Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kick'em Out!

Hattip : Infidel Joe


  1. Gotta get some sleep. Heavy hitting to do, today.

  2. Not a good year for sports teams, from Dallas.

    A good year for some teams in San Fransisco. Not so good for all of them, though.

    The projected high temperature, today in Phoenix, 96 degrees.

    None of our professional sports teams are that hot.

    Neither are our politicos.
    Ben Quayle, agent of change?
    Does not drink tea, green or iced.

  3. Big celebration in Turkey?

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- General Electric will order "tens of thousands" of electric cars in about a week, the conglomerate's chief executive said Friday.

    In a speech in London, CEO Jeffrey Immelt said the purchase would be the largest of its kind in history. But he did not specify exactly how many vehicles GE would buy, nor what brand of electric cars would be included in the order.

  4. 6 Terrorists Inspired by Fox News and Glenn Beck
    By Jim Edwards

    1. Charles Wilson: ...
    2. Byron Williams: ...
    3. Jim David Adkisson: ...
    4. Richard Poplawski: ...
    5. James W. Von Brunn: ...
    6. Greg Lee Giusti: ...
    I’m not saying Fox supports terrorists. I’m saying Fox inspires them.

    Not a Muslim in the bunch, but all are domestic terrorists, all arrested, some convicted, that found solace and motivation from the programing at FOX News.

    Betcha some of the miscreants even think they are Christians.

  5. ATHENS (Reuters) - Bombs were sent to a number of embassies in the Greek capital Athens on Tuesday. Police suspect the attacks are linked to Greek leftist guerrillas.

  6. Desert Rat's posts to the Elephant Bar inspired al-Qaeda to massacre 42 Christians at Baghdad’s Our Lady of Salvation Catholic Church.

    Same level of proof.

  7. SEATTLE -- After more than 15 years of conservative talk radio, 570 KVI will flip to an oldies music format next week.

    End of an era. But Rush already jumped ship to 770 KTTH.

  8. What, that the seven rescuers that were killed in the Iraqi church rescue attempt, were, most likely, Muslims?

    That the numbers of the hostages killed, in relationship to the total number of hostages, mirrored Russia's hostage rescues where Islamoid terrorists seized public places.

    All true.
    Just as the connections to FOX News and those domestic terrorists are verifiable.

    That it does not play to the regular programing, in the Echo Bar, true too.

    Gotta go, have a wonderful day!

  9. DR: Just as the connections to FOX News and those domestic terrorists are verifiable.

    Connections have to go two ways. Just because I lust after Lucy Lawless doesn't mean there's a connection between us.

  10. Being the second best team in all of pro Baseball this season means not having a good year. It must be so, if the man behind the curtain said it.

  11. I have voted. Surprising even myself, I voted for the democrat for Guvnor, a vote for a sacrificial lamb. I can't stand Butch Otter.

    Straight pub everything else.

    Lots of people there, think there will be a big turnout.

    Sadly missing was Mrs R, my neighbor and perennial pub poll worker, down with a broken hip.

    We had to show photo ID here this year, a new, and rational, requirement.

  12. N. Mississip secured, Boss.

    Can I haz cookie?

  13. The United Nations Undersecretary General for Economic and Social Affairs presented the World Harmony Award to a former Chinese Defense Minister, Gen. Chi Haotian, in honor of his unspecified contributions to world peace, probably for commanding the troops to fired on unarmed civilians during the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown.

    Your tax dollars pay for this abomination at Turtle Bay.

  14. Heh--Harrah's Is Lagging Behind

    Inside look at Vegas pressure. What a bunch of scum buckets.

  15. This is looking like the biggest ass-kicking in 100 years.

  16. In Ms, and I think all across the country, the Republican precincts are packed, and the Dem precincts are empty.

  17. Where you getting that Rufus? I was by a couple of polling places in Philadelphia today and it looked light.

  18. There is more going on in South Philadelphia than voting

    In an unusual move, feds subpoena wedding photos of reputed mobster

    By George Anastasia
    Inquirer Staff Writer
    Picture this: Reputed mob boss Joe Ligambi is dressed in a tuxedo. He's rubbing elbows with alleged members and associates of the Philadelphia underworld at a swank wedding reception, holding court at a table near the front of the room, stopping occasionally to pose for pictures.

    It sounds like a scene out of The Godfather.

    But the possibility of such a scenario has whetted the appetite of federal investigators.

    In a highly unusual move, the feds have subpoenaed the work of a private photographer hired to take shots at the recent reception of Anthony Staino, the reputed number-two man in the South Philadelphia mob, according to law enforcement sources.

    Staino, 55, and his wife celebrated their marriage with an expensive gathering at the Curtis Center in Philadelphia in September. The couple, who live in Woolwich Township, Gloucester County, were wed earlier, but marked the occasion with the Sept. 11 affair.

    Ligambi, 71, and several other reputed mob members and associates were among about 300 family members and friends who attended. Another special guest was the groom's 78-year-old uncle, legendary South Philadelphia mobster Ralph "Junior" Staino.

    Both the Philadelphia Police Department and FBI had surveillance teams outside, taking pictures of guests as they arrived, according to a police officer who worked that day.

    Read more: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/home_top_stories/20101102_In_an_unusual_move__feds_subpoena_wedding_photos_of_reputed_mobster.html#ixzz149wUrLbo

  19. Delaware's state Democratic Party is claiming that supporters of Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell are creating problems at some polling locations in the state.

    This, as the campaign of Democrat Chris Coons e-mails supporters expressing concerns over turnout levels in the Democratic bastion of New Castle County.

    In an e-mail to supporters early Tuesday afternoon, Coons campaign manager Christy Gleason wrote that the campaign was observing "lower turnout in New Castle and Kent counties than we’re comfortable with."

  20. Ace O Spades, Gateway Pundit, and HotAir are running polls trying to gauge voter turnout.

    In Ms. I went to my polling place (mostly Republican,) and drove by a mostly Dem site.

  21. The Democrats are hustling people to the polls in New Castle Delaware. They worried about O'Donnell?

  22. I bet that race ends up "Close."

    According to Gallup, the national "enthusiasm gap" peaked at 19% last night.

  23. O'Donnell had 1,000 people at a rally the other day. Biden could only get 200. Jes sayin'

  24. .
    Just saw it reported that in the GM bailout/bankruptcy GM was allowed to hang on and roll over their losses for tax purposes.

    Result: GM will pay no taxes on the next $50 billion they earn.

    Unlikely that Ford, Honda, or Toyota are smiling.


  25. .
    O'Donnell had 1,000 people at a rally the other day. Biden could only get 200. Jes sayin'

    Yea, but the rally was held at midnite on Halloween in a forest glade.

    Jes sayin.


  26. Dick Morris was just on Hannity.
    He thinks it's turning into an ass kicking. Dems aren't turning out like they need. He's talking taking the Senate too.

  27. He was talking maybe 80 to 100 seats.

  28. Obama has resorted to pleading his case on hip hop radio stations.

  29. Holy Smokeronees:


    Arkansas: Boozman (R) defeats Lincoln (D)
    Ohio: Portman (R) defeats Fisher (D)
    North Dakota: Hoeven (R) defeats Potter (D)
    Wisconsin: Johnson (R) defeats Feingold (D)

  30. True of false

    The majority of AZ population is Mexican and are illegal immigrants.

    Just humor me and answer the question.

  31. Wisconsin: Johnson (R) defeats Feingold (D)


  32. White hispanic and latino hispanic make up over 50% of AZ population.

    Is that correct?

  33. I don't mean to interrupt your election coverage.

  34. What's a white hispanic? :)

    You better ask rat.

  35. racially white but ethnically hispanic?

  36. like a pale faced red man

    like my old combine mechanic

    hell if I know

    but I think the whites are still majority, but fading fast

  37. Mr Awlaki, believed to be hiding in Yemen's mountains, has publicly called for more attacks on the US. The Guardian reported that a gifted student convicted yesterday of attempting to stab to death a former British government minister was ins-pired by his internet sermons.

    A US official said that the addresses on the packages in the foiled attacks last week were outdated addresses for Jewish institutions in Chicago. The addresses are one reason that investigators now believe the plan may have been to blow up the aircraft, since there were no longer synagogues at the Chicago locations.

    US counter-terrorism officials said they were taking a new look at the crash of a United Parcel Service cargo plane in Dubai on September 3 in light of the explosives plot. An initial investigation of that crash and on-board fire, in which two pilots died, found there was no evidence of an explosion.

    Test Bomb Run

  38. From City Data:

    The southern part of Arizona has most of the state's largest ethnic majority, a Hispanic and Latino population estimated at 1,295,617 in 2000, or 25.3% of the total population (up from the 1990 figure of 668,000, or 18% of the population). There are some old, long-settled Spanish villages, but the bulk of Hispanics (1,065,578) are of Mexican origin. Raul Castro, a Mexican-American, served as governor in 1975–77. There were an estimated 158,873 blacks as of 2000. Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese, and other Asians made up 1.8% of the population.

  39. 86.1% white but only 57.3% white not hispanic.

  40. Manchin was to have been ahead in WV, but so far too close to call.

  41. What's the muslim trajectory?

    Over time?

  42. Toomey was to be ahead in PA, but the Dems seem optimistic there.

  43. What's the muslim trajectory?

    Over time?

    Not good, that's for damned sure.

    I'm disappointed about California.

    Fiorina ran a horrible campaign wasting a lot of her own money.

  44. My wife thought it was ludicrous to even suggest a pub could win in W.Virginia but you never know

  45. Toomey should win.

  46. Dang, Blumenthal wins.

  47. Small wave, no tsunami

  48. Patti Murray, she's been there forever. I remember when she first got elected just before I left. Around about '94, or so.

    Time for her to go.

  49. Patti is the dumbest person in the Senate

  50. Shit bird Charlie Crist down in flames.

  51. I thought Tom Harkin was the dumbest.

  52. The semi-longshots aren't coming through. Reid might pull it out. Good night for the GOP, they take the house. No way it looks like the Senate. Probably for the best.

  53. Bummer about O'Donnell. We could have used some hocus-pocus in there.

  54. Boy, be nice to flip that WA seat.

  55. Not much of a wizard was she?

  56. I'm betting that goes to a recount Rossi being up by maybe 1 point at the end

  57. her broom wouldn't take off

  58. Vince Lombardi - There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game and that is first place. ...

    In a fight, there is no second place winner. Bill Jordan wrote those words more than 40 years ago, and they were as true then as they are ...

    But the very best ...
    Especially on election day.

    “Ah, Your Majesty, there is no second”

    For thosee that do not recongnize the source, that think second best is a good thing ...

    Thus the Queen is alleged to have asked a signalmaster, “Are the yachts in sight?”

    “Only the America, may it please Your Majesty.”

    “Which is second?”

    “Ah, Your Majesty, there is no second.”

  59. Toomy is behind, Sestak ahead with a small % of the vote counted

  60. When those unions get geared up they're awfully hard to beat.

    A lot of those Republican/Tea Party "can't wait to vote" poll respondents found something else to do.

    Rove was wrong to trash O'Donnell after she had already won the nomination, but the fact is, you don't want to nominate amateurs in Senate races. The learning curve is too tough.

  61. With his commanding victory, Rand Paul is now the lead dog in the Tea Party movement.

    Beholden to other politico, he is and will remain the premier elected Tea Partier, bar none.
    The man that earned the seat.

    Deservedly so.
    His father led the way, and Rand has rallied the troops.

    No quitters they,
    either Ron or Rand Paul.

  62. The absolute best ad I think I've ever seen was Joe Manchin's ad when he took the deer rifle, and shot a hole through the "cap and trade" bill.

    Any man that's familiar with rifles could see that Joe Manchin knew what he was doing. That ad flipped the race.

  63. That's Toomey, not Toomy.

    Mea Culpa

  64. Sestak 61%
    Toomey 39%
    (10% of the vote in)

    As in real estae it is all about
    Location, Location, Location.

    No telling from RCP where that 10% is from, in PA.

  65. I honestly think it is better that the Republicans do not take the Senate.

    At any rate they will be able to cower the Democrats that are running in 2012.

    Obama and a Democratic Senate takes away Obama's excuses for 2012. It forces both sides to do the thing that is best for the country.

  66. Big City Demo machines can get out the vote. Period. That will be true one hundred years from now.

  67. What did that gal (Brazile?) say to Gore? You get to within two, I'll get you the rest?

  68. Toomey will pull it out in the Pennsy bible belt.

  69. I don't know who pisses me off more: Rove, or the Kraut.

  70. Only a 30% turnout in Phila. Sestak will be in trouble.

  71. Obama worked Phila hard, so did Rendell.

  72. Corbett takes PA governor, that should drag in Toomey.

  73. Fox hasn't had very good analysis, tonight. I miss the guys that can tell you where the votes are coming from.

  74. I guess I should flip over to MSNBC, or CNN every now and then.

  75. A Pro finally came on - Santorum.

  76. Wahhabi News, rufus, they do it on purpose.

  77. Great thing for Republicans in Pa winning Governorship. in re-districting .

    They will attach lower Montgomery, which used to be reliably Republican, to Philadelphia. It has turned heavily Jewish , very liberal and predictably Democratic.

    Dem. Kanjorski outed in PA. He was there a long time, quite a reasonable guy actually.

  78. Pennsylvania
    Onorato 49%
    Corbett 51%

    Corbett up by 2 going into the West
    Toomey down by 6

    How tight will it be?

  79. Laura Ingraham just said Sestak had a really good ad tying Toomey to "Free Trade with China." Managed to put him in a bad light with the "jobs to China" meme.

    People aren't stupid. You can only pee down their neck so long.

  80. In the House, so far the Dems hold 10 seats, lose 12.

    With 21 seats in contention, still not called, at RCP.

  81. If the "wave" breaks even, the GOP will be up about 24 seats in the House.

    From what can be seen at RCP, at the moment.

  82. Palin is pissed. They've put her on with dipshit, Ferraro.

  83. Pennsylvania's 6th District, which includes parts of Berks, Chester, Lehigh, and Montgomery counties.

    Republican Jim Gerlach looks like he just made a fifth term in the House. When the Republicans trim off the lower part of Montgomery and attach it to Phila., it will be a safe Republican district again.

    Philadelphia is a lost cause.

  84. Palin is a quitter.

    Refused to go the distance.
    It exemplifies the weakness at her core.

  85. A couple more Pa seats have flipped Republican.

    Pubs + 20

  86. A strategic retreat is not a surrender.

  87. She started running for Prez on Nov 5, 2008. Didn't think she could do it from Alaska. Made a decision. Right? Don' know.

    I don't really think of her as a "quitter," though.

  88. A quitter is a quitter.

    When the going gets tough, the tough get going, quitters quit the game.

    Move on, leaving their supporters that voted for them, in the dust.

    A breach of faith that represents a character trait that cannot be excused. Understood, perhaps, but not forgiven.

  89. Obama is in deep shit in PA and Ohio.

  90. She quit on the people that voted for her, to be Governor of Alaska.

    She breached their faith.

    Took their votes, won, then quit the ship when the seas got rough. That she did it for personal gain, even worse.

  91. Right, like quitting a AAA ball club in Reading to go pitch for the Yankees.

  92. Nikki Haley got there.

  93. Rand Paul will now be the leader of the Tea party, the MSM will make it so.

    With legitimacy they can and will do it. He being elected, she not.

    She made a major strategic error.
    Because of that character flaw.

  94. No, Deuce, that would have been the case, if she had been elected along with McCain.

    What she did was quit the team, and attempt a walk on in the majors, but had no contract.

    She became a commentator on the game, not a player.

  95. There is a difference between commentary and playing.

  96. She and the Huckster, both playing for Team Murdock.

    That is not governance.
    That is abdicating public responsibility for personal profit.

    It show a lack of responsibility, a lack of honoring one's commitments.

    It is an old school character flaw.

  97. I am no particular fan, but Alaska is not exactly the place I would pick to make my base for a Presidential bid.

  98. Not on Huckabee's part, but upon Mrs Palin's.

  99. I love seeing a good-looking woman with great legs win.

  100. She should have served out her term, finished the job she campaigned for and was elected to.

    She owed it to those that voted for her, that funded her and believed in her ability to improve that State.

    To have quit on it, exemplifies her character.

  101. Toomey up by 18,000 with 80% in.

  102. Looking out for number one.

    Understandable, but not admirable.

    Especially when public responsibility is at the core of her campaign.

  103. Well, as far as I'm concerned, that's tomorrow's problem.

    Tonight, the Tea Party, and the Pubs are having a good night.

    The only bad news is, I'm about outta beer.

  104. John Spratt goes down. hmmm

  105. From RCP

    Sestak 50%
    Toomey 50%

  106. It sure was a good idea to spend over a year to pass a 3000 page unread bill and ignore 10% unemployment.

  107. The remarkable thing about Toomey is just how conservative he is.

  108. Illinois
    Giannoulias 47%
    Kirk 48%

  109. Dilute the Scotch?!?!

  110. Wha' kinda fuckin bar is this?

  111. The GOP is up 25 in the House, with a lot more races now in the contention list.

    Looks like that first projection of 25 pickups by the GOP, it was out of whack.

    Seems that there will be more than that.

  112. Pennsylvania
    Sestak 49%
    Toomey 51%

  113. Illinois
    Giannoulias 47%
    Kirk 48%

  114. What do you call a Republican that wins the Senate race by 26,000?

    The Almost Senator

    26,000 would never survive the "recount." Not in Philadelphia.

  115. Wisconsin
    Feingold 45%
    Johnson 54%
    GOP Pickup

  116. With the same 95% counted RCP changes the spread

    Sestak 50%
    Toomey 50%

  117. I don't think Philadelphia would especially enjoy a recount, if you know what I mean.

  118. South Idaho is Mountain Time, so down some results are coming in, and there Labrador is way ahead of Minnick. Polls just closed here. It will hold. Looks like I called one.

    The first little returns from Nevada that I heard had the group at the Venetian whooping, so Angle was off to a start.

  119. I wanted the Pubs to take the house, and I didn't particularly care about the Senate. So, I kinda enjoying the beer, and the politics.

    I gotta admit, I'm glad this election is over. It Was getting tedious.

  120. Pennsylvania
    Sestak 49%
    Toomey 51%


  121. It goes without saying Senator Crapo is being re-elected overwhelmingly.....

  122. I'm going to have to quit listening to Dick Morris, though. Things never work out quite like he says.

    Rep Simpson is getting re-elected overwhelmingly.

    All of Idaho's delegation will be pubs now.

  123. heh--Crapo is getting 77.4%

  124. Ed Rendell is making some sense calling on the Republicans to join the Dems in a push for a national move into renewable energy.

  125. Wait, that was 77% of the votes having been counted....

  126. Dick Morris tends toward the uh, . . optimistic.

    he just tells folks what they wanna hear, though.

  127. "Renewable" energy is now, officially, on life support.

  128. Well, California shot themselves in the foot. Good luck now in getting a government bailout.

  129. That's how you please the King, Rufus. Not a bad idea, if there's a paycheck in it.

  130. And, THAT is being "optimistic."

    It's "drill, baby, drill" "dig, baby, dig" all the way, now.

  131. The "Really" big winners, tonight, were Exxon, BP, and Arch Coal.

  132. Governor Moon Beam and Barbara Boxer will lead them out of their mess.

  133. Good speech by Boehner. He sounds like he means it , very emotional.

  134. Early Nevada returns--Angle over Reid by 4%---that must be Vegas or Reno, parts thereof.

  135. I think it is great if the Democrats get stuck with Boxer and Reid.

  136. Meanwhile, API reports as Massive 12 Million Barrel Drawdown of Crude, Gasoline, and Diesel Stocks.

    Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)

  137. Toomey's going to make it.

  138. Barbra Boxer makes Christine O'Donnell look like Mensa material.

  139. Damn boys, I told you that hours ago.

  140. Now they've got Reid up...

  141. The Tea Party will have learned a lot and earned a lot.

  142. Here's what I call a good politician---

    Deceased candidate, Democrat Jenny Oropeza is still holding strong, early ballot data shows that she has nearly a 7 percentage point lead over Republican candidate John Stammreich.

    Despite the death of 53-year-old incumbent Oropeza, she still has a likely chance to win the race for State Senate in the 28th district. Because her death on Oct. 20 was within 10 days of the election, her name remains on the ballot.

    A week after her death, Democrats sent out mailers to residents, calling for voters to still reelect Oropeza. The mailers featured Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Democratic Party general counsel Martha Escutia.

  143. I want Reid out but I understand your point of view.

  144. I want Reid out but I understand your point of view.

  145. Tea Party won 35 and lost 54, but they came from nowhere and woke the Republicans up and cost them the Senate.

    The Republicans can use their strong minority status in the Senate more effectively than if they had a razor thin majority.

  146. Republican takes Obama's seat in Illinois.

  147. That calls for a Rolling Rock or a Yeungling.

  148. That's funny. The Dead people voted, and elected a Dead representative. :)

    Gotta love Dems.

  149. I like Joe Trippi. "The great thing about a democracy is one of the morons gets to win." :)

  150. Real Clear Politics has Reid declared winning. By a good margin too.

    Haven't heard anything about Washington state.

  151. Actually they have Murray up 51 to 49 for Rossi with 66% reporting.

  152. So, The pubs take Alaska (either Murkowski, or Miller;) that gives them 47. What's left?

    Co. Buck was behind the last I saw.

    Wa. Hard to see Rossi winning, now.

    That makes it Dems 51 -- Pubs 47 -- Independents 2 (both caucus with the Dems)

  153. Reid winning will payoff in 2012 for the Republicans and you have to laugh, California elects Gerry Brown.

    The illegals will have put Harry over the top.

  154. It's the last roundup for Rossi. He's out of politics.

  155. Moonbeam is at least honest.

    He's famous for saying "All politicians lie."

    Marijuana initiative goes down in California.

  156. hmmm, Buck might pull it out. He's up 3

  157. Hell, he's famous for saying,

    "I Lied." "through my teeth, sweethear." "What'cha going to do about it?"

  158. I hope Miller wins in Alaska. He's a very accomplished guy.

    I think he will too.

  159. California's a trip.

  160. My brother and sister live there. Haven't been there in years.

    Willie Brown of Bay Area fame, perennial politician, said Palin did exactly the right thing in getting out of Alaska, if she wants to go higher, which she does, bless her heart.

  161. Buck up 3 with over 60% reporting. He may well win alright.

  162. "Write-in" is winning in Ak.

    Freakin' amazing.

  163. Buck up 3 with 74% reporting.

    He is winning.

  164. God bless the 2 yr. election cycle.

  165. UPDATE: 11:17 - The news teams are flailing for an explanation, but it appears that the Boulder County Clerk mistakenly put votes for Bennet in Buck's column. Now they've corrected it. This will certainly mean that the results of this race will be in a legal quagmire for some time. Buck and Bennet at 48% and 47%, respectively.

  166. Alaska McAdams 25% Miller 34% Write-In 40%

  167. I'm trashed. Good night.

    We gotta get together, and do it again, in say, 2012. :)

  168. So am I. Not staying up for the returns from North's Ass, Alaska.

  169. .
    Fox hasn't had very good analysis, tonight.

    It all sucked.

    CNBC was a laugh riot.

    Fox had Palin and Rove. Couldn't watch that.

    NBC was mediocre.

    ABC had Diane Sawyer. Good lord.

    Even Bloomberg. Neil Cavuto is talking to some guy about how Obama will react the the results and he likens it to Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam.

    Am I being too critical here?

