Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mob Related - Lots of Names Ending With Vowels Being Busted in NYC

Exclusive: FBI Rounding Up 100 Mobsters in Biggest Mafia Bust in NY History

Charges range from gambling to racketeering to murder

Updated 8:39 AM EST, Thu, Jan 20, 2011 NBC

The FBI calls it the biggest mafia round-up in New York history. More than 100 suspected mobsters are being arrested this morning in connection with numerous federal investigations into New York area mob groups.
FBI agents along with NYPD and State Police officers, and US Marshals were conducting raids that began in the early morning hours.  Federal charges are expected to range from gambling to racketeering to murder.
Law-enforcement officials said members and associates of all five New York mafia families - as well as New Jersey's DeCavalcante family - are among those being arrested.
The arrest operations stretch across the tri-state area with many of the suspects being processed in Brooklyn.  Attorney General Eric Holder is flying up from Washington to take part in the official announcement.  US Attorneys Loretta Lynch, Preet Bharara along with FBI New York Director Janice Fedarcyk and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly are expected to announce details of the federal charges at an 11 am news conference.
With more than 100 arrests expected, officials said the charges this day surpass the large 2008 mafia raids where 80-plus suspected members of organized crime were charged. 
At that time, John 'Jackie the Nose' D'Amico and other reputed leaders of the Gambino crime family were targeted in the U.S. while Italian authorities conducted simultaneous raids on mafia groups there.
FBI officials have said organized crime is still active in New York's construction industry.  Labor union corruption, loansharking and gambling among the other schemes run by the mob.  
FBI officials did officially confirm the arrests. 
"Early this morning FBI Agents along with our law enforcement partners began arresting over 100 organized crime members for various criminal charges," said Diego Rodriguez of the FBI New York office. "Additional information will be available at the U.S. Attorney's offices later today."
Officials said significant leaders and associates of the Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Bonanno, Colombo and DeCavalcante families among those being arrested.


  1. I have lost count, but that is at least the fourth time, possibly fifth.

  2. Teresita, you have been treated well, and you've acted like a spoiled bitch. Don't return.

  3. The science is "settled" huh?

    U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007

    Over 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries recently voiced significant objections to major aspects of the so-called "consensus" on man-made global warming. These scientists, many of whom are current and former participants in the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), criticized the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore.

  4. Let's see if that pic size works better.

  5. I think I'll get my Internet back today and get back in the saddle but I won't forget.

  6. T, your back where have you been all these months?

  7. T, you give the term "high maintenance" a whole new meaning.

  8. Hi Melody. I need to get my Internet turned back on again at home and things will be back to normal.

  9. ''If China becomes the world's No. 1 nation ... ." That was the headline in the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, The People's Daily, on the eve of Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to Washington. The article went on to boast how "China's emergence is increasingly shifting to debate over how the world will treat China, which is the world No. 1 and has overtaken the U.S."

    A story like this does not appear by accident in the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper on the eve of a state visit to the world's (current) No. 1 power, the United States.

    It was a signal. The latest and boldest signal yet that China intends to become the world's No. 1 power.

    President Obama took the occasion of his first visit to China to show "humility" and to assure his Shanghai audience that "we do not seek to contain China's rise."

    The Chinese communists are taking the occasion of their first visit to the Obama White House - not to show humility, as Mr. Obama did to them - but to openly show their clear intention to dominate the world from the Middle Kingdom.

    Just keep Bowing, Bumbles

  10. Go away, Bob. You're trespassing.

  11. I gotta stand by Bob, he stood by me.

  12. Oh, yeah, where was he when WIO was trashing you?

    He's just a bullying, old fool looking for an ally.

    Please, someone, please take this crazy old fool down.

  13. I believe you have the keys to do it yourself rufus, don't you?

  14. No, Ash, I don't. I would have done it a long time ago if I did.

  15. African lion tacos.

    How 'bout that?

  16. Joyce Meyer said I should expect something good to happen in my life every day.

    I fell asleep watching EWTN.

    Sister Angelica was going through the Hail Marys. It was quite peaceful. Almost hypnotic.

    Before that there was a segment on Saint Peter. Fascinating.

    And it brought to mind the line from that Coldplay song.

    "I know Saint Peter won't call my name."

  17. Genuine Mexican Tacos "with an attitude." :)

  18. Trish:

    And it brought to mind the line from that Coldplay song.

    "I know Saint Peter won't call my name."

    Ol' Petey will browse my dossier and just shake his head.

  19. ah I see. I just tested my keys and they have been rescinded.

    WiO, there is nothing for you to worry about now. - the Rat doesn't have access to the delete button just like you.

  20. I used to rule the world
    Seas would rise when I gave the word
    Now in the morning I sleep alone
    Sweep the streets that I used to own

    I used to roll the dice
    Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
    Listen as the crowd would sing:
    "Now the old king is dead!
    Long live the king!"

    One minute I held the key
    Next the walls were closed on me
    And I discovered that my castles stand
    Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

    I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    Once you go there was never, never an honest word
    That was when I ruled the world

    It was the wicked and wild wind
    Blew down the doors to let me in
    Shattered windows and the sound of drums
    People couldn't believe what I'd become

    Revolutionaries wait
    For my head on a silver plate
    Just a puppet on a lonely string
    Oh who would ever want to be king?

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter will call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world
    (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter will call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world
    Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh

    However, it really is "won't call my name."

  21. The Navy does not let me access web-based email.

    But sometime tomorrow I will have my wireless broadband and then we'll see what we can see.

  22. "Ol' Petey will browse my dossier and just shake his head."

    I don't think you're allowed to fuck with Genesis.

  23. Genuine Mexican Tacos "with an attitude." :)

    - rufus

    Like a vagina with teeth?

  24. Damn you, woman! You sure know how to soft boil an egg.

  25. Ash, I believe you can post things but not erase them.

  26. Cohen, who is Tennessee’s first Jewish congressman, also used the statement to apologize to fellow Jews.

    “I would certainly never do anything to diminish the horror of the Nazi Holocaust as I revere and respect the history of my people,” he said.

    “I regret that anyone in the Jewish community, my Republican colleagues or anyone else was offended by the portrayal of my comments.

    Read more:

  27. I followed the link that was emailed me and it simply said:

    Invitation no longer valid

    The invite link you tried has already been used. Please ask the Blog administrator to send you another invite.

  28. Maybe they timed out. I'll talk to Whit and see what is up.

  29. FBI agents, NYPD officers and State Police joined US Marshals and the US Department of Labor to carry out the raids across the tri-state area.
    Today's raids hit the Colombo family hard, given that its top ranks were already in tatters after a series of previous federal investigations.
    Janice Fedarcyk, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s New York division, said the years-long probe was aided by court-sanctioned wiretaps and cooperation from former wiseguys.
    “The vow of silence that is part of the oath of ’omerta’ is more myth than reality today,” she said.
    Last week, Colombo underboss John "Sonny" Fanzese was sentenced to eight years in federal prison on racketeering charges for shaking down the Hustler and Penthouse strip joints in Manhattan.
    Franzese, 93, is in very poor health and would be available for release at the earliest when he turns 100.

    Read more:

  30. We want more participation with posts.

  31. "Damn you, woman!"

    T or me?

    Keep it up.

    Judgment Day is coming.

    I know this because I heard it on the outdoor PA system at the Museum of American History.

    It was such a beautiful day. I didn't need to hear THAT in an otherwise happy tune, standing there having a cigarette and looking out toward the Washington Monument.

  32. "T or me?

    Keep it up."

    Now that is funny.

    Until Mr. Ennui shows up to tell me it's not.

  33. Mr. Cohen used to sit behind me at Memphis basketball games when I lived there.

    Besides all the things you called him, Deuce (and they are all true), he is also very GAY.

    If only the blacks in Memphis who vote for him knew! It's the elephant in the room no one wants to acknowledge, in Memphis.

  34. No, it was the comment that put a whole new meaning to snapper.

  35. My brother informed me of the vagina with teeth. It's the basis of a horror movie the name of which I cannot recall but which is probably not so artless and blunt.

    Maybe it's African Lion Taco.
