Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A True New Yorker - Anthony Weiner



  1. It was interesting that Joe Scarborough opened his show with two spoofs on Sarah Palin. Yes, his lead was on Sarah Palin and her remarks about Paul Revere. Scarborough keeps slipping down and probing the depths of the scum scale.

  2. There are only two words that come to my mind.

    Dumb politician.

  3. There has got to be a book on, how not to get caught.

  4. Sarah Palin yesterday insisted her claim at the Old North Church last week that Paul Revere “warned the British” during his famed 1775 ride — remarks that Democrats and the media roundly ridiculed — is actually historically accurate. And local historians are backing her up.

    Palin prompted howls of partisan derision when she said on Boston’s Freedom Trail that Revere “warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free.”

    Palin insisted yesterday on Fox News Sunday she was right: “Part of his ride was to warn the British that were already there. That, hey, you’re not going to succeed. You’re not going to take American arms.”

    In fact, Revere’s own account of the ride in a 1798 letter seems to back up Palin’s claim. Revere describes how after his capture by British officers, he warned them “there would be five hundred Americans there in a short time for I had alarmed the Country all the way up.”

    Boston University history professor Brendan McConville said, “Basically when Paul Revere was stopped by the British, he did say to them, ‘Look, there is a mobilization going on that you’ll be confronting,’ and the British are aware as they’re marching down the countryside, they hear church bells ringing — she was right about that — and warning shots being fired. That’s accurate.”

  5. This makes Damon a chump too.

    But of course, they are all victims. Weiner a victim of social media, and Damon a victim of being stupid.

    I do like his movies though.

  6. .

    The FED has a dual-mandate to control inflation and to spur employment.

    Richard Fisher, one of the more reasonable FED governors in my opinion, was on CNBC today.

    He made the point that going into the 2012 election, the FED would take no actions that were motivated by political expediance.

    When pressed on the issue and asked if they might not do something to try and help the employment problems facing the US, Fisher responded, "What can we do?"

    Refreshingly honest but hardly encouraging.


  7. A sex obsessed New York Jew, what's the new News, there?

    Another of the fonts of modern Western Civilization, acting like a typical barbarian.

  8. Scarborough is a TV talking head, discussing another network's TV talking head.

    Totally appropriate.

    Neither is a candidate for office, both are trying to drive their network ratings.

    Both seem to be succeeding at providing their audience with sound bites of interest.

  9. The measured inflation since the founding of the FED?

    Total inflation over the period from January 2010 to January 1914 is: -95.39%

    Not a lot of success, in the FED fulfilling the "control inflation" portion of their mandate.

  10. The US dollar lost 95.39% of its value, in the course of 96 years.

    1% loss of value. 1% for each year the FED has had the mandate to maintain the value of the dollar.

    And the Congress cannot even audit the books, at the Federal Reserve.

  11. All the TV networks, radio talk shows and even the print media pundits are a twitter concerning Fox News analyst, Sarah Palin.

    Give credit, where credit is due ...

    Roger Ailes is a smart man.

  12. desert rat said...
    A sex obsessed New York Jew, what's the new News, there?

    Another of the fonts of modern Western Civilization, acting like a typical barbarian.

    Another post, another attack on Jews, Israel or Zionism.

    Congrats to the Bar!

    Your track record quite, shall we say? Pro-David Duke?

  13. This fellow Weiner
    He is self absorbed
    He is driven to cyber sex with "strangers"
    He is a New Yorker
    He is Jewish.

    I have seen him in the past, on "The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart", celebrate being a New York Jew.

    How that resembles a statement on Israeli political positions, hard to fathom.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. That I have read, in the Story of "o" that Judaism is the font of Western Civilization cannot be denied.

    While those that follow the "o" know that he believes that religion is the key to everyone's core.

  16. Whew, Wotta mornin'. Where to start?

    Orlov. I've Never known Anyone, born in Russia, or Eastern Europe, that understood Freedom, or The United States.

    Weiner? . . . . . . . .

    Fisher. Good looking guy. Good Cheerleader for Texas. Second class thinker.

  17. desert rat said...
    That I have read, in the Story of "o" that Judaism is the font of Western Civilization cannot be denied.

    While those that follow the "o" know that he believes that religion is the key to everyone's core.

    And Rat is either a islamist or a satanist....

    to his core...

    He is a lying Jew hating, Zionist hating, Israel hating, self confessed murderer...

    Hey Rat, question, Is the International Court of Justice still pursuing you for crimes against humanity in that unnamed central american country that you played soldier of fortune in?

    Just waiting, someday those pesky law men might come a knocking to serve you up?

    Please let us know when they do finally arrest you....

  18. Fisher expects 3% + Growth in the U.S. economy in the second half of the year. I expect we end the year in Recession. We'll see.

  19. desert rat said...
    That I have read, in the Story of "o" that Judaism is the font of Western Civilization cannot be denied.

    What is with you? Are you so PORN obsessed that you must keep talking about the "Story of "O"" Is that your FAVORITE PORN of all time or what?

    You seem quite obsessed with porn and abortions...

    Maybe you have had your wife or daughter abort your potential child and now you are pissed that your wife, sister, aunt or daughter would not bring to term your forced breeding attempts?

    Maybe some Jew fired you from your job for stealing or just being an asshole and you still hold on to the rage?

    Whatever your problem your constant porno and jew addiction is rotting what is left of your mind..

    Seek help Rodent....

  20. Another tread hijacked by the Bar's jew hating nazi lover....


  21. Try to have a tread a week that doesnt talk about Jews, Israel or Zionism...

    Bet ya can't...

  22. See, even the Story of "o" admits how the Abrahamics dominate the news, as reported in the "West".

    Can't go a month, even a week, on a political blog without mentioning Christians, Muslims or Jews.

  23. To discuss finance, well there's the IMF, where a Jew is the subject matter of public interest.
    As it is in a related rape case, in New York City.

    Discuss the "Arab Spring" and Israel is in the midst, of it.
    Geography being what it is.

    Discuss US foreign policy, there's Israel, trying to drive the bus.

    Discuss US domestic politics, there's Mr Weiner and the voting demographics of a dependable Democrat bloc.

    Discuss American Greed, we find Bernie Madoff.

  24. What would gasoline cost if we didn't have that 900,000 bbl/day of ethanol?

    Iowa St. - $0.89/gal

  25. IN order to counter the propaganda by herr rodent....

    I shall post a series of wonderful Jewish oriented tales and wisdom


  26. The Torah was given by G‑d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot we renew our acceptance of G‑d’s gift, and G‑d “re-gives” the Torah.

    The word Shavuot means “weeks.” It marks the completion of the seven-week counting period between Passover and Shavuot.

    The giving of the Torah was a far-reaching spiritual event—one that touched the essence of the Jewish soul for all times. Our sages have compared it to a wedding between G‑d and the Jewish people. Shavuot also means “oaths,” for on this day G‑d swore eternal devotion to us, and we in turn pledged everlasting loyalty to Him.

    The holiday of Shavuot is a two-day holiday, beginning at sundown of the 5th of Sivan and lasting until nightfall of the 7th of Sivan. (In Israel it is a one-day holiday, ending at nightfall of the 6th of Sivan.)

    Women and girls light holiday candles to usher in the holiday, on both the first and second evenings of the holidays.
    It is customary to stay up all night learning Torah on the first night of Shavuot.
    All men, women and children should go to the synagogue on the first day of Shavuot to hear the reading of the Ten Commandments.
    As on other holidays, special meals are eaten, and no “work” may be performed.
    It is customary to eat dairy foods on Shavuot. Among other reasons, this commemorates the fact that upon receiving the Torah, including the kosher laws, the Jewish people could not cook meat in their pots, which had yet to be rendered kosher.
    On the second day of Shavuot, the Yizkor memorial service is recited.
    Some communities read the Book of Ruth publicly, as King David—whose passing occurred on this day—was a descendant of Ruth the Moabite.

  27. Blintzes are a traditional dish for the holiday of Shavuot. Top with sour cream, apple sauce or cinnamon and sugar.

    4 eggs
    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 cup water
    1 cup flour
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 package vanilla sugar
    Pinch of salt
    1 Tbsp. oil

    1/2 pound farmer cheese
    4 ounces cream cheese
    4 Tbsps. honey or
    maple syrup
    juice of 1/2 lemon
    1 egg yolk

    1 pound cottage cheese,
    2 egg yolks
    2 Tbsps. flour
    2 Tbsps. sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla sugar
    1/4 cup raisins (optional)

    USE: 7 inch skillet
    YIELDS: 12 blintzes

    BATTER: In a large mixer bowl combine eggs, milk, water and blend well. Gradually add flour, then both sugars, salt and oil. Beat well until there are no lumps in the batter.

    FILLING I: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and beat well. Or combine all the ingredients in a blender container and blend until smooth.

    FILLING II: Combine all ingredients, except raisins, in a bowl and beat well. Or all the ingredients can be combined in a blender container and blended until smooth. Then add raisins.

    TO ASSEMBLE CREPES: 1. Prepare batter and filling of your choice. Using a paper towel or basting brush, apply a thin coating of oil to a 7 inch skillet. Place skillet over medium heat until skillet is hot but not smoking.

    2. Ladle approximately 1/3 cup of batter into the skillet. Tilt pan to swirl the batter so it covers the bottom of the skillet.

    3. Fry on one side until small air bubbles form, and top is set. Bottom should be golden brown. When done, carefully loosen edges of crepe and slip out of skillet onto a plate..

    4. Repeat the above procedure until all the batter is used. Grease the skillet as needed..

    5. Turn each crepe so that golden brown side is up. Place 3 tablespoons of filling on one edge in a 2 1/2 inch long by 1-inch wide mound..

    6. Roll once to cover filling. Fold the sides into the center and continue rolling until completely closed..

    7. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in the skillet and place each crepe seam side down in the skillet and fry 2 minutes on each side, turning once.

    VARIATION: Whole wheat pastry flour can be used instead of white flour.

  28. Blintzes are a traditional dish for the holiday of Shavuot. Top with sour cream, apple sauce or cinnamon and sugar.

    4 eggs
    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 cup water
    1 cup flour
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 package vanilla sugar
    Pinch of salt
    1 Tbsp. oil

    1/2 pound farmer cheese
    4 ounces cream cheese
    4 Tbsps. honey or
    maple syrup
    juice of 1/2 lemon
    1 egg yolk

    1 pound cottage cheese,
    2 egg yolks
    2 Tbsps. flour
    2 Tbsps. sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla sugar
    1/4 cup raisins (optional)

    USE: 7 inch skillet
    YIELDS: 12 blintzes

    BATTER: In a large mixer bowl combine eggs, milk, water and blend well. Gradually add flour, then both sugars, salt and oil. Beat well until there are no lumps in the batter.

    FILLING I: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and beat well. Or combine all the ingredients in a blender container and blend until smooth.

    FILLING II: Combine all ingredients, except raisins, in a bowl and beat well. Or all the ingredients can be combined in a blender container and blended until smooth. Then add raisins.

    TO ASSEMBLE CREPES: 1. Prepare batter and filling of your choice. Using a paper towel or basting brush, apply a thin coating of oil to a 7 inch skillet. Place skillet over medium heat until skillet is hot but not smoking.

    2. Ladle approximately 1/3 cup of batter into the skillet. Tilt pan to swirl the batter so it covers the bottom of the skillet.

    3. Fry on one side until small air bubbles form, and top is set. Bottom should be golden brown. When done, carefully loosen edges of crepe and slip out of skillet onto a plate..

    4. Repeat the above procedure until all the batter is used. Grease the skillet as needed..

    5. Turn each crepe so that golden brown side is up. Place 3 tablespoons of filling on one edge in a 2 1/2 inch long by 1-inch wide mound..

    6. Roll once to cover filling. Fold the sides into the center and continue rolling until completely closed..

    7. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in the skillet and place each crepe seam side down in the skillet and fry 2 minutes on each side, turning once.

    VARIATION: Whole wheat pastry flour can be used instead of white flour.

  29. Wow a holiday that is 3,300 years old...

    I guess there were no "palestinians" back then...

  30. The profound influence of Jewish tradition on the Founding Fathers can be seen in the American Constitution. Such influence should come as no surprise given John Adams' view expressed in a letter to Thomas Jefferson: "I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize man than any other nation."

    According to Woodrow Wilson, the ancient Jewish nation provided a model for the American colonists:

    Recalling the previous experiences of the colonists in applying the Mosaic Code to the order of their internal life, it is not to be wondered at that the various passages in the Bible that serve to undermine royal authority, stripping the Crown of its cloak of divinity, held up before the pioneer Americans the Hebrew Commonwealth as a model government. In the spirit and essence of our Constitution, the influence of the Hebrew Commonwealth was paramount in that it was not only the highest authority for the principle, "that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God," but also because it was in itself a divine precedent for a pure democracy, as distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy or any other form of government.

    Jews also contributed directly to the revolution. President Calvin Coolidge paid tribute to their role in the War of Independence:

    The Jews themselves, of whom a considerable number were already scattered throughout the colonies, were true to the teachings of their prophets. The Jewish faith is predominantly the faith of liberty.

    One original design for the official Seal for the United States submitted by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams depicted the Israelites crossing the Red Sea with Pharaoh in pursuit and Moses standing on the other side. The motto was to have been: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God." Another seal was chosen, but the Liberty Bell does bear an inscription from the Old Testament: "And Proclaim Freedom Throughout The Land Unto All the Inhabitants Thereof" (Leviticus 25:10).

  31. A Historical Commitment to Israel

    The recognition of shared values has been a consistent theme in statements by American Presidents ever since Truman. John Kennedy, for example, declared: "This nation, from the time of President Woodrow Wilson, has established and continued a tradition of friendship with Israel because we are committed to all free societies that seek a path to peace and honor individual right. In the prophetic spirit of Zionism all free men today look to a better world and in the experience of Zionism we know that it takes courage and perseverance and dedication to achieve it."

    "The United States and Israel share many common objectives...chief of which is the building of a better world in which every nation can develop its resources and develop them in freedom and peace," said Lyndon Johnson.

    The roots of Johnson's feelings, like those of many other Americans came from the Bible. As he explained in a speech before B'nai B'rith: "Most if not all of you have very deep ties with the land and with the people of Israel, as I do, for my Christian faith sprang from yours." The President explained that "the Bible stories are woven into my childhood memories as the gallant struggle of modern Jews to be free of persecution is also woven into our souls."

    Richard Nixon asserted that the United States stands by its friends and that "Israel is one of its friends." His successor, Gerald Ford, reaffirmed his "commitment to the security and future of Israel is based upon basic morality as well as enlightened self-interest. Our role in supporting Israel honors our own heritage."

    "The United States," Jimmy Carter said, "has a warm and a unique relationship of friendship with Israel that is morally right. It is compatible with our deepest religious convictions, and it is right in terms of America's own strategic interests. We are committed to Israel's security, prosperity, and future as a land that has so much to offer the world."

    Ronald Reagan was the first President to state explicitly that Israel was a strategic asset to the United States, a belief he expressed even before he was elected: "Only by full appreciation of the critical role the State of Israel plays in our strategic calculus can we build the foundation for thwarting Moscow's designs on territories and resources vital to our security and our national well-being." But Reagan also understood this alliance sprang from shared values: "Since the rebirth of the State of Israel, there has been an ironclad bond between that democracy and this one."

    Shortly after taking office, George Bush said: "The friendship, the alliance between the United States and Israel is strong and solid, built upon a foundation of shared democratic values, of shared history and heritage, that sustains the life of our two countries. The emotional bond of our people transcends politics. Our strategic cooperation—and I renew today our determination that that go forward—is a source of mutual security. And the United States’ commitment to the security of Israel remains unshakeable. We may differ over some policies from time to time, individual policies, but never over the principle."

    President Bill Clinton has taken the relationship to another level during his administration. "Our relationship would never vary from its allegiance to the shared values, the shared religious heritage, the shared democratic politics which have made the relationship between the United States and Israel a special—even on occasion a wonderful—relationship."

  32. A TRUE New Yorker...

    Founded in 1937, the world famous Carnegie Deli is a true New York City landmark situated in Midtown on 7th Avenue at 55th Street. We also have locations in the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut, Six Flags in New Jersey and at The Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA.

    All of our meats are smoked and cured in our own plant. We are family owned and operated and also bake our world famous cheesecake and desserts here. Our walls of fame are filled with pictures of celebrities, dignitaries, athletes, out-of-towners and our most important customer, you!

    We are known for our pastrami, corned beef, brisket and many other sandwiches, including our famous "Broadway Danny Rose." All of our gargantuan sandwiches are overstuffed with at least one pound of meat. We also specialize in old world favorites such as: knishes, matzoh ball soup, stuffed cabbage, and of course our pickles.)

    Whether you are enjoying our generous portions in the Deli, catering a business or personal event, or just taking our delicacies home to enjoy, we promise you will love our food!!!

    We invite you to come visit us for the true Carnegie Deli experience; you never know who you could be seated next to.

    The Carnegie Deli
    854 7th Avenue at 55th Street, New York, New York, 10019
    Tel. 212-757-2245 Toll Free: 800-334-5606 Fax: 212-757-9889

    "It usually takes a couple of tries to get it just right"

    Cookie Crust
    1cup all-purpose flour
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 egg yolk
    1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into 1/4 - inch bits
    Cheese Filling

    1 1/4 pounds softened cream cheese
    3/4 cup sugar
    1 1/2 tablespoon flour
    1 1/2 teaspoons Lemon juice
    1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    3 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
    2 tablespoons heavy cream
    1. To make the crust, place the flour, sugar, grated lemon rind, vanilla extract, egg yolk, and butter in a large mixing bowl. With your fingertips, rub the ingredients together until they are well mixed and can be gathered into a ball. Dust with a little flour, wrap in waxed paper, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

    2. Butter and flour the bottom of a 9 inch X 2 inch spring-form pan, roll out a piece of dough to cover bottom. Dough should be as thick as for a normal sugar cookie (1/4 inch) Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven to a light brown color. Cool the pan and bottom. Butter the sides of the pan. Roll out and line the sides of the pan with more of the cookie dough. Trim excess dough from the edges.

    To make the filling, place the cream cheese in a large mixing bowl and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon until it is creamy and smooth. Beat in the sugar, a few tablespoons at a time, and, when it is well incorporated, beat in the flour, lemon, vanilla, eggs and egg yolk and heavy cream. No lumps please!

    Baking Step One:
    Preheat the oven to 485-500 degrees. Oven should be hot to enhance color. Pour the filling into the cookie dough lined pan, bake in the center of the oven until a dark brown color has been achieved. The cake should also start to rise slightly. Cool for 30 minutes and set oven to 350 degrees.

    Baking Step Two:
    After cheesecake has cooled for 30 minutes, return the cheesecake to the oven for final baking (this procedure will set the cheesecake).

    NOTE: Cheesecake is like a pudding with only eggs being used to firm the cake. When the cake is bouncy in the center and slightly risen in the middle as well as on the sides, it's finished!

    Baking time at 350°F will vary (usually 25 to 40 minutes) depending on your oven.

    Final Step:
    Cool cheesecake in pan for at least 2 hours before trying to remove it from the pan. Refrigerate the cheesecake overnight. For best flavor, cheesecake should be served at nearly room temperature. Slice cake using a hot, wet knife; wipe blade clean between slices.

    NOTE: If you overbake, the cake will crack and be too firm. If you underbake, the cake will tend to b

  33. The solution presented was more exploration, but Shamsul also acknowledged that $2.4 trillion spent by oil companies around the globe between 2005 and 2010 served only to keep production steady. Between 1995 and 2004, the same amount of capex yielded an increase of 12.3 million bpd.

    Peak Oil? What Peak Oil? Oh, THAT Peak Oil


  34. Bernanke synopsized: "Rufus is right; Oil drives the Dollar. The Dollar doesn't drive oil."

  35. Massachusetts announced Monday that it will refuse to join the federal government’s Secure Communities initiative, becoming the latest state to balk at the Obama administration’s key anti-illegal immigration program designed to target gang members and violent felons for deportation.

    Following on the heels of Illinois and New York, which this year said they would try to opt out of the program, the move signals growing discontent from usually reliable Democratic territory over President Obama’s immigration policy, which is now drawing fire from both sides of the aisle.

    “The governor and I are dubious of the commonwealth taking on the federal role of immigration enforcement,” Massachusetts Public Safety Secretary Mary Elizabeth Heffernan wrote to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the division of the Homeland Security Department that runs the program.

    It comes as more states are challenging the Obama administration’s immigration efforts. From the right, Arizona has led a battle to empower local police to check immigration status, while the rebellion against Secure Communities highlights concerns from the left that Mr. Obama is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants, many of whom do not have the extensive criminal records on which the president has said he wants to focus.

  36. ... it was unclear whether Massachusetts has any option. Secure Communities operates on fingerprints that local law enforcement agencies send to the FBI every time someone is arrested and booked. Homeland Security officials say they retain the right to run them through immigration databases to see whether there are illegal immigrants who should be prioritized for deportation.

    “The federal government, not the state or local law enforcement agency, determines what immigration enforcement action, if any, is appropriate,” ICE spokeswoman Nicole A. Navas said. “Only federal officers make immigration decisions, and they do so only after an individual is arrested for a criminal violation of state law, separate and apart from any violations of immigration law.”

    ICE says that about 42 percent of states and localities are part of the program and that the entire country will be covered by 2013.

    As of May 31, just one Massachusetts locale, Suffolk County, participated in Secure Communities. Half of New York’s 62 counties, and about a quarter of Illinois’ counties were signed up.

    Through March 31, ICE said the program had resulted in the identifications of 151,590 criminal aliens and 77,160 of their deportations.

  37. Lise Meitner (7 or 17 November 1878 – 27 October 1968) was an Austrian-born, later Swedish, Jewish physicist who worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics. Meitner was part of the team that discovered nuclear fission, an achievement for which her colleague Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize. Meitner is often mentioned as one of the most glaring examples of women's scientific achievement overlooked by the Nobel committee. A 1997 Physics Today study concluded that Meitner's omission was "a rare instance in which personal negative opinions apparently led to the exclusion of a deserving scientist" from the Nobel. Element 109, Meitnerium, is named in her honor.

  38. “I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations ... They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more and more happily than any other nation, ancient or modern.”

    - John Adams, Second President of the United States
    (From a letter to F. A. Van der Kemp [Feb. 16, 1808] Pennsylvania Historical Society)

  39. ”...If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky way. properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it.

    The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

    - Mark Twain
    (“Concerning The Jews,” Harper’s Magazine, 1899
    see The Complete Essays of Mark Twain, Doubleday [1963] pg. 249)

  40. Well, good; if they're all That great they don't need any of my money.

  41. Rufus II said...
    Well, good; if they're all That great they don't need any of my money.

    Rufus, you have been bragging about "your" money...

    I would bet dollars do donuts you dont have shit... Nor do you pay any taxes worth a dam.

    I get the feeling you are an absolute fiscal loser....

    So YOUR money?

    Tell ya what smart ass... I'll send you the $1.22 you have contributed to the state of israel in the last 30 years and we'll call it even...

    now shut the fuck up you immoral asswipe...

  42. oh i am sorry...

    I meant to say "amoral" not immoral...

    you have no soul, nor do you have any heart...

  43. Israeli bandage that helped save Gabby Giffords’ life
    By Ron Kampeas (02/18/2011)
    Israel changed Gabrielle Giffords' life when the budding politician first visited the country in 2001 and it drew her close to Judaism.
    After the Arizona congresswoman was shot in the head a month ago, an Israeli innovation invented by an American immigrant to Israel may have helped save her life.

    First responders credited the emergency bandage colloquially known as “the Israeli bandage” with saving lives in the aftermath of the shooting in Tucson.

    Pima County officials displayed the kit at a news conference in Tucson, along with other military-grade gear used in ministering to the wounded in the shooting. The county had switched last June to the upgraded gear, and the shooting was its major first field test.

    “Without this care it would have definitely been a different situation,” Dr. Katherine Hiller, who had attended the wounded at University Medical Center, told The Los Angeles Times.

    The bandage is known for, among other things, its utility in stanching head wounds, one of the greatest challenges with conventional bandages. One model covers both entry and exit wounds, which Giffords is known to have sustained.

    The bandage, like others, applies a sterile pad to the wound to stop the blood. What distinguishes it is that a built-in applicator applies the equivalent of up to 30 pounds of pressure over the pad by wrapping it in the opposite direction of the initial wrap.

    Head wounds require multiple standard bandages to keep a pad in place. One Israeli bandage, with its elasticized cloth, is enough for a head wound, and the very act of wrapping it around the head applies pressure to the wound. That saves precious time, and the applied pressure applicator, because it is built-in, is more stable than the external pressures used with conventional bandages.

    Since its 1993 invention, the Israeli bandage has become standard issue in militaries throughout the world. The U.S. military made it standard issue in 2003, in time for the Iraq War.

    The inventor of the pad, Bernard Bar-Natan, is a self-described Brooklyn boy, a son of Holocaust survivors who immigrated to Israel in 1979 and was drafted into the military in 1983, serving an abbreviated service as an adult.

    When he was going into the military, friends advised him to get a “job” or a specialty to alleviate the boredom of grunt-level service. Immigrants drafted as adults serve only a few months rather than three or more years, so they rarely serve in the military's upper reaches. One of the few specialties available at that level is medic.

    As the years wore on through monthlong stints in the Israeli reserves, Bar-Natan became annoyed by an anomaly: The bandages available might have manufacture dates as early as 1942 or as late as the previous month, yet they remained essentially unchanged. Medics in the field were required to improvise pressure applicators -- magazines, rocks, canteens, whatever was handy.

    “The guns we used had improved, the planes flying above us had improved, but the bandages were the same,” Bar-Natan said.

    In the early 1990s, the Israeli government was encouraging start-ups through “incubators,” providing them low-interest loans. That encouraged Bar-Natan to jump in the waters with his idea for a newfangled bandage.

    In 2000, he took the bandage to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, where the U.S. military trains medics. Soon his company, First Care, was selling the bandage for use by elite units, including the 75th Rangers and the 101st Airborne. Three years later the bandage was certified for standard use.

    The Giffords shooting shined unexpected -- and unwanted -- publicity on his invention.

    “The real story is about her,” Bar-Natan said.

  44. Technology that SAVES American LIVES...

    The Smallest Camera in the World

    Since the dawn of modern medicine, doctors have pursed the use oftechnology to help them see into the human body. A variety of means serve justthis purpose: X-rays, CT scans, optical fibers and more, but the greatestbreakthrough in the field can be attributed to a unique technology developed bythe Israeli company Medigus

    The Israeli company Medigus developed the smallest camera in the world, at 1.2 mm diameter, which can be employed in medical procedures, in particular endoscopic diagnoses and treatments. The micro-camera's miniscule diameter allows doctors to see into tiny organs and systems which were previously inaccessible.

    Medigus CEO Dr. Elazar Sonnenschein explains that the only alternative are optical fibers which let doctors film video footage inside the human body although their numerous disadvantages limit their use: “Optical fibers are breakable and therefore can't access many spots. They're also very expensive – the smaller the diameter the higher the price,” Sonnenschein explains.

    The Medigus camera is used in flexible devices that offer a glance into places in the body that the optical fiber cannot access. In addition, it costs roughly 90% less that optical fibers of the same diameter. The low cost allows for significant savings in the component parts of the systems they comprise, and even allow the device to be disposable. Single-use cameras bypass expensive sterilization processes, thus also avoiding the risk of dangerous contamination and infection as well as cutting down on excess cost.

    Efficiency and Safety

    Many of us are forced to undergo invasive surgery at some point in our lives, followed by a recuperation period proportional to the seriousness of the procedure. Older patients are more likely to undergo invasive medical procedures, and their recovery process is longer. The Medigus camera, which is affixed to special devices, is minimally invasive and eliminates the arduous recovery process from surgery. Medigus's SRS endoscope can substitute standard surgery for gasrto-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), caused by stomach fluid rising into the esophagus. GERD is one of the most common diseases plaguing the Western world, afflicting an estimated 7% of the population.

    The Medigus micro-devices can also efficiently diagnose gall stones, which are currently diagnosed with X-rays or expensive and fragile optical fibers. Medigus's micro-camera spares the damages of X-ray radiation as well as the costliness of optical fibers.

    The Medigus camera has enabled doctors, for the first time in history, a noninvasive glance into the heart, brain and other areas. Dr. Sonnenschein estimates that within 5-10 years, the technology will be used in dozens of procedures including vascular treatments, from inserting stents to replacing valves.

    According to Dr. Sonnenschein, the camera technology could be utilized to effectively substitute invasive procedures carried out in hospitals, especially in the fields of orthopedics and ear-nosethroat medicine with less invasive procedures carried out at private clinics and outpatient clinics, offering a more efficient and cost effective option.

    What is an American life worth? GO ahead and deduct it's value from the generous aid that the USA does and has given to the State of Israel.

  45. Thin of the COST savings that Israel is going to give back to the USA with technology!

    An innovative development, the result of an eight-year study conducted at the Carmel Medical Center in Haifa, offers an innovative and effective method for preventing bypass surgeries.

    Leading the study are Prof. Moshe Fligelman, Head of In-Patient Cardiology at the medical center, and Prof. Basil Lewis, Head of Cardiology at Carmel Medical Center and President of the of Israeli Cardiology Society.

    The innovative development signifies an international breakthrough in the field of artery bypasses and aims to solve and eliminate the need for bypass surgeries through the revolutionary method of tissue engineering.

    How does the method work?

    Instead of performing bypass surgery, healthy blood vessel tissue is taken from the patient and engineered by means of an innovative technology in the laboratory. The engineered tissue is then returned to the body at the site of the problem. Within a few weeks, the body produces new blood vessels which bypass the obstructions and create new, healthy pathways.

    At the moment the new development is being applied to blood vessels which supply blood to the legs, while in the future the development will be used to create bypasses in the heart area, which will eliminate the need for catheterization and difficult bypass surgeries.

    The method has successfully received all FDA approvals, and the clinical study has already been implemented in several patients in the US. Treatment as part of this study results in high success rates.

  46. Whatever small amount of money I have, I don't want to give it to you, and your superior race in Israel.

    I'm sure they would be embarrassed to partake of the humble crumbs off my table, anyway.

    BTW, your "Superior" Race bros just murdered those poor people on the border the other day.

  47. BTW, your "Superior" Race bros just murdered those poor people on the border the other day.

    Nice comeback...

    Sort of..

    I guess several thousand rioting, stone throwing, fire bomb throwing, small armed attacking crowds should be given a bus ride to a resort?

    You are so full of shit it's pathetic..

    Murder on the border?


    Israel has MORE right's defending it border than America has sending rockets into Libya, Iraq or Pakistan.

    One set of standards for all dear Rufus, not one standard for Israel.

    No nation would allow mass rioting as an attack on it's borders. The fact that you call it "murder" proves you do have a bias against Israel.

    Your long winded bullcrap about how you dont care about Israel or the palestinians? nonsense.

    you have a hatred of Israel.

    It's clear...

    But for what's it's worth?

    Please tell me where to mail your $1.22 so you can get off Israel's back.

    Would not want the state of Israel to benefit from YOUR money...

    BTW, YOUR money? just gave fatah and hamas 1.6 BILLION last year, and now Obama wants to GIVE another 3 BILLION to egypt this year...

    your money, all the time...

  48. Rufus II said...
    Whatever small amount of money I have, I don't want to give it to you, and your superior race in Israel.


    "superior" race...

    Sounds like you have small dick syndrome...

    What your "people" never accomplish anything of merit?

    Nothing to be proud about?

    After all the negative stereotypes by your pal the rodent, I am just showing the other side of the coin.

    But no matter, you stand with the jihadists...

    what a soulless prick you are...

    cant wait for karma to put a put in your ass....

  49. All I saw was thirty, or forty guys, a couple with signs. Yes, it was Murder.

  50. You tell us how great, and superior, and wonderful the Jews, and Israel, are, and then you get mad when a poor ol' small-dicked hillbilly like me don't want to send'em any of my money. Don' make no sense.

  51. I bet 1.23 would suffice.

  52. Rehman Malik, Pakistan's interior minister, said he could confirm "100 per cent", that Kashmiri had died when a Predator drone fired three missiles into a house in South Waziristan as he and associates drank tea in the garden.

    However, US officials have been unable to confirm the death.

    One said: "It wouldn't be the first time that reports of his death have been wrong. We're simply unable at this time to confirm reports of Kashmiri's demise.

    Avenging Bin Laden

  53. That guy looks like Brad Pitt.

  54. A superior officer urged Hitler to put his ideas on paper.

    The letter has long been known to scholars. It is considered significant because it demonstrates how early Hitler was forming his anti-Semitic views.


    In one section of the letter, Hitler said that a powerful government could curtail the so-called "Jewish threat" by denying their rights, but, "Its final aim, however, must be the uncompromising removal of the Jews altogether."

    Display In LA

  55. Rufus II said...
    All I saw was thirty, or forty guys, a couple with signs. Yes, it was Murder.

    I guess you didnt look to hard...

    MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights - Israeli troops on Sunday battled hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters who tried to burst across Syria's frontier with the Golan Heights, killing a reported 20 people and wounding scores more in the second outbreak of deadly violence in the border area in less than a month.
    The clashes, marking the anniversary of the Arab defeat in the 1967 Mideast war, drew Israeli accusations that Syria was orchestrating the violence to shift attention away from a bloody crackdown on opposition protests at home. The marchers, who had organized on Facebook, passed by Syrian and U.N. outposts on their way to the front lines.
    "The Syrian government is trying to create a provocation," said Israel's chief military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai. "This border has been quiet for decades, but only now with all the unrest in Syrian towns is there an attempt to draw attention to the border."
    Human-rights groups say President Bashar Assad's forces killed at least 25 people in northern Syria over the weekend, and another 65 activists were killed in the central city of Hama on Friday, as anti-government protests spread through the country demanding his resignation.
    There was no Syrian comment on why the protesters were allowed to storm the border, apparently undisturbed by authorities.
    But Syria's state-run media portrayed the event as a spontaneous uprising of Palestinian youths from a nearby refugee camp.
    After nightfall Sunday, Syria's state TV said there would be an open-ended sit-in at the border, and thousands more protesters were on their way.
    The protests began around 11 a.m. with what appeared to be several dozen youths, brought in on buses. It gained strength through the day.
    By evening, the crowd had swelled to more than 1,000 people, who milled about, prayed and chanted slogans in an uneasy standoff with Israeli troops in the distance. The army bolstered its positions, posting a dozen armored vehicles and jeeps along the border road.
    A small group of youths managed to cut through a recently fortified coil of barbed wire and took up positions in a trench inside a buffer zone about 20 yards from a final border fence.
    Israeli troops periodically opened fire at young activists jumping into the ditch, sending puffs of soil flying into the air.
    As the standoff stretched into the evening, Israeli forces fired heavy barrages of tear gas to break up the crowds.
    Hundreds of people fled the area in panic, while some 20 people lying on the ground received treatment. It was not immediately clear whether the crowd would return.
    At nightfall, several small groups lighted bonfires, indicating the standoff would continue.
    Israel had promised a tough response after being caught off-guard in last month's demonstrations, when troops killed more than a dozen people in clashes along the Syrian and Lebanese borders.
    Until last month, Syria had steadfastly kept its border with Israel quiet for nearly 40 years, fueling the Israeli accusations that Syria was trying to divert attention from months of protests that have left more than 1,200 Syrians dead.

  56. Rufus II said...
    All I saw was thirty, or forty guys, a couple with signs. Yes, it was Murder.

    So Israel murdered 50% of the protestors...


    Then Israel would have had to murdered about 1000 people.

    None so blind as them that will not see....

  57. Rufus II said...
    You tell us how great, and superior, and wonderful the Jews, and Israel, are, and then you get mad when a poor ol' small-dicked hillbilly like me don't want to send'em any of my money. Don' make no sense.

    No, YOUR money is meaningless. The USA SENDS MORE money to the ARABS and SPENDS more on OIL from the ARABS than Israel ever gets (which is at least SPENT IN AMERICA).

    You keep using the word "superior"... I guess that's your inner self esteem talking... I never used that word...

    I are SILENT when Rat lists the Jews he finds as EVIL because they are Jews... But you have a mouth full when i post a few GOOD jews that save lives and help AMERICA~

    Cant have it both ways...

    As long as Rat posts slanderous posts about Israel, Jews or Zionism, I shall post nice posts about Jewish accomplishments, contributions and positive things that JEWS do for the world!

    Can't handle a few good Jews stinking up your Israel/Jew/Zionism bashfest?

    Get used to it...

    For every negative slander that you and Rat (and Deuce) put up? I shall put up tons of of fun filled warm and fuzzy jewish things...

    Dont want me to post good news about how great Israel, Jews and Zionism is?

    Stop lying, distorting and being an over all prick about Jews, Zionism and Israel.

  58. Our very own Rufus claims that the violent arab protesters, throwing rocks, firebombs and who knows what, all the while attempting to break through a nation's border, to then do what?

    Let's ask the follow questions.

    What are the intent of the thousands of arabs attempting to battle their way into Israel?

    Is it to invade to hold hands in front of the beach? Or is it PLAUSIBLE that the invading wilding arabs would seek to rape, stab and murder their way thru Israel, until caught or killed?

    What percentage of the invading mob of "peaceful protestors" were wearing suicide bombs?

    How many actually went off PREMATURELY while still in Syria? (there were claims that there were exploding protesters 3 km inside the syrian border...

    Rufus claims it was murder, now how is it MURDER wen the IDF forces are DEFENDING their border from external hoards of violent rioters?

    Now maybe Assad inside of syria is guilty of murder, (shooting peaceful marchers, delivering food) about 1200 so far in 5 weeks. But to use the term MURDER to describe Israeli actions would then make the USA guilty of MURDER every time we use a predator drone that kills a civilian (like last week)

    Using words like murder rather than the word killed shows a bias.

    Now for some other interesting details.

    Of the 20 that were "killed" what proof is there that Israel killed any of them?

    We do KNOW that Syria PAID a grand a head to protest, we do know that the syrians have used actual MURDER on a daily basis, so why is it so crazy to think that those that were killed were not shot by the very syrian security forces that arranged and delivered thousands to the border for the very protest....

    No, in AMERICA you are innocent until CONVICTED of a crime. Murder is a crime. But Israel should be treated no worse that the common rapist murderer that walks the streets of our great nation.

    But you dont give israel any slack. 20 attacking arabs died, so Israel MURDERED them

    Please use that same standard when judging our own nation's MURDER of people...

    From Sudan to Pakistan, from the civilians we kill in iraq to even Bin Laden, he was un-armed..

    I guess that is murder too...

  59. the so called innocent virgin protesters, flowers of peace in their own words from their facebook page

    Countdown to the Third Intifada
    Posted on May 18, 2011 7:25 am by mideastmag

    Persistence will pay off for Palestinians
    By Sami Moubayed

    DAMASCUS – There are several remarkable layers to what has been called the beginning of a “Third Palestinian Intifada” (uprising) that broke out on May 15, marking the 63rd anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel.

    That day was famously coined Nakba, which means “disaster” in Arabic, by prominent Syrian historian Constantine Zureik, and continues to carry that name.

    On this day in 1948, the armies of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt (25,000 soldiers in total) went to war against Israel – resulting in a humiliating and painful collective defeat for the

    Arabs. In 2011, it was a human mass that marched onto Israel, rather than official bulky armies.

    They came carrying Palestinian flags and keys to the homes of their fathers and grandfathers – a sacred symbol of Palestinian identity, bequeathed from one generation to the next since 1948.

    On the Syrian front, hundreds of Syrians and Palestinians broke through the border fence and pelted soldiers with stones, heading into the Syrian Golan, which has been occupied by Israel since 1967. They reached the occupied town of Majdal Shams, at which the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire, killing four civilians. A total of 170 were wounded on the Syrian border.

  60. Back on March 6th a new Facebook page appeared, “Third Palestinian Intifada”. This new page is calling for the third Intifada against Israel. It includes quotes and video clips calling for the killing of Jews and Israelis, and for “liberating” Jerusalem and Palestine using violence. It also directs people to other related content on Twitter, YouTube and other sites.

    yep those peaceful protestors...

    I am sad israel didnt shoot and kill several hundreds of them.. or better yet? just shoot them in the nuts...

  61. After reading what you write, wio, I don't want to have much to do with Arabs, or Jews. I sure as hell don't want to give any money to any of'em.

    You continuously tell us how brilliant, and ambitious they are, and then harangue us as to why we should should borrow even more money from China, and Saudi Arabia, to give to Israel. It just doesn't make sense.

    Our budget deficit, this year, will be around $1.3 Trillion. If we had to pay 5% on our debt (which, we will soon enough) it would be in the range of $500 Billion/Yr (as of now.)

    So now, for some nebulous reason, we're supposed to give money to Israel, and then to even things up, give money to the Palestinians, and Egypt. And, Pakistan. And, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. And, fuck all, knows who.

    I'm calling bullshit. Dumb, Poor, Small-Dicked, Hillbillies like me are getting played for suckers. We're being skinned by crooked politicians trying to buy AIPAC Lobbying/Fundraising Support, and Donations from the Military/Industrial Complex.

    F15's for Israel, and Saudi Arabia; F16's for Egypt, and Jordan. Billions for everyone. Paid for by Poor, little old, small-dicked me, and the other fly-over suckers.

    The GDP of Israel is $215 BILLION. What in the hell do they need with my little broke-assed, small-dick contribution?

  62. We watched video of it. It was cold- blooded murder. Those forty, or fifty protestors were a good 100 yds away. Rock vs Rifles at a hundred yds? Give me a break.

  63. A former head of Mossad, Meir Dagan, has publicly criticized the current Israeli government for a lack of flexibility, judgment and foresight, calling it “reckless and irresponsible” in the handling of Israel’s foreign and security policies. In various recent interviews and speeches, he has made it clear that he regards the decision to ignore the 2002 Saudi proposal for a peace settlement on the pre-1967 lines as a mistake and the focus on Iran as a diversion from the real issue — the likely recognition of an independent Palestinian state by a large segment of the international community, something Dagan considers a greater threat.


    There have been three strategies on Palestine. The first was from before the founding of Israel until 1967. In this period, the primary focus was not on the creation of a Palestinian state but on the destruction of Israel by existing Arab nation-states and the absorption of the territory into those states.


    With the Cold War winding down, the PLO became an orphan, losing its sponsorship from the Soviets as it had lost Jordanian and Egyptian support in the 1970s. Two main tendencies developed during this second phase. The first was the emergence of Hamas, a radically new sort of Palestinian movement since it was neither secular nor socialist but religious. The second was the rise of the internal insurrection, or intifada, which, coupled with suicide bombings and rocket fire from Gaza as well as from Hezbollah in Lebanon, was designed to increase the cost of insurrection to the Israelis while generating support for the Palestinians.


    Ultimately, the split between Hamas and Fatah, the dominant faction of the PLO that had morphed into the Palestinian National Authority, was the most significant aspect of the third strategic phase. Essentially, the Palestinians were simultaneously waging a civil war with each other while trying to organize resistance to Israel.

    Palestinian Move

  64. The video showed snipers in body armour behind a fortified position with high powered telescopes and binoculars facing a crowd carrying flags and sticks. They spotted, aimed and fired on the crowd. The crowd was retreating after a barrage of tear gas and shots could be heard as they retreated. It looked like Kent State, a demonstration and misuse of military power that turned the American public against the Viet Nam War.

    The IDF merely created their own "Palestinian Boston Massacre" or an Irish "Bloody Sunday". It was politically stupid and repugnant to most people that have no love for Israel. It gave many who support Israel a queasy feeling. It made Israel no friends.

    The hyperbole coming from Israeli defenders that the crowd were terrorists attacking Israel further diminished credibility. We have eyes and brains. We know what a terrorist is.

  65. All I know is that because of this continuous nonsense between transplanted Eastern Europeans and displaced Bedouins , we are in three wars and are harassed every time we fly on an airplane.

    It is no more or no less absurd and legitimate as the Germans reclaiming the Sudetenland or Mexican Indian claims against the American Southwest. Everybody has a claim.

  66. You know nothing...

    You have zero proof of who actually shot anyone..

    No evidence. Just your opinion.

    No Facts.

    I personally hope someday you are facing a situation such as Israel does on a daily basis.

    You are so smug to call it murder.


    You are bunch of hypocrites.

    America kills unarmed people in pakistan 10,000 miles away from our home and you call Israel defending it's border against thousands of arabs battling to get into it as cold blooded murder.

    double standard spock....

    No outrage on this site about actual murders in Syria or Yemen...

    Just Israel

    Not a world about how Hezbollah rampaged thru lebanon last year and murdered hundreds...

    Just about how Israel uses to much force and takes to much USA money...

    One standard for Israel NONE for anyone else.

    If Israel is guilty of murder on their border being attacked?

    Then our great nation has much much more innocent blood on our hands....

    Hiroshima? Fallujah? Killing an UN-armed bin laden? Libya?

    All MURDER if Israel is guilty of your alice in wonderland standards....

  67. Deuce: All I know is that because of this continuous nonsense between transplanted Eastern Europeans and displaced Bedouins , we are in three wars and are harassed every time we fly on an airplane.

    All you know is getting smaller by the day.

    The Moslems declared war on America in 1783.

    Learn history.

    Israel was and is not the problem of the middle east.

    Jihadist Islam is the problem

    Before Israel, for 1000 years, Islam caused the crusades, Islam fed the slave trade, islam was the pirates of the seas...

    It was the Ottomans that gave germany the blueprint for genocide...

    To somehow hold Israel responsible for 3 wars and airplane insecurity?

    you are losing it...

  68. Rufus II said...
    We watched video of it. It was cold- blooded murder. Those forty, or fifty protestors were a good 100 yds away. Rock vs Rifles at a hundred yds? Give me a break.

    Nonsense... What did you watch a 4 minute video?

    Did you see the firebombs? Did you actually see any HITS?

    Watching a 2-4 minute video of a 30 hour protest is not seeing what happened...

    Let's see some actual evidence.

    Oh, but wait!

    Syrian doctors are making all the claims...

    Yep that will be fair and balanced...

    Snipers on the israeli side were given orders to shoot legs.

    I doubt seriously they suck as much as you do in shooting.

    Let's see the head shots... Let's see the ballistics..

    And how do you know if the syrians did not shoot to kill some of their own?

    THEY HAVE MURDERED 10,000 IN 3 DAYS in Hama once before!

  69. This is what the same security forces in syria did within 48 hours of them organizing and bussing protestors to attack israel...

    At least 21 people are dead after Syrian forces fired live rounds into crowds of protesters as thousands took to the streets for pro-democracy demonstrations, according to Reuters.
    The attacks took place in the suburbs of Damascus, Hama and Deraa, according to Al-Jazeera.
    Witnesses say 11 and 16-year-old boys are among the dead, Al-Jazeera reports.
    One of the attacks took place after Syria's secret police drove cars into the demonstrators trying to break up a protest. After one of the cars crashed, police jumped out and opened fire, according to Al-Jazeera.
    "The four secret police officers opened fire on the protesters with machine guns," one witness told the Arab-based network.

  70. this is syria

    The popular lesbian author of the Syrian blog called "A Gay Girl in Damascus" was kidnapped by armed men in Damascus.
    Amina Arraf, who blogs under the name Amina Abdallah, was kidnapped while she and her friend were going to a meeting in the Syrian capital. Her blog reportedly started in February and it features poems along with criticism of the Syrian crackdown on protesters.
    Details about the abduction indicate that Amina was kidnapped by three armed men in their early 20s, according to a blog post from a woman who identified herself as Amina’s cousin. She wrote that the kidnappers are likely one of the security services or the Baath Party militia.
    "Amina hit one of them,” Rania Ismail, the cousin, posted. “One of the men then put his hand over Amina's mouth and they hustled her into a red Dacia Logan.”
    Ismail wrote that it is unclear who to appeal to to get the woman back and her kidnappers may be forcibly deporting her.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/06/07/gay-girl-in-damascus-blogger-kidnapped-by-syrian-forces/#ixzz1OejciO8u

  71. The land seized by the israelis after the 1967 war was a result of a war between two states. The Palestinian farmers who owned the land hardly had much to do with starting the war or ending it, but they had their land seized by Europeans, to them little different from the land seizures of the British and the Turks.

    The Sudetenland was part of Germany until 1806. Austria owned or claimed parts of Poland and Ukraine. Moldova was part of Romania. Care to guess which parts of the US were owned by Mexico in 1806?


    I have absolute contempt for Islam. I want nothing from them and do not want them in my country or hemisphere, no more than I want the Chinese. I want them to leave us alone and I want out of their lands. I have no interest in their politics until they interfere in ours.

    It simply is not out problem except for the meddling in US politics. Israel has the problem, not the US. The Jewish diaspora would have been smarter to set up a new homeland in Florida. Everyone would be safer and happier except the Florida Republican Party.

  72. Here is an 1806 map of North America. Clearly, a lot of ancestral rights and territorial claims were crushed since that was printed. How is it that these claims and counterclaims are resolved most everywhere except for Israel and Palestine? When does it end and why is it my problem?

  73. .

    How is it that these claims and counterclaims are resolved most everywhere except for Israel and Palestine? When does it end and why is it my problem?

    The Jews and Palis have only been at this for 60 years.

    The Indian Wars lasted almost 300 years. Be patient.

    Indian Wars

