Monday, January 17, 2011

Anchor Babies: What is This All About?

Should Breaking Immigration Law Be Rewarded?

Of course it should not, but the present law is that if two foreigners come here on vacation or illegally and bear a child, the child automatically gains American citizenship. It is claimed that the 14th Amendment says anyone born in this country (except to foreign diplomats) is a citizen of the United States and the state where they live regardless of the legality of the parents. Foreign diplomats are here legally. Why would their legal presence prohibit their children born here from being citizens and the children born to those in the country illegaly automatically get blessed with citizenship? It is absurd, but what is absurd the law as executed or the law as written?

Tha actual language in Section 1:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. At common law, every person born within the realm of the British Crown was a British subject. This meant that to be a British subject, one simply had to be born in any territory under the sovereignty of the British Crown. The only exception at common law was that the children of foreign ambassadors, but that defined subjugation and not citizenship.

More background


  1. Civics Test

    I'll warn you; it isn't easy. I even missed a couple (damned anti-Federalists.)

    But, it's short. - 33 questions.

  2. University Educators averaged 55%. Average Citizens 49%. Politicians 44%. Whatta surprise.

  3. What is this all about?

    More Democrats.

  4. You answered 29 out of 33 correctly — 87.88 %

    Missed questions:

    Answers to Your Missed Questions:

    Question #10 - C. Religion
    Question #14 - B. stressed the sinfulness of all humanity
    Question #29 - B. a resident can benefit from it without directly paying for it
    Question #33 - D. tax per person equals government spending per person

  5. I don't care about religion but I am shocked, shocked that I got # 33 wrong. I must have been distracted.

  6. I missed #33, also. I put down "debt would be zero." I still don't see how I wuz wrong.

    I, also, missed #11. Didn't have a clue.

  7. Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

    I knew we have become a nation of fat assed dumb shits. Nothing like having your prejudices confirmed over coffee.

  8. Politicians got 44%. Now, you tell me . . . . . .

    I was going to finish with "dumbest people in the world," but had to stop. I mean, hell, We Elected the Ignorant Assholes.

  9. That quiz should be given to potential voters. If you can't pass 50% go home.

  10. I think I read somewhere that the literacy rate in the 1600's was something like 97%, with a large percentage being able to read both Latin, and Greek.

    We've come a long way, baby.

  11. Swat those two flies while you're over there, will ya, Deuce?

  12. 64%
    Not particularly proud of the score, but absolutely hate, HATE multiple choice tests.

    Maybe I should have taken a Ridlyn pill first. :-)

  13. Look at it this way, GR: You beat the College Perfessors, and whupped the politicians by 50%.

  14. "I am neither fat nor skinny. I exist in your mind in whatever form you give me."

    Well, then.

    Morbidly obese it is.


    Blow it out your ass.

    Some people have real lives to contend with. Real lives in which havoc has been wrecked with gleeful disregard (or worse).

    You do not deserve to admonish or lecture me.

    And you can wipe that smile right off your face.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. .

    Trish, no lecturing. No admonishing. Just some advice.

    Go sit your dad down and have a discussion with him about what is bothering you. Then have the same discussion with your husband and kids.

    Sitting here blaming all your problems on us is silly and unproductive.


  17. How's the Bar's Hunter Thompson doing today?

    Aren't you supposed to be in limbo, you giggling idiot?

    Anchor babies.

    I say we need more of 'em.

    Hell, throw open citizenship to all comers.

    Expand the tax base.

    And what's good for the Democrats is good for the country.

    The Republican Party is rotten to its very core.

  18. I knew you'd have a response to that, Quirk.

    Now shut up.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. The Republican Party is rotten to its very core.

    And one need look no further for evidence of this than John McCain's one time running mate.

    Obama's an "empty suit"?

    I'll take the "empty suit" over the empty head. I'd take an ACTUAL Marxist over that.

    For God's sake, the woman is a moron.

    It's downright frightening that she's the political attraction that she is.

    Babble loves her.

    Don't you, babble?

    I can easily imagine you dressing up as Sarahbaby and traipsing around the condo.

  21. Where's Melody?

    Bring back the fucking gorillas, I say!

  22. "My wife is very very smart."

    Apparently not.

  23. Trish, can you point me to one (just one) specific instance of Sarahbaby being a moron?

    Let me rephrase that. Will you?

  24. "Will you?"

    What's in it for me?

    I'm sorry you like her. I'm sorry you and millions of others think she's presidential material. I really am.

    She's a fucking goofball.

  25. That she has actual elitists, true establishment types, drooling all over her - look, she's authentic! - is too, too funny.

  26. I mean, I read what she writes; and I can find nothing moronic in any of it. I listen to what she says, and it comes across as very sensible.

    I posted in the last thread an interview she gave to a Jewish organization in which she came across as extremely knowledgeable regarding the whole settlements/West Bank issue.

    I'd just like to know what I'm missing.

  27. Sarah Palin is legally qualified to be president. Therein lies the problem.

  28. Sarah Palin winning the primary and running against Obama is has got to be the DNC's wet dream.

  29. Rufus,

    gosh ain't Sarah to die for? Reads a script as good as anyone!

    Who'd you like to have a beer with? A bottle of wine or two?

    Presidential timber, aye!

  30. The video she put up Wednesday, in which, evidently, she was the writer, director, and chief bottle washer was extremely well-done.

    I just wish I had the talent to write such a well-reasoned, and Inspirational, response in the middle of the firestorm she was going through (or, truthfully, Anytime.)

    I haven't read it, but from everything I've heard, her second book (which she evidently wrote entirely, or almost entirely, herself) is an Excellent piece of writing.

  31. "I posted in the last thread an interview she gave to a Jewish organization in which she came across as..."

    Holy Warrior Mother.

    Just what we need.

  32. Palin cannot win. Look at Obama's numbers. He is back to 50%. Palin will bring his numbers up, re-elect Obama and the Dems will keep the Senate and probably neuter the house.

  33. People that don't like her keep telling me she's an idiot, but no one shows me any evidence of it.

    Everything my lying eyes can see informs me that she is a shrewd, hard-working, perfect-pitch politician.

  34. Palin 2012

    The World Is Ending Anyway

  35. "Palin cannot win. Look at Obama's numbers. He is back to 50%. Palin will bring his numbers up, re-elect Obama and the Dems will keep the Senate and probably neuter the house."


  36. If the price of gas stabilizes, or even, praise jeebus, trends down, and the economy does well, no living human being will be able to beat Obama.

    But, if the price of gas is high, and the economy stumbles even more my pecker would be able to unseat the punk.

    I think gas prices will be up, or we'll be back in recession, But

    you pays your money, and you takes your chances.

  37. "Everything my lying eyes can see informs me that she is a shrewd, hard-working, perfect-pitch politician."

    Well, there ya go.

    Get your vision checked, hillbilly.

  38. Besides, I'd just as soon Obama gets reelected as one of the standard Republicans. He's right on more issues than they are.

    I'd like to vote for Palin because I think she's special,

    and she'd drive the establishment crazy.

    And, she's got Great legs.

  39. If the price of gas keeps going up and we dive back into recession, how does this help Sarah?

    The GOP? Possible.

    But Caribou Barbie?

    I think not.

    People would be looking for another technocrat. Like Mittens.

    Who I think I could tolerate just fine.

  40. We'll have to wait for the swimsuit segment of the competition to find out.

  41. She's got a "history" in the Oil Patch. She put a bunch of the good ol' boys in Alaska in jail over corruption in the oil and gas bidness.

    She was dancing around on-stage two years ago chanting "drill here, drill now." She'll be in perfect position.

  42. I posted in the last thread an interview she gave to a Jewish organization in which she came across as extremely knowledgeable regarding the whole settlements/West Bank issue.

    She has a tin ear and is not a smart politician. Obama got 77% of the Jewish vote. Jews usually go in the mid 60's for Democrats. Jews make up 6% of the US population and they live in heavily Democratic areas where Republicans hardly have a chance anyway under the best of circumstances.

    Obama got 96% of the black vote. The Latin American vote will go overwhelmingly for Obama.

    34% of whites do not vote at all. If Palin has a chance, she needs to drive white voters above 70%.

    What are the chances? Slim to none.

  43. Mittens is okay. I supported him in the last election primaries.

    I would vote for him (but, it's not like I'd be gigglin', an' grabbin ass on the way in the door.)

  44. I understand that that interview won't translate into anything special in the way of votes. I just used it as an example of an interest group that was surprised at how well informed she was on their particular agenda.

  45. I've never voted.

    Well, I think I might have voted in student council elections back in junior high.

    That's about it.

    I've supported this politician or that at various times.

    I just feel no need to vote.

    Rather, I feel a need NOT to.

  46. If Huckabee runs he, almost assuredly, wins Iowa. Mittens, then, would probably win NH, and Sarah would have an Awfully hard row to hoe.

    If the Schmuck doesn't run the dynamic changes, big-time. Sarah could, quite likely, win the nomination.

  47. Well then, Trish, your license to bitch has, herewith, been revoked.

  48. And if you'd like to disengage from the Middle East, Sarah does not strike me as an obvious choice.

    Not that it's going to happen any time soon under any administration.

    We could all be living solar-powered lives and riding bikes to work and we'd still have a keen interest in that part of the world.

  49. "Well then, Trish, your license to bitch has, herewith, been revoked."

    The day I die, hillbilly.

    The day I die.

  50. I would imagine that Mideast/S. Asia policy will be almost identical under Mittens, Sarababy, or the Won.

  51. Well then, my obligation to Listen has been abrogated. :)

  52. Deuce said... Palin cannot win

    I wouldn't get complacent. I certainly think she could win but there is no way I think that would be a good thing.

    Here in Toronto people said that about a buffoon of a City Councillor that has been railing at the moon for years but, guess what, he won.

    Heck, the USA elected GW Bush not once, but TWICE and 'have the beer with' litmus test runs strong in flyover country.

  53. Everything I've seen Palin do of late has been scripted - EVERYTHING. If she keeps that up...

    ...look out.

  54. The Gods conspired to get Obumbles Into office, they could conspire to get him out.

    A lotta stuff could happen in the next two years.

  55. "Well then, my obligation to Listen has been abrogated. :)"

    Oh, you'll listen.

    You don't have anything better to do.

  56. Her statement the other day was very well done, And it polled well.

    She suffered from an extremely poor "staff" during the last run. That won't happen this time.

  57. "You don't have anything better to do."

    Shit! You didn't hafta go all Roman on me.


  58. "Everything I've seen Palin do of late has been scripted - EVERYTHING. If she keeps that up..."

    So what?

    I don't have a problem with shit being scripted.

    She's still a dolt and a deeply divisive figure.

    And just what the Dems ordered.

  59. Frightening but fruitful for the Democratic Party.

  60. I can't think of a single national league politician I'd care to have a beer with.

    Does anyone really imagine that that kind of conversation is terribly interesting?

  61. Now, you say she's a "dolt."

    But, you still haven't put up an example of her being







    Do you have Anything?

  62. "Do you have Anything?"

    Go back to writing her script, rufus.

    Good luck.

  63. She's the contender I'd most like to go camping with. :)

  64. Here's the thing:

    She's the only National Politician (besides Chuck Schumer) that I can see looking into Hu Jintao's eyes, and saying,

    "We really don't Have to buy that junk from you'all, you know?"

  65. Just, please, don't write mine.

  66. But we do have to buy that junk, from someone cheaper than ourselves.

    Otherwise, no Wal Mart. No Target. No Best Buy. No affordable consumables for most.

  67. I can see her pointing to the Weatherby on the Oval Office wall, and asking Putin, "Do you hunt?"

  68. She's the contender I'd most like to go camping with. :)

    - rufus


  69. trishh:

    "So what?

    I don't have a problem with shit being scripted.

    She's still a dolt "

    Things is, if she remains on script she can keep her "dolt"-ness obscured. They said that about Bush, being a dolt and all, but on excuse made was 'he's got good advisers'. Unfortunately he was the "decider".

  70. Nah, Trish, before the last boat from China docked, Walmart would have stuff being made in Vietnam, Cambodia, Colombia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and West Wasilla.

    You'd never know what happened.

  71. I missed three questions:
    Of course, the tricky thirty-three. I also missed the electoral college one. I knew better but I screwed up on that one.

    Can't remember the third one.

    Re: anchor babies, we covered that here a while back so anything I add will only be repetitious. Read Ann Coulter's column on Justice Brennan's 1982 footnote.

  72. I voted for McCain/Palin because I could not bring myself to vote for Nobama. If I had to do it over again, I would do the same thing.

    Palin is not electable, and I don't think many people think she is electable, not even herself.

    She is having great fun making the leftists wet their panties, with all the attention she is getting.

    If she does run for President, it will be early and she will be talked out of it before the primaries.

    Most of the folks who bash her and call her names are scared of her. You know who you are.

  73. Nah, Trish, before the last boat from China docked, Walmart would have stuff being made in Vietnam, Cambodia, Colombia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and West Wasilla.

    You'd never know what happened.

    - rufus

    Like I said, somebody cheaper than ourselves.

  74. "Palin is scripted."

    And Obama can't speak to a kindergarten class without teleprompters.

  75. Besides, as wages increase in China, manufacturers go looking for even greener pastures.

  76. They said Reagan was a dolt. An amiable dunce. Then, after he left office, a lot of his private letters were released. Guess what. He wuzn't no dunce.

    Oh, and he cut the Russians' nuts off.

    And, his crazy starwars? Now, the Pres doen't ask, "where are my carriers;" it's, "will the missile defense cover that?"

    Yep. Dunce.

  77. "Most of the folks who bash her and call her names are scared of her."

    Be.Cause. She's. Scary.

    I'm sure there have been male versions of her.

    (There's your homework.)

    Just without the same scare quotient.

  78. The very author of the citizenship clause, Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, expressly said: "This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers."

    Would have been kinda nice if he could have bothered to put that part in writing, eh?

  79. Everyone here is kicking the politicians, and college perfessers' asses.

  80. Don't need to do any homework, baby sister, the one in office now is SCARY.

  81. Reagan wasn't a dolt. He had his genuine intellectual side.

    A lot of people reacted badly to his affability, which apparently was also genuine. I don't know why. I guess they took it for shallowness.

  82. I shudder when I think of Algore being one heartbeat away from the Presidency. I console myself with the thought that if this country survived Jimmy Carter, it can survive anyone.

  83. And, of course, the number one answer is, "She's Interesting."

    and, has great legs.

  84. It would be better to buy cheaper stuff from countries that are not 5x your size and vicious competitors, preferably countries that share your ideology in some manner and do not have the capability or the incentive to blow your satellites out of the sky and your aircraft carriers out of the water.

  85. A lot of people reacted badly to his politics, too.

    Lest it go without saying.

  86. That's right, Whit. The man was "The Goofball's Goofball."

    And, you know what, I was gobsmacked to go back and look at the "Real Growth" numbers. They were as good as anybody's.

    Just shows to go ya.

  87. "...preferably countries that share your ideology in some manner and do not have the capability or the incentive to blow your satellites out of the sky and your aircraft carriers out of the water."

    Well said.

    Speaking of which, when's the FTA with Colombia going to pass?

    At this point, I'm not sure that even an entirely Republican Congress would be motivated to do it.

    I've given up.

  88. And, The "Winner" is:

    It would be better to buy cheaper stuff from countries that are not 5x your size and vicious competitors, preferably countries that share your ideology in some manner and do not have the capability or the incentive to blow your satellites out of the sky and your aircraft carriers out of the water.

    They be too big to mess around with.

  89. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. West Wasilla?

    Lookit, I have to live in the real world.

    You know, the one out here...

  92. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  93. "...look what we've got now for Christ sakes."

    Spectacularly successful Democratic president.

    Also helps to have a Democratic Congress.

    But one cannot say that insofar as his agenda goes, he's been a failure.

  94. Just checking you out, Trish. Seein' if you were readin'.

  95. "She is a force of nature."

    So are other bad things, like tornadoes and hurricanes and floods. And locusts.

  96. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  97. No, Trish. We have a dumbfuck, dem president that thought it would be a good idea to humiliate the Justices of the Supreme Court on national tv at the State of the Union Address,

    and is now going to have his signature achievement declared "Unconstitutional" by those same Robed Rambos.

    About what you would expect from the punk that gave Hillary Clinton the finger during a presidential debate.

  98. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  99. Did he really?


    But you know, I've warmed to her.

    A really good SecState.

  100. whit said... "Palin is scripted."

    And Obama can't speak to a kindergarten class without teleprompters.

    All politicians are scripted. I've seen Obama speak extemporaneously and he's obviously a thoughtful man. What I've seen of Palin speaking extemporaneously has not been impressive.

    Regardless of whether she is a dolt or not it is her policies that are problemataic (if you can call them that).

  101. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  102. She used to be fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

    Quite the evolution.

  103. Like I said, you know who you are.

  104. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  105. "...don't create a HOME in Wasilla, Alaska."

    Gee, that's super.

    Does that mean you are especially suited for the Oval Office?

    I mean, have we been completely wrong in our collective criteria, such as it is?

    No one who likes Shakespeare, even an unmedicated, malicious, giggling idiot like yourself who wouldn't seem to have two brain cells to rub together for the task, has any business supporting that woman for any office whatsoever.

    Outside of West Wasilla.

  106. In Los Angeles most people would prefer to do just about anything else but care.
    The turnout for the race was a shockingly low 15%


    Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the U.S., recently held a mayoral election. If LA was anything like Chicago or New York, the fight for the mayor's office would likely have been fodder for local newspapers, radio and tv.

    But in Los Angeles most people would prefer to do just about anything else but care. The turnout for the race was a shockingly low 15% (so low, that we had to doublecheck that it wasn't a typo). It didn't even make front page of the LA Times on election day. But the paper still ran an analysis deriding the pitiful turnout. The editorial also had this shocking quote, "Voter turnout was low, but not bottom-scraping." Which makes us wonder just what a 'bottom-scraping' turnout would look like.

    Read more: HERE

    By not voting, the citizens of LA end up getting a corrupt, racist, ex gang member Mayor for a second term.

    No doubt the interest and turnout in BELL CA and several other now bankrupt communities was also low.

    5,000 people elect city councilmen in the second largest city.

    A completely corrupt council is the result.

    We'll be seeing more about California's miserys soon enough, whether Rufus predicts it or not.

  107. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  108. I'll chime in on Rufus's supposedly Green and Wonderful LA Dept of Water and (coal fired) Power one of these days.

    The mayor, the council, and the LADWP put the small time crooks in Bell to shame.

  109. Here rufus

    problem solved!

    Neil Reynolds

    A brave new world of fossil fuels on demand

    In September, a privately held and highly secretive U.S. biotech company named Joule Unlimited received a patent for “a proprietary organism” – a genetically adapted E. coli bacterium – that feeds solely on carbon dioxide and excretes liquid hydrocarbons: diesel fuel, jet fuel and gasoline.

  110. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  111. "You are changing your mind..."

    Bob. She changed.

    She went from being one of the most obnoxiously confrontational, combatively defensive, hyper-partisan women in politics to...

    ...someone who could do a job relatively quietly and competently, without the worst kind of self-seeking and drama.

  112. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  113. Of course you do. Bob.

    But look. It's time for a nap.

  114. Prince of Darkness?

    That I can see.

  115. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  116. Just remember:

    I didn't vote for you.

  117. How much for a good exorcist?

  118. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  119. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  120. Lap up the propaganda, you MSM trolls!

    Defeat is certain when surrender is the course of choice.

    Be sophisticated, aid the Dems in destroying the country!

    AP Erroneously Reports that 'Opposition' to Obamacare is Easing

    A widely reprinted AP story, based on a recent AP/GfK poll, is entitled,

    "Opposition to health care law eases." Don't believe it.

    What has eased isn't the level of opposition to Obamacare, but rather the level of effort that AP/GfK has made to ensure that its polling sample is representative of American voters.
    When the AP/GfK poll screened for likely voters a couple of weeks before the election, it estimated that 48 percent of voters leaned Republican and that 42 percent leaned Democratic (which the election showed to be about right). In its latest survey -- the one that serves as the basis for the AP story -- AP/GfK didn't screen for likely voters and didn't screen for registered voters. Instead, it merely surveyed 1,001 adults. The result? The percentage of Democratic-leaning respondents stayed the same (42 percent), but the percentage of Republican-leaning respondents dropped by 12 points, to 36 percent.
    As one would expect -- with the same percentage of Democratic-leaning respondents having been surveyed both times -- the level of support for Obamacare remained essentially unchanged: 41 percent supported it previously; 40 percent support it now. Just as unsurprisingly, when the percentage of Republican-leaning respondents dropped by 12 points, the level of opposition to Obamacare dropped by 11 points (from 52 to 41 percent).

    Moreover, despite its gross under-representation of Republican-leaning respondents, the current AP/GfK poll still shows more people opposing Obamacare than supporting it, even greater opposition among those who feel strongly, overwhelming opposition to the individual mandate, and more support for repealing Obamacare in its entirety than for keeping Obamacare as it is.

    There's no story here, even though AP wrote one.

  121. Goldman Limits Facebook Investment to Foreign Clients

    Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News1:43 p.m. | Updated Just over a week after Goldman Sachs offered its most prized clients a chance to invest in Facebook, the firm rescinded the opportunity from clients in the United States because of worries that the deal would run afoul of securities regulators.

  122. .

    All politicians are scripted. I've seen Obama speak extemporaneously and he's obviously a thoughtful man. What I've seen of Palin speaking extemporaneously has not been impressive.

    Impressions are important Ash. That's all most people have time for these days.

    Bloopers, misspeaks, and gaffes, not so much except as political tools to poke fun at a candidate.

    The extemporaneaous Obama

    Obama Misspeaks

    There's plenty more.

    The question becomes so what. You can find the same types of videos on most of the presidents. Does anyone actually believe Obama doesn't know how many states there are?

    It comes down to impressions though. Some people get their impressions through these soundbites.

    My opinion of Palin is that she is clever, ambitious, opportunistic, and attractive (to many if not to me). She quit the governorship to make money and she has done a masterful job of the latter. She tapped into the current mood in this country and has exploited it to her advantage.

    Again my opinion, but I don't think she had any plans to run for further political office. However, the media has pumped her up to the point she is starting to belive her own press releases.

    She has a solid base that will support her. In a multi-candidate field with no superstars she could conceivably get the nomination. I think were that the case she woul lose badly in the general election.

    I think she lacks the experiance for president (or vice president).
    If she were interested in that positon, she should currently be running for Congress or the Senate.

    Palin is all hat and no cattle, all boots and no saddle.


  123. .

    The last line of my last post reminds me of this song

    Cow Patty


  124. You answered 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 %

    One of my answers was wrong because I accidentally clicked the wrong circle. Lack of caffeine?

    31) International trade and specialization most often lead to which of the following?
    A. an increase in a nation’s productivity
    [Aimed here]
    B. a decrease in a nation’s economic growth in the long term [X'ed by a slip]
    C. an increase in a nation’s import tariffs
    D. a decrease in a nation’s standard of living

    Missed 11) also. Need to read the Federalist Papers, or something.

    Can I have a donut?

  125. I still don't see how I wuz wrong.

    Prior debt.

  126. I see Trish has sobered up.

    Yes, hon, I am smiling. How'd you guess?

  127. Do you get to be Hunter Thompson today, Q?

    I'd wear that as a badge of honor, but only if the source was sober.

  128. 84.85%

    Not bad for a whore with not thought in her head, eh?

    five questions wrong with four questions guessed in the right direction.

  129. I still don't like the wording on 33. If they'd said, "Average" person's taxes, and "Average" person's spending I might have thought twice about my answer.

    As for 11, I was clueless.

  130. Quirk

    After your 15 minute good bye speech you have been around more than I thought.

    So, I'm assuming you are still doing the last two horoscopes.

  131. I think you've been "sandbagging" us, Melody. :)

    Pretty good scores for the ol' EB. Not bad for a honky-tonk.

  132. I guess I pay attention more than I thought.

  133. I make the EB Average 85.92 so far.

    That's about 30 points higher than the average University Edycator, and about 42 points higher than the politicraps. Basically, double the score of the professional polithieves.

  134. Nap time, defending Palin is hard work.

  135. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  136. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  137. I got them all right.

    And Sarah has fat ankles.

    I have never read Hunter Thompson.

    There was an old-school Marxist, Vietnamese I believe, rabidly anti-American, at another website who positively declared Thompson THE American writer.

    Hunter Thompson IS America. Or was. In his estimation.

    Didn't do anything to inspire me to read him.

  138. "Yes, hon, I am smiling. How'd you guess?"

    You're always smiling. And I have a feeling you know just how much it bothers me.

  139. Well. He certainly had a very high opinion of himself.

    Or a low one of journalists.

    But I have a distinct feeling more of the former.

  140. Speaking of that website with the old school Marxist, the last time I was there was right after the hostage rescue in Colombia.

    I was kind of poking him in the eye with it.

    "Just you wait and see what comes out in the news about it next week," he said.

    Who the fuck ARE you? I wondered.

    Nothing came out in the news. The whole thing had been damm near perfect.

    The only internet persona I've ever encountered whose mind is more riddled with conspiracy than Rat. And that's saying something.

  141. Of course, it IS all a conspiracy.

    Just not of any sort I ever would have imagined.

  142. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  143. "I'm banned."

    Doesn't look like it to me.

  144. Question #7 - D. Gettysburg Address

    Which I shoulda got

    33, which shouldn't count!
