Friday, May 27, 2011

You Leave Me No Choice

So You Think You Can Dance 2011: Season 8 Premiere Review

It’s time for So You Think You can Dance 2011! American Idol is over. Scotty McCreery has been crowned the winner. You know what that means? It’s time to stop focusing on singing and start to pay attention to…. DANCE! (And people who think they can do it!)


  1. Teresita, I'm sure I speak for all when I say, "I hope you are alright."

  2. Thanks for putting something up, Melody. I haven't looked at it, yet. I don' normally do dancin' until after my 2nd cup of coffee. I'll watch it in a minute; I promise. :)

  3. I've been worried about Miss T., too.

    Bigmex and Slimmex offered to help move the couch. Only Slimmex did any work, so daughter's friend J.D. and Slimmex got it in. I gave Slimmex a pack of smokes and the family got all daughter's leftover food. Bigmex and I were supervisors.

    I swear I can't figure those folks out but we be friends now.\

    Last I saw Slimmex about 10pm last night he was out under the street light smoking his smokes and talking on the cell phone again.

    your reporter


  4. Ditto on the first comment. I was just thinking that the other day.

  5. And you all thought the US and EU was broke, out of money.

    Suckers ....

    G8 pledges $20-billion for Arab Spring countries

    The world’s big wealthy democracies have endorsed a $20-billion-plus package of assistance to Egypt and Tunisia, asserting a willingness to support transitions to democracy in North Africa and the Middle East.

  6. Livin' the "Vida Loca"!

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said there is no evidence senior people in Pakistan knew that Osama Bin Laden lived so close to Islamabad.

  7. The US, it seems, stays allied with a radical Islamic regime that harbored the whirled's foremost terrorist mastermind.

    Love it or leave it.

  8. Britain sends attack helicopters to Libya. Is this mission creep?
    Christian Science Monitor - ‎1 hour ago‎

    The decision to introduce highly precise helicopters that can target Qaddafi fighters ensconced among civilians has heightened concerns about the true aim of the mission in Libya.

  9. Sarah Palin To Unveil Biopic In Late June To Catapult Her To GOP Presidential Frontlines

  10. Deuce better hurry home before I turn this blog into a Day Spa.

  11. Where Hu Dat when needed most.

  12. Safari won't let me view comments. It keeps sending me to the blogger sign in page.

  13. I don't know if Sarah Palin is truly my first choice for President, but, damn, I do like the way she gets up the establishment's nose.

    I do know she left a $12 Billion Budger Surplus in Alaska, but I don't know how much of that was her superb "governing," and how much was just "the times."

    Rove, last night, said, "She's Running," and I thought he was going to cry.

  14. Seems as if some of the people in Egypt have come to realiz that there was no "change" when the Army took over.

    Los Angeles Times

    May 28, 2011
    Reporting from Cairo—

    Thousands of protesters filled Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday for what was billed as a "second revolution," chanting their demands:
    Try former President Hosni Mubarak and his cronies immediately, end military courts, replace the military government with civilian leaders, reform the constitution and delay the September elections.

    There were so many demands, so many slogans and signs that it was difficult to keep track.

    "Our message is to continue our revolution until we achieve our goals," said English teacher Mazen Ragab, 25,

  15. Weird things are happening. In Egypt, Yemen, and Libya the people are running out (or, basically, out) of heating oil, propane, gasoline, diesel, etc.) Times are getting hard over there.

    Algeria is sending oil over to Egypt, and Libya, and The Sauds are sending petrol over to Yemen.

    Meanwhile, and this is where it gets weird, EIA, citing budget cuts (huh?) will No Longer publish International Oil Data.

  16. Even as news of the G8 pledge came on Friday, thousands of demonstrators gathered in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, epicentre of the protests that led to the overthrow of the former president Hosni Mubarak, calling for a “second revolution” that includes speedier reforms and a public trial of Mr Mubarak and his former aides.

    They also complained that the interim military government had not restored order in the country and had not tackled the graft that is endemic in the country.

    “The international show of support is expected to attend to a large part of Egypt’s immediate financing needs, though it will not solve the long-term structural problem of unemployment and job creation,” said Alia Moubayed, an economist at Barclays Capital. “It is, however, extremely important for giving a positive signal to markets and keeping the government focused in its reform agenda for inclusive growth.”

    Samir Radwan, the Egyptian finance minister, has said his country faces a funding gap of $10-12bn until June 2012. Economic growth in the fiscal year to mid-2011 had been forecast at 6 per cent before the revolution, but is now expected to be 2.6 per cent.

    Similarly, growth in Tunisia is expected to plummet from 3.7 per cent in 2010 to about 1 per cent this year. The instability brought in by the revolution is estimated to have cost the economy about €2.6 bn, or 4 per cent of GDP, in lost earnings as transport was disrupted, some industrial infrastructure was destroyed and workers went on strike for improved pay and conditions.

    Tourism in a good year contributes 7 per cent of Tunisia’s GDP. The National Office of Tourism said tourism receipts for January-April were 48 per cent down on a year earlier, reflecting also the lack of Libyan tourists due to the war raging there. Foreign direct investment plunged 25 per cent year-on-year for the same period.

    “It is very significant that there is a commitment from the international community to help Tunisia cover its budget and current account deficits, which are going to be sizeable, over this difficult time,” said Stephane Alby, an economist at BNP Paribas in Paris.

  17. Ignorance is bliss, rufus.

    The Federals are going to keep you happy.


  18. NEW YORK – There's less money this summer for hotel rooms, surfboards and bathing suits. It's all going into the gas tank.

    High prices at the pump are putting a squeeze on the family budget as the traditional summer driving season begins. For every $10 the typical household earns before taxes, almost a full dollar now goes toward gas, a 40 percent bigger bite than normal.

    Households spent an average of $369 on gas last month. In April 2009, they spent just $201. Families now spend more filling up than they spend on cars, clothes or recreation. Last year, they spent less on gasoline than each of those things.

    The average family is spending $168.00 More/Mo this year than last For Gasoline.

  19. Wow, what a strange coinkydink. I just saw a commercial for a Hyundai Elantra. $169.00/Mo.

  20. I am in Vegas. No recession on the strip. People are spending money like drunk sailors. And by the way, there are no "deals" here.

  21. I just saw Elvis in the coffee shop. I told him I liked his music. He said, "thank you, thank you very much."
