Friday, May 06, 2011

Obama's 'I', 'I', 'I', Victory Tour

David Beamer, the father of United 93 passenger and 9/11 victim and hero Todd Beamer, had some harsh words for President Obama  today.
David Beamer feels Obama has inappropriate aggrandized his own role in the death of Osama, politicizing the moment for his own gain.
Beamer said he welcomed news of Osama’s killing, but that he feels “some chagrin” at the way Obama has handled the aftermath, claiming that the President put too much emphasis on himself while announcing the operation that took out Osama, telling Fox News:
“And frankly it started May Day 2011 when the president announced what had happened. The excessive use of the personal pronoun that he used in his remarks, I really felt that was the beginning of the Commander-in-Chief putting too much spotlight on himself, taking too much credit for what the remarkable Americans had done.”

Continue reading on 9/11 victim criticizes Obama for Osama victory lap - National post-partisan |


  1. Yup, my wife said when she first heard him it sounded as if he had gone in there and taken Osama down himself. The real credit, besides the SEALS of course, should go to Bush, who increased the funding for special ops by some 400% if I recall correctly. Some people have counted the number of times O has used the I word as against other Presidents. He exceeds, he far exceeds them all, in that regard. Diagnosed as a narcissist by those that do that sort of thing.

    A good question is whether he should have ordered a bombing run on the place and flattened it, instead of putting the SEALS lives at risk. The answer perhaps is you wouldn't have known if you really got the guy, and you wouldn't have gotten all those computer discs etc. May be a good enough answer.


  2. sam said...

    "In all, 13 children were recovered from the compound after US Navy Seals shot dead the world's most wanted man.
    Eight are believed to be the sons and daughters of bin Laden himself, according to Pakistani military sources.


    The Seals had no choice but to take him out when he came out of the closet and was revealed to be a pedophile.


    They did it For the Children

  3. 32. atlas...

    This is very interesting and jibes with the photo:


    "In my initial communication to you of these events I described what unfolded as a temporary Coup initiated by high ranking intelligence and military officials. I stand by that term. These figures worked around the uncertainty of President Obama and the repeated resistance of Valerie Jarrett.

    If they had not been willing to do so, I am certain Osama Bin Laden would still be alive today. There will be no punishment to those who acted outside the authority of the president’s office. The president cannot afford to admit such a fact.

    What will be most interesting from here is to now see what becomes of Valerie Jarrett. One source indicated she is threatening resignation. I find that unlikely given my strong belief she needs the protection afforded her by the Oval Office and its immense powers to delay and eventually terminate investigations back in Chicago, but we shall see.

  4. How is the mess Obama encouraged in Libya doing? Oh, you say he didn't encourage it? Let's check the tape:

    The United States said Thursday that it would try to release some of the more than $30 billion in assets seized from Libya's leader, Moammar Khadafy, as international officials said they would create a fund to give money directly to the Libyan rebels.


    Hundreds of thousands have fled the violence. The exodus statistics compiled by the United Nations contain all categories of Libyan migrants. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres on Tuesday called on Western nations to help, with the agency saying 686,422 had left Libya as of May 4, mostly for Egypt and Tunisia.


    Spain denies it has officially recognized the Libyan rebels' transitional council as the legitimate leadership of Libya, despite sending a diplomat to talk to them, a Spanish Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Thursday.
    "There has been no change in our position," said the spokeswoman, who by custom is not identified.
    The Libyan rebels earlier said that Spain, Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands had recently recognized the rebels' interim Transitional National Council. Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands have also denied an official recognition.

    A genius, Obama is just a genius.

  5. but has Obama recognized the Libyan rebels?

    Releasing $3 billion to the insurgents seems to be recognition enough.

  6. Oh, but that is NATO and the UN, not just the US. You can't blame that on the genius of Obama.

    The leader of Libya's opposition council, Mustafa Mohammed Abdul-Jalil, also attended the meeting here in Rome and met with several foreign ministers, including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. "We are more than content and satisfied with the results," he said after the meeting.

    Read more:

  7. but with Osama dead, doesn't that make things better in Libya as Muslims rush to democracy?

    “Al Qaeda [is] getting more and more organized and bringing people [to Libya] from abroad,” says the believer, adding that he has been contacted by militants wanting to fight in his homeland. He has not joined the frontline against forces loyal to Qaddafi because he says Muslims should not kill Muslims. "This is a great land for Al Qaeda. There are a lot of opportunities for them here. They are not far away in Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt."

    And the death of Bin Laden won’t change that, he adds: “For Islamic organizations leadership doesn’t mean much, ideology does. Leadership is just a soul that comes and goes. Ideology stays.”

    “Now that Bin Laden is dead, a lot of leaders in the shade will come out … and will be smarter than him and better than him,” says Naluti. “Al Qaeda will continue. The clash of civilizations will continue.”

    That is the assumption of Al Qaeda itself, which on Monday vowed to avenge the killing of Bin Laden, the “Sheikh of Islam.”

  8. I can hardly wait to turn on the national media and hear about the bold and gutsy decisiveness of Obama.

    By the way, while we are asking how is Obama's decisiveness and gutsiness doing with unemployment, the deficit and housing?

  9. I am sure that Obama's justice system under Eric Holder is getting no rest focusing on the external threats to the Republic. Let's check it out:

    An order to vacate from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder halting the deportation of a foreign national in a civil union may be sign of hope for bi-national same-sex couples in the United States who are facing separation.

    In the decision, dated April 26, Holder remands back to the Board of Immigration Appeals the case of Paul Wilson Dorman — a New Jersey man who’s apparently seeking residency in the United States through his partner — to reassess a previous petition that was denied based on the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage. The order was made public Thursday.

  10. but, but, now that we got Obama, I mean Osama, Holder and the genius of Obama realize that the intel gather by interrogation frees up Holder from prosecuting the CIA agents that developed the info?

    The sister of a Sept. 11 victim said President Obama on Thursday turned down her request to advise Attorney General Eric Holder to drop his probe of CIA agents whose interrogation methods may have provided information leading to the raid on Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden.
    Debra Burlingame, whose brother was the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, which was hijacked and forced into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, told Fox News on Thursday that she made the request during Obama's meeting with families of victims of the Al Qaeda attack.

    Read more:

  11. I would be arrested if I wrote what I would do to Holder if I could!

    He is STILL prosecuting CIA guys for gathering info like that that brought down bin Laden!

  12. Great suggestion, pages now load instantly!

    47. Doug
    Does anyone have any browser suggestions for dealing with the Gargantuan Bloat of PJ pages?
    Someone mentioned Firefox not able to use edit function, likewise IE, but worst of all is computer repeatedly being brought to it’s knees, wasting memory and cpu cycles as if they could be provided by Bernanke’s QE3


    51. Josh
    Doug @ 47: IE works well if you make the site restricted. Can’t edit tho.

    I can’t restrict it like that at work and I see the page with full bloatware. Ugh. Some other news sites even worse. Numbnuts web “designers”.


    Josh @ 51

    Thanks, works great!

    Restricting a website

  13. What is the Obama policy on capturing or killing terrorists?

    Holder tells Judiciary Committee that captured terrorists get presumption of trial in civilian courts

    Read more:

  14. Why are you boring yourself to death looking at pajama's media web sites?

  15. A final thought on our tried and true stalwart ally in the war on terror, Saudi Arabia

    During the 1980's, Saudi Arabia spent $75 bn for the propagation of Wahhabism, funding schools, mosques, and charities throughout the Islamic world, from Pakistan to Afghanistan, Yemen, Algeria, and beyond. The Saudis continued such programs after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, and even after they discovered that "the Call" is uncontrollable, owing to the technologies of globalisation. Not surprisingly, the creation of a transnational Islamic political movement, boosted by thousands of underground jihadi websites, has blown back into the Kingdom.

    Like the hijackers of 9/11, who were also Saudi/Wahhabi ideological exports (15 of the 19 men who carried out those terror attacks were chosen by bin Laden because they shared the same Saudi descent and education as he), Saudi Arabia's reserve army of potential terrorists remains, because the Wahhabi factory of fanatical ideas remains intact.

    So the real battle has not been with bin Laden, but with that Saudi state-supported ideology factory. Bin Laden merely reflected the entrenched violence of the Kingdom's official ideology.

  16. When the president approached her table, Burlingame said she told him that as a former attorney she knows he can't tell the attorney general what to do – an assessment the president agreed with, she said.

    "And I said, but that shouldn't stop you from offering your opinion. After all, we wouldn't be here celebrating today if they hadn't done their job," she said. "And they have the hammer of a possible indictment over their heads. Can't you at least give him your opinion?"

    The president replied that he wouldn't, she said. She added, "And he turned around and walked away."

    Related Links
    Obama Lays Wreath at Ground Zero, Marks End of Hunt for Bin Laden Holder launched the investigation in late 2009, appointing a special prosecutor to review cases of possible detainee abuse at the hands of CIA agents. Around the same time, the administration shifted responsibility for interrogations of top terror suspects away from the CIA. At the beginning of his presidency, Obama had ordered that interrogations stick to the guidelines in the Army Field Manual.

    Republicans and ex-officials wants the Obama administration to not only restart the CIA interrogation program in some form but to end the probe of CIA employees.

    Debate has been raging on Capitol Hill over whether so-called enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, played a role in tracking bin Laden. The White House says that a range of sources contributed, and that no single bit of information was a deciding factor.


    F...... Worthless Assholes are gonna get us killed !!!

    (that's why I'm sick of reading what the Pubs did wrong to FDR, Rufus, you Putz!)

  17. Deuce said...
    Why are you boring yourself to death looking at pajama's media web sites?

    Hey, I got that Atlas link there, check it out!

    AND I don't have to read the garbage that you know who posts here!

  18. wrt your Burlingame post:

    71. buddy larsen said...

    …so, for the Paki gov’t/military, it’s hardly a security ”my way or the highway” proposition we’ve got toward them. It’s more of a ”my way or back to the Chi way”. Only our gov’t and press don’t talk to us much about that, do it. Sorta like supporting your out-of-work brother-in-law for ten years, only to find out he had quit his job because he had inherited a million bucks from his side of family, and had just accidentally on purpose never bothered to mention it to ya.


    Buddy or Rufus:

    Who is the bore?

    You decide!

  19. .

    Sounds like Deuce and Doug have their grrrr on again today.


  20. I suppose I could go to Disneyland.

  21. .

    I suppose I could go to Disneyland.


    I was just trying to stir up an argument today but you're too nice a guy.

    I'll have to start with Doug.

    How about those damn Republicans?


  22. .

    This stream once again lays out many parts of the case against Obama. I agree with most of them (although I vigorously disagree with at least one of them).

    However, the point I would make is that with everything going on right now Obama should be extremely vulnerable in 2012 but, IMO, he is not.

    Why? The loyal opposition. The GOP. They are too stupid to get out of their own way.

    Perfect example currently in the news. The 2012 budget.

    (Consider that the budget covers the period one year before the election. Not much time these days.)

    What does the GOP do?

    They put out a massive budget proposal, nothing incremental for the boys on the right. After all, they do control the House.

    They propose cutting benefits for the vast majority of the country but offer only tax cuts for the rich.

    All of their proposals are for the most part regressive.

    They indicate that the budget will be revenue neutral (wich is insufficient given the current debt) and that the cuts will be paid for by eliminating "unspecified" loopholes, a politically risky proposition (remember how the 'doc-fix' is being managed) that will likely never happen.

    Just like Obama's budget, the GOP budget is filled with rhetoric, phoney numbers and assumptions, Washington-speak, and bushwa. But there is a difference. Not only did the GOP put their budget out first, always a bad negotiating tactic, but they forced a vote on it.

    The GOP leadership herded the cats and got most of their members (including the Tea Party members in contested districts)to vote for the Ryan budget.

    Unfortunately, when they went out to sell their plan, the public balked (vociferously) similar to the reception in the Town Hall meetings over Obamacare.

    Now the GOP leadership has indicated that their Medicare proposal is pretty much dead as proposed; however, those members who voted for it (pretty much the whole caucus) still have to defend their vote.

    The GOP refuses to accept victory even when it's handed to them on a silver platter.

    Yesterday, someone suggested the GOP would take the Senate in 2012. I still see that as a possibility. However, I also believe that while doing that they very well could lose the House.

    Frankly, with this crop of nitwits I could care less.


  23. Yeah, one group of Nitwits increased our debt more in 3 years more than the other did in 6, but who are we to judge?


  24. 75. Shamyl

    The much talked about drama of raid by US commandos which is being further glorified by CIA’s publicity and propagation wing has been found out to be nothing else but merely an arm twister for ISI and Pakistan army, organized by Central Intelligence Agency of America to take revenge of their high level spy master (read terrorist) Raymond Davis who was exposed by Pakistan’s ISI a few month back and which caused immense embarrassment to CIA and the US government across the world.

    But our Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has made it very clear that any similar action, violating the sovereignty of Pakistan, will warrant a review on the level of military/intelligence cooperation with the rogue superpower called the United States. Whereas, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said, “it is an uneasy relationship but a productive one for both our countries and we are going to continue to cooperate between our governments, our militaries, our law-enforcement agencies, but most importantly between the American and Pakistani people.”

    So the US and the rest of the world need Pakistan. The entire human race’s survival rests on the shoulders of Pakistan. And don’t you guys forget the sacrifices we Pakistanis have given in this war on terror.

    Cost of war on Pakistan: more than 51 billion dollars and still growing
    Pakistani Army Martyrs: double than the NATO/US casualties
    Pakistani Civilian Casualties: Greater than those killed in Afghanistan

    No other nation has given more sacrifices in the global terror war. And don’t forget that the US is not doing Pakistan any favor in terms of economic assistance. We are providing you the services and getting peanuts from your government in return. Pakistan is a brave, proud and peaceful nation but it has the potential to break superpowers into pieces.

    Respect Pakistan.

    May 6, 2011 - 3:30 am Link to this Comment

  25. .

    Yeah, one group of Nitwits increased our debt more in 3 years more than the other did in 6, but who are we to judge?

    Time to gain some perspective Dougo.

    Do you think much of the same thing wouldn't have happened under the GOP? You seem to forget much of the stimulus and bailout was started under Bush and Paulson. Bernanke was there under Bush also.

    Do you really think the GOP would have let the banks go under without bailing them out?

    Who is fighting the regulations to control these guys right now setting the stage for the same thing to happen all over again?

    Time to take that party hat off, have some of that Kona coffee, and recognize there is not a dimes worth of difference betwen the two parties.

    Sure there might have been some things different. For instance, GM and Chrysler might not have been bailed out. And we may never get all of our investment out of GM. With Chrysler there is still the chance we will. That being said we would also likely have an additional million people on unemployment now.

    Wise up Dougo, under the leadership of either party, the little guy inevitably takes it in the ass. And while I have no way of knowing, I suspect you, like the rest of us, are one of the little guys.


  26. Canada will now get an evangelical, pro-Israel PM, Stephen Harper.

  27. I think it can be argued and be agreed to that we get the government we deserve. Forty years without civics lessons takes its toll.

  28. Very Nice Payroll number this morning. Surprisingly nice. 244,000 jobs added. 268,000 Private Sector, IIRC.

    Now, we're going to get the psychological boost, even if only temporary, of some lower gas prices.

    We needed some good news.

  29. Unfortunately, the signals are mixed.

    The separate survey of households showed the size of the labor force was little changed in April and employment shrank by 190,000. That pushed the share of the population in the labor force down to 58.4 percent from 58.5 percent a month earlier.

  30. Rufus II said...
    Very Nice Payroll number this morning. Surprisingly nice. 244,000 jobs added. 268,000 Private Sector, IIRC.

    Now, we're going to get the psychological boost, even if only temporary, of some lower gas prices.

    We needed some good news.

    lol... something like 40k McDonalds jobs created...

    Too fuckin funny...

  31. Do you really think the GOP would have let the banks go under without bailing them out?

    TARP was BORROWED under BUSH.... Counts as HIS debt...

    85% of TARP paid back, Obama got the cash, got the debt relief as INCOME so it reduced the actual DEBT Obama incurred...

    SO in the end... Bush is credited with 700 BILLION more in debt than reality and Obama with 600 BILLION in UNDER REPORTED debt in reality...


  32. Sun Sue said...
    Canada will now get an evangelical, pro-Israel PM, Stephen Harper.


    And as soon as Obama is deported to Gaza?

    We'll get one too...

  33. And as soon as Obama is deported to Gaza?

    Now there's a happy thought, he could community organize them.

    Thank God it rained today, gets me out of spraying some weeds till next week, by which time I'll have found someone to hire to do it for me.

    20 horses in a horse race is just too many. How can you pick a nag in a field that big? You can't.

    Way too much bunching up and horses getting locked in, etc. I hate the Kentucky Derby.

    I won a trifecta once, in Seattle.

    It beats politics anyway.

    The republicans take the Senate, keep the House and maybe knock off Obama.

    Expect a big coordinated mall suicide attack one of these days, like in Mumbai. Coming to a mall near you.

    My morning ramble, out.


  34. Quirk has given in totally to the movements of the stars, nothing can be done, it's all the same, either party, no difference, fate not destiny rules might as well lay down and die for all we can do about it, woe woe woe, but Doug and I know better.

    What some don't get is since the parties are competing for the great middle, there will inevitably be similarities, but it does make a hell of a difference who's in there, even locally, maybe particularily that. I would not have gotten my stuff through without the hard work of the Greater Moscow Alliance for instance. The One World Cafe would still rule.

    The People for Bio
    Diversity, Friends of the Clearwater, Dolts and Dummies of Detroit for Wolves, etc suit about the wolves says Congress erred in the way the snuck the delisting bill through in an inappropriate piece of legislation, violating the separation of powers in some manner, and it's unconstitutional. I expect the Judge, who seems a greenie weanie, to agree with 'em. Will keep you informed on this most important of matters.


  35. Doing my best to start an argument, but got to run.

    We here in the Idaho Militia have aerial gunnery practice this morning.


  36. Drudge says the McDonald jobs are 124,000.

  37. Gag Reflex said...
    Drudge says the McDonald jobs are 124,000.

    I know i under posted on purpose...

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Had to go out for a while, but when the "Household" Survey disagrees with the "Establishment" Survey you'd better go with the "Household" Survey.

    The Household Survey picks up the litty-bitty job-creating businesses, and the new business formation. It will lead you up, and it will lead you down.

  40. bin Laden's wife, one of them, says he hadn't been out of that room in five years!

    Bet it was getting a little musty in there, and no wonder it looked such a mess.


  41. You can take the jihadi out of the cave, but you can't take the cave out of the jihadi.

    Defense Secretasry Gates is to give a speech at the wazzu graduation here may try to take it in.


  42. All the presidency's a stage
    J.C. Arenas
    The White House handling of the OBL operation aftermath raises far too many questions about the uses and abuses of propaganda. The president's Sunday night address to the nation included staged photos, enabling photographers to get a picture of the president without revealing the presence of his teleprompter. This involved the president pretending to speak to the nation, after the actual speech was over, to create an illusion.

    Then there is the staged dramatic photo of the Situation Room. The Telegraph reported:

    Leon Panetta, director of the CIA, revealed there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US special forces was cut off.

    A photograph released by the White House appeared to show the President and his aides in the situation room watching the action as it unfolded. In fact they had little knowledge of what was happening in the compound.

    In an interview with PBS, Mr Panetta said: "Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn't know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.

    "We had some observation of the approach there, but we did not have direct flow of information as to the actual conduct of the operation itself as they were going through the compound."

    These incidents represent hardly the first time in the Obama presidency we've seen a staged event; Henrietta Hughes, the white coats for all the "doctors" at the health care event, the "surprise visit" to Camp Victory, etc.

    This also wouldn't be the first time Obama was given credit for leadership when it should have been attributed to the NAVY Seals, remember the Somali pirate rescue?


  43. Evidence At Bin Laden's Lair Points To Nuclear Concerns

    Radio says there were over 1 million people applying for those McJobs.


  44. Whether they signed in at Ellis Island or crossed the Rio Grande, we are one people!

    Obama quote just playedd on the radio.


  45. Well, Allen, the answer is:

    One Week!

  46. Herman Kain the overwhelming winner at Fox Debate!

    Very inspiring, he'd kick Obama's skinny ass all over the debate floor.

    ...and send Fatass back to Chi-Town.

  47. Quirk said...

    "I suspect you, like the rest of us, are one of the little guys."


    Speak for yourself, Shrimpo!

  48. "Do you think much of the same thing wouldn't have happened under the GOP? You seem to forget much of the stimulus and bailout was started under Bush and Paulson. Bernanke was there under Bush also."


    You and Rufus are hilarious wrt the Pretzel Logic extremes you go to in order to always end up bashing the GOP.


    "They woulda spent as much if they coulda, prove me wrong, Dougo "

    No way in Hell would the GOP have "stimulated" the economy by giving most of the 800 Billion Dollars to Unions/Govt Workers.

    No way in Hell would the GOP have crammed down Obamacare or ANY program in the illegal Chicago Gangsta style of "governing" of Pelosi, Reid, Obama.

    No way in Hell would any Pub Admin have stiffed the GM Bondholders and given the tab for their corrupt union cronies to the taxpayers.

    I could go on...

  49. When the economy goes down the drain, Rufie blames the rising Mississippi. if acts of God can smite down economies pre-emptively with malice aforethought.

    When it serves to exonerate his buddies the Dems and his president Won.

  50. Gag and WIO:

    Them McDonald's job are examples of BHO seizing the future for the people.
    ...and the children.

    And don't forget:

    McDonalds would be FIRING, NOT HIRING if the Gangsta in Chief had not given them an Obamacare Waiver.

    ...some animals are more equal than others.

    As long as they deal under the table with the Dems.

  51. If I have to take it in the Ass, I'll choose not to take it from Barney and the rest of those AID's courting pervs, thank you very much.

  52. If the pubs had done their job when Bush was in power all that shit wouldn't have been possible.

  53. No way in Hell would the GOP have "stimulated" the economy by giving most of the 800 Billion Dollars to Unions/Govt Workers.

    No they would have cut taxes to banks and multinationals. They would have kicked up the subsidies to the oil companies.

    The Dems and Pubs view this as a zero-sum game. If you are not part of their chosen constituency you take it in the ass. The middle class has been taking it in the ass in this country for the past 30 years.

    Most of what you say about the Dems is true. But the argue that the GOP has been better?

    Only in Doug-world.


  54. .

    No way in Hell would the GOP have crammed down Obamacare or ANY program in the illegal Chicago Gangsta style of "governing" of Pelosi, Reid, Obama.

    Once again you are riding on your ideological merry-go-round.

    How do you think Bush got Medicare Part D through? Go back and look up the all night marathon on the vote that lasted until they could browbeat that last vote. Look at the threats they made to some of the members. I remember because one of them was from Michigan.

    Then look at the tactics they used to force through the Bush tax cuts.

    Look at the way they pushed the Ryan budget bill through once they had the majority in the House. Do you think they wouldn't have done the same thing if they also controlled the Senate?

    You are either getting forgetful (I avoided another term) or you are high on the Kool-aid.


  55. If I have to take it in the Ass, I'll choose not to take it from Barney and the rest of those AID's courting pervs, thank you very much.

    Even when you are throwing around the sexual slurs, you have your party hat on.

    Shall we start listing the GOP poofs in DC?


  56. Poofs?

    What is a poof?

    I'm not big city.

    But I think we can date our decline from the moment when the family jewels became the family junk.


  57. ah, here it is --

    the poor man's term for homosexual

    from the urban dictionary


  58. Out here, we landed, and our polo playing daughters, still just 'em queers.


  59. No way in Hell would any Pub Admin have stiffed the GM Bondholders and given the tab for their corrupt union cronies to the taxpayers.

    Your damn right. Yet they needed to be stiffed. The stockholders? Hell, I lost my ass when Worldcom went under. No one bailed me out.
    And you are right, the unions should have been punished more. But remember you (and me) would have still been paying for it if the government's Pension Guarantee organization had to pay for the union pensions.

    All in all, GM was handled a lot better than the GOP's favorites, the banks. At least executives and key workers there lost their jobs unlike at the banks. And at least GM actually "makes" something unlike the banks. If the bancruptcy wasn't handled the way it was I suspect there would have been massive layoffs throughout the industry not just at GM due to the interrelatedness in the supply base.

    Compare that to the banks. Who structured the bank deals? Paulson and Geitner, two banking hacks. Did the bank go under? No. Did any of the clowns that caused this fiasco suffer? Hell, most of them are still there. Those that aren't retired with golden parachutes. Did any of the go to jail? Only low level flunkies. Their bad debt? Still on the books. Capital? They are still highly leveraged. Their business model? Not much changed and currently heading back to where they were.

    GM engaged in piss poor management decisions. The banks participated in fraud. The issue of forclosure fraud is still hanging over the heads of many of these banks.

    If any company should have been forced into bankruptcy based on the facts it should have been the banks.

    Did the Dems participate even lead this fiasco? Sure. Are they doing much right now to correct it?
    Not much.

    But to argue the GOP would have done anything different is laughable. There might have been a little difference around the edges. It might have been other individuals getting the favors but nothing substantial. Nothing that would effect you or me.

    Wake up Dougo. It's the GOP who right now are trying to deregulate even further. Given their propensities we will be right back in the same situation we were in two years ago. Sooner rather than later.


  60. From My Friend Dale To Cheer You All Up

    And he lives in a run down motel, drives a heap, and, takes to himself what mystery he can, praising change as the slow night comes down, wills what he would, no more he can, the right thing happens to the happy man.


  61. still just call them queers

    money don't make happy


  62. Just throw darts at the stock page, as a practical matter you'll do just as well as if you try to figure it all out yourself, or rely on some "expert".

    Proven by the Wall Street Journal dart throwing/expert picker contest.


  63. "I suspect you, like the rest of us, are one of the little guys."


    Speak for yourself, Shrimpo!


    We be the old landed rich, eh, Dougo, and it all came honestly from mother earth, you in your luxurious retirement in Maui, me in my palatial condo, awaiting the daughters arrival, whence we exit, from the city of drunken students. We gained 2500 last census, now we are an overwhelming 23,800. Getting crowded here, time to move on.


  64. Fannie Mae Reports $8.7B Loss for First Quarter...

    Seeks $8.5B more from taxpayers...

    Dave Ramsey should run the country's finances.


  65. $6.03 in Hawaii...

  66. .

    You and Rufus are hilarious wrt the Pretzel Logic extremes you go to in order to always end up bashing the GOP.

    You bring it on yourself Dougo.

    I've bashed Obama and the Dems as much or more than anyone here including you and Deuce. I may not keep up the constant, repetitious attacks you do but I've made the same arguments you guys have made (although perhaps a bit more articulately and admittedly I also give him credit occasionally when I think he gets something right).

    You're problem is that you never notice it because I am constantly forced to call you out on your kool-aid drinking love affair with the GOP.


  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. .

    We be the old landed rich, eh, Dougo, and it all came honestly from mother earth, you in your luxurious retirement in Maui, me in my palatial condo,...

    The landed rich?

    Dougo sits around nursing his latest pina colata and reading Pajamas Media amd the Ideeho millionaire rides around in a car with no back window.

    Ain't life grand?



  70. I look good in that hand me down convertible though, when it ain't raining, and the top is down.

    Had the tranny rebuilt twice by LCSC, and it shifts too, after it warms up.

    Hoping to have set off an argument, I exuent, stage right.



  71. I hope someone puts up some good music tonight, happy type, like Dale's.


  72. .

    It's not hard to see where the worldview of some here is formed.

    Having read the article linked by dhwr, I noticed the column titled Recent Articles at the American Thinker

    It's listed below for those who need to reinforce their own views:

    •Obama's Courage Vastly Overrated in Pakistan Raid
    •Obama's Truest Kin
    •Misreading Obama
    •Obama: The Unlikely Assassin
    •Of Course We Should See the Photo
    •Obama got Osama? Oh, Mama!
    •Go Ahead, Make Our Day
    •President Obama and the Masked Face of Justice
    •Why Obama's Polling Bounce is So Anemic
    •The Sacrificial Presidency of George W. Bush

    Good stuff.


  73. These are the kinds of reports that could partially explain the ever changing story:
    "Amid differing accounts this week of how much hostile fire the SEALs encountered in the compound, one Pakistani security official said on Friday that U.S. forces should release video footage he said they "must have" of the operation.
    U.N. human rights investigators called on the United States to disclose the full facts "to allow an assessment in terms of international human rights law standards."
    "It will be particularly important to know if the planning of the mission allowed an effort to capture bin Laden," Christof Heyns and Martin Scheinin said in a statement."

  74. Access Denied.

    Frankly, I didn't take you for that kind of woman.

  75. Right now, at this moment, the Dems are fighting as hard as they can against opening up any more offshore drilling, and

    the Pubs are fighting, tooth and nail, against ethanol.

    I despise All the worthless cocksuckers.

  76. Move on to the next thread. Maybe we can smoke out Hu Dat. If Hu Dat cannot come up with something as that as the backdrop...

  77. There's always a little surprise around every corner.

  78. Hu Dis can find another place to hang his head.

    Because FRANkLY his repetitive jargon is getting quite boring.

  79. that doesn't make me look racist does it

  80. Wait! Take me for what kind of woman?

  81. I wannaa listen to that Hotdish or whatever it was.


  82. Good stuff, indeed, hQuirk. I'm always thinking how to educate yourself. Always thinking of you.

