Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dick Durbin - One No-Good Son of a Bitch!

Everyone of the people rising to stand  in front of the US Senate hearing are illegal. They are breaking US Law. Here is what Durbin, a US Senator said, as he congratulated them:

"When I look around this room, I see America's future, our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our congressmen, our senators, and maybe our president"

A President? The Democratic Party has sunk to an all new low. His words are fighting words


  1. Bi-partisan policy brought those folks to the US.

    Welcome to modern America.

    At least, under the stewardship of Ms Napolitano, deportations are up, when compared to the Bush Administration's performance.

  2. Halperin has been suspended....indefinitely.

  3. msnbc

    Apparently you cannot call the President a Dick, at least not a Dim President, and get away with it.

  4. Not at MSNBC, anyway.

    I never thought "dick" was one of the five words you cannot say on TV.

    Is the word "dick" as offensive to the public as Janet Jackson's nipple?

  5. I actually enjoyed JJ's nipple. It added excitement to an otherwise boring program.

  6. Of course, one can call him a Dick at the EB, and get away with it.

    One may even get applause.

  7. Neither seem that offensive, to me.

    But then again I'm not charged with protecting the residents of the United States, from reality.

  8. Here is a reality check for you:

    The Congress of the USA charging Roger Clemens with Lying to them.

  9. Surely calling someone a tea-bagger is more vulgar.

  10. Obviously not to the management of MSNBC, Deuce.

  11. Being a cable only outlet, MSNBC self-censors.

    No worries from the FCC.

  12. The Federal Election Commission Thursday granted faux talk-show host Stephen Colbert a special exemption to establish a corporate-backed political action committee to run ads on his program.

    Colbert had asked the FEC for permission to create a "Colbert Super PAC" that would produce and air election advertisements, with the assistance of resources provided by Viacom -- the parent company of Comedy Central, which airs "The Colbert Report" –- without disclosing the extent of Viacom’s assistance.

    “The FEC made its ruling, and I’m sorry to say, we won!” Colbert said, prompting giant cheers from the crowd. "Some have cynically asked if this is some kind of joke,” he continued. “But I don’t think that participating in democracy is a joke. I don’t think that wanting to know what the rules are is a joke.”

    He and his staff then began soliciting contributions on the spot.

  13. Can I call Durbin a son of a bitch?

  14. Why certainly. After all, it's your establishment.

    I may have missed a post or two, but where is Whit?

  15. Since dims don't acknowledge any value in the Constitution, why should they not allow this one part to be effectively rescinded by ignoring it. He was speaking from his heart, telegraphing one more assault on our Constitution. What did you expect. He simply let the cat out of the bag a little earlier than he should have.

  16. Whit retired. He talked about it for some time.

  17. Sorry to hear about Whit's retirement. Maybe after awhile he'll reconsider.

    It's got to be tedious herding cats.

  18. .

    Sorry to hear about Whit.

    One would hope he would at least come back to comment once in a while. I didn't always agree with him but his comments and thoughts were reasonable and well articulated. Plus he liked the ladies and played good music.


  19. Whit I like, I'm sorry about that.

    Durbin is son bitch in my lingo.

    Thank you for your prayers on my behalf Whit.

    My best to you.

