Wednesday, December 01, 2010

You Have to Love Nigel Farage, Truth Teller, Independent, Freedom Defender

Nigel Farage To European Parliament: "The Euro Game Is Up... Just Who The Hell Do You Think You Are? You Are Very Dangerous People"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/25/2010 13:07 -0500 Zerohedge

Famous euroskeptic Nigel Farage (as seen previously here), in just under 4 brief minutes tells more truth about the entire European experiment than all European bankers, commissioners, and politicians have done in the past decade. As we have already said pretty much all of this before, we present it without commentary:

"Good morning Mr. van Rompuy, you've been in office for one year, and in that time the whole edifice is beginning to crumble, there's chaos, the money's running out, I should thank you - you should perhaps be the pinup boy of the euroskeptic movement. But just look around this chamber this morning, look at these faces, look at the fear, look at the anger. Poor Barroso here looks like he's seen a ghost. They're beginning to understand that the game is up. And yet in their desperation to preserve their dream, they want to remove any remaining traces of democracy from the system. And it's pretty clear that none of you have learned anything. When you yourself Mr. van Rompuy say that the euro has brought us stability, I supposed I could applaud you for having a sense of humor, but isn't this really just the bunker [or banker?] mentality. Your fanaticism is out in the open. You talk about the fact that it was a lie to believe that the nation state could exist in the 21st century globalized world. Well, that may be true in the case of Belgium who haven't had a government for 6 months, but for the rest of us, right across every member state in this union, increasingly people are saying, "We don't want that flag, we don't want the anthem, we don't want this political class, we want the whole thing consigned to the dustbin of history." We had the Greek tragedy earlier on this year, and now we have the situation in Ireland. I know that the stupidity and greed of Irish politicians has a lot to do with this: they should never, ever have joined the euro. They suffered with low interest rates, a false boom and a massive bust. But look at your response to them: what they are being told as their government is collapsing is that it would be inappropriate for them to have a general election. In fact commissioner Rehn here said they had to agree to a budget first before they are allowed to have a general election. Just who the hell do you think you people are. You are very, very dangerous people indeed: your obsession with creating this European state means that you are happy to destroy democracy, you appear to be happy with millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be poor. Untold millions will suffer so that your euro dream can continue. Well it won't work, cause its Portugal next with their debt levels of 325% of GDP they are the next ones on the list, and after that I suspect it will be Spain, and the bailout for Spain will be 7 times the size of Ireland, and at that moment all the bailout money will is gone - there won't be any more. But it's even more serious than economics, because if you rob people of their identity, if you rob them of their democracy, then all they are left with is nationalism and violence. I can only hope and pray that the euro project is destroyed by the markets before that really happens."


  1. Give them hell Nigel.

    We could use the lad here, but we probably don't deserve him because mostly, most of us, as the Europeans do not care enough about our own freedoms to do much about it.

    The Europeans let their politicians lead them down the path to destruction of national freedom and are now paying the price.

    Those who objected to the Euro were scorned and ridiculed by politicians and the liberal media for being "nationalists."

    We allow the American Left to do the same although their favorite charge is "racist."

    Consider The Dream Act, Harry Reid's favorite:

    The Dream Act is the latest attack on American sovereignty. The Dream Act is another assault on immigration laws, another reward to lawbreakers, another erosion of the privilege of citizenship, all under the guise of inclusive righteousness.

    Like the Europeans with the Euro, not enough Americans care to defend their freedom and The Dream Act will shift power away from the Americans that actually own that dream.

    It is a dream to the Democrats and the growing American Left.

  2. "You may think and you sometimes read that Europe is in chaos, disintegrating, the euro about to disappear. This is wrong," Klaus Regling, the head of the EU's temporary rescue mechanism, said in a speech in Singapore.
    EU plans to make private bond holders shoulder some of the pain from any sovereign debt restructuring after mid-2013 have led investors to reassess the risk of putting their money in the government bonds of high-deficit countries.

    European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet warned markets on Tuesday against underestimating the determination of policymakers to stabilize the euro zone, but their options for stopping the rot appear limited.

    The ECB could decide to increase the scale of its bond purchase program at its Thursday meeting, but resistance to such a step is high on the bank's Governing Council, with some members instead advocating an end to extraordinary crisis measures.

    Meanwhile, Germany has resisted pressure from countries such as France to turn the euro zone into a "fiscal union" in which member states sacrifice sovereignty over economic policy for the good of the group.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel is also skeptical about putting up more funds for bailouts, concerned that German taxpayers would end up shouldering the lion's share of a string of rescues of countries which Berlin believes have made themselves vulnerable through economic mismanagement.

  3. Peter Bofinger, a member of the "wisemen" panel of economic advisers to the German government, said the risks to the euro were "enormously large" and Germany needed to decide whether it wanted to let the currency fail or do more to save it.

    "For me it is decisive that we ask ourselves in Germany whether we want to continue to have the euro or not," Bofinger told Germany's NTV television late on Tuesday. "We must have this discussion because we must ask ourselves whether we find it worth it to stand up for it."

  4. Bloomberg -

    Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party swept the first round of parliamentary elections while its main Islamist rival failed to win a single seat, the national elections ...

  5. The radical religionists did not win a single seat, in Egypt.

    If only the same sanity reigned in Israel, too.

  6. Even with advanced intelligence the Israel could or would not protect the targets, in India.

    Interesting that the Pakistani play both sides. First they support the infrastructure that trains and funds the raiders, wile back channeling news of the raid to the intended victims, beforehand.

    To cool, by half.

    11. (S) DGISI Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India.
    US embassy cables:
    Pakistan army angry at US aid bill but helping Israel

    And we fall for it, hook, line & sinker. If it was a movie, the plot line would be considered absurd, on the face of it.

  7. Times of India -

    WASHINGTON: Despite "pending economic catastrophe," Pakistan is producing nuclear weapons at a "faster rate" than any other country in the world, according to a stunning American appraisal that forms part of the cables relating to US-Pakistan relations ...

  8. Happy hanukkah!

    Just an excuse for WiO's kid to mingle the dreidel with the Christmas tree and Santa Claus. More power to 'im.

  9. Hanukkah is not Christmas

    Starting at sundown tonight, Jewish families will be celebrating Hanukkah with a variety of traditions – gifts, greeting cards, special food, candle lighting and an ancient story of a divine miracle.

    Just don’t call it the “Jewish Christmas.”

    While the age-old “Festival of Lights” has emerged as a popular observance in the shadow of an ever-more commercialized Christmas, observant believers like Deborah Milbauer of Milton say there’s not as much of a connection as many non-Jews think.

    “It’s not a little Christmas,” the public health consultant, parent and Temple Shalom member said.

    Like other Jewish youngsters, Milbauer’s two daughters will help light the family menorah over the next eight days. They’ll get small gifts, and plenty of gelt – the traditional gold-covered chocolate coins of the holiday. But Milbauer will also be reading them the story of the 2nd-century B.C. Maccabean revolt against their Greek rulers, just as she grew up hearing.

    Temple Shalom’s Rabbi Alfred Benjamin says that story – with the tale of the oil lamp that stayed lit for eight days – makes Hanukkah different from the typical American shopping-mall Christmas.
    Patriot Ledger

  10. Blogger desert rat said...

    The radical religionists did not win a single seat, in Egypt.

    If only the same sanity reigned in Israel, too.

    While I would like to see the Israeli public not vote for those radical religious parties they do at least have the choice - unlike Egypt.

  11. Selah, Wed Dec 01, 09:23:00 AM EST

    That is a low shot and you should remove it. Let the man celebrate his holy day.

  12. You just gotta love this cat. God, if we only had a few thousand of them.

  13. WiO deserves the respect he accords others.

  14. Printing euros may be EU's last hope to halt crisis


    "All that is happening is that euro zone member states are being judged, not as satraps of some Austro-Hungarian Empire but as free-standing nations with separate economies and distinct problems. They myth of an EU guarantee of member state solvency is shattered and on Wednesday the European Central Bank was back in the market buying Irish and Portuguese debt in a desperate effort to regain the initiative. The appalling truth is dawning in the markets that the EU has nothing left to protect the peripheral euro zone states but massive purchases of government and euro zone bank debt by the ECB; quantitative easing on a colossal scale - the printing of euros.

    The ECB will have to do this if it is to avoid the restructuring of Irish, Portuguese and Greek sovereign debt and it will have to do this to prevent the flight of capital from the euro zone periphery. We are now in a situation where weaker European companies are at risk of refinancing problems due to being shut out of debt markets while the strong, such as utilities and energy companies, may fear that their cash flows will be targeted by desperate governments. A bailout of a major European sovereign, such as Spain, is politically impossible and even little Portugal may be a step too far for the German electorate. The fiscal attack on corporates may spread throughout the Club Med states, ruining their economic prospects as international investors strike these countries from any list of potential investment destinations.

    In order to avoid these outcomes, it looks like the ECB will now have to print money like an alcoholic who has leapt off the temperance wagon to indulge in a final binge. Whether Germany is prepared to stomach such an outcome is doubtful. Soon the political sparks will fly."

  15. meanwhile both the European and US equity markets took a roughly 2% bounce...UP!


  16. Snow, dark, cold, frost, cat curled by the holiday tree, miserable, not a leaf on a tree outside, lonely, best wishes to the Jewish people.

    That was disgusting, Selah.

  17. But face the day with hope in the heart, and goodwill to all.

  18. It's your blog, Deuce, remove the post if you want, and reap the consequences. I've already dialed back my contributions by 90% anyway, why not make it 100%?

  19. It is funny.

    WiO writes with all seriousness about things like forcing an evac of Mecca through introducing Small Pox, Germ Warfare, cutting off all water and power or an EMP so that it can be nuked. Bob entertains these notions as being 'smart' and 'intelligent' yet Deuce gets outraged by a crack about Jewish Christmas.

  20. How in the hell do you wish to be accepted, o christian woman, of a wayward persuasion, if you won't and can't accept the others?

    That was worse than anything I've said, and I've said some real shit.

    That was downright mean.

  21. Selah said...
    Happy hanukkah!

    Just an excuse for WiO's kid to mingle the dreidel with the Christmas tree and Santa Claus. More power to 'im.

    "WiO's kid"...You have reached a new low...

  22. Ash,

    I think Deuce and others draw a line at attacking someone's children.

  23. there was no attack on his kid but rather a back handed reference to the lure of "Christmas" to kids - which has little to do with Christ but rather loads of presents.

    and, what, are you saying there aren't any kids near Mecca? Kids would somehow not be affected by Small Pox ect. and radiation poisoning?

  24. Fuck you Bob and Allen and Deuce.

    I can't control how my posts are interpreted, but I sure as shit can stop posting.

    When have I ever attacked anyone's children?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Yeah, and that was it - "a reference" as opposed to an "attack".

  27. ALL references to "Religion" and "Kids" should be off limits for civilized discourse.

  28. .

    Hey, good to see everyone is in the holiday spirits.

    Let the good times roll at the old EB.

    Today is December 1, the cut off for Bosco Award nominations was yesterday. Too bad. Looks like another great day.

    Oh well, next year.


  29. Better days

    And you asked me what I want this year
    and I try to make this kind and clear
    just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    'cause I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    and designer love and empty things
    just a chance that maybe we'll find better days

    So take these words and sing out loud
    'cause everyone is forgiven now
    'cause tonight's the night the world begins again

    I need some place simple where we could live
    and something only you can give
    and that's faith and trust and peace while we're alive
    and the one poor child who saved this world
    and there's ten million more who probably could
    if we all just stopped and said a prayer for them

    So take these words and sing out loud
    'cause everyone is forgiven now
    'cause tonight's the night the world begins again

    I wish everyone was loved tonight
    and somehow stop this endless fight
    just a chance that maybe we'll find better days

    So take these words and sing out loud
    'cause everyone is forgiven now
    'cause tonight's the night the world begins again

    'cause tonight's the night the world begins again

  30. I don't care if anyone attacks me or my ideas and or another poster. Making comments about someone's religion, family or faith is out of bounds.

    I disagree with WIO when he attacks T's sexual preference. It is childish and I am getting fed up with it. If it doesn't stop, I will remove the posts myself and after that all of them from that person.

    I don't care who comes and goes from the blog. On average the numbers keep rising. I do it to amuse myself and enough others seem to enjoy it.

    90% of what is posted and the comments are interesting. I am not going to allow 10% to ruin it for the others.

  31. Deuce wrote:

    "Making comments about someone's religion, family or faith is out of bounds. "

    really? What say you about Muslims?

  32. The Stellar Code Orion

    The familiar winter constellation Orion the Hunter can be seen rising in the evening sky during Sagittarius, marking the approach of winter, no matter what the weather is like, to the Northern Hemisphere. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations and has been a primary stellar force in many ancient cultures.

  33. I don't care if anyone attacks me or my ideas and or another poster. Making comments about someone's religion, family or faith is out of bounds.

    My comment about Hanukkah was about the irony of Jews trying to fit in with the holiday season of what for them is a heretical sect. It was wrongly interpreted as an attack on WiO's kid (if he even has one, I don't care either way). I don't like the feeling of walking on eggshells around here, and I don't like the double standards. So do us both a favor, Deuce, and remove my "attack" post so I have an objective case and I can make a clean break from this place.

    Failing that, I will remain posting at my current low level, but I curtail my replies such that they exclude you, bob, and Allen, lest things grow out of hand.

  34. Care for some cheese with your whine, T?

  35. Trichet hints that he might print some of that "funny money," also, and the markets Explode.


  36. Ash,

    Re: Islam

    While 100% of Muslims do not support terrorism, 95% of all terrorism is committed by Muslims. That is why profiling works in intelligence gathering and would work equally well in air travel screening were it not for PC.

    For example, you would (I hope) think it insanity for the US government to divide its intelligence assets equally among the world's countries. In short, it would be unthinkable that Iceland would get the same dollar amount of surveillance as Pakistan.

    When Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and/or Jews (of all varieties) are as infamous, I will take your retort seriously.

  37. Which retort are you referring to Allen? The one where I asked Deuce if Muslims were included in his statement:

    "Making comments about someone's religion, family or faith is out of bounds."

    I do think that folks faith and religion is fair game myself.

  38. desert rat said...
    The radical religionists did not win a single seat, in Egypt.

    If only the same sanity reigned in Israel, too.

    Our resident self confessed murderer equates Islamic Moslem Brotherhood that seeks sharia across the globe and beheading of non-believers with Israeli ZEALOTS/Radicals that see to BUILD homes and turn the desert into a green oasis.

    The radicals of the Islamic world, would have won if there were free and fair elections in Egypt.

    However in the world's largest arab nation the term "free and fair" means it's ok to simply murder your political rival.

    Our own Israel hating Rat never applies the same standards to Israel.

    Radical moslems are the same as radical Jews in his book.

    Radical moslems brought the twin towers down, beheaded daniel pearl, radical Jews? Invented drip irrigation, ethical monotheism.

  39. Selah said...
    Happy hanukkah!

    Just an excuse for WiO's kid to mingle the dreidel with the Christmas tree and Santa Claus. More power to 'im.

    Once again Ms T speaks out her ass...

    We do not have a "christ"-mas tree nor do we have a Santa Claus...

    We do have potato pancakes and we do gamble with the spinning top and chocolate coins..

    And we celebrate the VICTORY over the PAGANS with our RECAPTURE and LIBERATION of our Temple in Jerusalem

    You know the place. the place where the squatter in the Whitehouse says Jews dont have any rights to build in..


    The Jewish Peoples capital for 3000 years.

  40. ash While I would like to see the Israeli public not vote for those radical religious parties they do at least have the choice - unlike Egypt.

    There are NO radical parties in Israel that compare to the arab world. It's against the law

  41. Ash said...
    WiO deserves the respect he accords others.

    Respect is Earned.

    Ash, Rat and Ms T all go a long way to vilify Israel.

    To them I wish a holiday greeting,

    "Dear Jew haters,

    Jerusalem still is the Capital of the Jewish People. Has been for 3000 years.

    No matter what shit for brains says otherwise, Israel IS...

    Happy Hannucah!!

    Victory for ZION!!

    The HAMMER will remember!

  42. Selah said...
    It's your blog, Deuce, remove the post if you want, and reap the consequences. I've already dialed back my contributions by 90% anyway, why not make it 100%?

    ha ha hah a ha ha h

    now that would be a GIFT...

    Usually on our holiday, we get small gifts...

    But for Ms T, to stop posting?????

    fuckin awesome....

  43. My usage of Ms T's sexual pref is usually in response to her anti-israel - pro islamic invectives.

    It would be impossible for me to be anti-lesbian, since I am in fact one.

    I am the original lesbian.

    I find nothing about the male body pleasing.

    I prefer the company of women to men, however since I have a wife, that is now limited.

    I have nothing against lesbians or gays, except when they use their sexual orientation as a bully pulpit.

    Then it's open season.

  44. WiO:My usage of Ms T's sexual pref is usually in response to her anti-israel - pro islamic invectives.

    The Cave of the Patriarchs massacre occurred when Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli settler and member of the far-right Israeli Kach movement, opened fire on unarmed Palestinian Muslims praying inside the Ibrahim Mosque (or Mosque of Abraham) at the Cave of the Patriarchs site in Hebron in the West Bank. It took place on February 25, 1994, during the overlapping religious holidays of Purim and Ramadan. Twenty-nine worshippers were killed and 125 wounded.

  45. Melody, please keep posting your music. Even though my Toshiba is down I can still sneak in here and listen once in a while.

    Please keep putting music up.

    You know it so well.

    I think your mind must be a symphony of song.

    (that symphony of song wasn't bad:) )

  46. WiO:Victory for ZION!!

    The HAMMER will remember!

    Same old same old.

    26 July 1938

    Zionists detonate a bomb in an Arab Melon market in Haifa, killing 53 Arabs and wounding at least 46 more.

  47. Ms T posts about a Jewish Terrorist:

    The Cave of the Patriarchs massacre occurred when Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli settler and member of the far-right Israeli Kach movement, opened fire on unarmed Palestinian Muslims praying inside the Ibrahim Mosque (or Mosque of Abraham) at the Cave of the Patriarchs site in Hebron in the West Bank. It took place on February 25, 1994, during the overlapping religious holidays of Purim and Ramadan. Twenty-nine worshippers were killed and 125 wounded.

    yep.. and the REST of the story..

    Goldstein was attacked and killed by the worshippers.

    Palestinian riots immediately followed the shooting, leading in the following week to the deaths of 25 Palestinians and five Israelis.

    Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin telephoned PLO leader Yasser Arafat, and described the attack as a "loathsome, criminal act of murder". The Israeli government condemned the massacre, and responded by arresting followers of Meir Kahane, forbidding certain settlers from entering Arab towns, and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles Goldstein was immediately "denounced with shocked horror even by the mainstream Orthodox", and most in Israel classified Goldstein as insane.

  48. Ms T is up to TWO whole posts about Jewish Terrorists..

    26 July 1938

    Zionists detonate a bomb in an Arab Melon market in Haifa, killing 53 Arabs and wounding at least 46 more.

    Keep digging Ms T...

    I could post a list of ARAB terror attacks but i fear that would number in the hundreds of thousands...

    I could also show how Israel doesnt celebrate jewish murderers as heroes...

    but why try?

    you are on your way to MECCA!!!!

  49. Deuce wrote:

    "Making comments about someone's religion, family or faith is out of bounds. "

    really? What say you about Muslims?

    I am talking about personal offense, Islam is a problem in that Muslims make no attempt to show indignation for what is done in their name.

  50. I thought Ms T was boycotting us?


    She's still putting up her anti-zion shit....

    I guess she secretly wants to wear a burka...

  51. I guess she secretly wants to wear a burka...

    That's what I can't understand - doesn't she know they would hang her from a crane??

  52. Gravesite and shrine

    Goldstein's tomb.
    Goldstein is buried across from the Meir Kahane Memorial Park in Kiryat Arba, a Jewish settlement adjacent to Hebron. The park is named in memory of Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Israeli far-right political party Kach, a group classified by the United States and Israeli governments as a terrorist organization. Goldstein was a long-time devotee of Kahane.

    The Kach party is outlawed in Israel.

    Now let's talk about Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah?


    I wont waste my precious time...

    I got ammo to reload...

    It's the 1st night of the celebration of the LIBERATION of the Temple.

    Too bad that ugly ass Dome of the Rock squats on the temple mount...

    Dam Israel for not allowing Jewish "extremists" to blow it up...

    One can only wish...

    While I am wishing?

    I hope on this joyous day all suicide bomber's vest go off prematurely and blow to bits everyone and everything that surrounds them...

  53. The desire is strong to prevent 'moral hazard' and let the 'chips fall where they may' but the depth and the scope of the US bailout is quite remarkable. If those dominoes had indeed toppled I wonder what the world would be like today? If the dominoes tumble in Europe how bad is bad?

    Fed Papers Show Breadth of Emergency Measurest

  54. .

    This would be more appropriate

    Too bad you just missed the deadline, Mel.

    That would have definately been considered for an award nomination.



  55. The radical religionists did not win a single seat, in Egypt.

    If only the same sanity reigned in Israel, too.

    And Massachusetts. Fat chance.

  56. bob said...
    I guess she secretly wants to wear a burka...

    That's what I can't understand - doesn't she know they would hang her from a crane??

    She more pissed at the Jews...

    Guess that whole power shift from the female to male at the start of the Abrahamic tradition pisses her off...

    Ya know the story the Female power myth, reproduction, the temple whores and so on...

    Then came domesticated farm animals and learning to grow crops..

    No more Idol worship (at least for the Jews) no more offering our babies to Baal or which ever god or godess we thought we were pissing off...

    No more bowing to the Venus form...

    She's pissed at the jews...

    I bet there is a nice burka to wear... Keep all those male eyes off of her...

    The fake prophet mohammed said: The Prophet likened the powerful attraction of women to that of Satan. “When the woman comes toward you, it is Satan who is approaching you. When one of you sees a women and feels attracted to her, hurry to see your wife.”

    He believed that men are innocent of rape, since it's the woman, channeling satan that tempt men unfairly...

    Maybe our very own Ms T, is such a knock out that men cant stop hitting on her...

    I have the same issue with women, i dress down, carry extra fat and keep my clothes a mess and my bald spot showing JUST to keep the chicks off me...

  57. .


    Good to see you stopping by.

    I agree the official indignation appears to be somewhat spotty here. No sense getting upset about it though.


  58. Somewhat spotty?

    I heard this today and thought it was a catchy tune. It's uncensored for those who can't handle the…Well you know, the XXX theory

  59. A far cry from any symphony but the lyrics are great don't ya think? ( :

  60. .

    I love it when you talk that way, Mel.


  61. I figured you would take a peak…and respond.

    But I can almost guarantee the ones that skip over my links didn't this time. And Deuce? Anything XXX he's on top of.

  62. Soft White Winter Wheat at Columbia Grain today at Wilma ---

    Wheat $6.97 +47 cents

    Nearly seven bucks, a 50 cent upsurge, that is a big big move.

    Wheat, barley, peas and lentils, and chickpeas are the only markets I know about.

    But what is causing this big move, I don't know.

    When I was farming, the best price I ever got was $4.10. And I felt rich at that.

    All the inputs have gone up so much, I think it's the same old, same old.

    I should have been a silly marketing man from Detroit.

    But my wife wouldn't love me if I was.

  63. "All the inputs have gone up so much, I think it's the same old, same old."

    - Maybe you could enlighten us with ballpark estimates of those increases over various periods of time, ex-Farmer Bob.

  64. Quirk: I agree the official indignation appears to be somewhat spotty here. No sense getting upset about it though.

    I'm upset that my post about the irony of the Jews celebrating Hannukkah (which even WiO says is about celebrating "the VICTORY over the PAGANS with our RECAPTURE and LIBERATION of our Temple in Jerusalem"), a holiday which "gained increased importance with many Jewish families in the latter half of the twentieth century, including large numbers of secular Jews, who wanted a Jewish alternative to the Christmas celebrations that often overlap with Hanukkah", was interpreted as an attack on WiO's offspring by Deuce, Bob, and Allen, when not even WiO himself interpreted it that way.

    No apologies, no nothing.

    But the offer still stands. Remove any one of my posts and I shan't return.

  65. The Obama administration will reverse its policy on offshore drilling announced last March and bar further new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. The new ban will last seven years, and that will deliver a body blow to American exploration and energy independence:

    Hot Air

  66. I really don't know, Doug. But my farmer friends tell me there still isn't much profit in it.

    I just wish I'd had better sense to take one of those Quirk seminars where you are taught how to put your best face to the world.

    And be a Detroit salesman.

    I might have made more money.

    But my wife would have left, she not knowing who I really was.

  67. Please stick around, Selah. I hate it when people leave.

  68. WiO: Jerusalem still is the Capital of the Jewish People. Has been for 3000 years.

    Except for the 1,750 years from 132, when Hadrian renamed it Aelia Capitolina and banned Jews from entering it, until 1948 when West Jerusalem became the capital of the modern state of Israel. So you're about 1/3 right, WiO.

    LUKE 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

  69. Wikileaks being hosted on Amazon’s servers...

    As for the report linked this morning in Headlines about Wikileaks being hosted on Amazon’s servers, rest easy: You won’t have to do your Christmas shopping elsewhere after all. They were summarily booted this afternoon after congressional staff politely inquired with Amazon as to how this arrangement came to be.

    According to the AP, server space can be rented from the company on a “self-serve basis,” suggesting that Amazon might not have realized until today just who their new client was. I find that hard to believe given the amount of traffic that must have been flooding in, but then I also find it hard to believe that Amazon wouldn’t have dumped them instantly had they known lest a U.S. boycott cripple their Christmas sales season. (Media reports about the Amazon/Wikileaks were available as early as Monday afternoon.)

    In any case, Wikileaks has responded with a scathing indictment of Amazon’s lack of respect for the First Amendment, which, according to Wikileaks, apparently somehow constitutionally requires private businesses to host organizations that might be criminally liable under the Espionage Act.

    Good work, Julian.

    In related news, Assange’s mommy would very much like it if you would leave her son alone.

  70. Give me a godamned break Selah.

    Hell you are putting me in the mood to go to sleep.

    Haven't I taught you a damned thing yet?????

    But stick around.

    You make such a wonderful fool of yourself.

  71. Ms T: when not even WiO himself interpreted it that way.

    Actually I thought you were being an absolute bitch.

    But I figured there was enough other things to go after you about.

    I find the concept that "secular" jews opinion of creating a Jewish Christmas is offensive.

    Just what is a "secular" Jew?

    I know Jews from reform, to ultra orthodox, I know Jews that never go to schul, I know jews that love bacon and cheese soup...

    Non-I call "secular"....

    Only a Jew that is DEAD on the inside as a Jew, is a 'secular" Jew. And I have never met one.

    I guess there are people who are Jews that are seeking acceptance by destroying their own history in the eyes of the larger community. I am not one of those.

    I do not disrespect Christmas to my Christian friends however ALL of them know my exact position on it.

    I do not respect others beliefs, IF i really did, I'd convert...

    Nor do I think others respect mine... History has proven that one out...

    I respect all ethical people inspite of their stupid childish beliefs, including my own...

  72. Selah said...
    WiO: Jerusalem still is the Capital of the Jewish People. Has been for 3000 years.

    Except for the 1,750 years from 132, when Hadrian renamed it Aelia Capitolina and banned Jews from entering it, until 1948 when West Jerusalem became the capital of the modern state of Israel. So you're about 1/3 right, WiO.

    Wow, so not ONE Jew lived in Jerusalem since 132?

    Jerusalem is the Heart of the Jewish People, has been for 3000 years..

    Twist all my words all you want bitch...

    Quoting New Testement to me also proves your a cunt...

    Happy Chanuka asswipe...

  73. That is well said WiO.

    I'm gonna take a nap now.

  74. WiO: Twist all my words all you want bitch...

    Quoting New Testement to me also proves your a cunt...

    Happy Chanuka asswipe...

    bob said...

    That is well said WiO.

    Mpost will get a takedown and WiO's posts will stay up. Because that's the kind of place the EB has become. And I won't forget.

  75. Shit, Deuce, just take down all of WIO, and Selah's posts. Let'em go have their pissing contest in private (but, don't take down one w/o the other.)

    And, T, don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

  76. .

    Yea, and take down Rufus' posts too.

    There's just something about that prick that pisses me right off.



  77. feel free to delete any of my posts... just take T's down to...

  78. Let review...

    Who demanded her name be removed from the blog roll....

    Who storms out....

    Who changes their names with multiple ID's and get pissed when the bar can't keep them straight?


  79. Here is limited and scrubbed version of what led to the Story of Chanuka


    In the 2nd century BCE, Judea lay between the Ptolemaic Kingdom based in Egypt and the Seleucid empire based in Syria, kingdoms formed after the death of Alexander the Great (336–323 BCE) Previously under the Ptolemies, Judea had fallen to the Seleucids in ca.200 BCE. Since the rule of Alexander in the near east, there had been a process of Hellenization, which affected Judea. Some Jews, mainly those of the urban upper class,[1] wished to dispense with Jewish law and to adopt a Greek lifestyle. Hellenizing Jews had built a gymnasium, competed internationally in Greek games, "removed their marks of circumcision and repudiated the holy covenant".[2]
    When Antiochus IV Epiphanes (ca. 215–164 BCE), became ruler of the Seleucid Empire in 175 BCE, the High Priest in Jerusalem was Onias III. Antiochus was insensitive to the views of religious Jews and treated the High Priest as a political appointee and one from whom money could be made. To Antiochus the High Priest was merely a local governor within his realm, who could be appointed or dismissed at will, while to orthodox Jews he was divinely appointed.[3] Jason, the brother of Onias, bribed Antiochus to make him High Priest instead. Jason abolished the traditional theocracy and constituted Jerusalem as a Greek polis.[4] Menelaus (who was not even a member of the Levite priestly family) then bribed Antiochus and was appointed High Priest in place of Jason. Menelaus had Onias assassinated. His brother Lysimachus took holy vessels from the Temple, causing riots and the thief's death at the hands of the rioters. Menelaus was arrested and arraigned before Antiochus, but he bribed his way out of trouble. Jason subsequently drove out Menelaus and became High Priest again. Antiochus pillaged the Temple, attacked Jerusalem and "led captive the women and children".[5] From this point onwards, Antiochus pursued a Hellenizing policy with zeal. This effectively meant banning traditional Jewish religious practice. In 167 BCE Jewish sacrifice was forbidden, sabbaths and feasts were banned and circumcision was outlawed. Altars to Greek gods were set up and animals prohibited to Jews were sacrificed on them. The Olympian Zeus was placed on the altar of the Temple. Possession of Jewish scriptures was made a capital offence. The motives of Antiochus are unclear. He may have been incensed at the overthrow of his appointee, Menelaus,[3] he may have been responding to an orthodox Jewish revolt that had drawn on the Temple and the Torah for its strength, or he may have been encouraged by a group of radical Hellenizers among the Jews.[6]

  80. Jerusalem is the Capital of the Jewish People.

    It has been for 3000 years...

    No matter what thief, warlord, Mullah, Pharaoh or squatter says...

    Jews have the right to live in Jerusalem...

    They have a right to their holy sites.

    No matter what Johnny come lately stuck on top of it...

    This "alice in wonderland" of a world embracing fake history of pseudo national people is just the straw that will break the camel's back...

    Go luck allowing fiction to creep into fact...

    It will bite you in the ass...

  81. One finds that episodes of colonisation in Malayan history have their corresponding parallels in Palestinian history.


    Modern political developments showed more parallels:

    - Towards the end of British rule, each country had to contend with a terrorist uprising, a prelude to independence;

    - When one country acquired statehood, another was in abeyance: Israel and Malaya became independent nations while Palestine and Singapore did not;

    - For each country, a city's status was in question. Should Jerusalem be part of Israel? Should Singapore be part of Malaysia?;

    Other Nations

  82. So I get up from my nap, and find four e-mails from my lawyer.

    She has talked to my accountant, and both of them are off the page.

    The godamned City of Moscow wants to exchange some property up north, which isn't worth a shit, and call that an equal value exchange of my parkland down south, which really is worth something.

    You simply don't know how frustrating it is to deal with these people.

    My son got to the heart of it in a few minutes.

    Have an appraisal on the property up north.

    An idea I hadn't thought of.

    But I am writing my lawyer tomorrow.

    Thank you for the songs, Melody.

    If we take all out posts down, there won't be nobody left here.

    Let us not do that.

  83. USA Today -

    In a policy reversal, President Obama's administration announced Wednesday that it will not allow offshore oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic coasts for at least seven more years.

  84. But it really ticks me off, and gives some worries 'bout my lady lawyer.

    If my son can get to the heart of it, much faster than her.

  85. They are trying to exchange something of way far unequal value.

    It's time my son takes over the family business.

  86. AP IMPACT: Cartel arrests did not curb drug trade

    The Associated Press - ‎

    In 2007, the Justice Department estimated that the Mexican drug trade generated as much as $24.9 billion. By 2009, it was $39 billion.

  87. What they do, the bastards, is kinda try to wear you down.

    So I said to my son, "fight the fuckers".

    He said "I will."

  88. You can all console yourselves; reading these wikileaks and what the politicians all think and say about each other, this place is a spiritual choir singing Kumbaya.
