Monday, April 04, 2011

Obama's War - Guantanamo Alumnae Training Rebels in Libya

Libya: Former Guantánamo detainee is training rebels

A former detainee at Guantánamo Bay has taken a leading role in the military opposition to Col Muammar Gaddafi, it has emerged, alongside at least one other former Afghan Mujahideen fighter.

Rebel recruits in the eastern port city of Derna are being trained by Sufyan Bin Qumu, a Libyan who was arrested following the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, and held at Guantánamo for six years.
Abdel Hakim al-Hasidi, a senior Libyan rebel commander in Derna, was also held following the invasion of Afghanistan and handed over to Libyan custody two months later.
Both men were said to have been released from prison in Libya in 2008 as part of a reconciliation process with Islamists in the country.
Mr Qumu, 51, a Libyan army veteran, was accused by the US government of working as a truck driver for a company owned by Osama bin Laden, and as an accountant for a charity accused of terrorist links.
The appearance of Islamists in the country's revolution, and supportive statements by Islamist groups, has led to fears that Western military action may be playing into the hands of its ideological enemies.
Last week Admiral James Stavridis, Nato's Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, said that, while the Libyan opposition's leadership appeared to be "responsible men and women," US intelligence had detected "flickers" of terrorist activity among rebel groups. The comments were described by British government sources as "very alarming."
However, Islamists are said to form only a small minority within the rebel forces, and there is not said to have been any disagreement with the opposition's political leadership, which says it is secular.
Mr Hasidi, who spent several years in a training camp in Afghanistan, told a newspaper he does not support a Taliban-like state and is pursuing an "inclusive ideology". He said: "Our view is starting to change of the US. If we hated the Americans 100 per cent, today it is less than 50 per cent. They have started to redeem themselves for their past mistakes by helping us to preserve the blood of our children."
He has also called on foreign governments to supply rebels in Libya with Stinger surface-to-air missiles.
Mr Qumu has described the Nato-led bombing in Libya as a "blessing".
Diplomatic cables from 2008 obtained by WikiLeaks, and initially revealed by The Daily Telegraph, identified Derna as a breeding ground for fighters for a number of causes, including Afghanistan and Iraq.
The cables quoted a local businessman saying: "The unemployed, disfranchised young men of eastern Libya have nothing to lose and are therefore willing to sacrifice themselves for something greater than themselves by engaging in extremism in the name of religion."
However, Mr Hasidi has denied suggestions of extremism in Derna. He told Al-Jazeera: "Gaddafi is trying to divide the people of the nation. He claims that there is an Islamist Emirate in Derna and that I am its Emir. He is taking advantage from the fact that I am a former political prisoner."


  1. Let's get some more American planes in the air to support our third war in Islamadon.

  2. Obama owns this and the consequences that go with it. We now have Guantanamo community organizers.

  3. The U.S. has agreed to a NATO request for a 48-hour extension of American participation in coalition airstrikes against targets in Libya.

    The U.S. is shifting the combat role to Britain, France and other NATO allies, but American air power is still in demand. Air Force AC-130 gunships and A-10 Thunderbolts and Marine Corps AV-8B Harriers will continue to attack Gadhafi's troops and other sites through Monday evening. These aircraft are among the most precise in the American arsenal.

  4. A top rebel leader said Sunday that rebels want to install a parliamentary democracy in place of Gadhafi, dismissing Western fears that their movement could be hijacked by Islamic extremists.

    "Libyans as a whole, and I am one of them, want a civilian democracy, not dictatorship, not tribalism and not one based on violence or terrorism," Abdel-Hafidh Ghoga, vice chairman of the National Provisional Council, said in an interview with The Associated Press.

  5. "…a Parliamentary democracy in Libya"

  6. I back. It necessary for me to bring some coolness down for our friend and leader Mr. Deuce. He very angry these days with my friend Barack. Deuce may have to join my best friend Charlie She Han on Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour. (I make joke.) Deuce could take a 747 tour like Barack did on his "Hit that Ass" tour to Brazil. Michelle big fun with that torpedo and that is truth I can tell you. I better go now.

  7. Obama is creating the momentum to create a democratic islamist movements, making the moslem brotherhood, islamic jihad, hezbollah and hamas are nothing more than democratic forces that need to be respected. This will end up in september when "palestine" will seek its UN approval for full membership as a nation, and will seek international approval for it's borders and will tolerate no peace treaty or recognition with or of israel.

    This is the plan of the potus of the USA, to create an islamist/jihadist palestine....

  8. This will end up in september when "palestine" will seek its UN approval for full membership as a nation, and will seek international approval for it's borders and will tolerate no peace treaty or recognition with or of israel.

    So go ahead and build all those condos over the Green Line, they revert to Pallie control in September. Free housing.

  9. The Story of "o" fears a Palestinian State. It could rollback Israel's illegal annexation of the Occupied Territories.

    The US alliance with segments of Islamic society is well documented.

    That US policy is successful, exemplified by the statement:

    "Our view is starting to change of the US. If we hated the Americans 100 per cent, today it is less than 50 per cent. They have started to redeem themselves for their past mistakes by helping us to preserve the blood of our children."

    The US strategy, developed by Mr Bush and implemented by Mr Obama, is still moving forward. Changing the perception of the US, by the "Arab Street", across the Islamic Arc. It is a strategy that is more political than military.

    Go USA!

  10. U.S. Shifts to Seek Removal of Yemen’s Leader, an Ally

    Yemen — The United States, which long supported Yemen’s president, even in the face of recent protests, has shifted positions.


    Food prices are rising; the value of the Yemeni currency, the rial, is dropping sharply; and dollars are disappearing from currency exchange shops.

    According to the World Food Program, the price of wheat flour has increased 45 percent since mid-March and rice by 22 percent.

  11. That the "true believers" are abandoning the Osama/Doc Z dogma, something to celebrate.

    That the US will use individuals that once supported US foes, well, it got US to the moon.

  12. .

    That US policy is successful, exemplified by the statement:

    "Our view is starting to change of the US. If we hated the Americans 100 per cent, today it is less than 50 per cent. They have started to redeem themselves for their past mistakes by helping us to preserve the blood of our children."

    Heck, rat, if I was gullible enough to believe what this guy was saying, I probably would be tempted to accept half the B.S. you throw out there.


  13. desert rat said...
    The Story of "o" fears a Palestinian State. It could rollback Israel's illegal annexation of the Occupied Territories.

    Desert Rat is a self confessed murderer. A man who is at all times a Rules for Radicals slur factory.

    Rat mentions "Story of "O" his own perverse porn obsession. Likening my position of being a zionist with that of a sick twisted demented pervert..

    How disgusting can one be?

    Israel has every right to build homes in jerusalem and the West back, as much right as the illegal squatters that call themselves "palestinians".

    The UN resolutions that refer to the area call it DISPUTED lands, not "palestinian lands"...

    If the self named "palestinians" (the middle east's crips and or bloods" declare statehood, Israel will annex any and all lands it deems it needs in it's own security.

    Israel's CLAIMS to the lands of Jerusalem ONLY date back several THOUSAND years. Regardless of what the current UN's opinion. The League of Nation's legal opinion STILL holds precedent and does back up Israel's right to RE-settle it's own land.

    Desert Rat is a Jew hating, Israel hating, Zionist hating parrot. He does not support Israel's right to anything. Any blog reader that reads his bullshit must understand what he is... Pure anti-semitic filth.

    One must remember as well, the CURRENT make up of the UN is a democracy of Islamist nations, dictators and others whose OIL interests outway common sense.

    When and IF the so called Palestinian people declare statehood, It will have no legs. It will be another failed islamists nation...

  14. The Green Line that our balless man wannabe states is in fact NOT A BORDER:

    Green Line refers to the demarcation lines set out in the 1949 Armistice Agreements between Israel and its neighbours (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The Green Line is also used to mark the line between Israel, and the territories captured in the Six-Day War, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula (the latter has since been returned to Egypt). The name derives from the green ink used to draw the line on the map while the talks were going on.[1][2]

    The funny thing?

    The MOMENT Hamas takes over the Palestinians national movement? ALL PREVIOUS COMMITMENTS are NULL AND VOID.....

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The Murderer (Rat) and the Transvestite Man Wannabe (Ms T) walk into a bar....

    Bartender ask, what can I get you two fellows?

    They in unison state, Can you sing a song fur us bartender?

    The Bartender shrugs and says, sure for the right price what do you want to here?

    Rat and Ms T reply in unison, like they have say a thousand times before... Do you know "Throw the Jew down the Well?"

    Yep our faithful sick duo are a broken record....

  17. I have never confessed to murder.

    To make such a statement, that I have confessed to murder, is indicative of the lies the Zionists continue to perpetrate in their attempts to defame those that dispute their claims of self-righteousness.

    The League of Nations, was replaced because they were ineffective. That was because the US abandoned it.

    I support the position of the US, not that of a "One World Government" that the US denied legitimacy.

    One that was long gone, by 1948.

  18. The Rat lives in occupied Arizona.


  19. desert rat said...
    I have never confessed to murder.

    you ball-less wonder.... you bragged so many times you murdered people in central america with ollie north...

    well well you lying sack of shit...

    so your black ops days were all a lie? you are just some old fart living lies of a military poser...


    just a jew hating, israel hating islamists supporting liar...

  20. There is no relevance in this thread to T's personal information and I trashed the comment. Move on to the subjects at hand.

  21. Come on Cliff Claven tell us how the LEGAL precedents of the League of Nations concerning the Lands from the RIver to the Sea are null and void...

    After all you KNOW everything, you are wise beyond all your years, you are RIGHT about everything...

    Or maybe? You're just a tired old Jew Hating, Israel hating, Zionist hating blow hard....

    Yep. Desert Rat is Cliff Claven with a hugh side of antisemitic bullshit...

    Just a troll....

  22. Oh, wait, it was a rain barrel, not a well, as I now recall.

  23. Deuce said...
    There is no relevance in this thread to T's personal information and I trashed the comment. Move on to the subjects at hand.

    thank you dear Censor...

    PLEASE TRASH Rat's story of "O" line as well or just be a censor...

  24. Ms T's lesbian positions are public and well known..

    Ms T's position on Israel are well known

    Israel support of Gay and Lesbian rights is well KNOWN

    Ms T's hatred of Israel and Jews is well known..

    Go ahead, censor that...

  25. I have to back WiO up on that. I was reading the blog that day. I was the first to comment. I believe my first comment was "A self confessed criminal." And then either WiO or I commented next. I remember commenting "If I was a self confessed criminal I wouldn't be talking about it on the internet." WiO said, my memory is a little dim here, but something the same "A self confessed criminal."

    It certainly sounded as if he was confessing to murder. What else does "really bad stuff" amount to.

    I imagine in Rat's mind he's scott free on the grounds he "just trained" the guys that did the "really bad stuff."

    I'm sure Rat has erased his comment by now, but if you're interested you might search for my comments or that of WiO.

    I can't remember how long ago that was.

    It's true I can't stand Rat, but that is what happened.


  26. I have never noticed any comment that you keep referring to about Central American murders. Where is this comment?

  27. The US has never denied it annexed AZ, CA, NM, UT, CO, NV, and Texas, from Mexico.

  28. desert rat said...
    I recall the story of the Jew hiding, in a well, while his wife was raped.

    Then the Jew abused the child his wife bore from that union. Even though that child was a Jew, by the Nuremberg Standard that Israel maintains to this day.

    Perhaps that story is true, perhaps not.

    Funny I heard your mother was fucked by a goat and we then got you!

    Maybe it's not true maybe true..

    But you dont care about truth..

    Maybe you were the produce of Rape..

    Or maybe you are the product of abortion, that would explain much...

  29. WIO, I trashed the comment that you referred to. I'll leave it up to you to do what you will with your response.

  30. Like Mr Goebbels, the Story of "o" believes that if he tells a lie often enough, it becomes a truth.

    Such is the way, of NAZIs

  31. I give great leniency in what gets posted. If I take a comment down, then you have a better idea of the boundary and both of you crossed it this morning.

  32. I don't like the stroy about the well. i don't like the implied smear as if it is indicative of group behavior. It is outright slander and baseless.

  33. I'm going to breakfast. And it is still raining here and the rivers and creeks are going over the banks. Miss T, make it stop!! It's supposed to be rainy over there, not here. Not this much. Foot rot in the crops for sure.


  34. Deuce said...
    I have never noticed any comment that you keep referring to about Central American murders. Where is this comment?

    He mentioned that he was a civilian member of Ollie North's wet team and had eliminated several targets in Central America and BECAUSE he ever was caught, and it was outside the USA it was not a crime.

    I would not make that kind of stuff up...

    But he said it...

    So either he is a liar or a murderer...

    Either way? He is a Jew hating, Israel hating, Zionist hating Islamists support piece of crap.

    If you want to censor MY comments about Ms T? Censor His constant PORN comparison of ME to calling me Story of "o"

    I did not address the piece of shit this morning in my post. HIS direct attack of ME was the 1st shot out of the barrel and should have his post removed.

    Talking about issues is fine, disagreeing about issues is fine, he can also be the anti-semite that he is BUT REMOVE HIS Rules for Radicals driven slander of ME...



  35. Wio, this visceral hatred of anyone who doesn't worship Zionist ass is getting old. As are the personal attacks on a man for serving his country.

    Perhaps you should go back to whatever Jewish Valhalla you have been hanging out in, and take Bob back with you.

  36. Please remove Rat's story of "o" comment...

    It is over the line and it is slander...

  37. And, yes, Rat, that Jew in the well story is tiresome, and inappropriate. If you just have to bait wio and Bob why don't you do it on a different site, and give the rest of us a break.

  38. The Story brought up going down a well, rufus.

    He is the one that brought blood libel to the thread, not me.

  39. desert rat said...
    The Story brought up going down a well, rufus.

    He is the one that brought blood libel to the thread, not me.

    Mr FUCKING Innocent...

    List up Rat...

    YOU started all this stuff this AM...

    You and your slanderous crap..

    But you play the victim...

    You are so innocent...

    Everyone else is to blame...

    You throw the fire bomb and then blame others who respond..


  40. Here is RAT's FIREBOMB

    Still up I see...

    desert rat said...
    The Story of "o" fears a Palestinian State. It could rollback Israel's illegal annexation of the Occupied Territories.

    Story of O...


    Rat calls Zionists "Story of O"

    Published in French by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Story of O is a tale of female submission about a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, O, who is blindfolded, chained, whipped, branded, pierced, made to wear a mask, and taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. Despite her harsh treatment, O grants permission beforehand for everything that occurs, and her permission is consistently sought.
    At the beginning of the story, O's lover, René, brings her to the château of Roissy, where she is trained to serve the men of an elite group. After this first period of training is finished, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to Sir Stephen, a more dominant master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her. Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well. While her vain friend and lover, Jacqueline, is repulsed by O's chains and scars, O herself is proud of her condition as a willing slave. During the summer, Sir Stephen decides to move O to Samois, an old mansion solely inhabited by women for advanced training and body modifications related to submission. There she agrees to receive a branding and a labia piercing with rings marked with Sir Stephen's initials and insignia. At the climax, O appears as a slave, nude but for an owl-like mask, before a large party of guests who treat her solely as an object.


    I think Rat needs a vacation...

    maybe Gitmo...

  41. There was no Ollie North wet team. There was a civil war of Contras who were fighting a war against the Communist Sandinistas. The US input was of a supply nature and some military advisors and was IMHO much less than it should have been. I knew some of th key players including Phil holtz, the CIA chief in Costa Rica, John Hull and Rob Owens in DC. I also knew a bunch of the CIA wanabees who owned land in Costa Rica in San Carlos. I saw John Hull fly into Nicaragua to pick up wounded and take them to the hospital in Quesada.

    Hull got a few thousand a month to pay expenses to take people to the hospital and help supply men in the fiels. It was chump change and Hull eventually lost everything he worked for because of shit birds like John Kerry. The idea that Hull's ranch was used for smuggling Cocaine was bullshit. Everytime I saw John, he hit me up for a few hundred dollars to buy fuel for his plane. He drove a car that was twenty years old and his major expenditure for his farm was duct tape.

    On my way to Costa Rica, I would pick up small boxes of orange seeds for John's nursery. That was his idea of a cash crop. The smear on the cocaine charges came from all the usual suspects on the left and the turds like Kerry in Congress.

  42. BTW, orange trees were a total flop in Costa Rica. The days are too short, it is too wet and the fruit never achieves the necessary level of sugar. John should have focused on his cattle.

  43. The Story of "o" is about the dehumanization of people.

    The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.
    Aldous Huxley

    The Story of "o" advocates a nuclear strike against Saudi Arabia, to destroy a meteorite. Denying the humanity of the residents living near by.

    He uses sexual references to bestiality, to dehumanize Muslims.

    It is a keystone to his propaganda.

    Thus his moniker.

  44. Te rat and WiO, two of a kind.


    Like Mr Goebbels, the Story of "o" believes that if he tells a lie often enough, it becomes a truth.

    Such is the way, of NAZIs

    Pure rat. The fact that he misses the irony in this statement also typical rat.

    For months we were presented with the umbrage of the rat over abortion in Israel. Yet when pushed on the matter, he admits he cares little about the aborted and was in fact only trying to get at WiO. So he admits he is a liar.

    He comes to the blog each day and accuses people here of being hypocrites, rascists, and liars; and once again, fails to see the irony in his words.

    He takes pride in not using profanity (as if that were a bad thing) yet he has no problem spouting outrageous bullshit. He brings up the "Story of O". But, that is not pornographic? Does he do it thinking that it is merely clever? Who knows? He has admitted he is a liar.

    Even when he says something someone here agrees with, how can you take him seriously? He has admitted he is a liar.

    Goebbels? Nazi? Finally, he descends to the lowest level of irrelevance.

    That is our rat.

    THE WiO

    The Murderer (Rat) and the Transvestite Man Wannabe (Ms T) walk into a bar....

    Lesbian equals Transvestite, and this from the those who assert the Jews are the 'absolutely smartest people around' and the font of Western Civiliation on top of it.

    You accuse T of being anti-semetic because she attacks Israeli policy, you ignore the fact that she makes as many statements attacking the Islamist.

    Instead of merely sticking to the facts in his arguments with rat, he accuses him of being a murderer based off of one comment lost in the past which WiO and Bob 'assumed' they knew the meaning of even though that meaning has been denied.

    The fact is, rat admits he lies, how would anyone know whether the statement was true or not. More importantly, what does it have to do with Israel?

    WiO says "I know I'm an asshole but I don't care. I am going to continue being an asshole. It's my duty." No it's not. If you stuck to the facts you might gain some sympathy for the Israeli cause. As it is, you tend to turn people off. Even those firmly behind Israel start looking for a reason to object.

    And then there is the use of the word Nazi again.

    As I said, rat and WiO, two sides of the same coin.


  45. .

    Rat and WiO

    "You started it."

    "No you started it."

    "No you started it."

    Grow up children.


  46. You miss the point, Q.

    Th Muslims have not killed as many Jewish souls as the Israeli have murdered.

    That the Israeli are murdering souls, the position of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    Whether I think they were murdered, or not, is not relevant.

    It is not about me.

    It is about the continued murder of Jewish souls, by the Israeli. That they spiritual leaders of Judaism believe that those souls were murdered is relevant.

    Their opinion and knowledge of Judaism has weight, not my opinion or knowledge, which is minimal.

    But that the Muslims have not murdered even 10% of the number of Jewish souls as have the Israeli, undeniable. Especially if the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is considered an authority on Judaic mores.

    That the Israeli government use sthe Nuremberg Standard for the administrative purposes, telling.

    1.5 native born Israeli were sacrificed, so that Russians and other Europeons would have living space, in the Levant.

  47. According to Judaic scholars, in Israel, many of those Russians immigrating to Israel, not even Jewish.

    Those immigrants only qualifying, as Jews, under the NAZI legal standard which has been adopted by the Israeli government.

  48. That said, the relevancy of "o" also using NAZI "Big Lie" techniques becomes clear.

    Goes to the core of the Equivalency Standard, really.

    Whether or not I believe the position of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel on abortion is correct, unimportant.

    It is not about me.
    I am neither Jewish nor Israeli. So I leave it to "o" to deny the position of the Chief Rabbinate.

  49. No Rat, you miss the point. No one gives a fuck. They're sick to death tired of both you, and Wio.

    It might be important to wio, and maybe, for some God only knows reason it's important to you, but no one else can possibly give a flying fuck what happens between the Zionists, and the Jihadis.

    It's a turd, Rat. There Is No clean end.

  50. It then becomes clear that 12 million Jews cannot agree on the basic tenets of Judaism, cannot agree on when a Jewish life begins. It demonstrates the foolishness of the assumption that 1.2 billion Muslims are any kind of an ideological or sectarian bloc.

  51. I understand that, rufus.

    I did not bring it up, today.
    Not abortion, not Israel.

    I was libeled, again.
    The response is predetermined.

  52. Breaking to another subjerct - -

    Boise has highest radiation levels from Japan nuclear reactors recorded in the USA.


    Don't know, but it's been raining like crazy all over the state which must have something to do with it.

    No elk and no wolves in Costa Rica. Nothing to argue about:)

    I read the French may be sending in some troops to Libya. I can't figure out why the French or the Europeans who already buy most of Libyan oil, care. Maybe Rufus is right about China trying to elbow in on the action and they want to preempt that and are taking advantage of the opportunity.


  53. Well, anyway, hows that little gray mustang doing?

  54. .

    It is not about me.


    You admitted you don't give a shit about Jewish souls. You are merely trying to find some argument, any argument, to try to stick it to WiO.

    The argument that the Muslim are somehow superior to the Jews because they don't have as my abortions, laughable, especially coming from you.

    Your arguments lack logic. You are a propagandist. When talking about abortions you easily switch from talking about percentages to talking about absolute numbers. You have no idea how many Muslim abortions there are. Although the percentage might be extremely low, when spread over more than a billion people the number could be substantial.

    As I pointed out before, if you were really interested in 'souls' you would be interested in absolute numbers. You would be talking about China, Europe, and the U.S.

    The argument that the abortions in Israel are "so that Russians and other Europeons would have living space, in the Levant" are again ludicrous.

    As I pointed out, more than half the abortons in Israel are illegal, contracted by married women. There is no official policy calling for abortion to allow immigration.

    If you were trully concerned about abortion being used for population control, you would be complaining daily about the official policy in China.


  55. Stay away from spinach. It sucks up radioactivity to 27 times the amount in the air. Spinach is one of the many crops grown in southern Idaho.


  56. .

    I was libeled, again.

    You are hilarious, rat.

    I'll give you that.


  57. Not only abortion in China, but infanticide of many of the little girls.


  58. That's entertainment, Q.

    Gotta go to California, have a good couple of days.

  59. If you are opposed to Chinese domestic policies, don't shop Walmart.

  60. Listen up retards of the Bar....

    This is what I said..

    "What is "Occupation" said...
    Obama is creating the momentum to create a democratic islamist movements, making the moslem brotherhood, islamic jihad, hezbollah and hamas are nothing more than democratic forces that need to be respected. This will end up in september when "palestine" will seek its UN approval for full membership as a nation, and will seek international approval for it's borders and will tolerate no peace treaty or recognition with or of israel.

    This is the plan of the potus of the USA, to create an islamist/jihadist palestine...."

    Notice NOTHING was about the Rodent or Ms T.

    Notice WHO say something against me personally after that point...

    Those who throw the 1st firebombs cannot claim to be "innocents"

    My beef with Ms T/selah/Tersita is not that she is disagrees with Israeli policies, but rather her hundreds of comments that are anti-semitic, and anti- judaic and personal attacks against me. I did use the term "transvestite" today and her smartassed remark about Israel was just the latest in hundreds of smartassed remarks, including one from 2 threads ago that referenced me supporting some nut job because he supported israel.

    thus my transvestite comment...

    As for anyone making up any opinion in about Israel because I am an asshole just proves that person is a retarded moron. People need to learn for themselves about Israel. However Rat and his self admitted lies should be tagged with warning flags so that noone that reads his rants will ever think he actually as an opinion worthy of study.

  61. .

    If you are opposed to Chinese domestic policies, don't shop Walmart.

    I don't.

    But it has nothing to do with Chinese domestic policies.


  62. .

    As for anyone making up any opinion in about Israel because I am an asshole just proves that person is a retarded moron.

    I am opposed to our actions in Libya on many levels; yet, when I start to say "yes" everytime the Loyalist beat back the rebels, I have to remind myself that Ghaddafi is a sorry piece of do-do and deserves whatever he gets.

    You complain that 'the Bar' does not challenge the rat when he throws out his bull. Yet that is not true. Many here have challenged him. I have challenged him on almost every topic he has brought up about Israel at one time or another.

    So what you are really incensed about is that 'everyone' at the bar doesn't challenge rat 'every time' he makes a comment about Israel.

    But why wouldn't they? I can only speak for myself. it's kind of that old 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing'. Kinda like Libya.

    Disregarding, the fact that most of the people here find your and rat's constant argument over Israel extremely redundant, the fact is that any reasonable argument with the rat is interrupted with your posts exclaiming ad infinatum that the rat is a murderer and a nazi, not exactly the highest level of discourse. Oh yea, I forgot about the transvestite comments.

    I personally am reluctant to jump into an argument with rat lest I be even marginally associated with your rants.


  63. Q:
    You complain that 'the Bar' does not challenge the rat when he throws out his bull. Yet that is not true. Many here have challenged him. I have challenged him on almost every topic he has brought up about Israel at one time or another.

    Many is correct and many have given up.

    Should we give up? Allow a bully (Rat) to continue to lie and distort with out any resistance?

    Logic, truth and rational discourse is to no avail to a bully and anti-semite.

    Q: So what you are really incensed about is that 'everyone' at the bar doesn't challenge rat 'every time' he makes a comment about Israel.

    No, I am pissed off that Rat's name is still on the bartender blog, I am incensed that I am censored but Rat is not...

    That is hypocrisy.

    Remove Rat for a position of Honor and censor HIM like you censor me...

    Notice I do not advocate making ME a Bartender, nor do I advocate the bar NOT censoring me.

  64. Q: he fact is that any reasonable argument with the rat is interrupted with your posts exclaiming ad infinatum that the rat is a murderer and a nazi, not exactly the highest level of discourse.


    I only go after Rat about his being a murder, horse fucker, liar, Rules of Radical activist, Jew hater, Israel hater, Zionist hater WHEN he either makes IRRATIONAL, UNREASONABLE, ANTI-SEMITIC OR DISTORTIONS about Israel or makes a polite yet pornographic comment about me.

    Just because "Rat" doesnt swear doesnt mean his words, intent and context are not vicious, demeaning, disgusting and foul.

    Your statement "he fact is that any reasonable argument with the rat is"

    The Rat is not capable of having a reasonable discussion on Israel.


  65. Ms T's lesbian positions are public and well known..

    I have never described my lesbian positions before. My personal favorite is "scissors".

    Ms T's hatred of Israel and Jews is well known..

    There is no hatred in Taoism. Master Lao Tzu said, "Requite injuries with good deeds." (TTC 63)

    You yourself lamented that Palestine was about to get their state boundaries, and I suggested that Israel building more houses in what is to become sovereign Palestinian terrority is self-defeating. Next thing we know, we're hearing all this crap about transvestitism.

  66. I'm going to breakfast. And it is still raining here and the rivers and creeks are going over the banks. Miss T, make it stop!! It's supposed to be rainy over there, not here. Not this much. Foot rot in the crops for sure.

    No can do, Bob, look at these satellite pictures. We're looking at a freight train of moisture.

  67. WiO: No, I am pissed off that Rat's name is still on the bartender blog, I am incensed that I am censored but Rat is not...

    What is "Occupation" also demanded that I be removed from the bartender roll. A lot of good that did, I still get called a transvestite. And if DR is removed, WiO will still call him a Nazi.

  68. ""Our view is starting to change of the US. If we hated the Americans 100 per cent, today it is less than 50 per cent. They have started to redeem themselves for their past mistakes by helping us to preserve the blood of our children.""

    - Bubble Gum Wrapper found stuck under a Desk in Mrs Harris's second grade class.


    You should check for sources when you are so ready to condemn, Quirk.

  69. Having decided that every Army officer above Colonel is a certified PC Pussy, I have devised a workable strategy to solve our "Muslim Issue"

    Immediately start a Manhatten Project to print and deliver at no cost millions of copies of the Kuran.

    2. Offer income tax rebates to citizens based on how many Kurans they burn prior to April 15, 2012.

    No more Muslim problem.

  70. Can you imagine the shit job it must be to be a colonel?

  71. The Mexican Government has never denied stealing Mexico from the Aztecs.

  72. Duties:

    Interface between Pussies and Warriors 24 hours a day.

  73. the UN now has its own air force

    ...Ivory Coast: United Nations launch air strikes on Laurent Gbagbo
    The United Nations has launched air attacks against Laurent Gbagbo, the Ivory Coast strongman who has refused to relinquish power, in retaliation for “reckless and mindless” attacks on its personnel and civilians.

  74. Ms T stated: What is "Occupation" also demanded that I be removed from the bartender roll.

    DId I really? Who can tell since you demanded your own name to be taken down SEVERAL times...

    I dont remember if I demanded it or if I suggested it, or I agreed with it's removal...

    I do remember you screaming about it, demanding it, stating to all that cared to read how you were done with the Bar and on to the egress...

    You have cried wolf so many times about leaving it's become a broken record...

  75. I want to know what the scissors position is, but am afraid to ask.

    I'm showing a duplex to some Hindu coupld in the psychology department. Best be nice to them, dotter is in psychology department. I like Hindus aways.

    Hope you and yours are well, Melody.


  76. The gray is fine Rufus if you were referring to the horse she likes.

  77. Must mention Yemen. Gonna be an al-Qaeda stonghold. Must mention Ivory Coast. Our muslim president sides with the muslims, of course, just as he said he would.

    The shit is really piling up.


  78. Bob: I want to know what the scissors position is, but am afraid to ask.


  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Butler 22 UConn 19 at the half. Big defensive battle going on.


  81. Lock bumping and scissors - great place for all sorts of (useful?) knowledge here.


  82. Obama reiterated a US call for Gbagbo to go in a call he made to Gabon's President Ali Bongo to discuss Ivory Coast, the White House said.

    Obama and Bongo shared concerns about the violence in Ivory Coast and discussed the need to end the crisis "as soon as possible".

    Residents of the city of five million were in lockdown in their homes the whole day while armed men patrolled the streets.

    Gbabgo Bases

  83. Obama and Bongo...

    That's some funny shit.

  84. All your base belong to us...
