Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Omar Suleiman

WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak

The new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel's who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret "hotline" to Cairo, leaked documents disclose

WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak
Omar Suleiman, left, was Israel's preferred candidate to replace President Mubarak according to secret cables released to The Daily Telegraph by WikiLeaks  

Mr Suleiman, who is widely tipped to take over from Hosni Mubarak as president, was named as Israel's preferred candidate for the job after discussions with American officials in 2008.

As a key figure working for Middle East peace, he once suggested that Israeli troops would be "welcome" to invade Egypt to stop weapons being smuggled to Hamas terrorists in neighbouring Gaza.

The details, which emerged in secret files obtained by WikiLeaks and passed to The Daily Telegraph, come after Mr Suleiman began talks with opposition groups on the future for Egypt's government.

On Saturday, Mr Suleiman won the backing of Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, to lead the "transition" to democracy after two weeks of demonstrations calling for President Mubarak to resign.

David Cameron, the Prime Minister, spoke to Mr Suleiman yesterday and urged him to take "bold and credible steps" to show the world that Egypt is embarking on an "irreversible, urgent and real" transition.

Leaked cables from American embassies in Cairo and Tel Aviv disclose the close co-operation between Mr Suleiman and the US and Israeli governments as well as diplomats' intense interest in likely successors to the ageing President Mubarak, 83.

The documents highlight the delicate position which the Egyptian government seeks to maintain in Middle East politics, as a leading Arab nation with a strong relationship with the US and Israel. By 2008, Mr Suleiman, who was head of the foreign intelligence service, had become Israel's main point of contact in the Egyptian government.

David Hacham, a senior adviser from the Israeli Ministry of Defence, told the American embassy in Tel Aviv that a delegation led by Israel's defence minister, Ehud Barak had been impressed by Mr Suleiman, whose name is spelled "Soliman" in some cables.

But Mr Hacham was "shocked" by President Mubarak's "aged appearance and slurred speech".

The cable, from August 2008, said: "Hacham was full of praise for Soliman, however, and noted that a 'hot line' set up between the MOD and Egyptian General Intelligence Service is now in daily use.

"Hacham noted that the Israelis believe Soliman is likely to serve as at least an interim President if Mubarak dies or is incapacitated." The Tel Aviv diplomats added: "We defer to Embassy Cairo for analysis of Egyptian succession scenarios, but there is no question that Israel is most comfortable with the prospect of Omar Soliman."

Elsewhere the documents disclose that Mr Suleiman was stung by Israeli criticism of Egypt's inability to stop arms smugglers transporting weapons to Palestinian militants in Gaza. At one point he suggested that Israel send troops into the Egyptian border region of Philadelphi to "stop the smuggling".

"In their moments of greatest frustration, [Egyptian Defence Minister] Tantawi and Soliman each have claimed that the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] would be 'welcome' to re-invade Philadelphi, if the IDF thought that would stop the smuggling," the cable said.

The files suggest that Mr Suleiman wanted Hamas "isolated", and thought Gaza should "go hungry but not starve".

"We have a short time to reach peace," he told US diplomats. "We need to wake up in the morning with no news of terrorism, no explosions, and no news of more deaths."

Yesterday, Hosni Mubarak's control of Egypt's state media, a vital lynchpin of his 30-year presidency, started to slip as the country's largest-circulation newspaper declared its support for the uprising.

Hoping to sap the momentum from street protests demanding his overthrow, the president has instructed his deputy to launch potentially protracted negotiations with secular and Islamist opposition parties. The talks continued for a second day yesterday without yielding a significant breakthrough.

But Mr Mubarak was dealt a significant setback as the state-controlled Al-Ahram, Egypt's second oldest newspaper and one of the most famous publications in the Middle East, abandoned its long-standing slavish support for the regime.
In a front-page leading article, the newspaper hailed the "nobility" of the "revolution" and demanded the government embark on irreversible constitutional and legislative changes.


  1. Hillary Clinton supports Suleiman, thus Obama supports Suleiman. According to this report, Israel supports Suleiman.

    It is widely believed in Europe and the Middle East that US obeys Israel in all matters. I would expect that this revelation unravels the chances of there being much popular support for Mr. Suleiman in Egypt.That would be unfortunate.

    Omar Suleiman as the new Egyptian leader would seem to me about as good a choice if your motivation is stability.

  2. Omar Suleiman (Arabic: عمر سليمان‎; born July 2, 1936)

    Now, even with my less than legendary math skills, that makes Mr Suleiman 74 years old, coming 75, in July.

    That is not stability, Deuce, that's out of the frying pan, into the fire.

    He may be able to fight a rear-guard action until the elections, in September, but from what I've read, he is not the face of change that has transformed the streets of Egypt.

  3. He's a placeholder until Egypt is ready to hold free and fair elections, monitored by Jimmy Carter, after which, following the example of National Socialism in Germany, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, Egypt will elect a gang of thugs who will install a repressive, warmongering and Jew-hating regime.

  4. It may be hard for you to deal with but the Muslim Brotherhood is a a democratic party. Surpressing groups like this leads to underground movements that use violent means. The MB have denounced violence and are using the ballot box in the same way that the IRA are with Sinn Fein.

    The Islam Brotherhood are a different kettle of fish and actively use bombs to attack Israel - like the Real IRA. They are not the same thing.

    The MB are open about the sort of rule they would like to see, but agree it must be by consent.
    If Mubarak had allowed opposition then the country wouldn't be in a position where the only organised opposition are not liked by the west. The people want a share of Egypt's wealth. Keeping a dictatorship is not going to help. IF people do not see a viable alternative to change their lives they will become radical.
    The people are showing they are ready to live in a democracy. Why shouldn't they have it?

  5. According to a statement from Suleiman's office following the meeting, the government offered to form a committee to examine proposed constitutional amendments, pursue allegedly corrupt government officials, "liberalise" media and communications and lift the state of emergency in the country when the security situation was deemed to be appropriate.

    But Fotouh said the government had failed to take concrete measures on the ground.

    "If they were serious, the parliament would have been dissolved, also a presidential decree ending the emergency law".

    Egypt has been under emergency rule since 1981, the year Mubarak assumed power.

  6. Egypt has been under emergency rule since 1981, the year Mubarak assumed power.

    The idea seems fraudulent, at best, if Emergency conditions continue to dominate Egypt.

    And have for the past 30 years.

    The cause for the Emergency may be the lack of democratic input, from the people of Egypt and the culture of kleptomania that surrounds their President.

    Any reports as to Omar Suleiman's net worth?

    He is another life long government worker, there.

    Wonder if he has enriched himself, at the people's expense.

    Given his position as Mr Mubarak's chief enforcer, there are probably going to be calls for him to be in the dock, too.
    Right along side of Mr Mubarak.

  7. Cables released by Wikileaks suggest he is also well regarded in Washington and at the Central Intelligence Agency.


    “Our intelligence collaboration with Oman Soliman is now probably the most successful element of the relationship” with Egypt, said a 2006 U.S. diplomatic cable that used an alternative transliteration of his name. It described Suleiman as “formidable” and says he is Mubarak’s “consigliere” on foreign policy.

    Under Suleiman, the Egyptian General Intelligence Service has built a reputation as “one of the best-informed intelligence agencies on Islamist fundamentalism and its international dimensions,” according to a report last month by Jane’s Information Group, which publishes information on global defense resources. “It liaises regularly with Western intelligence agencies.”

    Another U.S. Embassy cable from 2005 said that “though he does not have a domestic constituency per se, he enjoys a reputation for being uncorrupt, in stark contrast to many, if not most, ministers and ruling party figures.”

  8. Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will not run for a third term when his current one expires in 2014, the nation's state television reported Sunday.

    Al-Maliki is also working to pass legislation that limits his successors to a maximum of two four-year terms in office, a senior parliamentary advisor told CNN.

    "If al-Maliki passes this constitutional amendment then that means he definitely won't be a prime minister for a third term," said Ali Hadi al-Moussawi, an adviser to the prime minister.

    Report: Iraq PM won't seek third term

  9. ⚢ Teresita ☯ said...
    He's a placeholder until Egypt is ready to hold free and fair elections, monitored by Jimmy Carter, after which, following the example of National Socialism in Germany, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, Egypt will elect a gang of thugs who will install a repressive, warmongering and Jew-hating regime.

    They are going to elect you?

  10. Time to let democracy run free in the arab/islamic world..

    unleash the nazis...

    yep I said it..

    But dont bitch to me when the aswan dam is destroyed...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. No matter how egregious the attempt to troll me here or at the Belmont Club, I refuse to rise to the provocation of the master baiters.
    A Royal Egyptian passing wind is a toot uncommon!

  13. Speaker Boehner to consider putting a live debt clock in the House chamber.

    Obama says his father, born in 1936, served in World War II, which would have made him at age five the youngest man to serve in the Big One. No wonder Obama wrote a book about him!

  14. ⚢ Teresita ☯ said...
    No matter how egregious the attempt to troll me here or at the Belmont Club, I refuse to rise to the provocation of the master baiters.

    You are so full of shit...

  15. ⚢ Teresita ☯ said...
    No matter how egregious the attempt to troll me here or at the Belmont Club, I refuse to rise to the provocation of the master baiters.

    Or let me rephrase that..

    You are so full of yourself..

    same difference..

  16. The Belmont Club has given it's opinion of you MsT/Selah/ ⚢ Teresita ☯..

    You are respected as much as a stinky fart...

  17. Anonymous said...
    It may be hard for you to deal with but the Muslim Brotherhood is a a democratic party.


    One man, one vote, one time...

  18. Samson's weapon of choice, the jawbone of an ass, is just as dangerous today. Look at Obama!

    Pelosi and Reid accomplished what Reagan couldn't: making southern Dems turn GOP

  19. The one on the right must be Shinola, Obama is on the "left."

    Mandatory Arabic Classes in Texas

  20. Employers took on 4.18 million workers in December, down 30,000 from the previous month, according to today’s report. Total firings, which exclude retirements and those who left their jobs voluntarily, decreased to 1.84 million from 1.85 million a month before.

    An increase in the number of people voluntarily leaving jobs may be one sign Americans feel more confident about finding other work. About 1.99 million people quit their jobs in December, representing 48 percent of all separations. That was up from 1.75 million, or 42 percent, in December 2009.

    In the 12 months ended in December, the economy created a net 900,000 jobs, representing about 51 million hires compared with about 50.1 million separations, today’s report showed.

    We get to looking at numbers like, a hundred thousand jobs created, etc, etc, and we lose track of just how big the totals are, and what the error bars are.

    Hiring - Firing

  21. Jimmy Carter says Hosni Mubarak must go. And that UFOs driven by killer rabbits visit him daily. Also the mothership is to return soon.

    Liberals say that talk radio causes homegrown terrorism. Conservatives say that devil music causes teen suicide.

    Democrats love the Indianapolis 500. It's a competition to see who can drive the fastest while constantly turning left.

  22. "With gentiles, it will be like any person - they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.” Rabbi Ovadia Yos

    After so many years of seeing the incestuous relationship, that the US & Israel have formed, flourishing I am still disgusted by the lows that this UN-Holy union can sink to.

    Though I am Jewish I would like to quote Jesus: "Jerusalem she that was full of justice has become a Harlot." If ever anyone hit the nail on the head it was Jesus with that statement.

    Instead of attempting control of and the undermining of the middle-east what if Israel attempted something revolutionary, like maybe making peace with it's neighbors. How about letting the Palestinians have their country and let them run their own affairs. How about not doing everything possible to try and cause friction and chaos within the Middle-East? What a strange and revolutionary idea.

    Jews, of all people, know how it feels to be oppressed. We know what it means to be bullied, hated and murdered. It's so strange to me that my people, who have been through so much in 5000+ years, take to oppression of others with such zeal.

    Let me just finish by saying that not all Jews are Zionists. Truthfully, those that have studied Judaism will know what I'm talking about, Zionism is an affront to GD and our scripture.

    Now please, I'm criticizing Israel, call me an anti-Semite.

  23. Adam Smith said...
    "With gentiles, it will be like any person - they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.” Rabbi Ovadia Yos

    After so many years of seeing the incestuous relationship, that the US & Israel have formed, flourishing I am still disgusted by the lows that this UN-Holy union can sink to.

    Though I am Jewish I would like to quote Jesus: "Jerusalem she that was full of justice has become a Harlot." If ever anyone hit the nail on the head it was Jesus with that statement.

    Instead of attempting control of and the undermining of the middle-east what if Israel attempted something revolutionary, like maybe making peace with it's neighbors. How about letting the Palestinians have their country and let them run their own affairs. How about not doing everything possible to try and cause friction and chaos within the Middle-East? What a strange and revolutionary idea.

    Jews, of all people, know how it feels to be oppressed. We know what it means to be bullied, hated and murdered. It's so strange to me that my people, who have been through so much in 5000+ years, take to oppression of others with such zeal.

    Let me just finish by saying that not all Jews are Zionists. Truthfully, those that have studied Judaism will know what I'm talking about, Zionism is an affront to GD and our scripture.

    Now please, I'm criticizing Israel, call me an anti-Semite.

    Ms T's new online ID?

  24. Adam, another self-proclaimed Jew, one that seems to follow the advise of Rabbi Daniel Lapin.

    He telling us that ...
    we ought to recognize that this unwholesome perception of Jews is the result of anti-Semitism perpetrated by Jews rather than by non-Jews.

    The writings in the Story of "o" certainly prove Rabbi Daniel Lapin correct. No one has turned me against Israel and Israelis, than the Story of "o" has.

    That he insists upon conflating the Zionists in Israel with Judaism, found fault with by his fellow self-proclaiming Judaic brethren.

    Gotta love it.

  25. But that is one of the reasons I have come to think that "o" is a Muslim, masquerading as a hate filled Zionist. Doing so to discredit Israel and the Zionists, all of Judaism, for that matter, with his claims of Zionism and Judaism's conflation.

  26. I don't give a crap what WiO is, or Allen is. If they insist on calling the folks who post here neo-Nazis, that only pisses off the proprietors. It sure as shit won't deter me from calling them as I see them.

  27. I would not think, Ms T, that the hate filled screeds of the "o" would slow you down, not even for a moment.

  28. It's unlikely to earn Umarov much support from global Islamist networks like Al-Qaeda, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. "He has confirmed what we suspected but perhaps wished to forget," says Alexander Cherkasov, a board member of Russia's leading human-rights group, Memorial.


    By trying to cast himself as a defender of Muslims across Russia, not just in the North Caucasus, Umarov is reaching out to new recruits and financiers from a community still outraged by the neo-Nazi riot that took place on Moscow's Manezh Square in December. "Manezh Square has given him a new ideology to try on, the ideology of defending Muslim honor in Russia," says Cherkasov.

    "That is a useful tool." And to fight against it, Russia's special forces and propaganda men may need something stronger than false rumors of Umarov's death.

    Honing His Message

  29. USMC got 8.5% of budget, but provided 31% of ground operating forces, 12% of fighter/attack aircraft, 19% of attack helicopters...

    First to go, last to know.

  30. Wow T got your panties in a KNOT over that call..

    Yep you and rat are two peas in a "hate israel/zionism" pea pod..

    nothing has changed..

    but I didnt expect that you two can or ever will..

    Good to see your as anti-semetic as always..

    How do we say goodbye to your types?

    Oh yeah...

    Heil Hitler?

  31. Yeah, the US snuggling up to Israel has made peace break out all all over the Middle-east.

  32. Rabbi Boteach tells us

    The term "blood libel" ...

    The expression may be used whenever an amorphous mass is collectively accused of being murderers or accessories to murder.

    The abominable element of the blood libel is not that it was used to accuse Jews, but that it was used to accuse innocent Jews—their innocence, rather than their Jewishness, being the operative point. ...

    Judaism rejects the idea of collective responsibility for murder, as the Hebrew Bible condemns accusations of collective guilt against Jew and non-Jew alike. "The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against him" (Ezekiel 18).
    To be sure, America should embrace civil political discourse for its own sake, and no political faction should engage in demonizing rhetoric. But promoting this high principle by simultaneously violating it and engaging in a blood libel against innocent parties is both irresponsible and immoral.

    The Story of "o" is a blood libel, it is both irresponsible and immoral.
    Must be Muslim.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. That's one big cup, alright. Good thing he didn't waste that Jaeger in the cupboard on it.

  35. Since Jewish Zionists do it, why can't Christian Zealots take over Bethlehem and demand a country too? They preceded the Islamoids by 600 years. And if anyone says my idea is dumb, they are obviosuly anti-Christian hate mongers and Deuce should remove their posts.

  36. The Story of "o" supports the killing of Jewish souls, as subsidized by the Israeli government.

    Such anti-Judaism should be shouted down!

    The killing of Jews is supported in the Story of "o". While decried as a horrifying evil by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    Rabbis Metzger and Amar asked the nation's spiritual leaders to teach on the "biblical prohibition to kill fetuses in their mothers' wombs."

    Three years ago, the Chief Rabbinate formed a committee to fight the estimated 50,000 abortions taking place in Israel each year.

    Jewish law prohibits abortions except in extreme circumstances when the mother is in danger of losing her life.

    "The Chief Rabbinate of Israel is appalled by this horrifying data, indicating that this is a true epidemic costing the lives of Jewish souls every year," the chief rabbis wrote.

  37. Michelle Obama: "President has quit smoking, hasn't smoked in almost a year."

    Hasn't smoked what?

  38. Wio why are you so filled with hate and the type that needs the Islamic canard to be wheeled out again and again. The demonstarors are just asking for simple justice but in your opinion they are Islamic fanatics. Some may be fanatics like the religious fanatics in Israel.

    As for anti semtism let me say this. it is Israeli policy to say that ANY criticism of Israel is anti semitic

    Have you forgotten the deprivation of the Gaza and west bank and the lack of freedom there ? Does that not offend you or is your indignation exclusive to Israel?

    What about the targetted assassinations of political figures the Israelis don't like, including assassinations undertaken in other countries not just the recent one where they used faked british (amongst others) passports, I am talking about mossad over the last 40-50 years.

    What about the constant propaganda and spin pumped out by the Israeli war machine to justify their attrocities?

  39. Metzger and Amar said that abortion kills thousands of Israeli babies a year and delays the coming of the Messiah and they promised to do more to promote pro-life and pregnancy help efforts. They said “the vast majority of abortions are unnecessary and Halacha severely prohibits them.”

    They Jewish leaders also said abortions “delay the redemption” by postponing the coming of the Messiah and they based the teaching on the Babylonian Talmud in Tractate Niddah which says each baby that is born brings the Jewish people closer to redemption.

    “The redemption does not take place until all the souls are brought out of their storing place,” the Talmud states.

    The letter goes on to condemn “the killing of fetuses in their mother’s womb.”

    In December 2007, the chief rabbinic council in Israel released a new opinion confirming that abortions constitute a “grave sin” and saying they are delaying the coming of the Messiah.

    “The vast majority of abortions are unnecessary and strictly forbidden according to halacha because they are carried out even when the pregnancies do not endanger the mother’s health,” the rabbis wrote.

    The Story of "o" has publicly supported the killing of Jews.
    Just as he supports the destruction of innocents, in Mecca.

    He is a hate filled devil.

  40. Metzger, Amar instruct local rabbis to discuss abortion prohibition, calling it 'murder of souls'

  41. As for anti semtism let me say this. it is Israeli policy to say that ANY criticism of Israel is anti semitic

    As Desert Rat and myself have indicated many times before on this blog, Salaad, the Semitic people includes the Arabs as well as the Jews. Arabs call Abraham father, through Ishmael his first son, and those who bless Abraham are said to be blessed by God. Not just those who bless his grandson Israel.

  42. DELANO, Calif. — A California man attending a cockfight has died after being stabbed in the leg by a bird that had a knife attached to one of its limbs. The Kern County coroner says 35-year-old Jose Luis Ochoa was declared dead at a hospital about two hours after he suffered the injury in neighboring Tulare County on Jan. 30.

    We need safer cocks.

  43. Have you forgotten the deprivation of the Gaza and west bank and the lack of freedom there ?

    Self-inflicted by your stone aged cousins, salad. Gaza and the west bank are isolated as a preventative measure to contain the rabid murderous blood lust of the palis.

    The infrastructure left behind by Israel in Gaza was looted and plundered by the Gazans. Your communities reek of the sewage that runs down the streets, while your cousins are too stupid and lazy to put in basic sanitation measures that have been common knowledge in the West for a century.

    Take your propaganda somewhere else.

  44. Take your propaganda somewhere else.

    why?, he is at home with rat and t...

    they also distort, lie and invent nonsense...

    nothing changes...

    the good news?

    the honesty of the jew hatred is clear for all to see..

  45. Yes, it is clear that the Story of "o" hate Jews.

    He supports the subsidized murder of their souls, by the State of Israel.

  46. The State of Israel, with a population of about 6 million has seen and allowed the murder of almost 1.5 million Jewish souls.

    Where is the outrage from the Story of "o" about this genocide of Jews, in Israel?

    King Herod never reached that height of depravity or viciousness.

    On a percentage basis, the State of Israel competes with NAZI Germany in killing off its own, in the cause of political correctness.

  47. How bizarre that the quoting of Rabbis is said to exemplify a hatred of Jews.

    Beyond bizarre reasoning from an avowed Zionist.
    One that has lost the ability to see the difference between religion and government.

    Lost his mind, really.
