Monday, November 29, 2010

Afghan Police Trainee Kills Six More Americans

From the BBC

'Afghan policeman' kills six Nato troops

Attackers in Afghan police uniform have targeted Nato troops and Afghan security forces before

A gunman in an Afghan police uniform has killed six service members in eastern Afghanistan, Nato forces say.

The man turned his weapon on the troops during a training mission, said Nato. He was also killed in the incident in Nangarhar province.

Local officials said they believed the incident was not premeditated, but had arisen out of "a misunderstanding".

Nato has not revealed the nationalities of the dead soldiers, but local sources said they were American.

"An individual in an Afghan border police uniform turned his weapon against International Security Assistance Forces (Isaf) during a training mission today, killing six service members in eastern Afghanistan," Monday's statement said.

"The individual who fired on the Isaf forces was also killed in the incident. A joint Afghan and Isaf team is investigating this incident."

Taliban insurgents have dressed as police to carry out attacks before now.

Only at the weekend, two suicide bombers in police uniform killed 12 police officers in south-eastern Paktika province.

Five British soldiers were shot dead in November last year in Helmand province, by an Afghan policeman, possibly a militant infiltrator, who then escaped.

Isaf is training and mentoring Afghanistan's security forces, but there have also been several incidents of Afghan soldiers firing on foreign troops.

Nato said earlier this month it was investigating Taliban claims that an Afghan soldier had shot dead foreign troops in the south of the country.

In July a renegade Afghan soldier shot and killed three British army Gurkhas at a base in Helmand province.

A week earlier an Afghan soldier killed two American contractors inside a military base in northern Afghanistan.

Nato's exit strategy for Afghanistan involves progressively handing over to the local security forces.

But the BBC's Paul Wood in Kabul says this latest incident will raise questions again about the loyalty and reliability of those forces and the extent to which they could have been infiltrated.


  1. Figure that Osama was no where near any of those NATO troops.

    The shooter was not an international terrorist.

    No, he was a disgruntled Afghan.
    If those US troops wee not there, doing a job the Afghans could and have done for themselves, for thousands of years, the families of those men would not be grieving, today.

    this latest incident will raise questions again about the loyalty and reliability of those forces

    That these Afghans are not "loyal" to the US or NATO should be taken as a matter of course. There is not reason for them to be "loyal" to their paymasters.

    They consider themselves to be Afghan patriots, rightly so, considering that 75% of the population knows nothing of the cross border raid against the US, the one that dates back to 11SEP01.

    An attack initiated by Saudi and Egyptian radicals, supported by the ISI of Pakistan and their proxies in Afghanistan, while sponsored financially by the Saudi "Golden Chain".

  2. Half of the 1,400 American combat deaths in Afghanistan have occurred since Obama became president. He now owns this war. And why are we there again?

  3. To protect the profits of the Afghan heroin trade to Russia, Ms T.

    It is in the vital interest of the Russell Company progeny that the Russians be milked, both financially and morally by the drug trade.

    Just as China was, in the 1800's.

    Just another chapter in the "Great Game".

  4. No, he was a disgruntled Afghan.

    Who was a moslem...

  5. “It’s the people who have had the experience and now see the light who are our biggest advocates.”

    Playing that role was enough for Mr. Murray until he received his diagnosis in 2008. But not long after, in the wake of the financial collapse, he testified before a open briefing at the House of Representatives, wondering aloud how it was possible that prosecutors had not yet won criminal convictions against anyone in charge at his old firms and their competitors.

    Mr. Murray, a former bond salesman for Goldman Sachs who rose to the managing director level at both Lehman Brothers and Credit Suisse First Boston,

  6. It's simple...

    Destroy the Black Rock of Mecca.

    Destroy one of the 5 pillars of Islam.

    Set the gay men of Arabia free!

  7. Living in a Muslim country, occupied by Europeons, that are not Muslims.

  8. The reason that no prosecutions against the finanicers have been successful

    Still the Best Congress Money Can Buy

  9. How the Muslims wish to live and rule themselves, is of little matter to the national interests of the United States.

    Especially in Afghanistan, now that Osama is gone, from there.

  10. The jet stream would spread the dust of that pillar of Islam around the whirled.

    It would not be destroyed, it'd be propagated.

  11. The destruction of the Jewish Temple, twice, did not slow down Judaism.

    Killing six million Europeon Jews during the 20th century did not, either.

  12. The unintended consequences of the fantasy solution supplied by the Story of "o", worse than the status que.

  13. DR: The jet stream would spread the dust of that pillar of Islam around the whirled.

    Oh well, it's all just Jews following God's orders to completely exterminate the Canaanite people, including the elderly and newborns. I suppose a nuke is even more human than putting little girls to the sword.

  14. Ah our own lesbian jew hater and our resident self confessed murderer are talking about Jewish history..

    Notice how they both go to extremes?

    I say destroy the black rock of mecca?

    they say NUKE everyone...

    Personally I would support nuking mecca's black rock, if it would change the path of the other 1.23 billion moslems from being a war-like murderous cult.

    As for the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem?

    Oh, now you admit that JEWS actually lived there?

    So now, Jews can be blamed on myths that are not even part of the actual torah, mistranslations and general lack of understanding and yet have NO RIGHTS to near those very same pleaces!


    Damed it we do and damed if we dont...

    T is more concerned that a mythical people were all consumed by the dreaded Jewish people's sword 3000 years ago than the reality that female pussy lickers like her are hung from lampposts in much of the modern islamic world.

    Never mind what the so called Jews did 3000 years ago, you dont even believe they were real...

    But those fun filled moslems that chop of clits?

    they do exist...

    and you love to defend their rights to wear burkas in a moslems exclusive only city...

    Blow up the dam rock, kidnap it or yes, nuke it...

    but you dont seem to concerned at the hundreds of millions of people UNDER the sword of Islam

    No mention of Darfur, Islamic genocide and ethic cleansing...

    Only that The Jews supposedly murdered some people 3000 years ago...

    Rat (the self confessed contract killer) talks of the destruction of the Jewish Temple (1 and 2) and adds in the 6 million in the holocaust for good measure as some comparison to destroying a ROCK...

    Yep shitless and shit for brains...

    The lesbian and the murderer...

  15. desert rat said...
    The unintended consequences of the fantasy solution supplied by the Story of "o", worse than the status que.

    Rat, (our self confessed murdered) objects to destroying Islam's holy Black rock

    Somehow he argues that Moslems will be even more mad at the world after such an occasion.

    Let me ask the readers of THIS blog, (not the Rodent or his lesbian Jew hater) DO MOSLEMS SEEM HAPPY NOW?

    ISLAM is at war with the world NOW...

    It's now like they can ADD another REALLY onthe sign that says "we really really really hate you GREAT SATAN"

    They already HATE and DO as much as they can NOW, already to murder and behead the rest of the world, MY SOLUTION?

    Destroy the Keeba...

    Force Islam to change..

    Pulverize the Black Rock...

    Make it sand, Kidnap it and turn it into stone for the world's largest BBQ pit...

    Somehow our self appointed guardian of the Black Rock, our very own, Ms T, the famous lesbian, Judaism trasher, finds it impossible to destroy this famous hunk of rock without nuking the innocent death cult goat fuckers that visit the rock to throw stones at satan.

    I wonder did all of our money spent to educate this example of lesbo love not learn anything in the military?

    Hell I never was educated by our fair military and YET I KNOW not all NUKES are the same size...

    But somehow the innocent loss of islamic wife beating men, clit cutters of the 1st order, pisses her off...


  16. desert rat said...
    Living in a Muslim country, occupied by Europeons, that are not Muslims.

    Mon Nov 29, 10:12:00 AM EST

    Talking about England?

  17. desert rat said...
    The destruction of the Jewish Temple, twice, did not slow down Judaism.

    Killing six million Europeon Jews during the 20th century did not, either.

    Mon Nov 29, 10:21:00 AM EST

    Hmm, we all know rat's father died in the holocaust...

    Fell from the guard tower, dont ya know...

  18. desert rat said...
    The jet stream would spread the dust of that pillar of Islam around the whirled.

    It would not be destroyed, it'd be propagated.

    How about kidnap it and send it to the sun...

  19. WiO: Fell from the guard tower, dont ya know...

    Yeah, like the Jews never build guard towers over their concentration camps.

  20. Yep a Jewish Concentration Camp is a free MARKET, full of food and peaceful shopping people, playful kids unfearful of the Israeli guards...

    Even when you try to be a piece of shit T, you prove that the Jews of Israel are WAY above the moral level you try to make them out to be...

    You suck really...

    Israeli "concentration camp"...

    Fuck you...

    Your pathetic attempts to use "holocaust" imagery as relative terms again shows EVERYONE that you are a pathetic Jew/Israel hater...

    And to stupid to even understand what an actual CONCENTRATION CAMP WAS...

    Your ignorance grows by the day...

    I nominate you for DUMBASS of the day...

    Be proud, Be Strong, Be a shit for brains..

    That's our own Lesbian nitwit for ya....

    Disproves the myth that lesbians were supposed to be smarter than the average dude...

    T's getting dumber by the comment...

  21. You know, WiO, Yeshua son of Yosef and Miriam didn't say much about lesbianism, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't approve of an H61-11 lit off in Mecca, even if it was dialed down to a yield of 0.3 KT.

  22. I highly doubt her sexual preference has anything to do with it. I would appreciate it if you would leave it out of your comments.

    Maybe you should join the global meditation on Universal Oneness. It will be for reconnecting our vibration with the symphony of the Cosmos – the Music of spheres It is an understanding of the Ultimate Oneness: Oneness with All That Is.

    “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works in the world.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. MeLoDy said...
    I highly doubt her sexual preference has anything to do with it. I would appreciate it if you would leave it out of your comments.

    hell no Mel...

    She wears her pref for pussy on her skirt...

    The fact that she has problems with ISRAEL? The lesbian and gay capital of the middle east, where they have open and safe living quarters verses the rest of the goat fucking middle east where they actually STONE women to death for immorality is THE FREAKING ISSUE...

    It's like that group "Queers for Palestine" they protest across the globe about the evil Israel and yet their own back ass, camel humping societies would have no problem beheading them...

    No mel...

    T's is a hypocrite...

    she bashes Israel and is silent about 9 yr old's being married off to 60 yr old arab sheiks...

    Not a world about Islam and cut clits...

    but she's the Queen of the Blog, expert on all things lesbo....

    Except she is a fraud...

    She doenst get mad that there are 100,000 women burnt to death in india a YEAR (burning brides)

    She doesnt make a peep about clit being cut in England...

    Not a peep

    But somehow Judaism has done her wrong and god dam it she will bash those fuckers 24/7/365

    So she can show her psuedo information in "out of context" clippings... quote source materials that i wouldnt use for toilet paper so she feel like she's making germane comments...

    she doesnt impress me...

    and her last stupid reference to STICK BOY certainly doesnt impress me...

  25. Selah said...
    You know, WiO, Yeshua son of Yosef and Miriam didn't say much about lesbianism, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't approve of an H61-11 lit off in Mecca, even if it was dialed down to a yield of 0.3 KT.

    I deleted my 1st response...

    How about this...

    Fuck you...

    Jews dont give a rat's ass what Jesus said.

    Why would you think that any Jew would give a hoot about HIS opinion of NUKING mecca?

    You are a twit

  26. Much better. All of that animosity and aggression that spews out of your mouth is enough to give even me a heart attack.

  27. .
    Join us for the Stellar Code™ - Antares Attunements and Initiation through 19 November. This is a very powerful Attunement! We hope you will participate...

    So you threw a party and didn't invite us eh Melody. Or was it just me that didn't get invited to the Attunements and Initiation?

    I'll remember this as we are enjoying the Souls-R-Us Christmas Office Party this year. WITHOUT YOU!!!

    It should be quite the gala.


  28. .
    Jews dont give a rat's ass what Jesus said.

    What about 'Jews for Jesus'?


  29. Jews dont give a rat's ass what Jesus said.

    But, I'm supposed to care what a you say?

  30. My cousin is playing xmas music at the synagogue she works at.

  31. Quirk, you're xmas party won't make it without me. Remember I'm the stimulator.

  32. MeLoDy said...
    Much better. All of that animosity and aggression that spews out of your mouth is enough to give even me a heart attack.

    Sorry, I was hoping to give Rat one...

  33. "Together, we weave the Melody of Creation."

    Has a nice ring to it, eh?

  34. WiO, your rants to Rat are so repetitive we could write them for you.

  35. Quirk said...
    Jews dont give a rat's ass what Jesus said.

    What about 'Jews for Jesus'?

    Jews for Jesus are a fraud, a sham, a group of liars.

    They are Christians that call themselves Jews.

    They are not recognized by any Jewish Group. PERIOD

  36. rufus said...
    Jews dont give a rat's ass what Jesus said.

    But, I'm supposed to care what a you say?

    No, actually you not supposed to listen to anything I say. You are supposed to talk about OIL and nothing else.

    You have made it clear you find Judaism to be full of shit.

    I can respect that.

    But once that opinion has be given, there is nothing about Judaism I care to share with you.

    SO no, dont listen to anything I have to say.

    But if you started to QUOTE Torah and pretend to be an expert at it? I'd tell you to go fuck yourself too...

  37. MeLoDy said...
    My cousin is playing xmas music at the synagogue she works at.

    She's a twit

  38. MeLoDy said...
    WiO, your rants to Rat are so repetitive we could write them for you.

    I see I am making progress....

    Maybe you will actually have them burned into your brain on fine day...

  39. I know several Jews who give a rats ass (not Rats ass, but a rats ass) about Jesus. They call themselves Messianic. We call them reformed. Lighten up wio.

  40. No, I usually form my own opinions. So, actually all the time you put into writing your rants, at least for me, are a waste of time.

  41. .
    Remember I'm the stimulator.


    Forgot about that, I was so pissed about not being invited to the 'initiations'.

    Kind of lost my temper.


  42. .
    Maybe you will actually have them burned into your brain on fine day...

    Or excised there from.


  43. Maybe your dog ate your invitation.

  44. Gag Reflex said...
    I know several Jews who give a rats ass (not Rats ass, but a rats ass) about Jesus. They call themselves Messianic. We call them reformed. Lighten up wio.

    we call them assholes...

    there are no such things as a "messianic" jew that follows jesus..

    they are a fraud.

    There is neither Jew or Gentile in the body of Christ.

    Followers of Christ are Christians...

    There is no such thing as Christians against Christ.

    Nor should there be...

    Jews for Jesus, Messies are both liars...

  45. Quirk said...
    Maybe you will actually have them burned into your brain on fine day...

    Or excised there from.

    That assumes you have a brain....

  46. MeLoDy said...
    No, I usually form my own opinions. So, actually all the time you put into writing your rants, at least for me, are a waste of time.

    I dont try to impress or rant for you, you have admitted you do not find interest in most subjects I care about..

    So ignore me...

  47. Jews for Jesus are like Jews for Hitler....

    Messianic Jews are like Hindu Christians...

    oxymoronic at the least. liars at the worst.

  48. What ever they are this girl is one.

  49. My comment was in response to this...

    I see I am making progress....

    Maybe you will actually have them burned into your brain on fine day…

    I never mentioned or thought for a second your comments were meant for me to read.

  50. .

    Ah, forget it WiO. I'm just trying to jerk you around a little.

    Let's face it, you are wound kind of tight. Sometimes I can' help myself.

    Just kidding.


  51. I wouldn't trust anyone who uses punctuation at the beginning and the end of a comment.

  52. .

    Yeah, Mel, but you are obviously predjudiced against punctuatiphiles.


  53. .

    Making you a punctuatiphobe.

    I don't like to cast aspersions but I have to call them as I see them


  54. Antisemitism was a cause for concern in a number of countries, including Iran and Venezuela.

    A spike in antisemitic incidents in the UK in the wake of the Gaza flotilla raid was also noted.

    Citing CST figures, the State Department reported that there were 609 antisemitic incidents in the UK during the first half of 2009 compared to 296 incidents in the last half of the year.

    Religious Freedom

  55. In one paper Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough, while allowing the poor nations to continue to grow, is to halt economic growth in the rich world over the next twenty years.
    This would mean a drastic change in lifestyles for many people in countries like Britain as everyone will have to buy less ‘carbon intensive’ goods and services such as long haul flights and fuel hungry cars.

  56. .
    Unless emissions are reduced dramatically in the next ten years the world is set to see temperatures rise by more than 4C (7.2F) by as early as the 2060s, causing floods, droughts and mass migration.

    It would be interesting to see the 'science' behind this claim.


  57. .

    There is only one reasonable way to deal with climate change. It is the same way we have been doing it for the last few millenia.


    It is the cheapest and most effective way to deal with the problem.

    The Netherlands has adapted to climate change. They have been doing it for centuries and they continue to do it.

    Adapt. And enjoy the warmer weather.


  58. Was that your response to the pollution in Lake Erie, the Detroit river Quirk? Ah, just adapt. I'm sure the Haitians would love to hear that as a response to the Cholera problems stemming from their water supply.

  59. Who shouldn't take aspirin:

    * Aspirin should not be given to anyone under the age of 16, unless under specialist advice. It can cause Reye's syndrome, a potentially fatal disease, in this age group.
    * Aspirin should be avoided if you have a stomach (peptic) ulcer, haemophilia or other bleeding disorder, or an allergy to aspirin or to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). These include ibuprofen and diclofenac.
    * Aspirin should only be taken with caution by certain groups, including those with asthma, allergies, liver, kidney or digestive problems.

    Panacea for All Ills?

  60. Selah said...
    You know, WiO, Yeshua son of Yosef and Miriam didn't say much about lesbianism, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't approve of an H61-11 lit off in Mecca, even if it was dialed down to a yield of 0.3 KT.

    According to Christians, Yeshua was God, that same God that you quote ordered the Jews to murder those Canaanite people, including the elderly and newborns.

    Yep, if the Christians are correct, the GOd of the Old test is Jesus...

    that very same God that ordered the Jews to make Israel pure...

    Pity the Jews didnt listen to God/Jesus back then and just kill all the creatures that he commanded...

  61. Messianic Jews are Christians.

    Followers of Christ...

    There is neither Jew nor Gentile in the body of Christ..

    Jews do not worship/follow Jesus

  62. MeLoDy said...
    I beg to differ

    MeLoDy said...
    What ever they are this girl is one

    She aint NO Jew...

    She's a Christian.


  63. .

    Was that your response to the pollution in Lake Erie, the Detroit river Quirk? Ah, just adapt...

    In that case, I didn't have to adapt Ash. Lake Erie is downstream and south of me.


  64. .

    You seem to be of the opinion that adaption means doing nothing Ash.

    Adaption: Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby a population becomes better suited to its habitat.[1][2] This process takes place over many generations,[3] and is one of the basic phenomena of biology.[4]

    from Wiki

    Which makes more sense to you Ash?

    This from Whit's link:

    As the world meets in Cancun, Mexico for the latest round of United Nations talks on climate change, the influential academics called for much tougher measures to cut carbon emissions.

    In one paper Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough, while allowing the poor nations to continue to grow, is to halt economic growth in the rich world over the next twenty years...

    or, thinking like this?

    "...let's imagine that over the next 80 or 90 years, a giant port city - say, Tokyo - found itself engulfed by a sea-level rise of about 15 feet. Millions of inhabitants would be imperiled, along with trillions of dollars' worth of infrastructure. Without a vast global effort, could we cope with such a terrifying catastrophe?

    Well, we already have. In fact, we're doing it right now.

    Since 1930, excessive groundwater withdrawal has caused Tokyo to subside by as much as 15 feet. Similar subsidence has occurred over the past century in numerous cities, including Tianjin, Shanghai, Osaka, Bangkok and Jakarta. And in each case, the city has managed to protect itself from such large relative sea-level rises without much difficulty.

    The process is called adaptation, and it's something we humans are very good at. That isn't surprising, since we've been doing it for millennia. As climate economist Richard Tol notes, our ability to adapt to widely varying climates explains how people live happily at both the equator and the poles. In the debate over global warming, in which some have argued that civilization as we know it is at stake, this is an important point. Humankind is not completely at the mercy of nature. To the contrary, when it comes to dealing with the impact of climate change, we've compiled a pretty impressive track record. While this doesn't mean we can afford to ignore climate change, it provides a powerful reason not to panic about it either.

    There is no better example of how human ingenuity can literally keep our heads above water than the Netherlands. Although a fifth of their country lies below sea level - and fully half is less than three feet above it - the Dutch maintain an enormously productive economy and enjoy one of the world's highest standards of living. The secret is a centuries-old system of dikes, supplemented in recent decades by an elaborate network of floodgates and other barriers. All this adaptation is not only effective but also amazingly inexpensive.

    Keeping Holland protected from any future sea-level rises for the next century will cost only about one-tenth of 1 percent of the country's gross domestic product...

    Cost Effective Ways to Address Climate Change



  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I hate it when people I like get to arguing with one another. That includes all three of you.



  67. This comment has been removed by the author.
