Monday, January 03, 2011

US Army Blows $6 Billion on Iraqi Infrastructure, Meanwhile in Detroit...

How a country can allow it's own cities to crumble in ruin while wasting hundreds of billions on foreign wars is beyond comprehension. Pictures from The Guardian and Washington Post tell the tale:

Detroit in Ruins

Michigan Central Station

Demise of Iraqi water park illustrates limitations, abuse of U.S. funding program

As official combat operations in Iraq draw to a close, here is a look at seven years of key players and critical moments in the war.

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 3, 2011; 12:59 AM
BAGHDAD - In the spring of 2008, Gen. David H. Petraeus decided he had spent enough time gazing from his helicopter at an empty and desolate lake on the banks of the Tigris River. He ordered the lake refilled and turned into a water park for all of Baghdad to enjoy.
The military doctrine behind the project holds that cash can be as effective as bullets. Under Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq at the time, that principle gained unprecedented emphasis, and it has become a cornerstone of the war effort in Afghanistan, now under Petraeus's command.
But today the Baghdad park is nearly waterless, more than two years after a U.S. military inauguration ceremony that included a marching band and water-scooter rides. Much of the compound is in ruins, swing sets have become piles of twisted steel, and the personal watercraft's engines have been gutted for spare parts.
The troubled history of the venture speaks to the limitations and mishandling of a program that has provided U.S. military commanders with $5 billion for projects in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past six years. The program has given officers enormous flexibility to address urgent needs with few bureaucratic hassles. MORE HERE


  1. Is there any sense of outrage left in this country?

  2. It is reasonably estimated that we blew $1 trillion in borrowed money in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    $1 trillion invested in infrastructure would create
    10,000,000 jobs.

  3. 10,000,000 jobs paying $40,000 per year would conservatively generate $12,000 per year in taxes.

    That is $120 billion.

  4. desert rat said...
    The Israeli "accidentally" kill many more Palestinians than Palestinians kill Israeli, on purpose.

    Well, Duh! And this means what?

    We thank G-d for our deliverance from the pagans.

  5. If one were to read the entire post, allen, they'd learn that those "accidents", probably were not, "accidents".

    Like the Israeli killing US sailors was neither an accident nor divine providence.

    Just the Israeli propaganda spin, on murder.

  6. Back in the BC days, Deuce, we were often told that the costs of these foreign adventures were inconsequential.

    As bob says, we're a rich country.

    I recall, with mirth, the claims that Mr Obama was going to "gut" the US military.

    If only it had been true.

    Instead we stay the course.

    One that Ike, who everyone liked, warned would be our downfall.
    He was right as rain. A military man that knew the truth and, at the end of his career, sounded the alarm.

  7. Our Jew hating Rodent states: If one were to read the entire post, allen, they'd learn that those "accidents", probably were not, "accidents".

    No, if one read the entire thread one took away with the fact that "desert rat" needs medical treatment, is delusional and in fact lies, distorts and is not in touch with reality.

    The fact that the fake nationalistic people self named as "Palestinians" use their children as human bait, shields and explosive devices and do not invest in medical treatment or teaching those same human explosives to love life is the issue...

    The lack of humanity for the Crips & Bloods, oh I mean "palestinians" to seek murder, death and destruction does seem to cause them a high death rate, but if one compared the death rate of palestinians, by israeli hands as compared to any other military conflict in world, one would be shocked at the LOW level of palestinian death rates...

    More people were killed by Egypt in it's short war with yemen than the entire 60 year conflict between the palestinians and israelis.

    the same could be said almost every decent sized conflict in the world...

    And it's not for the ishmael's lack of trying..

    It's the Israelis respect and restraint that has kept the numbers so amazingly low...

    This is why the fake nationalistic people, who call themselves "palestinians" INFLATE death rates, fake funeral and stage all sorts of nonsense since the Israelis do not, in any way, kill that many palestinians in combat situations (or any other)

    I for one wish the Israelis would show a little less restraint against armed terrorists.

    Israel wastes millions of dollars in defensive actions, building bomb shelters and such, when a strong offense would suffice.

    The complete and total destruction of enemies of the State of Israel, (hezbollah and hamas come to mind) should be job one. But sadly Israel does not seems to be able to understand the evil nature of those surrounding her...

    Let's hope the numbers of dead terrorists continue to grow.

    May they all suffer and horrible and painful demise.

    May the truth come out soon that Jordan is the only solution to the fake national goals of arabs in the middle east who call them selves "palestine"

    And may the Arab peoples create a new letter for their language and call it the letter P, since it doesnt exist..

    Hard to be an authentic people called "Palestinian" if your native tongue doesnt even have a P in it...

  8. Like the Liberty, you have no proof of foul play. You are simply slandering good men.

    It's still 13/0 and there is nothing you can do about that. Consider it the Super Bowl and your guys have lost 13 consecutive seasons. The truth hurts.

  9. Proof?

    The proof is in the ground, dead US sailors and Israeli pilots feted for their part in the attack, upon a US ship.

    That is all the proof I need.

    There is a mountain of Israeli accidents, always culminating in the deaths of folk that the Israeli consider "others".

    I believe the descriptive word they use is "goyim", but I may be wrong, about that.

    Regardless of the adjective, the Israeli are certainly accident prone.

  10. WiO said,

    I for one wish the Israelis would show a little less restraint against armed terrorists.

    That is just what General Ashkenazi is planning, when war with Hamas resumes. As reported in the JP yesterday, the muzzies will not get away with hiding behind their expendable women and children.

    WiO, hows about you and me sticking with the Christian meme? In trying to mitigate the murders of these innocents by his cousins the muzzies, he exposes himself for what he is far better than we can do. At the moment, rat, is stuggling with trying to cover his pals for both the murders of Christians and Jews; that is not only going to prove hilarious, but tiring.

  11. This just in!

    Israel still here...

    Palestine? A stillborn myth...

    LOL... Too funny...

    Another day, another ishamel murder plot somewhere..

    In Israel? The Americans arrived today to LEARN how to protect their homeland from Ishmaels...

    Too funny...

  12. Graves are graves. They mean nothing more than that.

    Your cousin Yasser lies in a grave. Perhaps to your mind that makes him a hero. It does not to thinking men and women.

    Stay away from Hebrew, Stud, unless you want to become a Stubby.

  13. That the Israeli would deny their actions, against US, exemplified by their leaving J Pollard in the street, outside their Embassy.

    Denying that he was their agent.

    Displaying the perfidy that envelops their society.

  14. Rodent is going thru his roster...

    Use a yiddish word - check

    Liberty - check

    Accuse israel of murder - check

    Pollard - check

    Yep, our own little Ishmael is like a hamster on a wheel, never changes just keeps running on the the wheel chasing a piece a cheese...

    Time for some meds Ishmael....

  15. Map of Arabia, with insets of Jerusalem and Palestine (c. 1900); from the 10th edition of Encyclopædia Britannica, published in 1902.

    So much for myth.
    There was a Paestine, in 1902, but no Israel.

    Leaving one to wonder, which is REALLY the modern, artificial construct, if not the one that was not even on the map, in 1902.

  16. rat said,

    When the Israeli killed US sailors, it was by "accident", too.

    So many accidents, from folks that claim to be "professional".

    Ishmael, Ishmael, many lies... so little time...

    Franklin Roosevelt's battleship headquarters was nearly shelled and torpedoed by US Naval vessels. The order to fire was merely seconds from being given.

    Hundreds of US paratroopers were killed and wounded over Sicily by the US Navy and Army Air Corps.

    Pat Tillman was accidentaly killed by the highly professional troopers of his own unit...unless you wish to further insult the USA by claiming it was murder...Hmm...

    Not less than 15% of all casualties in any war fought by the US, since WWI, have been inflicted by friendly fire.

    I would have thought an alleged military man such as yourself would have known that.

  17. Please provide the name of the President of the nation of Palestine in 1902?

    It's common knowledge Herr Rat, that the Jews called themselves Palestinians, until 1948...

    Learn history fucktard...

    There has NEVER been an ARAB nation called Palestine..


    Not a one...

    Not for a Day...

    Not for an hour a moment or an instant..

    No nation of Palestine has ever been...

    There still is no P in arabic

  18. There was a Palestine, in 1902, but no Israel.

    As the Story of "o" says, the state of Israeli character remains constant.

    The issues unchanged.

    The only response available, to the Zionists, attack the messenger, because the message itself, rings true.

    Israel is equivalent to their enemies, the Muslims. Certainly no better, from the US point of view.

    Or we'd not have established two Islamic Republics, at great cost, to US.

    Which is, of course, the subject of this thread.

  19. The Encyclopedia Britannica publishes in English, not Arabic.

  20. All those Semitic languages, they must sound alike.

    The Turks, they do not speak Arabic, anyway.

    The whirled should go back to the future, returning the Levant to Turkish dominion. Back to when peace and harmony ruled the region.

  21. Palestinians, prior to the 1960's were Jews! Arabs/Muslims considered the epithet insulting.

    The founder of Zionism, Herzl, as well as his followers, considered themselves Palestinians. The Ottoman Turks so designated them.

    Balfour Map used by League of Nations prior to British perfidy proportional to the flow of Arab oil

    By the way, encyclopedists do not make foreign policy, although they do often draw pretty pictures.

  22. By the way, the British of the 1920's were willing to convey an Israeli homeland that ran from the river to the sea. :-)

  23. DR: There is a mountain of Israeli accidents, always culminating in the deaths of folk that the Israeli consider "others".

    The sanctity of human life only applies to members of one's own tribe. Besides, WiO knows of a magic tactical nuclear warhead that only melts black rocks, not brown flesh.

  24. True, allen, and US foreign policy states CLEARLY that Islam is not the enemy.

    To claim it is, borders upon sedition.
    To continually campaign that Islam is, well, that certainly undermines the United States and its' foreign policy objectives.

    As does the continued military occupation and civil exploitation of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

  25. Just as petroleum held by Arabs has bastardized our Congress and Administration, so it did to the British - particularly as the Germans showed signs of preparing for a resumption of WWI.

  26. That all sides in the region use language and word choices to advance their various perspectives, as to place names and dominion, certainly adds to the mountain of evidence, as to the equivalency of the players.

  27. WiO:It's common knowledge Herr Rat, that the Jews called themselves Palestinians, until 1948...

    If you examine the data you will see that Jews were outnumbered by Arabs in Palestine during this period

  28. Selah said,

    The sanctity of human life only applies to members of one's own tribe.

    Why do you continue to publically celebrate your ignorance of Judaism. Find something from either the Babylonian or Jerusalem Talmud (aka PALESTINIAN Talmud - 5th century C.E.) that would substantiate your calumny.

  29. That the British are steeped in perfidy, exemplified by the establishment of the State of Israel, despite their promises to their Arab allies, in the battles against the Turks.

    Typical of British foreign policy.
    Israel, the last Europeon colony they established, as the sun was setting upon their Empire.

  30. WIO:The fact that the fake nationalistic people self named as "Palestinians" use their children as human bait, shields and explosive devices and do not invest in medical treatment or teaching those same human explosives to love life is the issue...

    WiO is nothing like that. He just wants to use atomic devices on a rock in the downtown core of a major city, which, incidentally, is packed with children, but that's okay, they are only Arab children and therefore they are not human.

  31. Whether Jews (Palestinians) were outnumbered by Arabs is beside the point. Both Selah and rat have argued that the Arabs considered themselves Palestinians. They most certainly did not until the Egyptian Arafat expropriated the term for political reasons, knowing that he would be dealing with stupid Westerners.

  32. Can Blogger's Comment eating filter be turned off?

  33. Teknos says an Ohio State study recently found that people with more than six lifetime oral sex partners have the greatest oropharyngeal cancer risk.
    It's not yet clear why some people with HPV get this throat cancer while others do not. But it does appear that decades can elapse between HPV infection and the appearance of cancer.

    "The infection may happen in a person's 20s and only manifest as cancer in the 40s," he says.

  34. The British government had worked with the Ottomans and Zionists in the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine long before WWI.

    Do you people ever read anything other than conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites?

  35. Doug, I can find no control mechanism that prevents posts in comments.

  36. Deuce,
    I'll e-mail it to you... what you will with it.

  37. FUCK!

    Now I cannot access my G-Mail!!!

    They will send a verification code to my mobile phone...


  38. Allen: Why do you continue to publically celebrate your ignorance of Judaism. Find something from either the Babylonian or Jerusalem Talmud (aka PALESTINIAN Talmud - 5th century C.E.) that would substantiate your calumny.

    Relying upon the Code of Maimonides and the Halacha, the Gush Emunim leader Rabbi Yisrael Ariel stated: “A Jew who killed a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment and has not violated the religious prohibition of murder.”

  39. Now I understand, the Encyclopedia Britannica, of 1902, it was part of a grand anti-Arabian conspiracy.

  40. The use of the word Semite, as a synonym for Jew, now that IS part of a global conspiracy.

  41. "Is there any sense of outrage left in this country?"

    Is there no end to the daily mining for outrage?

  42. I'm going to write my congressperson (as soon as I get one) and make a modest proposal which I've previously stated here:

    Let every American before the age of 30 spend a year, maybe two, abroad in some Godforsaken pesthole like Ghana. Or some fabulously, brazenly corrupt backwater like Guatemala.

    Granted, some will come back gushing about the local color and superior folkways and whatnot - or, like my daughter, expressing disgust with our culture of lavish consumption. Granted. But most will also come back with a more sober and appreciative perspective on a country (their own) that, in some ways, they never knew. Because they never knew anything else.

  43. Now they will send a automated voicemail verification code...

    ...wife would love to have me wake her up on account of Google automated call!

  44. "Because they never knew anything else."


    A minor factor compared to all the cultural, pop-cultural, media, and academic institutions promoting self-loathing hatred of the USA.

  45. Interesting developments this am...

    Our anti-semite fem fatale is back and has only negative things to say about my wanting to destroyt he black rock of arabia...

    She has swirled this into my wanting of NUKING an entire city of innocent arab "brown" babies...

    To set the record straight, for the 945th time.

    I advocate the destruction of the black rock with a tiny tactical nuke. After the city's brown babies can be warned and evacuated.

    That being said...

    I find it interesting that that is her main concern, my wishing to nuke a rock, and yet, has nothing to say for all the innocent little brown people murdered by other brown people over the "holidays"..

    nary a mention of the copts being slaughtered by other brown folk...

    Just mentioning my wish to destroy a rock...

    To which again, she lies, exaggerates and distorts to feed her strange but non-main stream form of lesbian christianity...

  46. I use Google
    I hate Google
    ...exudes self-loathing bile.

  47. Make sure the weather sucks ass most of the time.

  48. Our fem fatale suggests that jesus, her lord and personal savior, sent legions of killers to genocidally kill the jews from the land as punishment for not "accepting" Jesus as the Christ...

    Somehow that was ok...

    My wanting (not doing) the killing of a rock sets her off...

    SHe never has any problem with little brown babies, if they are jews, being blown up...

    Actually she only has a problem when moslems are killed by NON-moslems..

    She certainly ha no issues with little black babies being murdered in sudan by other "brown peoples"

    Now the interesting thing?

    She calls arab brown people...

    Jews, whose father is the same are not "brown peoples"

    I wonder, is Jesus a white man to her?

    Does that make her version of her god a white guy?

    If Jesus was a Jew, (sorry no palestinians in even her poorly translated bible) was he a brown person? or was he a white guy?

    and really, has she even been to Israel and ever seen an israeli?

    they do tan...

    darker than many phillipinos...

    are they brown people too?

    and what is brown?

    is light brown still brown?

    was nasser a brown guy?

    arafat was much whiter...

    does Ms T carry a card with shades of brown on it to determine whether they should be liked or not?

  49. ONE TRILLION Dollars "protecting" the oil.

    For 1/3 of that we could be OFF Foreign Oil, forever.

    We're the Stupidest Fucking People in the history of the universe.

  50. Ms T has a strange version of Christianity...

    She blames the Jews for being butchers, commanded by G-d in the old test....

    and yet, she says, that same god is jesus...

    then she says, jesus commanded legions to slaughter the jews for denying him

    Where in christianity does the big guy get to be different gods?

    If the big guy commanded all the bad things she hates in the old test... aint that the same big guy in the new that ordered all the old test shit???

  51. "A minor factor..."

    I don't think so. Most Americans are blithely unaware, supremely ignorant, of the way the other half, so to speak, really lives and conducts itself.

    Quite the irony for the hyperpower.

    And the explosion in tourism hasn't helped. Because tourism is something else entirely.

    I flew home from Germany once with a bunch of middle-aged Americans who had just finished a month-long Grand Tour of western Europe. Upon landing they erupted in delirious applause.

    Glad to be home after a month of gaping at castles and standing in line for museums?

    Twelve months in a 'Stan, or French Guyana.

    You'll be glad you're back alright.

  52. Rufus II said...
    ONE TRILLION Dollars "protecting" the oil.

    For 1/3 of that we could be OFF Foreign Oil, forever.

    We're the Stupidest Fucking People in the history of the universe.

    well said...

    what has Obama done about it?






  53. OK,
    Two major factors, your point and my point.

    ...but once upon a time, citizens were brought up in this country in one room schools to learn to love this country for what it is.

    ...even if they never saw anything else.

  54. ...later, movies and TV featured American Heros.

    Long since replaced by the ever so sophisticated antihero worshippers.

  55. I believe the solution to the problem with Islam is to force them to reform.

    The destruction of the Black rock is key to this...

    I shall present ideas to gain support for the destruction of the rock by the collection peoples of the world.

    Muslims believe (without proof) that the revered "black stone" (Alhajar Al-Aswad) is a special divine meteorite, that pre-dates creation that fell at the foot of Adam and Eve. It is presently embedded in the southeastern corner of the Kaba. Muslims touch and kiss the black stone during Hajj but non-Muslims are strictly forbidden to even touch it.

    The stone has been attacked many times and is now composed of several pieces and fragments, bound together by a silver ligature. It is semicircular and measures about ten inches horizontally and twelve inches vertically. Here a woman and her husband touch the stone.

    It is presently embedded in the southeastern corner of the Kaba. Muslims touch and kiss the black stone during Hajj but non-Muslims are strictly forbidden to even touch it.

  56. So the size of the target is 12 by 10 inches across.

    Sounds like a job for a small tactical nuke..

    what are our options?

    30 years ago we developed:

    The Davy Crockett was one of the smallest nuclear weapons ever made by the United States. Built in the late 1950s, and designed for the battlefields of Europe to stop a possible Warsaw Pact invasion, the warhead looked like a watermelon, being only 30 inches long and weighing about 76 pounds. From a portable tripod launcher, it could be fired at the enemy as close as 1,000 feet or up to 13,000 feet away. It was a weapon for nuclear war at close range.

    But that was 30 years ago. I wonder, if we put our minds to it, could our nation construct one small enough to fit under a burka?

  57. Then our very own Ms T and her concern with little brown babies will be relieved.

    The issue here is how to nuke the 12 x 10 INCH area to totally destroy the "rock"....

    If ONE of the 5 main Pillars of Islam is destructed will thy then start thinking that Allah has punished them?

    The Ishmaels have no problem with destroying all sorts of other faith's major symbols.

    From the giant buddas to the tomb of the patriarch, to thousands of churches and more..

    It's really the ONLY humane way to fight the islamic tide.

  58. Throw in an exotic parasite and frightening encounter with the local "legal system".

    A long-running civil war involving street gangs; starving women and children. And at least one overnight bus ride in which your very life passes before your eyes.

  59. Hell the Ishmael's even car bomb each other's major mosques...

    Think of a world where Islam was handed a major defeat like this...

    It would priceless...

  60. Trish A long-running civil war involving street gangs; starving women and children. And at least one overnight bus ride in which your very life passes before your eyes.

    Are you speaking about Chicago, Detroit or LA?

  61. The 'Five Pillars' of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life:

    Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;
    Establishment of the daily prayers;
    Concern for and almsgiving to the needy;
    Self-purification through fasting; and
    The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.

    The pilgrimage to Makkah (the hajj) is an obligation only for those who are physically and financially able to do so. Nevertheless, over two million people go to Makkah each year from every corner of the globe providing a unique opportunity for those of different nations to meet one another.

    The annual hajj begins in the twelfth month of the Islamic year (which is lunar, not solar, so that hajj and Ramada-n fall sometimes in summer, sometimes in winter). Pilgrims wear special clothes: simple garments that strip away distinctions of class and culture, so that all stand equal before God.

    The rites of the hajj, which are of Abrahamic origin, include going around the Ka'bah seven times, and going seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa as did Hagar (Hajir, Abraham's wife) during her search for water. The pilgrims later stand together on the wide plains of 'Arafat (a large expanse of desert outside Makkah) and join in prayer for God's forgiveness, in what is often thought as a preview of the Day of Judgment.

    The close of the hajj is marked by a festival, the 'Id al Adha, which is celebrated with prayers and the exchange of gifts in Muslim communities everywhere. This and the 'Id al Fitr, a festive day celebrating the end of Ramada-n, are the two holidays of the Islamic calendar.

  62. So there are times when it a ghost town..

    perfect time for schedule a rock cleansing...

    Or maybe, we kidnap the rock and blast it off to the sun????

    Hell it's only 12 x 10 INCHES

    Let's hire some African Animists to pretend to be female Ishmaels, wear burkas, go and "touch" the rock, only to steal it!!

    That's a plan!

  63. I'm not responsible for what WiO says that I said, only for what I actually said.

    And, uh, I never equated Yeshua with God.

  64. "...Maybe you'll be lucky and Harlem will come to you..."

    Country Joe and the Fish

  65. I wonder, if we could get a fragment of the black rock, could we torture it?

    Put it on youtube...

    Set the rock up on a pedestal and parade in from of it will rock hammers, sledge hammers and grinding files...

    If we are lucky the Ishmaels will loose their minds and riot through out Ishmaelistan...

  66. Selah said...
    I'm not responsible for what WiO says that I said, only for what I actually said.

    And, uh, I never equated Yeshua with God.

    Great standard BITCH....

    And conversely I'm not responsible for what your lying lips says that I said, only for what I actually said.

    And Now, our great strange Jew hating, "Yeshua" loving so called Christian has no problem using a Y for Jesus's name but insists that Palestinians use a P...


    you are one fucked up person....

  67. Here's what a muslem says about even an earthquake hitting the Keeba...

    Come to think of it, I’ve never heard of a natural disaster that even touched Mecca or Medinah. And the one I did read about right now said that no one was hurt at all. Honestly if something happened to the Kabbah in Mecca, I would think it was a test of my faith. And a really strong test. Its been over 1400 years, and the Kabbah is still as good and new. I believe that Allah will protect it. But if something were to happen to it? I would question it, I’m not going to lie I think my faith would get shaky, but I believe that I will still believe in Allah. And merely take it as a test.
    But honestly, have you ever heard of something happening to Mecca? Anything at all?
    It is said in a hadith or maybe something else, that when the Dijal comes (or Antichrist) he will try to get into Mecca and Medinah but won’t be able to because an Angel will be protecting the city/cities. And an earthquake will shake all the non-believers out of the two cities and only leave true believers. And the Dijal won’t be able to get through and torture the people who don’t believe him.
    That is the only time I will be scared of the earthquake. But for now, I highly doubt that it will happen. I believe Allah is protecting those cities, I mean you never hear anything with natural disasters happen over there, and its next to volcanic rock. Thats truly a miracle from God.

    Let's shake their faith folks...

  68. WiO, aka "Pork Rinds for Allah" calling for nuking the Kaaba is like someone wanting to blow up St. Peter's Basilica because Pat Robertson pissed them off. He makes no distinction between the lunatic fringe and the mainstream of a world religion.

  69. here are some more thoughts

    What I propose is simply this. Would destroying Mecca begin a similar process for Muslims? Perhaps only the threat of destroying Mecca would be enough.

    Radical Muslims believe they are in a race to bring about the world wide Caliphate. They believe that Muslims are destined to rule the world. What I propose is simple: show them that they cannot rule the world. Show them that Allah is not on their side--at least, not in the way that they believe.

    Osama bin Laden once famously said that people will choose the strong horse over the weak horse. What if Islam is shown to be the weak horse? What if one of the central tenants of Muslim worship, the hajj, was gone? Would this not force some serious rethinking in the Islamic world?

    Today we are told by Muslims that the true meaning of jihad is internal struggle. Unfortunately, the actions of too many Muslims shows that they believe jihad means armed struggle against the infidels. Destroying Mecca may have the long-term affect of convincing radical Muslims that Allah really doesn't want sharia law around the world. That all that stuff about killing the infidels in the Quran--that's all metaphor.

    After all, if Muslims can be convinced that the whole hajj thing is just metaphor, then what else might they consider as metaphorical? Perhaps jihad. Perhaps sharia. Perhaps the global Caliphate.

    These are just some thoughts. No one should take them too seriously.

    Posted by Dr. Rusty Shackleford

  70. MS T:

    He makes no distinction between the lunatic fringe and the mainstream of a world religion.


    too fuckin funny...

  71. "...but once upon a time, citizens were brought up in this country in one room schools to learn to love this country for what it is."

    SERE school maybe?

    At the end, the "detainees" are ordered to turn around and face the flag, which they fully expect as at other formations to be the flag of their "captors".

    They raise the Stars and Stripes and play the National Anthem instead.

    And grown men are overcome.

    I'm tryin' to be practical here.

    Almost every American, whether he or she is aware of it or not, carries around a love of country because it is HOME.

    Bringing that to the surface, informing it, animating it, is the trick.

    I think that for children, gifted historical storytelling is the way to go.

  72. "Are you speaking about Chicago, Detroit or LA?"

    Off to the Sudan for you, crybaby.

  73. Emmerich reveals fear of fatwa axed 2012 scene
    Roland Emmerich, the director of the 'end of days' disaster movie, had wanted to depict the destruction of Islam's holiest site, but was persuaded not to

    He blew up the Empire State Building and the White House in Independence Day, sent a giant monster careering through the heart of Manhattan in Godzilla and destroyed the famous Hollywood sign in The Day After Tomorrow. But it seems there are places even Roland Emmerich will not go - the German film-maker has revealed he abandoned plans to obliterate Islam's holiest site on the big screen for fear of attracting a fatwa.

    For his latest disaster movie, 2012, the 53-year-old director had wanted to demolish the Kaaba, the iconic cube-shaped structure in the Grand Mosque in Mecca that Muslims the world over turn towards every day when they pray and which they circle seven times during the hajj pilgrimage.

    But after some consideration, he decided it might not be such a smart idea, after all.

    "I wanted to do that, I have to admit," Emmerich told "But my co-writer Harald [Kloser] said I will not have a fatwa on my head because of a movie. And he was right.

    "We have to all, in the western world, think about this. You can actually let Christian symbols fall apart, but if you would do this with [an] Arab symbol, you would have ... a fatwa, and that sounds a little bit like what the state of this world is.

    Yep Islam is not a lunatic faith...

    People dont get murdered for cartoons

    Fatwas are not written by Islamic NATIONS

  74. trish:

    Off to the Sudan for you, crybaby.

    Only if i can take my bacon fat lubed ammo for my AR-15 and a pillow of soft dog hair...

  75. Now ms t, the ever evolving neo-pagan christos now tells us she is a follower of Yeshua...

    Notice the usage of the Y folks...

    There is no J in Hebrew... Yaakov is Jacob... etc...

    But when we talk about the fake "palestinians" national movement, not a word about the fact that there is no P in arabic (a national language of the zionist entity)

    Palestine is not a real Arab term, nor people nor nation-state.

    But now, Ms T, says she doesnt think Yeshua is her big man...

    Hmmm, what KIND of Christian doesnt BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is part and parcel to the Christians god being on earth?

    Hmmm... Me thinks the Pope would not be happy with her...

    Hell is her future...

    Tell ya what T, after your dead and are in hell, look me up, you might be a tad bit nicer to me.

    I'll be the Jew with kosher pork ribs next to the lake of fire...

  76. "Only if i can take my..."

    Gonna make ya do it Survivorman style.

    Add a granola bar to the multi-tool and single match.

  77. Selah,

    Was your quote from the Babylonian Talmud or from the Palestinian Talmud?

    Please, provide a link.

  78. Do I understand correctly that Ishmael thinks the word "anti-Semite" is a word that came into being as part of a Jewish conspiracy, ala Protocols of Elders of Zion?

  79. Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם‎, translated as "name", Arabic: ساميّ‎) was first used to refer to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others.

    As language studies are interwoven with cultural studies, the term also came to describe the extended cultures and ethnicities, as well as the history of these varied peoples as associated by close geographic and linguistic distribution.


    Definition of ANTI:
    one that is opposed

    One who is opposed to the extended cultures and ethnicities, as well as the history of these varied peoples as associated by close geographic and linguistic distribution.

  80. trish said...
    'Cause you're no pussy, WIO.


    in all seriousness?

    I am not a special forces guy... However that being said, I am better than 60% of the average joes that are out there.

    I'll trade that match in an instant for some flint and steel and a clear piece of plastic...

    To many hours watching survival guy I guess..

    In the end? I will not be surprised when things we take for granted dont work one day.. Maybe not forever, but not work for a few weeks...

    Food, water, power are all way to easy for most Americans to have without a clue how most of the rest of the world survives...

  81. Ah yes... Herr Rat's meds are still not working...

    Now he's back to "his" special logic that the term "anti-semite" applies to arabs as well as jews..

    Let's see...

    A kite has a tail, a cat has a tail,

    and thus we can say that a cat is a kite....

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Herr Rodent's needs to rant about land theft and abortion of Jew fetuses..

    Oh that's right, he already did the land theft...

    Did he do the abortions yet on this thread?


    He's due...

  84. The expression came into being in 1879, first utilized by German journalist Wilhelm Marr in a propaganda pamphlet called, "The Victory of Germandom over Jewry"

    Now, since Mr Marr wrote the pamphlet in German, its' translation has been continually misapplied, in English.

    The terms' use in English has been embraced, thoroughly, by the Zionists, as part of the claims of victimization.

  85. "However that being said, I am better than 60% of the average joes that are out there."

    Stockpiling ammo for The Great Unraveling?

  86. desert rat said...
    The expression came into being in 1879, first utilized by German journalist Wilhelm Marr in a propaganda pamphlet called, "The Victory of Germandom over Jewry"

    Now, since Mr Marr wrote the pamphlet in German, its' translation has been continually misapplied, in English.

    The terms' use in English has been embraced, thoroughly, by the Zionists, as part of the claims of victimization.

    He gets funnier and funnier every day...

    I can picture herr rat, in his bunker, with his little square moustache screaming at his PC "I will teach those dam jews the meaning of anti-semite"...

    The only good news? the more he types on this blog the less time he has out there in the real world plotting his next murder....

  87. trish:

    Stockpiling ammo for The Great Unraveling?

    Not "The Great Unraveling", but i can see the grid going off line for a few weeks... I do see a breakdown in the inner cities.. And the likelihood of disruption in normal civil services....

    So food, ammo, weapons, power, water, water purification, a plan...

    all advocated by our own government...

    Have a plan in case of a natural or manmade disaster.

  88. The killing of Jewish babies, by Israelis is well documented. A historical precedent going back to their King Herod.

    That they continue to kill about 50,000 each year, a well documented fact.

    The Israeli killing more Jews each year than the Muzzies could ever aspire to.

    All in the effort, by the Israeli government, to keep the coming of the Jewish Messiah at bay.

    This salient point brought to the public's knowledge by Yona Metzger and Shlomo Amar, the chief rabbis in Israel, in a statement they made on 12/28/10.

    Just days ago.

    Indeed the pair called on religious teachers to inform citizens of Israel that “biblical prohibition to kill fetuses in their mothers’ wombs.”
    They recalled their effort to form a committee to combat the approximately 50,000 abortions that take place in Israel annually ...
    “The Chief Rabbinate of Israel is appalled by this horrifying data, indicating that this is a true epidemic costing the lives of dozens of Jewish souls every year,” the chief rabbis wrote, according to CBN.

    Last year, Metzger and Amar said that abortion kills thousands of Israeli babies a year and delays the coming of the Messiah

    The Zionist and Israeli government proving, once again, that they do not represent Judaism in the whirled.

    Called out by the leading rabbis in the historic land of Palestine.

    The Link to the Truth

  89. "the ever evolving neo-pagan christos"

    Selah and Blue and Bob play cards.

    In white Fez's with antlers.

    I think there might be other activities.

    Perhaps involving dogs.

  90. Metzger and Amar said that abortion kills thousands of Israeli babies a year and delays the coming of the Messiah

  91. "Have a plan in case of a natural or manmade disaster."

    I have a few cans of soup in the cupboard.

    And a crank radio.

    I'm good to go.

  92. And a water purifier.

    And if God forbid I have to kill a man, I'll do it by whining incessantly.

  93. No real need for that radio, trish.

  94. I give more credence to the tenets of Judaism published by the Rabbis Metzger and Amar than to the supposed articles of faith proclaimed in the Story of "o".

  95. Now ms t, the ever evolving neo-pagan christos now tells us she is a follower of Yeshua...

    There he goes again, attributing things to me that I never said.

  96. .

    Now I cannot access my G-Mail!!!

    They will send a verification code to my mobile phone...



    I've had the same thing happen to me over the past week.

    Same error message etc.

    I've contacted them, had the message sent to my mobile phone, plugged it in, and it still doesn't work.

    The only way I've been able to get back in was set up an account under a new e-mail address. I am quickly running out of separate e-mail addresses.

    Just got back in a few minutes ago.


  97. "No real need for that radio, trish."

    You're right. Because I know the words to every song on 99.5 FM. Not to mention many showtunes.

  98. That is the stock and trade of the Story of "o".

    He stands four square against the position of the Chief Rabbis of Israel and for the deaths of 50,000 Jews, each year.

    A secular Zionist that totally discounts the killing of Jews, by Israelis, so they have room for ever more Europeon colonists.

    The fact is he belittle the deaths of those Jewish souls.

    Black hearted demon that he is.

  99. .

    Doug, misread your first note.

    My problem was with the blogger account.

    Same thing happened there.

    I don't have a g-mail account.

    Must be smething screwed up by google.



  100. They Jewish leaders also said abortions “delay the redemption” by postponing the coming of the Messiah and they based the teaching on the Babylonian Talmud in Tractate Niddah which says each baby that is born brings the Jewish people closer to redemption.

    “The redemption does not take place until all the souls are brought out of their storing place,” the Talmud states.

    The letter goes on to condemn “the killing of fetuses in their mother’s womb.”

    In December 2007, the chief rabbinic council in Israel released a new opinion confirming that abortions constitute a “grave sin” and saying they are delaying the coming of the Messiah.

    “The vast majority of abortions are unnecessary and strictly forbidden according to halacha because they are carried out even when the pregnancies do not endanger the mother’s health,” the rabbis wrote.

    They said those kinds of abortions for socioeconomic reasons or the mother not wanting the baby at the time are delaying the coming of the Messiah,

    What other type of demon favors delaying the coming of the Messiah, than the black-hearted variety?

    An Islamic Jinn, perhaps.

  101. In 2008, the oldest Orthodox Jewish Rabbinic organization in the country, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada, issued a historic declaration on voting and abortion.

    It said Jewish voters should not vote for candidates who support abortion, calling them “antithetical” to Jewish values.

    Now that is "good" word to describe the tenets proclaimed in the Story of "o".


  102. You may be in awe of the politicians that have taken this country from where it was twenty years ago to where it is today but I am not.

    A trillion on two nine year wars, no big deal.

  103. "abortion ... “antithetical” to Jewish values."

    The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada

  104. Your twenty year window, Deuce, way to small.

    The calender is longer than that.
    To before the FDR era, back to his cousin Teddy and his "Progressive Republicanism".

    It has been 100 years, more, since the Federals usurped power, destroying the checks and balances that were devised by the Founders.

  105. The trends accelerating after WWII, with consequences that were not unforeseen.
    As Ike, who everyone liked, told US, all.

  106. Sorry Herr Rat...

    Never had an abortion, never paid for one either...

    But I am touched by your concern of all the Jewish babies not being born...

    I do advocate Jews reproducing...

    and I DO support that...

    as for your opinion of Judaism?

    I value that as much as I value your opinion on anything,,,

    I dont..

    You are a self confessed actual killer of real live human people that are born...

    That makes you several notches below anything I ever did...

    Now since you have admitted you were NOT in uniform and were not part of any actual army when you did those murders, you are a criminal.

  107. Rat,

    Your inability to deal forthrightly with something as simple as the definition of the word "anti-Semite" makes you a laughing stock, buffoon and fool.

    Re: abortion et al

    Whether abortion is a moral wrong among Jews is a Jewish problem. Whatever the case, it does not give towel heads like you the right to kill Jews at will.

    Americans eat Big Macs, drink too much, and smoke - all leading to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths anually, as we all know. This does NOT give towel heads like you the right to run planes into our buildings...Think about that...apples and oranges, again, Ishmael.

  108. I see you guys are having lots of fun with out me! Please carry on.

    I like Teddy, I wish he were around today.

  109. think of the hours Herr rodent must spend searching the Jew archives for stuff to comment on...


  110. Everyone likes the memory of Teddy, gag.

    Well, discounting trish, of course.

    As a man, he was the real deal, as far as politicos go. He was also quite the Progressive.

    That the standard of Liberal and Conservative has changed, in the last 100 plus years, is well seen in him.

    A true Progressive, in his day, his positions are considered quite "conservative", now.

  111. As allen and Story of "o" are writing on water, I cannot read it.

  112. Egyptian Security Guards Withdrew One Hour Before Church Blast, Say Eyewitnesses

    While the muzzie guards and muzzie murderers were not anti-Semitic, they were clearly anti-Christ.

    Come on, make an excuse, Ishmael.

    You've covered abortion; how about organic veggies?

  113. But the writings of Rabbis Metzger and Amar, they are as engraved in stone.

    There is no misunderstanding their message.

  114. desert rat said...
    But the writings of Rabbis Metzger and Amar, they are as engraved in stone.

    Nope! You lie again.

  115. It sucks to be Egyptian.

    They have a government that is authoritarian and bigoted. That has been known, for years.

    That it sucks to be a minority, in the Middle East, and that the governments there kill minorities, with impunity, true too.

    In Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Israel. All those Semitics.

    The Equivalency Standard remains valid. All the governments, in that region are despotic, when it comes to their resident minorities.

  116. Slippin' there, allen.

    The froth is showing, around your lips.

  117. allen, another Islamic Jinn, masquerading as an American Jew?

    Do we have two?

  118. Islamic Jinn are like that, devious.

  119. The only gin here is that being drunk by you. (By the way, it is dangerous to do that while taking your VA Mental Hygiene drugs.)

    What authority have chief rabbis?

  120. rat said,

    The froth is showing, around your lips.

    Mon Jan 03, 01:50:00 PM EST

    Hmm...froth...Hmm...You must be thinking about your last date.

  121. Our Islamic Jinn, masquerading as American Jews have been found out.

    The Story of "o" a character of exaggerated parody, the Islamic Jinn that portrays himself as allen, a tad more refined.

    But he doth protest to much.

  122. "You may be in awe of the politicians that have taken this country from where it was twenty years ago to where it is today but I am not.

    "So there."

    I can't recall expressing awe wrt the politicians of the last twenty years.

    Some of it IS a blur, however.

    I was expressing as I have before the desire for we Americans generally to keep a healthy perspective on things by recognizing the extent to which we are - still - extremely blessed as nations go.

  123. .

    Damn, Selah.

    I've already paid for a two week vacation starting on May 18.

    Just checked my travel insurance policy and I don't think it covers something like this.


  124. Ahh, the Jinn.

    Reminded me of the old "Fire-Gazer" from Magi, Zoroaster.

    The Persians, inventors of Monotheism, and the inspiration of the Abrahamic Religions.

    A sibling rivalry that's gone on for, what? 2,000 years, now? Of course, the parent, and his family did some squabbling, themselves, back in the day.

  125. You boys need to go see Tron, twice, like me. Here's why.

  126. Monotheism and the Western Pathology – Judaism

    This will appeal to some. :-D))))

    The Persians were never truly monotheistic. Their hybridized “monotheism lite” was nearly 1,000 years younger than Abraham’s monotheism.

  127. Ignorance is bliss. :-D)))

    To each his sufferings: all are men,
    Condemned alike to groan,
    The tender for another's pain;
    The unfeeling for his own.
    Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
    Since sorrow never comes too late,
    And happiness too swiftly flies.
    Thought would destroy their paradise.
    No more; where ignorance is bliss,
    'Tis folly to be wise.

  128. The Persians were never truly monotheistic. Their hybridized “monotheism lite” was nearly 1,000 years younger than Abraham’s monotheism.

    Abraham practiced monolatry, not monotheism.

    Even at the time of Sinai, the Hebrews acknowledged that other gods existed, but were loyal to the God of Abraham. The first commandment says, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

    The first time in the Old or New Testament that any one says the other gods don't really exist is in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. Even Yahweh believed in the other gods:

    Exodus 12:12 "On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt."

    Hard to bring judgment on that which does not exist, no?

  129. Israel arrests staff from British consulate: Foreign Office

    Israeli authorities have arrested two locally hired workers at the British consulate general in Jerusalem who were reportedly linked to a plot to attack a stadium, the Foreign Office in London said Monday

    This is why spending $6 billion or $6 trillion will make no difference. It isn't money they want.

  130. Hey, Selah, you Bible quoting dervish: I'm still waiting to hear that quote from the Babylonian or Palestinian Talmud.

    You're having trouble aren't you? :-)

    Don't let that stop you: Just make something up.

  131. Selah,

    I am curious as to which other gods Abraham paid tribute or acknowledgment. If you please, stick with the strict Torah (5 Books of Moses) for your answer.

    These other gods had names...Right?

    Surely, when Abraham went down to Egypt to sojourn, he paid tribute to the Egyptian pantheon...Right?

    Since you did not dispute that the Persians were not truly monotheistic, I assume your concurrence.

    Arguing about the whipper-snapper Zorro-Asster is getting old.

  132. Selah,

    To be clear: We Jews do NOT use the "New Testament" as an authoritative source for anything religious. You have us confused with the Christians, G-d love'em.

  133. Ex-Lebanon Leader: Christians Target of Genocide

    Christians are being murdered in Lebanon…must be their fault…couldn’t be the muzzies…

  134. Meanwhile I've got my first real Saudi tenant, real squirrel of a guy, with shifty eyes and a big grin. He was worried about how far it was to walk over to school - it's about four blocks. He had a wad of Saudi money. The ditsy broad works at bed breakfast and more and is in line for management, so she says.

    I'm keeping my eye on these two.

  135. The only record of Abraham's birth, life, and death is The Book of Genesis. It gives Abraham's birth as 1948 Anno Mundi. (that's 1948 years after the "Creation" of the World - or, a little over 4,000 years, ago.)

    Unfortunately, to buy into this you have to accept that the world is 6,000 years old.

    Many experts now believe that the story of Abraham originated along about the time the Babylonian Jews were set free to go to Judea - or, IIRC, about the time of ol' Zorro.

  136. It is all tedious bullshit to me.

  137. .

    Excavations have been going on in Pella, Jordon for about 15 years.

    They indicate examples of religious history there go back about 10,000 years.

    The Temple of Migdol there was in use for about 800 years including the period when Moses lived. The archeologists there now indicated that the archeological evidence indicates that 'state monotheism' arose in a number of states in the area around the same time as Moses lived.


  138. Nope, it appears old zorro lived about 1,000 yrs, BC. 500 years before the release of the Jews from Babylon.


  139. Many experts now believe that the story of Abraham originated along about the time the Babylonian Jews were set free to go to Judea - or, IIRC, about the time of ol' Zorro.

    What is a "Many Expert"?

  140. You spend enough time in the desert and you'll become convinced of all sorts of things.

  141. Silly Stories, Deuce. Designed to keep the chilluns in line.

  142. Unfortunately, to buy into this you have to accept that the world is 6,000 years old.

    Only if you want to and don't know any better. In any event, this business of a young earth/universe is mostly a Christian misunderstanding of a Hebrew verb.

    Good try!

  143. Whose god is the greatest? Let the gods come down and sort it out themselves, send us a report for evaluation.

    The tablets carried by Moses were not the result of a miracle, an iPad, now that is a miracle, designed and built by living men.

  144. While not nearly as authoritative as Wiki, Britannica has this to say,

    "Zoroaster, Old Iranian Zarathushtra, or Zarathustra (b. c. 628 bc, probably Rhages, Iran—d. c. 551, site unknown), Iranian religious reformer and founder of Zoroastrianism, or Parsiism, as it is known in India."

    No one has mentioned Moses as the start of Hebrew monotheism other than one guy trying to change the direction of the conversation.

    Abraham was the first monotheist as far as Jews and history can determine. He predated Zorro by a longshot.

    Good try.

  145. This guy, for one:

    Joseph Blenkinsopp, Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies at the University of Notre Dame, notes that the past four of five decades have seen a growing consensus that the Genesis narrative of Abraham originated from literary circles of the 6th and 5th centuries BCE as a mirror of the situation facing the Jewish community under the Babylonian and early Persian empires.[38] Blenkinsopp describes two conclusions about Abraham that are widely held in biblical scholarship: the first is that, except in the triad "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," he is not clearly and unambiguously attested in the bible earlier than the Babylonian exile (he does not, for example, appear in prophetic texts earlier than that time); the second is that he became, in the Persian period, a model for those who would return from Babylon to Judah.[39] Beyond this the Abraham story (and those of Isaac and Jacob/Israel) served a theological purpose following the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple and the Davidic kingship: despite the loss of these things, Yahweh's dealings with the ancestors provided a historical foundation on which hope for the future could be built.[40] There is basic agreement that his connection with Haran, Shechem and Bethel is secondary and originated when he became identified as the father of Jacob and ancestor of the northern tribes; his association with Mamre and Hebron, on the other hand (in the south, in the territory of Jerusalem and Judah), suggest that this region was the original home of his cult.


  146. A miracle would be your shutting down the anti-Semite who insults other participants with impunity.

    You know, Mister, there are only a handful million of us. We know one another. We are related to one another. Since I don't slander your relatives, how about laying off mine for a single freaking day!!!! Yeah, that would be a miracle.

  147. "You know, Mister, there are only a handful million of us. We know one another. We are related to one another. Since I don't slander your relatives, how about laying off mine for a single freaking day!!!! Yeah, that would be a miracle."

    You've done so much better, allen.
