Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama Birth Certificate is a Fraud

Hat Tip: Rufus

Another Analysis:

And Another Analysis:


  1. If this is true I don't see how it can fail to Destroy his Presidency.

    Is there any chance that "We" are being scammed? I mean, how could they be that stupid?

  2. Graphic Designer - Yep, it's a Fake

    He does something different than the other guy, but It's a Fake.

  3. Why would Obama do this?

    Put up a fake?

  4. How you ridin' the storms over there in MS, Rufus?

  5. I'm gettin' a little sick of'em, Sam. Seems like they'll never end. we're supposed to get some more tomorrow.

    OK, Karl Denninger is going from another direction.

    It's a Fake.

  6. I can't believe this isn't going Viral.

  7. I think everyone's afraid to touch it.

  8. Or, it's just so "unsurprising" that not too many are interested.

    I bet a lot are like me, thinking, "Aw, that's not possible."

  9. Belmont Club's running with it a little bit.

  10. What’s not plausible is that the government spent all this time manufacturing Obama’s birth certificate only to commit the laughably rookie mistake of exporting the layers from Photoshop, or whatever photo editing software they are meant to have used. It’s likely that whoever scanned the birth certificate in Hawaii forgot to turn off the OCR setting on the scanner.

  11. to the guys who are screaming “OCR OCR OCR it’s because of OCR”…

    OCR = Optical CHARACTER Recognition

    so since when is a CHARACTER a:
    - Box with the Background
    - Box with the Date
    - Box with the Signature
    - Box with the Text


    and it is white behind the text because the orginal was white and the green background was added it… like the dates and signatures (which are blurred by the way)

  12. NRO doesn't buy it. They have a thread that might be interesting to a computer/photoshop type geek.

    It's kinda split.

  13. Loved that photoshopped picture of Obama, and the Dunhams. That disembodied left hand out there waving in the breeze. :)

  14. Hey Doug!

    Was that you that won the hat over at Ferguson's?

    If so, congrats!


  15. "I just checked the official web site for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital and according to the information there, the name of the hospital at the time of his birth should have been Kauikeolani Children's Hospital. According to the web site the name didn't change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Children's Hospital merged with Kapi‘olani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasn't created until 1978? "

  16. Obama was born a Negro. Whoever created this document was afraid of the word.

  17. Too many of the right wingers marched in lock-step that the "birther issue" had to go away. It is the same as they started saying the budget deal wasn't so bad. They accepted this thing at face value. As soon as I blew it up in Photoshop I could tell it was altered.


    Why did I alter my driver's license when I was 18?

    ANSWER: Because I was not 21.

    Why did millions of people photoshop tax docs and checks to get a mortgage?

    ANSWER: Because they did not have the stated income.

    Why did the Russians cut and paste people in an out of photographs?

    ANSWER: Because the photographic evidence did not support the party line.

    The President of the United States is lying about his birth records.



  18. Because the State of Hawaii has a forgery in its vault.

    It was placed there by whoever "created Barack Obama."

  19. I guess we'll have to ask Rat. :)

  20. The guys in black vans, with silencers on their guns. That are on their way to our houses, as we ponder.

  21. Who in the hell was his mother?

    Was she really CIA?

  22. I gotta go to bed. I have stuff to do in the morning.

    Like find another country.

  23. Australia's not bad. High taxes but the water's warm.

  24. C'mon Deuce,

    This is just too fucking stupid. Obama's going to put out a fake document? In this day and age? When it can easily be de-bunked within minutes?

    Seriously, why on earth would he do that?

  25. Two million dollars in legal fees protecting its release. That two million bought time while they drafted this document pixel by pixen.

  26. I think someone grabbed and posted the wrong rendition.

  27. As your post shows, they should have flattened it as a jpeg and the printed a pdf of that.

  28. The turkish babe is more worthy to be on top.

  29. Yeah, seen a lot of talk about the flattening.

  30. It's almost as if he's got enough of the public in his pocket that he can do what he wants. Legally or illegally. There are a lot of people out there that worship the man. Will follow him blindly.

    He's playing the right for suckers.

  31. Why in the hell does Farrakan make some semblance of sense?

    What the shit is going on here?

  32. Wow, didn't realize how left the Post was. Just watch the comments live update.

  33. Leno: President Obama's approval rating is now at a new all-time low. In fact, it's so low that Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States.

  34. .

    Two million dollars in legal fees protecting its release. That two million bought time while they drafted this document pixel by pixen.

    Come on. Let's get serious.

    Someone pulls a number out of his ass and many are ready to run with it.

    The $2 million was Obama's total legal fees since the election. It includes everything associated with the election, any suits on campaign finance, etc.

    I think McCain spent something like $1.4 million on legal fees and he didn't even win.


  35. What is Hillarys stance on this? It was her supporters who first brought up the birth issue during the primaries.
    Not us red neck racists :-)

  36. Leon Panetta to DoD, not a bad choice.

  37. This whole episode is truly bizarre.

    Every aspect of it.

    I feel like I'm living on planet Pluto.

  38. They got Turkish women on Pluto?

  39. .

    I'm late for a doctors appointment.

    Hopefully, the madness will have run it's course by the time I get back.

    Looks like Doug has been handing out some of thos 'special' pina coladas again.


  40. Play the odds, pick the simplest explanation. That document was constructed. Why, I don't know, but it was constructed.

  41. Well, now.

    The Hawaiians have the "Long Form" in bytes and generated a copy for the President. That would explain most of the technical shadows, back lighting and other mechanical complications.

    That the hospital listed as the place of birth has a name that was not used, in 1961 ...

    Shoddy work, at best.
    About typical of the Federals.

  42. gee Deuce, maybe you should dredge up you 'obama is a gay crack whore' stuff as well.

    What a bunch of fucking loons!

  43. If the name of the hospital, on the document, did not exist in 1961, ash, what is the explanation for it being on the document published in 2011?

    Given that the hospital listed as the place of birth did not exist, on the date of birth.

    One would have to be a loon to believe the document was the genuine article.

  44. G. Gordon Liddy would not have been so slipshod, but even he got caught.

    Duct tape on the doorway, an amateur move got him busted. Another former FBI man that got in over his head, like Mr Pistole.

  45. With General P moving on to head the CIA.

    The Peter Principle in full play.

  46. Rat - please answer the questions posed at, for just one example, this site:

  47. gee Deuce, maybe you should dredge up you 'obama is a gay crack whore' stuff as well.

    What a bunch of fucking loons!

    Look at the three videos Ash and give me your learned opinion. I have seen some of your work and although it is not to my taste, you should be reasonably tyechnically qualified to educate us why are eyes are lying to us. Good luck.

  48. boobie and his brethren birthers are crawling all over this place - good luck with that!

    meanwhile down at the Fed:

    “Simply put, we came away from the post-meeting communiquĆ© believing that this was a demonstrably dovish commentary by the committee; that the authorities were more than willing to err manifestly upon the side of easier rather than tighter policies, and that the dollar was for all intents the sacrificial lamb that was going to be taken out for slaughter, mincing as few words as we might in this instance.”

    but hey, the BC is a fake and you all best get on it!

  49. I did not see a single question, at that site, ash.

    I did look at the building seven link, there were no questions there, either. I have always thought that Building 7 was brought down in a controlled implosion, from the video seen. I think that the ISI was the active agent involved.

    This based upon the head of the ISI briefing the Republican Congressional Intel Committee heads, the morning of the attack.

    I was taught, long ago, that most "coincidences" are not.

    The question that I asked, that you dodged, is the one pertinent, today.

    How did the name of a hospital that did not exist, in 1961, become listed as the place of birth, on a document released in 2011.

  50. you mean the video that isn't there any more? explain that will you, the missing video. It must be 'cause Obama sent the men in black vans to pull it off the intertubes.

  51. No, ash.

    I read, don't watch much video.

    Video can be easily manipulated.

    There were no questions. Just video links.

    You continue to avoid the question.

    How did the name of a hospital that did not exist, in 1961, become listed on the document as the place of birth, in 2011?

    It is a shoddy piece of work product, one that cannot be explained by technical or mechanical reasons.

  52. I spent three years studying data from various analytical detectors of radio transmission signals that were modulated by natural and unnatural events in the ionosphere.

    I spotted aberrations and correlated them to known events in the ionosphere. I learned to spot an aberration and then try to understand why it occurred. I was damn good at it and did work to help advance the detection of Soviet Missile launches. We reduced detection time by over 15 minutes and that was in the parlance some amazing shit.

    I took that pdf and blew it up and spotted changes all over the document and declared it a fraud. It is a fraud because it was not disclosed that it was altered. In the parlance, it is bull shit shoddy work.

    My theory is that it was not the final work product and posted in error. It happens all the time. You think the government and the military is smart, it isn't.

  53. Rat, what proof do you have that the hospital wasn't around in 1961? Their website says they've been "Caring for Hawaii's women and children for more than 100 years."

  54. you seem to be hanging out with boobie too much rat:

    "KapiŹ»olani Medical Center for Women and Children is part of Hawaii Pacific Health's network of hospitals. It is located in Honolulu, Hawaii, within the residential inner city district of Makiki. KapiŹ»olani Medical Center is Hawaii's only children's hospital with a team of physicians and nurses and specialized technology trained specifically to care for children, from infants to young adults. It is the state's only 24-hour pediatric emergency room, pediatric intensive care unit and adolescent unit.

    The facility was originally founded by Queen KapiŹ»olani as the KapiŹ»olani Maternity Home in 1890 for which she held bazaars and luaus to raise $8,000 needed to start the Home. At some time prior to 1940, the name was changed to KapiŹ»olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital. [1] [2]

    Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital opened in 1909 named for Emma Kauikeolani Napoleon Mahelona (1862–1931), the wife of Albert Spencer Wilcox (1844–1919).[3] In 1978, it merged with KapiŹ»olani Hospital to become KapiŹ»olani Medical Center for Women and Children.[4][5][6]

    It is also known for being the birthplace of United States President Barack Obama.[7][8][9][10][11]"

  55. It is altered. I don't KNOW why, but it is, and the geniuses that did are running the country.

  56. Use your brain Ash. Look at the analysis and tell us where it is wrong.

  57. When a politician tells you he doesn't have time for this kind of silliness, you know you nailed him.

  58. It's a fraud.

    He's a fraud.

    Rat's a fraud.

    Nothing new here...

  59. Change a signature to a mortgage application and tell me it isn't fraud.

  60. Your point, ash, was answered by others with the relevent factual data.

    This clearly shows (but is subject to `citation` on Wiki) that as of 1978 (up to the date of the actual merger) the maternity part of the hospital was still known as the Kapi`olani Maternity Home.

    Therefore this would have been the case in 1961 when BO was born !!!!

    So, where did they get the name : KAPIOLANI MATERNITY & GYNECOLOGICAL HOSPITAL ???????????

    We no longer need to be concerned about any lack of citation on Wiki, because we can go to the HOSPITAL`s own website and read EXACTLY THE SAME HISTORICAL ACCOUNT REGARDS ITS NAMES !!!

    A Century of Care for Hawaii's Women and Children

    This is the story of two hospitals: Kauikeolani Children's Hospital and Kapiolani Maternity Home. The two hospitals joined in 1978 to become Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children.

  61. wiki is, as Q points out from time to time, not the "last word" in matters of political reality.

  62. The poor boy in the Story of "o", just can't get any.

    Wallowing in the depths of dehumanization.

    Seeking US to find equivalence between Israel and Syria, while the US continues to fund the Israeli and lists Syria as a State Sponsor of Terror.

    We agree, Israel and Syria are judged by different standards, and should not be.

    In Israel the government killed hundreds of its' residents, in 2008.

    The Syrians have killed a few dozen, in the past week or three.

    Using military strength to shape political outcomes.
    There is an equivalency

  63. Blogger Deuce said...

    It is altered.

    Yep, the pdf has a bunch of layers and is obviously altered. It also has a signature which states:

    "I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii State Department of Health"

    and it is signed by the State Registrar Alvin T. Onaka, Ph.D.

    It looks like they cleaned up the scan of the document so that all the info can be read and, by including all the layers, they aren't trying to hide that clean up. Download the document yourself and load it up in Adobe Illustrator and see for yourself.

  64. Exactly, ash.

    The mechanical faults can be explained.

    Using the wrong name for the facility, a name created in 1978, on a document reportedly created in 1961 cannot be explained away by mechanical means.

  65. You crack me up Ash. They have the original document. They get a good scan or a bad scan.

    A bad scan and they re-scan.

  66. This isn't exactly the Magna Carta.

  67. rat, you haven't established that they didn't refer to the facility as it is printed on the birth certificate. I'm sure there are many certificates from that era to compare it to. It will be interesting to see if they come up with evidence confirming your claim but until then there is no reason to believe it's the truth. Similarly I don't believe that red dragons live atop the clouds. If you can manage to present some evidence then I'll entertain the belief but not until then.

  68. I'll bet if they put the original up as is you'd be moaning how it is a fake because you can't read the various signatures. So you think the State Registrar is a liar do you?

  69. Incorrect, Deuce.

    They do not have the original document. They have the bytes from a scan made in the late 70's.

    That is the legal and historical record, in Hawaii. They went digital on birth-records in the late 70's.

    State of the Art, you know.

    The only hard copies saved had to be so ordered, by the Governor at the time.

    There was no such order for Mr Obama's record made. It has been testified to that Hawaii treated Mr Obama's record without acting outside of the normal procedures.

    The records were scanned and destroyed. All that's left is the bytes.

  70. ummm, rat, you sound so sure of yourself but...

  71. The controversy points directly back to the state of Hawaii, where officials previously have maintained they have viewed Obama's birth "records," but have steadfastly refused to disclose what they say or even in what form those records exist.

    In 2001, the Hawaii Department of Health's chief at the time, Bruce Anderson, announced, "The Department of Health will henceforth issue and provide only computer-generated abstracts of birth and marriage records and cease to produce photocopies of actual records…"

    Read more: Hawaii slams door on birth certificates

  72. Did you actually read the letter from the lawyer I linked rat? It appears they do actually have the originals.

  73. I do not deny, ash, that Mr Obama received two certified copies of the Hawaiian record.

    Neither being the original.

    I do not dispute that the officials believe their bytes genuine.

    I do know that computer files can be modified, changed, corrupted.
    I do know that there would be no need to corrupt a public official, or to even have one "in the loop", to hack into the State of Hawaii's birth registration data base.

  74. The head guy over there (Onaka?) made a big deal out of saying the document is locked in a small lockbox, In A Safe, in The Vault, etc. etc.

    Obama's mother was CIA. There can hardly be any doubt. She was always working in the 'Hot Spots,' and, almost always, for CIA "Cover" Companies/NGOs.

    Obama Sr., I haven't read up on, yet; but I suspect we'll find that he was, at the minimum, a double agent. His mama was a little more powerful stuff than we've been led to believe.

  75. My client would like to

    ... obtain two certified copies of the original ... "

  76. To repeat how I started today:


    really, y'all do yourself a disservice. It becomes very hard to take anything you say seriously, and yes, rufus, I am referring to you as well - a good example of the insanity and irrationality that persists at this place.

    Soldier on because, if nothing else, it is entertaining at times.

  77. They, the State of Hawaii, have the document. And, it's almost surely a forged document.

    What's on it? We can only speculate. But, they (the Administration) are going to great, and illegal, lengths to make sure we never know.

  78. I learned a long time ago, Ash, that I'd rather be a "Loon" than be a Sucker.

    Some of those "loons" kept their money; the suckers never did.

  79. desert rat said...
    The poor boy in the Story of "o", just can't get any.

    Wallowing in the depths of dehumanization.

    Seeking US to find equivalence between Israel and Syria, while the US continues to fund the Israeli and lists Syria as a State Sponsor of Terror.

    We agree, Israel and Syria are judged by different standards, and should not be.

    In Israel the government killed hundreds of its' residents, in 2008.

    The Syrians have killed a few dozen, in the past week or three.

    Using military strength to shape political outcomes.
    There is an equivalency

    Let's all remember that Rat is a self confessed killer of civilians.

    Then he says he's not...

    he lies and distorts

    He is a fraud.

    No sense in arguing against him on any topic, he is the Cliff Claven of the EB. Cannot be wrong on any issue...

    The Rat speaks? The Rat lies. The Rat is a Rat.

    Nothing new here...

    Just the same old rat droppings from the same old rodent...

    Rat's name is quite perfect for him

  80. Everybody keeps looking at the father. They need to start looking at the Mother. That's where Barry's "Power Base" resides. It's straight CIA/Trilaterl Commission/etc all the way.

  81. Zbignew Brzinski (sp) brought Barry to Columbia.

  82. Unemployment Claims are rising, significantly (428,000 last wk.)

    High Gas Prices seem to be taking their toll.

  83. The most dangerous thing about Obumbles is he is definitely an "Internationalist." A True "One-Worlder."

  84. At his very base, of course, is the "Hate White America" feelings that were inculcated into him by his father.

    He was a perfect "Gift from Heaven" for the Tri-Lateralists."

  85. You see, if you thought you could, easily, outbid the poor Russians for Russian oil you were badly mistaken. Samey-same goes for Venezuelans, Saudi Arabians, Iranians, etc.

    And, you, also, can't outbid the "poor" Chinese, because China has ALL the money, and they're not going to let that happen, either.

    We are caught "bidding against" the Europeans, and Japanese. Thing is, they started driving very small, fuel-efficient cars long ago, and they get much more bang for the buck out of a barrel of oil than we do.

    One more "blow-up" in the ME, or African producers, and it's going to get really, really hairy in the good ol' U.S. real fast.

  86. How could the government be so dumb as to use faked documents?

    Fake Iraq documents 'embarrassing' for U.S.

    March 14, 2003|By David Ensor CNN Washington Bureau

    Intelligence documents that U.S. and British governments said were strong evidence that Iraq was developing nuclear weapons have been dismissed as forgeries by U.N. weapons inspectors.

    The documents, given to International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, indicated that Iraq might have tried to buy 500 tons of uranium from Niger, but the agency said they were "obvious" fakes.

    U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell referred to the documents directly in his presentation to the U.N. Security Council outlining the Bush administration's case against Iraq.

    "I'm sure the FBI and CIA must be mortified by this because it is extremely embarrassing to them," former CIA official Ray Close said.

    Responding to questions about the documents from lawmakers, Powell said, "It was provided in good faith to the inspectors and our agency received it in good faith, not participating ... in any way in any falsification activities."

    "It was the information that we had. We provided it. If that information is inaccurate, fine," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press" last Sunday.

  87. There were probably only one, or two, insiders that Obama trusted that had the minimal knowledge to attempt this. Someone convinced Obammie that he/she could do it, and then, promptly, fucked up.

  88. This deal is getting NO traction.

    Historians are going to look back at this, and scratch their heads in wonderment.

  89. I am getting the diesel benz in running order for the summer. If we have shortages? I will buy veggie oil again and deal with it...

    it aint pretty but it will run when there are gas lines around the block

  90. .

    Loons, Ash?

    More like Looney Toons.

    Now we hear that the CIA, the State of Hawaii, the White House, The Tri-Lateral Commission, the Illuminati, and the Free Masons conspired to falsify Obama's birth certificate.

    We learn his mother was CIA and his father possibly a double agent.

    And these forces are inscrutible. What about Obama's birth announcement. They anticipated (no planned) Obama would be president one day when 50 years ago they placed a birth announcement in a Hawaiin newspaper.

    I know that seems a little prescient; but what if they actually placed a few thousand (or maybe millions) of birth announcements out there on the chance they would need one some day. I mean it could happen.

    Obama is the true Manchurian Candidate.

    Dan Brown has got to be eating this one up.


  91. They aren't even joking...

    It boggles the mind Quirk, it surely does.

  92. Well, your mind seems to boggle at the strangest things, then.

  93. Some of us try to look at the world as it is; and the world around Obama's birth certificate is a strange, and bizarre place.

  94. .

    I have no problems with conspiracy theories.

    The presidency is a powerful institution and it takes a lot of guts to say no to the president.

    However, one has to remember that this conspriacy theory started well before Obama was president, before he was even nominated. It was started by supporters of Hillary and one assumes when they started running with this story they were aware of what documents were available from Hawaii.

    So those 'one or two insiders' must have done their work a number of years ago.

    And if there was fraud and the problems with the BC are so obvious, one has to ask why would Obama release it now? Most of the Amercan public view the 'birthers' as whack jobs anyhow. What is the point?

    Occams Razor would suggest he's got a lot of mileage out of the issue so far but...

    The country is in deep shit (unemployment, high gas prices, Libya, etc.). You've got a buffon like Trump pushing the 'birther' meme. Why not take the birther issue to the next level and create a distracion to get the country talking about something besides its real problems?

    And where better to take it than on Oprah.

    I said everything Trump is doing right now is a publicity stunt. I suspect realeasing the BC is Obama doing the same thing.


  95. Okay, so the document is a fraud. It's been proved by anyone with knowledge of Photoshop who really gives a shit. If this is the case then our dear friend President Obama is a fraud, too. He's a liar, well, like the rest of the politicians, but that's beside the point. If it is so obvious to everyone that he isn't a natural-born citizen, therefore not meeting the eligibility to be President, then why on earth isn't anyone doing anything about it? Really?

    Oh wait, that's right forging someone's birthing rights must not take precedence over fucking an intern. My bad…

    Talk about pussies.

  96. I guess no one in DC wants a "Constitutional Crisis," right now. :)

    There's not a dime's worth of difference between'em.

  97. Thanks, Ruf. You better make that room for two on that new country you find.

  98. VDH: In theory, Libya was supposed to save lives, use the military for humanitarianism rather than mere national interests, showcase a new multilateral internationalism, enhance the reputations of organizations like the U.N. and the Arab League, contrast Obama’s careful planning with the plagued Iraqi occupation, reveal Europe as a full strategic partner, and bolster the national-security credentials of the U.S.

    As of now, the misadventure has had the opposite effect on all counts:

    a) More are dying than before, and the “rebels” seem to be treating prisoners in Qaddafi-like fashion, while we are de facto engaged in targeted assassination to achieve regime change.

    b) While we are committed to a tertiary theater in Libya, there are far more strategically important hot spots like Iran and Syria that do not warrant even a rhetorical broadside, and far more acute humanitarian crises in sub-Saharan Africa.

    c) How does exceeding the spirit and letter of the U.N. and Arab League authorizations enhance the legitimacy or utility of those organizations?

    d) After several weeks, can anyone in the administration articulate the exact mission objective, the methodology to achieve it, and the desired outcome and the means to ensure it?

    e) Europe is being rendered impotent — its Potemkin military forces lacking the American facade that a traditionally U.S.-led and -dominated NATO used to provide; I doubt that it will ever again decide to initiate a military incursion without the assurance of the full resources of the U.S. behind it.

    f) As of now, I don’t think either Iran or Syria — or anyone else in or out of the region — is awed by U.S. resolve and military dynamism in Libya.

    Add to that a repeat of the stagflation and gold prices of 1980 and the only thing Obama lacks now is burned out helicopters in the desert.

  99. and the only thing Obama lacks now is burned out helicopters in the desert.

    He does turn a nice phrase, from time to time.

  100. Okay, we've got Carter; where's Reagan?

  101. Wholesale Ethanol is now selling (w/o subsidies) for 26% less than unleaded gasoline.

    $2.55 to $3.43 on the front month.

    Corn finished Limit Down, today.

  102. Nutty or not, you cannot deconstruct an original document as has been done in those videos. The document is a fake. Why?

  103. I suppose I should take one for the team. I'll Photoshop my passport and report in how it goes over with the TSA.

  104. I guess the dummies finally figured out that Rain is "Good" for crops.

    (You lose corn crops from Summer Drought, not Spring Rains.)

  105. Can I have your car, Deuce? (you won't be needing it.)


  106. I said back in the winter that this might be a good year to "Sell in May, and Go Away."

    I still believe it.

  107. Well, if Doug did win the yellow hat it wasn't because of his piƱa coladas.

    He, like me, is more likely not selling in May.

    But, rather, sitting with clenched cheeks riding the silver coaster...

    Which trip isn't scheduled to end 'til the middle of June...

    Or so some opine...


  108. On Spetember 29, 1969 the Red Chinese shot off an atmospheric nuclear test of 3000kt at their test facility in Lop Nor. The US and the Brits had a chain of over-the-horizon rador sites that streched from RAF Fylingdales, RAF Lakenheath, Kassel, Germany, Aviano, Italy, Brindisi, Italy to Royal Air Force Station Akrotiri, Cyprus. Based on the data, every station was reporting a multiple missile launch against the US, except of course the crew chief doing the night shift at Kassel. That fine young man reported what appeared to be a multiple missile launch but the data was not to be trusted.

    This less than fine old man says this document is bull shit. I don't care what anyone else is not saying. It is a fake and it is a fake for some reason.

  109. Nutty or not, you cannot deconstruct an original document as has been done in those videos. The document is a fake. Why?

    We don't know why. But you can research that over the weekend and report back here on Monday with your findings. K?

  110. Chiyome Fukino, Health Director under (Republican) Gov Linda Lingle:

    Fukino, who left office in December, said that during her term as health director, Obama's birth certificate was moved from a file vault, where bound books containing vital records line the shelves in handwritten, leather-bound ledgers, in colors chosen over the course of decades -- and placed inside the vault's five-foot-tall, grey, metal combination and key lock safe that holds money and other valuables.

    "After the 2008 elections, the Department of Health received a significant number of requests for a copy of President Obama's original birth registration by individuals who believe that the president is not a U.S. citizen," Fukino explained. "To assure the safety of the record, the bound volume was removed from the file vault and placed into a fireproof safe with limited access."

    Fukino was ordered by then-governor Linda Lingle to view the document in 2008, and said she remains among the very few to have seen it prior to Monday, when Obama released a copy of his records to the public.

    Obama's original certificate of live birth is bound with one ledger containing 499 other certificates of people born in Hawaii in 1961, according to Fukino.

    There are 500 sheets per book, and 35 volumes of 1961 birth records. The last series of digits in the registration number found on Hawaiian long form and current computerized-format birth certificates indicate which number volume the original document can be found inside the health department first-floor vault.

    According to Fukino, all books bound in the 1960s, including the one containing Obama's birth certificate, have a bright orange elasticized canvas cover and the year of the birth designated on its spine.

    Current Democrat Health Director Fuddy:

    "As director of health for the state of Hawaii, I have the legal authority to approve the process by which copies of such records are made. Through that authority, in recognition of your status as president of the United States, I am making an exception to the current departmental policy which is to issue a computer-generated certified copy," she wrote.

    The copy was released to the White House press on Wednesday.

    Obama Birth Certificate Moved to More Secure Location Months Ago

  111. "Graphic Designer - Yep, it's a Fake"

    Most convincing appeal to authority I've ever encountered!

  112. Well, let me know when the Other side has an "Authority" to appeal to.

  113. I did:

    Chiyome Fukino, who saw the document bound in the book corresponding to the year of his birth.

    But, of course, all Pubs are on the otherside anyhoo... this Whackfest

    Let's get back to cheering on the MSM for trashing Pubs, OK?

  114. desert rat said...

    The records were scanned and destroyed. All that's left is the bytes.

    Ash said...
    ummm, rat, you sound so sure of yourself but...

    Thu Apr 28, 11:41:00 AM EDT

    desert rat said...

    The controversy points directly back to the state of Hawaii, where officials previously have maintained they have viewed Obama's birth "records," but have steadfastly refused to disclose what they say or even in what form those records exist.

  115. The Original exists in the bound volumn.

    Hawaii state law determined how they were handled, until the exception was made for our miserable game playing, elitist, Ophra eating POTUS.

    Serious business indeed.

  116. Well, yeah, Doug. She "Saw" something. I saw "Something," too. I saw a picture of a birth certificate on the Web.

    Then, I saw a computer pro peel it apart like an ol' ripe Vidalia Onion.

    I'd bet some of Rat's Ameros to a doughnut that what they have in that book would, properly scrutinized, look pretty similar to that mess we've been looking at online.

    There is some reason why Obammie's fought so hard to keep it buried in the vault.

  117. Exactly:
    Because it was to his advantage not to make a copy.

    ...until it wasn't when it an Trump started intruding into his campaign and his eat out sessions on Ophra.

  118. The original is kept from public view per state law.
