Thursday, December 16, 2010

Things Stux for Iranian Nuclear

'Stuxnet virus set back Iran’s nuclear program by 2 years'
12/15/2010 05:15

Top German computer consultant tells 'Post' virus was as effective as military strike, a huge success; expert speculates IDF creator of virus.

The Stuxnet virus, which has attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities and which Israel is suspected of creating, has set back the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program by two years, a top German computer consultant who was one of the first experts to analyze the program’s code told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

“It will take two years for Iran to get back on track,” Langer said in a telephone interview from his office in Hamburg, Germany. “This was nearly as effective as a military strike, but even better since there are no fatalities and no full-blown war. From a military perspective, this was a huge success.”

Langer spoke to the Post amid news reports that the virus was still infecting Iran’s computer systems at its main uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and its reactor at Bushehr.

Last month, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog, said that Iran had suspended work at its nuclear-field production facilities, likely a result of the Stuxnet virus.

According to Langer, Iran’s best move would be to throw out all of the computers that have been infected by the worm, which he said was the most “advanced and aggressive malware in history.” But, he said, even once all of the computers were thrown out, Iran would have to ensure that computers used by outside contractors were also clean of Stuxnet.

“It is extremely difficult to clean up installations from Stuxnet, and we know that Iran is no good in IT [information technology] security, and they are just beginning to learn what this all means,” he said. “Just to get their systems running again they have to get rid of the virus, and this will take time, and then they need to replace the equipment, and they have to rebuild the centrifuges at Natanz and possibly buy a new turbine for Bushehr.”

Widespread speculation has named Israel’s Military Intelligence Unit 8200, known for its advanced Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities, as the possible creator of the software, as well as the United States.

Langer said that in his opinion at least two countries – possibly Israel and the United States – were behind Stuxnet.

Israel has traditionally declined comment on its suspected involvement in the Stuxnet virus, but senior IDF officers recently confirmed that Iran had encountered significant technological difficulties with its centrifuges at the Natanz enrichment facility.

“We can say that it must have taken several years to develop, and we arrived at this conclusion through code analysis, since the code on the control systems is 15,000 lines of code, and this is a huge amount,” Langer said.

“This piece of evidence led us to conclude that this is not by a hacker,” he continued. “It had to be a country, and we can also conclude that even one nation-state would not have been able to do this on its own.”

Eric Byres, a computer security expert who runs a website called Tofino Security, which provides solutions for industrial companies with Stuxnet-related problems, told the Post on Tuesday that the number of Iranians visiting his site had jumped tremendously in recent weeks – a likely indication that the virus is still causing great disarray at Iranian nuclear facilities.

“What caught our attention was that last year we maybe had one or two people from Iran trying to access the secure areas on our site,” Byres said. “Iran was never on the map for us, and all of a sudden we are now getting massive numbers of people going to our website, and people who we can identify as being from Iran.”

Byres said that some people openly identified themselves as Iranian when asking for permission to log onto his website, while others were impersonating employees of industries with which he frequently works.

“There are a large number of people trying to access the secure areas directly from Iran and other people who are putting together fake identities,” he said. “We are talking about hundreds. It could be people who are curious about what is going on, but we are such a specialized site that it would only make sense that these are people who are involved in control systems.”


  1. Don't you just hate when that happens?

  2. No air strikes needed.
    Not a single bomber required.

    Just as effective in slowing down the Iranian program, such as it is.

  3. Blogger Deuce said...

    "I have really grown to detest religion."

    My first thought was yeah ditto! but then I pondered for a short minute and my thoughts morphed to, no, it is the righteous that I detest, the righteous who base their convictions upon some old book.

  4. WiO,

    Great link! Thanks.

    It certainly demolishes the sophistry of "anti-Zionism".

    MJT: You’re not Jewish. (Neither am I, by the way.) What is it that draws you to Israel and the tragedy of the Jewish experience in this world?

    Giulio Meotti: If some day Israel were to fall into the hands of its enemies, the West as we know it would cease to exist. The West is what it is thanks to Rome, Jerusalem, and Athens–Rome’s rule of law, the Bible’s morality, and Greek democracy. If the Jewish part of those roots is overturned and Israel is lost, then we are lost too. Israel is a lighthouse of life at a time when life is our most endangered value. A New Shoah is an affirmation of life in the kingdom of death.

  5. Credit to Obama, for the masterful strike against Iran!

    The JPost clearly says it was the US, that Israel could not have done it, alone.

    That it would have taken a couple of years to develop and deploy, clearly puts this success in Obama's win column.

  6. The Israelis don't fuck around when it comes to SIGINT. Just ask the widows of the sailors from USS Liberty.

    The late CIA director William Casey:

    "For your information, the Israelis used Pollard to obtain our attack plan against the U.S.S.R. all of it. The coordinates, the firing locations, the sequences. And for guess who? The Soviets."

    Casey had then explained that the Israelis had traded the Pollard data for Soviet emigres. "How's that for cheating?" he added.

    And now that we have a pro-Russian communist President, it's only a matter of time until Pollard goes free, probably in exchange for a promise to slow down the building of new housing units in the West Bank for three more months.

  7. The fallacy of Meotti's argument is easy to see.

    While Judaism played a large part in Western development, Israel has played no such role. In fact Israel, at present, is a 20th century construct with no historical roots to Western civilization.

    That it claims the "Jewish mantle" a false propaganda construct, not based on any historical reality.

    As bob told us, The Bible, Old and New, is just literature, not history.

  8. There is no way the US was involved. Such action would be an act of war.

  9. RAT: As bob told us, The Bible, Old and New, is just literature, not history.

    Gosh, I hope it's not history.

    "So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. And Joshua smote them from Kadesh-barnea even unto Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even unto Gibeon." Joshua 10:40-41

  10. Selah,

    Israel 13

    anti-Zionists 0

    Widows and orphans notwithstanding.

    By the way, Selah, most of those orphans would be around 50 now. Poor little things. The Israeli reparations for a tragic error during a time of war came in handy, to be sure.

  11. Deuce,


    If this were the BC I could look forward to many interesting and educational points of view concerning "Stux".

    At a time when we should all be pleased with an apparent Western success, we are hit with the old USS Liberty stink bomb.

  12. If time heals all wounds, why are you Zionists still getting stirred up over Germans?

  13. Auschwitz was 70 years ago.

    All should be forgotten, no?

    Let alone how the Babylonians behaved.

  14. If true it is masterful, and a lesson to all.

  15. "He had a very impressive presence in his uniform," said Chief Thomas Karnes of the Lincoln Park, Mich., Police Department, where Terry previously served. "That had a lot to do with his Marine training. He always looked very sharp."

    Terry, 40, a border agent for three years, was fatally shot late Tuesday patrolling near Peck Canyon in a remote area off Arizona 289. He was possibly killed by "bandits" who roam the border area, stealing from illegal immigrants, according to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office.

    Read more:

  16. It took Obama to unleash a real "smart bomb" against the Iranians.


  17. Notice how a link to a quite thoughtful column brings out the worst in our jew hating/anti zionist hacks?

    No need to respond to Rat or Selah... It's all to predictable.

    They stand with the enemies of Israel and for me?

    That says it all.

  18. As for "who done it" for the Stux.

    I certainly wasn't Obama

    ANd although I'd love to claim it for Israel not sure..

    Russia comes to mind as a potential creator...

    It's not the 1st time Russia has sold BILLIONS in arms and infrastructure to the arabs or persians, just to watch it go up in smoke to then step in and sell more billions of worthless 2nd tier quality stuff again..

    Russia has all the cards...

    they had the access...

    they had the details...

    and in the end, to point a finger the way the arabs do, who gains the most?


    it gets to continue to sell more worthless crap to iran and watch has it now has to be replaced with more worthless shit...

    and russia can just shrug it's shoulders and say?

    i dont know....

  19. .

    An interesting view WiO.

    One that hadn't occurred to me.

    Since everyone denies everything, it will take a while to sort it all out.


  20. If the JPost article is to be believed, and no one can detail why it should not be, then this is a masterful play by the President of the United States and his Intel Chief, Leon Edward Panetta.

    Not only has the Obama Administration already upped the international sanctions against Iran, they are moving to do it, again. This done overtly, as public policy.

    Then covertly, a "smart bomb" aimed directly into the Iranian IT.

    Setting back the Iranian Nuke Program by years, without a shot being fired.
    This, along with the increase in terrorism that is spreading across Iran, indications of further covert activity by the US Administration of President Obama and Leon Edward Panetta, within Iran.

    Fostering civil unrest, as doug and I suggested, years ago.

  21. The masterful part of the deal, from the US perspective, no matter who placed the Stux "smart bomb", the US gets the credit for it.

    Perception being everything in a land of smoke and mirrors.

    But the one salient fact burns through all the smoke.

    The Iranians present no real military threat to "Western Civilization".

  22. The Iranians cannot protect the faithful from terrorist attacks upon the holy places and cannot defend their IT systems from "smart bombs".

    They cannot project military strength beyond their borders. Even the air assets of the UAE alone, could defeat the Iranian Air Force.
    WASHINGTON - The United Arab Emirates, a key US ally in the Persian Gulf, has the capability to overpower Iran's Air Force, US Centcom commander Gen. David Petraeus said last week. (Published: 12.18.09)

  23. Rat as usual is full of shit..

    No need to take his bullshit apart...

    Just know he is an enemy of Israel, Jews and Zionism

    Who he is a friend to?

    Not sure either...

    No need to debate the liar.

    He twists and misdirects, takes out of context and paints nonsense.

    I suggest anything posted by him be ignored for anything other than pointing and giggling...

    He is not a serious thinker..

  24. Speaking at a conference in Bahrain organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the American general said, "The Emirati Air Force itself could take out the entire Iranian Air Force, I believe, given that it's got ... somewhere around 70 Block 60 F-16 fighters, which are better than the US F-16 fighters."

    Yedioth Internet

  25. The US scores a great success against Iran and the Story of "o" is in a funk.

    No shots were fired, no one died.

    The JPost is the affirmative source.

    Puts things in their proper perspective, does it not.

  26. Yedioth Internet reports that Iran is no a military threat to "Western Civilization", in the air.

    Old news to those that think such data sets matter.

    Anti-Israeli propaganda, to you.

  27. I am a citizen of the United States.

    The United States has interests, not friends.

    Israel is no "friend" to the US. It is a State, with its own interests.
    Sometimes those interests coincide, more often they do not.

  28. rat says: The US scores a great success against Iran and the Story of "o" is in a funk.
    No shots were fired, no one died.
    The JPost is the affirmative source.
    Puts things in their proper perspective, does it not.

    1. I am not sad about the stux situaton, i am not one to gloat or to be so automatic in who done it.

    2. There is no proof the USA has done anything.

    3. Many have died. Iran is in a panic and is torturing and murdering what it feels are loose ends. Just because we dont read about it doesnt mean the iranians are not reacting and are not feeling even more threatened and are KILLING real live humans in reaction. Americans are sitting in Iranian jails, there are several public cases of Iranian kidnappings, torture and murder. Iran is KILLING Americans in Iraq on a daily basis. Iran is funding, supplying and training Hezbollah, and they are murdering across the globe.

    4. Now rat quotes the Jpost as an affirmative source.

    Yep Jpost is a great read, I love their articles on why Israel is a great nation....

    Rat should read the Jpost more often, he might learn something.. (i doubt it)

  29. desert rat said...
    I am a citizen of the United States.
    The United States has interests, not friends.
    Israel is no "friend" to the US. It is a State, with its own interests.
    Sometimes those interests coincide, more often they do not.

    says it all...

    no heart, no morals, no love, no ethics, no values...

    he's a citizen...

    welcome to 1984

  30. .

    It's very possible the USD pulled this off. If so Kudos.

    It would be good to know that we have as much capability in the cyber wars as the Chicom.

    However, at this point rat, you 'assume' the US did this. You like the rest of us at the EB 'know' nothing.

    You base your assumptions on assumptions posted in the JP.

    You quote the JP as an authoritive source...

    until you don't.


  31. It's okay Rat, if Iran does something rash, and, say, sets a fire somewhere in Israel, I'm sure the emergency services are ready to respond.

  32. .

    Alice Cooper: Poison

    I used to live a couple houses away from Alice Cooper when we were kids. He was a goofy little guy but it's good to see he is being recognized by the R&R Hall of Fame.

    Alice Cooper to join Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    The Detroit-born Cooper, whose real name is Vincent Damon Furnier, will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's Class of 2011, according to the New York Times.

    Cooper, who grew up mostly in Arizona before heading back to metro Detroit in the 1970s, wowed audiences with his gore-laden stage shows -- featuring guillotines, fake blood, mutilated dolls and slippery snakes-- throughout the 1970s and '80s.

    His classic singles like "Eighteen," "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and "Only Women Bleed," remain staples on rock radio to this day, and his onstage theatrics predated many of rock's greatest showmen, including Kiss, Motley Crue, Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson.

    Alice Cooper

    You gotta love a guy with song titles like "Welcome to My Nightmare" and "Can't Sleep, The Clowns Will Kill Me".


  33. Selah said...
    It's okay Rat, if Iran does something rash, and, say, sets a fire somewhere in Israel, I'm sure the emergency services are ready to respond.

    Nice come back...

    How about this...

    Not to worry Ms T, I am sure there are no gays in Iran, so says it' s president.

    I guess there are no killings of gays and lesbians in Iran.

    Nothing to protest..

    islam is good...

    Fuck the queers....

    Is that a good retort?

  34. I just started my own business. I'm manufacturing landmines that look like prayer mats.
    I am doing VERY well. In fact...'Prophets are going through the roof.'

    arr arr arr

  35. WiO: I guess there are no killings of gays and lesbians in Iran.

    That's one of the dumbest stereotypes around. So I have a hankering for womenfolk. A lot of guys do too. That doesn't mean I give a crap about the "Community", half of which are male, and most are libtards. You can't manipulate me with identity politics, WiO.

  36. Obama can't stop 250,000 wikileaks, but can f up Iran's nuclear works with a virus? Yeah right. I guess he pushed a button on his teleprompter.

    I really hate it that those 2 white boys got a missle up their ass at the rock pile.

    I love old books.

  37. My hunch would be it was an Israeli operation, supported extensively by the U.S., and in the works for many years.

    Whoever did it, Kudos to'em. It's about the best news we've heard from the "Good Guys" in quite awhile.

    I can't help but think of old Bill Casey, and the "Natural Gas Pipeline" Debacle he laid on the Soviets.

    Seems like our spooks aren't very good, Until you get'em around a computer virus. Then, "The Weird turn Pro," as it were. :)

  38. Another thing that I didn't think received nearly as much attention as was deserved was when the Israelis (or Us) were able to turn Syria's anti-aircraft radars off before their attack on the eye doctor's nuke facility. That had to be an "eye-opener" for several assholes around the world.

  39. Ms T: That's one of the dumbest stereotypes around. So I have a hankering for womenfolk. A lot of guys do too. That doesn't mean I give a crap about the "Community", half of which are male, and most are libtards. You can't manipulate me with identity politics, WiO.

    Don't give a hoot for your specific "group" and yet it invades all aspects of your online persona...

    Me thinks thou doth protest too much???

  40. All things, good and bad, stem from the US, Q.

    If it were not for US involvement, there'd be no conflict, that mattered.

    Who is to say that those Wikileaks are not an engineered flood. That it is in the best interests of the current Administration to have that laundry aired, now.

    It would not be a hard argument to make, that the leaks benefit the US on a number of fronts, if shifting US positions is contemplated.

  41. After spending nine days in a London jail cell over charges of sexual coercion and rape, Julian Assange was freed on $300,000 bail on Thursday. British authorities had sought to keep Assange in prison, but a judge denied that request.

    Assange, who will soon be heading to the lavish country estate of journalist Vaughn Smith, must surrender his passport and wear an electronic tracking device on his ankle, similar to the variety used by the likes of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.

    So how did Assange manage to make such a steep bail? Surge Desk has a run-down of some noteworthy contributors to his get-out-of-jail effort.

    1. Michael Moore
    The liberal filmmaker loathed by conservatives, Moore argues that greater harm comes from government secrecy than from WikiLeaks' release of classified documents.

    2. John Pilger
    The Australian journalist recently described his support for Assange and WikiLeaks.

    3. Hanif Kureishi
    Kureishi's writing credits include the screenplay "My Beautiful Laundrette," novels, plays, short-story collections and essays. Early on, he came out in support of Assange.

    4. Bianca Jagger
    The former wife of the Rolling Stones frontman, Jagger attended Assange's hearings in London. "I am very concerned that this case is becoming politicized," Jagger said at the proceedings. "I don't agree with everything he has done, but the most important thing in law is justice, due process and freedom of expression."

    5. Ken Loach
    An ardent socialist, British filmmaker Loach has dealt with subjects like homelessness and labor rights in his work. Along with Jagger and Pilger, he argued for Assange's release during a court appearance last week.

  42. The covert operations that target Iran’s nuclear program suddenly came to light with explosive violence and stunning implications for the future of warfare on Nov. 29.

    On that Monday morning, dawn had just broken over a bustling Tehran so deeply shrouded in smog that many commuters wore face masks to protect against the fumes and dust in the air. On Artesh Street, among rows of new and half-finished apartment blocks, the nuclear physicist Majid Shahriari was working his way through rush-hour traffic with his wife and bodyguard in his Peugeot sedan. A motorcycle pulled up beside the scientist’s car. Nothing extraordinary about that. But then the man on the bike stuck something to the outside of the door and sped away. When the magnetically attached bomb went off, its focused explosion killed Shahriari instantly. It wounded the others in the car but spared their lives. A clean hit.

    Now the obvious choice for the killing is the Jews? of Course, they get blamed for everything...

    and yet as our resident female Jew hating/zionist hater stated that the Israelis SUCK at fire response..

    WHo really did it?

    There have been numerous killings INSIDE of Iran, in areas that it's almost impossible for an Israeli to travel to....

    Could it be the Iranians are doing some damage control? Spy removal?

    The obvious aint always the guilty..

    Even though the thought of millions and millions of islamic nut jobs wetting themselves thinking the Jews are everywhere, are all 10 feet tall and are evil motherfuckers...

    maybe that's why rat and T are always pointing thier bony fingers and schreeching about "assholes this and zionists that"

  43. .

    All things, good and bad, stem from the US, Q...

    ...It would not be a hard argument to make, that the leaks benefit the US on a number of fronts, if shifting US positions is contemplated.

    Non Sequiter, since my post referred to the earlier Stux issue.


  44. Never called anyone an asshole.
    Not once in all these years of blogging.
    Just not part of the lexicon.

    What is wrong with being a Zionist?

    How did that become a "dirty" word?
    It is descriptive of a policy position, which is both pertinent to and persuasive upon US policy makers and national interests.

    The interests of International Zionists and the national interests of the United States are not one and the same.
    Nor should they ever be.

    The establishing ideology of the United States found the very idea of religious governments to be repugnant and rejected the concept.

    Yet, today, the US supports, even helped to establish, many such monstrosities. A shame, really, we have wandered so far from our roots.

  45. I am glad for the leaks, may the shoe fit the wearer. I doubt it was intentional from the Obama Admin. They ain't that sharp.

    As to Stux, sometimes it's good just to be lucky, and sometimes the good guys get a break.

  46. Not all of that comment was addressed, solely, to you, Q.

    From the perspective that it was, you're right.

    The set back to the Iranians, caused by the Stux, is credited to US, as was done in the JPost article.

    Unless details that make it appear otherwise arise. That's the nature of things, especially "over there" where conspiracy theories abound.

    The US will be in the midst of the Iranian terror strike theories, right or wrong, true or false. If done well, a flood of misinformation is already loosed upon the streets of the Shiitistan.

    This whether we had anything to do with the "smart bomb", or not.
    Taking credit, and blame, for things over which Presidents have little to no control, Standard Operating Procedure.

  47. rufus said...
    Another thing that I didn't think received nearly as much attention as was deserved was when the Israelis (or Us) were able to turn Syria's anti-aircraft radars off before their attack on the eye doctor's nuke facility. That had to be an "eye-opener" for several assholes around the world.

    Thu Dec 16, 01:41:00 PM EST


  48. Gag Reflex said...
    I am glad for the leaks, may the shoe fit the wearer. I doubt it was intentional from the Obama Admin. They ain't that sharp.

    I havent made my mind up about the leaks yet..

    I wonder if among all that truth if there is not some carefully placed LIES..

    It's not the 1st time a "leak" was allowed to disseminate misdirected info...

    The Intel Hub
    Alex Thomas
    *I have received multiples tips from our sources that indicate Wikileaks is part of a massive government operation. Rather than posting an article with quotes from sources that must remain unnamed, I have decided to let what we know about Wikileaks speak for itself.*
    Wikileaks and their founder, Julian Assange have been the focus of intense media scrutiny for what has been dubbed the “New Pentagon Papers.” With all the attention focused on how they received the information and what it means, most media outlets have overlooked some very important questions. Who is Julian Assange and how has Wikileaks managed to out run both the CIA and NSA? Why has the world elite stood by and let a group fronted by a former hacker release information that is perceived to damage them? Is it possible that Wikileaks has been set up as a shill group, used to spread misinformation on a massive scale?
    From its inception, Wikileaks has been hailed as a mysterious entity, capable of exposing government corruption on every level. Even more mysterious, Wikileaks founder and public face, Julian Assange, has been able to out maneuver multiple federal agency’s on his supposed quest for truth. Alternative news outlets across the globe have applauded Wikileaks for its exposure of our disastrous military policies and there implications for the people of Afghanistan. Basically,Wikileaks has been given a free pass within the “truther” community. In our info battle against this so called “New World Order,”[Old World Order] we tend to overlook the shady tendencies of the people and groups we perceive to be allies. Clearly this is the case with Julian Assange and his supposed release of classified material. Could Wikileaks be a well place group of Cointelpro Agents, started not only to take the spotlight off other, more legitimate whistleblowers, but to be used as a pawn in order to demonize all whistleblowers as potential threats to national security?

  49. ...the Israelis (or Us) were able to turn Syria's anti-aircraft radars off before their attack on the eye doctor's nuke facility. That had to be an "eye-opener" for several assholes around the world.

    It's called electronic warfare. Made a decent living at it. Started with meaconinng in the Battle of Britain.

  50. by the way, the source for that last post is a crackpot...

    but the main premise is solid...

    What is truth?

    What are lies?

    Did the USA government KNOW how to SALT the thread of info???

    Has the wikileaks guy EDITED, ADDED or subtracted intel?

    The leaks are so massive who KNOWS anything?

  51. ms T: It's called electronic warfare. Made a decent living at it. Started with meaconinng in the Battle of Britain.

    Sounds like what the bad guys in Die hard 2 did...

    The Israelis did something MUCH MUCH more interesting...


  52. WiO: maybe that's why rat and T are always pointing thier bony fingers and schreeching about "assholes this and zionists that"

    That's rich. WiO called our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ an "asshole", no one called him on it, I call people building ever more townhouses in land that was assigned to Transjordan in the UN Partition agreement, November 1948, assholes, and that makes me anti-Semitic.

  53. Every event doesn't have to involve a conspiracy. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  54. One must assume, gag, that Strux virus did not spontaneously evolve, no it was intelligently designed, in other words, created.

    There is but a short list of possible subjects with the capacity for such an endeavor.

    The JPost acting as the sounding board that even if it was the Israeli, they were neither alone, nor even the primary mover. Based upon the Nation-State being used as part of the descriptive lexicon. That being "code" for usual suspect, by Mr Langer.

  55. Unless, of course, it was a miracle!

  56. Would that be this Transjordan?

    "Although they considered the plan defective in terms of their expectations from the mandate agreed to by the League of Nations twenty-five years earlier, the Zionist General Council stated their willingness in principle to accept partition. The Arab League Council, meeting in December 1947, said it would take whatever measures were required to prevent implementation of the resolution. Abdullah was the only Arab ruler willing to consider acceptance of the UN partition plan.

    Amid the increasing conflict, the UN Implementation Commission was unable to function. Britain thereupon announced its intention to relinquish the mandate and withdrew from Palestine on May 14, 1948. On the same day, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was proclaimed in Jerusalem. Palestinian Arabs refused to set up a state in the Arab zone."

    Additionally, when one starts and loses wars, the loss of territory goes without saying. Germany suffered this as is evident from the maps below. However, one does not hear of German suicide bombers etc...a difference in cultures, I guess...That will have to be addressed one day.

    Germany 1939

    Germany today

  57. Or some unsuspecting Persian analyst on the graveyard shift at the facility could have been playing games or watching porn on the company computer, and POOF, you got yourself a worm.

  58. WiO: maybe that's why rat and T are always pointing thier bony fingers and schreeching about "assholes this and zionists that"

    That's rich. WiO called our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ an "asshole", no one called him on it, I call people building ever more townhouses in land that was assigned to Transjordan in the UN Partition agreement, November 1948, assholes, and that makes me anti-Semitic.

    Now she says that "Jesus Christ" is her LORD and Savior in one breath and calls JEWS building homes in LIBERATED Jewish lands that same MAN walked in 2000 years ago not Israeli....

    If she believes in Christ, then she should also BELIEVE that Hebron, Jerusalem and in fact all the land from the river to the sea were promised by Christ.

    If Christ is G-d and G-d made that promise why pull the UN Mandate in 1948 as the reference point?

    The League of Nations is a modern and legally binding institution that predates the 1948 date...

    Why would the Christ want SUICIDE bombers, that embrace a death cult to squat on any land of Israel.

  59. I also find it odd that Iran would allow this problem to go public. Unless, of course (conspiracy, conspiracy) it is just a legerdemain so they can continue their nuke build up without UN pressure to do otherwise.

  60. Would that have been this Transjordan?

    "King Abdullah, alone of all the Arab leaders, was a moderate in the eyes of the West. He even stood for peace with Israel, and would actually have signed a separate peace agreement but for the Arab League's militant opposition. On account of this, and because of his dream for a Greater Syria comprising Jordan, Syria, and Iraq under the Hashemite dynasty, many Arab countries distrusted Abdullah.

    On July 20, 1951, while visiting the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, King Abdullah was assassinated by a Palestinian extremist afraid that the old king would make a separate peace with Israel. The gunman fired three fatal bullets into the King's head and chest. Abdullah's grandson, Hussein Ibn Talal (King of Jordan from 1953 to 1999) was at his side and grappled with the assailant until he was shot himself. A medal that had been pinned to Hussein's chest at his grandfather's insistence deflected the bullet and saved his life."

  61. From: Rockymtnguy at The Oil Drum

    I copied this comment "whole-hog," because, although I think he's a little bit more "doomerish" than I am, he makes a Good Point.

    How much is productivity enhanced by the fuel it takes to drive an SUV 40 miles each way to and from work?

    Let's do a little what-if exercise. Let's say the SUV is a Chevy Suburban which gets 10 mpg. It is traveling 80 miles per workday, and burning 8 gallons of fuel. And, let's say gasoline doubles to $6 per gallon. It would cost the owner $48 per day to get to and from work. And let's say his job is at Wal-Mart which pays its workers an average of $11.25 per hour. If he works 8 hours per day he will be making $90 per day and paying over half of it for fuel. And then Wal-mart cuts his hours because it is trying to reduce costs...

    This is going to be reality for the average American working Joe in the post-peak-oil era. Actually, the unrealistic part is assuming he still has a job.

    What would a young entrepreneur in India or Malaysia do with that much fuel?

    Another what-if exercise. Let's say the young entrepreneur buys an Asian-built four-cylinder turbo-diesel minivan of the sort that you can't buy in the US, and loads it up with 20 passengers (including the ones on the roof). Let's say the van gets 24 mpg, and let's say the average passenger travels 12 miles round trip to work. The van will burn half a gallon of fuel to get 20 people to and from work, or 1/40 of a gallon per person. Assuming the same $6/gallon, the cost will be 15 cents per person. The young entrepreneur will charge 25 cents per person and be on his way to making his first million rupies or ringgits.

    I use the example of the minivan with 20 passengers because I've ridden on them. This is how you travel in third world countries. Back to the Average Joe (or whatever he is called in India or Malaysia). How much does he make?

    India, where offshoring has boomed over the past several years, remains one of the least-expensive destinations despite skyrocketing demand for its labor. Entry-level workers in India earn an average salary of $5,443 and midtier workers about $8,400, while experienced managers pull in roughly $13,100.

    So, the guy who talks to you on the phone from Mumbai is making $25 to $35 per day, and after diesel fuel goes to $6 he will be spending 25 cents of it to get to and from to work.

    I just thought I'd run this past people so the Americans in the crowd would begin to understand the economics of work in the third world. The people who say, "the US will outbid China and India for oil" are kidding themselves.

    An offshored help-desk worker in India is hardly going to blink if fuel goes to $6/gallon - he uses almost no fuel. A Wal-Mart worker in the US will go bankrupt and lose his house because he can no longer afford to pay for his fuel, plus his mortgage, plus his credit card bills. And he can't sell his house because at $6 per gallon nobody wants to live 40 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart.

  62. Glad I don't live in Mumbai. :-)

  63. Dayyum! I just realized, I live 40 miles away from the closest Walmart.

    But, only 2 miles from the Family Dollar Store (the greatest invention in the history of the planet. :)

  64. BassPro and Cabelas are about 10 miles from me in opposite East and West directions. Life is good.

    Even better, Joe T. Garcia's in the Stockyards is about 10 miles South. How could a guy be so lucky.

  65. BassPro and Cabelas are about 10 miles from me in opposite East and West directions. Life is good.

    Even better, Joe T. Garcia's in the Stockyards is about 10 miles South. How could a guy be so lucky.

  66. Oklahoma is 50 miles North. Avoid it at all costs.

  67. Hey Wio

    just what the heck is "occupation" anyway?

  68. All bob has said about the Bible is that it is a mix of history and story --

    story being an imaginative recreation of remembered history

    a true creation...

    that is all I have said.

  69. I go to sign my CONTRACT with the City on Monday.

    No bureaucrats involved.

    Just the attorney for the city, and my Lady Lawyer.

    rats misty mythical bureaucrats...

    won't be there.

    rat don't know shit about much of anything......

  70. We freely elected the city council

    They took office

    We negotiated

    They voted

    We came to a binding agreement

    It is written down by the lawyers

    I am signing it Monday

    There are no bureaucrats involved

    It is a binding legal document


  71. WiO: If she believes in Christ, then she should also BELIEVE that Hebron, Jerusalem and in fact all the land from the river to the sea were promised by Christ.

    Matthew records that Jesus told a parable about the rejection of Jews and acceptance of Gentiles, with a story about a wedding feast where the invited ones (chosen people, aka the Jews) refused to come to the wedding of the king's son, even going so far as to slay the servants the king sent to announce the wedding (aka the prophets). So the king sent his armies (aka the Romans) to burn up their city and invited everyone on the highway to come instead (aka the Gentiles).

    The point is that it takes two to covenant. You break your side of the bargain and the covenant is over.

  72. Typo on the partition date, it was November 1947.

  73. Selah --WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??????????????????

    Start with Joe Campbell.

    Go from there.

  74. They'll be there, bob.

    In the papers, waiting to pounce.

    Watch and learn, watch and learn.

    The City Attorney, is bureaucrat. He has a staff, more bureaucrats.

    You have a Lady Lawyer that bills by the hour.

    The fun has just begun.

  75. The papers were made up by my Lady Lawyer, dumb shit

    And the lawyer on the other side is a nice man

    He just works for the City

    Papa did his job for thirteen years

    It is all legal

    No burros involved

    cept in your mythy mind

  76. Ms T says it all...

    The point is that it takes two to covenant. You break your side of the bargain and the covenant is over.

    Her god sent the Romans to cause genocide on us..

    Israel is DEAD, Jews? please die...

    to which I respond...

    That Christ would be an ASSHOLE....

    But somehow I think YOU have Christianity wrong..

  77. Whose woods these are I think I know.
    His house is in the village, though;
    He will not see me stopping here
    To watch his woods fill up with snow.
    My little horse must think it queer
    To stop without a farmhouse near
    Between the woods and frozen lake
    The darkest evening of the year.

    He gives his harness bells a shake
    To ask if there is some mistake.
    The only other sound's the sweep
    Of easy wind and downy flake.
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep

    ~Robert Frost

  78. This is the song Ms T, our resident "replacement theology" groupie sings when she heads for prays...

    In my country there is problem,
    And that problem is transport.
    It take very very long,
    Because Kazakhstan is big.

    Throw transport down the well,
    So my country can be free.
    We must make travel easy,
    Then we have big party!

    In my country there is problem,
    And that problem is the Jew.
    They take everybody's money,
    They never give it back.

    Throw the Jew down the well,
    So my country can be free.
    You must grab him by his horns,
    Then we have big party.

    If you see the Jew coming,
    You must be careful of his teeth.
    You must grab him by his money,
    And I tell you what to do...


    Throw the Jew down the well
    So my country can be free
    You must grab him by his horns
    Then we have big party

    Throw the Jew down the well
    So my country can be free
    You must grab him by his horns
    Then we have big party!

  79. I imagine the Israelis are in Athena's camp.

  80. I think that is one of the best poems I know, Melody.

    I have always loved it.

  81. The only other sound's the sweep
    Of easy wind and downy flake.

    That is beauty in words.

  82. Dayyum, I put a lot of work into that post, and now blogger's disappeared it. Crap.

  83. Bottom Line: 107,000 More Wells; 1.8 Million barrels/day less production.

    And, we've gone through 70 Million Barrels of Oil, and Products Inventories since Sept 15th.

    This is starting to look a li'l "iffy."

  84. when stopping by the woods
    on a lonely evening
    when the only other sound's the sweep
    of easy wind and downy flake
    it's better to be together
    than by ones self

  85. Frost really didn't like his wife much.

    He abused her.

    He was kinda a loner.

    That is why, you will see in his poetry, this will to loneliness.

    That is his failure.

  86. I was recommended to research papers online.

    Great blog !!!
