Monday, August 08, 2011

Maybe Obama Can Save the Republic With Hip-Hop


Posted on Sunday, August 7th, 2011
By  Weekly World News

WASHINGTON -   For the first time in history the U.S. credit rating was downgraded – and the White House celebrated in style!
Standard & Poor’s announced Friday night that it has downgraded the sterling U.S. credit rating for the first time in the nation’s history.  The Obama Administration not only shrugged off the announcement, and held another barbecue party before the President headed to Camp David for more parties this weekend.
“We’re still AA+,” said Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary.  “An A+ is an A+, we’re still at the top of the class.  If we were downgraded to a B or B+ we would be concerned, but we’re still A rated!”
Obama’s had it’s second Hip-Hop BBQ in two days.   The President had Earth, Wind and Fire over to the White House along with Jay-Z, Beyonce and Oprah.  They all danced in a conga line around Tim Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, who seem unfazed by the downgrade.
“It’s a tiny downgrade, we’ll be upgraded soon.  It’s no big deal.  Have another mojito,” said Geithner to WWN’s Frank Lake.
S&P decided to lower the AAA rating, held by the United States for 70 years, to AA+ after a bipartisan debt deal signed into law this week failed to assuage concerns about the nation’s growing spending.
Analysts have said a downgrade could increase the cost of borrowingfor the U.S. government and lead to tens of billions of dollars in more interest costs per year. That could translate into higher borrowing for consumers and businesses, too.
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were at the White House “dancing barefoot in the Rose Garden.”
“The downgrade does not affect the White House,” said one White House insider, “we all just got 20% pay raises!”
Tom Hanks danced on a piano rug with Susan Sarandon.
“The president asked everyone to dance — and they did!” read a Politico account of the “Downgrade Party.”  The menu included barbecue chicken, ribs, hot dogs and salad.
Also present: Chicago pals, law-school friends, donors — and lots of kids of friends, who stole the show by doing dance routines to the hip-hop songs, in the center of the East Room.’
“This is the best downgrade party I’ve ever been to!” said one young White House insider.  “This is awesome!”


  1. Obama's priority all along was social engineering and redistribution. He is clueless. He was the first Black President that did not appreciate the value of green and I do not mean as in leaves.

    Tax cuts are what allows wealth creation. Allowing people to keep more of their own money is something that most of the world and U.S. Democrats just don't understand, but, as Obama's White House just recently admitted, the government does not create jobs.

    The best way for a strong economy is to have low taxes. Taxes fuel more government growth and truly drag economies down, especially if there is no check on spending. It's textbook economics. Couple that with an economy that can't get off the ground, a tax increase will be devastating. Obama, himself, said the very same thing when he was just a Senator voting "not present".

    The United States spends about 2/3rds of its budget on mandatory socialist/welfare policies that are growing at a fast pace.

  2. This is a political crisis as much as an economic one. However, in its fundamental essence, it is a moral crisis. During the twentieth century, practically all the traditional moral imperatives for the conduct of human affairs were thrown overboard. Situational ethics clouded the clear understanding of what was good and what was bad. This has led us into not being able to trust anyone any more, in particular our political and economic masters, and it is this deep malaise that has given us the stage setting for the current world situation. Only a return to the truth as a primary guiding principle will help us now.

  3. Doc, the one thing that I have learned over the life of this blog is that the truth makes many of us uncomfortable.

  4. The United States spends about 2/3rds of its budget on mandatory socialist/welfare policies that are growing at a fast pace.

    This wouldn't have happened if they stayed the hell out of the Lock Box and didn't put Social Security "on budget".

  5. Now Obama has his burning helicopter in the desert. His transformation into Carter is now complete.

  6. desert rat said...
    In 2008 the Israeli shot and killed over 800 civilians.
    Mon Aug 08, 05:45:00 AM EDT

    Several days ago you outright lied about human organ-harvesting rabbis. I gave you the opportunity to make good your claim. You obviously could not. Now, you misrepresent the facts of an Israeli military operation – one undertaken in self-defense after repeated bombardment by your brothers.

    You and Teresita need to get together and start a blog.


  7. Teresita said...
    Now Obama has his burning helicopter in the desert. His transformation into Carter is now complete.

    Mon Aug 08, 07:24:00 AM EDT

    ...nonsensical, wishful thinking...and not so much as a RIP from an alleged USN veteran...Hmm...

  8. Tom Hanks danced on a piano rug with Susan Sarandon.

    My wife, when she hears about this, is going to be really really pissed. I can hear her now. "That's our White House and they are despoiling it" etc and on and on. And she's right, too.

    The good news is I think the big O has zerO chance of being re-elected now. He's got nothing to show, and has offended way way too many people.


  9. Obama is good at shooting hoops.

  10. Obama's election will forever be a stain on the main stream media that failed in its role to vet candidates thoroughly . If the press spent one tenth of the resources and time vetting Obama that they did vetting Palin he would never have been elected. He is a cipher. He is President Chauncy Gardner the semi retarded character played by Peter Sellers in the movie "Being There" whose simplistic comments appeared profound to his liberal audience.

  11. desert rat said...
    Well, the Iranians are no military threat to the United States, no doubt of that.

    Nor will they be, even if they had a nuke or two.

    Which they do not.

    In 2008 the Israeli shot and killed over 800 civilians. Civilians who were not even demonstrating, but were in their homes and neighborhoods.

    The only other country that behaves more ruthlessly, with regards civilians, Syria.

    Birds of a feather, nesting together.

    To anyone that reads Rat's Rants...

    He is a self confessed murderer. He has shot people in the back in central america while NOT in uniform.

    And bragged about it..

    This sub-human, has a history of distortion, and lies about Israel, jews and zionism. Rat has posted thousands of disgusting posts that for some reason this blog still keeps his name as a "bartender".

    When will this blog be honest and either remove his name from the door?

    I notice that this blog NEVER has given myself or Allen or SAM the power to post at will as it does a proven jew hating, israel bashing, zionist hating piece of shit!!!!

    Wake Up Bar...

    One of the reasons that this blog has lost so many posters is that it continues to reward people like Rat.

    Grow some balls....

  12. I notice that this blog NEVER has given myself or Allen or SAM the power to post at will as it does a proven jew hating, israel bashing, zionist hating piece of shit!!!!

    Just for shits and grins I removed my name from the bar and WiO is still unhappy, and won't be happy until Deuce bans my ass from posting altogether, all because I don't think we should give Israel military aid when they are one of the top ten arms exporters in the world.

  13. WiO,

    My friend, I want no such authorization. You may have noticed: I am hardly a regular. Rather, I post when something strikes me as needing validation or refutation. Usually, this has something to do with the misrepresentation of Jewish law or life. As you know, our law requires action on such occasions.


  14. It is no lie that Israel killed over 800 civilians in 2008.

    During military operations that attempted to bring a solution, by force of arms, to a political problem in the Levant.

    Much like the Syrians are famous for.

  15. Doctor Allenby: This won't hurt a bit.
    [Sticks Chance with a needle]
    Chance the Gardener: It did hurt.

    [Riding in a car for the first time]
    Chance the Gardener: This is just like television, only you can see much further.

    President "Bobby": Mr. Gardner, do you agree with Ben, or do you think that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?
    [Long pause]
    Chance the Gardener: As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.
    President "Bobby": In the garden.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.
    President "Bobby": Spring and summer.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes.
    President "Bobby": Then fall and winter.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes.
    Benjamin Rand: I think what our insightful young friend is saying is that we welcome the inevitable seasons of nature, but we're upset by the seasons of our economy.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes! There will be growth in the spring!
    Benjamin Rand: Hmm!
    Chance the Gardener: Hmm!
    President "Bobby": Hm. Well, Mr. Gardner, I must admit that is one of the most refreshing and optimistic statements I've heard in a very, very long time.
    [Benjamin Rand applauds]
    President "Bobby": I admire your good, solid sense. That's precisely what we lack on Capitol Hill.
    Share this quote
    Ron Steigler: Mr. Gardner, uh, my editors and I have been wondering if you would consider writing a book for us, something about your um, political philosophy, what do you say?
    Chance the Gardener: I can't write.
    Ron Steigler: Heh, heh, of course not, who can nowadays? Listen, I have trouble writing a postcard to my children. Look uhh, we can give you a six figure advance, I'll provide you with the very best ghost-writer, proof-readers...
    Chance the Gardener: I can't read.
    Ron Steigler: Of course you can't! No one has the time! We, we glance at things, we watch television...
    Chance the Gardener: I like to watch TV.
    Ron Steigler: Oh, oh, oh sure you do. No one reads!
    Share this quote
    Dennis Watson: You know, I've never met anyone like you in Washington before.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes, I've been here all my life.
    Dennis Watson: Really? And uh, where have you been all MY life?
    Dennis Watson: Ah, tell me, Mr. Gardner... have you ever had sex with a man?
    Chance the Gardener: No... I don't think so.
    Dennis Watson: We could go upstairs right now.
    Chance the Gardener: Is there a TV upstairs? I like to watch.
    Dennis Watson: You like to uh, watch?
    Chance the Gardener: Yes.
    Dennis Watson: You wait right here. I'll go get Warren!

    [last lines]
    President "Bobby": Life is a state of mind.

    Morton Hull: Do you realize that more people will be watching you tonight, than all those who have seen theater plays in the last forty years?
    Chance the Gardener: Why?

    [Thomas and Johanna are watching Chance's interview on TV]
    Thomas Franklin: It's that gardener.
    Johanna, girl with Franklin: Yes, Chauncey Gardiner.
    Thomas Franklin: No, he's a real gardener.
    Johanna, girl with Franklin: He does talk like one. I think he's brilliant.

    [upon walking out of an elevator]
    Chance the Gardener: That was a very small room.

    Abraz: Bullshit. Who sent you here, boy? Did that chickenshit asshole Raphael send you, boy?
    Chance the Gardener: No. Mr. Thomas Franklin told me I must leave the old man's house. He's dead, you know.
    Abraz: Dead, my ass. You tell that asshole, if he got somethin' to tell me, to get his ass down here himself! You got that, boy?

    [first lines]
    Chance the Gardener: Good morning, Louise.
    Louise: He's dead, Chance. The old man's dead.
    Chance the Gardener: I see.
    [Chance goes back to watching TV]

    Abraz: Now move, honky, before I cut your white ass.


  16. T states: Just for shits and grins I removed my name from the bar and WiO is still unhappy, and won't be happy until Deuce bans my ass from posting altogether, all because I don't think we should give Israel military aid when they are one of the top ten arms exporters in the world.

    Dear T,

    You might not have noticed that the post I posted did not mention you in any way shape or form.

    Please take your ego and put it back where it belongs... in your ass...

    As for your "name" you have had your name and demanded it be removed several times... I have never called for your banning....

    Your statement "all because I don't think we should give Israel military aid when they are one of the top ten arms exporters in the world."

    You are so full of shit I am surprised you can brush your teeth without toilet paper....

    Your rants against jews, israel and zionism makes you an asshole. Not your opposition to "military aid" to israel. And that as well is a fine point not worthy of "BANNING" you...

    You create bullshit for no reason other than to stir the pot...

    No one called for your banning, no one has a problem with your lack of love for jew, israel or zionism...

    Do I think you are a jew hating, zionist hating, israel basher? YEP....

    And last I checked your name, aint on the bartender roll....

  17. As to saving the Republic with hip-hop, well, that is no more likely than saving it with country music.

    Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Willie Nelson. All drug addled singers that entertained Presidents, in the "Good Old Days".

  18. desert rat said...
    It is no lie that Israel killed over 800 civilians in 2008.


    It's a distortion... a misdirection and yes a lie...

    But you know that...

    You have stated you love to stir the pot...

    The truth?

    The arab and islamic peoples, Rat friends, are savages...

    No lie..

    they kill on a monthly basis more than have died in the entire israel/arab war in 40 years...

    Now to take rat's statement as truth?

    800 civilians died in gaza...

    so according to hamas's OWN value chart, that is worth about 1 israeli... (actually about 1/3 of an israeli)

    If hamas demands 3,ooo hamas members in israeli jails for ONE israeli gilad shilat then 800 gazans killed is actually quite understated..

    israel, rat has given you permission to kill another 2,200 palestinians to catchup to the prescribed numbers of deaths to be relevant...

    If israel killed at the same rate that the arabs killed?


    it would be a holiday....

  19. Jerzy Kosinski quotes
    "I am going to put myself to sleep now for a bit longer than usual. Call it Eternity"
    — Jerzy Kosinski
    tags: suicide-note

    "There's a place beyond words where experience first occurs to which I always want to return. I suspect that whenever I articulate my thoughts or translate my impulses into words, I am betraying the real thoughts and impulses which remain hidden."
    — Jerzy Kosinski (The Painted Bird)
    tags: pain

    "It seems that what I really want is a drug that will increase my consciousness of others, not myself."
    — Jerzy Kosinski (The Painted Bird)
    tags: drug

    "Can the imagination, any more than the boy, be held prisoner ?"

    - from the foreword to the 1976 edition of "The Painted Bird"
    — Jerzy Kosinski (The Painted Bird)

    "growth has its season.There are spring and summer,but there are also fall and winter.And then spring and summer again.As long as the roots are not severed,all is well and all be well"
    — Jerzy Kosinski (Being There)

    "Life is a state of mind."
    — Jerzy Kosinski (Being There)

    "Wouldn't it be easier to change people's eyes and hair than to build big furnaces and then catch Jews and Gypsies to burn them?"
    — Jerzy Kosinski (The Painted Bird)

    "I always have a sense of trembling, but so does a compass, after all."
    — Jerzy Kosinski

    "Gatherings and, simultaneously, loneliness are the conditions of a writer's life"
    — Jerzy Kosinski

    "I wondered whether the loss of one's sight would deprive a person also of the memory of everything that he had seen before. If so, the man would no longer be able to see even in his dreams. if not, if only the eyeless could still see through their memory, it would not be too bad. The world seemed to be pretty much the same everywhere, and even though people differed from one another, just as animals and trees did, one should know fairly well what they looked like after seeing them for years. I had lived only seven years, but I remembered a lot of things. when I closed my eyes, many details cam back still more vividly. who knows, perhaps without his eyes the plowboy would start seeing an entirely new, more fascinating world."
    — Jerzy Kosinski (The Painted Bird)


  20. Hopefully it was an RPG, not a SAM7, that took down that shithook, in Afghanistan.

    That we were using the old and slow shithook and not Blackhawks or Ospreys in combat operations, an indictment of the leadership in that war zone.

    Recall, if you will, that it was the introduction of surface to air missiles, by US, into Afghanistan conflict that sealed the fate of the Soviet efforts there.

  21. The house sent two bill to the Senate, both of which were tabled and never received an up or down vote, as Reid said they would not pass. Now from everything I hear, including from the S&P executives, had either of them become law there would have been NO downgrading of our credit rating. So how is it the Tea Parties fault.

  22. Because, anon, they sent over proposed legislation that never had a chance of passage, in the Senate.

    While the legislation that would have produced the $4.1 trillion in "cuts" that S&P was looking for never had a chance of passage in the House.

    The entire "crisis" and the after effects were caused by the Tea Partiers.

    Instead of $4.1 trillion in deficit reduction, they got $800 billion in "cuts".

    Kicking down the road any real solution to the spending and revenue challenges facing the Federals.

  23. If the Congress had passed a "Clean" debt extension and not made an issue of raising it, the rating agencies would not have cause to even look at the ratings.

    The Tea Partiers should and could have addressed the issue during the appropriations process, but passed on that.

    They were looking for headlines, not solutions.

  24. I understand that it costs $3 million to train one seal. We lost 31 young men with combined training costs of $90 million of to a $1200 RPG?

    On 18 February 2011, Marine Commandant General Jim Amos indicated Marine MV-22s deployed to Afghanistan surpassed 100,000 flight hours and were noted as having become "the safest airplane, or close to the safest airplane” in the Marine Corps . Why were the seals not on an $80 million Osprey?

  25. Obama is very good at shooting hoops and listening to hip-hop on his iPad.


  26. (Reuters) - The insurer AIG is suing Bank of America Corp to recover more than $10 billion of losses from a "massive fraud" on mortgage debt, deepening the morass of litigation faced by the largest U.S. bank.

    American International Group Inc, still largely owned by taxpayers after $182.3 billion of government bailouts, is the latest of a growing number of investors filing lawsuits to hold banks responsible for losses on soured mortgages that contributed to the financial crisis.

    The AIG complaint accuses Bank of America and its Countrywide and Merrill Lynch units of misrepresenting the quality of mortgages placed in securities and sold to investors. AIG said it suffered its losses on $28 billion of investments

  27. In late summer and early fall things begin to yellow. The wheat bows its heads lower and more piously with each passing day. Though warm in the days it becomes cool at night. This is the harvest time. This is when all will be well in the garden.

    Chauncy b

  28. Obama speaking at 1:00 PM today.

  29. The real question, Deuce, is why were they all in one aircraft, flying to a gunfight in progress?

    They should have been dispersed in three or four Blackhawks, not all in a single aircraft, flying low and slow.

    The Taliban knew reinforcements would be coming and had the access routes covered.

  30. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Credit rating agency Standard and Poor's on Monday downgraded the debt of mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

  31. Correction: Teleprompter speaking at 1:00 PM today.


  32. I have not heard anyone ask that question. Why?

  33. The Taliban are now engaging US troops at a time and place of their choosing?

  34. If only a rat was in command all would be well in the garden.

    Chauncy b

  35. Doug mentioned one day it was the dumbest thing we have done, sending Stingers to help the brave freedom fighters of Afghanistan. Hard to disagree, the Russians might still be there, still bogged down.


  36. Basic infantry tactics.
    Dispersal, spacing and staying off the obvious trails.

    Whether on the ground or in the air.

  37. Ha ha ha….I wonder if he charged ten bucks a head at the door.

  38. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Credit rating agency Standard and Poor's on Monday downgraded the debt of mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    All the shit they have on the books from giving $14,000 a year lettuce pickers $700,000 mansions and they just NOW get downgraded?

  39. Iowa (RasRpt): Bachmann 22, Romney 21, Paul 16, Perry 12, Pawlenty 11


  40. Yes, Deuce.

    The enemy has a plan.
    They had the Rangers in a firefight and knew that reinforcements would be coming by air.

    The shithook was coming in to land.
    Low and slow, as is their wont.

    The Viet Cong used RPGs in a similar fashion, decades ago.

    Lessons learned and subsequently forgotten.

  41. GET OUT OF AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ !!!! we killed bin laden and saddam now what are we going to do terrorize these people forever ? is this ever gonna end? dont look like it ,,,waste of young american life and money they are savages and always have been they will not change they have been around alot longer than us ... Killing Bin Laden... what did it prove???? Now more American lives are lost.... I deeply saddened and disappointed in our US Government... when we will quit the maddness.....???
    Let me just say this... An eye for an Eye.. it is not our job... to take revenge and now look "case in point"..
    Those in the White House and others around with an unforgiving heart... take heed:
    Romans 12:19-21
    Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave itto the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
    “Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’”God is going to take up your cause and see to it that justice is done, you can lay it down. You don’t have to carry anger and bitterness and resentment and revenge. Indeed you dare not. Jesus warned that an unforgiving heart will destroy you in the end (Matthew 6:15; 18:35).
    And see here...Those who celebrated on the death of Osama... well... it was just reversed.... smh...

  42. MeLoDy said...

    Ha ha ha….I wonder if he charged ten bucks a head at the door.


    More like a buck $two 98 - which is more than it's worth, given Susan Sarandon's presence.


  43. ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.

    Alas, if only things were so simple, but Lord needs an agent to do the venging.

    In the garden, if the bees sting, one must use a raid, or the bees sting and sting.

    chauncy b

  44. .

    Tax cuts are what allows wealth creation... but, as Obama's White House just recently admitted, the government does not create jobs...

    It's true tax cuts have created wealth, at least for some. As for creating jobs, it should be obvious by now that lower taxes do not automatically result in more jobs.

    It's textbook economics.

    The textbooks don't seem to be working very well these days. The Laffer curve is common sense written on a cocktail napkin. However, it's simplicity makes it worthless. At the extreme ends of the curve you get reductio ad absurdem and in the middle no one has ever defined what the optimum level of taxation should be (other than philosophically).

    It's easy to say low taxes create jobs but looking at the recent history of the US (the last 30 years or so), it is hard to prove the case, at least, on the macro level.


  45. Rule #2, as written by Colonel Robert Rogers, in 1757.

    Nothing new to the proper infantry tactics.

    Whenever you are ordered out to the enemies forts or frontiers for discoveries, if your number be small, march in a single file, keeping at such a distance from each other as to prevent one shot from killing two men, sending one man, or more, forward, and the like on each side, at the distance of twenty yards from the main body, if the ground you march over will admit of it, to give the signal to the officer of the approach of an enemy, and of their number, &c.

    Dispersal & Spacing are paramount concerns.

  46. If we had no taxes, would we have an infinite number of jobs?


  47. You're right, rat, the question is if there were some other concerns we don't know about. On the surface it does look like a screw up, but it's hard to think in our experienced and professional army they had forgotten something so basic.


  48. In the garden, find the nest of the bees, and raid it after dark, leave no nest unraided after dark.

    chauncy b

  49. Do I think you are a jew hating, zionist hating, israel basher? YEP....

    No military welfare for the regional military superpower in the middle east makes me Rudolph Hess. Nuking Mecca makes WiO Mahatma Ghandi.

  50. Do I think you are a jew hating, zionist hating, israel basher? YEP....

    No military welfare for the regional military superpower in the middle east makes me Rudolph Hess. Nuking Mecca makes WiO Mahatma Ghandi.

  51. Or that the SEALS wouldn't have complained -"Hey you are putting us all in one chopper" -they know their way around.


  52. Things are getting argumentative. I'm going to Wal-Mart with the wife.

    Daughter is looking into a different stables today. The new owner - who she says looks like a cross between Santa Claus and ZZTop, whatever that means -- is already universally disliked.

    I give him a year, maybe a year and a half, before the place is up for sale. When Ky and Kyle the managers leave in December, all the boarders are leaving as well.

    SantaZTop shoulda stayed in Reno.

    And he drinks way too much and his little grandkids are always running around right behind the horses. One of them is going to get the shit kicked out of him/her, and soon too.


  53. It's easy to say low taxes create jobs but looking at the recent history of the US (the last 30 years or so), it is hard to prove the case, at least, on the macro level.

    When most of the economic texts were written, it was never envisioned that a country would voluntarily give up manufacturing. Low taxes can create jobs in China or Kansas. If you can buy the labor of one worker in regulated New York or ten in China with no regulations, no unions and no benefits, there is an obvious economic choice…that is what we have. All the low tax benefits go to the entrepreneur and China. The US is stuck with an unemployed worker with government welfare subsidies.

    It would make more economic sense for the economy to tax upper level earners higher and give the tax benefits to the enterprise. The entrepreneur would choose to leave the cash in the enterprise and not have it taxed as income. It is not a good deal for the government because they would collect less taxes. It would be much better for middle class earners.

  54. On the surface it does look like a screw up, but it's hard to think in our experienced and professional army they had forgotten something so basic.

    That brought on a coffee snot laugh!

  55. desert rat said...
    It is no lie that Israel killed over 800 civilians in 2008.

    ...hardly proven, even the author of the report disagrees with his own coverage...That said, I will take your inability to address your statements about organ-harvesting rabbis as proof of your anti-Semitic defamation and lies. It comes as no surprise, but the record needs to show the fact. Some folk have issues with recollection, and some records have problems with remaining intact.

  56. RE: Deuce
    I understand that it costs $3 million to train one seal.

    Among others, there were three PJs and a canine unit. This does not detract from your statement; it does make the scale of the loss accurate.

  57. But we have never had stock market crash when stocks earned nearly three times the Treasury bond yield on a current basis.

    End of the road for hedge funds


  58. Organ Failure
    The arrests of rabbis who trafficked body parts uncover more complicated issues.

    By Benyamin Cohen

    I was away, or would've known.

  59. Referencing the work of Dr. Hess, providing a hand as an organ harvester for the State of Israel.

    Israel's military has admitted forensic pathologists once harvested organs from dead bodies - both Israeli and Palestinian - without the permission of their families.

    Four months ago Israel threatened legal action against a Swedish newspaper which published claims that Israeli soldiers had killed Palestinians to harvest their organs.

    But now, Israeli television has broadcast part of an interview with the former head of Israel's Abu Kabir forensic institute who has acknowledged pathologists did harvest heart valves, skin, corneas and bones from Israeli soldiers and civilians, Palestinians and foreign workers.

    Responding to the TV interview, the Israeli military confirmed the practice took place, but said it ended...

    Israel admits organ harvesting

  60. Referencing the spree killing in Ohio>

    While the identity of the shooter nor any of the victims have been released, there are photos of the neighbors, with not a black or brown face amongst 'em.

  61. Teresita said...
    Do I think you are a jew hating, zionist hating, israel basher? YEP....

    No military welfare for the regional military superpower in the middle east makes me Rudolph Hess. Nuking Mecca makes WiO Mahatma Ghandi.

    Sounds find for me, are you speaking about the aid we give to Egypt? Arabia? No, Israel I see..

    Well I agree, Military aid to Israel should be cut to zero.... Just as long as you cut the welfare to the arabs 1st. And stop selling the arabs advanced weapons that make Israel HAVE to improve it's defensive abilities on a daily basis... Stop giving 800 BILLION a year to them for their oil, stop protecting the oil shipping lanes for free....

    And I never advocated "NUKING MECCA", that again is your distortion...

    I advocate the nuking of the SPECIFIC black rock of mecca...

    I am sure there are plenty of tiny briefcase nukes that could do the job...

    You on the other hand are an extremist, you take a simple statement and make it into a total lie....

    Use a laser, use a nuke, kidnp it and send it to the sun... ALL WORK FOR ME...

    But no, it's been said dozens of time, i do not advocate the nuking of millions of islamic savages.... I want them to live long and prosper and be free to continue cutting the clits of 10's of millions of their OWN women, keeping their own women in jail for driving a car and hanging their own homo's! That is my position!

    I just want to nuke a rock...

    You? you're just a liar, a distorter and just full of crap...

  62. desert rat said...
    Referencing the spree killing in Ohio>

    While the identity of the shooter nor any of the victims have been released, there are photos of the neighbors, with not a black or brown face amongst 'em.

    Surprised? White white folk do go insane too....

    What is your excuse? After all you are the one who did the shooting in Central America..

    I guess your statement about how it aint illegal since you never were caught holds true....

    I cant wait for the UN to start an inquiry for war crimes in Central America, I am sure Eric Holder will turn you over for investigation the moment those crimes become public...

  63. Rat = the bar's ONLY admitted killer....

    SInce the Bar BELIEVES he was who he says he was...

    I guess he was the killer he claimed to be... (in Central America) and no not in any "uniform"

    Hired gun....

    boom, boom....

    That is the Rat

  64. Retaining Geithner is not a confidence builder.

    I'd suggest O hire Dave Ramsey as his economic adviser and Treasury Secretary.

    Won't be easy but Dave's the man. He'll fix it in baby steps.

    Baby step one - The White House, VP and Congress go on a 'rice and beans, beans and rice, and water' regimen. This hurts I know but a necessary first baby step. No more booze for Biden.

    Baby step two - all the government credit cards get the scissors. This is a tough baby step also.

    Baby step three - Dave does an analysis of our assets and liabilities and we give up the losers and retain the winners, if any. Again a tough baby step.

    Baby step four is easier. Do away with all of the capital gains tax. This frees up trillions in frozen assets that people will be able to trade around again, stimulate the economy.

    Baby step five - bike when you can, drive used car if you must drive, for all government employees. No limos ever again.

    This is just a beginning, but Dave Ramsey would get the job done.


  65. desert rat said...
    The "Rock" is in the middle of a city.
    A major population center.>Ground Zero in Mecca

    Didnt stop America....

    What is good for America? Is good for any other nation....

  66. The pornographer attempts to dehumanize the intended victims of his blood lust.

    Those are not "real" people living in those buildings, he says it's just a rock.

  67. desert rat said...
    The pornographer attempts to dehumanize the intended victims of his blood lust.

    Those are not "real" people living in those buildings, he says it's just a rock.


    No one LIVES in the building that holds the black rock....

    It can be vaporized....

    Distort away you lying sack of shit....

  68. That is the best picture of Ground Zero, found in a thirty second image search.

    Probably over 150,000 civilians there, in the blast area, in a country that is currently an ally of the United States.

  69. It was all so calm, quiet, and enjoyable while rat was away.


  70. Interesting point the lying sack of crap named Rat brings up...

    My advocation of the nuking of the black rock of mecca gets his panties in a wad because there are "people living" there...

    But when he was scolding Israel for responding to over 10,000 rockets NOT ONCE DID HE EVERY SAY ABOUT THE HAMAS THEY WERE SHELLING BUILDING THAT HOUSED PEOPLE.....

    Rat de-humanizes Jews when it suits his distorted lying purposes.

    But if that "Jew" is a 1 month FETUS? It's a total human to him...

    If that Jew is 6 years old? Deserved to bet blown up for stealing the savages land...

  71. desert rat said...
    That is the best picture of Ground Zero, found in a thirty second image search.

    Probably over 150,000 civilians there, in the blast area, in a country that is currently an ally of the United States.

    Try off season.....

    Try at midnight...

    Drop leaflets...

    Use a laser....

    cut it anyway you can...

    KILL THE ROCK.....

    I stand for the killing of the Black Rock of Mecca...

    Rat stands for the murder of actual people.

  72. Anonymous said...
    It was all so calm, quiet, and enjoyable while rat was away.


    I guess the county jail released him....

  73. Is Obama having another cigarette or does he need another shot of valium?

  74. Notice how Rat values the fact that Arabia is a "current" ally of the USA....

    Notice in his rants how he DISSES Israel, also a current "ally" of the USA....

    One standard for Israel, no standards for anyone else...

    Rat shit.... says it all

  75. Blow up the Black Rock of Mecca....

    That should be the slogan for 2012

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Deuce said...
    What an asshole.

    Rat or Obama or both?

  78. Or maybe?

    Repossess the Dome of the Rock.

  79. A nuke strike could not be limited to the temple complex.

    ... yield of a relatively compact linear implosion device was under 2 kilotons for the cancelled / never deployed (but apparently tested) US W82-1 artillery shell design, with yield under 2 kilotons for a 95 pounds (43 kg) artillery shell 6.1 inches (15 cm) in diameter and 34 inches (86 cm) long.

    2 kilotons takes out the neighborhood.
    There has never been a smaller tactical nuke.

  80. Did A New Taliban Weapon Bring Down The Chopper?

    Seems the SEALS and others were returning home after a battle.


  81. Christ he is blaming, blaming, blaming…. what a fucking stroker.

  82. Every word from the teleprompter. He can't speak from the heart or the head…..

  83. Did the Teleprompter blame everyone else in the universe for the pickle we are in?


  84. Keep going asshole, drive the DOW down five hundred.

  85. Now he is doing morning in America.

  86. I was listening to Rush when wife was in Wal-Mart.

    "He'll blame everyone else" says Rush.

    Sounds like it is so.


  87. This is embarrassing. Diversity amongst the men killed.

  88. Relax Deuce, there's not a chance in hell this turkey is going to get re-elected.

    Even the blacks are beginning to question him.

    He'll soon be in the 30's in the approval polls.


  89. mea culpa ...

    There is a 600 ton nuke ...

    The AGM-62 Walleye is a television-guided glide bomb which was produced by Martin Marietta and used ... during the 1960s. Most had a 250 lb (113 kg) high-explosive warhead,
    some had a nuclear warhead.

    The designation of the Walleye as an "air-to-ground missile" is a misnomer, as it is an unpowered bomb with guide avionics, similar to the more modern GBU-15.

    So, we'd be down to 50,000 or so in the immediate blast area.

  90. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) — Nine former soldiers and officials have turned themselves over to a court in El Salvador after being indicted in Spain in the 1989 killings of six Jesuit priests and two other people during the Central American country's civil war.
    The Defense Department said Monday the nine soldiers turned themselves in at a military base and were handed over to a Salvadoran court.
    A tenth suspect in the Spanish case has since died, and 10 other suspects have not bee located.
    Salvadoran officials have said it is unlikely that El Salvador's supreme court will vote to extradite the men to Spain.
    Spanish courts have used international jurisdiction doctrines to prosecute the killings of the priests, five of whom were Spaniards.


  91. The W72 variant had a yield of around 600 tons of TNT.

    The 300 W72 units were produced between 1970 and 1972, and were in service until 1979.

  92. Suitcase nuclear weapons
    There has been no official information released on the existence of true suitcase or briefcase-sized nuclear weapons in either the U.S. or Russian arsenals. However, the Washington, D.C.–based intelligence-firm, Center For Defense Information (CDI), states that the US government produced a class of nuclear devices in the late 1970s which were small enough to fit into an actual suitcase or briefcase.[citation needed] Likewise, CDI claims that a detailed training replica—with dummy explosives and no fissionable material—was routinely concealed inside a briefcase and hand-carried on domestic airline flights in the early 1980s.[6][non-primary source needed]
    While the explosive power of the W54—up to an equivalent of 6 kiloton[7] of TNT—is not much by the normal standards of a nuclear weapon (the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II were around 16 to 21 kilotons each), their value lies in their ability to be easily smuggled across borders, transported by means widely available, and placed as close to the target as possible.

    or steal it and shoot it to the sun...

    either way... kill the rock

  93. Rat you are next...

    What is "Occupation" said...
    SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) — Nine former soldiers and officials have turned themselves over to a court in El Salvador after being indicted in Spain in the 1989 killings of six Jesuit priests and two other people during the Central American country's civil war.
    The Defense Department said Monday the nine soldiers turned themselves in at a military base and were handed over to a Salvadoran court.
    A tenth suspect in the Spanish case has since died, and 10 other suspects have not bee located.
    Salvadoran officials have said it is unlikely that El Salvador's supreme court will vote to extradite the men to Spain.
    Spanish courts have used international jurisdiction doctrines to prosecute the killings of the priests, five of whom were Spaniards.

    get packing... a jail cell awaits you....

  94. You are in a whirled of your own.

  95. Well the genius Hip-Hopper drove to the checkerd flag, the Obama 500.

  96. You picked a slanted "Slate" hit piece that did not prove true. One ... ONE ... rabbi was arrested and charged with trafficing in body parts. I asked you what had happened to the alleged miscreant; you have not answered. Do you even know his name? Yes, you are often "away". You are also a liar.

  97. Another lap another 100- The Obama 600.

  98. BARACKALYPSE NOW reads headline


    LIMBAUGH: Obama 'Debt Man Walking' in '12...


  99. Even the blacks are beginning to question him. He'll soon be in the 30's in the approval polls.

    Obama could open a second Treblinka and make the Juden wear armbands again, and he'd still get 80% of the vote from that tribe, as long as he was still running as a Donk. Jewish votes in Presidential elections since Reagan's second bid:

    Reagan (R) 31
    Mondale (D) 67

    Bush (R) 35
    Dukakis (D) 64

    Bush (R) 11
    Clinton (D) 80
    Perot (I) 9

    Dole (R) 16
    Clinton (D) 78
    Perot (I) 3

    Bush (R) 19
    Gore (D) 79
    Nader (G) 1

    Bush (R) 24
    Kerry (D) 76
    Nader (G) <1

    McCain (R) 22
    Obama (D) 78

  100. Sarah to Iowa????

    Iowa GOP to announce “special guest” at Ames debate

    Later this week, Tina Korbe and I will travel to Ames, Iowa, to cover both the nationally-televised presidential debate on Thursday and the straw poll two days later. Our Townhall colleague Guy Benson will join us as well. That will bring its share of drama and intrigue, but the Iowa GOP may have a surprise up their sleeve before then, too. A few minutes ago, I received this brief e-mail from the state chair’s office:

    Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn will hold a media availability following the meeting of the Ames Rotary at 1pm [CT] today to announce an special guest attending the Iowa GOP/Fox News Debate on Thursday, August 11. Chairman Strawn will also give an overview of the week’s events including Thursday’s debate and Saturday’s Straw Poll. Interested parties should email

    A ‘special guest’? That sounds rather interesting, given who has already declared themselves in the race — and who hasn’t. The two surprises with the most media impact would be Rick Perry, who’s reportedly very close to announcing his entry in the race, or Sarah Palin, who has a tremendous draw in Iowa. An appearance as a “special guest” by either would stoke their attraction for write-in votes on Saturday, as well as draw huge media attention to the event. It would also allow either potential candidate to make a big splash without actually having to participate in the event — and overshadow the rest of the attending field.


  101. Jackie Blames LBJ For Death Of JFK

    Also seems like the whole crew was playing musical beds.


  102. Teresita said...
    Even the blacks are beginning to question him. He'll soon be in the 30's in the approval polls.

    Obama could open a second Treblinka and make the Juden wear armbands again, and he'd still get 80% of the vote from that tribe, as long as he was still running as a Donk. Jewish votes in Presidential elections since Reagan's second bid:


    For all the topics and subjects and words, Ms T brings up a death camp as metaphor.

    From all the Jewish people in the world to you, please stop talking about the Jews.

    Talk about ANYone in the world but us...

  103. Obama’s had it’s second Hip-Hop BBQ in two days. The President had Earth, Wind and Fire over to the White House along with Jay-Z, Beyonce and Oprah. They all danced in a conga line around Tim Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, who seem unfazed by the downgrade.
    “It’s a tiny downgrade, we’ll be upgraded soon. It’s no big deal. Have another mojito,” said Geithner to WWN’s Frank Lake.

    Honest to God....

    The books that will be written about this era of our misery....


  104. Wio said:
    From all the Jewish people in the world to you, please stop talking about the Jews.

    That coming from all zionism all the time

    Deuce said...
    Is Obama having another cigarette or does he need another shot of valium?
    I associate a lack of punctuality with a lack of reliability, competence.
    I imagine it irks even some of his backers who were waiting on an "announced meeting between him, the investing community, and the people" to see the african american Prez saunter in 43 minutes late.
    Then fail to raise confidence in the slightest in his speech. All rhetoric and finger-pointing.

    America's leadership is broken. It isn't just Obama.

  105. WiO said,
    From all the Jewish people in the world to you, please stop talking about the Jews.

    She will.

  106. With such monster demand for US Treasury's, even after the downgrade, does that mean we may never have to pay the debt back?

  107. Sooner or later the libs will turn on Obama as it is either the ideology that is flawed or its current messenger.

    Anyone care to make the argument that he deserves a second term? By what performance metric?

  108. Cedarford said...
    Wio said:
    From all the Jewish people in the world to you, please stop talking about the Jews.

    That coming from all zionism all the time

    Yep, it's like that nigger thing....

    If your not a black person, dont say it....

    If you are a non-stop jew bashing, zionist trashing, israel hating person, dont talk about Jews, Israel or Zionism, YOU AINT QUALIFIED....

  109. PS, that includes you C4....

    You have a LONG history of being a Jew hating, Israel bashing, Zionist trasher...

    It's odd, how those that really hate, have such deep hatred...

    I hate those that seek to cut my head off... These goobers hate jews, israel and zionism and if truth be told? They could go away and NO ONE would ever bother them again.. They COME to the party....

    We dont seek them out....

  110. ...very clever - 'Maybe Obama Can Save the Republic With Hip-Hop' ... You were referring to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, of course ... :-)

  111. WiO,

    As you know, at sundown the fast of Tisha B'Av begins. May your fast be filled with meaning. DR will have the run of things, I'm afraid :-)

  112. WiO,

    As you know, at sundown the fast of Tisha B'Av begins. May your fast be filled with meaning. DR will have the run of things, I'm afraid :-)



  113. Federal agents swept across New Jersey and New York on Thursday, charging 44 people -- including mayors, rabbis and even one alleged trafficker in human kidneys -- in a decade long investigation into public corruption and international money laundering.

    Wall Street Journal

    Rabbi Caught in New Jersey Corruption Sting Called Himself Kidney 'Matchmaker'

    Read more: FOX News

    3 New Jersey Mayors and 5 Rabbis Among Those Arrested in Federal ...

    A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors, two state assemblymen and five rabbis, the authorities said.



    Five rabbis are among those arrested for their alleged involvement in a huge money-laundering scheme, including the trafficking of human body parts, as a result of a 10-year investigation by the FBI in New Jersey.

    FBI officials said they had arrested 44 people including two mayors, major political figures and rabbis, part of the Syrian-Jewish community who are said to have laundered the money through their personal charities.

    The rabbis who have been charged include Saul Kassin, Grand Rabbi of the US Syrian-Jewish community.
    He allegedly helped launder about $3 million from fake Gucci and Prada handbags.

    One of the other accused men, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, was charged with conspiring to traffic human organs after officials said he had offered a witness’s relative a $160,000 kidney which he himself had acquired for $10,000.

    Officers raided synagogues, government offices and a Jewish school when making their swoop.

    Weysan Dun, a New Jersey FBI agent commented: "The list of names and titles of those arrested today sounds like a roster for a community leaders meeting."


  115. Former CIA Director James Woolsey on Iran's Terror Threat

    James Woolsey, who was director of the Central Intelligence Agency during the Clinton Administration and has remained heavily involved in the intelligence and security arena since leaving that post, has a clear understanding of the threat posed by Iranian support of terrorism and its nuclear weapons program. Woolsey said, "Iran's threats should be taken seriously. The people who have the mindset that they're just rhetoric are the same types of people who in the late 1920's and early 1930's said that Hitler's Mein Kampf was just rhetoric.

    "With these crazy, highly ideological, totalitarian movements, one's best guide often to what they will really do if they get power is their statements that they issue in line with their ideology in order to rally their troops and get them enthusiastic. It would be very foolish and really quite naive to say that Ahmadinejad is just blowing smoke. I think he certainly would do it if he could."

    As Iran comes ever closer to completing its nuclear weapons program, the day when Israel and the rest of the world must deal with the awful reality draws near. Yet, instead of doing anything effective about this grave threat, the world is focusing on Israel instead. In some ways it's not surprising since in his Cairo speech, President Obama identified the Arab-Israeli conflict as second only to Al Qaeda as a threat to peace. But it's ridiculous! The Obama Administration and the UN are fully committed to creating a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

    If some rabbis sold body parts they should be prosecuted. If it's against the law. Is it against the law to sell a kidney of one's own? Or were they getting them from the dead? I'm an organ donor myself. Anyway, if true, 10k to 160k is one hell of a markup.

    If rat would spend as much time ferreting out the good in the Jewish people as he does trying to dig up some dirt, his opinions might change drastically. But, he won't let that happen.....


  116. Sundown can't come soon enough.

  117. John Bolton Too Wants To Save The Republic

    Bolton is considering throwing his hat into the Republican ring.


  118. From where I sit it may not be the Jews they hate so much as it is WiO.

  119. From where I sit it may not be the Jews they hate so much as it is WiO.

    Not so much WiO I hate as double-standards. And giving away money. And innocents that glow radioactive.

  120. The Obama administration has criticized S&P's decision, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying Sunday that S&P has "shown a stunning lack of knowledge about basic US fiscal budget math."

    S&P had originally miscalculated -- by about $2 trillion -- how much an agreement Obama signed into law last week would lower the country's debt. Obama administration officials alerted S&P to the mistake Friday, but the ratings firm said despite the error, the US does not deserve its highest credit rating because the country has not taken sufficient steps to lower its deficit.


    Obama said despite the deaths, a transition of power to Afghanistan security forces will continue. "We will press on and we will succeed," he said.

  121. $2 Trillion miscalculation. :))

    That's ripe, just 2 trill.


  122. An elderly Irish woman visited her physician to ask his advice on
    reviving her husband's libido.
    'What about trying Viagra?' asked the doctor.
    'Not a chance', she said. 'He won't even take an aspirin.'
    'Not a problem,' replied the doctor. 'Give him an 'Irish Viagra'.
    It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even
    taste it
    Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went..'
    It wasn't a week later when she called the doctor, who directly inquired
    as to her progress.
    The poor dear exclaimed, 'Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah!
    T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!'
    'Really? What happened?' asked the doctor.
    'Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect
    was almost immediate.
    He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye and with his pants
    a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of
    his arm, he sent me cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to
    tatters and took me then and there passionately on the tabletop! It was
    a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute
    nightmare!' 'Why so terrible?' asked the doctor,' Do you mean the sex
    your husband provided wasn't good?'
    'Freakin' Jaysus, 'twas the best sex I've had in 25 years!
    But sure as I'm sittin' here, I'll never be able to show me face
    in Starbucks again.

  123. Musta graduated from the "No Accountant Left Behind Program"


  124. 'Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! Sam!!

    Where you come up with this stuff.


  125. Oh, shit, Sam. :)

    Thanks, Bubba; Needed that one.


  126. Conquering The Storm

    By none other than that nitwit.....Sarah Palin!


  127. Oz market:


    Hour into trading.

  128. Brent at 103, gold thru the roof. It ain't all bad depending on what you are holding.

    Besides, S & P are those same geniuses who gave a lot of the lenders gold chip ratings right before they tanked.

  129. Jackie O story seems to have been bogus -

    BOGUS ABC Blasts 'Jackie O Tapes' Story ABC Blasts 'Jackie O Tapes' Story

    Turns out Jackie O's "explosive" tapes are not as juicy as we thought. ABC News has denied reports in British papers claiming that the network is sitting on a recording of Jackie Onassis accusing Lyndon B. Johnson of orchestrating JFK's murder and admitting to an affair. "The tabloid reports about content of the tapes are total nonsense," the network's rep said. "ABC isn't releasing any content from those tapes until mid-September, at which time it will be clear how off-base these reports are."


  130. Violence and looting flared across London on Tuesday — and spread to a second major city — as shops and cars were set ablaze and authorities struggled to contain a third night of unrest in Britain's capital, which will host next summer's Olympic Games.

  131. unrest -- what an antiseptic word for burnin' shit down

    the unrest is spreading = the whole damned city is ablaze....


  132. Megaload of oil refining equipment coming through town at 11:00 PM. Wife and I are going to witness it. If there are any protesters I may just get in a state of unrest and torch the protesters cars !!!


  133. Tomorrow morning we get the NFIB index number. (National Federation of Independent Businesses)

    This number is the Best, of all the published, somewhat-official-type Indexes.

    They were the first (Besides RUFUS) to, on the second tuesday of April, say "Man, March Sucked, Bigtime."

    It dropped by about 2.5 from Mar to April (showing business conditions from Feb to Mar.) And, has dropped steadily, every month, since.

  134. RUFUS - Resources Underutilized Factoids United States

    One of the best though unsung indexes of waste fraud and abuse, along with mention of opportunities overlooked in our financial word. Published eight times daily from the financial hub of the south, the middle of Mississippi.



  135. One final little cheery note before I give it up for the night.

    The Dow is Down Another 293 in Asia.

  136. :)

    Not bad, Bob; not bad.

    Especially from a member of the Ideehoe Brain Trust. :)

  137. g'nite Rufus, got big day tomorrow, I know you'll be missin' me :)


  138. Monday's move for global equity markets "didn't smack so much of fundamentals. It smacked more of some people needing to clear positions with fairly narrow exits to clear those positions, and that's why we got the price action that we did," said Stephen Roberts, economist at Nomura Securities.

    "This sort of situation needs to clear before we can form a base," he added.

    Royal Bank of Canada strategists added, "All eyes will now shift to the Fed's Federal Open Market Committee meeting Tuesday, with the market looking for any guidance/signals on the possibility of the Fed injecting any further monetary stimulus to help stem the current global growth confidence crisis."

  139. .

    CNN reports that since the end of July, the stock market plunge has cost the holders of US stocks (you, me, 401k's, pension funds, and those 'job creaters' we heard about) approximately $2.9 trillion (yes, that's with a T).

    Not bad for a little over a week. Thank you D.C. pols for your principled stand in holding firm against tax hikes. I'm sure most of those job creaters feel the same today.

    I mean it's not like the debt ceiling hike which is a statuatory requirment to pay for our spending sins of the past is independant of future budget considerations you hope to make.

    Oh, wait...


    D.C. brings you the crisis that never needed to be.

    For the last few decades, it has been taking about a decade to build up bubbles leading to disaster (S&L, the, housing, etc.). D.C. has proven they can generate one in ten days.

    Enjoy your vacation boys.



  140. the stock market plunge has cost the holders of US stocks (you, me, 401k's, pension funds, and those 'job creaters' we heard about)

    I am still up!

    Hasn't cost me a dime :)

    I don't do stocks and stuff.

    But, my daughter is changing stable and this one wants to buy alfalfa, and will take it in the big 800 pound rounds. Alfalfa is up right now, unlike stocks.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer Quirk, cause winter is a cummin' in, sing Goddamn, o sing Godamn, winter is a cummin' in, O Lord sing Goddamn GodDamn GODDAMN!

    (ezra pound)


  141. Winter is Icummen in
    (Ezra Pound)

    Winter is icummen in,
    Lhude sing Goddamm,
    Raineth drop and staineth slop
    And how the wind doth ramm!
    Sing: Goddamm.
    Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,
    An ague hath my ham.
    Freezeth river, turneth liver
    Damn you, sing: Goddamm.
    Goddamm, Goddamm, tis why I am,
    So 'gainst the winter's balm
    Sing Goddamm, damm, sing Goddamm
    Sing Goddamm, sing Goddamm,

    also see Sumer is Icumen in


  142. .

    From the WaPo

    Meanwhile, the Senate Banking Committee is reportedly preparing to probe S&P’s decision, Reuters reported Monday afternoon. An aide to the committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Instead of arguing about how to create more jobs and generate growth (the answer to most of our problems) Congress has spent seven months arguing about political philosophy and mandates.

    Now they will spend more time finger-pointing over who caused the current crisis.

    Wonder how Roger Clemons is doing these days.


  143. Ezra was born Ideehoo, but not Brain Trust. He was a traitor and folks here disowned him long ago.

    Hem somehow got him out of jail I think, or helped in his defense or something, out of compassion. Said Ezra was crazy, couldn't be held accountable.

    Ezra hated usury and banks.


  144. I had a dog named Ezra, and a dog named Roethke, too.


  145. I guess the black mayor of Philadelphia is a racist

    PHILADELPHIA — Mayor Michael A. Nutter, telling marauding black youths “you have damaged your own race,” imposed a tougher curfew Monday in response to the latest “flash mob” - spontaneous groups of teens who attack people at random on the streets of the city’s tourist and fashionable shopping districts.

    “Take those God-darn hoodies down, especially in the summer,” Mr. Nutter, the city’s second black mayor, said in an angry lecture aimed at black teens. “Pull your pants up and buy a belt ‘cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt.”

    “If you walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you? They don’t hire you ‘cause you look like you’re crazy,” the mayor said. “You have damaged your own race.”

  146. Sounds like a recycled Bill Cosby lecture. He was the first black to get blunt, if I recall rightly.


  147. .

    When a drunk enters your poem
    best you can do is
    steer him from the wildflowers.
    He'll have little regard.

    My drunk farms an Idaho hill
    where midsummer storms
    lashed at him and his crops
    until there was nothing

    save a twelve-pack of bud
    nearly done by noon
    when the sun came out,
    followed by wild blooms,

    and then the farmer—
    his last can in hand—
    headlong for my bloom-filled
    humid haiku of a meadow
    at the end of a muddy lane.

    Demod Smith

    Winter is coming and it could last a decade.


  148. All is well in the garden. London is burning. The Euro is fracturing. Diversity is still the strength and glue of Western Civilization. The banks are getting crushed again. They must be saved at all costs. If you own a body shop and are having financial difficulties, do the right thing and fix it yourself. IF YOU GO BROKE IT IS OBVIOUSLY YOUR FAULT. We are all going to die.


    Obama is still the dumb arrogant asshole I always thought he was. His idiotic teleprompted speech… well yo u heard it.


    I really have no stomach to do another post today. There is one ugly story after another and I have posted about every one of them at least twenty times.


    I spoke with Whit a couple of weeks ago and he made me laugh when he said that he had nothing more to say. We both had a chuckle about that. By the way, Whit is a soft spoken, smart decent old school kind of gentleman.


    I'll be checking in.

  149. The aircraft was large, modern and considered among the world's safest. But that night it was flying straight into a huge thunderstorm. Turbulence was extreme, and airspeed indicators may not have been functioning properly. Worse, the pilots were incompetent. As the plane threatened to stall they panicked by pointing the nose up, losing speed when they ought to have done the opposite. It was all over in minutes.

    Was this the fate of Flight 447, the Air France jet that plunged mysteriously into the Atlantic a couple of years ago? Could be. What I'm talking about here is the Obama presidency.

    When it comes to piloting, Barack Obama seems to think he's the political equivalent of Charles Lindbergh, Chuck Yeager and—in a "Fly Me to the Moon" sort of way—Nat King Cole rolled into one. "I think I'm a better speech writer than my speech writers," he reportedly told an aide in 2008. "I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I'll tell you right now that I'm . . . a better political director than my political director."

    On another occasion—at the 2004 Democratic convention—Mr. Obama explained to a Chicago Tribune reporter that "I'm LeBron, baby. I can play at this level. I got game."

    Of course, it's tempting to be immodest when your admirers are so immodest about you. How many times have we heard it said that Mr. Obama is the smartest president ever? Even when he's criticized, his failures are usually chalked up to his supposed brilliance. Liberals say he's too cerebral for the Beltway rough-and-tumble; conservatives often seem to think his blunders, foreign and domestic, are all part of a cunning scheme to turn the U.S. into a combination of Finland, Cuba and Saudi Arabia.

    I don't buy it. I just think the president isn't very bright.


  150. {…}

    Socrates taught that wisdom begins in the recognition of how little we know. Mr. Obama is perpetually intent on telling us how much he knows. Aristotle wrote that the type of intelligence most needed in politics is prudence, which in turn requires experience. Mr. Obama came to office with no experience. Plutarch warned that flattery "makes itself an obstacle and pestilence to great houses and great affairs." Today's White House, more so than any in memory, is stuffed with flatterers.

    Much is made of the president's rhetorical gifts. This is the sort of thing that can be credited only by people who think that a command of English syntax is a mark of great intellectual distinction. Can anyone recall a memorable phrase from one of Mr. Obama's big speeches that didn't amount to cliché? As for the small speeches, such as the one we were kept waiting 50 minutes for yesterday, we get Triple-A bromides about America remaining a "Triple-A country." Which, when it comes to long-term sovereign debt, is precisely what we no longer are under Mr. Obama.

    Then there is Mr. Obama as political tactician. He makes predictions that prove false. He makes promises he cannot honor. He raises expectations he cannot meet. He reneges on commitments made in private. He surrenders positions staked in public. He is absent from issues in which he has a duty to be involved. He is overbearing when he ought to be absent. At the height of the financial panic of 1907, Teddy Roosevelt, who had done much to bring the panic about by inveighing against big business, at least had the good sense to stick to his bear hunt and let J.P. Morgan sort things out. Not so this president, who puts a new twist on an old put-down: Every time he opens his mouth, he subtracts from the sum total of financial capital.

    Then there's his habit of never trimming his sails, much less tacking to the prevailing wind. When Bill Clinton got hammered on health care, he reverted to centrist course and passed welfare reform. When it looked like the Iraq war was going to be lost, George Bush fired Don Rumsfeld and ordered the surge.

    Mr. Obama, by contrast, appears to consider himself immune from error. Perhaps this explains why he has now doubled down on Heckuva Job Geithner. It also explains his insulting and politically inept habit of suggesting—whether the issue is health care, or Arab-Israeli peace, or change we can believe in at some point in God's good time—that the fault always lies in the failure of his audiences to listen attentively. It doesn't. In politics, a failure of communication is always the fault of the communicator.

    Much of the media has spent the past decade obsessing about the malapropisms of George W. Bush, the ignorance of Sarah Palin, and perhaps soon the stupidity of Rick Perry. Nothing is so typical of middling minds than to harp on the intellectual deficiencies of the slightly less smart and considerably more successful.

    But it takes actual smarts to understand that glibness and self-belief are not sufficient proof of genuine intelligence. Stupid is as stupid does, said the great philosopher Forrest Gump. The presidency of Barack Obama is a case study in stupid does.

    Write to

  151. Creepy Quote of the Day
    Jesse Walker | August 7, 2011

    From an essay in the Sunday New York Times: "The public was desperate for a leader who would speak with confidence, and they were ready to follow wherever the president led." No, that isn't an historian explaining the rise of Mussolini. It's the Emory psychologist Drew Westen, writing wistfully about the leader he wishes Obama would be.

  152. .

    The man is a pigmy among dwarves.

    Hard to notice him at times unless you are really looking.

    He is the figure-head we elected while waiting for the messiah. Like the Jews we may have to wait a long time.


  153. .

    Then there is Mr. Obama as political tactician. He makes predictions that prove false. He makes promises he cannot honor. He raises expectations he cannot meet. He reneges on commitments made in private. He surrenders positions staked in public. He is absent from issues in which he has a duty to be involved. He is overbearing when he ought to be absent.

    Succinct and to the point.

    Then there's his habit of never trimming his sails, much less tacking to the prevailing wind.

    I don't see it. He may stick to his guns verbally but in practice he constantly back peddles.

    It also explains his insulting and politically inept habit of suggesting—whether the issue is health care, or Arab-Israeli peace, or change we can believe in at some point in God's good time—that the fault always lies in the failure of his audiences to listen attentively

    He is not alone. The author has just decribed every pol in D.C.



  154. However, the Metropolitan Police admitted they were struggling with the number of incidents as rioters used social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to plan their violence.

    However, much of the planning apparently took place on BlackBerry smartphones, which have a free messaging system. Polic are unable to monitor these messages, but Black–Berry's manufacturer said it would try to co–operate with detectives.

    Roy Ramm, a former Met commander, had earlier warned that the Met could lose control of the streets.

    He said: "That has to be a possibility and the Home Secretary and [Met] commissioner are going to have to make some difficult decisions." Mr Ramm added that by using mobile phones and social networks "these people can mass and change direction very quickly and the police tactics are being subverted".

    Last night more than 225 people had been arrested, the majority of them teenagers. The youngest was an 11 year–old, who was charged with burglary.

    Thirty six people had been charged with a variety of offences.


  155. Mr Godwin said that while the violence on Saturday was rooted in frustration over the death of Mark Duggan, who was shot during a police operation in Tottenham, later disorder on Sunday was "pure criminality".

    There were fears that tensions may rise further when the Independent Police Complaints Commission today confirms that a bullet that hit a police officer's radio in the incident in which Duggan died was a police issue bullet.

    Talks have been held with the organisers of Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place at the end of this month, as fears grow that it could become a focal point for violence.

    Police have already admitted that they had no choice but to allow looters to steal from high street shops on Saturday evening as they had to focus their attention on the dozens of burning buildings and rioting in Tottenham.

    Former Met commanders said the riots were unprecedented in their sporadic and spontaneous nature.

    Brian Paddick, the former deputy assistant police commissioner who was a sergeant during the Brixton riots in the 1980s said: "We have not faced this situation before.

    "In the absence of intelligence it is a major difficulty for the police, and the fact it is sporadic and widespread."

  156. London riots: police lose battle as lawlessness erupts

    The police battle to enforce order on the streets of London collapsed completely last night as lawlessness spread to all corners of the capital.


  157. Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

    Jackson, Mississippi (CNN) -- On a recent Sunday morning just before dawn, two carloads of white teenagers drove to Jackson, Mississippi, on what the county district attorney says was a mission of hate: to find and hurt a black person.

    In a parking lot on the western side of town they found their victim.

    James Craig Anderson, a 49-year-old auto plant worker, was standing in a parking lot, near his car. The teens allegedly beat Anderson repeatedly, yelled racial epithets, including "White Power!" according to witnesses.

    Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith says a group of the teens then climbed into their large Ford F250 green pickup truck, floored the gas, and drove the truck right over Anderson, killing him instantly.

    Mississippi officials say it was a racially motivated murder. What the gang of teens did not know was that a surveillance camera was focused on the parking lot that night, and many of the events, including the actual murder of Anderson, were captured live on videotape.

    CNN has exclusively obtained that surveillance tape. The group of teens that night was led by 18-year-old Deryl Dedmon, Jr., of Brandon, Mississippi, according to police and officials.

  158. From the Detroit Free Press

    AUSTIN, Texas -- Leaning toward a presidential run, Texas Gov. Rick Perry will visit at least two early primary states -- South Carolina and New Hampshire -- on Saturday at the same time most of his would-be GOP opponents are competing in an important test vote in Iowa.

    A Republican with links to the governor said Perry won't go forward if he can't secure enough financial commitments by this weekend.

    Spokesman Mark Miner said Monday: "The governor is not a candidate for office at this time. Stay tuned."

  159. Another Dirty White Boy

    Michael Hance’s cold-blooded killing of such a young victim after stalking seven other people on a tidy suburban Akron street named Goodenough Avenue was, neighbors said, the culmination of a family and neighborhood dispute over a home that once belonged to his girlfriend’s parents.

    Hance, 51, had no criminal record before the killings late Sunday morning and his death in a shootout with police in Copley, where a flag flew at half-staff yesterday outside the home where the carnage began.

    Hance had recently become angry over residents’ comments about the property, where he lived with his girlfriend, Becky Dieter, said neighbor Carol Eshelman. About a month ago, Hance’s next-door neighbor Gudrun “Gerdie’’ Johnson asked Hance to clean up the property, which included a broken-down car on blocks.

    Johnson, 64, was killed in the attack, along with her husband, 67-year-old Russell Johnson; their 44-year-old son Bryan Johnson and his daughter Autumn, 16; Becky Dieter’s brother, Craig Dieter, and his 11-year-old son, Scott; and an unidentified girl who was slain while in a parked car with Autumn outside the Johnsons’ home.


  160. "It's sort of ironic that Treasury notes that were downgraded are rallying today,"

    said Ron Doyle, head of equity investing at Meadowbrook Investment Advisors in Livonia.

  161. Treasury should be taking advantage of this flight to 'safety' to lengthen the maturity mix on debt issues.

  162. My nephew is going to London for his next semester of college. He leaves in 2 or 3 weeks.

  163. NFIB Business Optimism Index Down 0.9 to 89.9.

  164. London is a big city. All those riot areas started turning black in the late sixties with Jamaicans and West Indians. That was not diverse enough for the Labour Party so Arabs, Pakistanis and Africans were invited to the party. MTV, rap and hip-hop helped set the tone where working class white trash evolved into gangstas or wiggers. Multi-cultural paradise was nutured by a rainbow of welfare programs and seasoned with every kind of drug known to man, with the really good shit coming from the cream of the human crap, the Albanians. It is mostly an Afro-centro deal. Norhing new there.

    Tell your nephew to think of that part of London as North Philadelphia, Kensington, Bridesburg ans some of the lovely parts on West Philadelphia. Avoid those areas and he will be fine.

  165. So in other words coming from Temple he will feel right at home.

  166. Productivity Plunging - Unit Labor Costs Skyrocketing

    holy moley

  167. We have sent all of our jobs to China, and our money to Saudi Arabia.

    The Bottom 40% are tapped out, and are putting their last nickels, and dimes into the gas tank.

    We are so freakin' screwed.

  168. SETI Saved!!

    It's what we need, get in touch with some advanced aliens to help us out.

    From what I can see of the pictures of the rioting in London, etc., it is a multicultural event, not restricted to any one race. This is, of course, in our multicultural age, exactly as it should be, a real victory for the voices of reason, tolerance etc.

    When I was in London I was in some place not far from that Park where they talk all day, and I was about the only white face around.

    I thought London sucked. But then I surely didn't see much of it.


  169. Daughter has made a deal with another better stables to board Risky in exchange for some alfalfa rounds. Finally found a stables that will take the big rounds.

    This place is nice, top end, heated too, with a pond etc. and a wonderful indoor riding arena for the winter. I'm thinking of moving out there with Risky myself.


  170. Quirk, I could get a heated stall for you too. Would be safer than Detroit. Lots of friendly people around. I could teach you to fly fish. Think it over.


  171. D.B. Cooper mystery continues --

    DNA Doesn’t Match D.B. Cooper

    All that excitement for nothing: DNA tests from a new suspect in the D.B. Cooper case failed to match DNA from a necktie that the criminal left on the airplane he hijacked in 1971. While it doesn’t necessarily rule out the new suspect—the tie itself could have contained someone else’s DNA if, say, it were borrowed—it makes proof significantly less likely. The new suspect was first identified when a woman, Lynn Doyle Cooper, came forward to say she had childhood memories that suggested her uncle was the hijacker. She also provided fingerprints to the FBI, but those tests were inconclusive.


  172. These rioters in England are probably all on some kind of welfare/statefare, and have free medical care too (albeit they might die waiting for the operation) but it's not enough for 'em. It's our future if we keep going as we are.


  173. I can get you a stall at the stable too, Rufus.

    Quirk you ought to really seriously consider my proposal. There are fish in that pond, and sleeping on straw is, well, it's simply the best sleeping there is once you get used to it. And no need to carry a concealed weapon. Plus, with your set of unusual abilities, it wouldn't be long before you could communicate with the horses, never be lonely with the horses to talk to, and Rufus and I will both probably be there too.

    Off for today lawyering.



  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. IRS: 1,470 millionaires paid no income tax in '09

    It is well past time to reform the tax code, so that ALL income is taxed.

    Eliminate the income limits, write offs and deductions, while lowering the overall rates.

    Ending the lie that payroll taxes are not income taxes.

  176. The same US allies that are reporting civilian deaths in Syria, did so concerning Israel in 2008, as well.

    If they were lying about civilian deaths in the Israeli dominions, then it must be assumed they are lying about the behavior of Assad's military in Syria, too?

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met Assad to press for a halt to the crackdown in which activists say at least 1,600 civilians have died, making it one of the bloodiest of the upheavals sweeping the Arab world.

    Assad's civilian body count is twice that of Bibi's, if the Turks are to be considered a reliable source of information.

  177. desert rat said...
    The same US allies that are reporting civilian deaths in Syria, did so concerning Israel in 2008, as well.

    The so called civilian deaths that Israel caused were do to the civilians and their buddies shooting thousands of rockets 1st.

    To some how compare the body counts at the out and out murder that syria is conducting only could be accomplished by someone who has no moral compass.

    Rat has murdered people in cold blood, why should we consider any point he is trying to make when it comes to anything, let alone Israel.

    Hamas controlled gaza strip is an islamists dreamland. It kills at will anyone it disagrees with. It has flung people (fatah) off of roof tops, targeted wedding receptions and barber shops for attacks...

    Hamas has a history of shelling Israel, tens of thousands of rockets aimed at civilians...

    Hamas has targeted egyptians as well... just shot and killed in cold blood...

    to this Rat compares Israel too...

    no wonder, Rat is a self confessed murderer himself

    One can only wonder if Rat will do us all a favor and return to Arabia from where he came...

    They call him Ishmael for a reason...

    And to end this post, I want to tell anyone that reads this that Rat has a history of lying, distortion and out and out hatred towards Israel, Jews and Zionism.

  178. There was no confession of murder, that is an outright lie.

    Or reference it.

    Which cannot do,
    as it does not exist.

    Guess you are getting ever more desperate.

    Going Goebbels
    you are.

  179. It would seem that by the rantings of "o" we can believe the accuracy of the Turkish reports, as they regard civilian deaths in both Syria and Israel.

  180. Everyone is waiting with bated breath to hear from the Fed. All the Fed can do is prop up the Stock Market by making Bonds less attractive. That doesn't help the "real" economy one whit.

    Absolutely, Every swinging dick is completely ignoring the fundamental problems of the U.S. Economy.

    Rising Energy (petroleum) Costs

    High Unemployment

    Stagnant Wages

    Horribly Negative "Trade Balance"

    "Investment" Money hoarded in overseas tax havens.

    There's not a thing Bernanke can do about Any of these things.

  181. Fedspeak translated: Rufus was/is Right.

    (except, for some unfathomable reason, we're still referring to higher petroleum prices as transitory.)

  182. .

    The FED merely and finally recognized what everyone not on Wall Street or in D.C. have recognized right along.

    The economy is unlikely to get better for some time, years.


  183. 10 yr yield: 2.16%

    Gold soaring. $1764.00

    Somebody is really, really, really, really wrong.

  184. desert rat said...
    There was no confession of murder, that is an outright lie.

    It's tough for you to undo the murderous bragging you have sown...

    We all KNOW you bragged about it...

    It's coming knowledge.

    As for the "big lie" theory of saying something over and over again til people to take it as fact applies directly to people of YOUR mentality stating anti-semitic rants over and over again...

    So you nazi embracing piece of lying shit? your constant anti-israel, anti-jewish and anti-zionist rants paint you as the very thing the "big lie" was created and used for Herr Rodent...

    You are a mental NAZI.

    I am NOT.

    Nor is Israel, zionism or Jews..

    They are NOT NAZIS, matter how many lies, distortions and misdirections you try to throw at the subjects....

    Israel's war record about NOT targeting civilians is the best in the world. No other government comes close...

    And it's enemies? (your friends?)


    That is a fact...

    You defend SAVAGES....
