Monday, February 14, 2011

“All we ask is for the chance to work in Europe, not only in Italy, but in Europe somewhere,”

Italy Seeks to Use Forces to Halt Illegal Immigrants From Tunisia

ROME — Italy’s interior minister said Sunday that the country hoped to send its armed forces to Tunisia to help stem the flow of illegal immigrants, after more than 3,000 Tunisians arrived by boat on an Italian island in recent days.

A Tunisian was helped off a boat at Lampedusa on Sunday. More than 3,000 Tunisians arrived by boat on the Italian island in recent days.
“I will ask Tunisia’s foreign minister for authorization for our forces to intervene in Tunisia to block the influx,” Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said in an Italian television interview on Sunday, a day after the Italian cabinet declared a state of humanitarian emergency and called for help from the European Union.

With thousands of miles of hard-to-patrol coastline, Italy faced waves of immigrants from North Africa throughout the 1990s and into the last decade. Under the government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, in 2009, Italy signed a renewed bilateral accord with Tunisia, pledging financial support in exchange for help in preventing would-be immigrants from leaving the country’s shores.

But that accord seems to have unraveled in the turmoil in Tunisia’s interim government a month after President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was forced from power in a popular uprising.

Mr. Maroni, who did not specify which Italian forces might intervene in Tunisia, spoke before it emerged that Tunisia’s foreign minister, Ahmed Ounaïes, had stepped down on Sunday. But his comments pointed to growing concerns among Italians that the unrest in Tunisia and elsewhere in North Africa could translate into immigrants arriving on their shores. They also came at a delicate moment in Italian domestic politics.

Mr. Maroni is from the Northern League party, which is known for its tough anti-immigrant stance and which has been jockeying for a greater role in government now that Mr. Berlusconi is fighting for political survival in a sex scandal.

In a separate television interview, Mr. Maroni described the flow of immigrants as being “of biblical proportions,” the ANSA news agency reported.

In recent days, more than 3,000 Tunisians have come by boat to Lampedusa, a small Italian island closer to Tunisia than the Italian mainland, the Interior Ministry said. Hundreds have been sleeping outside because of a lack of facilities there.

On Sunday, the Interior Ministry reopened an immigrant holding center on Lampedusa that had been closed in the past, and began airlifting some immigrants to identification centers in Sicily and the Italian mainland, Italian news outlets reported Sunday.

Speaking from behind a high fence at Lampedusa’s sports center, where immigrants waited for the police to record their arrival, one young Tunisian said the situation at home had not changed since mid-January, prompting him to leave.

“All we ask is for the chance to work in Europe, not only in Italy, but in Europe somewhere,” he said in an interview broadcast on the Italian news channel Sky TG24. “We only want one thing from Italian people: help. NY TIMES


  1. The more democracy, the more diversity.

  2. Economic refugees are nothing new.

    They are not an exclusive product of either diversity nor democracy.

    Indeed, Israel is full of economic refugees, from Europe.

    As is Australia.

    Even the United States has had many waves of immigrants, driven by economic deprivation in their countries of origin. Italy, Ireland and Mexico all come to mind, in that regard.

    It was not diversity that drove the Irish from their Emerald Isle.

    It was not democracy that caused folks to leave Italy, for the US, With Out Papers.

    It is the opportunity of work, at reasonable rates of compensation that drives millions of Mexicans and Guatemalans to enter the US, With Out Papers, too.

    Economic refugees may be an effect of political root causes, indeed that is easily exemplified, but those examples are not indicative of democracy and diversity.

    Far from it.

  3. Should Egypt become a Muslim Brotherhood Republic, as is likely, Copts would be expelled. Would Britain and the EU reject cries for asylum?

    The possibility of Islamists taking over Egypt is very relevant. Even when they do not control the government, they threaten them and scare them. I hear Mullahs calling for jihad and eliminating those who make friends with Israel.

    Unfortunately it is not now possible to untangle the Palestinian cause and Islamism from this democratic movement. Christians in Arab lands will pay the price of Israeli prejudice and discrimination. That is as much the results of Israeli repression and calls are now being heard for the Palestinians to overthrow their Zionist repressors.

    The Palestinians have been so consistently let-down by the West over the years that they have naturally turned to the 'truth' of their religion, Islamism.

    The chaos will continue as Islamists are allowed to do as they see fit while the whole culture of Christian, mutualist society is eroded and balkanized. The birds are returning to their roost.

  4. Personally, I am sick of all the religious fanatics from the Middle East that think they have a special deal with God or Allah or incarnations of mystical and mythical superheros. In an age of science and human discovery, that we still have to tolerate such nonsense is mystery enough for me.

    Religious tolerance should not be confused with blind deference to patent self-deluding nonsense. If it ended with self-delusion, that would be an accomplishment. Instead we have to have our lives plagued and in some cases destroyed by these god whisperers.

  5. Christians in Arab lands will pay the price of Israeli prejudice and discrimination.

    How dare the Israelis allow equal civil rights to non-jews in israel. Christians and Moslems IN ISRAEL own land, serve in the government, sit on the supreme court and win beauty contests.

    Such gaul...

    Christians in the middle east are vanishing under the repressive islamic thumb... From forced conversions, extortion and rape this is how mohammed plays the game...

    Blame Israel? You go right ahead goatfucker.. We all know your full of shit.

  6. desert rat said...
    Economic refugees are nothing new.

    They are not an exclusive product of either diversity nor democracy.

    Indeed, Israel is full of economic refugees, from Europe.

    Our resident Jew hating, Israel hating, zionist hating turd of a bartender cannot see the difference between economic refugees and those driven from their homes due to genocide.

    Yep blind as ever, jack hole as always...

    welcome to the bar, where brownshirts still serve at the bar... Well at least one brownshirt.

  7. Well then, leave the fucking bar, WIO. You whine like a baby.

  8. The difference between Italy, and us, is we get that many Every night.

  9. Rufus II said...
    Well then, leave the fucking bar, WIO. You whine like a baby.

    Naw, I'll just point out the moslem brotherhood jackhood spitting in the drinks..

  10. Rufus II said...
    Well then, leave the fucking bar, WIO. You whine like a baby.

    Well well... Rufus, when you whined that I wasnt an american cause i didnt use a capital a did we say you whined like a baby and to leave?

    hell know..

    we all understood you had a learning disability and cut you slack.. being the one note oil pony you are....

    but it is funny you rise up and defend the brownshirt jackhole that spits in the drinks..

    that's america for ya, home of the brave? naw, more like home of the spineless pussies....

  11. america



    hey ruf, does that PROVE I'm and illegal????

  12. our brownshirt bartender says I'm a moslem..

    ruf says i am not an american (cause I dont use a capital a)


    keep saluting your pharaoh in chief...

  13. We're not getting Any money from the Corporations.

    Treasury Budget

    They're transferring their profits to offshore subsidiaries, and they're staying there. No taxes, no investment, nada.

    We're being fucked like red-headed stepchildren. By Dems, and Pubs, alike.

  14. Israel needs you, WIO. That's where your heart is. You'd better hurry. Hasta la vista, babs.

    You know, WIO, everytime I start to feel a little sympathetic toward Israel you come in here, and stink up the joint.

    You're about the only person I've ever known that could put the Muslims in a good light.

  15. rufus:
    We're being fucked like red-headed stepchildren. By Dems, and Pubs, alike.

    it's your country ace...

    are you not proud?

  16. Yeah, maybe we'll quit fucking off our money sending it to your country.

  17. The Story of "o" continues his rants, oblivious to all reality.

    He, the fellow that was using boob, to needle me.

    That is hilarious, really.
    Faux friendship for secondary goals, typical of his brethren, the Russians.

    While their history of failed autocratic rule is legend.

  18. The Bahrainese say they were "inspired" by Tunisia, and Egypt.

  19. How's them ponies coming, Rat. Getting any?

  20. The funny thing, from the Story of "o", is that he has migrated from claiming the cultural superiority of Judaism, to claiming moral equivalence for the State of Israel to the Shinto-Buddhists of Japan and the Catholics of Spain.

    No longer does does he claim the cultural superiority of the Israeli, murders of Jewish souls.
    Now he claims that Jewish souls have no greater value than Catholics or Buddhists.

    He has embraced the Equivalency Standard.
    While acknowledging that the State of Israel subsidizes the murder of Jewish souls.

    Progress is being made, rufus.

    He learns, even while still in denial.

  21. We are still waiting on the Mustang Heritage Foundation approval process, rufus.

    We have adopted two, these will become the demonstration horses and the core of the rider instruction herd.

    Figure we'll have about 8 to 10 head, there.

    In the mean time I've gotten three more cowboys to apply for trainer status.

    The informal market study that I've been doing indicates that we'll have all the horses that we train adopted quickly.

    Quite exciting, still.

  22. A Jewish soul, has no greater value than Muslim sperm. According to the Story of "o".

    He has migrated, already, rufus.

  23. Good to hear it, Rat.

    Send some pictures to Deuce if you get a chance. Maybe he can post them.

    Glad a few of those mustangs are getting a break.

  24. I'm not big into Jewish sould, and Muzzie sperm, Rat.

    In fact, I think my eyes just started hurting. :)

  25. While he denies the legitimacy of the position of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    His masquerade has been exposed.

  26. Rat you said something/

    Ah yes...

    nonsense and lies...

    yep, got your boots all shined up?

    got your copy of Mein Kampf at the ready?

    hard to take anything you say seriously since you are really below normal rational discussion.

    you are just a bully & a troll..

    nothing you say can be taken at face value, you distort, lie and intimidate.

    nothing you have not learned from rules for radicals.

    not to worry, you are an object lesson on why people should be concerned.

    If a self confessed murderer like you can try to pass one'sself off as normal then we are all in trouble.


    desert rat, the brown shirt bartender of the bar.

    the only one here to brag they have off'd people...

    the only one here to advocate murder of citizens of the us of a...

    yep, our own nazi in training...

    allen had you pegged, you are ishmael.

  27. Deuce wrote:

    "Religious tolerance should not be confused with blind deference to patent self-deluding nonsense. If it ended with self-delusion, that would be an accomplishment. Instead we have to have our lives plagued and in some cases destroyed by these god whisperers."

    Damn straight!! Of course some of those US Evangelical Baptists sit squarely in your area of fire!

  28. There is only one poster that defends the Israeli subsiding the murder of Jewish souls.

    And it is not me.

    It is our resident NAZI, the one that equates Jewish souls to Muslim, Spanish and Japanese sperm.

  29. It's time ride, you all have a wonderful day, I will

  30. Oh, excuse me; it was 38 motherfreakin' percent.

    JEEZ. That don't seem possible.

  31. desert rat said...
    It's time ride, you all have a wonderful day, I will

    hope you have a fall and break your neck...

  32. "hope you have a fall and break your neck.."

    I'm glad I don't practice your religion.

  33. MeLoDy said...
    "hope you have a fall and break your neck.."

    I'm glad I don't practice your religion.

    What does my religion have to do with anything...

    Rat is a shit, and evil murderer, self confessed.

    Drove your boyfriend insane, you remember BOB...

    He lies, distorts and slanders...

    He supports islamic jihadists...

    So why should I not hope for him to break his neck?

    He advocated murder.....

    I advocate a great big karma kick in his ass...

  34. Rufus II said...
    Yeah, maybe we'll quit fucking off our money sending it to your country.

    My country is america.

    The country that spends a trillion a year on islamists nations...

    my country is america, the place where amoral lackeys like you have a right to your absurd opinions outside of oil.

    my country america, give a billion dollars a year to egypt, a billion to hamas, a billion to fatah, 100 million to lebanon and provides free protection to the gulf oil despots (worth about 500 billion a year)

    you only can find fault with america's support of israel?

    guess what?

    I agree with you, israel should stop accepting all aid from the usa and simply destroy her enemies at once.

    then the conversation would be over.

    so would middle eastern oil but by that time who would care?

    10 dollars a gallon gas... not a problem.

    america has sat on israel to NOT go after her enemies, those very enemies that america supports with arms and trillions in oil trade...

    If i was israeli? I'd take out the aswan dam, the iranian nuke sites AND the region oil...

    50-60 years from now we could discuss how evil israel was to turn the oil fields into glass...

  35. Isn't it a certain religion or group of people you advocate against for being violent and evil.

    I would think wishing someone to fall and break their neck would fall in the same category.

    If it doesn't have anything to do with your religious ethics than you're a violent evil doer of free will. Either way you lose.

  36. And karma works both ways so you better watch what you say.

  37. I'm just saying that even if everything is true about DR which I doubt then your retaliation makes you no better.

    If he is a Jew hater he most certainly can have his own opinion. I bet more people dislike you for who you are as a person than for you being Jewish.

    And don't give me that shit about you wanting everyone that reads this blog to know what kind of person DR is because, honey, wake up and smell the coffee, most of them probably couldn't care less.

    And you shouldn't either.

  38. Mel: I'm glad I don't practice your religion.

    Just walk away Mel. Git while the gittin's good.

  39. You're welcome.

    'sides, I think she likes us.


  40. MeLoDy said...
    Isn't it a certain religion or group of people you advocate against for being violent and evil.

    I would think wishing someone to fall and break their neck would fall in the same category.

    I can WISH all I want...

    That aint the same as support those that actually do jihadist murder...

  41. 3 Words, Son

    Genetically Modified Grass

    It's the 21st Century. Time to think like it.

  42. MeLoDy said...
    I'm just saying that even if everything is true about DR which I doubt then your retaliation makes you no better.

    It aint MY retaliation, I aint throwing him to the ground...

    I WISH for him to break his neck...

    He actually has murdered people, he advocates murder as a solution to those who rape without using a trial.

    He DOES evil...

    I wish for him to break his neck aint me DOING evil...

    big difference

  43. Rat is all about hating the JEW

    Rufus hates Israel because I am an ass?


    that is being a bigot...

    I have no problem with them hating me...

    but it aint me that is the issue...

    it's their hatred of israel, judaism, jews and zionism that is the issue...

    to blame ME for them hating 7 million israelis?


    the issue here is not me...

    the issue is rat, rufus and Ms t's hatred of all things jewish...

    that's a fact...

    otherwise, they could simply attack ME, with no mention of israel, zionism or jews...

    now on the other hand, it is about them and their hatred...

  44. You're a silly fool, Wio. You argue liike a child. I dont "hate Israel." I don't even know "Israel."

    I do very much dislike Israeli politics, and several Israeli politicians.

    All that, however, has nothing to do with the fact that you're an ass.

    That's a totally different thing.

    Your "assiness" is a stand-alone event.

  45. Just back from being "out of touch."

    Interesting to be away and not really following the news...

    Sad to scan down this thread and seemingly never been away...

    But, addressing the theme of the post, I was immediately reminded of The Camp of the Saints


  46. Melody,

    You posted a link to your favorite (I think) astrologer around the holidays.

    I went there and she had some advice. Which I followed.

    Interesting train of events ensued. Thanks!

    I'll try to get it typed up after attacking the pile of mail and "stuff" that's piled up in my absence...


  47. Rufus II said...
    You're a silly fool, Wio. You argue liike a child. I dont "hate Israel." I don't even know "Israel."

    I do very much dislike Israeli politics, and several Israeli politicians.

    All that, however, has nothing to do with the fact that you're an ass.

    That's a totally different thing.

    Your "assiness" is a stand-alone event.

    My assiness is not up for debate, I support your point that I am an ass...

    It is a valid point of view you FINALLY make...

    it's your asinine points of view about Israel that make you an amoral jackoff...

  48. My country is america.

    The country that spends a trillion a year on islamists nations...

    my country is america, the place where amoral lackeys like you have a right to your absurd opinions outside of oil.

    my country america, give a billion dollars a year to egypt, a billion to hamas, a billion to fatah, 100 million to lebanon and provides free protection to the gulf oil despots (worth about 500 billion a year)

    The West doesn't care about democratic values in the Middle East.

    Europe after all carved the borders of the middle east, hand-picked the leaders of Muslim states (Jordan for example - client state of Britain until the 1970s) and actively supported and armed the Arab states bigoted war against Israel and denial of rights for non-Arabs just as kurds, christians, minority muslim groups, druze, etc.

    and this has nothing to do with the neo-cons and right wing agenda.

    If anything, there probably wouldn't have been a revolution in Egypt if it weren't for Bush's silly neo-conservative philosophies.

    Neo-conservatism is, in essence, the belief that exporting democracy will create peace and end tyranny.

    Bush PUSHED mubarak to create a democratic political system. so he agrees to allow "free elections" without meddling from the government.

    what happens? the muslim brotherhood is voted in.

    same thing happened in jordan and palestine.

    free elections does not mean the people are intelligent enough to vote in parties that support 21st century values.

  49. I did? I don't think so.

    Her blog is something I wouldn't link to someone for information.

  50. Did not break my neck.

    Doubt that I will.

    Being a professional, and all.

    It does prove the point about you on this site is full of hate and spite, though.

    It sure is not me, mel or rufus.

  51. As to voting for 21st century values, the folks in the Islamic Arc may not approve of the industrialization of death.

    They may like their killing done the old fashion way.

    Life, it is an inalienable right.

  52. gnossos said...

    You posted a link to your favorite (I think) astrologer around the holidays.

    I went there and she had some advice. Which I followed.

    Interesting train of events ensued. Thanks!

    I'll try to get it typed up after attacking the pile of mail and "stuff" that's piled up in my absence...


    You're crusin for a brusin, gnossos, or at least an ass-burnin.

    Choose those who you follow more carefully.

    Checking their records couldn't hurt.

    esp recent history.

  53. Rufus may not be full of hate and spite, but I wouldn't argue about BS.

  54. Our resident GOP Bashers will use their phoney accounting tactics to prove otherwise, but this phoney mofo's budget is the most blatently false and destructive in my lifetime.

    Bash Reagan and Bush if you must, but the fact remains that this fucker is gonna run this country into the ground unless he's stopped.

    A Hell of a lot faster than any Pub who heretofore lived in the WH could have done.

  55. You might have spoke to soon Doug.

    After I wrote that I closed up shop and went to bed. I kept thinking who did I link. And then it dawned on me it could have been a youtube video not a website. And then that made sense. Kathy Rose does a 5 five minutes video at the new moon every month. It probably was her.

  56. I'd need an expert interpreter to explain this pic.
    Visually different, for sure, like out of a movie.
