Thursday, June 09, 2011

Opie Outs Weiner's Weiner

Weiner's Weiner

The devastating photo -- allegedly obtained from a woman Weiner corresponded with online -- surfaced yesterday during Breitbart's morning appearance on Sirius XM's "Opie & Anthony" show.

Breitbart, who had published other suggestive Weiner photos, had already warned that he was hanging on to one more snapshot "of an X-rated nature."

He called it an insurance policy, but said Tuesday, "I don't think I want to put his family through that type of thing."

That all fell apart during the radio show, when co-host Gregg "Opie" Hughes convinced Breitbart to pass around the shot on his iPhone, and secretly took a picture of it.

"We prodded him to see the 'pic' that was rumored to be out there. He finally passed his phone around to show a pic of repweiner's -- well -- 'weiner," ' Hughes tweeted later on his Twitter account.

Breitbart told Fox News he was "mortified" at the turn of events.

"This is a complete breach of our arrangement that the photo would not be made public," Breitbart said. "It was a complete violation of trust."

He said the show's co-host, Anthony Cumia, would issue a statement saying he is "horrified" by the development. Instead, Cumia tweeted, "I'm horrified by the PENIS."

Also horrified were Democrats from coast to coast.

Read more:
Opie Outs Weiner's Weiner

Weiner has said nothing publicly since his latest vow not to resign, which he made Tuesday outside his Forest Hills home.

His contrite silence is a far cry from his carefree chats with porn star Ginger Lee in the days after the scandal broke.

"BTW, I'm sponsoring a line of twitpic undies," he wrote Lee as he coached her on how to make the scandal go away. "I need a name."

"I want twitpic ready undies," she wrote back, according to "Hook a bitch up. I never get cool s- - -t. Just sayin.' "

Last night, reports of still another on-line flirtation surfaced. It was revealed that Weiner had communicated via Facebook with Traci Nobles, a 35-year-old physical-education teacher from Athens, Ga. The Las Vegas Sun reported that she called him "sexy" and he called her "sugar" during an August exchange. But with all his problems, Weiner has managed to hang on to some supporters.

A source close to Weiner said, "He's actually getting calls in his district offices saying stay and fight."


  1. Anxiously awaiting to see how Rufus blames all this on the Evil Republicans.

    ...adding an ad-hominem about Joo-Boy Breitbart, no doubt.

  2. I figured Doug would show up about the same time as a picture of an abnormally small dick.

  3. And now Weiner's wife is preggie...

  4. Weiner's weiner, now that's news worthy because ...

    It was the cause of an apology, to Bill Clinton?

    Seems, from what I saw this morning, that Jon Stewart has thrown his old roommate "under the bus".

  5. desert rat said...

    "Weiner's weiner, now that's news worthy because ..."

    You made how many thousand comments about The Tapper?

  6. The Tapper was there, in person, dougo.

    The Weiner was involved in consensual sexting, which is not the same thing as propositioning public sex in a airport toilet.

    Is whirled wide web text sex the same as sex in the public toilet stall?

  7. I always thought the Jimma Carter's position that thinking about adultery was the same as being an adulterer was a crock of shit.

  8. VTT says that it conducted the study because many Finnish people frequently claimed that fuel consumption is significantly higher with E10 than with E5 thanks to ethanol's lower octane rating. The suspected increase in consumption has deterred many drivers from fueling with E10.

    The VTT measurements show that the vehicles tested consumed an average of 10.30 liters of E10 per 100 kilometers, compared to 10.23 liters of E5 per 100 km. The difference was, on average, 0.07 liters in favor of E5, giving a meager 0.7 percent consumption increase when using E10
    . . . . .

    Study finds insignificant increase

    Yeah, I'd say seven tenths of one percent is pretty insignificant.

  9. .

    The Weiner was involved in consensual sexting, which is not the same thing as propositioning public sex in a airport toilet.

    Sure enough, but it sure as hell is creepy as hell.


  10. GOP Consultants Expecting Newt’s Guys to Jump to Perry
    June 9, 2011 3:28 P.M.
    By Jim Geraghty

    Tags: Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry

    Just checked in with three GOP consultants, all of whom have been in the campaign business a while and none of whom are yet affiliated with a 2012 presidential campaign, about today’s mass exodus of staffers from Team Newt.

    GOP Consultant One: “Knew this was coming… I bet Perry is in this thing sooner rather than later – these guys aren’t jumping off without somewhere else to land.”

    GOP Consultant Two: “Knowing all those guys, they are neither impetuous not impulsive. I also have never seen a two week vacation two weeks after entering [the race]; I took that as portentous.”

    GOP Consultant Three: “Gingrich was clearly melting down, and Perry is clearly gearing up, so it was time for the switcheroo.”

    Team neutered.


  11. I offer to buy a three year subscription to Field and Stream for that Italian barber shop in Detroit where all the usual talk is about the mob and the latest hits, in the hope it might be a conversation changer, even a possible pathway to some new enlightenment for a few.


  12. .

    I offer to buy a three year subscription to Field and Stream for that Italian barber shop in Detroit where all the usual talk is about the mob and the latest hits,...

    In fact dhrw, you would love the barber shop. The whole staff, four to five barbers, used to take off at least one week a year (when they were younger) to go on hunting trips, usually to Wyoming and Idaho. Your greeted by a large black bear when you first enter the shop and one wall is filled with the heads of deer, elk, long-horn sheep and other assorted beasties.

    The next time I'm in, I'll have to ask if the elk came from Idaho.


  13. .

    As far as I know, I don't believe any of the beasties were poisoned though.


  14. .

    I assume the barbers are just unenlighted hicks who haven't yet caught up with the enlightened hunting techniques of the modern Idaho farmer.


  15. I'm glad they got the elk while there were some around to get!

    desert rat said...

    I always thought the Jimma Carter's position that thinking about adultery was the same as being an adulterer was a crock of shit.

    This unenlightened writer has never read the myth of Buffalo Woman, who came from the clouds as a white buffalo, transformed herself into a beautiful maiden, was looked at by two braves, one with lascivious intent, and it was presto, zap, for that brave; and it's many other variants in myths around the world. Not does he realize the imagination is creative of another reality, nor that the thought is father to the deed.


  16. .

    GOP’s Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, stands by vow to block CFPB nominees

    But an aide to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Thursday that the lawmaker stands by his vow to block any candidate.

    Late last month, McConnell led 44 senators in an letter to the White House calling for structural changes to the bureau. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has accused GOP opponents of discriminating against Warren because she is female, but McConnell’s complaints are much broader.

    “It’s not sexist. It’s not Elizabeth Warren-specific,” McConnell spokesman Donald Stewart said. “It’s any nominee.”

    Leader: We will block any nominee

    Once again the GOP goes to bat for their constituents, big business.

    Many of the problems that led to the current economic meltdown were the result of regulations that weren't enforced (housing) or didn't exist (derivatives). The Dems legislation was a weak document that didn't address all the problems that exist but it did takes some steps in the area consumer protection.

    However, that matters little to the GOP. They continue to try to stop any actions that restrict big business.

    I have never voted Democratic in my life. The last three elections I have voted for third party candidates because I think every citizen should vote and because I despise the current political hacks in both the GOP and Dems parties.

    However, I think this election is different. It's a little too important to throw away a vote on a third party with no chance of winning.

    Unless a GOP candidate surfaces that offers some hope of being a candidate rather than an ideologue, I may be tempted to hold my nose and vote Dem.


  17. .

    A Bad Day for the Individual Mandate

    The pending ruling in the 11th Circuit is kind of meaningless since any result will be quickly appealed to the Supreme Court.

    However, we should receive the Supreme's ruling relatively soon. The White House has asked for an expedited review before SCOTUS.

    Part of the reason for Obama's request is that a number of states have failed to take any steps to implement the sytems required to support Obamacare.


  18. It turns out the Pubs are blocking the FTAs with Panama, Colombia, and S. Korea because Obama wants Retraining Programs for any displaced workers.

    How many workers could possibly be displaced by FTAs with those countries? How much could it cost for a couple of retraining programs?

    Cantor made a big deal about not wanting any aid for Joplin, Mo, after the biggest tornado disaster in 100 yrs.

    It's like the Republicans have completely lost theirfreakin' minds.

  19. It turns out the Pubs are blocking the FTAs with Panama, Colombia, and S. Korea because Obama wants Retraining Programs for any displaced workers.

    How many workers could possibly be displaced by FTAs with those countries? How much could it cost for a couple of retraining programs?

    Cantor made a big deal about not wanting any aid for Joplin, Mo, after the biggest tornado disaster in 100 yrs.

    It's like the Republicans have completely lost theirfreakin' minds.

  20. Not to mention the Medicare debacle.

  21. True the 11th Circuit ruling is meaningless. When it gets to the Supreme Court the Wise Latina should recuse herself, but I bet she won't.

    Who would pay $5,000 for a private photo and chat with Romney? That's what he's asking in Las Vegas, simple thousand for the dinner, I read. He's got the big bucks.

    I'd buy some new fishing gear, and a duck boat.


  22. .

    Continuing Obama's campaign of hope, Secretary of Defense nominee Panetta says he hopes things will turn out ok.

    On Afghanistan:

    But several Democrats and Republicans indicated that their patience was wearing thin. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) called the Afghan war “a never-ending mission.”

    “I don’t see how we get to a stable state in Afghanistan,” she said. “So tell me how this ends. I just don’t see how it ends.”

    Panetta paused and then responded that he was once very pessimistic about the war in Iraq but that things had turned around there. “If we stick with it,” he said, “there is going to be a point where Afghanistan can control its own future. I think we have to operate on that hope.”

    On Libya:

    But some senators expressed their doubts about that outcome. [That Ghadafi would be forced out]

    “If there’s any painful lesson that we have learned from our experience in Iraq, it is that if we do not have a plan in place after we have deposed a tyrant, that chaos and violence ensues,” Collins said. “Do you have confidence that we have a plan for dealing with Libya post-Gaddafi?”

    Panetta replied that it was a “legitimate concern,” but he said: “I’m confident that there are enough leaders in the opposition who can provide, hopefully, that continuity.”

    Hope and Change? Well Maybe Just Hope.

    Real comforting.


  23. .

    New CNN Poll

    A new CNN poll shows conflicted views on Obamacare.

    Initial numbers indicate the public doesn't like the bill. 56% oppose the Affordable Care Act while a meager 39% support it.

    However, a closer look shows that of the 56% opposition to the bill only 36% oppose it because they think it is 'too liberal'. So more people support the bill (39%) than think it is too liberal (36%).

    What does explain the bill's unpopularity is the 'individual mandate', an issue that soon should be before SCOTUS.

    Americans oppose the individual mandate 54% to 44%.


  24. I think things are going great in Libya. Stalemated, no American casualties, the continuation of 2000 years of tribal conflict that Mohammed made his appearance to overcome, etc etc. Way to go, O. Shows you don't have to know what you're doing to be a winner in life.


  25. Of course, the first poll points to a big problem for Obama: his demographic is under-registered. He has to motivate his people to come out for him, just like he did in 2008.


    There is a consensus in America that the economy is a mess, but there is no consensus about how to improve it. The success of the GOP in 2010 and the headline-grabbing antics of the Tea Party have focused media attention upon conservative responses, but there is a counter-narrative playing out.

    Republicans have to motivate their base, reach out to independents and appeal to a public that has come to expect much from the federal government. It’s a tough job, and it may require more than Romney’s inoffensiveness to do it.

    Obama Stronger

  26. Vegetarian
    Women Dropping Like Flies In Europe

    If they'd just eat well cooked brook trout and a well cooked T-Bone steak once in a while they'd all be all right. But oh no.....


  27. Recent disappointments in American housing and employment figures suggest the world's biggest economy is at a tipping point, warned Robert Shiller. "Whether we call it a double-dip or not, I think there is a risk," he told Reuters.

  28. The ECB used the phrase "strong vigilance" in March before increasing rates in April. It also used the phrase repeatedly between 2005 and 2007, typically one month before it raised rates, although not always.

  29. "A small improvement in the heart condition will be a massive improvement in quality of life of the patient."

    Prof Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: "To repair a damaged heart is one of the holy grails of heart research.

    "This groundbreaking study shows adult hearts contain cells that, given the right stimulus, can mobilise and turn into new heart cells that might repair a damaged heart."

    'Developed By Scientists'

  30. I was reading the other day about a man who had four stints in his heart and needed them to be replaced. They can put stints within stints, leaving the old ones in.


  31. boob forgets to tell us the age of the patient in need of those four replacement stints.

    Ameros to doughnuts that he is a Medicare beneficiary.

    Enjoying the benefits of Federally socialized medicine.

  32. A new video from al Qaeda’s media arm, As-Sahab, became available on the Internet on June 2. The video was 100 minutes long, distributed in two parts and titled “Responsible Only for Yourself.”


    The first 36 minutes of the video essentially comprise a history lesson of militants who heard the call to jihad and then acted on it. Among the examples are individuals such as ElSayyid Nosair, the assassin of Jewish Defense League founder Meir Kahane; Abdel Basit (also known as Ramzi Yousef), the operational planner of the 1993 World Trade Center attack and the thwarted Bojinka plot; Mohammed Bouyeri, the assassin of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh; and Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan.


    First, it needs to be recognized that this video does not present any sort of new threat. As far as Gadahn’s pleas for American Muslims to buy firearms and conduct armed assaults, we wrote an analysis in May 2010 discussing many failed jihadist bomb plots and forecasting that the jihadists would shift to armed assaults instead.

    Message Of Defeat

  33. President Barack Obama’s advisers have discussed seeking a temporary cut in the payroll taxes businesses pay on wages as they debate ways to spur hiring amid signs that the recovery is slowing, according to people familiar with the matter.


    Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said today he would consider supporting an employer payroll tax cut. He also said that approving free-trade agreements and easing wage restrictions on government construction projects would be better ways to encourage hiring.


    Obama said at the White House yesterday that he is interested in exploring with lawmakers from both parties extending some of the stimulus measures that were part of the tax-cut package “to make sure that we get this recovery up and running in a robust way.”

    Slowing Economy

  34. 65 and in private business, a wealthy man.

    What that has to do with advances in medical technology is beyond me.


  35. Modern Medicine can do some truly astonishing, and wonderful, things.

    Those astonishing, and wonderful, things, however, can be very expensive.

    Then, you get into trying to explain to a family why "their" 90 yr. old mother, or father, shouldn't get that $250,000.00, possibly effective at that age, operation.

    Some of this becomes "non-easy" stuff.

  36. nonsense

    If Quirk were a quark and were asked for a quote he'd quickly and quietly clear his non-existent throat and croak and quit for quite all night.


  37. The death panels would turn down the operation anyway on the grounds that at that age you should be quiet and quit for the night you got no quality of life.


  38. Let's see, if Quirk were a quark instead of a quack and were asked for a quote he'd quiver and clear his non-existent throat......

    feel free to join in as you desire moves you


