Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another New Jersey Hurricane

He was probably guilty.


  1. I love bob dylan

  2. Carter was definitely found to be guilty, he may not have committed the crime.

    Dylan has certainly had a long and varied musical career.

  3. Knowing zero about the case it's always fair to ask about a motive. Why would Carter who must have had his boxing career and some money at the time want to go into a bar and start blowing people away?

    Only answer I could find was This


  4. Bought my daughter a new stables.

    Bob rules

  5. THIS JUST IN * As Hurricane Irene batters the East Coast, federal disaster officials warns that Internet outages could force people to interact w/other people for the 1st time in years. Residents are bracing themselves for the horror of awkward silences & unwanted eye contact. FEMA advises: “Be prepared. Write down possible topics to talk about in advance. Sports, weather. Remember, a conversation is basically a series of Facebook updates strung together.”

  6. The horror, the horror


  7. Ron Reagan Jr. Calls Dick Cheney A War Criminal


    His father would have, and probably did, the same thing.


  8. Obama takes charge at hurricane command center...

    Scientist mocks: Phony 'Hurricane' Coming On Shore With 33 MPH Winds...

    You see, Obama has stilled the waters.


  9. Yeah, the dirty cops probably framed a guilty man. I've just never heard of such a thang.

    Of course, they might have framed an innocent man.


    He Was a bad character. He did spend a considerable amount of time in prison. His conviction was overturned after about 20 yrs.

    He was remembered longer than Hurricane Irene will be.

  10. High Stakes Gambling one night, the King's Stables the next, High Culture tonight, Wolf Safari on Tuesday, a real social roll I'm on, don't think I can keep up the pace.



    Obama takes charge at hurricane command center...

    Forecaster: 'Hype over Hurricane Irene overblown'...

    Dang that guy is good.

    Black Elk himself could only manage a small shower over Harney Peak, Lakota, and that was from the center of the earth, not any hurricane command center.

    Ding, dong, dell
    I hear the plays
    Opening bell.....


  12. Wildwood's beach is already gone.

  13. Obama never rests. Says we are in for a tough "slog", a Britishism that is particularly annoying. Leave to him to annoy me while I enjoy my hurricane.

  14. Irene is a TROPICAL is rain and wind, bit it is NOT a hurricane any longer.
    Yet Little Lord Obama is playing "Relief Coordinator" to pretend to be able to do anything right!
    If Obama didn't already have a string of LOW POINTS in his Residency in the White House, then THIS would be HIS lowest point!

  15. Meanwhile...

    In Syria a battle that could flip the entire middle east in a way that could HELP CREATE REAL PEACE our nation is SILENT and doing almost NOTHING to hekp get rid of Assad. and if you get rid of assad. you most likely KILL the IRANIAN connect, this harming hezbollah, hamas, islamic jihad and the egyptian moslem brotherhood.

    Not to mention several major connections to shit..

    venezuela, North korea and pakistan come to mind..

    Friday August 26, 2011

    16 were killed by security forces today in protests across Syria, as the situation on Damascus took a dramatic turn.

    Death toll distribution: 3 in Idlib (2 in Kafrouma, and 1 under torture in Ma’arrat Al-Nouman), 2 in Deraa/Haruan (Nawa and Mleiha), 1 in Hama (a defector originally from Bosra), 5 in Deir Ezzor (4 in Deir Ezzor City and 1 in Qouriyeh), 2 in Damascus (Qaboun, Douma and Kafar Sousseh), 2 in Homs (1 by a sniper in Bab Al-Sibaa Neighborhood in Homs City and 1 during a security crackdown in the town of Al-Qseir), and 1 in Lattakia (Skantouri).

    and nothing from the press...

    nothing from the president...

    compare to a worthless issue of libya..

  16. Your reviewer from the Idaho Brain Trust will write a review, but suffice it to say now he left at halftime, and needs to recover.

    It's really hard to not be able to hear a word that's said, even if you know play really well. And, it's hard for some of us brought up in another time to get used to the idea of an old Pappy Prospero in a waist length pigtail.

    In Shakespeare's day a cross dresser would at least try to hide his/her real sex.

    I thought I had found a male actor in one Taylor somebody but he turned out to a a fem too, and out of all the parts in the play there is one fem, and here we had zero male actors.

    I don't call this sexism on my part, but, hell, gentlemen, we're pussy whipped.

    We're relegated to the stage carpenters and even in that category it was only three to two.

    Finally I got so I was no longer trying to catch the words and just watched the body motions. They were indeed putting their all into it.

    A for effort, F for acoustics.

    They need a patron, like me, to buy them some small microphones to broadcast to a sender. And the echos in there, why my God, "FIE FIe Fie fie......"

    And, can't any of them wear bras under those tight t's? Nipples two feet away are really distracting.


  17. WiO is the only poster that knows about the mideast.

    I was hoping for an analysis much like that.


  18. And, they must get some sound proofing or absorbing materials on those metal sides of that 100,000 bushel bin. Lord, the echoing.


  19. And where in the hell did the "character" called Magic in the play come from?

    I don't remember no such character in the original playbill. At first I thought 'she' was Ariel, but she followed PigTailed Pappa Prospero around everywhere like his personal servant, which, of course, she was.

    A lithe young lady of the finest sort chalked marked up face chest breast neck and arms, she danced, O She Danced, in a flimsy silk nothingness, bra-less, a perpetual torment.


  20. My daughter fell asleep, Riskied out, before I left, so I gave her ticket to some lucky dude at the door.


  21. a Britishism that is particularly annoying


    He has a perfect right to use such language, his father was a drunken Kenyan/British Colonial.


  22. Old Pappy Kenyan/British Colonial Obammy died in his last drunken driving wreck; one-legged, he had lost his leg in a previous drunken driving incident.

    And that was it, all she wrote, for ol' Pappy Obammy.


  23. Ol' Pappy Commie Obammy, rather.

    His world class dissertation was on the necessity of taking all the Land in Kenya, putting it under state control, and, well, of course, the upshot would be, starving half the nation to death.

    A real work of art, who smoked a pipe, an intellectual, who had multiple wives, evidently couldn't stand Miss Whitey from Seattle, a work of art in her own right, he may or may not have been Obammy's real daddy-O. We may never know.

    The facial characteristics are wrong, as Charles pointed out many times.

    And brain dead America elected this piece of shit.


  24. And finally tonight, the costuming was all wrong. You could at least make half the cast look,seem like they'd been through a life threatening sea tempest wreck. But O No, these gals were all as prime and proper, basically well dressed, not a hair out of place, save for Caliban, as if they were at a sorority buffet.

    Well, if they did have wet T shirts I guess I might have fainted.\


  25. AND, you don't threaten death via a Malaysian Kris knife (gal did have a meaningful and full knife) with a sorority smile on your face.


  26. Full fathom five you will lie;
    Of your bones are coral made;
    Those are pearls that were your eyes:
    Nothing of you that doth fade,
    But doth suffer a sea-change
    Into something rich and strange.
    Sea-nymphs hourly ring your knell:
    Hark! now I hear them—Ding-dong, bell.

    The Tempest is the end of the Shakespearean experience.

    It is so good, because he ended on an optimistic note, after writing all those tragedies. It is life affirming.

    And he is talking to you.

    That is why I like it so.

    Cause I can't stand sad endings no more.

    They don't pass the test of myth.



  27. And then he went home, this incarnation of the ability to write, having made his money in London.


  28. What is "Occupation" said...

    In Syria a battle that could flip the entire middle east in a way that could HELP CREATE REAL PEACE our nation is SILENT and doing almost NOTHING to help get rid of Assad. and if you get rid of Assad. you most likely KILL the IRANIAN connect, this harming Hezbollah, hamas, islamic jihad and the egyptian moslem brotherhood.

    Wishful thinking at best that just one more war in Islamadum will be the winning ticket. The opening phase has only just begun. The absurdity of NATO picking a side in Libya will not be fully played out until the Ghadaffi tribe has its collective back against the wall and all these hundreds of tribes get real nervous that the tribe they hate the most will have an advantage over the one they hate the least.

    it will be a very uncivil war and repeated all through the ME until a new team of strongmen take the field. We saw how the great Iranian Revolution evolved against the evil Shah. It was France that incubated the Ayatollah and France that has been leading Team NATO in Libya. There is no logical reaon for democracy to work in Libya, Egypt, Syria orfor that matter, Iraq. The Middle East is in the normal state of affairs that humanity has practiced since Adam boinked Eve.

    As Trish was apt to say, "What could possibly go wrong?"

  29. I repeat, WiO is the only one knows something.

    If I read him aright, it's not going to be roses.

    But it might help.

    Really we are talking The Tempist here.

    What could possibly go wrong.

    (best phrase ever uttered here)

    Better yet, what could possibly go right?


  30. Tempest goddamn it.


  31. That is to say, in S., sometimes the marbles line up right.

    An older man, he affirmed this.

