Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA Government Agents Stripping a Young Boy

Look at the kid being stripped by government agents and look at the amount of agents around him. Al Qaeda and the Islamist jihadis have won. The head of TSA, Shitbird John Pistole, is against coercive interrogation of Islamist terrorists but he has no problem with his government agents putting their federally funded hands into the pants of a three year old boy.

TSA has met the enemy - and it's us

How did an agency created to protect the public become the target of so much public scorn?

After nine years of funneling travelers into ever longer lines with orders to have shoes off, sippy cups empty and laptops out for inspection, the most surprising thing about increasingly heated frustration with the federal Transportation Security Administration may be that it took so long to boil over.

Even Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is not subjected to security pat-downs when she travels, understands the public's irritation. She, for one, wouldn't want to go through such scrutiny.

"Not if I could avoid it. No. I mean, who would?" Clinton told CBS' "Face the Nation" in an interview broadcast Sunday.

The agency, a marvel of nearly instant government when it was launched in the fearful months following the 9-11 terror attacks, started out with a strong measure of public goodwill. Americans wanted the assurance of safety when they boarded planes and entrusted the government with the responsibility.

But in episode after episode since then, the TSA has demonstrated a knack for ignoring the basics of customer relations, while struggling with what experts say is an all but impossible task. It must stand as the last line against unknown terror, yet somehow do so without treating everyone from frequent business travelers to the family heading home to visit grandma as a potential terrorist.

The TSA "is not a flier-centered system. It's a terrorist-centered system and the travelers get caught in it," said Paul Light, a professor of public service at New York University who has tracked the agency's effectiveness since it's creation.
That built-in conflict is at the heart of a growing backlash against the TSA for ordering travelers to step before a full-body scanner that sees through their clothing, undergo a potentially invasive pat-down or not fly at all.

"After 9-11 people were scared and when people are scared they'll do anything for someone who will make them less scared," said Bruce Schneier, a Minneapolis security technology expert who has long been critical of the TSA. "But ... this is particularly invasive. It's strip-searching. It's body groping. As abhorrent goes, this pegs it."

A 'tipping point' for TSA

A traveler in San Diego, John Tyner, has become an Internet hero after resisting both the scan and the pat-down, telling a TSA screener: "If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested." That has helped ignite a campaign urging people to refuse such searches on Nov. 24, which immediately precedes Thanksgiving and is one of the year's busiest travel days.

The outcry, though, "is symptomatic of a bigger issue," said Geoff Freeman, executive vice president of the U.S. Travel Association, an industry group that says it has received nearly 1,000 calls and e-mails from consumers about the new policy in the last week.

"It's almost as if it's a tipping point," Freeman said. "What we've heard from travelers time and again is that there must be a better way."

Indeed, TSA has a history of stirring public irritation. There was the time in 2004 when Sen. Ted Kennedy complained after being stopped five times while trying to board planes because a name similar to his appeared on the agency's no-fly list. And the time in 2006 when a Maine woman went public with her tale of being ordered by a TSA agent to dump the gel packs she was using to cool bags of breast milk. And the time in 2007, when a Washington, D.C. woman charged that another TSA agent threatened to have her arrested for spilling water out of her child's sippy cup.

TSA denied the last, releasing security camera footage to try and prove its point. But that did little to offset the agency's longtime struggle to explain itself and win traveler cooperation.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. After Congress approved creation of the agency in late 2001, the TSA grew quickly from just 13 employees in January 2002 to 65,000 a year later. In the first year, agency workers confiscated more than 4.8 million firearms, knives and other prohibited items, according to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

But even as the new agency mushroomed, officials at the top, pressured by airlines worried that tighter security would discourage people from flying, looked to the business world for lessons on systems, efficiency and service.

TSA set up "go teams" pairing government employees with executives from companies including Marriott International Inc., The Walt Disney Co., and Intel Corp., to figure out how to move lines of people through checkpoints efficiently and how to deal with angry travelers.

But the agency was working under what Freeman calls "an unachievable mandate." Congress demanded an agency that eliminated risk. But the risks are always changing, as terrorists devise new methods and government parries. That has led to an agency that is always in crisis mode, constantly adding new policies designed to respond to the last terror plot.

President Barack Obama says he has pushed the TSA to make sure that it is always reviewing screening processes with actual people in mind. "You have to constantly refine and measure whether what we're doing is the only way to assure the American people's safety," Obama said Saturday. "And you also have to think through, are there ways of doing it that are less intrusive."

Clinton, appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," said Sunday she thought "everyone, including our security experts, are looking for ways to diminish the impact on the traveling public."

But John Pistole of the Transportation Security Administration said on CNN's "State of the Union" that the current threat level is too high to lessen the use of full body scans and intimate pat-downs. He said the ingenuity and determination of terrorists trying to bring down an airplane ruled out changes in screening policies.

Disconnect with the public

TSA operates on the belief that a key to foiling terrorists is to keep them guessing, agency watchers say. But it has never really explained that to a flying public that sees never-ending changes in policies covering carry-on liquids, shoes, and printer cartridges as maddening and pointless inconsistency.

"If you ask what its procedures are, how you screen people, it's `I can't tell you that because if the bad guys find out they'll be able to work around the system,"' said Christopher Elliott, an Orlando, Fla.-based consumer advocate specializing in travel. "That's why a lot of what they've done has not really gone over well with air travelers. They perceive it as being heavy-handed and often the screeners come across as being very authoritarian."

Over time, TSA has settled into a pattern of issuing directives with little explanation and expecting they be followed. But increasingly fed-up travelers don't understand the agency's sense of urgency and aren't buying it.

"I don't think the law enforcement approach is going to work with the American public. You've got to explain yourself and reassure people. And they're not doing it," Light said.

That goes beyond public relations, experts say. As more and more layers are added to air travel security efforts, it creates difficult and potentially unpopular choices. But the TSA has been unwilling to openly discuss how it arrives at policies or to justify the trade-offs, highlighted by its insistence over the need for the scanners.

"They're very expensive and what they (TSA officials) should be able to do is answer if it does reduce the risk, how much does it reduce the risk and is it worth it?" said John Mueller, a professor of political science at Ohio State, who has researched the way society reacts to terrorism.

Negative rating on the rise

The pushback against the body scanners and pat-downs shows the agency at its worst, Elliott said, issuing a policy that wasn't properly vetted or explained, but determined to defend it.

Growing dissatisfaction with TSA has even led some airports to consider replacing the agency with private screeners. Such a change is allowed by law, but the contractor must follow all the security procedures mandated by the TSA, including body scans and pat-downs.

But frustration with the TSA was building even before the latest furor. In a December 2007 Associated Press-Ipsos poll asking Americans to rank government agencies, it was as unpopular as the Internal Revenue Service. Even so, a poll earlier this month by CBS News found 81 percent of Americans support the TSA's use of full-body scanners at airports. The poll, conducted Nov. 7-10, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Elliott said that better communication would probably win the TSA more cooperation. But the public irritation suggests that a growing number of consumers, particularly frequent travelers, are questioning the premise at the heart of the agency's existence.

"I think at some point Americans said to themselves, maybe in their collective subconscious...there's a line here where it's not just worth it anymore," he said. "There's a growing sense that that line has been crossed."


  1. CBS News found 81 percent of Americans support the TSA's use of full-body scanners at airports. The poll, conducted Nov. 7-10, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

    Why doesn't that surprise me?

  2. Printer bombs planted on two cargo flights last month cost only a few thousand dollars and were intended to affect the American economy, according to a newly published Al Qaeda-affiliated magazine.

    The attempt was called "Operation Hemorrhage," boasted the magazine, and the entire plot cost al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, only $4,200.

    Why isn't the group printing the magazine dead?

  3. Why isn't Al Qaeda hemorrhaging?

    Why are any of these bastards brought to trial?

    Why are we so stupid?

  4. Why is this happening

    Because of the Politically Correct shitbird in charge of the TSA, John Pistole.
    Who is John Pistole?

    John S. Pistole is the Administrator of the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and former Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[1]

    On April 14, 2004, Pistole testified before the 9/11 Commission at its 10th public hearing on a panel titled "Preventing Future Attacks Inside the United States."

    On June 16, 2004, Pistole testified before the 9/11 Commission at its 12th public hearing. Although the page on the 9/11 Commission website does not include Mr. Pistole's name, and the PDF transcript does not list Mr. Pistole as a participant, he testified on June 16, 2004 as a panelist. He discussed threat levels of a possible attack by Al Qaeda in 2004, as well as other topics.

    On August 23, 2004, Pistole testified before Congress about changes the FBI made in response to the 9/11 Commission.

    Pistole and Valerie E. Caproni were the two FBI officials who approved a memo laying out the FBI's policy on the limits to the interrogation of captives taken during the United States' war on terror. The memo was from the FBI's General Counsel, to all offices, explaining that FBI officials were not allowed to engage in coercive interrogations; FBI officials were not allowed to sit in on coercive interrogations conducted by third parties; FBI officials were required to immediately report any instances of suspected coercive interrogation up the FBI chain of command.

    Shitbird Pistole is against harsh and coercive interrogation of Islamist terrorists, but he is cool with strip searches of three year old American boys.

  5. Don't be nasty to the jihadis, but fondling an American three year old boy's balls is OK.

  6. Has anyone checked Pistole's hard drive lately?

  7. Meanwhile you ask, what is the religion of Peace doing these days to the Politically correct English fools?

    Up to 5,000 pupils attending weekend schools across Britain are being exposed to textbooks claiming that some Jews were transformed into pigs and apes, and that some offences could be punished with stoning. One book for six year-olds warns that those who do not believe in Islam will be condemned to “hellfire” in death.

    Another text for 15 year-olds teaches that thieves who break Sharia law should have their hands cut off for a first offence and their feet amputated for a subsequent crime. Teenagers are presented with diagrams showing where the cuts should be made.


  8. Mr. Pistole deserves the Gorelick Terror Fighter Trophy, based on his exemplary record.

    Ingraham says she will offer her post-cancer ravaged breasts for examination after Mr. Pistole removes the cheap rug from his bald pate for examination in the TSA Checkout Line.

  9. A teacher inappropriately hugging a child in school is a molester, but TSA workers have unlimited access to children's bodies, if that is their passion.

    Hannity reported that the TSA agent acted "professionally" while feeling (him?) up.

    ...supporting the poll's view that we are indeed a nation of submissive Sheeple.

  10. Sarah's Subterranean Alaska:

    Auguring In,

    Evidence found at the remote, rugged Alaska site where an F-22 Raptor crashed indicates the pilot died, an Air Force official said Friday evening.

    Part of the fighter jet's ejection seat was found at the site, which means Capt. Jeffrey Haney of Clarklake, Mich., was not ejected and could not have survived the Tuesday night crash, Col. Jack McMullen said.

    No body or remains have been found at the site, which McMullen described as a wet area.
    He said the impact of the crash caused a large crater that swallowed up much of the jet.

    Recovery efforts are expected to last several weeks, given the challenges of removing the wreckage. McMullen said the effort involves about 130 personnel in temperatures that plunge to 20 below at night.

    "The weather was beautiful," McMullen said. "You could see the ground, you could see mountains, you could see the terrain."

    Haney was married with two children. Officials said he joined the Air Force in 2003 and has been at the Anchorage base for 4 1/2 years.

    The F-22 took off Tuesday from the joint Air Force and Army base for a training run.

    The jet and a second F-22 practiced "intercepts" and were nearing completion of the exercise when one aircraft disappeared from ground radar tracking and from communications with the other F-22 at 7:40 p.m. Tuesday. McMullen said the plane's transponder was acting normally and stopped transponding when the jet crashed.

    Alaska has had multiple fatal plane crashes since early June, including an Aug. 9 crash that killed former U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens and four others.

    In July, a C-17 cargo jet from the 3rd Wing crashed at Elmendorf during a training demonstration for an air show, killing all four crewmen aboard. Other crashes occurred at Denali National Park, central Alaska and in a busy business district near downtown Anchorage.

  11. ...caged 16 year old canaries in our PC Mineshaft of Death.

  12. There is no need to expose yourself to the Federals. Do not give them the opportunity to "touch your junk"

    Drive to your destination, or don't go.

    The Federals fondle children in your name, for your own good.

    August 23, 2004, Pistole testified ...
    When he was representing and defending the Bush Administration policies, before Congress.

  13. If the policy Pistole testified to was so out of line with Republican values, why was he not fired?

    Why didn't Mr bush "let him go"?

    Because ...

    That's the Federal position, regardless of the partisan in the White House. In August of 2004 Darth Cheney was still driving the "Long War" policies.

    FBI Director Robert Mueller was in charge of the FBI in August of '04. A Princeton man that had served in the USMC in Vietnam, leading a rifle platoon of the 3rd Marine Division.

    He offered his resignation in March of '04 if the White House insisted that domestic wiretaps without a warrant could be considered legal.
    He stayed on the job.

  14. Mr Pistole testified to the changes at the FBI, instituted to fight terrorism, from that 23AUG2004 visit to the Congress

    Under the leadership of Director Mueller, the FBI has moved aggressively forward to implement a comprehensive plan that has fundamentally transformed the FBI with one goal in mind: establishing the prevention of terrorism as the Bureau's number one priority. No longer are we content to concentrate on investigating terrorist crimes after they occur; the FBI now is dedicated to disrupting terrorists before they are able to strike. Director Mueller has overhauled our counterterrorism operations, expanded our intelligence capabilities, modernized our business practices and technology, and improved coordination with our partners.

    At the FBI we are taking full advantage of our dual role as both a law enforcement and an intelligence agency. As we continue to transform the FBI to address the priorities articulated by the Director, a number of steps have taken place to enhance operational and analytical capabilities and to ensure continued sharing of information with our partners at the federal, state, local, tribal, and international levels. As a result:

    We have more than doubled the number of counterterrorism Agents, intelligence analysts, and linguists
    We created and expanded the Terrorism Financing Operations Section which is dedicated to identifying, tracking, and cutting off terrorist funds.
    We are active participants in the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC) and the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), which provide a new line of defense against terrorism by making information about known or suspected terrorists available to the national security, homeland security, and law enforcement communities.
    We have worked hard to break down the walls that have sometimes hampered our coordination with our partners in federal, state and local law enforcement. Today, the FBI and CIA are integrated at virtually every level of our intelligence operations. This cooperation will be further enhanced as our Counterterrorism Division continues to co-locate with the DCI's Counter Terrorist Center and the multi-agency Terrorist Threat Integration Center.
    We expanded the number of Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) from 34 to 100 nationwide.
    We created and refined new information sharing systems, such as the FBI National Alert System and the interagency Alert System that electronically link us with our domestic partners.
    We have sent approximately 275 FBI executives to the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University to receive training on executive leadership and strategic change.

  15. More from Mr Pistole's testimony:

    Recognizing that a strong, enterprise-wide intelligence program is critical to our success across all investigations, we have worked relentlessly to develop a strong intelligence capability and to integrate intelligence into every investigation and operation across the FBI:

    We stood up the Office of Intelligence, under the direction of a new Executive Assistant Director for Intelligence. The Office of Intelligence sets unified standards, policies, and training for analysts, who examine intelligence and ensure it is shared with our law enforcement and intelligence partners. The Office of Intelligence has already provided over 2,600 intelligence reports and other documents for the President and members of the Intelligence Community.
    We established a formal analyst training program. We are accelerating the hiring and training of analytical personnel, and developing career paths for analysts that are commensurate with their importance to the mission of the FBI.
    We developed and are in the process of executing Concepts of Operations governing all aspects of the intelligence process - from the identification of intelligence requirements to the methodology for intelligence assessment to the drafting and formatting of intelligence products.
    We established a Requirements and Collection Management Unit to identify intelligence gaps and develop collection strategies to fill those gaps.
    We established Reports Officers positions and Field Intelligence Groups in the field offices, whose members review investigative information - not only for use in investigations in that field office - but to disseminate it throughout the FBI and among our law enforcement and Intelligence Community partners.

  16. We built the FBI Intelligence Program on the following core principles:

    Independent Requirements and Collection Management: While intelligence collection, operations, analysis, and reporting are integrated at headquarters divisions and in the field, the Office of Intelligence manages the requirements and collection management process. This ensures that we focus intelligence collection and production on priority intelligence requirements and on filling key gaps in our knowledge.
    Centralized Management and Distributed Execution: The power of the FBI intelligence capability is in its 56 field offices, 400 resident agencies and 56 legal attaché offices around the world. The Office of Intelligence must provide those entities with sufficient guidance to drive intelligence production effectively and efficiently, but not micro-manage field intelligence operations.
    Focused Strategic Analysis: The Office of Intelligence sets strategic analysis priorities and ensures they are carried out both at headquarters and in the field.
    Integration of Analysis with Operations: Intelligence analysis is best when collectors and analysts work side-by-side in integrated operations.

  17. On August 2nd, the President announced his intention to establish a National Intelligence Director (NID), to take on the responsibility of principle intelligence advisor and head of the Intelligence Community, and a National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC). While the details of these two new entities still need to be fleshed out and discussed, the FBI does agree that operations and intelligence need to be intertwined and complementary to each other. We believe that concerns regarding civil liberties must be appropriately addressed in all that is proposed. This will require paying particular attention to legal and historical differences regarding the collection of information in the United States and overseas. We look forward to working with you on the functions of both the NID and the NCTC.

    As the Commission points out, we have much work still to do, but we have made great progress and continue to move forward in accordance with a clear plan. With the support and understanding of lawmakers and the American people, I am confident that we will successfully complete our transformation and ultimately prevail against terrorists and all adversaries who would do harm to our Nation.

    The FBI looks forward to an ongoing public discussion of ways to support the Intelligence Community's counterterrorism mission and capabilities and to further enhance information sharing and collaboration within the Intelligence and Law Enforcement Communities. The Commission's recommendations will enhance the FBI's capabilities by providing a more robust, intelligence-focused organizational structure, work force and infrastructure.

    The FBI thanks the 9/11 Commission for its public service and I thank you for inviting me here today to testify before the Committee. It will be my pleasure to answer any questions you may have at the appropriate time.

  18. Mr Pistole was representing the FBI, Mr Mueller and President Bush.

    Learn it, Live it, Love it.

  19. An unemployed court jester is nobody's fool.

    'Tis a white winter wonderland outside.

    Back to bed.

  20. Now he represents the TSA and President Obama. Bringing his FBI experiences to help US secure our air traffic network.

    Same faces, same song,

    Not much of a change.

  21. Probly reccomended by fellow devout Christian,
    Karen Hughes.

    Never met a Muzzie she didn't feel compassion for.

  22. ...or reccomended that W turn down their contributions and promises of support.

  23. Bill's buds got to Fuck in the Lincoln Bedroom.

    W's muzzies brought bucks and promises of votes.

  24. That Mr Bush supported Mr Pistole position on coercive interrogation, obvious. He was promoted soon after that tesimony

    In October 2004 Pistole was appointed the FBI's Deputy Director, its second in command.

    Not even from the Ivy League, Mr Pistole attended Anderson University (Indiana). Not much else in his bio other than ...

    Last week, former Deputy FBI Director John S. Pistole was confirmed unanimously by the Senate as TSA's new Administrator.

    His views right in line with Federal policies, not one voice of dissent, in the US Senate.

  25. There is a bit more to Mr Pistole's bio, he was a private lawyer fro two years, before starting his career in the Federal government.

    Pistole began his career as a Special Agent with the FBI in 1983, serving in the Minneapolis and New York divisions before his promotion to Supervisor in the Organized Crime Section at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. In 1999, as Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Boston, he helped lead investigation and recovery efforts for the Egypt Air Flight 990 crash off the coast of Rhode Island.

    In 2007, Pistole received the Edward H. Levy Award for Outstanding Professionalism and Exemplary Integrity. He is a recipient of the 2005 Presidential Rank Award for Distinguished Executive.

    Pistole practiced law for two years prior to joining the FBI. He is a graduate of Anderson University (Indiana) and Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis.

    27 years of Federal law enforcement experience.

  26. (Ultra) Marathon man

    First there was the run across Death Valley in 122-degree heat
    (he's run it nine times so far).
    He learned to run on the asphalt's white line
    to prevent his shoes from melting.

    In 2002, Karnazes went on an extended run in Antarctica, where he
    was weathered in, turning a planned 12-day trip into a monthlong
    endeavor. Recalling his 155-mile run into the Antarctic interior, he
    "It was pretty raw and I am lucky to have lived. It hadn't been
    done before and it hasn't been done since, I think for good reason

    Remarkable feats include his longest run (350 miles in 80 hours and
    44 minutes)
    and a marathon of marathons:

    50 consecutive marathons
    in 50 states over 50 days.

  27. A true veteran of the Federal "War on Terror"

    After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, he was put in charge of the FBI’s greatly expanded counterterrorism program, eventually becoming the FBI’s Executive Assistant Director for Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence. In 2004, Pistole was named Deputy Director for the FBI.

    Pistole has led or been involved in several high profile investigations, including the attempted car bombing in Times Square on May 1, 2010; the December 25, 2009, attempted attack on Northwest Flight 253; the plot against New York City subways in 2009; the 2006 UK liquid explosives plot; and the May 2003 suicide bombings of three housing compounds in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in which 35 people died, including nine Americans.

  28. In 2007, Pistole received the Edward H. Levy Award for Outstanding Professionalism and Exemplary Integrity. He is a recipient of the 2005 Presidential Rank Award for Distinguished Executive.

    Mr Bush must have thought the whirled the "Pistol".

  29. Just one question. I'm not saying that I totally agree with the shitbird and the plan definitely needs to be tweaked but...

    If there wasn't such an evasive tactic in place and by some chance someone or something got through security and on that plane to do harm what would you do? Who would you blame? What questions would you ask?

    You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

    Just sayin'

  30. Mr Bush must have thought the whirled of the "Pistol".

  31. The Israelis use none of our high tech, or invasive tactics, Mel.

    ...unless one considers profiling and human intuition invasive.

  32. Mr Pistole is no "shitbird", he is a consummate professional. A life long career FBI man that has done what all his supervisors believed to be an exemplary job.

    Rising through the ranks to become the face man for the Federal Government.

    Not a single plane has been lost, not on his watch.

  33. No El-al airliners hijacked to date.

  34. If you believe the inspections to be intrusive, the solution is easy.

    Do not fly.

    See the USA in a Chevrolet!

  35. They only have the one plane, doug.

  36. Mr Pistole's gotta be one sexy pistole.

  37. desert rat said...
    They only have the one plane, doug.


    Maybe we should try that!

  38. ...AF One
    Reserved by The One.

  39. See the USA

    ...and nothing else.

  40. Why would someone choose the pat down verses the body scan? Is it because of the radiation?

  41. And, in fact El-Al has been skyjacked.

    The skyjack leader was Yousef Khatib, who was one of the 3 who hijacked the El-Al Boeing 707 ..... The aircraft was taken to Benghazi and then to Entebbe. ...

    Granted it was in 1976. But it did happen, regardless.

  42. MeLoDy said...
    Why would someone choose the pat down verses the body scan? Is it because of the radiation?


    That, and the possibility that your extraordinary naked body might one day become an internets sensation.
    With name, address, phone, and etc.

  43. MOSCOW - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to NATO leaders that Europe be divided into sectors of military responsibility to better protect the continent from missile attack, reports said Monday.

  44. Can't get back to sleep.

    I think the whole complaining argument is b.s.

    There's got to be some security.

    Just walk through the damned scanner. They are within their rights and responsibilities to demand that. In fact they have a duty.

    Don't like it? See the USA in your Chevrolet.

  45. So, then they would opt to stand in front of hundreds of people, and I would think, be more humiliated by having someone feel them up.

    Like I said the plan needs to be revised in some way. But I'll guarantee that if something went wrong on that plane the same people that are complaining now will be the ones to point their finger later.

  46. al-HaBob unaware of molested children, humiliated post-cancer stews missing their flights, and etc.

    IT's ALL GOOD!


    ...and Bob al-Harb.


  47. "But I'll guarantee that if something went wrong on that plane the same people that are complaining now will be the ones to point their finger later."



    None of the 19 9-11 hijackers would have got through if common sense had been the rule instead of Politically Correct Madness.

  48. "I think the whole complaining argument is b.s."


    Good Sheeple Never Complain

    Simply Follow the Rules a good lawyer,

    Or English Major!

  49. Diagram your daughter's death by Sharia, mofo!

  50. ...PC and Sharia,
    one and the same.

  51. Most people don't have common sense. Most people don't follow rules. It's tens years later and things change. This is the result of stupid people in America.

    Pistole defends the use of pat downs due to high terror threats.

    He looks like a child molester.

  52. "Can't get back to sleep."

    ...a continual complaint.

    Consider Professional Assistance for helf wrt irrational beliefs.

  53. "He looks like a child molester."

    Another credential enhancement.

  54. ...he puts the kids butts on his rug while he blows them.

  55. Notice that bob is all for rules and regulations and that government is ... within their rights and responsibilities to demand that ... for the "common good".

    Until their "rights and responsibilities" extend to land use policies, for the common good. Then complaining is not BS, but par for the course.

    Until their "rights and responsibilities" mean reestablishing wolves on their historical range.

    Then complaining about Federal mismanagement is okay.

    The problem, if there is one, is not Mr Pistole, but the style of governing that has evolved at the Federal level.

    If you do not think it is correct, opt out.
    Mr Pistole was confirmed by the US Senate without a single vote in dissent of his positions. Positions that were well known and documented, before hand.

  56. "Mr Pistole was confirmed by the US Senate without a single vote in dissent of his positions. Positions that were well known and documented, before hand."

    We had to pass him to see what was in him.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. But I'll guarantee that if something went wrong on that plane the same people that are complaining now will be the ones to point their finger later.


    Profile and scan.

  59. EXCLUSIVE! John Pistole, TSA Chief, FULL BODY SCAN !
    John Pistole, Janet Napolitano's right-hand 'man' in charge of the TSA, has submitted to a full-body scan and released the image to me

    Says Pistole...

    'There's nothing wrong with this new backscatter scan. As you can see, it's somewhat flattering; we'll start selling these to our customers as an option after they pass through my airports, much like some high-speed roller coaster operators do. It'll help defray the costs of prosecuting non-compliant sorts like this San Deigo terrorist John Tyner, likely.'

  60. Flying While Intoxicated

    Nature's full throated cry of the goose
    Is a preternatural sound Impossible to produce
    On a bland page in black and white
    If I should use the word honk
    You are instructed to think
    Perhaps of your own voice
    Slurry and harsh from too many a drink

    All afternoon they gathered together
    In spite of stormy inclement weather
    And stuffed their avian guts
    Quite down to their butts
    With fermented Stevens wheat
    Until, shame to say
    They could hardly stand on their feet

    So to their wings they repaired And all intensely cared
    Who was to be
    The head of V
    Flapping there in air
    Flapping and honking,
    Fighting and maneuvering to see
    Who would be, if you please,
    The big leading cheese

    Over my house they went soaring
    Honking like jet engines roaring
    All fighting for station
    In their self inclosed nation
    Geese drunk as skunks
    Rowdy as Vandal football drunks

    Some got quite out of line
    Sought to show themselves fine
    Maybe I can impress this riping young goose
    Thought the strong young gander
    As he twisted and rolled
    Turned and dived
    In aerobatics
    grander and grander
    And she did seem impressed
    As escaped from her breast
    Came a honk, h o n k, H O N K!

    Surely if we had cops in the sky
    There would have been a massive arrest
    Of these birds of a feather
    A danger together
    To themselves and the other
    The pilots were drunk
    And the whole flying machine too
    From the tip of the beak
    To the tip of the wings
    To the tail feathers behind
    Disregarding reputations
    Aerial defecations
    Were all their parting nods
    To us earthbound gods
    As the sots soared away
    To the end of next May
    Here's hoping they live,
    Clink, clink, toast, toast
    To fly many another a day
    And keep us ever
    Laughing and gay

  61. You don't have to fly. It's not an illegal search or seizure. An airliner is not your home. You have no expectation of privacy. The airline is by law responsible for the safety of the passengers. In this day and age only an idiot would not see that some profiling and scanning is in order.

  62. But I'll guarantee that if something went wrong on that plane the same people that are complaining now will be the ones to point their finger later.


    Profile and scan.

    Spoken like most who never fly.

    Every one of these terrorist attempts have been by Arab or Muslim men. No one is saying don't check.

    In an age of sheep, programmed to follow orders, indoctrinated in moral equivalency, inclusion and diversity you have the absurdity of blindness to the obvious.

    A cop on the beat knew who belonged on the street and who to take a second look at. The NJ State police had some pretty good ideas at who to stop,

    So it is better to submit to blind and senseless harassment than the focused and targeted inspection of those that are trying to kill us.

  63. Do both, profile and scan, but I don't see walking through a scanner as any big deal. I used to do it all the time, going into the Federal Building to Farm Service Agency, when they had Federal Court in session in the same building. Patting down is another argument.

  64. And if it makes you feel like a Sheeple, drive, like my wife and I.

  65. Since when is it a privilege to fly? Who hands out that privilege and on whose authority?

    Is it a privilege to go to the bank?

    Is it a privilege to work, to farm, to get married, go to another city to get better health care?

    Ig going home for Thanksgiving a privilege?

    Is there a privilege clause in the Constitution?

  66. In Idaho, even driving a car is a privilege, not a right.

    The airlines have a responsibility to the other passengers.

    The families of the dead will get pissed if the plane is blown up and nothing was attempted to stop it.

    And those lawyers.....

  67. The Soviets handed out visa documents so that you had the privilege to go to another city.
    Before you entered a train you were forced to show your privilege documents, subject to be pulled out of line and interrogated and searched.

    The Russians complied in sullen silence.

    Governments knows best.

  68. With all due respect, that seems a little far fetched, to the current issue at hand.

    Profiling alone, which I'm all for, might not do the job perfectly every time.

    The Israelis have had great success, but they have a very small airline.

    I suppose here, people would bitch about pre-flight screening and interrogation.

    The right to remain silent, and all that.

  69. Some of us don't have anything to be embarrassed about in a see-through scanner.

  70. Deuce said...

    Don't be nasty to the jihadis, but fondling an American three year old boy's balls is OK.

    Muslims have no monopoly on that. Back in the day when some of the Jews tried to embrace secularism, certain fundamentalist Jews started a campaign of terrorism, killing those who were found working on Saturday, and they took a knife to the penis of any boys they found without the marks of circumcision. Of course, this terrorism succeeded, and the Maccabbees became the Hasmonean Dynasty of kings, and they put a spin on their history, calling their terror campaign a "revolt" for "freedom".

    1 Maccabees 2:45-46 Then Mattathias and his friends went round about, and pulled down the altars: And what children soever they found within the coast of Israel uncircumcised, those they circumcised valiantly.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I don't think it's a matter of giving up rights.

    I think it's a matter of misperception, and thinking you have rights when you actually don't.

    The state has a compelling interest in seeing to it that people aren't dead drunk on the public highway. Here on our two lanes, you are closing at about 130mph, whizzing past one another maybe four or five feet away sometimes. The state has a compelling interest in trying to see to it that you can actually manage this task with some degree of safety. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

    Airlines are in the same category.
    Because they are a public use.

    Your private plane is probably a different situation.

    If you are profiled, and taken to a room to be interrogated, and you don't want to answer, saying you have a right to remain silent, fine and well.

    Hitchhike, then.

    No one is talking internal passports, here.

  73. someone said: Muslims have no monopoly on that. Back in the day when some of the Jews tried to embrace secularism, certain fundamentalist Jews started a campaign of terrorism, killing those who were found working on Saturday, and they took a knife to the penis of any boys they found without the marks of circumcision. Of course, this terrorism succeeded, and the Maccabbees became the Hasmonean Dynasty of kings, and they put a spin on their history, calling their terror campaign a "revolt" for "freedom".

    Please quote one real, specific case.

    Please do not quote folklore or religious texts.

    Otherwise if you insist on quoting "torah" as a source accept the validity of all it's teachings...

    Including the fact that from the river to the sea should all be and exclusively Israeli.

  74. It's time to fight the ISLAMIC terrorists.

    We need to capture and kill Islamic terrorists, bury in pig skins and YOUTUBE it...

    Send a message to the ISLAMIC WORLD: Fuck with us? we will send you to hell"

    We also need to bomb the black rock of the keeba,

    I favor a tactical nuke, and at this point in time?

    Ms T has offered to take in to her home, all the innocent goat fuckers who happen to be throwning rocks at the devil in Mecca at the time...

  75. It's interesting that our bible, new testament consuming lesbian loves to quote bullshit...

    her latest?

    the book of maccabees

    Please show us where this book is officially recognized, by the people it deals with, as gospel or truth...

  76. Everyone should travel in a burka, demand to pat ourselves down and have our won hands tested for explosives...

  77. .
    I think it's a matter of misperception, and thinking you have rights when you actually don't...

    Good lord.

    Bob, the 'brown-billed goose' just as fast flying with the other geese but stops much more slowly.


  78. That damn Federal judge in Oklahoma put a restraining order on a constitutional amendment to the constitution of the State of Oklahoma passed overwhelmingly by the voters which said you can't use Sharia law in Oklahoma. This idiot was a Clinton appointee. Anyone who says it doesn't matter who is elected President, they all being the same, is dumber than goose shit.

    This will probably be overturned higher up, but what a damned FARCE!

  79. Stick with marketing and horoscopes, Quirk, you know no law.

  80. Perhaps the federal judge deemed that a privilege they did not deserve. Privileges come and go at the whims of the privilege giver.

  81. And yet, oddly enough, you got it right about the juries imposing their own view of things.

  82. .
    Eighty percent of Americans support the new TSA procedures.

    Over the years, millions of Americans have died protecting the freedoms and rights laid out in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    Yet when 3000 die at the hands of muslim whack-jobs, the entire country turns to the government and says "do what you want, screw our rights, just protect me."

    We have become a country of pussies.

    (And the government says, "No Problemo")


  83. Correct.

    But we are talking rights.

    I maintain, you don't have a right to fly on a public airplane just anyway you please. In a burka, with a bomb in your waist.

    The state has some compelling interests.

  84. .
    Reported in the NYT yesterdays.

    A reporter spotted John Boehner at the airport and noted that he was walked around the TSA checkpoints by security guards.

    "Animal Farm Redux"

    Some pigs are more equal than others.


  85. Being alive and being a jihadi is a privilege that needs to be reviewed.

    You want to get rid of Jihadis in Somalia or Sudan or Yemen, suspend their privilege at having air traffic. Tell us to give us a call or email when they get the problem solved.

    If that doesn't work suspend visa privileges with similar instructions.

  86. Riding at the front of the bus was once a privilege.

  87. I have no problem with that.

    I got to get going.

    It's an interesting subject.

  88. Pelosi went one better and commandeered Air Force planes.

    That is known as RHIP, rank has its privilege.

  89. .
    Scientists say they have solution to TSA scanner objections

    A cheap and simple fix in the computer software of new airport scanners could silence the uproar from travelers who object to the so-called virtual strip search, according to a scientist who helped develop the program at one of the federal government's most prestigious institutes.

    The researcher, associated with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, said he was rebuffed when he offered the concept to Department of Homeland Security officials four years ago..."

    A Better Way

    This is just one alternative. I have seen there is also technology which merely shows the body outline (like a police chalk airline) but will highlight any anomolies that have to be checked.

    I'm sure there are other alternatives.

    But why should the government bother looking at them when whatever they do the American people keep responding with "Baa"?


  90. Don't worry Quirk I got your back. I didn't forget our deal. I'll put it up soon.

  91. .
    Wasn't worried Mel.

    Or should I say "Melody the Wise" Child of the East and Mother of the Dawn?


  92. Some folk are also concerned about the dose of radiation they receive each time they are scanned.

  93. The shit for brains crowd refuses to believe that we re at war with militant Islam. Islam is at war with the US and the West.

    Everything is reactionary to their initiative or in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan fighting the wrong wars in the wrong place with the wrong weapons.

    Bush thought Gitmo was a good idea and Obama wants to close it. They both missed the pint.

    I don't believe in fighting wars. I believe in winning wars. You win by killing and destroying.

    Find these creeps and kill them. Interrogate them first if you think it necessary and then kill them.

    Those that support them, kill them, take their money.

    If you need to take out a mosque or two, good. If you need to remove travel and isolate countries or parts of countries, good again.

    The jihadis have their own web sites and magazines. How is that possible?

    They make an assault spending $5,000 and we respond spending millions? How stupid can we be?

    Trying them in NYC? How stupid can we be?

  94. Give jihadis radiation treatment instead, massive doses.

  95. Just going out the door.

    I agree with all that.

    We should be getting angry with the muslims, who are the cause of all this inconvenience, that's who we should be getting mad at.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. WiO: Including the fact that from the river to the sea should all be and exclusively Israeli.

    Yeah, in Deuteronomy 20:10-17 your "god" commanded Moses to kill all the males and take the women and children as slaves and the animals as booty in every city near Palestine that does not agree to become a vassal to the children of Abraham, but every city IN Palestine Moses is not to spare any living thing. That's the Torah for you. And you wonder where the argument got started.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. ...yet only Muzzies act out violent Acts as their Dutyeronomy.

    In today's World.

  100. In pre Rufus, er, Obama Healthcare, Docs and Nurses change gloves prior to touching you.

    Under the War on Terror, TSA Agents touch hundreds, including Gay Proflifucker travelers prior to applying these same gloves to your body parts.

    ...not that there is anything wrong with Gay Proflifucker HIV Positive Travelers.

  101. Anal Promiscuity For You and Me.
    ...risk wise.

  102. Don't touch that doorknob.
    ...without a tissue.

  103. Yeah, in Deuteronomy 20:10-17 your "god" commanded Moses to kill all the males and take the women and children as slaves and the animals as booty in every city near Palestine that does not agree to become a vassal to the children of Abraham, but every city IN Palestine Moses is not to spare any living thing. That's the Torah for you. And you wonder where the argument got started.

    Please show me ANYWHERE in the Torah that says the word "palestine"

    And when I say Torah, I mean the 5 books of Moses..

    Please go ahead smart ass...

    show us...

  104. Rush is featuring Bobby Jindal outlining all the DETAILS on why "justice" under Obama is orders of magnitude worse even than under the Compassionate Conservative "Christian."

  105. Female Rush caller:

    Joy BayHo!

    Gotta love it.

  106. Rufus is Right.


    Jindal/Rubio, 2012

  107. Shit for brains, Oh i mean Ms T, loves to quote mistranslated and adulterated Jewish texts, out of context, without any historic proof when it suits her...

    Palestine is NOT from the Torah.

    She quotes of slaughter and history from books that never were considered part of Torah... She quotes parts as fact and other parts as total crap...

    She shoots from the hip, making up shit as she goes.

    Of those murders that Moses is said to have accomplished..

    Please provide some facts. Some proof..

    Names, dates, DNA samples...

  108. to look further into the crap that our female cliff clavin spews...

    "Maccabbees became the Hasmonean Dynasty of kings"


    Where does she make this shit up?


    Talk about fiction...

    I dont like to get into Jewish history with nitwits...

    but really

    it's getting dumber by the hour here at the bar...

    Shit for brains....

  109. the problem is easy...

    Just ship all the Jew hating, Israel hating, America hating lesbians and queers to Palestine.

    That would be funny...

    I love how the jihadis treat lesbians and gays...

    After all they are a peaceful and tolerant bunch...

  110. WiO: "Maccabbees became the Hasmonean Dynasty of kings"


    Where does she make this shit up?

    The Hasmonean dynasty was established under the leadership of Simon Maccabaeus, two decades after his brother Judas the Maccabee ("Hammer") defeated the Seleucid army during the Maccabean Revolt in 165 BC.

    I've known since the day that WiO called for nuking a rock in the heart of a large metropolis that WiO is an uneducated person.

  111. first, since when was deuteronomy about God ordering Moses to kill people. Especially when Deuteronomy 20:3 says O' Israel, meaning he is talking to the people of the tribe of Israel. there is no ordering of killing men, only if peace was rejected and war was to be had on Israel, that they would kill the opposing team. As of matter fact, in Deut 19:10 God is giving the law a second time and says "that innocent blood be not shed in thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for inheritance, and so blood be upon thee"

    Secondly Lesbian, watch how you talk about the Torah, because the contents of those books are still important in Christianity.

  112. WiO: She quotes of slaughter and history from books that never were considered part of Torah...

    Let's stay just inside the Torah then, the five books slapped together by Ezra in 488 BC and alleged to have been penned by Moses, but that's funny because it has Abraham attacking the land of "Dan" long before Dan was even born to Jacob.

    Moses is commanded to exterminate the Canaanites, Amorits, and Bashan "and show no mercy" (Deut 7:1-2, 9:3, Numbers 21)

    God commands Moses to slaughter 24,000 people and hang their heads in the sun (Numbers 25)

    When one of the Israelite men brings home a foreign woman, "Phinehas (Aaron's grandson) sees them and throws a spear "through the man .. and the woman through her belly." This act pleases God so much that "the plague was stayed from the children of Israel." Numbers 25:6-9
    For impaling the interracial couple, God rewards Phinehas and his sons with the everlasting priesthood. Numbers 25:10-13

    "But of the cities ... which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth." Kill the old men and women, the sick and the dying, the blind and the lame, pregnant mothers, nursing mothers, infants, toddlers, and babies. Deuteronomy 20:16

    Nice fucking religion you got there, WiO.

  113. Childress has been fired, finally. Favre apparently carries more weight.

  114. .

    I am hear to explain to all of you moronic individuals ...

    SMD, when calling others moronic, you should at least use spell and grammar check.


  115. really? because the lack of religion gave us people Stalin, who killed more than 12 million people, and a lot of them indirectly, for instance, destroying the agriculture in Poland so badly that they went crazy from starvation and ate their children. Maybe instead of attacking the religion, you should be asking where is your God, the protector, the creator of everyone in his image, who allows infant children to be ripped from their mothers armed and thrown up into the air and blown to pieces with a shot gun, with the mother watching the entire time, or wheres your God when a 5 year old girl is beaten, starved and locked in a closet, her mother rubbing feces on her face, kicking her repeatedly in the ribs and leaving her to die in the closet while the mother goes off to work at the corporate office.

    Where was your God when the Germans tried to exterminate the Jews as to prevent contaminated blood lines?

    No where, because he's not real.

  116. Umm, one missed word... that's the best you got? thanks. This is not college.

  117. Guest speaker: ~ MeLoDy ~

    AKA: Mel, also known as the one who has nothing of value to contribute to this blog. She can’t spell or use proper punctuation. She is apolitical and being a regular at the bar for two years has not said one word on politics. Incredible. She is quite annoying but has been reassured that her presence here is irreplaceable.

  118. My life has no purpose . . . my life has no direction . . . no aim . . . no meaning . . . and yet I'm happy . . . I can't figure it out . . . What am I doing right? ~ Charles Schulz

    Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec21)

  119. Duality - Masculine: Direct-energetic-positive-forceful

    Triplicity - Fire: Active and enthusiastic communicators who hate to take orders.

    Quality - Mutable: Versatile, generous, freedom-loving, adaptable and a seeker of challenge. Sag’s are open to new ideas and exploration.

    Ruling Planet - Jupiter: The most important Roman god, ruler of the heavens. In astrology Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, optimism, expansion and abundance.

    Symbol - The Archer: Representing directness, high aims, a love of outdoor activity and the chase.

    Dominant keyword - I see

    Polarity - Gemini----Sag is the sign of philosophy, higher learning, broad ideas, discovering new ideas, exploring distant places, and not getting tied down with personal commitment. While Gemini, Sag’s opposite is the sign of personal expression and communication, extremely verbal, love to give advice, and tend to try to guide or even control one’s life.

    Lucky day - Thursday-------Lucky numbers - 5 and 7

    Special color - Purple: Uncommon color of royalty and the artistic.

    Cities - Budapest, Cologne, Toledo, Acapulco -

    Countries - Spain, Hungary, Australia

    Flowers - Narcissus, Holly, Dandelion ———

    Trees - Mulberry, Oak, Birch

    Birthstone - Turquoise: Attracts love, protects from harm and gives its wearer the ability to see into the future.

  120. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Although, Sag is portrayed as an Archer, he is no ordinary man drawing an arrow. He is a mythological creature who is half man half horse called a centaur.This is the only astrological sign that represents both human and animal, portraying the conflict between the philosophical mind and the savage instinct of human nature. The constellation of Sagittarius is not just any centaur. According to Greek mythology it was the great and wise teacher, Chiron, a son of the titan-god Saturn

  121. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune and is considered to be “Lady Luck’s” companion who seems always be in the right place at the right time. It doesn’t matter what aspect of life you are in whether it is work, friendship, career or money a door opens just when you need it. Oh, you have your dark moments but the clouds roll over quickly. Your exuberant nature is much to fascinated and wrapped around new ideas of tomorrow to fret about what went wrong today.

  122. Sagittarius symbolizes the search for wisdom making it the sign of the philosopher and the explorer. When combining the burning passion of fire, the restless mutable quality, and the uplifted spirit and good fellowship influenced by Jupiter you can’t help but possess an expansive personality who cannot be confined. You are a free adventurous spirit who thrives on new ideas and constant change of scene and along the way picked up a chronic case of wanderlust and you have no desire to be cured.

  123. The free spirit that governs your soul makes it hard for you be tied down. Your need for freedom suffocates your every breath as whispers of emotions flow through your head. To stay unfettered you shy away from emotion. This makes it hard on any relationship when a partner asks for more passion and feeling as you are always keeping an eye on the exit door. The “No strings” motto will often be heard out the mouth of most Sagittarians. Friendship, though, is a whole different matter. You are kind hearted, completely free of malice and always doing for others. You are considered the nicest friend in the Zodiac.

  124. Freedom is your most valuable possession. If it comes to choice you will take the difficult path, whatever that may be, as long as you have to only answer to yourself. Your passion for liberty underlies all your other qualities. Prizing it as you do, you also willingly grant it to others.

  125. Your are a gifted conversationalist, a wonderful storyteller and your sense of humor is your most endearing trait. Most Jupiter-ruled people are unusually versatile having a wide range of interests. Some would include music, nature, philosophy, computer technology, politics, theater, and animals. Boredom is your worst enemy simply because you must move on to a new adventure.

  126. In business you’re imaginative and clever. You perform best when there is something really important at stake. You believe in your luck and you will put everything you own on the turn of a card and redouble the stakes. You are straight forward and honest. What you say is what you mean. There are no hidden unspoken clues to figure out making it easy for others to understand you. For those who ask you will tell them exactly what you think. Of course, it’s not meant to hurt but the desire to tell the truth. The upside is gaining trust and people believe exactly what you tell them. The downside is when lying people will see right through you. Ironically, you are thinned-skinned and too easily hurt by thoughtless action or careless rebuff.

  127. You can be extravagant and wasteful, reckless and irresponsible. True your emotions can be shallow and you commitments almost non existent. So what if you promise the moon and everyone knows you won’t deliver. You know it too. Though, the fact is you are the most likable people in the zodiac and you are fun to be with. There is nothing secretive with the way you deal. You play with all the cards on the table.

  128. The Amorous nature of a Sagittarius woman and her quote

    This is the sign of mental exploration. To the Sag woman love is not just passion but a challenge. She is drawn to the excitement, the passion, and sheer adventure of romance. Her exploratory nature may lead her to have a number of early sexual encounter’s, especially the kind that begin quickly in an exotic setting having that passionate in-the-moment edge of hot wild sex on a sandy beach in the Caribbean or a tryst on a train speeding through Europe. She enjoys the challenges of a developing romance but can’t help wandering through the rose garden to pick whatever petal strikes her fancy. However, when she does find her big romance Sag couldn’t be more loyal. She looks for a lover that can share her sense of adventure. She prefers men who are intellectually stimulating, well read and well traveled. She’s not a person to play sexual control games. She wants sex to be truthful, genuine, very romantic and very impulsive.

  129. The Amorous nature of a Sagittarius man and his quote

    The symbol of the Archer. A man always on the hunt likes nothing better than the chase. This charming lover can be a poor choice as a spouse. He’s perfectly sincere when he tells you he loves you. He will be perfectly sincere when he tells someone else the same thing the next night. Whatever he believes at the moment is true. He’s considered the Don Juan of the zodiac not because his yearning sexual desire but because to him love is an elusive adventure, an unexplored path. While searching for the ideal woman this footloose and fancy free lover garners more than his share of female admirers. If practice made perfect he would be the world’s best lover. His greatest quality is enthusiasm and sheer enjoyment. His downfall is that everyone takes love so seriously. Why can’t everyone be like him, relaxed, buoyant and undemanding. Happiness for this Sag in not a fixed goal, it’s a way of traveling. If you put enough happy days together then you end up with a happy life. Sagittarius men don’t regard romantic flings as important and don’t understand if you do. If casual amour isn’t your style then maybe Sag isn’t for you.

  130. The perfect match - Aries~Leo~Aquarius

    The not so perfect match - Capricorn~Cancer~Virgo

    Famous Sagittarius people - woody Allen~Kim Basinger~Ludwig Van Beethoven~Emily Dickinson~Winston Churchill~Christina Aguilera~Pope John XXIII~Bette Midler~Mark Twain~Jane Fonda~Brad Pitt~Ann Coulter~Steven Spielberg

    What is in the stars for 2011
    ~ It looks like good year for Sag but as the old saying goes “a rolling stone gathers no moss.” All you have to do is gain confidence, have resolution and abandon fear and doubt and you will sail through the year with ease. You will tread through some ruff waters but the optimistic Sag always bounces back. By December you will still capitalize on the gains you’ve made this year and continue to be successful. Not to worry, though, Sag none of this will affect any of your romantic affairs.

  131. ~ Things move slowly until Jupiter enters Pisces in early March before we see unemployment start to decline. Businesses will start to hire and crotch-thinkers all around will soon loosen their belts a bit.

    ~ Economics numbers are improving but the game change has individuals still skeptical and unsure about their future.

    ~ It will never be revealed why people must obsessively use punctuation at the beginning and the end of a comment and compulsively delete 2 out of 5 comments.

    ~ Somewhere along the line the US has become the stupidest people in the history of the solar system. Really? Have we learned a lesson yet? This is the question that will determine the next two years.

    ~ We’re not going broke we just have an asset management challenge. That’s one big fucking challenge. Any takers? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    ~ TSA will continue their new search tactics “feeling you up” across the country but soon realize it is more effective when switching roles. Instead of “If you touch my junk...” they are now hearing “Oh baby just a little more to the left.” There is no doubt things will be more pleasant for those frequent flyers.

    ~ The newest member of PETA can’t decide whether to shoot to kill or take them home as pets.

    ~ Dancing with the stars reality TV show has officially been proven a fraud. A certain member being tied directly to a political clique should have been gone weeks ago. She is still on the show and now receiving suspicious fan mail. One must wonder...

    ~ Will Lindsey Lohan remain intoxicated the rest of her pathetic acting career or will she beat the system and clean up her act. How many times does it take before she realizes that tears just don’t work. Wake up and smell the coffee, Toots. Unless you're sleeping with judge your money won't get you no where.

  132. ~ Things move slowly until Jupiter enters Pisces in early March before we see unemployment start to decline. Businesses will start to hire and crotch-thinkers all around will soon loosen their belts a bit.
    ~ Economics numbers are improving but the game change has individuals still skeptical and unsure about their future.
    ~ It will never be revealed why people must obsessively use punctuation at the beginning and the end of a comment and compulsively delete 2 out of 5 comments.
    ~ Somewhere along the line the US has become the stupidest people in the history of the solar system. Really? Have we learned a lesson yet? This is the question that will determine the next two years.

  133. ~ We’re not going broke we just have an asset management challenge. That’s one big fucking challenge. Any takers? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    ~ TSA will continue their new search tactics “feeling you up” across the country but soon realize it is more effective when switching roles. Instead of “If you touch my junk...” they are now hearing “Oh baby just a little more to the left.” There is no doubt things will be more pleasant for those frequent flyers.

    ~ The newest member of PETA can’t decide whether to shoot to kill or take them home as pets.

    ~ Dancing with the stars reality TV show has officially been proven a fraud. A certain member being tied directly to a political clique should have been gone weeks ago. She is still on the show and now receiving suspicious fan mail. One must wonder...

  134. ~ Will Lindsey Lohan remain intoxicated the rest of her pathetic acting career or will she beat the system and clean up her act. How many times does it take before she realizes that tears just don’t work. Wake up and smell the coffee, Toots. Unless you're sleeping with judge your money won't get you no where.

  135. “Souls-R-Us” has been way to kind for allowing me to offer my professional service’s at no charge. Although, the saying goes nothing comes without a price. So…Along with the wide variety of service’s at Souls-R-Us I will be adding yoga, meditation, Pranic and rieki healing. Also a full line of Mel’s customized massage and bath oils. Only the finest essential oils are used and for a small fee a full half hour in depth consultation will determine what combination will best fit your needs. ;-)
    With the holidays approaching fast don’t forget to check out Souls-R-Us on-line store with the newest arrivals of healing crystals, smudging herbs, and incense. Gift certificates available.

    We accept all plastic, Pay pal or you can email us at givemeallyourmoney@soulsrus-dot-com for payment.

  136. Monthly special Do you want better health….Reduced stress….Greater productivity….Increased calmness and inner…healing.…Reconciliation….Then Planetary Meditation for Peace just might be for you.

    This powerful universal meditation can be used to contribute loving energy toward achieving Global Harmony and World Peace. By activating the heart chakra (human love) and the crown chakra (our spiritual heart) and concentrating on these two energies simultaneously you may experience being filled with Universal Devine Love.

    Peace out and warn wishes

  137. I know it's not Quirk but since he has been out dumpster diving I had to lend him a helping hand.

  138. .

    Great work Mel.

    Nice job.

    Thanks for helping me out. If you are still bored, you can jump in at anytime on a future one.


  139. .
    ...for a small fee a full half hour in depth consultation will determine what combination will best fit your needs...

    In depth consultation?

    I might want to get some more details on that.


  140. Thanks Quirk. I enjoyed it. You just let me know if you need help.

  141. Did you like my music? I thought that was a different touch.

  142. .
    Very nice.

    Bringing the wisdom of the stars to the masses is a tough job. The presentation must constantly evolve.

    Each metaphysician needs to add his/her own personal touch.

    Good stuff.



  143. You are right. There is so much information that I could have written probably another page or two.

    And my name? Was supposed to be a hand written font. In purple. Damn it. It didn't transfer.

    Wait, Deuce has a mac. I wrote it in pages where I got the font from and transferred it to my blog to see what it would look like and the font transferred, too. That's what Deuce needs to do.

  144. Nice fucking religion you got there, WiO.

    yep, then I guess you should not waste your time reading about it, quoting it, or telling us your thoughts about it..

    you proof text quite well...

    your lack of understanding grows each and every day...

    the hatred of what you cannot understand consumes you....

    go back to pussy munching...

    that's much more your speed

  145. Notice our resident lesbian still didnt answer the question but rather changed the subject...

    "Please show me ANYWHERE in the Torah that says the word "palestine"

    And when I say Torah, I mean the 5 books of Moses..

    Please go ahead smart ass...

    show us...

    Nope, Ms T is just shit for brains hater...

  146. All this whining will stop if a couple of airliners get blown up. Then - they wouldn't have done enough.

  147. .
    Eventually something big will happen.

    They give kids and grandmothers virtual strip searches because they are too PC to profile.

    Checks on checked baggage are practically non-existent.

    All the government is doing is reacting. What happens the next time someone sticks some C4 up their ass before boarding a plane? Do all passengers start getting body cavity searches? Or maybe just “random” body cavity searches.

    Your right if something happens people will say you didn't do enough. What they should be saying is you weren't smart enough.

    Next we’ll be seeing signs saying "Check Your Balls Here" at all federal facilities. And there will be plenty that say "Do I get a basket to put them in?"

