Friday, September 16, 2011

Now This Was a Surprise: Obama Installing US Missile Shield in Turkey

Turkey agrees to host U.S. radar site, a key piece of Europe missile shield

By Craig Whitlock, Published: September 15 Washington Post

The Obama administration signed accords this week with three NATO allies to host cornerstones of a missile shield over Europe, including a highly sought-after deal with Turkey that will allow the installation of a U.S. radar station close to Iran.

After nearly two years of talks with Washington, Turkey’s Foreign Ministry announced Wednesday that it would allow the U.S. military to operate a high-powered X-band radar station in Malatya province, about 400 miles west of the Iranian border. Along with similar radars deployed on U.S. Navy ships in the Mediterranean Sea, the station is intended to provide early warning of missile launches from Iran.

Turkey signed the agreement despite heavy political pressure from Iran and another neighbor, Russia, which have criticized the missile shield as a stalking horse to neutralize their own defenses. Iran’s Foreign Ministry assailed Turkey’s decision, saying it would “create tension” and cause “complicated consequences.”

Turkey has sought to maintain friendly relations with Russia and Iran under its self-described “no problems with neighbors” policy. In this instance, however, the government in Ankara sided with the United States and its other NATO allies. Turkey has been a member of the military alliance since 1952.

Obama administration officials portrayed the radar accord as a coup not only for their missile defense plans but also their efforts to bolster ties with Turkey, which had soured because of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

“This is probably the biggest strategic decision between the U.S. and Turkey over the past 10 to 15 years,” a senior Obama administration official said Thursday, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the negotiations.

With a booming economy, Turkey has become an increasingly influential force in diplomatic and business circles in the greater Middle East. In recent years, however, Turkey has burnished ties with Iran and Syria while cooling toward Europe, prompting concern in Washington.

Turkey’s deteriorating relations with Israel posed another hurdle in the talks with Washington.

Turkish officials had insisted that the U.S. military not share data from the radar with Israel, which sees itself at much higher risk of an Iranian missile attack. Turkey’s stance raised hackles on Capitol Hill, however, where several senators urged the White House to reject such restrictions.

Another senior administration official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the signed agreement with Turkey does not bar the United States from indirectly providing radar data to Israel.

“It’s understood that data from any U.S. radars and sensors around the world may be fused with other data to maximize the effectiveness of our missile defenses worldwide,” that official said. “Nothing in any of the agreements restricts our ability to defend the state of Israel.”

Although the early-warning radar in Turkey will primarily support NATO’s missile defenses in Europe, the station will be owned and operated by the U.S. government. The U.S. military operates a similar radar station in Israel and is looking to place another near the Persian Gulf.

Administration officials said there was “no quid pro quo” as part of the Turkey radar agreement. The United States and Turkey are holding separate talks over basing U.S. drones in Turkey to guide attacks against Kurdish militants — a high priority for Ankara.

Development of a European missile shield accelerated under the George W. Bush administration. In September 2009, Obama announced plans to construct a more extensive system in Europe that will be built in phases through 2020.

Under that system, a total of 48 missile interceptors will be based in Romania and Poland, starting in 2015 and 2018, respectively. The State Department finalized agreements with those countries this week.

At the same time, the Obama administration and NATO have been talking with Russia about the possibility of cooperating on missile defense. Moscow has been historically hostile to the idea of a missile shield in Europe and the discussions have slowed recently.

“Our bilateral dialogue with Washington, and with Brussels within the NATO framework, has been increasingly stalled,” said Alexander Lukashevich, a Foreign Ministry press spokesman, according to the Interfax news agency.

Special correspondent Will Englund in Moscow contributed to this report.


  1. Whoaa, first Shotgun Barack blasts Osama to Allahland and now he is putting a "US Star War" missile shield radar system in Turkey.

    Say what?


    The empire never sleeps.

  2. Not Everyone is Happy

    Turkey gains a radar, loses neighborly trust
    By Kaveh L Afrasiabi, Asia Times

    NEW YORK - Ankara's decision to host an anti-missile radar on its border has elicited strong objections from Tehran and Moscow, bringing Turkey closer to the West while exacting a heavy price on its valued relations with some of its eastern neighbors.

    A major concession to the United States' European arm of its global missile shield system, Turkey hosting an early-warning radar as part of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) defense system is bound to build a wall of distrust with countries such as Iran and Russia, which are cooperating on finding a suitable exit from crisis by the embattled Syrian regime.

    The radar would help protect against ballistic-missile threats and was part of a strategic initiative agreed on at a NATO summit in Lisbon last year, Turkey's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    In a sign of stiffening opposition to the radar, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Ramin Mehmanparast, has stated, "We stand up firmly against any issue that raises concern for our national security, such as the NATO radar in Turkey."


  3. According to Iranian military commander Farzad Esamili, X-band radar brings insecurity to the host nation. The openly anti-Iran radar, part of an integrated missile system known as THAAD, is designed to intercept medium-range missiles at very high altitudes and also in space. Once installed, it would provide additional security for Israel, which never tires of threatening to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

    Consequently, once installed the radar near Iranian territory may play a decisive role in Israel's decision to go ahead with planned attacks on Iran, thus serving as an instrument of war rather than pre-emption or security.

    By undermining the deterrent value of Iran's missiles, the radar will undoubtedly be factored into Israel's military calculations against Iran, which is why Tehran is so adamantly opposed to it; even more so than Russia, whose commentators and officials have condemned Turkey's embrace of the radar as definitely harmful to Russia's national security interests.

    Reports from Turkey indicate that its pundits and officials have little worry about the unwanted side-effects of this important decision, by putting on a "neo-realist" lens and rationalizing it in the language of post-Cold War security infrastructure in line with Turkey's responsibilities to NATO, they reaffirm their strong European bonds.

    But, a pertinent question is: what does this do to the official "zero-problems" with neighbors doctrine espoused by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and others in Turkey? The short answer is that it essentially throws that doctrine out the door, in light of new problems with important neighbors with whom Turkey has dynamic relations denoting contradictory interests and intentions.


  4. With respect to Iran, Ankara and Tehran continue to cooperate on a number of regional issues, such as the Kurds, energy security, bilateral and multilateral trade, as well as (increasingly) the troubles in Syria, in light of Iran's recent echoing Turkey's concerns about democracy and tolerance in Syria.

    But, in the hierarchy of Iran's priorities is nuclear security, that is now potentially further threatened by Turkey's hosting a radar system that would give Israel the benefit of early warning on any incoming Iranian missiles in the event of a military strike on Iran.

    As a result, the Turkish leadership may soon find out that they had underestimated the extent of Iranian sensitivity to their decision.

    In other words, a disproportionate fallout from this decision beguiling the overall net of Iran-Turkey relations is quite likely, just as similar headaches may grip Ankara's relations with Moscow as a result of the latter's fear of NATO's encirclement. Geostrategic realism is, after all, a fairly decent variable to gauge the nature of other parties' reactions to one's security initiatives.

    And then there are problems of perception and misperception as well that Ankara must reckon with, in light of the subtle shifts in Turkey's perception in the region as a result of its image as a NATO chariot serving Western interests.

    It is hard to believe that Turkey could have any claim to a leadership role in the Middle East as long as it is viewed as unbalanced and in league with Western intrusive powers and their military alliance.

    Henceforth, irreparable damages to Turkey's quest for a leading role in the Middle East affairs are likely solely as a result of its greater integration into NATO's as well as US's Middle East strategy, viewed with suspicion if not outright opposition by Iran, Russia, and Syria.

    Unless Turkey scraps the idea of hosting the NATO radar, it is difficult to see how it can avoid the emergence of multiple collateral problems in its external relations in the region, particularly if the Iran nuclear crisis triggers a military confrontation.

    Does Turkey have a choice? Can it say no to the NATO radar without being blamed as an untrustworthy member of the alliance? These are questions that Turkish leaders and pundits would do well to ponder.

  5. Obama not macho enough for you? If some idiot can say all liberal males are cowards, then I'm not going to feel too bad about making some equally insightful generalizations, myself.

    It seems to me, contemporary conservatives are far more fear based than any liberal ever dreams of being now days. The prevailing "conservative" bottom line is to strike first out of pure fear while the liberal is willing to risk standing down in the hopes that the other guy might have the sack to do the same.

    You are the village idiots taking over the village. I agree that you will win the next election and somewhat deservedly so (Obama is either the biggest panzy I've ever seen, or completely naive to the level of hate people like you are capable of) but you will do so at the cost of the country you claim to love. Your candidates are willfully ignorant and your votes for people like Palin and/or Perry will be the end of it.

    And I do believe that anyone who puts as much thought (and protest) into what others are doing in the bedroom as someone like Mr. Bachman... Well... I dare you to put him in a room with Foley, or Haggard, or Craig... Bob Allan, Glen Murphy, Hinkle, Rev. Long (need more?) and bet $s against some man on man action taking place.

  6. Whoaa, first Shotgun Barack blasts Osama to Allahland and now he is putting a "US Star War" missile shield radar system in Turkey.

    Not evil enough, Scott. I want a tank of frickin sharks, with fricken laser beams on their heads.

  7. Without Israel:

    Make sure you do not get sick and need endoscopy via the world's smallest camera.

    Make sure you don't need interferon proteins or early diagnosis of autism or contract MS.

    Many of your defence missiles are Israeli developed and built, including drone aircraft currently used in Afghanistan and Libya.

    Look in your medicine cabinet and you will find Israeli drugs.

    Don't use a computer or mobile telephone.

    Don't store your photographs on a memory stick,

    Don't eat cherry tomatoes or seedless watermelons.

    And, coming very soon, two major medical announcements to treat very well-known medical conditions that could win Nobel prizes.

    Now for the Arab list..

  8. I don't care about Palin's past. Joe McGinniss is a drunken Irish louse and his 'below the belt' stuff is a rotten smear. Everyone has a past.

  9. keep your friends closer your enemies closer

  10. Palin doesn't have much of a past.

    Her father and grandfather didn't fun run opium to the Chinese.

    Her ancestors didn't run booze all around the world.

    Her father taught in public schools.

    She had her daughter who made a mistake, give birth.

    She played on a broken ankle in the finals.

    She has been faithful to her man.

    Some past to be ashamed of....


  11. Sarah's likes her coffee and her sex partners black.

    No sugar.

  12. ...Does that mean that we can expect Jews to abandon the president and his party in significant numbers in 2012? Again, not so much. In the first place, most American Jews are secular and extremely supportive of both gay marriage and liberal reproductive-choice laws, unlike their orthodox counterparts. They vote on a multiplicity of concerns, of which Israel is a part, but hardly, for most of them, the determining factor. Second, despite what you might read in the harrumphing columns of neoconservative Jewish pundits, most Jews are not really so verklempt about Obama’s policies toward Israel. The pro-peace, pro-Israel group J-Street did a poll last year and found that 71 percent of American Jews questioned supported the U.S. “exerting pressure” on all parties in the Palestinian conflict, including Israel. A clear majority supported the belief that an American administration should publicly disagree with the Israeli government when it felt it had a different view. And to top it all off, Israel came in a mere seventh among concerns of American Jews in determining their votes in 2010…


  13. With a little Peruvian flake for a quick pick me up. If there's no black coffee in the pot.

  14. Israel has ordered its diplomats home from Jordan in anticipation of a protest outside the embassy. The protest is being promoted on Facebook with the slogan, “No Zionist embassy on Jordanian territory.”

  15. So she enjoys riding a buck.
    She did not marry that basketball black.

    Her vows to her husband were sincere.

    I've had my share of that brown sugar
    It sure was sweet.


  16. Hemingway sure liked his brown sugar.

    Sarah's gender does not make her less of a man. She likes to get some strange from time to time.

  17. Costa Rica will support the recognition of a Palestinian state, the Foreign Ministry announced Thursday in a press release.

    The statement said that the support comes with the caveat that Palestine does not compromise the right to existence and security of Israel.

  18. What kind of shitbird would have sex with a lady and talk about it to anyone or take pleasure in a married mature woman' youthful indiscretions. Get a life asshole.

  19. I would not vote for her, but leave her alone.

  20. .

    I initially thought Hillary was doing a pretty good job as SOS; however, I now consider her a toxic asset.

    The Israeli/Palistinean 'peace talks' were a fiasco. Her and her team's management of the 'Arab Spring' has been embarrassing. The US influence in the ME is limited to that of checkbook diplomacy as they bankroll various misadventures such as Libya. The only thing positive they have accomplished is to take out a handful of bad guys. Iraq and Afghanistan continue to drain us of people and treasure.

    Time for Hillary to retire and spend more time browbeating her daughter into giving her a grandchild.

    U.N. showdown over Palestinian statehood tests limits of U.S. influence

    ...Obama, too, is facing political challenges at home that make exerting pressure on Israel dangerous to his reelection prospects. The Republican candidate in a special election for a traditionally Democratic House seat in New York City won this week after a campaign in which he sharply criticized Obama’s treatment of Israel.

    Obama has called Israel’s settlement project in the territories “illegitimate.” He has also called for negotiations to be based on the boundaries that existed on the eve of the 1967 war, making clear that land swaps would likely have to be made to account for Israel’s settlements.

    At the same time, Obama has stood with Israel on the Palestinian statehood bid at some risk to U.S. diplomacy in the region. The perception of Obama as anti-Israel is not widely held, even among American Jews, who supported him overwhelmingly in the 2008 election. But his standing among the community has slipped.

    In May, before he called for talks based on the 1967 borders, Obama had the support of 68 percent of American Jews, according to Gallup. That approval rating has fallen to 55 percent, Gallup reports. Even a small decline in Jewish support could hurt Obama in swing states such as Florida.

    Some analysts fear that Netanyahu, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, may interpret the results of the recent House special election as further proof that he does not need to heed the Obama administration’s appeals.

    But, Makovsky said, “Netanyahu knows enough about the American political map to know that every district is not like this one in New York.”

    US at odds with both sides in ME


  21. .

    The Fed, Banker to the World.

    US money market funds have sharply cut back on loans to European banks because of the risk of default they and their investors see there.

    So the FED has stepped in and will trade cheap dollars for the European currencies in order to add liquidity to the system.

    Federal Reserve boosts flow of dollars to European Central Bank

    FED Trades Dollars to EU Central Bank


  22. Christ, they may take the EU into the dollar zone. How much worse can it get?

  23. The Fed is going to be buying Italian bonds for dollars? Do i understand this ?

  24. Why not use one of the trillion dollar coins and buy the Amalfi Coast?

  25. .

    Ron Paul has suggested Congress needs to audit the FED. This is one instance where I think he is right.

    ...The same Dodd-Frank bill that required commodity regulators to limit speculators included my amendment calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve from Dec. 1, 2007, to July 21, 2010, the period of the financial crisis. What we learned was that the Fed provided $16 trillion in secret, low-interest loans to every major American financial institution and to other central banks, large corporations and wealthy individuals. The audit provision was vigorously opposed by the Federal Reserve chairman. It was right, however, that the veil of secrecy at the Fed was lifted and the American people learned about its actions...

    Audit the FED?


  26. Get them to throw in a a warm brace of Berlusconi's babes and we have a deal. La dolce vita baby.

  27. Blogger Deuce said...

    The Fed is going to be buying Italian bonds for dollars? Do i understand this ?

    aye dude, the pleasures of being the world's banker comes with having the world's exchange currency.

  28. King Dollar Dude. Keep those pressing rolling, sell them while they are hot.

  29. Paper dollars for an Italian kiss and a promise she will love us in the morning.

  30. .

    Turkey agrees to host U.S. radar site, a key piece of Europe missile shield

    The Obama administration signed accords this week with three NATO allies to host cornerstones of a missile shield over Europe, including a highly sought-after deal with Turkey that will allow the installation of a U.S. radar station close to Iran...


    Administration officials said there was “no quid pro quo” as part of the Turkey radar agreement. The United States and Turkey are holding separate talks over basing U.S. drones in Turkey to guide attacks against Kurdish militants — a high priority for Ankara...

    And if you believe there was no "quid pro quo" involved, I have some ocean-front property in Kansas I would like to sell you.

    No Quid Pro Quo? Riiigght.


  31. We will show those Chinese pricks who their daddy is. Snap up those Italian and Spanish bonds. let the Chinese have the Greeks.

  32. Bob-al-Harb: I've had my share of that brown sugar. It sure was sweet.

    Once you go brown you never step down.

    Sarah's gender does not make her less of a man. She likes to get some strange from time to time.

    The librarian thing is irresistable to dykes. But she needs to actually read those books.

  33. The implications are rather interesting. We could buy up all their bonds for cash and then we could sell them our 30 year bonds so they can pay us and we can pay them. A vincere/vincere for all.

  34. .

    Is another banking crisis looming in Europe?

    ...Under Basel I, banks were required to hold 8 percent capital against most assets. Ordinary loans to companies required 8 percent: That’s $80,000 on a $1 million loan. By contrast, home mortgages required only 4 percent; they were considered safer. Later, “securitizations” of “prudentially” made mortgages required only 1.6 percent; they were judged even safer. And most government bonds required no capital; that’s how safe they were rated.

    Not surprisingly, banks favored investments with low capital requirements. American banks liked mortgage-backed securities; European banks gorged on sovereign bonds. The perverse result: The very securities — mortgage debt, government debt — considered safest became the vortex of the crisis.

    Later, Basel II gave banks discretion — with regulators’ approval — to rate the risks in their portfolios by their own computer models. With this freedom, could it be that European banks decided (surprise!) that their portfolios aren’t very risky and don’t require much capital? This seems possible. Amazingly, many major European banks (Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale) have only 30 percent of their total assets covered by capital set-asides, according to an analysis by JP Morgan Chase...

    It's All About the Benjamins


  35. of course it isn't just Italian bonds but Greek, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish....

    They banks are playing "who's got the button again" (i.e I won't lend overnight to you 'cause I think you've got all kinds of garbage bonds on your shelf) and the big boys are worried (again) that the whole damn shootin' match could implode.

  36. Hey Quirk,

    Aren't Sovereign bonds generally considered good Tier 1 capital?

    Kinda sucks if those quality bonds turn out to be garbage...

  37. .

    “At this moment, the Executive Branch has 219 new rules in the works that will cost our economy at least $100 million. That means under the current Washington agenda, our economy is poised to take a hit from the government of at least $100 million — 219 times.”

    — House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), Sept. 15, 2011

    More Politico-Speak from the Speaker of Oz.

    219 New regulations or Thereabouts


  38. .

    All is normal in OZ. No one agrees on anything.

    The real problem in American politics right now isn't simply that the two parties can't agree on what to do about the economy. They can't agree on what is happening to the economy.

    No. You've Got It All Wrong.


  39. The Fed is correct in supplying the liquiidty.

    There is a general solvency problem - governments having made unsustainable spending pledges, companies having done the same thing via their pension funds, private consumers having overdrawn their credit card account.

    Banks are the conduit having lent funds to all of those debtors; but who are the ultimate creditors? In the end probably again the very same people: Private consumers with their savings and retirement accounts, private pension funds and governments as lenders of last resort.

    Therefore the injection of enough liquidity to avoid the blocking of the payment circle in itself may well solve a big part of the apparent solvency problem.

    On the other hand, monetary hardliners would lead to a lot of needless bankruptcies and possibly the implosion of the EU - an outcome when experienced would bring folly and misery to all.

  40. .

    Kinda sucks if those quality bonds turn out to be garbage...

    Depends on who you are talking about. On Wall Street you get paid for taking risks. It's the system.

    The moral hazard arises when there is no pain if the risks don't pan out.

    The banks, their shareholders, their bondholders, and most definately the American public is suffering right now.

    However, can you name one of the top guys who were taking the risks that were actually punished for the harm they caused.

    A few may have lost a bundle on stock options but most made up for it on bonuses which we continue to be told have to be paid because these guys are so smart.

    Well, maybe they are the smart ones.


  41. .

    Logos describes the situation as it exists today but ignores the fact that little has been done in the last three years to change the system so that the same implosion doesn't occur again in a few years.

    Every ten years, we have a financial crises. The problem is that each succeeding one seems to get worse and take longer to recover from.


  42. The only people that have "Called" the Economy correctly have been the "Peak Oil" folks.

    The rest didn't understand the "starting point," so were totally unable to map out any kind of coherent "route."

  43. Remember, all the economic numbers started going south in March. That was before the "flooding on the Mississip," "The Fukushima Firecracker Popped," , or Libya went "Tits Up."

    The only thing of any significance that happened in the middle of Feb/first of March timeframe was Gasoline Prices shooting from a little over $3.00/gal to around $3.50/gal (with the rise above $3.25, seemingly, the "breakthrough moment.)

  44. We use about 370,000,000 Gallons of Gasoline Every Day. We go to work, call on customers, go to the grocery store, take the kids to school, etc. In the short run this is a pretty inflexible number.

    Now, Consider, this is costing us about $340,000,000.00/Day More than it did this time last year.

    That's well over $100.00/Mo for a typical family.

    Remember, Deuce's previous post showing Falling Household Incomes?

    The Second-Largest Investor in The Wall St. Journal, and Fox News is The Saudi Royal Family. They really Do Not want to discuss this.

    But, WE had damned sure Better.

  45. I'm not saying "this will be the one," but, eventually, we Will have a recession that is Not accompanied by plunging gasoline prices.

    And, that, my friends, will be the sign of one miserable time, a'comin.

  46. Could be, Gag.

    I know I've just about reached the length of my predictive powers; from here on out it gets pretty murky.

  47. Nine of the largest fourteen European banks have loans that exceed the amount of deposits on hand:

    French bank Société Générale had a loan-to-deposit ratio of around 130%

    Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo, 160%
    Italian bank Unicredit, with a 149%

    UK's Lloyds, also with 149%

    How can they issue more loans than they have money? The stock markets. But now investors are pulling out in droves. There is a European version of TARP kicking around which will re-capitalize the banks for a short while, but just like with the US housing market, it's just kicking the proverbial can down the road. Euro-socialism has already run out of other people's money to spend, so now it is borrowing US dollars to keep going a little bit longer, rather than change. And the longer they wait, the more painful it will be.

  48. (Reuters) - If history is any guide, another oil-induced recession may be just around the corner, at least for the United States and some of the other developed economies.

    Every time that the cost of oil relative to global economic output has hit current levels -- and that's even after sharp falls in spot prices this month -- it has heralded a slump.

    And while economists and analysts say a serious slowdown can still be avoided, many add that unless oil and energy prices fall much further and -- most important -- stay down, the world economy could be in serious trouble.

    "We are in a danger area for the world economy," said Christophe Barret, global oil analyst at Credit Agricole.

    The warning signal flashing is what economists call the "oil expense indicator": the share of oil expenses as a proportion of worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) (oil prices times oil consumption divided by world GDP).

    Since 1965, this has averaged roughly 3 percent of GDP, and it has only . . . .

    Reuters - Oil Expense Indicator

  49. Idaho Lawmakers Want Grizzlies on Notice

    Proposed Legislation would allow killing of big bears if people feel threateded......

    Memebers of the Idaho Congressional delegation are seeking to clarify can kill protected bears to protect human life...

    Would people posting in my name please quit it.




    advice on voting of my lawyer


  51. Quirk: Every ten years, we have a financial crises. The problem is that each succeeding one seems to get worse and take longer to recover from.

    Most recessions last one year. The Great Depression lasted four and a half years. The bad recessions like 1973-74, 1981-82, and 2008-09 lasted a year and a half.

    It just feels like we're still in a recession because of high unemployment and housing prices, and the fact that GDP was $13.27 trillion in the second quarter, below the $13.33 trillion peak of the fourth quarter of 2007. But words have precise meanings. A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

    Would people posting in my name please quit it.


    Once you go ricky the name's kinda sticky.

  52. .

    Would people posting in my name please quit it.


    Once you go ricky the name's kinda sticky...

    One can only smile.

    I would normally rail against people who use 'Anonymous' without some tag to identify themselves. However, this is priceless.

    I find it highly amusing and somewhat ironic that you, risky, are now suffering because one or more here identify as you.

    How many screen names have you used? How many personas have you assumed? How many people have you supported or attacked under the anonymity of "Anonymous" even when you had the google screen name 'Bob'?

    Too clever by half and now you suffer for it.

    Poetic justice. In your case, a term that is just too appropriate.

    I love it.


  53. "Poetic justice. In your case, a term that is just too appropriate."

    Too Cruel

  54. What this site really needs is someone who could keep us up to speed on the latest theories linking the performance of the economy and oil prices.

  55. Check my post from a couple days ago: Turkey will "host" Predator drones within a year.

  56. Deuce said...
    I would not vote for her, but leave her alone.

    Fri Sep 16, 10:18:00 AM EDT

    I think you are starting to catch the drift of the perv.

  57. This place ain't worth it.

    Allen: the Great Jew

    smirk smirk smirk

    What were those two first divorce filingsing over?
    You don't ever make a passable Gentile.


    You and your so holy shabbat, my shitaroo

  58. O tell us aged Allen: just how it was that you of all people were picked out by G-d, the unknlown x the unspeakable.

    My asshole

    You suck

    May Shabbat be all week long....


  59. Some Jew, the opposite side of rat, not even the worst Gentile does that kind of shit.


  60. You have to see Hamma Knocka's link.

    What is the government's credit score? Great link!

  61. Double down on that dog. The middle class is disappearing and both parties do the blame. Politicians are puppets, corporations and billionaires running the show. The thing is those are in the few. So why we digging this shit?

  62. Double down on that dog.

    I like that, but I have a fight to watch.

  63. Tavis Smiley says Bankster Hobama "OUR" President is ignoring blacks, the "most loyal" part of his base who "ought to be looked out for." Smiley spoke to NBC's Lester Holt. In April, Smiley said the 2012 elections will be "the most racist in the history of this Republic."
