Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mark Levin - The budget compromise is a scam

I think that's pretty much what we think here, too.
hattip: the tiger


  1. Wow, a triple-posted "post."

    Might be a Record. :)

  2. Although, on this one he might turn out to be right. :)

  3. O/T, but I ran into this quote and thought I would share it.

    Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes … known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

    — James Madison, Political Observations, 1795

    From: Globalissues dot org

  4. There is not a war since WWII that has done the US any good. The Cold War was a misnomer. It was successful because it was not a war and did us a world of good because it was a war prevented.

  5. The Main Problem With The Libyan War Has Been A Lack Of Conceptual Unity

    heh:) no shit nitwit

    But it may all turn out all right, a stalemate a slaughter a partition.


  6. :) - conceptual unity

    What a nice turn of tongue.

    We all should always strive for that.


  7. Ted (Nugie)
    Couldn't have said it better.
    ...or even Adam Carolla, on the anal "stuff"

    anal stuff, THAT's catchy...

    " Anonymous said...

    Hunt When You Must
    from The Wolf Credo


    The real credo is hunt till you drop from exhaustion, just for the fun and the hell of it, leaving the meat to rot, save a little fooling around with the genitals and anus, until the herd is down to the point where, hell, you go to eat sometime. Or you can turn your attention to the deer, as the idiot Idado Fish and Game thought they would do in the first place.

    Want to save some money? Defund Idaho Fish and Game, the Department with more pickups than employees, and no brains whatsoever.


  8. It's ALL Good:

    "Anonymous said...
    And the wolves do precious little to keep the health of the herd up to snuff, these days. They prey on the young, and elderly first, while there are any left, those either before or after their glory breeding days.

    The noble elk do a good job of that themselves, with their annual fall butting of heads, the whole harem going to the toughest bravest meanest mostest male there is, to spread his sperm around.

    No candle light, fine wine and food here. Just honest competition.


  9. Welcome back, anonomouse A-Hole!
    (just no poetry or Shakespear, please)

    Nora's OK if your phoney country anus can stand it.

  10. "Anonymous said...

    I wake up to true pornography.

    Deuce is now a fan of Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer!!!!



    Ain't that the truth,

    But, you left out liberal-progressive Asswipe Rat, calling for more Federal intrusion into STATE'S RIGHTS.

    F..... A-Hole outdoes YOU, A-Hole, so I got your back...

    ...for now.

  11. Rufus II said...
    This sector is steaming hot right now as a result of gummint subsidies; but, when supply catches up to demand, you're going to see "installed costs" of these solar farms coming in in the $1.50/Watt range.


    Remember when Charles repeatedly promised nirvana and the magic battery from GM?

    (wanna Volt?)

    I repeatedly told him GM would be bankrupt first.

    ...little did I know Gummit Motors would be SOCIALIZED!!!

  12. ...although Rufus did manage to get T to talk albedo.
    Beats same sex.
    ...For Some.

  13. "Blogger Deuce said...

    Illegal Mexicans kill more Idahoans than wolves do, by far. Potato farmers need the illegals and there are so many farms in Idaho, that if there was a huge crackdown on illegals farmers would revolt. Idaho needs bette control on illegals and the farmers who hire them

    How about cars - they kill far more than wolves or illegals and we send money to Saud et al to keep the beasts going. I guess the appropriate course of action would be to initiate a war on cars?"

    Nah, taking out illegal Mexicans w/A-10's is the ticket to Eternal Bliss.


  14. "whit said...
    Was building a beautiful Southern Living style house with a "carrier flight deck" of 3/4" white oak floors. The plumbers (of all people) left an upstairs valve open all night. It soaked down through the ceiling walls into the unfinished floor of a study below. We had to vacuum the water, and blow a fan over the floors for a couple of weeks. Most of the boards warped but laid back down.

    Weeks later, on the same job, the Plumbers installed the dishwasher but failed to secure the dishwasher to the cabinet. Someone ran just enough water in washer to fill up the tub. When I opened the washer door, the machine tilted forward and spilled the full tub of water onto the kitchen (finished hardwood of course). Unfortunately, the latter incident took about $2K to repair. The plumber wouldn't own up to the mistake buy I withheld the money from his final draw. He tried to sic a lawyer on me but I sent them the installation instructions which explicitly spelled how imperative it is to secure the machine to the cabinets. That was the end of that but, needless to say, that was the last job he ever did for me."


    All the EB needs now is a picture of that a-hole's ass crack.

  15. F..... A-Hole outdoes YOU, A-Hole, so I got your back...

    ...for now.

    You have no idea how much that reassures me, pineapple.

    I was thinking the other night about Mohammed and Martin Luther and this maybe insight came to me - they have maybe something in common, and that is both became rabid in their later years, after they had more or less mastered their particular situations. That thought may have no comceptual unity however.


  16. The
    "comceptual (sic) unity "

    Comes from a LACK of conception:

    Martin's wasting precious seed on infertile whores,
    the M-guy taking it on innocent young lad's a-holes.

    Coonceive that, A-Holes!

  17. Kudos to Ryan, Boner, and the TP'ers. Obammie's new budget (revised) is said to contain cuts to medicare, and other Social Programs.

  18. WALLACE: The budget battle was the first real test for the new Republican majority in the House. How did they do on spending cuts?


    CANTOR: Chris, good to be here.

    WALLACE: Well, the White House and the president have apparently called an audible after not cutting spending. They were going to freeze it in the 2012 budget that they released a couple of months ago.


    CANTOR: You know, I sit here and I listen to David Plouffe talk about, you know, their commitment to cut spending and knowing full well that for the last two months, we've had to bring this president kicking and screaming to the table to cut spending. I then hear they're going to present a plan as far as how to address the fiscal situation.


    WALLACE: Why do you think the extreme change and sudden change in strategy from a budget that had no cuts in spending, a freeze -- a five- year freeze, which they say would have cut spending by $400 billion -- to saying now we'll address everything, spending cut, entitlements? Why the change?

    CANTOR: I have to believe that the president and the White House are beginning to sense the American people get it. You know, we have a fiscal train wreck before us.


    WALLACE: When you say guaranteed steps, what does that mean? What are you going to need in return for increasing the debt limit?

    CANTOR: Well, step back for a second and let's just think about a family. When they're engaging in their fiscal affairs and trying to manage their budget, when you hit the max on your credit card, and you don't know what to do, first of all, you got to learn how you got there and not commit the mistake again.

    Eric Cantor

  19. WALLACE: The budget battle was the first real test for the new Republican majority in the House. How did they do on spending cuts?


    CANTOR: Chris, good to be here.

    WALLACE: Well, the White House and the president have apparently called an audible after not cutting spending. They were going to freeze it in the 2012 budget that they released a couple of months ago.


    CANTOR: You know, I sit here and I listen to David Plouffe talk about, you know, their commitment to cut spending and knowing full well that for the last two months, we've had to bring this president kicking and screaming to the table to cut spending. I then hear they're going to present a plan as far as how to address the fiscal situation.


    WALLACE: Why do you think the extreme change and sudden change in strategy from a budget that had no cuts in spending, a freeze -- a five- year freeze, which they say would have cut spending by $400 billion -- to saying now we'll address everything, spending cut, entitlements? Why the change?

    CANTOR: I have to believe that the president and the White House are beginning to sense the American people get it. You know, we have a fiscal train wreck before us.


    WALLACE: When you say guaranteed steps, what does that mean? What are you going to need in return for increasing the debt limit?

    CANTOR: Well, step back for a second and let's just think about a family. When they're engaging in their fiscal affairs and trying to manage their budget, when you hit the max on your credit card, and you don't know what to do, first of all, you got to learn how you got there and not commit the mistake again.

  20. WALLACE: The budget battle was the first real test for the new Republican majority in the House. How did they do on spending cuts?


    CANTOR: Chris, good to be here.

    WALLACE: Well, the White House and the president have apparently called an audible after not cutting spending. They were going to freeze it in the 2012 budget that they released a couple of months ago.


    CANTOR: You know, I sit here and I listen to David Plouffe talk about, you know, their commitment to cut spending and knowing full well that for the last two months, we've had to bring this president kicking and screaming to the table to cut spending. I then hear they're going to present a plan as far as how to address the fiscal situation.


    WALLACE: Why do you think the extreme change and sudden change in strategy from a budget that had no cuts in spending, a freeze -- a five- year freeze, which they say would have cut spending by $400 billion -- to saying now we'll address everything, spending cut, entitlements? Why the change?

    CANTOR: I have to believe that the president and the White House are beginning to sense the American people get it. You know, we have a fiscal train wreck before us.


    WALLACE: When you say guaranteed steps, what does that mean? What are you going to need in return for increasing the debt limit?

    CANTOR: Well, step back for a second and let's just think about a family. When they're engaging in their fiscal affairs and trying to manage their budget, when you hit the max on your credit card, and you don't know what to do, first of all, you got to learn how you got there and not commit the mistake again.

  21. Wake me up when he gets to the point about "Two Wars, and NO receipts from Corporations."

  22. Martin's wasting precious seed on infertile whores


    I never did hear anything about something like that. Let's see, he married a nun, raised a bunch of foster kids....couple of his own....

    Where'd you come up with that? In some lava tube?


  23. Or did I somehow misread your conceptual unity?


  24. Lawrence Tolliver II, a barber by trade, wasn't sure he could do it at first. But now he thinks he's ready.

    The tools are in his backpack, and he is preparing to travel to a funeral home on South Crenshaw Boulevard to cut the hair of his deceased son.


    The barber packs his things, then pauses over the body. He bends down, gives his son a goodbye kiss on the forehead and heads home to his family.

    Gift To His Son

  25. An elderly Georgian woman who allegedly shut off internet services in her country and neighbouring Armenia while scavenging for copper cable is facing charges that could lead to three years in prison.


    Many Georgians' internet connections were also cut off briefly in 2009 by another scavenger who hacked into the cable while hunting for scrap metal to sell.

    In Armenia, a spokeswoman for the country's largest internet service-provider Armentel, Anush Begloyan, said: "The incident forces our company to think about diversifying our channels."

    Cable Cut

  26. Rebel spokesman Shamsiddin Abdulmolah told AFP in Benghazi 18 men they captured near Ajdabiya were not carrying identification, but 'they said they were Algerian and they had Algerian accents'.


    An AP photographer named by the agency as 35-year-old Indian Altaf Qadri has gone missing near Ajdabiya, the news agency said on Sunday.

    'We are concerned about his safety and are taking appropriate steps to locate him,' it said in a statement.

    Meeting Gaddafi

  27. French people returning to Paris late on Sunday from Abidjan spoke of "chaos" in Ivory Coast's biggest city.

    Salif Kone, 40, who had been away for two weeks helping his family in Cocody, told AFP: "It's hell, the apocalypse. In the streets you see charred bodies, burnt cars."

    The conflict in the world's top cocoa producer has hit food supplies and sanitation amid cuts in water and power, with UN agencies warning of the threat of mass outbreaks of disease including a resurgence of cholera in Abidjan.

    Firing On Gbagbo
