Saturday, February 12, 2011

So who is taking over Egypt?

“There are very few moments in our lives where we have the privilege to witness history taking place. This is one of those moments. This is one of those times. The people of Egypt have spoken. Their voices have been heard. And Egypt will never be the same. For Egyptians have made it clear, that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day.” Obama

The liberal media is always delirious about democracy. They love it when the mob overthrows a "regime" regardless of the potential consequences. The US media in particular loves to meddle in any country where there is an ascendent new democratic movement. They loved Castro, were euphoric when the Shah fell and they absolutely went gaga over Robert Mugabe taking over Rhodesia.

The headlines today are all excited about the change coming to Egypt. Chris Mathews has that old tingle back. Obama is praising who knows what in Egypt because no one yet knows who, who is. Obama is just happy about democracy. We shall find out in fairly short order and if history is any judge it will be far less than was expected.

Here is how Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, played to the liberal media.

This is how it all played out:

And where the democratic movement took Zimbabwe today:


  1. (Reuters) - Hosni Mubarak had harsh words for the United States and what he described as its misguided quest for democracy in the Middle East in a telephone call with an Israeli lawmaker a day before he quit as Egypt's president.

    The legislator, former cabinet minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, said on Israel TV Friday he came away from the 20-minute conversation Thursday with the feeling the 82-year-old leader realized "it was the end of the Mubarak era."

    "He had very tough things to say about the United States," said Ben-Eliezer, a member of the center-left Labor Party who has held talks with Mubarak on numerous occasions while serving in various Israeli coalition governments.

    "He gave me a lesson in democracy and said: 'We see the democracy the United States spearheaded in Iran and with Hamas, in Gaza, and that's the fate of the Middle East,'" Ben-Eliezer said.

    "'They may be talking about democracy but they don't know what they're talking about and the result will be extremism and radical Islam,'" he quoted Mubarak as saying.

    U.S. support for pro-democracy elements in Iran has not led to regime change in the Islamic Republic, and Hamas, a group Washington considers to be a terrorist organization, won a 2006 Palestinian election promoted by the United States.

  2. Algerian security forces and pro-democracy protesters are clashing, as demonstrations got underway in the capital Algiers on Saturday.

    At least 2,000 protestors were able to overcome a security cordon enforced around the capital's May First Square, joining other demonstrators calling for reform.

    Earlier, thousands of police in riot gear were in position to stop the demonstrations that could mimic the uprising which forced out Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

    Security forces have closed all entrances to the capital and already arrested hundreds of protesters, sources told Al Jazeera.

    At the scene of the protests, blogger and activist, Elias Filali, said human right's activists and syndicate members were among those arrested.

    “I’m right in the middle of the march,” he told Al Jazeera. “People are being arrested and are heavily guarded by the police.”

    Officials banned Saturday's opposition march, but protesters were determined to see it through.

  3. If democracy works for the Middle East, will the western media give credit to George W. Bush?

    George W. Bush
    Jun. 29, 2005


    "I am absolutely confident that we made the right decision. And not only that, I'm absolutely confident that the actions we took in Iraq are influencing reformers and freedom lovers in the greater Middle East. And I believe that you're going to see the rise of democracy in many countries in the broader Middle East, which will lay the foundation for peace."

  4. What are you saying? This is NOT just an Arab revolution. It's also an African revolution. You take the worst example in Africa and use it to make your point improperly.

    First, i am 100% happy and proud of my Egyptian brothers and sisters. They have done the world proud and they are all our heroes. I am increasingly annoyed by you and other media outlets, so called region experts, to brand it as an Arab revolution (as they have done so with Tunisia) . Last time i looked at the map, they both are in the Continent of Africa. Without ignoring the cultural affinity of these countries to the Arab world, can we also recognise their African heritage. Not to do so, is indicating the superiority of Arab over Africa. I am sure that's not the intention here, but we need to be careful not to dismiss the native Africans in those countries.

    Again, we love dear Egyptians and thank you.

  5. I am not saying it is an Arab revolution. The last time I checked Iran and Cuba were not Arab countries and neither is Zimbabwe. You can be cheerful about the change. Time will tell. History is not predictive to a positive outcome, but If so will you give credit to George Bush?

    I won't hold my breath.

  6. This should give Israel confidence in the US standing by an ally. They could always use Mubarak as a reference.

    WASHINGTON Feb 11 (Reuters) - The top U.S. military officer heads to Jordan and Israel next week for high-level talks meant to reassure key allies at a moment of heightened uncertainty after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's ouster.

    Mubarak handed over power to the Egyptian army on Friday after an 18-day popular uprising, with Washington now facing huge challenges in a potentially volatile power shift in Cairo that could have repercussions for U.S. policy across the Middle East.

    Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, will arrive in Jordan on Sunday for talks with his military counterpart and with Jordan's King Abdullah.

    It comes just days after Abdullah swore in a new government led by a former general who has promised to widen public freedoms in response to anti-government protests sweeping the region.

    Mullen will continue to Israel, where Egypt's turmoil has raised fears of potential Islamic radicalization that could threaten Cairo's peace agreement with Israel.

    Mullen is due to meet Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres and the outgoing head of the armed forces, Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi on Sunday and Monday, before returning to Washington.

    "At this very critical time in the Middle East (Mullen wants) to reassure our Israeli partners that our commitment to them, and to the military relationship that we have enjoyed with them, remains strong," Capt. John Kirby, an aide to Mullen, told Reuters.

    Israel has named Benny Ganz, a former defense attache in Washington and second-in-command of Israel's armed forces, to replace Ashkenazi. Mullen was also expected to meet Ganz, Kirby said, adding the two already knew each other "quite well."

  7. Revolution?

    What revolution?

    The Egyptian Army put Mr Mubarak in power, it sustained him in power, it removed him from power.

    The timing was, no doubt, influenced by the protests, but power has not shifted. Oh no, the power in Egypt remains vested in their military.

    Their military remains in the US camp.

    We gain the propaganda "victory", while nothing really changes.

    As happened here, in the US, when Mr Obama took over the White House. A few changes, in the margins, but the course of the US, it remains steady as she goes.

  8. Mr Mubarak's departure will sustain the current status que, the protests will end, shops will open, the doctors will return to their offices and operating rooms.

    Whether or not Mr Bush is credited in history for the apparent success of US foreign policy, that remains to be seen, but it is doubtful that in the short term he will be.

  9. A Pakistani anti-terrorism court has issued an arrest warrant for former military ruler Pervez Musharraf over the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto in 2007.

    Prosecutors say he was aware of Taliban plans to target her but did not act to prevent her murder in Rawalpindi.

    They accuse him of failing to provide adequate security for the former PM.

    Mr Musharraf - who lives in self-imposed exile in London - denies the allegations.

  10. Another proof that the song remains the same

    "The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomes the peaceful transition of power in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and expresses hope in the efforts of the Egyptian armed forces to restore peace, stability and tranquility," the Saudi news agency said.

  11. Deuce said...
    If democracy works for the Middle East, will the western media give credit to George W. Bush?

    George W. Bush
    Jun. 29, 2005


    "I am absolutely confident that we made the right decision. And not only that, I'm absolutely confident that the actions we took in Iraq are influencing reformers and freedom lovers in the greater Middle East. And I believe that you're going to see the rise of democracy in many countries in the broader Middle East, which will lay the foundation for peace."


    I'm astounded by the denial from seemingly all parts of the political spectrum, of the obvious:

    "Democracy" in Arabia results in ethnic cleansing of Christians.

    Shouldn't GW Bush and BHO both be given credit for this "accomplisment?"


    Why the silence?

  12. The silence, doug, is due to the fact that the United States does not admit to the significance of religion and politics, co-mingled.

    The US supports Islamic Republics, as part of an expansion of democracy. When we had the opportunity to established secular Republics, we passed.

    We are getting what we wanted, what we've paid for, with borrowed dollars.

    As you say, the silence is deafening.

  13. The weather here, it is fabulous.

    Mid 70's, not a cloud in the sky.

    Time to ride.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day, I will.

  14. I've spent hours looking for a Spengler piece (I think) relating to Egypt remaining backwards not primarily because of Mubarak, but because of the people of Egypt that cling to their backward ways.

    Giving up in frustration, I have instead posted this:

    Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt

  15. "We are getting what we wanted, what we've paid for, with borrowed dollars.


    Well said!

  16. "Hearing Barack Obama's clarion calls for human rights in Egypt, Spengler asks: “Does Obama think that genital mutilation is a human rights violation? To expect Egypt to leap from the intimate violence of traditional society to the full rights of a modern democracy seems whimsical.”

    Whimsical? I fear that Spengler has toned down his rhetoric more than he should have. A culture that systematically mutilates young girls is not going to advance down the road to human freedom and dignity any time soon.

    A while back Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was being interviewed on a television show.

    When asked what the Taliban were fighting for, Peters replied:

    The Taliban will fight to the death for their right to beat their wives.
