Sunday, February 27, 2011

Moammar Gadhafi is about to have his Ceausescu execution moment.

Zawiya, Libya (CNN) -- Anti-government protesters took to the streets Sunday in Libya's western city of Zawiya -- including former security forces who said they have switched sides and joined the opposition.

Some buildings showed signs of damage, including a freshly burnt-out police station.
At least several Libyan cities are now in the control of the opposition, including Zawiya, about 55 kilometers (35 miles) from the capital city of Tripoli.
Leader Moammar Gadhafi's regime clings to power in Tripoli after weeks of protests.
About 100,000 people have fled violence in Libya in the past week, reports suggest…

...Gadhafi's son, Saif, told CNN's Nic Robertson Sunday he was confident the regime could survive the unrest and ultimately reunite Libya.

Saif al-Islam Gadhafi -- a prominent member of the government -- added that he wanted this reunification to be accomplished without violence.

On Saturday night, the United Nations Security Council voted 15-0 on a draft resolution that includes an arms embargo, asset freeze and travel bans for Gadhafi and several of his family members and associates. The draft resolution also refers the situation unfolding in Libya to the International Criminal Court, and Gadhafi and others could face an investigation for potential war crimes.

"This resolution will be a signal (to) put an end to the fascist regime that is still in existence," said Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham, Libyan ambassador to the United Nations. Earlier Saturday, he renounced support for Gadhafi, calling him "a leader who loves nobody but himself."

Entire article here.


  1. My friends: The kingdom of love is within you.

    We shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free.

    Freedom isn't something America or the West or the East or the Gadaffi clan to grant to Libyans. Or to anyone else for that matter.

    We are born free. Free shall we be if we assume so, and assert our rights. Free we are, no matter what or who or where.

    The West needs to stay out of Lybia. Iran needs to stay out of Lybia. Egypts needs to stay out of Lybia

    Capture Moammar Gadhafi and his four sons! Do not allow them to survive! Cut off the head of the snake!

    Do not permit foreign nations to enter and seize Libyan oil and gas resources. This is ultimately what US politicians and the so-called international community intends to do. Beware!

    Secure Libyan national assets from foreign predators!

    Secure Libyan assets for the people of Libya!

    It is silence that steals our freedom. It is violence that prisons our soul, but there comes a time where violence is needed.

    The world should not use weapons, or sanctions, against Libya. Or against any nations yet to yearn for freedom. thaat is up to the people in Libya.

    That doesn't mean world, or we individually, must remain silent. We must resist evil, but resolutely and without outside interference and that is the right and duty of Libya people. That is their honour and duty.

    With our voice. With our tears. With our hugs - to those who bleed, and weep, and die somewhere, someplace, sometime in the land we called Libya.

    It isn't just the middle east in turmoil. History and humanity is in turmoil.

  2. One can only hope that both sides arm themselves and go on rampages through the street.

    The arab and islamic world has collectively had no problems in being severe racist and terrorist supporters. No tears when the locusts turn on themselves.

    I hold no illusions, the arab street is brutal, they have raped, looted and murdered their way thru history, only now? there are no more Jews and christians (for the most part) to drag in the square.

    Here is to a nice blood revolt by the ignorant masses, may they have the destruction and chaos they have tried to sow to all others...

    It would be a cherry on top to see the the fake nationalistic gang of thugs called palestinians being dragged thru the street as well...

    These are interesting times...

    It could be a real good night of long knives...

    I am buying extra popcorn!

  3. our new resident islamic supported states:

    Secure Libyan assets for the people of Libya!

    lol, just what the heck is a "libyan" asset?


    interesting, when the west invents a new medicine, these same looters claim that the west OWES them cheap prices...

    Keep your oil, it's time to destroy opec.

    Better yet?

    destroy the need for oil and make the proud arab people learn to survive on work ethic..

    it will be funny...

    either way?

    I can only hope that the entire arab and islamic world? Goes up in flames..

    I got hot dogs and marshmallows...

    PS, I'd pay 6 dollars a gallon NOT to use precious arab oil...

  4. It can't happen fast enough, but the US has a right and blood duty to kill Gadhafi.

    Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi allegedly threatened “revenge” on Col Gaddafi unless he was returned home to his family, prompting the dictator to spend £50,000-a-month on lobbying and legal fees in a campaign to secure the terrorist’s release.
    The allegation from Mustapha Abdel-Jalil, Libya’s former justice minister, emerged last night as Libya remained in the grip of violence with pro-Gaddafi forces continuing their brutal crackdown on protesters.
    It was echoed by the former terror chief Atef Abu Bakr, who claimed last night in a separate interview that Megrahi was ordered by Col Gaddafi to help plan the attack as one of the dictator’s former spies.
    The claims will cause further embarrassment for Labour, after declassified documents disclosed earlier this month that Gordon Brown’s government worked behind the scenes to secure the bomber’s release in exchange for lucrative trade deals with Libya.
    Megrahi is the only man ever to have been convicted over the bombing, which killed all 259 passengers and crew on board the New York-bound Boeing 747 and 11 people in Lockerbie in December 1998.

  5. duece: US has a right and blood duty to kill Gadhafi.

    By that logic?

    there needs to be a whole lot of heads a rolling....

    How about the leaders of Hamas and Fatah?

    How many Americans have they kidnapped and murdered?


    But the good news? Israel (that shitty little country where arabs have more real freedoms and rights that the entire 899/900 of the middle east) is playing a waiting game...

    The Arabs (and moslems) are a blood lust cult. The cork is out of the bottle... May they start their insanity on themselves (as they always have)

    The ONLY safe arab/moslems at this moment? Dont live in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Maylaysia, Tunisia, Egypt or Arabia. They live in ISRAEL....

    ha h ah ah ah ah aha ha h

  6. If only my great great great great great grand daddy had worn a condom...

    lesson here?

    dont pee where you eat...

    dont fuck the maid (hagar)

  7. Obama Signs Executive Order Imposing Sanctions on Libya

    Go get him Tiger!


  8. What is "Occupation" said… is a braying ignorant ass, a man of brethless stupidity, uneducated with an anus for his mouth. He is an ironic fool and preaches the same facist hate that self righteous zionists claim was used on them. The bully of the Middle East but victim for all time. I will not be quiet in the face of such a loser.

  9. "If only my great great great great great grand daddy had worn a condom...

    lesson here?

    dont pee where you eat...

    dont fuck the maid (hagar)"

    maybe you have it backwards and it was your great great great great great grand mommy who was the whore? Such a fool, such an ass you silly wormed dog.

  10. "…silly wormed dog" that's a new one!

  11. Salaad:

    What is "Occupation" said… is a braying ignorant ass, a man of brethless stupidity, uneducated with an anus for his mouth.

    Wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh ("may Allah's blessings be upon you").

    Salaad, it is better to let WiO go unanswered, and serve as a bad example for people who would otherwise look to Jews as a moral light.

  12. Salaad said...
    What is "Occupation" said… is a braying ignorant ass, a man of brethless stupidity, uneducated with an anus for his mouth. He is an ironic fool and preaches the same facist hate that self righteous zionists claim was used on them. The bully of the Middle East but victim for all time. I will not be quiet in the face of such a loser.

    hey Salad..

    Nice to hear from you..

    It's "breathless" not "brethless"

    As for an anus? Look in the mirror...

    One can only have JOY when the Hamas was flinging Fatah members off of rooftops, when Egypt used poison gas in Yemen, when Saddam Hussein was murdering 1.5 MILLION Iranians, when Lebanese Army was leveling the Fatah el Islam strong hold..

    The examples of Arab on Arab MASS murder and violence is long and dirty, so no need to give you a complete list..

    The point still stands...

    You are a Jackhole of a people and deserve the flames you will inflict on each other...

    The bully of the Middle East aint Israel you dumb inbred retard, it's called Islam.

    But dont sweat arguing with me, I am sitting back and watching the moslems use anti aircraft weapons on civilians and popping popcorn.

    The arabs and moslems of the world supported terror against Jews and Israel and now Christians to such a point that they now have run out of targets..

    Dont be quiet, please show us more!

    I love the internet, allows people like Salad to express themselves like they cannot in the arab and moslem world...

    BTW, more dead in Egypt & Iraq yesterday (arab on arab of course)... YES!

  13. Ms T, the Transvestite says:

    Salaad, it is better to let WiO go unanswered, and serve as a bad example for people who would otherwise look to Jews as a moral light.

    Wow, profound words from a cross dressing man that pretends to be a women...

    T, just a thought, have you tried nair for that upper lip hair?

  14. It will be a sweet day when the Colonel is deposed.

    The United States will have little influence upon when that day arrives. But we should celebrate it.

    There are two ways to view "assets" they are either personal or collective.

    Usually a mixture of the options. In Egypt, Mr Mubarak and the military laid claim to the entire economy. Becoming personally wealthy stealing the collective assets of the land and the work of its' people.

    In Libya, the Colonel represented the country, so the assets are his. Until they are not.

    In the US the government claims it has the right to your life. A right to your involuntary servitude, but whit feels it has no right to "his" wealth.

    Money valued higher than freedom?

  15. As for the Story of "o", his anti-Judaic rants are legend.

    He supports the murder of Jewish souls, subsidized by the Israeli government.

    Disdaining, as he does, the position of Israel's Chief Rabbinate, instead he compares Jewish souls to Muslim sperm and draws a moral equivalence between the two.

  16. Salad says:
    maybe you have it backwards and it was your great great great great great grand mommy who was the whore? Such a fool, such an ass you silly wormed dog.

    Well let's see, the arabs, the bastard offspring of Abraham via Hagar, were an illiterate people for almost 1500 years before ole Mohammed the camel fucker came on the scene...

    So now you claim Sarah was a whore?


    You are so funny Saladman!

    The truth, and we all know it...

    hagar was a maid, a hand maiden, and NOT the wife of Abraham, in fact even the Christians say that, and they had their faith 600 years before mohammed had his vision...

    It really funny how Islam attempts to rewrite history...

    Reminds me of Checkov on Star Trek, every was invented by Russia...

    Hagar? Not the wife.. the maid...

    Sarah? Wife...

    Moses, A JEW, not a Moslem...

    But embrace your quran as much as you want, it's fiction...

  17. Deuce must have the blog he wants to have, if he lets shit like that stand.

  18. desert rat said...
    As for the Story of "o", his anti-Judaic rants are legend.

    He supports the murder of Jewish souls, subsidized by the Israeli government.

    Actually no I dont, but dont let the truth stop your lies..

    Rat is a self confessed murderer. He admits to killing people in Central America, now he is also an admitted Israel and zionist hater...

    As for abortion? Rat is obsessed with it.

    I have never had one, never paid for one, never supported it, but rat feels that abortion is worse than the holocaust, and I agree to a point, the only thing he fails to mention is every other abortion in the world that staggers the number of Israeli abortions.

    Rat believes in ONE standard for Israel and no standard for anyone else...

    Rat and Salad are brothers...

    But wait, Rat said I wasnt a Jew, but really a Moslem..

    I am so confused...

  19. Rat says:
    Disdaining, as he does, the position of Israel's Chief Rabbinate, instead he compares Jewish souls to Muslim sperm and draws a moral equivalence between the two.

    Rat is that all you do is think about sperm?

    You are one sick fucker...

  20. To think, folks leave the Story of "o" alone with their children.

    As a "leader".

    Little wonder the whirled is screwy.

    The fanatics are running rampant. Which, in and of itself, wouldn't be a bad thing, if they were not so rude, crude and unlettered.

  21. Shocker?

    Muslim Brotherhood applies for political party status.

  22. Teresita said...
    Deuce must have the blog he wants to have, if he lets shit like that stand.

    Are you going to throw a hissy fit again and scream TAKE ME OFF THE BLOG ROLL NOW! I demand IT!

    How many times have you stormed out of here?

    10 ? 11 ?


    BTW they now have those quad razors that really leave a soft shave on the face, would be good for you at least for 1/2 a day..

  23. desert rat said...
    To think, folks leave the Story of "o" alone with their children.

    Rat, again, took me awhile as I am not the pervert you are...

    Story of "o" ?

    Hardly, you are one sick pervert, but then again? we all knew that

  24. Small pockets of resistance have been springing up in North Korea since last year, with protests sometimes turning violent, sources in the North say. On the night of Feb. 14, two days before leader Kim Jong-il's birthday, scores of people in Jongju, Yongchon and Sonchon in North Pyongan Province gathered and shouted, "Give us fire [electricity] and rice."

  25. It is the subject that you wrote lyric about, Story of "o".

    It is you that diminished the value of Jewish souls with the original comparison, not me.

    It is you that defend the murder of 50,000 Jewish souls each year, in Israel.

    Not me.

    It is you who are the NAZI, supporting the genocide of innocent Jewish souls for economic reasons.

    Bullets before babies, the Israeli way.

  26. Rat: Disdaining, as he does, the position of Israel's Chief Rabbinate, instead he compares Jewish souls to Muslim sperm and draws a moral equivalence between the two.

    Where do you get this?

    Just make up shit as you go along?

    You lie, misdirect and distort!

    Same ole Rodent...

    Still hoping for a Chris Reeves for ya buddy...

  27. Rat: The fanatics are running rampant. Which, in and of itself, wouldn't be a bad thing, if they were not so rude, crude and unlettered.

    You package shit as gold...

    I simply point out in a crude way that you are full of shit...

  28. When the Norks actually do invade S. Korea it will be comic, their chronic undernourishment has turned them into a race of Hobbits.

  29. Chief rabbis: Fight 'abortion epidemic'

    Metzger, Amar instruct local rabbis to discuss abortion prohibition, calling it 'murder of souls'

    I get this "shit" from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
    And you.

    "Obviously the majority of the abortions are unnecessary and forbidden according to the Halacha (Jewish law), since they are conducted in situation that puts the mother's life at risk," wrote the rabbis. "The Chief Rabbinate of Israel is appalled by this horrifying data, indicating that this is a true epidemic costing the lives of dozens of Jewish souls every year."

  30. Rat,

    I do wonder why you obsess about sperm and abortions..

    millions and millions of abortions and you only find fault with Israeli ones..

    and yet you hate Israelis and seek their genocide...


    very odd...

    one can only think you issue is personal.

    I think someone close to you off'd their fetus and it pissed you off...

    But good news, Jews are actually having more and more babies in Israel! The last war, when Israel was attacked by your cousins in Lebanon? Has created a NEW baby BOOM in Israel!

    Let's all pray to Allah that for every time the inbred arabs attack Israel and force couples into their bomb shelters? They get laid and produce a kid!

  31. Another prominent rabbi, from Israel speaks out:

    Israel - In his weekly sermon, Shas’ spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef addressed the abortion issue, saying that “there are reckless doctors….Who see that a child will be blind or without arms or legs…They do not understand that today there is equipment that brings the dead back to life, but they kill the living.”

    He draws a distinction between Jewish souls and sperm, too.

  32. desert rat said...
    Chief rabbis: Fight 'abortion epidemic'

    Well thank you Herr Rodent...

    I still have yet to see you produce anything that shows I am PRO-abortion..

    Never had one, never had a girlfriend who had one, never paid for one (other than my taxes)...

    How many have you paid for Rodent?

  33. desert rat said...
    Another prominent rabbi, from Israel speaks out:


    Who argues against him?

    You are fighting your own boxing match with yourself

    Ms T, the cross dresser is the PRO-Abortion blogger here

  34. It is indeed good news that babies are being born.

    In all parts of Arabia.

    Only one poster, here, both celebrates civil discord and calls for the death of men, women and children in Libya.

    The NAZI, Story of "o".

  35. Iranian Opposition Leaders Taken to a Secret Prison

    (the mullahs feel the pressure)

  36. More Arabs dead in Libya!

    Not an abortion, just a simple killing...

    The kind Rat is used to doing...

    With bullets...

  37. The discussion is not about abortion, Story of "o", it is about the murder of Jewish souls, in Israel.

    That you continue to conflate the two, the liberal, politically correct position of neo-Nazis, in the US.

  38. Abortion is the means of the murder of Jewish souls, in Israel, not the cause of it.

  39. Rat: Only one poster, here, both celebrates civil discord and calls for the death of men, women and children in Libya.

    It's Karma boy, and you did and have called for the genocide of Israel...

    So guess what baby...

    Turnabout is fair play...

    Til then?

    Let the Arabs murder one another...

    No loss...

  40. Ah yes, our own real murderer, Rat, a self admitted killer of real live people now scolds me because I am watching the arab world hack it'sself to death...


    you are too funny rodent...

    or shall we call you ishmael?


  41. I like that teacher who would staple McDonalds job applications to the tests of students who failed. Give that one a raise.

  42. Rat, are you not upset at the millions of black babies being aborted in the USA with your tax dollars?

    not a peep out of you...

    oh that's right, one standard for Israel, no standards for anyone else...

    why not tell us the entire world's abortion rate in the last 50 years oh wise one?

    but that is not important to you..

    one standard for israel no standard for anyone else...

    0ne million black babies dont hold the water in your racist mind..

  43. In israel abortion is legal, this makes rat condemn Israel as a nazi state...

    In America abortion is legal and in fact the government pays for it and aborts a staggering number of potential lives a year..

    and Rat is silent..


  44. In the arab and islamic world FGM occurs and kills many...

    and the rodent says nothing...

  45. Face the facts folks, Rat is an Israel hating, zionist hating fellow...

    So ANYTHING he says should be taken with a pound of salt...

  46. meanwhile in the enlightened arab/islamic world...

    Iran arrests green leaders and secrets them away...

    Jordan has protests.

    Egypt has protest

    And let's not forget Texas! Saudi National arrested plotting a WMD attack!


  47. And just think of this...

    Brazil now uses 50% of it's sugar for fuel...

    The weakened dollar as driven the cost of food crops thru the roof...

    so shortages of food and a weakened dollar are creating a food crisis that will effect MILLIONS...

    I wonder who is to blame for that?

    Israel most likely...

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  48. T, you got shagged at the Belmont, as did I. That is real repression of thought and comments. My threshold should be obvious.

    They are not my comments. My comments have "Deuce" in front of them.

  49. U.N. appeals to Hollywood for more 'warming' propaganda:

  50. The Germans were obeying the law, when they were gassing the Gypsy and Jews, in Europe.

    Guess that made it legal.

    Does not make it moral or right.

    There is a difference, one that the Story of "o" does not comprehend.

  51. I understand, Deuce. But I thought there was a line when you uninvited Bob.

  52. Rat wrote:

    In the US the government claims it has the right to your life. A right to your involuntary servitude, but whit feels it has no right to "his" wealth.

    Money valued higher than freedom?

    No, I don't know where rat got that idea.

    whit only asked how much money government should be allowed to take from any individual. Most people here think that it is a percentage of income. I think it should be a maximum dollar amount.

  53. Bob could not be reasoned with. Bob is suffering from dementia. Bob was vicious in his attacks against Melody who never provoked him in any way. It was on-line bullying of the worst sort. He would not listen to reason.

    Bob is a gentle lettered gentleman that went nuts and became unrecognizable and a perversion of his former self. I wish him well but his being at the EB was not good for anyone especially Bob.

  54. Teresita said...
    I understand, Deuce. But I thought there was a line when you uninvited Bob.

    Ms T, you never hesitate to trash me...

    I me trashing you is fair play...

    If you had NOT injected your nose into my and salad's comments i would not have had to mention your hairy upper lip...

    so take your own advise, ignore me.

    but if you attack me?

    you are fair game...

  55. whit only asked how much money government should be allowed to take from any individual. Most people here think that it is a percentage of income. I think it should be a maximum dollar amount.

    Fixed dollar amounts are overtaken by events, such as the collapse of the value of the dollar.

    It should be a flat percentage, say 15%, no deductions, no IRS audits, comes right out of the paycheck.

  56. desert rat said...
    The Germans were obeying the law, when they were gassing the Gypsy and Jews, in Europe.

    Guess that made it legal.

    Does not make it moral or right.


    if you are SO obsessed with abortion and it's immorality, putting aside your own failings for the moment...

    then talk about the USA and her abortion numbers

    ONLY focusing on Israel and no other nation in the world proves your are being an anti-semite.

    To call me and Israel nazis and not to call every other nation that abortion is legal is one standard for israel and no standards for anyone else including yourself

    You admit to killing people.

    You call me a nazi.

    you call for israel to be dismembered and destroyed.

    You are full of shit...

  57. Deaths in Oman protests
    At least two people killed in industrial town of Sohar as police clash with anti-government demonstrators.


  58. Well, Ms T, the FICA tax is 15%.

    That is an income tax paid by all but the very rich and those capitalists that do not have jobs.

    There are many residents of the United States that do not receive "pay checks".

    Should they be given a "free ride" by those that do?

    The State holds title to all real property. Always has.

    Why should the proprietorship of labor be different from real property?

  59. Perhaps the State can mandate that everyone has a "real job".

  60. The real question, whit:

    How much money should a person be allowed to take from the system?

    Why not cap incomes, like they do taxes on incomes?

  61. Rat makes a great point...

    Abortion in Israel is terrible. Studies have shown that poverty is the leading reason behind abortion.

    The reason Israel has poverty?

    The genocidal war being waged by the islamic / arab world on Israel.

    If Israel did not have to spend 3 times the world's average on defense?

    Israeli women would not have the economic challenges they face.

    Let's not forget the arab /islamic boycott of Israel.

    this is an illegal act and yet has wide support from 51 islamic nations of the world.

    The good news?

    Israel abortion rates have fallen 19% in recent years.

    Israel still has terrible economic stresses due to the fact she is surrounded by genocidal maniacs.

    Maybe if the arab/islamic world would worry more about feeding it's people and providing real reforms and freedoms, Israel would not have devote 3 times the world average on defense.

    Then poor israel gals, that got pregnant, could deliver lots and lots of new babies to resettle their historic lands..

  62. Everyone to one degree or another is a redistributionist. No?

    Start with the absurd but the logical:

    1. What if one personal had all the wealth and everyone else had none?

    2. What if one country had all the wealth and all the rest had none.

    3. What if a hiking group of ten was stranded on a mountain top in winter and one person had all the food and others had none.

    We are all redistributionists, the debate is to the degree.

  63. I wish someone could slip into Libya and wack Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.

  64. It's interesting that Salaad doesn't want anyone other than Arabs to come to the assistance of Libya. Such is his fear and distrust of the west in general and the US in particular, that he seems to ignore the cries of the tormented Libyans.

    Perhaps the Libyans and their Arab brothers will be able to throw off the totalitarian yokes. As we've said all along, our concern is that once freed of their dictators they do not take on the yokes of the Muslim extremists.

  65. whit said...
    I wish someone could slip into Libya and wack Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.

    I'd pop a fresh batch to watch him be dragged thru the streets...

  66. Based on watching Hamas operate in the Gaza strip, (insinuating themselves with humanitarian aid) I think there's a very good chance that the MB will take over in Egypt. I agree with Rat, about the Egyptian military having a lot to say about that, but the economic conditions in Egypt and throughout the Maghreb could be dire for a long time. Too long, possibly for the military to maintain order.

  67. Distrust is not limited to the Arabs. It is no secret that American intelligence agencies can't stand The Israeli intelligence agencies and in many cases with good cause:

    Israeli spies wooing U.S. Muslims, sources say
    By Jeff Stein Washington Post
    The CIA took an internal poll not long ago about friendly foreign intelligence agencies.

    The question, mostly directed to employees of the clandestine service branch, was: Which are the best allies among friendly spy services, in terms of liaison with the CIA, and which are the worst? In other words, who acts like, well, friends?

    “Israel came in dead last,” a recently retired CIA official told me the other day.

    Not only that, he added, throwing up his hands and rising from his chair, “the Israelis are number three, with China number one and Russia number two,” in terms of how aggressive they are in their operations on U.S. soil.

    Israel’s undercover operations here, including missions to steal U.S. secrets, are hardly a secret at the FBI, CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies. From time to time, in fact, the FBI has called Israeli officials on the carpet to complain about a particularly brazen effort to collect classified or other sensitive information, in particular U.S. technical and industrial secrets.

    The most notorious operation employed Jonathan Pollard, the naval intelligence analyst convicted in 1987 and sentenced to life in prison for stealing tens of thousands of classified documents for Israel.

  68. Sure, whit, there are many people that take the position that a small group of people should not be able to exploit their fellow man, using their wealth and the law as their instruments of power.

    That the individual is not supreme, but that the needs of society, as a whole, take precedence over the "property rights" of any individual.

    Why not cap personal income at $1 million per year?
    When so many have so much less?

    It is the public infrastructure that allows the millionaire to prosper. The System, more than the individual can be credited for the success of the individual.

    This is readily seen in immigrants from western Africa. They come here, impoverished by African ways, work hard in our System and build fruitful lives.

    Same with Irish, Italian, Scottish, Swedish and many other immigrant groups.

    The System in the US used to be equitable, as Deuce's Mickey Mantle story exemplified.

    It is now way out of balance.

    How should that imbalance be rectified?

    That is the "real" question.

  69. Whit, you may find this interesting: from the Independent

  70. In Gaza, the MB through it's proxy organization Hamas, first setup shelters, camps and aid stations for the poor. The PLO was always corrupt and the Hamas developed a loyal following from those the PLO ignored. This humanitarian aid, by itself was a good thing but the underlying motivation, Islam, Sharia, the new caliphate...well, we all know where that leads.

  71. Equalize the taxation of all income, from labor or capital.

    Factor in the 15% FICA
    Remove the income caps from that tax base.

    Institute Ms T and Steve Forbes's 15% flat tax on net income. Allowing no special tax deductions for "social causes".

    Get's US to a 30% Federal tax on income.

    State and local, should eat up about 20%.

    Your "fair Share", about half of what you earn, regardless of how much you earn.

  72. Seems to lead to popularity, amongst the governed, whit.

    Politics, everywhere, is an ebb and flow business. Sometimes one side is up, sometimes they're down.

    Good to see the Saudis tremble.

    If the Federals, here at home, were not so corrupted by the influence of oil, we'd be ready.

    As it is, there will be some pain, but this Country will survive.

    Which hopefully will not be the case with the Saudi Princes.

  73. .

    I wish someone could slip into Libya and wack Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.

    Come on Whit.

    The guys got to be dead by now.

    Wasn't he supposed to be dead a year ago?


  74. I can't get "wormless dog" out of me head. isn't that a good thing?

  75. Deuce said...
    Distrust is not limited to the Arabs. It is no secret that American intelligence agencies can't stand The Israeli intelligence agencies and in many cases with good cause:

    Israeli spies wooing U.S. Muslims, sources say
    By Jeff Stein Washington Post
    The CIA took an internal poll not long ago about friendly foreign intelligence agencies.

    The question, mostly directed to employees of the clandestine service branch, was: Which are the best allies among friendly spy services, in terms of liaison with the CIA, and which are the worst? In other words, who acts like, well, friends?

    “Israel came in dead last,” a recently retired CIA official told me the other day.


    Let be fair... the USA spies on it's friends too..

    Sunday, June 5, 2005
    American sub spied on Israel
    American sub spied on Israel

    Aaron Lerner Date: 5
    June 2005

    Israel Television Channel Two military affairs correspondent Ronnie Daniel
    revealed this evening that the submarine Israel chased from its territorial
    waters last November was an American spy sub. The vessel was identified by
    the Israeli Navy 18 kilometers from shore near Haifa, and fled shortly after
    discovery. IDF commanders admitted it wasn't the first time a Western
    submarine had been intercepted spying on Israel.

    Daniel indicated that Israel does not know what the spy sub was focusing on.

    Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
    (Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
    Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730

    May 8, 2007 update: Gregory Levey, Israel's United Nations speechwriter and a senior foreign communications coordinator for Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert, has this to say in an article titled "Spy Games: America's efforts to spy on Israel."

    While Israel has certainly spied on the United States in the past (and likely continues to do so), it may actually be the United States that is the nosier country—and the one that enjoys far more license in such covert activities. If one party should be paranoid about prying eyes—and I'm not sure either should—it should be the Israel.

    Levey then tells a personal anecdote and quotes an Israeli counterintelligence agent whether Israelis are much concerned about American espionage. "Definitely," he nodded gravely. "They're trying to spy on us all the time—every way they can." A former U.S. intelligence official then replied to the question, whether the United States spies on Israel: "As an American, I would certainly hope so." There is "definitely an inordinate amount of focus" on Israel in U.S. intelligence. Are there people in the Israeli government and military who feed information to the United States, reverse Jonathan Pollards, he replied "It wouldn't surprise me at all." Levey gives one specific example, the 1986 case of Yosef Amit.

    Amit was a major in Israeli military intelligence. At one point, he worked in the secretive "Unit 504," which is responsible for coordinating spies in Arab countries neighboring Israel, and he also had close contacts in the Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence agency. In the mid-'80s, Amit was recruited by Tom Waltz, a Jewish CIA officer based in the CIA's station in Tel Aviv. And, until his arrest, he furnished the CIA with classified information about Israel's troop movements and its plans in both the occupied territories and Lebanon.

  76. Apr. 24, 2008 update: Reacting to the arrest of 84-year-old Ben-Ami Kadish on charges of spying for Israel that date back 25 years, Caroline Glick offers policy advice for Israel in her Jerusalem Post column:

    as the late Yitzhak Rabin once noted, every few years Israel discovers another US agent committing espionage against the state. Rather than make a big deal about it, and in spite of the fact that some of the information being stolen is deeply damaging to Israel's national security, out of a sense of comity with Washington, Israel keeps the scandals quiet and generally deports the spies.

    By arresting an 84-year-old World War II veteran …, the US is sadly showing Israel once again that nice guys finish last. If Israel wants to be treated with respect by the US, the lesson of the Kadish affair, of the Syrian raid and of the Pollard affair is that Israel had better start pushing back.

    The first thing it should do is arrest officials suspected of transferring classified materials to the US without authorization. It should then publish the names and details of US spies whom Israel previously caught and treated with kid gloves. Then it should publicly demand that Bush release Pollard from the prison where he rots, while the likes of Hizbullah agent Nada Prouty - who penetrated both the FBI and the CIA - is expected to receive a six-month prison sentence for her crimes.

  77. Dec. 10, 2008 update: A Reuters reporter, Dan Williams, got a look at a new official history of Israel's intelligence services due out later this month that contains new evidence of U.S. spying on Israel. Titled in English "Masterpiece: An Inside Look at Sixty Years of Israeli Intelligence," it is as official a document as can be, with prefaces by the chiefs of Israel's military intelligence, Shin Bet, and Mossad and the Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center as publisher.

    Williams found that "American spy agencies use technologies like electronic eavesdropping, and trained staff from the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, for 'methodical intelligence gathering'."

    Barak Ben-Zur, a retired Shin Bet internal security service officer, wrote in the volume that "The United States has been after Israel's non-conventional capabilities and what goes on at the decision-making echelons." Asked by Reuters for operational details on U.S. spying efforts, Ben-Zur declined. But he described the American efforts as largely benign, given close defense ties between Israel and the Bush administration. "At the end of the day," he said, "the United States does not want to be surprised. Even by us."

    Nov. 29, 2010 update: Israel's ambassador to Washington in 1993-96, Itamar Rabinovich, has revealed that the U.S. government broke an Israeli code and tapped its secure phone embassy line. He did not specify the time period but it appears to have been after his ambassadorial tenure and went undiscovered for years, reports Yossi Melman in Ha'aretz.

    After the Americans broke the code, Israel's deepest policy secrets were apparently exposed. "Every 'juicy' telegram was in danger of being leaked," Rabinovich told Army Radio's Razi Barkai. "We sent very few of them. Sometimes I came to Israel to deliver reports orally. The Americans were certainly tapping the regular phone lines, and it became clear that in later years they were also listening to the secure line."

    Melman continues:

    The Americans have also used their military attaches to gather information. Israel believes that over the years, U.S. intelligence services have been listening - or at least attempting to listen - to conversations between key people in Israel and staff at its missions around the world. For that reason, diplomats going abroad are instructed by the Shin Bet security service to treat every conversation as if it is being tapped and to make sure not to reveal secret information.

  78. Jan. 19, 2011 update: WikiLeaks reveals, Reuters reports, a secret U.S. Department of State memorandum dated Oct. 31, 2008, signed by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Details:

    Citing the needs of U.S. analysts, the cable presented envoys in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and several Arab states with an exhaustive and prioritized list of data regarding the "Palestinian Issues" being brokered by Washington.

    These included "evidence of Government of Israel support for or opposition to actions to limit and/or reduce settlement and outpost growth" on occupied land where Palestinians want to establish a state. …the cable sought "details on Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operations underway or planned" against Palestinian militants, "including targeted assassinations and tactics/techniques used by ground and air units." Diplomats were asked for a comprehensive overview of Israel's high-tech communications, from Internet and cellphones to state-run "information repositories associated with radio frequency identification (RFID)-enabled systems used for passports, government badges, and transportation systems." The cable [also] sought updates on the movements and private contact details of Israeli civilian and military officials.

  79. And let's not forget the USS Liberty a USA spy ship...

    regardless of whether Israel KNEW the Liberty was spying or not when Israel attacked it....


  80. So what does this really mean?

    Israel spied on the USA

    USA spied on Israel.

    Israel and the USA spied on ARAB Nations.

    total nonsense...

  81. Dec. 3, 2009
    U.S. Officials Suspected Canada of Spying
    Emails Reveal Pentagon Officials' Suspicion That Canadians Used Special Coins to Spy on United States

    This 2004 file photo provided by the Royal Canadian Mint, shows a 2004 silver-colored 25-cent piece, known as the poppy quarter. Espionage warnings from the Defense Department caused an international sensation a few years ago over reports of mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters, until they were debunked. The culprit turned out to be a commemorative quarter in Canada.

    How much does the U.S. government really trust Canada? Maybe less than you think.

    Espionage warnings from the Defense Department caused an international sensation a few years ago over reports of mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters, until they were debunked. The culprit turned out to be a commemorative quarter in Canada.

    But at the height of the mystery, senior Pentagon officials speculated whether Canadians were involved in the spy caper.

    "I don't think it is an issue of the Canadians being the bad guys," the Pentagon's counterintelligence chief wrote in an exchange of e-mails obtained this week by The Associated Press, "but then again, who knows."

    In the e-mails, released to the AP under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act with names blacked out but job titles disclosed, Pentagon officials question whether they should warn military officers in the U.S. Northern Command, who regularly met Canadian counterparts about classified subjects inside bug-proof, government meeting rooms. The rooms are known as secure compartmentalized information facilities, or SKIFs.

    "Isn't the Canadian piece something that should be briefed to Northcom since the Canadians sit in their SKIFs?" asked the Pentagon's deputy director for counterintelligence oversight, in e-mails marked "Secret/NoForn."

    "Good point," replied the Pentagon's acting director for counterintelligence. "It is possible that DSS (the U.S. Defense Security Service) sent their report to Northcom. Then again, I don't think it is an issue of the Canadians being the bad guys, but then again, who knows."

    Who knows?

    Canada is among the closest of U.S. allies, its continental northern neighbor and the leading oil supplier for the U.S. The intelligence services of the two countries are extraordinarily tight and routinely share sensitive secrets. President Barack Obama chose Canada as the destination of his first foreign trip, to underscore what he described as the two countries' long-standing and growing friendship.

  82. .

    The use of the term "wormed dog" by in the context it was used would seem to indicate either a lack of knowledge of or care for the English language.

    Wormed means to proceed by devious or subtle means. One can say a lot about WiO, but to suggest anything about him is subtle or devious is just plain silly. He says what he says and makes it pretty clear what he means.


    06 DECEMBER , 17:35

    (ANSAmed) - ROME, DECEMBER 6 - ''Here is the shopping list of the US empire'' is the title of a Wikileaks report on intelligence activities that Washington requested from US embassies on ''key infrastructures, critical resources'' in Host Countries. As regards Italy, the list reportedly included the Transmed gas pipeline which, more than 2,000 kilometres long, links one of the world's largest natural gas deposits located in the Algerian desert with the Val Padana.

    The website reported that the cable, sent on 18 February 2009 by the US Department of State, contains the 'first version' of the 'Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative', a list of key infrastructures deemed to be of critical importance for America by the US government. The list includes specific details of pharmaceutical facilities, rare minerals mines, technological and communications infrastructures.

    The long list indicated in the cable that was published in full by Wikileaks included, amongst others, hundreds of companies, facilities, infrastructures. In addition to Trans-Med, it also included Glaxo Smith Kline and Digibind in Italy, the Apollo underwater cable in France and Great Britain, pharmaceutical plants in Germany, the Nadym gas pipeline in Russia and hundreds of other sites in Israel, Spain and Africa.

    Wikileaks reported that the intelligence activities were supposed to be carried out ''without consulting the host Countries''.

    The result of a series of agreements between Italy's Eni group, Algeria's Sonatrach and Tunisia, Trasmed transports the rich gas reserves discovered in 1955 in Hassi R'Mel up to Minerbia (Bologna). In total the pipeline measures 2,220 km, of which 370 in Tunisia, 380 on the sea floor and 1,470 km in Italy. (ANSAmed).

  84. NSA Spied on UN Diplomats During Push for Invasion of IraqBy NORMAN SOLOMON

    Despite all the news accounts and punditry since the New York Times published its Dec. 16 bombshell about the National Security Agency's domestic spying, the media coverage has made virtually no mention of the fact that the Bush administration used the NSA to spy on U.N. diplomats in New York before the invasion of Iraq.

    That spying had nothing to do with protecting the United States from a terrorist attack. The entire purpose of the NSA surveillance was to help the White House gain leverage, by whatever means possible, for a resolution in the U.N. Security Council to green light an invasion. When that surveillance was exposed nearly three years ago, the mainstream U.S. media winked at Bush's illegal use of the NSA for his Iraq invasion agenda.

    Back then, after news of the NSA's targeted spying at the United Nations broke in the British press, major U.S. media outlets gave it only perfunctory coverage -- or, in the case of the New York Times, no coverage at all. Now, while the NSA is in the news spotlight with plenty of retrospective facts, the NSA's spying at the U.N. goes unmentioned: buried in an Orwellian memory hole.

    A rare exception was a paragraph in a Dec. 20 piece by Patrick Radden Keefe in the online magazine Slate -- which pointedly noted that "the eavesdropping took place in Manhattan and violated the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Headquarters Agreement for the United Nations, and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, all of which the United States has signed."

    But after dodging the story of the NSA's spying at the U.N. when it mattered most -- before the invasion of Iraq -- the New York Times and other major news organizations are hardly apt to examine it now. That's all the more reason for other media outlets to step into the breach.

    In early March 2003, journalists at the London-based Observer reported that the NSA was secretly participating in the U.S. government's high-pressure campaign for the U.N. Security Council to approve a pro-war resolution. A few days after the Observer revealed the text of an NSA memo about U.S. spying on Security Council delegations, I asked Daniel Ellsberg to assess the importance of the story. "This leak," he replied, "is more timely and potentially more important than the Pentagon Papers." The key word was "timely."

  85. A directive from Hillary Clinton ordered US diplomats to gather biometric information on the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

    Washington is running a secret intelligence campaign targeted at the leadership of the United Nations, including the secretary general, Ban Ki-moon and the permanent security council representatives from China, Russia, France and the UK.

    A classified directive which appears to blur the line between diplomacy and spying was issued to US diplomats under Hillary Clinton's name in July 2009, demanding forensic technical details about the communications systems used by top UN officials, including passwords and personal encryption keys used in private and commercial networks for official communications.

    It called for detailed biometric information "on key UN officials, to include undersecretaries, heads of specialised agencies and their chief advisers, top SYG [secretary general] aides, heads of peace operations and political field missions, including force commanders" as well as intelligence on Ban's "management and decision-making style and his influence on the secretariat". A parallel intelligence directive sent to diplomats in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi said biometric data included DNA, fingerprints and iris scans.

    Washington also wanted credit card numbers, email addresses, phone, fax and pager numbers and even frequent-flyer account numbers for UN figures and "biographic and biometric information on UN Security Council permanent representatives".

    The secret "national human intelligence collection directive" was sent to US missions at the UN in New York, Vienna and Rome; 33 embassies and consulates, including those in London, Paris and Moscow.

    The operation targeted at the UN appears to have involved all of Washington's main intelligence agencies. The CIA's clandestine service, the US Secret Service and the FBI were included in the "reporting and collection needs" cable alongside the state department under the heading "collection requirements and tasking".

  86. Contrast the blood thirst of G-d's "chosen" with the word of G-d himself:

    Ezekiel 18:32, "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

  87. DR:Well, Ms T, the FICA tax is 15%.

    Actually, it's not a tax, it's a forced insurance policy against living too long. It's a pure transfer of cash. Pay-outs currently exceed pay-ins, which is why they say social security will be "bankrupt" by some date in the middle of this century.

  88. Who would dictate salary caps better than the market?

    It's best to leave the issue of player salaries up to the market. There's a lot more money in professional sports these days than in the Mantle days. MLB is in a better position to determine salaries. If things get out of equilibrium and off the tracks, players and owners can make the adjustments. If ticket prices become too high, fans can elect to stay home. If TV revenue doesn't pay for the contracts to broadcast, the Networks can look elsewhere for programming.

    That's the way the system works. The least Government interference, the better.

  89. Teresita said...
    Contrast the blood thirst of G-d's "chosen" with the word of G-d himself:

    Ezekiel 18:32, "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

    I aint doing any killin...

    But you have very little credibility since you claimed that g-d ordered all the Jews to die since they rejected jesus...

    Proof texting is what retarded cross dressers do to find snippets to make them feel correct...

    You have no insight or real knowledge of anything from Hebrew Bible. You just snip and type..

    Now go shave your upper lip he/she man

  90. Philippines: Misunderstanders of Islam murder five, wound 13 in jihad attack on crowded bus
    More dawah and bridge-building. "Philippine Officials See Link to Islamic Militants in Bus Explosion," from VOA News, January 26:

    Philippine authorities say Tuesday's deadly bomb attack on a passenger bus in Manila has the hallmarks of terrorist attacks in the nation's turbulent south.
    Five people were killed and at least 13 others wounded when the bomb ripped apart a bus as it was traveling near Manila's Makati business district. The blast was so powerful it damaged a nearby concrete wall.

    Officials say the remotely-detonated improvised bomb used in the attack was similar to those used by Muslim insurgents who have been fighting a decades-long battle for a separate homeland in the southern Philippines, but did not mention any specific group.

    No group has claimed responsibility for the Manila attack so far.

    Abu Sayyaf, a group linked to al-Qaida, has been linked to terrorist attacks in the region for years. The group has also been blamed for a similar bus bombing in Manila in 2005 on the same road as Tuesday's bombing. Four people were killed in that attack....

  91. At the entrance to a school in Grozny, the capital of Russia’ s Chechen republic, two security guards grip their guns as they order a woman to cover her head before walking into class.

    “ You can’ t go inside with your head like that,” one of them yells, tapping his AK-47.

    The young student rumbles inside her purse before pulling out a black silk scarf.

    “Is this better?” she asks, covering up her entire head with the scarf, matching her kohl-lined

    Under the Russia-backed leader Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya is swiftly becoming a conservative Muslim state, a sharp change from the officially atheist Soviet Union when women in the Caucasus burnt their headscarves. Many Chechen women here are the first in three generations to cover their heads.

  92. .

    As for the Story of "o", his anti-Judaic rants are legend.

    He supports the murder of Jewish souls, subsidized by the Israeli government.

    Please rat where do you come up with this shit.

    You're point about Israel and abortions, an interesting point. When first made. After 1000 repetitions, truly boring. I doubt few here give it any import other than WiO.

    To suggest WiO supports abortion when he suggests your pushing of the abortion meme is selective and purposely targets Israel is illogical. If you can prove it do so. Otherwise, go save a horse, ride a cowboy.

    On the fact that you do not swear or use profane language (much that is) which you seem to be so proud of (and which Deuce seems to think is a nice thing) I say bullshit. It's the meaning of the words not the exclamation points behind them that matter.


  93. This, coupled with the economic crisis, has a lot to do with the current whirled situation. Wheat crop failures

  94. I love the moral outrage that Rat and Ms T show about me and my popcorn making, watching the jackholes of the arab/islamic world kill one another...

    I remember when the arab world funded, supplied and supported Hamas's rocketing of Israel there was no concern for Israeli men, women and children.

    My observing and commenting on the jackholes of the arab/islamic world murdering themselves on a daily basis is karma...

    for CENTURIES the Arabs and Islamic peoples have treated Jews and of lately Christians like dirt...

    So exxcccuuuse me (in my best steve martin voice) if I dont eat some popcorn and use a bank of calculators to add up the death toll from arab/islamic violence on themselves...

    Could not happen to a more evil group of pricks...

  95. The recent book, The Black Swan, (not the movie) explains that large organisms/organizations/systems (globalism) are more susceptible/impacted by cataclysmic events the smaller more diverse versions.

  96. One KILLED in Oman!


    Another Arab country is going down the tubes..

    I am running out of calculators..

  97. .

    Actually, it's not a tax, it's a forced insurance policy against living too long. It's a pure transfer of cash. Pay-outs currently exceed pay-ins, which is why they say social security will be "bankrupt" by some date in the middle of this century.

    You're wrong T.

    It's a tax. Transfer payments? You buy into the euphemisms and think them reality.

    Social security is a political construct. It is a welfare (social if you like) program established by the federal government. It can be changed at the whim of Congress. Hell, they could move the eligibility age to 100 and no one would collect anything. They could double the "taxes" if they wanted to.

    Worrying about SS going bankupt? The only way you have to worry about SS going bankrupt is if at some point in the future Congress has the balls to discontinue funding it.

    Politically, what do you think the chances of that would be?

    Not only is FICA a tax, it is a regressive one. People over the limit ($100,000?) don't pay any more into it. Yet studies have shown they collect more from it. Reasonable when you consider the wealthier population tends to have longer life expectancy due to better nutrition and healthcare.

    It's alright to worry about SS just as with any government program when D.C. continues to dig a deeper hole for themselves and us, but SS should be the least of your worries.


  98. Just watch the 3rd world now to call for free food...

    how unfair America is for making so much food and not sharing it...

    I suggest OPEC shares it's oil...

    til then?

    we need an export tariff on all food stuffs to any and all nations that are either members of OPEC or are unfriendly to America. (you can simply use the UN voting record for that)

    Any nation that voted against America more than 25% of the time should be cut off of all aid. That means economic, military and food aid

  99. .

    Truly naive WiO.

    There's money in grain. There will be no cutoffs.

    Just as there is money in arms. We decry other countries selling arms, but that is more about competition than anything else. The US is by far the biggest seller of arms in the world.

    Big bucks.


  100. The Telegraph is reporting:
    Libya: rebels seize control of Zawiyah
    Armed rebels opposed to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were in control of Zawiyah, close to the capital Tripoli, on Sunday and their red, green and black flag flew above the town.

  101. more good news from the arab world...

    100's of tunisians attacked journalists on the border with libya..

    apparently they support Kadaffi...


    going to the store, getting EXTRA butter popcorn

  102. 50,000 thousand libyans have fled and now are in tunisia, they lack food, water and tents...

    The Arab league stated today: "We support and will provide aid to the thousands of displaced refugees. These are our brothers. "

    ok, they didnt...

    They did condemn Israel for building a block of flats in East Jerusalem that Jews bought using deception by having someone OTHER THAN a jew posing as the buyer...

  103. Peaceful Demonstrators in Oman burn down Police Station and Government Building..

    Feb 27 (Reuters) - A police station and a government building were on fire on Sunday in the Omani town of Sohar after police clashed with more than 2,000 protesters demanding reforms in the Gulf Arab state, a Reuters witness said. (Writing by Cynthia Johnston)

    Gots to love these peaceful demonstrators...

    Just as peaceful as the fake nationalistic thugs called palestinians and their peaceful rockets and firebombs...


  104. Gangs Moslems in Paris now attacking the Chinese..

    Oh Goody.

    "Thousands of Chinese immigrants marched in the Parisian neighbourhood of Belleville on Sunday to protest against the growing insecurity they say their community faces.

    Belleville, situated in a working-class and multi-ethnic area in the 20th arrondissement, is home to one of the capital’s two small “Chinatowns”, known for its Chinese restaurants and markets. Chinese immigrants in France are usually a quiet bunch, so seeing more than 8,000 of them (20, 000 according to high-end estimates) marching on the Boulevard de la Villette was a rare and striking sight for Parisians. According to the organisation behind the march, it was the largest protest ever organised by the Chinese community in France.

    Several violent incidents broke out towards the end of the march, when a group of about 50 protesters clashed with a dozen youths loitering on the street, as well as police forces. Three Chinese men were briefly detained following the skirmishes.

    The march turned sour after a bunch of youths stole a Chinese female protester’s handbag. Several Chinese tried to run after the thieves, but policemen actually barred their way! Can you imagine the nerve, robbing a woman who is actually protesting to denounce insecurity? And police doing nothing to stop them? One of the attackers even filmed the scene, as if to taunt us. The police should be helping innocent citizens; instead, they chose to protect a bunch of robbers in the name of “public order”. That’s what sparked Chinese anger, and explains the incident between some protesters and the police.

    Virtually every single one of the protesters has been a victim of either physical or verbal attacks. The kind of violence targeting the Chinese minority is hidden, pernicious. I have experienced anti-Chinese racism since I was 6 years old, but the phenomenon is seldom recognized by the mainstream French...

  105. Excellent, the Chinese are starting to revolt...

    This gets better by the day!!!

    China uses whistles, water, police on protests

    Feb 27, 6:17 AM (ET)


    SHANGHAI (AP) - Large numbers of police - and new tactics like shrill whistles and street cleaning trucks - squelched overt protests in China for a second Sunday in a row after more calls for peaceful gatherings modeled on recent democratic movements in the Middle East.
    Near Shanghai's People's Square, uniformed police blew whistles nonstop and shouted at people to keep moving, though about 200 people - a combination of onlookers and quiet sympathizers who formed a larger crowd than a week ago - braved the shrill noise. In Beijing, trucks normally used to water the streets drove repeatedly up the busy commercial shopping district spraying water and keeping crowds pressed to the edges.
    Foreign journalists met with tighter police controls. In Shanghai, authorities called foreign reporters Sunday indirectly warning them to stay away from the protest sites, while police in Beijing followed some reporters and blocked those with cameras from entering the Wangfujing shopping street where protests were called. Plainclothes police struck a Bloomberg News television reporter, who was then taken away for questioning.

  106. .

    My friends: The kingdom of love is within you...

    Capture Moammar Gadhafi and his four sons! Do not allow them to survive! Cut off the head of the snake!



  107. Rat states: Only one poster, here, both celebrates civil discord and calls for the death of men, women and children in Libya.

    Please post any post where i call for the specific death of "men, women and children in Libya"

    We are waiting....

  108. North Korea has vowed to turn Seoul into a "sea of fire" in retaliation to a joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea.

    Well the Norks better realize that South Korea and the US are big mean bastards and we shoot back.

    I've seen N. Korean cookbooks with 40 ways to cook bark, because everything that barks has already been cooked. All we would have to do to conquer N. Korea is drop tons of french fries on em. As they are fighting over them, we just march in.

  109. Notice how Rat will take one statement and add about 2 tons of shit?

    And those now he puts words into other people's statements...

    Watch his routine..

    He does it to ANYONE he argues with..

    The original statement, he adds words, distorts, and says things out of context...

    These are the signs of a CYBER BULLY...

    Dont take MY word for it...

    Go back and review his posts and how he makes claims of what people say WITHOUT EVER COPYING AND PASTING THE ORIGINAL QUOTE.

    It's interesting his Rules for Radical technic...

    Isolate, localize, vilify...

  110. Teresita said...
    North Korea has vowed to turn Seoul into a "sea of fire" in retaliation to a joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea.

    Well the Norks better realize that South Korea and the US are big mean bastards and we shoot back.

    Now that is FUNNY......

    Good one T, you made me laugh....

  111. Gaddafi has a battalion at the town of Al-Mayah (also called Km 27) on the road between Azawiya and Tripoli. That includes tanks and infantry. He's blocking the way between Azawiya and Tripoli that way.

    Tripoli, the Green Square area is like a camp: tanks, infantry, snipers, mercenaries. Nasr street, which is between Fashloum and the Green Square, has snipers. Mitiga airport, rumored to have fallen, is in fact a Gaddafi stronghold.

    All of those names sound like a camel coughing up a lung cookie.

    Incoming international calls are tracked by the regime. That puts the person being called in danger.

  112. Kiev - The "voluptuous" Ukrainian nurse who US diplomats said played a crucial role in Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi's daily routine has returned home to Ukraine, a television report said on Sunday.

    That means Gaddafi ain't getting no more poontang and will be extra grouchy.

  113. You know, if I was Gaddafi and heard my nurse ran off with my pilot I'd be grouchy too!

    Hot damn!

  114. You better believe it. Arab dictators are going down one by one. Israel is going no where. Ordinary people want freedom from their dictators. Hopefully soon the people will rise up for freedom in Gaza and toss out Hamas the oppressive terrier gang that does not even allow music at a wedding and that hunts down and kills males who love other males. Yes, freedom for Gaza is coming soon. Eliminate the dictators. Long live Israel!!!

  115. In Avenue Habib Bourguiba, the scene of the latest attacks on protesters by the police and pro-Ben Ali thugs, pedestrians conduct animated debates over the country's options. Many speak with pride that Tunisia, one of the smallest Arab states, was the first to mount a successful uprising for democracy.


    Western leaders like to think that they are bringing democracy to less enlightened parts of the world. In Tunisia things look different.

    They see a west that supported a string of Arab dictators and they remember how western countries led the boycott of Gaza after Hamas won the 2006 election.

    Ben Ali

  116. That's more trash from the Guardian, Sam. The article had nothing to do with Hamas except for the obligatory paragraph thrown in a the end.

    They can't help themselves and can't miss an opportunity to stick their fingers in our eyes.

  117. NPR Insists Buffalo Wife's Beheading by Muslim Outreach TV Founder Has No Islamic Overtones

  118. If you can blame talk radio, rush to conclusions.

    If the Left is at fault, we need more study.

  119. Your style iѕ геаlly unіque cοmρаred to
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