Monday, April 11, 2011

What Do You Think?

This is out of my realm of experience. I know less about big babes than I do wolves. I do remember the old joke about the difference between a dog and a fox is a six pack. Submitted without further comment. I do think that Hu Dat should weigh in on this.


  1. i am on my second gin and tonic. She's not that bad.

  2. She might be a Mom of the Year and a great lover.

    Or, she might be the kind of woman that would send her man to the bus stop without a second thought. And the kids too, maybe.

    I detect a kinda mysterious Mona Lisa smile there, inscrutable.

    Who knows the heart of a woman?


  3. Heart?

    she'd have to have a hell of one.

  4. Not that bad?

    That statement sounds like you're on your sixth gin and tonic with a side of tequila and the need to visit the eye doctor.

  5. I certainly don't come here for the babes.

  6. Ash, I've never seen you at a loss for words.

  7. Check out the shitter on that critter.

  8. I get the feeling he likes woman pole dancing.

  9. President Nicolas Sarkozy's office said the French leader had a lengthy phone conversation with Ouattara, a former deputy head of the International Monetary Fund, shortly after Gbagbo was arrested.

    France said its military had taken part in the weekend raids at the UN chief's request, and firmly denied reports that its special forces had taken Gbagbo and handed him over to Ouattara's men.

    The International Criminal Court's prosecutor has launched a preliminary investigation into the violence in Ivory Coast. Both sides have been accused of massacres during the stand-off and ensuing conflict, with mass graves reportedly found near Abidjan and hundreds killed or raped in the western town of Duekoue.

    No Reprisals

  10. At Little Village Academy, a Chicago public school, students are not allowed to pack lunches from home. Unless they have a medical excuse, they must eat the food served in the cafeteria. Principal Elsa Carmona said her intention is to protect students from their own unhealthful food choices.

    They might end up looking "Rubenesque" like the girl in this post.

  11. According to Kyodo, Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission reported Monday that the plant, at one point after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, had been releasing 10,000 terabecquerels of radioactivity per hour. The report did not specify when those radiation readings occurred.

    A release of tens of thousands of terabecquerels per hour, though, correspondents with the radiation leakage level that the IAEA uses as a minimum benchmark for a level 7 accident.

    “This corresponds to a large fraction of the core inventory of a power reactor, typically involving a mixture of short- and long-lived radionuclides,” an IAEA document says. “With such a release, stochastic health effects over a wide area, perhaps involving more than one country, are expected.”

    Highest Level

  12. What was that, again?

    Terra Barbequals?

    I gotta remember that.

  13. I like her. I tried to post Reubens "The Judgement of Paris" but it didn't take. It's all in what's the current cultural norm, and I'm a little older, though not as old as deuce.
    And, she ain't got a vain bone in her body. And can probably cook great pancakes.

    Do you urbanites know it's only 18 days til the Royal Wedding and the Royal Pecker is going to get a Royal Workout? See, I'm fourth English so I always get excited bout such things. Long Live Britannia!


  14. And she ain't gonna get cancer from eating spinach.


  15. Still didn't take look it up yourself.

  16. I'm still cracking up over the pole dancer.

  17. I'm still cracking up over the pole dancer…. and the laser demo has nothing on this

  18. I learned today why the Finns can't do well with liquor. It's because they originate from east of the Urals and have some of the same genes as Amerindians. These genes are great for enabling long distance walking and such but they get drunk as a skunk after two gins and tonics, and absolutely no one then is not that bad. I thought it was interesting.

    Time for Dancing With The Stars.


  19. See, here is the problem I have with that picture.

    She thinks she's sexy and wants to flaunt her flab, but in reality she is fat and unhealthy, therefore causing the US tons of unnecessary money in health care.

  20. absolutely everyone is not that bad.....

  21. Men with a little gut live longer than men without, put that in your equation and smoke it. She might outlive everyone. If she has good heart genes, she might.


  22. Bad news in Japan:

    Japan Lifts Atomic Alert to Highest Level, Matching Chernobyl
    By Michio Nakayama and Aaron Sheldrick - Apr 11, 2011 10:16 PM ET

    Japan raised the severity rating of its nuclear crisis to the highest, matching the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, as increasing radiation prompts the government to widen the evacuation zone and aftershocks rocked the country.

    Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency raised the rating to 7, a spokesman said at a news conference in Tokyo today. The accident at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi station was previously rated 5 on the global scale, the same as the 1979 partial reactor meltdown at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania.

  23. Do Vegetarians Live Longer/

    A little, thus costing society massive amounts of money charged by the rest homes.


    Die younger, avoid the fate that we all hate.


  24. THE top US nuclear regulator said on Monday he will not change a recommendation that US citizens stay at least 80 kilometres away from Japan's crippled nuclear power plant, even as he declared that the crisis in that country remains 'static.' Mr Gregory Jaczko, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that the month-old crisis in Japan has not yet stabilized.

    Not Yet Stable

  25. I think they got to get rid of that middle judge, the older guy, not renew his contract, he always low balls them, except for Kirstie Alley, who he high balled. She had no business out there at all. Those two that danced to Lara's Song were the best, IMHO.


  26. .

    Will Libyan intervention spell the end of Nato?

    In truth, the Libyan expedition is an Anglo-French project and has been from the beginning. Yet neither Britain nor France wants responsibility for the operation — and neither feels comfortable relying on the other. The French grumble that the American withdrawal has encouraged Moammar Gaddafi; the British think the French might now be distracted by a war in their former colony, Ivory Coast. This failure to cooperate is hardly surprising. This, after all, is the first Anglo-French military operation since the Suez escapade of 1956 — and that one ended rather badly.

    But if this historically unreliable Anglo-French coalition proves unable to sustain a long operation, what then? There is certainly no European force that can replace it. There isn’t even a European foreign policy: Years of diplomacy, debate and endless national referendums culminated, a couple of years ago, in the selection of two powerless figureheads as Europe’s “president” and “foreign minister.” Attempts to create a united European army have never moved beyond pure symbolism. If Britain and France run out of planes, fuel, money or enthusiasm, it’s over. And NATO — an organization that, I repeat, did not plan for, prepare for or even vote for the Libyan operation — will shoulder most of the blame. The use of NATO’s name, in Libya, is a fiction. But the weakening of NATO’s reputation in Libya’s wake might become horribly real...

    Nato on the Hook


  27. actually her face is very beautiful...but she should have worn clothes.she reminds me of somebody but she should have worn her clothes.

  28. beauty is in the eye of the beholdin it.

  29. Gemma Collins is absolutely beautiful and I WOULD VERY MUCH WANT HER AS either MY GIRLFRIEND, MY FIANCE' OR MY WIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, with a lovely muse as gorgeous and scintillatingly sensuous as Gemma, there definitely would be no need for Viagra, Cialis nor Levitra, nor any of those male supplements. Gemma's sexiness and sensuousness would have me "saluting" 'the Stars and Stripes !!'
