Monday, January 10, 2011

Liberal Taxes Explained

This shows how convoluted, contradictory and and irrational "progressive" ideology really is.  This kind of mentality is why California is on the brink of bankruptcy.  If you want to see why raising taxes without spending control doesn't work, look at California and New York. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Tom Delay will soon be punked

    The former Houston-area congressman will be back in court on Monday for the sentencing phase of his trial after his Nov. 24 conviction on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering in a scheme to illegally funnel corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002.

  3. Krugman had a dumb column asserting that Texas proved that Red State policies are a failure, citing their current deficit, implying is as bad off as California.

    ...but Texas has a good credit rating while CA approachs junk bond territory.

    And their deficit will be resolved, it just takes longer because of their part time legislature which is only in session once every two years.

  4. Mom:
    He may have murdered, but he's NOT GAY!

    Screw You

    A male model confessed Sunday to killing a gay journalist in a Times Square hotel - and gave cops a twisted explanation of why he sexually mutilated his victim, sources said.

    Renato Seabra, 20, told cops he used a corkscrew to sever 65-year-old Carlos Castro's genitals as a way to cure the older man of his homosexuality, the police sources said.

    Seabra was charged with second-degree murder, police said Monday.

    Seabra and Castro came to New York from their native Portugal and by all accounts were a couple - but Seabra appears unable to admit that, police sources said.

    "He said he did it to get rid of [Castro's] homosexual demons," one of the police sources said.

    Police believe the two men had dated for several months, even though Seabra's family insisted the tanned hunk is straight.

    "My son was not Carlos Castro's lover," Seabra's mother, Odília Pereirinha, told a Portuguese TV station. "From the beginning, he never hid his sexuality, which is heterosexual."

  5. My son - Goldenboy,
    and religious, too:

    "Castro paid for the couple's trip to New York to celebrate the new year, but detectives believe Seabra killed his gray-haired lover when he refused to take him on an expensive shopping trip.

    Seabra's mother said her son - whom she described as shy and religious - wasn't capable of such horror.

    "My son, being a golden boy, who is so good, he didn't do this," she said."

  6. I'm not going anywhere, and pretty soon I'll get Internet again and post more regular like.

    I'm pretty sure WiO won't want my comments on his blog.

  7. Charting California's Demise

    Democrats have controlled California for over two decades.

    Their policies have transformed a beautiful, industrious state into a monumental catastrophe.

  8. Great link on "how the recession changed us," Doug.

    The eye-popper was the $1.53T/Annually that Government (I assume that's State, and Federal) that we're now paying in Unemployment Benefits.

    That's up by A Little Over a $ Trillion from pre-recession levels.

    Now, add in the additional taxes that those 8 Million people would be paying, and the additional tax revenues from their purchases, and you've just about solved the Deficit.

    And, btw, probably most of the unemployment money is coming from the Federal Gov. this time around. Even though unemployment is largely a "state" program, most states are funding it this time with Federal Grants.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. War doesn't determine who is right,
    war determines who is left.

  11. Ash said...
    War doesn't determine who is right,
    war determines who is left.

    Deep thoughts....

    Ash how's Canada treating all those native Canuks these days?

    Do they still have to speak in French in Quebec?

    Never could understand how Canada was tolerate of all comers and yet never was tolerant to the folks that were there 1st...

    Never quite understood the whole Quebec thing either...

    Didnt the French actually lose that war with the Brits??

  12. WiO:May the L-rd (the real one) keep you safe from harm, far away from me and mine...

    May you know peace and tranquility and that you do not become the insane lesbian israel hating nutjob that your on the path to be....

    May you come to understand your lack of understanding and learn to make your words scarce...

    Most of may you return to your land of your people's historic origin, never to be seen in the west again..

    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy G-d in vain.

  13. I'm walkin' away

    I can almost bathe in the waves of love.

  14. A land of immigrants has an 'interesting' relationship with the native inhabitants - the world over. Canada has a pretty tolerant approach to the native people here - they are 'distinct'. They even have special rights.

  15. I gonna post on WiO blog just to annoy him.


    At least once anyway...

  16. .

    Hey Selah, what was your website address again. I might stop in to see what you're up to occasionally.

    And congrats on the Bosco.


  17. And dont't worry, Deuce and Whit, gave me the key so I can start posting.

    It will be fun. You'll see.


  18. I guess ten minutes is long enough for you to open your mail to write, "Are you effing crazy to let her post?"

    I'm kidding they didn't.

  19. Well, they ought to. You did a fine job on the horoscopes, and your music is mostly ok. :)

    ALL posts don't have to be ugly, dead serial.

  20. Hell, one never knows when they'll need a nuts/ass-wax, right?

  21. "You bring this up as an excuse to mitigate your current behavior. You accuse me of being juvenile."

    I think this might be an insult to juveniles.

  22. .

    I think this might be an insult to juveniles.


    Good one Trish.

    You're just lucky they are shutting this place down before I could think of an appropriate comeback.


  23. Who are you blaming Selah - Giffords for not having her weapon ready?

  24. .

    ALL posts don't have to be ugly, dead serial.

    Dead serial?

    Shouldn't you be out working on the plan?


  25. I think one of the hardest things, maybe THE hardest thing, to come to grips with in this world is the existence of evil.

    In ourselves, of course, but I think even more so in others.

    As is the case with love, it can take many forms and each of us has some mental picture of what we imagine it to be.

    I think Ayn Rand was right that there are some people who, even when faced with for instance a death camp firing squad, cannot conceive of, cannot grasp, the malevolent. The inability to do so protects them while also disarming them.

    Taking a look at Drudge today, one wonders about our cultural fascination with it.

    It can be idly absorbing while leaving us anyhow fundamentally blind to it - and more to the point oblivious to its opposite. That surely is a bad thing.

  26. Damn you Quirkster.

    Just, Damn you Sir!

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  28. 'Sides, we're in a Blizzard, here. Have you no telebision?

  29. Has anyone ever seen Trish, and The Cleaning Lady, together?

  30. And for those that like this sort of thing there was a lovely dirty old man beating off scence on the subway in Black Swan but wheather it really happened or was just imagined by her our doomed heroine at that point in the movie is hard to tell.

    There was some luscious lesbian sex for Miss
    T but whether that was for real or not is another mystery of the venereal screen.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. And our paper here this morning editorializes in favor of using the original n word in Huck Finn. Occasionally they get things right, bless them. Just not with regularity do they get things right.

  33. Mon Jan 10, 01:30:00 PM EST

    Rufus that's a terrible question.
    Though I do sometimes wonder about all four of 'em. Trish, CL, Melody and Terrifica being missimg at the same time.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. WiO:the mutant lesbian, neo pagan, wannabe christian of sorts quotes:

    Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy G-d in vain.

    Once again you quote what you dont have a clue about.

    You offer up a cursing and call it a blessing, by any standard that is holding שַׁדַּ×™ in contempt. But hey, that's your business, right?

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Ash: Who are you blaming Selah - Giffords for not having her weapon ready?

    No, I'm a maverick. I just blame the guy that shot her. I know that's not the PC thing to say in 2011 but there it is. Call me a throwback.

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  39. I could have my daughter set up an Elephant Bar Too where we could all post just as we like. I wouldn't run it, it would just be open to any and all at all times.

  40. "You finally got around to coming right out and saying something..."

    I've come right out and said a lot of things.

    You just liked the timing of this one.

  41. I REALLY appreciate the topless photo you linked to and yes, you should be proud of your jugs, they are quite respectful.

    I wanna see but can't find it.

  42. WiO could you move those jugs over here so I can get a look see?

  43. Yesterday I walked up Baker Street to the end, to give a plat map to my friend Craig P. He and a workman were on top of a builing working on the roof, the workman had a security rope, Craig looked to be in sneakers, I waved the plat map and Craig says just bring it on up here bob :) and I give him the bird and point to the pickup it will be in the cab OK? ok It's fun working with these good guys
    Craig hunts my land - if he scores I get a few steaks but he didn't score this year.....

  44. dontcha think carrying a glock should be a privilege instead of a right?

  45. Great lines in a movie last night:

    "It's okay to be scared. You can't do anything about that. Just don't be afraid."

  46. WiO:It would be a BLESSING to all of Israel if you departed to your historic origins, never to be heard from again...

    My procedure, in case you haven't discerned it by now, WiO, is to post in such a way that you yourself, a Jew, discredit Judaism, in the same way Yigal Amir did when he dropped Yitzhak Rabin while wearing his funny little cap. Everyone could see on TV, ah yes, it wasn't a Muslim, it was a Jew that did this evil thing. And so, you offer the text of your prayer to God calling me a "insane lesbian israel hating nutjob" which is mockery of the Creator pure and simple. God becomes the victim in this sin, because the others will look and say, "It is a Jew who makes these backhanded comments and does not hold the name of God in awe."

    Malachi, 2:2 If ye will not hearken, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My name, saith YHWH, then will I send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings; yea, I curse them, because ye do not lay it to heart.

  47. Great line from a fortys movie the other night --

    "If you're Mr. X, I'm a banana split"

    Lines don't get not better than that.

  48. You are actually nuts when it comes to reading the Bible, Miss T.
    totally bonkers. I think it may be late in life to try to save you. I will give you a hint -- just try to see it long and as a wave motion and the highs meaning the same and all the troughs meaning the same - a long long story of a wonderous people.

    You get to damned hung up on the minutiae.

  49. "It can be idly absorbing while leaving us anyhow fundamentally blind to it - and more to the point oblivious to its opposite."

    I think but am not certain that that should be 'oblivious of'.

    Which would also make one oblivious to.

  50. .

    You just liked the timing of this one.

    No, I should have waited the oblgatory two minutes before taking the dog for a walk. Then I would have deleted it and just said,

    Very good observation Trish.


    You were probably right earlier about the juvenile part.

    That Was A Wonderfule Remark


  51. I had a dream last night about a writer, a journalist, a war correspondent I was meeting out someplace overseas.

    He has a phalanx (maybe that's the right term, used very, very loosely; maybe) of women around him.

    One of them, very young and pretty, sitting at a table, seems to be vibrating, purring.

    "Can that be right?" I think to myself.

    Not only is she beautiful, she purrs?!

    She opens her blouse and there is a little white kitten sleeping on her arm.

    Everyone exclaims over the kitten.

  52. "You were probably right earlier about the juvenile part."


  53. No Ash, it's the Absolute Right of ALL Americans to own, and carry whatever weapon they so desire.

    The Congress SHALL NOT infringe upon the right of the citizenry to Keep, and Bear Arms.

    Ash, most Americans realize that without the Second Amendment all the rest of it is just some scribbling on an old piece of hemp.

  54. .


    And not even a smiley face.


    Sweet Thing


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. rufus,

    The Constitution can be amended. It wasn't written by God.

    And, really, do you think the whole Constitution of the US is embodied in that one amendment?

    Is it really the role of the citizen, through the bearing of arms, to keep big government at bay?

  57. "a 9-year-old girl born on 9/11" was one of the victims.

    born on 911

    The Lord Speaks in Mysterious Ways.

  58. You have the most meaningful dreams. Trish.

    I was going to quote from Hemingway those beautiful passages when our hero, In For Whom the Bell Tolls. is facing death...will I meet Maria, or grandfather, or just nothingness, or is it a finally a drink of cold cool water?

    That is the "existentials" - in my language.

  59. Melody, you would not believe how deep ol' bob has read.

    You wouldn't believe.


  60. In the dream he asked me if I'd been to any of the other places he'd written from

    I said yes, apparently truthfully, and joked that I'd visited some shrine to him in some pest hole somewhere.

    Though I had poked gentle fun at him with the idea of a shrine, I asked him if his shrine was made of shot glasses or beer bottles.

    "Wine bottles," he said as he walked away, back inside the wire.

    "White or red?"

    Over his shoulder, "Red."

  61. "You have the most meaningful dreams. Trish."

    Don't I though. Bob.

  62. >Is it really the role of the citizen, through the bearing of arms, to keep big government at bay?

    You Betcha.

  63. Take a cold shower, Trish. You're a married woman. :)

  64. For all I know, it's a shrine of Two Buck Chuck. "Never a bad year."

    Or Santa Rita, a personal favorite, our patron saint of very, very hopeless causes.

  65. Take a cold shower, Trish. You're a married woman. :)

    - rufus

    Not that kind of dream.

  66. Nice try, WiO. Your exotic imagination goes far beyond the call of duty and won't bring anymore traffic to your blog than if the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were there.

    p.s. How did you know about the Philadelphia pretzel? ; )

  67. Could be.

    Obviously easier to construct.

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  69. "Are you sure? :)"

    Yes, rufus, I am sure.

  70. "Is it really the role of the citizen, through the bearing of arms, to keep big government at bay?"

    Rufus bares his arms and votes for more of it, Ash!

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. Please NOTE I did NOT POST your image of your truly wonderful jugs…

    Would that be red, white or boxed?

    And besides, if it was private it would defeat the purpose of annoying you.

  73. Rufus II said...

    "Great link on "how the recession changed us," Doug.


    Damn, shoulda seen this before I posted that

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  77. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no….

    We are not starting this bull shit again.

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. Ashley;

    "Whe do you like her dad"

    Dad: "I don't know I just do."

    Ashley: "But why, she's not real pretty"

    Dad: "She's had a hard time, and has a wit I like"

    Ashley: "You can fall in love with a wit and a hard time?"

    Dad: "Yes, you can, when you grow up"


    Ashley: "Really in love?"

    Dad "Yes"

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  81. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  82. Today, Acapulco officials said police found three more bodies, including one that was decapitated and mutilated, on the side of a road near the city. Media reports said the victims were among 10 people kidnapped late yesterday from a local discotheque.

    In Mexico's most violent state of Chihuahua that borders the US, authorities reported 17 people murdered over the weekend, 14 of them in Ciudad Juarez - across from El Paso, Texas - which has the highest murder rate in the country.

    In Mexico City, four young men were killed in a drive by shooting late yesterday outside a grocery store, city officials said.

    15 Beheaded

  83. Is there anybody left to kill Juarez?

    You'd think they'd be runnin' out of homies to kilt.

  84. Thanks WiO. You're a dick.

    You took a friendly gesture I made this morning and turned into a farce no one wants to listen to.

  85. You took a friendly gesture I made this morning and turned into a farce no one wants to listen to.


    I NEVER went insane...

    Nor did I ever call you a bad word...

  86. No, you didn't.

    But it did someone else. Whether or not that was your intent, we all know what it does to him. Obviously, not being able to handle the Capricorn Picture tease this sent him over the edge.

    Of course, YOU didn't do anything wrong knowing that it was a fib. But me? I'm the whore. Go figure.

  87. That's a shame the blog has ended and the host still has to babysit.

    For that I am grateful.

  88. Shadow environment minister Greg Hunt said the exchanges confirmed the need for an independent vessel to monitor and take a lead in any search and rescue. Mr Hunt said the Gillard government must ''explain why it is taking such a hands-off role in what could result in an emergency in our waters''.

    The two sides have been engaged in conflict for 11 days, since Sea Shepherd vessels Steve Irwin, Bob Barker and Gojira pounced on the whaling fleet south-east of New Zealand. Since then two harpoon ships have followed the Steve Irwin and Bob Barker, while the activists' target, the factory ship Nisshin Maru, has steamed south of Tasmania.

    The engagement has meant few, if any, whales have been killed, Sea Shepherd leader, Paul Watson, said.

    Whaling War

  89. Mel,

    Innocent banter on my part....


  90. The French Anti-Semitism Vigilance Bureau (BVCA) has asked...

    It's a good thang rufus and his gang with glock will stop the US guv from such a monstrosity!

  91. Don't be an ass, Ash. There is no "Rufus' Gang." (and only sissies carry glocks.)

    It's simply that most Americans want to die the same way they were born - Free.

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  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. THE alleged gunman behind a shooting which killed six in Tucson, Arizona appeared in court today, shackled and with a shaved head, but said little and did not enter a plea.


    Doctors are breathing a sigh of relief as Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords reaches a third day without increased swelling in her brain.


    Of those injured in the deadly shooting Saturday in Tucson, eight are still hospitalized. One is in critical condition. Five are in serious condition, and two in good condition.

    Appears in Court

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  98. Renato Seabra, 20, told police he used a corkscrew to sever 65-year-old Carlos Castro's genitals as a way to cure the older man of his homosexuality, the police sources the New York Daily News reported.


    Seabra was a contestant last year on a Portuguese TV show called A Procura Do Sonho, or Pursuit of a Dream, which hunts for modelling talent.

    He did not win the show but did get a contract with an agency founded by fashion designer Fatima Lopes, who was a judge on it.

    Carlos Castro

  99. Delete everything that stupid old asshole says, Whit. From now until the end of time. We don't need this right now.

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  101. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  102. The week-long voting is reportedly proceeding smoothly and peacefully in most areas. The referendum commission said 20 percent of registered southerners -- about 750,000 people -- cast their votes Sunday, the opening day of the poll.


    Most analysts predict the south will vote to separate from the north. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has pledged to accept the results and help the south, regardless of the outcome.

    Dignitaries from around the world, including former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, are in Sudan to observe the vote.

    Turn Out

  103. Ahh...

    I can breathe. It's like a breath of fucking fresh air.

  104. R:and only sissies carry glocks.)

    Define carry...

    For concealed carry I am leaning for 1911

    For home defense I love my Glock 22 40 cal with tritium sights and 17 bullet clip

  105. .

    It's a shame.

    Looks like de jevu.

    Kinda like the guy at Kudlow's Ruf?


  106. It's called a magazine, wio, clips are in football :-)

  107. Sorry wio. My dad used to slap the back of my head if I called it a clip.

  108. .

    Gag Reflex, did you just stop in to rearrange the deck chairs?


  109. Similarly, federal law prohibits "unlawful" drug users and "addicts" from buying guns, based on recent convictions, or multiple arrests over the past five years. Loughner was arrested in 2007 for possession of drug paraphernalia, but the charge was later dismissed.

    He also failed a drug test when trying to enlist in the Army in 2008, Pentagon officials said. But, again, it does not appear that any of this would have been enough to bar him from buying a gun, at least in Arizona.

    Loughner legally bought his Glock 19, the same kind of 9 millimeter pistol that Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech gunman used, at Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson, according to law enforcement officials.

    Broad Constituency

  110. Yes, that is if you don't mind, Q. I lurk. I am also in denial concerning Deuce's farewell post. It appears others are as well, especially FFB.

  111. .

    I was just kidding Gag.

    Always good to see you here.

    I was about to turn into a lurker myself before Deuce made the announcement.

    Now just trying to get a few last pops in before the final curtain.



  112. Gag Reflex said...
    It's called a magazine, wio, clips are in football :-)

    I call my glock's ammo carriers "clips"

    I call my ar-15's magazines...

    I have no educational basis for my choice...

    After searching several Glock sites they agree with you.

    I stand corrected and educated


  113. I am a little new to this blogging thing, so if everyone decides to land somewhere else, please let me know. It has been enjoyable (most of the time).

  114. Delete everything that stupid old asshole says, Whit.


    He wasn't talking about rat...should have known better...

  115. I have no educational basis for many of my choices. I don't like to be confused with the facts.

  116. I saw rat riding a burro down Scottsdale Blvd today. (I'm in AZ). I know it was him, I just know it.

  117. allen said...
    Delete everything that stupid old asshole says, Whit.

    he deleted a ton on my stuff

  118. Aww, I wuz just kidding about the glocks. They're fine guns, I'm sure. I was just irritated with Ash calling me a "gangster," or something. :)

    I hope not, Q. This is my hangout (hideout?) Mostly good people with interesting stories. I guess FFB just lets his meds run out from time to time, or sumthin. But, boy, when he goes "off the rails" it's a wreck.

  119. I find that I shoot a grouping about the size of a lemon at 30 feet with a nice 1911 (45) and with the 40 cal glock it's more like a softball...

    I own the glocks... the 1911 costs more than my 3 glocks AND my AR-15 combined...

    So i will wait for that Wilson 1911 for someday

  120. At 30 ft. I'd probably just have to hope the Loud Noise scared him. :)

  121. tell ya what?

    our range doesnt allow rapid fire just 2 and 3 taps at a time

    i try to practice for quick shooting 2 or 3 taps at a time with not much time for thinking or aiming...

    the new sites i got are HELPING quite a bit...

    focusing on the front site is also helping quite a bit

  122. sorry... :-) ... just good natured humor

    Bazinga 6

  123. I've worked on the new blog for two days straight and it is ready to go.

    Content warning: This is not your grandmother's dildo!


  124. So I was informed by my mother that the South Hills Presbyterian minister went to Yale Divinity School.

    And it just struck me: How queer and wonderful a notion is that, a divinity school.

    As if they could teach it?

  125. DeLay sentenced to 3 years in prison

    Another corrupt politician about to take up his own butt, instead of dicking the rest of us.

    There is more righteous justice in Texas than in all of New York City or Washington DC.

    Go Big Red!
