Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Trillion Dollar Man

Bin Laden, the Man with the clicker,  caused the US  to spend $1.283 Trillion on Military Operations Since 911.

The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco
Specialist in U.S. Defense Policy and Budget March 29, 2011

Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

With enactment of the sixth FY2011 Continuing Resolution through March 18, 2011, (H.J.Res. 48/P.L. 112-6) Congress has approved a total of $1.283 trillion for military operations, base security, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs, and veterans’ health care for the three operations initiated since the 9/11 attacks: Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Afghanistan and other counter terror operations; Operation Noble Eagle (ONE), providing enhanced security at military bases; and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). This estimate assumes that the current CR level continues through the rest of the year and that agencies allocate reductions proportionately.

Of this $1.283 trillion total, CRS estimates that Iraq will receive about $806 billion (63%), OEF $444 billion (35%) and enhanced base security about $29 billion (2%), with about $5 billion that CRS cannot allocate (1/2%). About 94% of the funds are for DOD, 5% for foreign aid programs and diplomatic operations, and 1% for medical care for veterans.

Between FY2009 and FY2010, average monthly DOD spending for Afghanistan grew from $4.4 billion to $6.7 billion a month, a 50% increase while average troop strength almost doubled from 44,000 to 84,000 as part of the troop surge announced by the President last year. Troop strength in Afghanistan is expected to average 102,000 in FY2011. DOD’s plans call for troop levels to fall by less than 4,000 in FY2012 unless the President decides otherwise as part of his decision to “begin transition to Afghan security lead in early 2011. . . [to a ] a responsible, conditions-based U.S. troop reduction in July 2011.” At the same time, the President announced a long-term U.S. commitment to a NATO summit goal of “a path to complete transition by the end of 2014.” It is currently unclear how quickly or slowly troop levels will fall this summer or in later years to meet these goals.

While spending on Afghanistan grew between FY2010 and FY2011, DOD’s average spending in Iraq fell from $7.9 billion to $6.2 billion (per month)  or by about 20% while troop strength dropped from 141,000 to 96,000, by about one-third, as the U.S. withdrawal continues. Troop strength in Iraq is projected to average 43,000 in FY2011 and to fall to 4,450 in FY2012 with all troops out of Iraq by December 2011 according to the U.S. security agreement with Iraq.


This is what it cost you per hour!


  1. Certainly things could have been done much cheaper, but how do you put that cost into perspective?

    With a little quick math, The US has spent $15 million an hour since 911 on security specific to global terror attacks against the US, but the US produces goods and services worth $1.6 billion per hour. That means hourly security costs are costing less than 1% per hour.

  2. You can check my math:

    1. There are about 8700 hour per year or 875 hours per month.

    2. $15 trillion economy.

    3. Goods and services produced per hour, $1.6 billion.

    4. Military services costs per hour $15,000,000.

    5. There are 315,000,000 Americans.


    4.7 Cents per hour?

  3. All one has to do, boobie, is look at the litany that the Story of "o" wrote, to see that the US has allied itself with Islam.

    You may not like it, but you have not won a National election.

    GW Bush and BH Obama, they have.

    Those that win the Executive, the President and his Vice being the only Nationally elected officials in the government, set the policy.

    If you want to change the foreign policy of the US, vote for someone that is neither Republican nor Democrat. Otherwise the Saudis and the Pakistani will remain our foremost allies.

    The story of Yugoslavia and who the US supported, there, tells the tale of which religion the US backs on the whirled stage.

    Reality, it is not related to the moronic fantasies from our master of literature and his pornographer buddy.

    Reality, the United States is allied with Islam.

    Learn it, Live it, Love it.

    Or leave it.

  4. Rat, our polite actual murderer (self confessed you know) and all around friend of Islam says:

    All one has to do, boobie, is look at the litany that the Story of "o" wrote, Reality, it is not related to the moronic fantasies from our master of literature and his pornographer buddy.
    Reality, the United States is allied with Islam.
    Learn it, Live it, Love it.
    Or leave it.

    Notice how Rat invokes PORN (story of o is a porno)?

    Call names?

    Uses the Rules for Radicals to slur anyone that disagrees with him?

    Notice how politely he makes is argument about how Islam is the way, the truth and the light?

    Rat is Ishmael.

    No our murderous Rodentboy I shall CHANGE America rather than submit to your Islamic ways..

    America is on the wrong path, it shall not hold hands with your spiritual brothers Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood.

    The Rat is correct about one thing, Islam is the issue. And it should be exposed as the murderous death cult that it is, just like Rat is a murderer (self confess to any and all that read this) Islam is just as devious and murderous...

    Rat is Ishmael....

    Rat comes directly from an Islamic murderous line of people,

  5. If you break it down to actual taxpayers it's probably more like $0.15/hr.

    Okay, so we need to pass a tax increase of (broken down to an 8 hr day) of $0.45/hr.

    Sounds like a great "platform."

    I wonder who will be the first to propose it.

  6. .



    The post merely lists direct military costs. It ignores other cost that have added additional trillions and taken the US from the status of the one hyper-power in the world down to the perceived status of First Among Equals in the super-power category.


  7. The biggest end of the cost was Iraq, and that was all about securing the oil supplies.

  8. .

    The biggest end of the cost was Iraq, and that was all about securing the oil supplies.

    Bullshit on many scores.


  9. “The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.”

  10. Oh, yeah, I forgot; we wanted to send all the young girls to school.

  11. And, then, there was always the danger that Saddam would swim over here, and plant a bomb under the Washington Monument.

  12. Then, there was the Kurds. We sure didn't want him mistreating the Kurds.

  13. Bush understood decades of 10% per annum growth in China, and "peaking" oil supplies.

    His responses were:

    1) Promote Ethanol, and

    2) Go Secure the Persian Gulf

    In retrospect, we should have done more of (1) and less of (2)

  14. Oh, yeah, I forgot; we wanted to send all the young girls to school.

    And, then, there was always the danger that Saddam would swim over here, and plant a bomb under the Washington Monument.

    Some of your arguments are often obtuse Ruf, but I miss the point on this one entirely. I assume it is some kind of sarcastic non-sequeter but the sarcastic font seems to be turned off this morning.

    Try saying what you mean.


  15. In the end: "The Red Prince " solution was all that was ever required.

    Moses parted the waves and sent the clever Jews with balls to Israel and sent the Neocons to the US.

  16. In Leviticus, when Moses was handing out advice, admonitions and rituals, do you think he had one for bathing your enemy before you buried him?

    Can you picture a Mossad agent with a loofah giving Osama his last scrub?

    Or an IDF soldier wearing white gloves to handle a Kuran?

    There is no evidence whatever that we are not utterly absurd.

  17. What I'm saying, Q, is there was no reason, whatsoever, to attack Saddam, other than to Secure the Persian Gulf Oil Fields.

    We didn't care about his shooting at our planes in the no-fly zone. You saw what we did to his anti-aircraft as soon as the war started.

    We didn't give a rip if he gassed a few Kurds. In fact, our main "ally" in the region wanted to gass'em all.

    We sure as hell didn't care if the Sunnis were mean to the Shia.

    Only two concerns made sense

    1) Saddam messed around and got a Nuke - which means he takes All the Persian Gulf Fields, and holds the world hostage to $God knows what for oil, or

    2) Iran beats him to it - with the same result.

  18. Was it worth it?

    Bombing Afghanistan in the aftermath of Sep 11. Killing the Taliban was. Driving bin Laden to ground and eventually killing him was good. Toppling Saddam Hussein was good.

    The money and lives wasted trying to live up to Colin Powell's "You break it, you own it" rule is very bad.

    On a personal level, I don't spend a lot time beating myself up about what I should have done. I think about today and tomorrow.

  19. With Saddam, it was about the oil.

    He invaded Kuwait for their oil. We should have gotten him then. We didn't and he went on to use his oil to bribe anyone and everyone who wanted to get his beak wet. We're were losing containment and didn't know where Saddam was going with the new Saladin role he began playing.

    I'm glad he's gone to hell.

  20. Religion of Peace Activists set Egyptian Christian churches on fire, 10 killed.

    Amtrak Turns 40…Called a ‘Massive Failure’ by its Founder

    Bobby Jindal released his birth certificate, but a lot of good that will do with the Birthers, his parents weren't born here.

    This morning I'm going to Mass after a long time away from the Church. They found a lump that could be cancer in my right breast, I get a biopsy tomorrow and I need all the help I can get.

  21. Can you picture a Mossad agent with a loofah giving Osama his last scrub?

    No, and I would have preferred to have WiO do the final rites.

    Osama bin-Laden was a devout Muslim.

  22. We'll be pulling for you, T. Stay positive; all lumps ain't cancer.

    Even if it is they'll knock it out. My daughter went through this in the last year.

  23. I'm sorry to hear that, T.

    I'll say a prayer for you.

  24. .

    Was oil and issue? Sure. Wasn't Iraqi oil going to pay for the entire operation? That's what we were told. Just as we were told he was developing nuclear capability. Just as we were told he had WMD's. Just as we were told anything they could think of to justify going to war.

    Was it deceit or just stupidity like the CIA assessment of Soviet capabilities just prior to the fall of the wall? You have your opinion. I have mine.

    The neocons had been promoting a projection of US power for decades. They had been promoting an invasion of Iraq throughout the nineties. I've laid out the names of the neocons, the Valkyries, the organizations and think tanks, and the position papers advocating this on this blog before.

    Their plan was to establish democracy in the ME in one or two spots though a projection of US power and then watch it automatically grow (in their view it was inevitable) in other places. They assumed it would follow the American pattern. Afterall, aren't we the bestest. Try reading the Weekly Standard. Oil? Sure we would get oil, just like every other good thing. Again, it was inevitible. We are, after all, America.

    9/11 was their excuse. The perception of the US as the world's hyper-power gave them the hutzpah.

    The irony:

    1. There was no oil. At least not for us. Do we consider oil suppies anymore secure today?

    2. The democracy. Sure, one pretty much allied with our friends in Iran.

    3. The Arab Spring. Sure, but not from our actions (unless you want to consider our part in helping drive up food prices throughout the ME and Africa) but from the man on the street, half of which don’t even know who bin Laden or Saddam were much less care. Saddam's alleged capabilities were a sham. At the end, bin Laden's was passe if known at all by the youth leading the Arab Spring.

    4. The US as hyper-power? Perception often is reality. Few in the world today would consider the US as THE hyper-power.


  25. I agree with most of what Q says. The neocon agenda was always to keep the US involved in the Middle East at any cost, for any reason but the real reason was Israel. Ironically Israel never needed that support, would have been better off without it and no less secure.

  26. Thank you Rufus, Whit, and Deuce!

  27. We have spent trillions on the arabs and islam over the decades.

    If we had spent a fraction of it to get off opec oil and make oil worthless we could have accomplished it already.

    John Loftus wrote a book "the secret war against the jews" in which he outlines prescott bush and allen dulles's relationship with the saudis and hitler....

    If it wasnt for oil and opec peace would have been possible in the middle east decades ago.

    Wake up America, we can get off the evil tit of opec oil if we had a pair...

    There is no need to spill the blood of ONE American over this shit...

    There is no sense in the concept "you break it you own it"

    there needs to be a reaffirmation of the concept that if you fuck with us? we will leave you wet, bloody and major pain...

    The solution to the evil of islam is easy..

    nuke the black rock of mecca.

    destroy the value of opec oil

    make the billion moslems of the world actually work to earn a real living... or starve to death failing at it..

    OIL needs to be may irrelevant.

  28. .

    I'm sorry to hear that T. I know it's scary.

    But I'm not being maudlin when I say to try to keep your spirits up. I know ladies that had the same situation. In two cases, it proved to be nothing but cysts. In the others, including my next door neighbor, the ladies are currently doing fine.

    They have made tremendous strides in treatment over the past two decades.

    Good luck.


  29. The Story of "o" lies about me, he lies about Islam.

    He tells us of what I've written, and he tells lies when he does. When questioned by our host, asked to prove his claims about me, the Story of "o" could not do so.

    He tells us of Islam and lies when he does.

    He tells us of Israel and lies when he does.

    He lives a lie. While advocating that we all should.

    The US is allied with Islam.
    The US arms radical Islamic regimes, while helping to destabilize secular regimes, across the Islamic Arc.

    Iraq an example, of that.
    Libya, another.
    Afghanistan, fer sure
    Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, too.

    The military occupation of Iraq was a disaster, as has been the Israeli occupation of Gaza.

    Whatever goals were originally envision, to be gained by military intervention in the politics of the occupied lands, another set of realities emerged.

  30. Obama giving soldiers at FT. Campbell the opportunity to...THANK HIM.

  31. As for the US assisting the Sauds, Prescott had less to do with that than FDR.

    FDR, whose grandfather was the President of the Russell Company, cut the deal. Prescott, he was just an acolyte in the fraternity the Russell Company endowments fund at Yale.

  32. While I must say, after working with the Federals on the save the wild horses campaign, most a dumber than rocks.

    The greater their seniority, the further they are detached from reality.

  33. desert rat said...
    The Story of "o" lies about me, he lies about Islam.
    He tells us of what I've written, and he tells lies when he does. When questioned by our host, asked to prove his claims about me, the Story of "o" could not do so.
    He tells us of Islam and lies when he does.
    He tells us of Israel and lies when he does.


    There is no discussing anything with the Rat.

    He stands with Islam.

    He stands with Hamas

    He stands as a man with actual blood on his hands of murder of civilians.

    I stand with Israel.

    I stand with America.

    I do not stand with the idea of supporting Islamic nations anywhere.

    People of the bar, the nation and the world are choosing sides.

    Stand with Bin Ladin, Hamas, Moslem Brotherhood, the Mullahs of Iran? That's Rat

  34. Do I have to spell it out, time after time? It wasn't "Iraqi" oil. It was "Persian Gulf" oil. That includes "Saudi" Oil, "Kuwaiti" oil, "UAE" oil, "Omani" oil, And Iraqi oil.

    It wasn't to "own" it; it was to "Protect" it.

    Where did we enter WWII? North Africa. To cut off Germany's access to N. African oil. Why did the Germans arrive in Russia too late in the year? They had to take a detour down to the Caucasus to try and secure the oil. Why the ill-fated "Battle of the Bulge?" To try to get to Rotterdam, and 1. cut off our oil, and 2. take what oil we had, there.

    Our biggest advantages in WWII were 1. Huge manufacturing capacity, and 2. The East Texas Oil Field.

    Even Carter had a plan to invade the Saudi Oil Fields.

    Oil has been the Lifeblood of our Economic/Financial/Social systems for 75 years.

    What is the difference between Egypt, and Libya? Syria, and Libya? Yemen and Libya?

    Why are we sliding back into recession, now? Why are small businesses folding at a time in the business cycle when they should be forming? Why is Walmart saying their customers are running out of money well before the first of the month? Why are 41 Million People now on Food Stamps? Why did the Unemployment Rate just tick back up to 9%?

    Come on guys; get your heads out of your asses. It's Still "all about the oil."

  35. I have no recollection of DR ever posting anything that WIO claims regarding killings in Central America where he had any connection. The claim is false. I cannot find any such post.

    Wio, you are welcome to find such a post and prove me wrong. Without that proof, it is time for you to drop a claim where you have no proof and where others including me have no recollection.

  36. I've probably read every post that DR ever put up, and I'm sure I would remember a post such as that. I've got to say it didn't happen, and that every post of WIO's should be taken down if he persists in stating it did.

  37. This is a nice little video that everyone really needs to take a minute and watch. A nice, personable Japanese economist explains how Japan stayed in Recession for so long, and, by implication, what we need to watch out for. Like I said, something that really needs to be understood.

    Balance Sheet Recession

  38. Quirk said...

    I'm sorry to hear that T. I know it's scary.


    They have made tremendous strides in treatment over the past two decades.

    Good luck.


    If biopsy is positive, look for a Doc (preferably female) that will give you some time and attention.

    Wife's oncologist is currently back in Montana for some reason. We miss her.


    Suspect that if positive, your research will find that outcomes are usually good and getting better every day.

  39. Rufus said...

    "Why are we sliding back into recession, now? Why are small businesses folding at a time in the business cycle when they should be forming? Why is Walmart saying their customers are running out of money well before the first of the month? Why are 41 Million People now on Food Stamps? Why did the Unemployment Rate just tick back up to 9%?

    Come on guys; get your heads out of your asses. It's Still "all about the oil.

    It's much more about everything the Democrats have done for the past FIVE YEARS.

    ...but I forgot:

    You think Socialism will work for the first time in World History if we just do it right this time.

  40. Healthcare guided by central planning following a Bible of 3,000 pages calling for more regulations resulting in millions of pages of red tape across the land.

    ...instead of re-establishing a market based doctor patient relationship.

  41. AND

    There is no difference between Dems and Pubs.

    (Rat, Ruf, and sometimes Quirk)

    Yeah, we'd not have killed bin Laden yet without black sites, gitmo, and enhanced interogation...

    Dems have eliminated black sites and enhanced interogation and effective use of Gitmo.

    No big deal:

    We're all gonna die anyhow.

  42. Oh, and the Dems favorite chickenshit coward, Holder, is taking legal action against the heros that outted bin Laden. big deal indeed.

  43. Holder no different than Ashcroft.

    My ass.

  44. Killing AQ leaders has put it on the wane.

    ...meanwhile, we have empowered the Muslim Brotherhood across the ME, and ignored the terrorists next door across the fruited plain.

    Wake up, America!

  45. Our economy is in bad trouble because:

    1) The "popping" of huge asset bubble, and

    2) Years of Serious Negative Trade Balance.

    This is being aggravated by piss-poor Corporate Tax Policies that virtually force Corporations to "lock their money up" overseas,

    amd a paradigm shift in "productivity," further aggravated by our largest single trading partner manipulating its currency to the devastation of the "unskilled" portion of our labor force.

  46. My baby-doll just got off the phone with her sister. The small Japanese restaurant where her sister works is closing at the end of the month. It's happening all over the country.

  47. .

    Yeah, we'd not have killed bin Laden yet without black sites, gitmo, and enhanced interogation...

    Doug, you believe inhanced interrogation techniques got bin Laden because the boys in the GOP told you they did. The details, well they are "secret". "Due to national security concerns we could tell you about it but then we would have to kill you."

    "But trust us. The information was on those interrogation tapes that were mysteriously destroyed by the Bush administration."

    You believe this because your boys told you so. Just as you likely believed SH had nuclear capability and WMD's at the time Bush's II Irag war.

    Credulity thy name is Doug.


  48. Her sister, and brother-in-law have put three kids through Major Universities working in those small restaurants, but now, at age 63, she's out of work.

    This economy is in a lot worse shape than the Wall Street/Political Elites are letting you know.

  49. We're asking the Pakis for bin Laden's wife!

    ...maybe she had a fear of flying in Blackhawks?

  50. Miss T, my prayers and good thoughts are all for you today.


  51. You believe this because your boys told you so. Just as you likely believed SH had nuclear capability and WMD's at the time Bush's II Irag war.

    Credulity thy name is Doug.


    I believe it also because Leon Panetta told me so.
    I have followed Panetta for more than 30 years, he is BHO's CIA Chief, he is a Democrat, but you choose to sterotype me with your imagination.

    I ALWAYS thought focusing on Saddam's "nukes" was inappropriate.

    More misinformation inspired by your (admittedly limited) imagination.

  52. here is an interesting exchange by our bar's own killer rat and I...

    What is "Occupation" said...
    desert rat said...
    Worse than the Achille Lauro incident.

    Many more innocent passengers DEAD.

    really, how many wheelchair senior citizens thrown overboard who were being actually peaceful?

    Rat you are a self confessed criminal...

    Your hatred of Israel, Zionists and Jews are well documented...

    You are infact, a rat....

    but one can only hope that your massive heart attack will occur soon....
    Mon May 31, 03:30:00 AM EDT
    desert rat said...
    No one ever wrote about our escapades.

    Never made it above the fold in the news.

    And there were no civilians involved.

    We were not pirates

    Especially not
    Pirates of the Mediterranean.
    Mon May 31, 03:31:00 AM EDT

    What is "Occupation" said...
    No you mere murderers in the middle of the night..

    Just a simple killer....

    You are a real criminal...

    Leaving your home to travel to another nation to murder at your own whim....

    not a nation, but an individual killer you are
    Mon May 31, 03:33:00 AM EDT

    desert rat said...
    No crimes were ever commited, misdirection, not by me.

    No indictments were ever handed down

    No UN Commission mentioned my name.

    No, US involvement in Central America, not correlation to the Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    I know that 'misdirection' is looking for equivalency, trying to elevate Israelis to the US level of morality. But he will not find equivalency here, with US.

    No, we are not nor were we ever as despicable as the civilian killing Pirates of the Mediterranean

    We were saving civilians from the pirates, but the Israeli they ARE the Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    Read what he says.....

    He is a killer....

  53. Deuce said...
    I have no recollection of DR ever posting anything that WIO claims regarding killings in Central America where he had any connection. The claim is false. I cannot find any such post.

    I remember it very clearly.

    Look for a post where I say, "A self confessed criminal."

    I imagine you'll find some scrubbing around in there.


  54. Rufus said...

    1) The "popping" of huge asset bubble...


    Which I predicted and you denied

  55. .

    More hypocrisy from the "Shining City on the Hill".

    To be clear, I have little sympathy for the Arab Street, at least in it's current incarnation. Sunni's, Shia, the bulk of them suck as far as I'm concerned. (Of course I would say the same thing about any sect that would try to impose their religious believes on others.)

    That being said, the situation in Bahrain points out the growing hypocrisy of the US foreign policy.

    When the Taliban destroyed ancient monuments in Afghanistan because they conflicted with their religious beliefs, they were universally condemned with the US leading the way. Now in Bahrain, the minority Sunni rulers are bulldozing 400 year old mosques in 2000 year old Shia villages and no one says anything including the US.

    Evidently the difference is that we didn't have a naval base in Afghanistan.


  56. I'm sitting here looking out over what is still one of American's finest lakes, although the fishing has been hurt by Fish and Game, the people no longer water ski, but rather sip lattes along Sherman, and the place has gotten a little crowed.

    The library here is a 24 hour hotspot.

    You'll be ok Miss T, I'm ceertain of that.


  57. Only a fool believes enhanced interogation has not produced information vital to keep this country safe.

    Prosecute the interrogators!

  58. Let's look at the States that are doing very well. Wyoming. North Dakota. Iowa.

    "NET EXPORTERS" of Food, And Energy.

    The U.S.? "Imports" $ ONE BILLION DAY of OIL.

    Every Day.

  59. Tell us something we didn't know.


    Drill, baby, drill!

  60. Energy is EVERYTHING.

    ...except when it isn't.

  61. If I lived in that mess that bin Laden lived in, my wife would scold me, and clean it up....which reminds me, I got to go get the morning coffee for her.

    Mucho Macho Man - what a horse!!!

    We had fun.


  62. .

    I believe it also because Leon Panetta told me so.
    I have followed Panetta for more than 30 years, he is BHO's CIA Chief, he is a Democrat, but you choose to sterotype me with your imagination.

    You stereotype yourself Dougo.

    You site Panetta being a Dem as if that means anything. As I've stated all along Dem/GOP it makes no difference.

    Your credulity remains one of your most endearing quality.

    Likewise, had you read my statement you would have noted I said "likely believed". Merely my impression, nothing definitive.


  63. .

    Only a fool believes enhanced interogation has not produced information vital to keep this country safe.

    Only a Kool-aid drinker believes it did.


  64. I'm all For drilling, Doug - especially Anwar, and Alaska offshore. But, that, by itself, will have very little effect on the prices in Hawaii (or, Mississippi, for that matter.)

    We need a very large dose of "All of the Above."

    And, we need some new Tax Laws (especially on the Corporate side.)

  65. One reason I keep coming back to energy is, everyone else seems to do their best to Ignore it.

    When prices got to around $3.50/gal, here, it was like someone just "turned off the tap." Everything Stopped.

    Business at the Casinos dropped 50% in a matter of days.

  66. I kid you not; The middle of Feb you couldn't find a parking place at the Gold Strike. By the beginning of March the parking lots were half empty.

  67. With all the Federal Socialism and the money spent on nonsense not one gasoline refinery was built

  68. Wio, we don't need refineries. We're Closing Down Refineries. We've got more Refineries than we've got Oil; that's the problem.

  69. Yeah, WIO:

    When you outlaw domestic oil exploitation you get less oil, so no need for refineries:

    Look at the bright side of Leftoid Green Democrat Policies!

  70. I'm all For drilling, Doug - especially Anwar, and Alaska offshore. But, that, by itself, will have very little effect on the prices in Hawaii (or, Mississippi, for that matter.)


    And a very large impact on our National Security.

  71. Quirk said...

    You site Panetta being a Dem as if that means anything. As I've stated all along Dem/GOP it makes no difference.


    The very issue we were talking about emphasizes the difference between Dems and Pubs.

    Pubs measures wrt the WOT saved lives.
    Holder and Obama tossing them out is gonna get us killed.

  72. Socialized Medicine no different than patient choice.

    Card check, right to work.
    Fairness doctrine, free speech.
    Socialised Medicine, free market medicine.

    Freedom no different than servitude.
    Freedom for terrorists no different than death for the scumbags.

    Dems no different than pubs?

    You have NO credibility, Quirk!

    sophmoric blatherings

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. All evidence to the contrary, our little Quirky Clings to his self-inflicted dogma.

    Evidence to the contrary in our daily lives notwithstanding.


  75. You find the post. I cannot. Until that time don't make charges you cannot back up.

  76. Democracy at Work

    Egypt's transitional government has called a crisis meeting after Muslim-Christian clashes in Cairo left 10 dead and cast a new cloud over hopes for peaceful post-revolutionary change.

    A Coptic church in the Imaba neighbourhood was set on fire after fighting broke out over claims that a Christian woman was being held and prevented from converting to Islam.

    Initials reports on Egyptian state TV said six Muslims and three Copts had been killed, and there were nearly 200 injured. The death toll later rose to 10. The army, sensitive to alarm about deteriorating security, was quick to announce that 190 people arrested in connection with the violence would be tried in military courts.

  77. Doug, you just don't understand. They might be able to pull a million bbl/day out of Anwar; and, they might not. There's a pretty good chance there's some oil there, but no one will know for sure until the wells are drilled. If we started today, we might be able to start getting oil out of there by 2014. Maybe.

    They're a little further along up there in whatchamacallit bay. Shell might be pumping some oil out of there in a year, or so. However, you've gotta understand; Shell Is Not in all that big a hurry. They know the price is going up, and that oil isn't going anywhere.

    Obama forced the rigs in the Gulf to shut down long enough to get some safety procedures in place. Does That sound "unreasonable?"

    As far as other offshore locations, the only one "known" to have oil is off Santa Barbera. Could they get a couple of hundred thousand barrels/day there? Probably.

    Offshore Florida, and Virginia? Who knows. None of the drilling companies are really lobbying to drill there, if that tells you anything.

    In short, if we went, immediately, balls to the walls, we "might" be looking at a couple of million barrels/day by 2016 - 2018. Now, that's nothing to sneeze at, but it would still leave us importing eight, or nine million barrels of oil/day. In Four, or Five Years (at the earliest.)

    And, That is if we can hold production steady in the Gulf, and get enough out of Bakken to make up for Prudhoe Bay, and California, going down (unlikely.)

    I'm not saying we shouldn't do these things (in fact, I really, really think we need to get busy with Alaska,) but you've got to understand that, not only does this not solve the short term, medium term, or long term problems, it also brings forward the day when we don't have Any oil to speak of.

    Whatever you do, Don't get your energy advice from Rush Limbaugh, or Jim Cramer. Mass Media whores make lousy "Energy Gurus."

  78. I can't imagine anyone, whose wife has gone through Cancer, not wanting others to have the same care.

    THAT is Republicanism at its worst.

  79. An ex. It took almost 20 yrs IIRC from discovery to the time they finally got the "Thunderhorse" field up and running. So, now, after about a year, they are already up to their eyeballs in problems. Rising Water Cut. Declining Production. Equipment problems. It may not produce 1/10th of what they were expecting. A Billion Dollar Rig, btw.

    Last year Norway drilled a $150 Million hole that came up drier than Hillary's thingamajig.

    Nigeria is in the process of shutting down a field that was brought online in 2003. Produced good at first, Peaked in 2006, and ran out of steam in 2010. You just never know.

  80. .

    All evidence to the contrary, our little Quirky Clings to his self-inflicted dogma.

    Evidence to the contrary in our daily lives notwithstanding.


    This post raises just too many rich opportunities to let pass, especially the part about "in our daily lives notwithstanding".

    Unfortunately, I am leaving now for a party over at my daughter's house.

    However, check in later tonight. I should be well lubricated and your post will be the inspiration for the latest chapter of my new book, Beware of Doug: Political Pap from Pineappleland.


  81. For years the USGS has been saying that there was 10 Billion Barrels in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve.

    Last year they said, "Oh never mind about the ten billion; it's, Actually, One billion. We just missed it by a factor of Ten."

    Both Parties are "playing politics" with our very survival. They just can't help themselves.

  82. The army, sensitive to alarm about deteriorating security, was quick to announce that 190 people arrested in connection with the violence would be tried in military courts.

    No problem. I see where the administration is proposing and additional $1 billion to help Egypt transition to democracy.

    Er, yes that's what I said, to democracy.


  83. I tend to be pretty much an "equal-opportunity basher" when it comes to religion, but this freakin' Islam is a whole 'nother ball game.

    A religion this barbaric, and backward, practiced by the craziest, inbred assholes on Earth is just in a league of its own.

  84. Deuce said...
    You find the post. I cannot. Until that time don't make charges you cannot back up.

    When you enforce some measure of equality and force Rat not to distort and lie I will consider what you have said.

    Until theN

    Rat is a killer, I posted his gloating about it in this thread. I will not waste one more ounce of searching for something he has most likely deleted.

    Bob and I remember it, I am sure others that were disgusted by Rat and his turds that have left would has well..

    So NOW we have 2 people that remember him saying it, plus his referring to it posts.

  85. Chin up, T. Don't worry unless you have to.

    I will light a white candle for strength and emotional healing and gather all the positive energy I can to send your way. Good luck.

  86. Dems no different than pubs?

    You have NO credibility, Quirk!

    sophmoric blatherings

    In Quirk World, Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, no difference.

    :) heh

    Even I'm not that dumb.

    Come on Quirk, you've been hanging in Detroit too too long.


  87. Rufus II said...
    I tend to be pretty much an "equal-opportunity basher" when it comes to religion, but this freakin' Islam is a whole 'nother ball game.

    A religion this barbaric, and backward, practiced by the craziest, inbred assholes on Earth is just in a league of its own.

    You are onto something there, Rufus.
    If we were all illiterate arses, born and bred, nay, inbred, and taught from birth that we were allah's favorite folk, and if we were convicnce the women weren't really fully human, and that all others should pay us money in the form of an you pay you can continue to exist tax, and if out book encouraged the very worst of human behavior, why, our little ids might be set free too, and we'd let it all hang out.

    What I can't understand is why some people can't seem to take this threat seriously, you'd think 1400 years of experience would be enough.

    I'll be back to read Quirk's liquored up writings later tonight. They may be totally illogical, but verbose and weirdly, strangely cogent. I am looking forward to this.:)

