Monday, May 09, 2011

Obama is Right on Pakistan

Ass-kicking Obama said things would change with the US relationship with Pakistan when he became president. It has. Obama is beginning to make Dirty Harry look like a Liberal.

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum"


  1. Question: If Prez Obama got Bin Laden 1 week earlier would he still have released his Birth Certificate?

  2. The big question is,

    "what happened to Donald Trump?"

  3. He fired a celebrity apprentice.

  4. Skilled Workers

    Subsidiaries of overseas businesses consider America’s skilled workforce an important reason to invest in the country, according to a survey last year by the Organization for International Investment.

    “For some of the European companies, the U.S. has become a cheaper source of labor,” said Nancy McLernon, president and chief executive officer of the Washington-based organization.

    The downsizing of manufacturing during the last decade also has left what Spiegel called a “void in a lot of areas,” including wind energy. Siemens opened a new 300,000-square-foot wind-turbine facility in Hutchinson, Kansas, in December. Rising transportation costs, on the back of surging oil prices, have enhanced the attractiveness of setting up shop in the U.S. rather than importing such heavy items as blades for wind plants, according to Spiegel.

    “You’re going to see more people like us starting to put manufacturing back in the U.S.,” he said.

    Manufacturing Comeback

  5. Renewable Energy Generated in California, Yesterday

    Keep in mind, also, that a log (most) of that "imported" electricity is Renewable (mostly wind,) also.

  6. Mr Trump, Deuce, was working his real job.

    NeNe Leakes -- Trump Was Disrespecting Me! -

    NeNe Leakes is firing back at Donald Trump -- telling TMZ she "feels good" about bailing on "Celebrity Apprentice" ...because Trump disrespected her in-front of and behind the cameras. Leakes tells us her feud with Star Jones was REAL --

  7. CAIRO — Egyptian media on Monday accused "anti-revolutionaries" of trying to trigger sectarian conflict, as a top cleric warned the country could be engulfed in civil war.

    The government has vowed to use an "iron fist" to ensure national security after Saturday's deadly clashes in Cairo, branded by Nobel peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei as "religious extremism of the Middle Ages."

    "We are facing the anti-revolutionary groups who are convinced that any success of the revolution was an even greater threat to their interests and so are trying to fuel confessional conflict," wrote flagship state daily Al-Ahram.

    Fierce clashes broke out between Christians and Muslims in northwest Cairo's working-class district of Imbaba where 12 people were killed, scores injured and a church set ablaze.

    Among the dead were six Muslims and four Christians while two bodies were still unidentified.

    The two groups clashed after Muslims attacked the Coptic church of Saint Mena in Imbaba in a bid to free a Christian woman they alleged was being held against her will because she wanted to convert to Islam.

    Since the removal of former president Hosni Mubarak, Egypt has been gripped by insecurity and sectarian unrest, amid -- by the government's admission -- a "counter-revolution" by remnants of the old regime aimed at sowing chaos.

  8. Seems it's not the Muslim Brotherhood that is raising Cain, in Egypt, but those that enjoyed the patronage of Mr Mubarak.

  9. Fanning the fires of sectarian discord, for secular political gain.

  10. Seems some folks dislike women in positions of authority. They even try to manipulate the public's perception of reality.

    They are liars.

    Hasidic Newspaper Edits Clinton Out of Iconic Situation Room Photo
    Fox News - ‎

    A Hasidic newspaper apparently edited Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and one other female adviser out of the iconic photo showing President Obama and his security team watching the raid on Usama bin Laden's compound last weekend.

  11. A Special Place in Hell
    by Bradley Burston

    The Start Up Nation has somehow acquired the Put Up and Shut Up mode of government, a regime of 19th Century cures for 20th Century afflictions. A regime of obsolete explanations and obdurate, unwarranted self-love, of hijacking democratic tools to serve anti-democratic ends. A regime whose very life is warning Israeli Arabs to shut up about their own history and tragedies, of warning leftist Israeli Jews to shut up about injustice, of warning human rights groups to shut up about morality, of warning asylum seekers to shut up about wanting to be productive citizens, of warning minorities to shut up about living with Jews, of sending the message of shut up and/or leave to non-Orthodox converts to Judaism. A regime, in the end, reduced to granting podiums, salaries and prizes to rabbi-bureaucrats who, in the guise of fearing God, preach segregation, race-hatred, blue-white supremacy, and, above all, fear of peace.

  12. The Salafis, a puritanical Islamist sect accused of being behind the Imbaba clashes, denied they had any role in the violence.

    A prominent Salafi cleric in Cairo, Abdel Moneim al-Shahat, said the Imbaba clash "does not reflect the Salafist thought which prohibits the incitement of confessional conflict."

  13. Syrian forces use soccer stadiums as prisons, human rights groups say
    CNN - Bashar Assad, Salma Abdelaziz

    The Syrian regime, one of the remaining secular governments, in the Islamic Arc.

    Baathists that they are.

  14. Yup, couldn't be the Salafis, their spokesman dun said they dinna do it.

    Idaho Fish and Game - Wolf Tags Go On Sale

    Get yours now, can do it online, too.


  15. Sarah Palin would have Trump by the balls in any Republican debate. Trump is widely quoted as saying we ought to just take the oil. Might be an attractive idea but would lead to a lot of bloodshed. Sarah simply would have to say, Donald you can't mean it, start a war over oil, when all we have to do is drill Donald drill, and in my own backyard in Alaska too.


  16. From what I can see, even I have now a better TV than bin Laden had, and mine came from an acquantance of the daughter who got it out of a dumpster; and my room is cleaner too.

    Life on the lam isn't what it is cracked up to be.


  17. .

    Another bad year for crops.

    Rain and flooding hurting grains.

    In ND and SD (30% of corn) plantings are already 21 days late due to rains.


  18. I am predicting a "Record" Grain Harvest.

    Plenty of rain/flooding early in the year never hurts yields. Excessive Heat/Drought in July hurts Corn Harvest.

    Besides, N. Dakota is a minor player in the corn harvest. It's All about Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, and Indiana.

    You can't kill Illinois, Indiana is ok, Nebraska irrigates, and Iowa is in good shape.

    ENSO going from La Nina to Neutral, now. This should lead to hot summer days, cool summer nights in the Corn Belt.

    Pay no attention to the Wall St. guys. They wouldn't know a bushel from their butts.

    The key this year is that the flooding happened farther South, Not in the Corn Belt.

  19. Rat is indeed a killer in central america....

    Read between the lines of his posts...

    He was never caught, never indicted for his ACTIONS...


    desert rat said...
    No one ever wrote about our escapades.

    Never made it above the fold in the news.

    And there were no civilians involved.

    We were not pirates

    Especially not
    Pirates of the Mediterranean.
    Mon May 31, 03:31:00 AM EDT

    What is "Occupation" said...
    No you mere murderers in the middle of the night..

    Just a simple killer....

    You are a real criminal...

    Leaving your home to travel to another nation to murder at your own whim....

    not a nation, but an individual killer you are
    Mon May 31, 03:33:00 AM EDT

    desert rat said...
    No crimes were ever commited, misdirection, not by me.

    No indictments were ever handed down

    No UN Commission mentioned my name.

    No, US involvement in Central America, not correlation to the Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    I know that 'misdirection' is looking for equivalency, trying to elevate Israelis to the US level of morality. But he will not find equivalency here, with US.

    Yep, Rat is a killer...

  20. Rat was NOT part of any uniformed seal team...

    Rat was a private citizen, hired to murder those that his bosses wanted to rub out...

    Hired merc.....

    Or he's a liar.....

  21. desert rat said...
    No one ever wrote about our escapades.

    Never made it above the fold in the news.

    And there were no civilians involved.

    We were not pirates

    No just hired murderers...

  22. Here is the proof in Rat's own words...

    desert rat said...
    No one ever wrote about our escapades.

    Never made it above the fold in the news.

    And there were no civilians involved.

    We were not pirates

    SO shooting non-civilians in a central american nation while NOT wearing the UNIFORM of any nation makes rat a terrorist.....

  23. desert rat said...
    No crimes were ever commited, misdirection, not by me.

    No indictments were ever handed down

    No UN Commission mentioned my name.

    No, US involvement in Central America, not correlation to the Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    NO crimes according to RAT"S sense of what is illegal....

    The better question, was Rat's actions killing uniformed members of some other nation a CRIME where he did the shooting?

    Not if it made the papers, or if the UN charged him...

    Rat was a hitman...

  24. lol ONE of the Bartenders here is a an actual killer..

    How proud the Bar must be having someone who has served so proudly in corse of "wet ops"

    But wait, Rat was not a MEMBER of the USA military... His actions in liquidating "non-civilians" in a central american nation is a crime by our standards, regardless of where the crime was committed.....

    Rat, the killer....

  25. Quirk said...

    Another bad year for crops.

    Rain and flooding hurting grains.

    In ND and SD (30% of corn) plantings are already 21 days late due to rains.

    I don't know how it will turn out here, but it rained today too (I escaped spraying weeds) this has got to be one of the latest wettest springs ever. Usually we figured May 15th as the date to get the spring crops in and we are fast approaching that and nothing but nothing has been planted. Weird year, for sure.

    Doesn't look good, here.


  26. The winter wheat however looks good and my acres of alfalfa should do really well. The pheasant, Hungarian pheasant and quail chicks are having a really hard time, though the ducks are happy.


  27. Interview With Stephen Hawking

    We shouldn't be fooling around trying to contact the aliens, we might not survive the experience, he says.


  28. .

    I am predicting a "Record" Grain Harvest.

    Who can argue with farmer Rufus?


    The only thing I know about grains is what they taste like.


    300,000 acres flooded around Memphis...

    Rice likes water, but not when it's 20-40 feet below it...

    The rains continue...


  29. Q, let me give you an example. When they announced they were going to blow the Bird's Point Levee it tweaked my interest. Partly because I know that area.

    I was astonished to hear them talking about 130,000 acres of The World's Finest Corn Land.

    I almost fell out of my easy chair, laughing. As I said, "I know that area." And, I know a lot of the farmers over there. I played cards with them for years. There might be one or two "Fields" over there that can produce 200 bushels of corn, but, mostly it's beans, and milo over there.

    Then I found out who they interviewed. That explained it all. I love the guy, but he might be the "windiest" farmer in the Yewnited States (and, That's saying something.)

    Anyway, fact is, they're blowing a couple of more levees farther South that will release the water that is now flooding those fields. I imagine they'll make a
    pretty good crop before it's over.

    I grew up on a sand farm in the region. We used to marvel at the crops that those "river made" fields would produce. They would be flooded half the Summer, and you'd swear they'd Never get a crop in, and then they would. And, by August, they'd have the damnedest corn crop you've ever seen in your life.

    At present, I live about two miles from the Mississippi, about 25 miles South of all the pictures you're seeing of flood waters. A few miles North, Harrahs is in, it looks like, about 8ft of water.

    Out my window, there's a Dust Cloud, kicked up by a farmer that's out planting.

  30. .

    I'll take your word for it Ruf.

    I don't bet on crops one way or the other.

    My only interest is in what I pay for them at Krogers.


  31. That's pretty much, me, also, Q.

    I'm Way too "retired" to be betting on commodities.

  32. Do wheat futures in Portland in August, sell 'em in January or February, works every time,(well, almost) make yourself 15 or 20 cents a bushel.

    It's La Nina that causing all this moisture here.


  33. Thing about a late planting here is if Lady Nina changes over and it dries it'll be a bitch if there are no July rains.


  34. The only thing I know about grains is what they taste like.

    The only thing I know about wheat is if my daughter eats it, it will eventually kill her.

  35. ha! I just got out of the weed spraying, my neighbor guy who was growing dope looking for work. I knew I could find someone.

    Your daughter must be unusual with a gluten condition.

    Almost all our wheat crop here goes to export out of Portland. I can't name all the countries.


  36. Also? DR's escapades probably consisted of him frolicking around naked in a stream….With his horse.

  37. WSU, which is scheduled to have a 1,000 student increase next fall despite the budget cuts, has a world class wheat breeding program. Not as exciting as some other worldly things go, but absolutely necessary. Got to keep changing the wheat DNA around, the breeds poop out eventually.


  38. I'm off the subject of DR but am almost to putting up 300 bucks for someone who will find the quotes.

    I am going to Tri-State to buy my wolf tag and get the regulations after my wife finds her book over there.

    I shall report on the regulations and season for folk like Gag who might be interested.


  39. I'll put up a thousand, to whomever can find the quotes that do not exist.

    Ten thousand.

    There are no admissions of murder, anywhere.

    Anyone who claims there are, without a reference is a liar.

    Simple as that.

  40. Israelis claim their government is an autocratic, undemocratic anarchism of the 19th century.

    Instead of addressing that issue, published in an Israeli newspaper, the Story of "o" wants to talk about me.


  41. The depth of the Story of "o" is so shallow, that he cannot get beyond me.

    That and the discussion of Abrahamic incest and bestiality, the continued meme of the Story of "o".

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Israelis agree with me, rather than the candyman from Ohio, who'd have known?

    Well, I did.

  44. While he continues to advocate for mass murder, by nuking Mecca.

  45. The Israeli government:

    A regime, in the end, reduced to granting podiums, salaries and prizes to rabbi-bureaucrats who, in the guise of fearing God, preach segregation, race-hatred, blue-white supremacy, and, above all, fear of peace.

  46. Standard & Poor's said that "there is increased risk that Greece will take steps to restructure" its €110bn (£97bn) bail-out package which would result in a "distressed exchange" for bondholders.

  47. Average house prices slumped 3pc in the first three months of this year, a decline that pushed the number of homeowners in negative equity – where a mortgage is higher than the value of a property – to 28pc from 22pc a year earlier, according to new research from Zillow, a major US property website.

  48. World's top 3 brands:

    1. Apple
    2. Google
    3. IBM

  49. Investigators have noted that fibre-reinforced plastic, while extremely strong, might have reacted differently to traditional metallic fuselage structures during the physical and electrical battering in a thunderstorm. Could a structure, commendably strong in theory, have failed in exceptional circumstances, causing a calamitous loss of cabin pressure?

    Or did the computer-controlled, fly-by-wire controls of the Airbus make it too difficult for the pilot to countermand them and assume manual control in an emergency?

  50. Almost all our wheat crop here goes to export out of Portland. I can't name all the countries.

    All the dams from Lewiston to Portland have locks. That gives Idaho a seaport.

    My hometown, Vancouver, gets that wheat business because they got the largest wheat exporting elevator on the U.S. West Coast.

    "Due to continual expansion and upgrading the elevator, originally built in 1934, is among the most efficient handlers of grain in the world.

  51. desert rat said...
    I'll put up a thousand, to whomever can find the quotes that do not exist.

    Ten thousand.

    There are no admissions of murder, anywhere.

    Anyone who claims there are, without a reference is a liar.

    Simple as that.

    You are a self confessed killer..

    we all read the quotes...

    lie as you wish, we all KNOW the truth...

  52. notice how he IGNORES his own bragging?

    but tries to change the subject on to Israel or Me?

    but he is the on that bragged what he and his crew did to non-civilians..

  53. Last I checked killing in another nation, without uniform, without any official connection to a government?

    makes rat a terrorist.

    and he's a bartender...

  54. desert rat said...
    Israelis claim their government is an autocratic, undemocratic anarchism of the 19th century.

    Instead of addressing that issue, published in an Israeli newspaper, the Story of "o" wants to talk about me.


    Notice he changes the subject?

    desert rat said...
    No one ever wrote about our escapades.

    Never made it above the fold in the news.

    And there were no civilians involved.

    We were not pirates

    Especially not
    Pirates of the Mediterranean.
    Mon May 31, 03:31:00 AM EDT

    What is "Occupation" said...
    No you mere murderers in the middle of the night..

    Just a simple killer....

    You are a real criminal...

    Leaving your home to travel to another nation to murder at your own whim....

    not a nation, but an individual killer you are
    Mon May 31, 03:33:00 AM EDT

    desert rat said...
    No crimes were ever commited, misdirection, not by me.

    No indictments were ever handed down

    No UN Commission mentioned my name.

    No, US involvement in Central America, not correlation to the Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    I know that 'misdirection' is looking for equivalency, trying to elevate Israelis to the US level of morality. But he will not find equivalency here, with US.

    He's bragging about killing...

  55. desert rat said...
    The depth of the Story of "o" is so shallow, that he cannot get beyond me.

    That and the discussion of Abrahamic incest and bestiality, the continued meme of the Story of "o".

    What does that have to do with Rat's illegal killing trips to central america?

  56. And Miss T, you can take your motorboat or sailboat or jetboat right down through them all. Just head to the lock spot and wait a bit, they will fill it up and let you through. Heck of a trip I've been told by those who have done it.

    Idaho Fish and Game has not yet set the dates and areas of our coming wolf hunt :) But they are selling the tags. We'll have a hunt unless the Federal Judge issues another ruling putting the wolves back on the Endangered Species List, is where it is at now, if I've followed all the machinations correctly.

    One must admit these wolf lover groups, the whole pack of them, are long distance runners when it comes to the court system. Hard to tire them out.

    So might we have a Constitutional Crisis abrewing here?

    I'll follow the Idaho Law as signed by Butch 'the butcher' Otter.


  57. desert rat said...
    While he continues to advocate for mass murder, by nuking Mecca.

    I advocate the destruction of the black rock of mecca. If your cousins do not choose to evacuate? That's their problem. Of course America did destroy 2 japanese cities with atomic bombs...

    And as Rat LOVES to say, that was and is the policy of the USA.

    That's why the USA has 10,000 nukes.. To USE....

    I suggest it's MORE moral to nuke the black rock of mecca. (off season it you wish) than nuke a cities with civilians, as the USA did 2 times...

    OK Management, please remove the Rat's lie about mass murder.

    One standard for all or no standards for anyone..

    Oh that's right, Rat is allowed to misdirect, lie and distort as he pleases he is a BARTENDER...

  58. Rat wiggles and sets the rules...

    "There are no admissions of murder, anywhere.
    Anyone who claims there are, without a reference is a liar."

    Hitting close to home Rat? We all know you are either full of shit or your a killer...

    either way?


  59. And, Miss T, you can take your jet boat, or motorboat, or sailboat right down through them all. You just park the boat by the lock spot, and the dam operators will fill it usually within half an hour and you are on your way. Quite the trip I've been told by those that have done it.

    The use of the word escapades is telling of a fundamentally unserious outlook on life, it's all just a carnival.

    But I got to go.

    Your daughter's condition sounds manageable, Melody. I'm glad of that.

    I will publish the wolf hunt dates and areas when they come out.


  60. Post the confession, Story of "o".

    If you can find substance to the fantasy in your mind.

    I am not the subject.

    US foreign policy is the subject.

    You seem to object to it.
    Yet rather than address the subject of the threads, the President and US foreign policy in the Islamic Arc, you want to tell lies about me.

    Repeating the same lies, over and again.

    Your father, Mr Goebbels, would be oh so proud of how his progeny has taken his teachings to heart.

    Mr, I enjoy the Jewish techniques, as published by Saul David Alinsky.

  61. Your escapades - so nonchalant, so unserious, so pathetic.

    Wife is ringing me on the phone....


  62. Only a born liar would take the statement that no civilians were killed and attempt to spin that into a confession of some type of misdeed.

    While the Israeli readily admit to killing civilians, telling us they deserved it.
    They were Muslims, you know.

  63. The stories certainly have gained your attention, boobie.

    They dominate the thoughts of the Story of "o".

    That, boobie, is great literature.
