the Fed end, yet he would not act rashly. What his focus would be is a full and complete audit of the Fed, as Congress is currently unable to audit the Fed. Dr. Paul would commit to passing legislation that requires transparency and accountability from the Fed. At this time, the Fed can keep secret to whom they are lending trillions of taxpayers' dollars. If the Fed is handling American money responsibly, for what reason would they refuse to open their books? We American citizens are all subject to audits from the IRS, but the U.S. central bank is not? Please take three minutes to watch this amazing video of Bernie Sanders asking Ben Bernanke, where $2.2 trillion of taxpayer money is. Bernanke will not answer the question and will not disclose where $2.2 trillion went, and he doesn't have to.

  12. The stonewall at the Federal Reserve:

    Senator Sanders asks Bernanke WHERE IS THE MONEY!!!

    No answer is forthcoming.

    $2.2 trillion, it'd be "counter productive" for the taxpayers to know. At least according to Mr B.

  13. Where that $2,2 trillion went, classified above "Top Secret".

  14. Christie left the door to 2012 open "a sliver..."

    But how is that fat fuck going to get through it?

  15. Fred Thompson sez:

    Obama calls America a "great country that had gotten a little soft."

    Congratulations, Mr. President, you've definitely made things a lot harder.

  16. Rat you seem to be embracing the Ron Paul flavor of Libertarianism with both arms flung wide!

  17. Once you realize that jobs bills don't actually create jobs, you become very comfortable opposing all jobs bills.

    Launched from a barge off the U.S. coast, an EMP attack consisting of one nuclear warhead attached to a single missile might shut down much of the country and kill all except 30 million Americans. Such an attack has been described as “a ‘giant continental time machine’ that would move us back more than a century in technology to the late 1800s”—and effectively destroy our great nation...

  18. All this time, ash, I've known that Dr Paul was embracing my views, not the other way 'round.

    That his polling is showing slow recognition of the validity of the positions, proof they'll never gain a majority.

    Q and boob, both love that National Bank and the secrets they keep.
    No getting 'round that.

  19. "It's like [Republicans'] ideal candidate is a rare, super-heavy element that could only exist in a particular particle accelerator. And even then, only for a fraction of a second before you all remembered how much you hate science."
    --Jon Stewart

  20. You removed the list of names!


    Now when your select group of experts make the statements that you should be so proud of, they have the full backing of the bar..

  21. You removed the list of names!

    Thank you Deuce for retaining the Nazi lesbian on your list of names.

  22. Teresita said...
    You removed the list of names!

    Thank you Deuce for retaining the Nazi lesbian on your list of names.

    Dont forget replacement theology, jew hating bitch...

    Oh yeah and supposed cancer patient...

    I am sure we will hear of her miracle recovery real soon....

  23. .

    Oh yeah and supposed cancer patient...

    What, no self-serving translation for us stupid folk?


  24. Quirk said...

    Oh yeah and supposed cancer patient...

    What, no self-serving translation for us stupid folk?

    Sure... Ms t is a Fraud...

    I doubt she as any cancer....

    Is that clear enough for ya?

    She can fling arrows at Jews, Christians and Fat people but gets pissy when someone doubts her illness?
