Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jews Join Reverend Wright Under the Bus


  1. I doubt that there are any tire tracks on Mr Crown's penny loafers.

    To conflate Israel with Judaism, an error. There are many residents of Israel that are not Jewish, while there are even more Jews, in the whirled, that are certainly not Israelis.

  2. It was easy to see that bus coming.

  3. A guy named "Barack Hussein Obama" sided with the A rabs? really?

  4. I'm jist Gobsmacked I tells ya.

  5. Headlines say "Obama says Palestine must be based in 1967 borders."

    I think he just ensured that there will be no Palestine.

  6. I hear Obama will only get 65% of the Jewish vote next time.

  7. :)

    I had the exact same thought.

  8. Without American Jews and years of US government support there would be no Israel. That was then. Now Israel does not need US support either public or private.

  9. You bet, the bus was easy to see.

    President Nixon told the Israeli not to settle on that occupied land.

    That bus, it's been routed this way for the last 44 years.

  10. Jerusalem will be "Internationalized",

    One city, two capitals.

  11. It is not known exactly when Mr Soros sold his gold, which was held via the Soros Fund Management investment vehicle. Filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the American regulator, showed that he had sold 99pc of his holding in SPDR Gold Trust, an exchange-traded fund (ETF) backed by gold bullion, by the end of March.

  12. This looks like insanity to me:
    SAN FRANCISCO – There was an unmistakable echo of the dot-com boom Thursday on Wall Street.

    LinkedIn, a trailblazer in the online networking craze, went public with a roaring stock offering. Within minutes, shares were trading at twice the value set by the company.

    Buyers crowded the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and financial news networks flashed LinkedIn's stock price urgently all day. By the closing bell, the company had a market value of $9 billion, the highest for any Internet company since Google had its initial public offering seven years ago. Millionaires and even one billionaire were made, at least on paper.

    The stock, issued at $45, went as high as $122.70 just before noon and closed at $94.25 on a trading volume of 30 million shares. All this for a company that skeptics say amounts to an online Rolodex, a place on the Internet for professionals to post resumes and connect with one another and potential employers.

  13. The Bar's Jew hating, Israel hating, Zionist hating bigot weighs in on the thread.

    "To conflate Israel with Judaism, an error. There are many residents of Israel that are not Jewish, while there are even more Jews, in the whirled, that are certainly not Israelis."

    A better statement? Jews around the world agree, Jew hating, Israel hating, zionist hating bigots opinion's are like assholes... Everyone of them have them and most stink....

    Rat is anti-semite. His opinion on ANY thing to do with Israel, Jews or their faith is quite frankly meaningless.

    To any and all that read ANY of the Rat's posts please keep in mind that he has proven over thousands of posts NO FRIEND of Jews, israel , Judaism or Zion...

  14. The eurozone's central bank has played its "last card" in an attempt to prevent the debt restructuring it fears, said analysts. The cost of insuring Greek sovereign debt rose to more than €1.33m to protect every €10m of bonds as the threat laid bare the divisions in Europe over how to resolve the crisis.

  15. Gross domestic product shrank 0.9pc quarter-on-quarter over January to March, after a 0.8pc fall in the previous three months. Two consecutive quarters of falling output represents an economy in recession.

    With a national debt twice the size of its economy and an ageing population, Japan was struggling even before the quake took out infrastructure along its northeast coast and caused power outages.

  16. Edward Smith, who lives with his current "girlfriend" – a white Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla, insisted that he was not "sick" and had no desire to change his ways.


    "As far as women go, they never really interested me much. And I'm not gay.”

    Mr Smith is now part of a global community of more than 500 “car lovers” brought together by internet forums.

    Sex With 1,000 Cars

  17. I discuss the interests of the United States, not the interests of my friends.

    Then again, I have never claimed to be the friend of Israelis, Russians, Jews, Chinese, Muslims, Europeons or Christians.

  18. Among the revelations now entered as evidence in U.S. district court:

    Despite a long-standing belief within the U.S. intelligence community that Shiite Iran would not cooperate with Sunni organizations such as al-Qaida, Iran has systematically set aside sectarian differences when it comes to terror plots and has been helping Sunni organizations since the inception of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
    Iran’s cooperation with al-Qaida dates from 1992-1993, when Iran sent Mugniyah to the Sudan along with a top IRGC general to meet with Osama bin Laden.
    Mugniyah began training al-Qaida operatives at terror camps in Lebanon in 1994, and later built special camps in Iran to train al-Qaida terrorists before and after the 9/11 attacks. The Iranian leadership designated Mugniyah as their point man for coordinating the 9/11 attacks with al-Qaida.

    9/11 Attack

  19. They announced plans to form a political party on Feb. 14. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which took over administration of the country following the deposal of Mubarak, did nothing to hinder this development, despite the military’s deep antipathy toward Islamist groups.


    Focusing on whether the SCAF is sincere in its publicly stated desire to transform Egypt into a democracy misses the more important point, which is that the military regime feels it has no choice but to move toward a multiparty political system. The alternatives — military dictatorship and single-party rule — are unfeasible.

    But there are red lines attached to the push toward political pluralism, and MB is aware of these. Trying to take too much, too quickly, will only incite a military crackdown on the political opening the armed forces have engineered in the last three months.

    Marching Cautiously

  20. One lazy Sunday morning the wife and I were quiet and thoughtful, sitting

    around the breakfast table when I said to her unexpectedly, "When I die, I want you to sell all my stuff, immediately."

    "Now why would you want me to do something like that?" she asked.

    "I figure a woman as fine as yourself would eventually remarry and I don't want some other asshole using my stuff."

    She looked at me intently and said: "What makes you think I'd marry another asshole?"

  21. "I discuss the interests of the United States, not the interests of my friends."

    i especially liked the discussion you had a while back on hiring illegal immigrants to commit a crime on your behalf (just so you could get away with it).

    i am just thankful you did not just try claiming that you have United States "interests" close to your heart.

  22. "I discuss the interests of the United States, not the interests of my friends."

    i especially liked the discussion you had a while back on hiring illegal immigrants to commit a crime on your behalf (just so you could get away with it).

    i am just thankful you did not just try claiming that you have United States "interests" close to your heart.
