Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pentagon Reacts to Wikileaks Document Release

Pay attention to the Pentagon spokesperson. She is highly decorated with five rows of ribbons.

The Pentagon announces its reaction to the Wikileaks action, with a female USAF staff sergeant reporter, wearing five rows of campaign ribbons, the same as General George Patton.

Hold on, I miscounted, Patton is only wearing four.

The young gal, modestly in her twenties, is wearing what used to be called a class "B" work uniform.

When Eisenhower wore his Class "A" work uniform, he wore three rows of ribbons.

It has been a little quiet for the air force lately since the glory days of bombing Belgrade and Baghdad, so you have to wonder what the young gal has done and where she has been to be so heavily weighted with ribbons.

She must have been all of fifteen at the time.

Perhaps we should see what General Curtis LeMay was wearing in his prime. He was after all in the air force as well.

Oops, he is still one shy at four rows.

Still, the air force has a greater mission and used to remind us to "Sleep tight tonight, your airforce is awake".

Sleep well, all is under control.


  1. 92. RWE
    The company a friend of mine works for does some business in China and from him I learned about the following.

    Briggs and Stratton built a factory to produce its engines in China, for sale in China. After they had operated it for about 18 months, selling their engines very successfully, they decided to do some expanded research and find out what kinds of applications the engines were being used for. They hired someone to do a survey.

    The survey showed that there were THREE TIMES as many of the engines in use in China as B&S had actually sold. Investigation found out why.

    B&S had been running the factory on 1 eight hour shift. Or so they thought. The Chinese operating the factory were running three shifts, 1 for B&S and 2 for them, with separate electrical meters and suppliers so to disguise the fact.

    Americans doing business with China have discovered that they cannot be trusted in any way. You have to stay on top of them and closely monitor their activities – even when you own the factory. A friend of mine who has been to China to launch US made commercial satellites says they will never be a threat to us because they never tell the truth, not to us, not to themselves.

    It appears that through its long period of feudalism the Japanese learned how to be loyal and truthful to a local ruler – or to a company. Through their years under communism the Chinese learned to lie to the commissar – or anyone else.

  2. 84. blert

    Educating muslims on the Western dime in our colleges is a categorical error.

    That is the talent pool that ‘leaks’ terrorists for AQ.

    Sayyid Qutb being the archetypal islamist:


    Under no circumstances should anyone be under the illusion that such graduates, the peaceful, practical ones, have great and positive economic utility in the muslim states. The very nature of those societies slots aspirants to jobs based upon family connections — not academic graces.

    Thusly, M. Atta turned to rage against the West because Araby failed him. No despot needed his services to build Sim City upon his back lot.

    The frustrated architect in him realized that he ought try anti-architecture: destroying the most iconic structures on Earth.

    Thusly free trade: the World Trade Center…

    And democracy: US Capitol Building… ( whoops, it’s virtually empty this early…)

    Fall-back — Defenders of the status quo: the Pentagon…

    Of course, what all of the 911 squad wanted was self-glorification and immortality by way of infamy.

  3. Atta's talents were considerable.

    Our monitoring institutions, disgraceful.

    Proven by the display of evidence against the 19 on 9-12.


    Put Gorelick and Pants Burgler on the 9-11 Commission.

    That'll git her done.

    As have Franks, Dodd, Geithner, Summers, et al, or, more accurately:

    et aliae

  4. Sometimes when the news announcer for the Pentagon does stories on Afghanistan, she wears battle fatigues.

    Maybe she gets a campaign ribbon or medal for each story.

  5. Who would bet we could have twice the defense for half the money?

  6. I did say defense, not absurd waste for social experiments, career building and benefits.

  7. “I don’t know this guy from Adam, but Carolla’s humor—fearlessly crass, shamelessly honest and irresistibly funny—sucks out like liposuction the layers of fatty pride to expose the often warped and wounded psyche buried deep within the modern American male.”
    --Ken Burns
    Product Description
    A couple years back, I was at the Phoenix airport bar. It was empty except for one heavy-set, gray bearded, grizzled guy who looked like he just rode his donkey into town after a long day of panning for silver in them thar hills. He ordered a Jack Daniels straight up, and that's when I overheard the young guy with the earring behind the bar asking him if he had ID. At first the old sea captain just laughed. But the guy with the twinkle in his ear asked again. At this point it became apparent that he was serious. Dan Haggerty's dad fired back, "You've got to be kidding me, son." The bartender replied, "New policy. Everyone has to show their ID." Then I watched Burl Ives reluctantly reach into his dungarees and pull out his military identification card from World War II.

    It's a sad and eerie harbinger of our times that the Oprah-watching, crystal-rubbing, Whole Foods-shopping moms and their whipped attorney husbands have taken the ability to reason away from the poor schlub who makes the Bloody Marys. What we used to settle with common sense or a fist, we now settle with hand sanitizer and lawyers. Adam Carolla has had enough of this insanity and he's here to help us get our collective balls back.

    In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks is Adam's comedic gospel of modern America. He rips into the absurdity of the culture that demonized the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, turned the nation's bathrooms into a lawless free-for-all of urine and fecal matter, and put its citizens at the mercy of a bunch of minimum wagers with axes to grind.

  8. She's a Beaut!

    Fuck Yon!

    ...I'm sold!

  9. As to the Wikileaks:

    If our defense is compromised by the leaks stop them. If they are not, shut up.

    If our troops and allies are endangered, stop them. If they are not, shut up.

  10. Should do SEIU ads as the typical right wing gun-loving sexual fantasy.

  11. "We are getting so screwed."

    This is true.

  12. Obama, you are CIC, quit saluting, put on the green shades, start handing out ribbons to those that cut a billion or two out of the Pentagon pig fest and social experiment.

    "Don't ask, don't tell", is about how they cadoodle. You are allow to ask how they are spending our billions by the hundreds.

  13. "Obama, you are CIC, quit saluting, put on the green shades, start handing out ribbons to those that cut a billion or two out of the Pentagon pig fest and social experiment."


    We could replace our Princeton educated counter insurgency expert with that Master Sergeant or whoever that took over New Orleans from Brownie:

    "Don't get stuck on stupid!"

  14. Commander O, we probably spend several billion on drum and bugle, marching bands, precision drill teams, honor guards etc.

    Gays would love that shit. There is no straight male anywhere who can outshine a gay man at dressing. We could become a world power of parades.

  15. Come on Barack, here are some straight guys trying to do the deal:

    In the Navy

    and of course you can see they just don't have the style.

  16. The Pentagon needs a Gay Corps, the big red one.

    Now look at the real deal man. Use your imagination, put your mind at easy and protect the mother land

  17. I was hoping for the finale would be one of those horrible affairs in which the foam insulation bursts into flames...

    ...but I had the sound off, so I might be missing something.

  18. I suspect the military will have to pony up its share of budget regardless of which party is in power.

    This economy could be bouncing along the bottom for a decade or more and the hard spending decisions will be made. Of course one side is ready to wring more taxes out of the country first, but inevitably the military, medicare, medicaid and Obamacare will all see large cuts.

    The Pentagon's real problem is not monetary though, it's the toll repeated deployments have taken on troops and their families.

    We can save a lot of money (and troop morale) if we bring the troops home and send the B-52 back out.

  19. We need a need a new cabinet agency on looking good.

    It could help stimulate style and fashion.

    Tim Gunn could head it. General Gunn.

  20. In case anyone missed this classic:

    Zucker and his brother were behind


    ‘Call Me Senator’: Let This Video Be My Apology for Once Supporting Sen. Boxer
    - David Zucker

    I’d like to thank Right Change (who sponsored and are planning an ad campaign to support the spot) and all the wonderful actors and crew who volunteered for the “Call Me Madam” video.

    I was motivated to do something on this after I saw the video of Barbara Boxer interrogating Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh.

  21. ...they got some Colonel to play the "Major General"

  22. By the way, remind me to do a post of me handing General LeMay his tackle box as he boarded an NCO club boat to go fishing.

  23. If only it had held the key to take out the Chi-Coms!

    ...but we wait with baited breath for the tackle box story.

    (does "baited breath" imply we've already opened it for a taste?)

  24. Staff Sergeant, Air Force, she has at least six years in service. More likely ten, with that Pentagon slot.

    She rose through the ranks with GW Bush as the CiC. Earning her ribbons on the way. Must have been a real go-getter. Betcha she still is.

  25. News Update:

    Oklahoma State float removed from parade for throwing candy for the kiddies.

    ...can't have them lured out in the street to be run over.

    We think of everything.

  26. TEHRAN — Iran said on Tuesday that it had begun loading the first of 163 fuel rods into the core of its first nuclear reactor, set to go into operation early next year, and vowed to pursue nuclear activities “in other areas.”
    Ramin Mehmanparast, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, said on Tuesday: “Political pressure and sanctions have not prevented Iran from proceeding with its peaceful nuclear activities according to schedule.”

    “The Bushehr power plant is a major project which will help us to take one step toward future alternative energy supplies,” he said, according to the semiofficial IRNA news agency. “We will also pursue our peaceful nuclear activities in other areas.” He did not give details.

    Iran Begins Loading Fuel at Nuclear Reactor

  27. Former Iraqi Foreign Minister to Hang

    He is an old man, his body parts are worn out. Not worth the harvesting.

  28. Bloomberg -

    Iran's Foreign Ministry confirmed the payment of aid to neighboring Afghanistan, a day after the US said Iran shouldn't interfere in Afghan internal affairs.

    Yes, the Iranians should leave it to the US to interfere in the affairs of the region, while they develop peaceful nuclear energy, there in Iran.

    Those Iranians, always putting their Persians noses in places so far from their own. Shame on them and the interest they take in foreign affairs. They should ignore the goings on in Iraq and Afghanistan, leave those countries to the United States to manage.

    Both of the Islamic Republics, Iraq and Afghanistan are doing just fine with American money and military aid.

  29. The Iraqi a executing still Baathists, what more could the Iranians want?

  30. It's the Occupation, Stupid

    Extensive research into the causes of suicide terrorism proves Islam isn't to blame -- the root of the problem is foreign military occupations.

    Mr Pape has studied this suicide bombing phenomenon for years now. He has written about it, before.

    The premise does seem to makes sense, one has to wonder, just how many Japanese Islamoids were there, to pilot those airplanes used in their infamous kamikaze attacks?

  31. From 1980 to 2003, there were 343 suicide attacks around the world, and at most 10 percent were anti-American inspired. Since 2004, there have been more than 2,000, over 91 percent against U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries.

    Yes, these attacks are overseas and mostly focused on military and diplomatic targets. So too, however, were the anti-American suicide attacks before 2001. It is important to remember that the 1995 and 1996 bombings of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen were the crucial dots that showed the threat was rising prior to 9/11.
    Today, such dots are occurring by the dozens every month. So why is nobody connecting them?

  32. U.S. military policies have not stopped the rising wave of extremism in the Muslim world. The reason has not been lack of effort, or lack of bipartisan support for aggressive military policies, or lack of funding, or lack of genuine patriotism.

    No. Something else is creating the mismatch between America's effort and the results.

    For nearly a decade, Americans have been waging a long war against terrorism without much serious public debate about what is truly motivating terrorists to kill them.

  33. A simple narrative was readily available, and a powerful conventional wisdom began to exert its grip. Because the 9/11 hijackers were all Muslims, it was easy to presume that Islamic fundamentalism was the central motivating force driving the 19 hijackers to kill themselves in order to kill Americans. Within weeks after the 9/11 attacks, surveys of American attitudes show that this presumption was fast congealing into a hard reality in the public mind. Americans immediately wondered, "Why do they hate us?" and almost as immediately came to the conclusion that it was because of "who we are, not what we do." As President George W. Bush said in his first address to Congress after the 9/11 attacks: "They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other."

    Thus was unleashed the "war on terror."

    There's just one problem: We now know that this narrative is not true.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. "The first step is recognizing that occupations in the Muslim world don't make Americans any safer -- in fact, they are at the heart of the problem. "


    The heart of the problem of increased suicide bombers against Americans.

    NOT the heart of the problem of Islamism, Sharia, Stealth Jihad, Wahhabism, and all the other ills inflicing their sicknesses around the World.

  36. ...as if the Mosques and the Muslim movements in our prisons, and etc. would end when/if we end our occupations.

    Not gonna happen.

  37. ...Jihad, Sharia inciting Mosques, that is.
    Them Sauds aren't spending their oil dollars on nothing.

  38. "Elsewhere, Pape has continued his criticisms of the idea that wars can be won through air power alone.

    He argues that the use of air power for punishment, that is, attacking civilian and economic targets (such as in Operation Rolling Thunder or the firebombing of Japan in 1945), has almost universally failed in coercing targets.

    Instead, Pape suggests that successful usage of air power has come when it is used against conventional military targets and denies the target the ability to achieve their aims (such as in Operation Linebacker).

  39. Yeah,
    If Truman had just known how to ask politely, General LeMay could have been dispensed with.

    War over,
    Whirreled Peas!

  40. The occupation of Iraq will not effect the goings on in US prisons, one way or the other, doug.

    The Saudi influences in the US will not be addressed by US troops in Afghanistan.

    The enemy and his goals must be recognized, before they can be addressed, adequately.

    The problem we are faced with is not a military one. But is, instead, a political one.

    Until we end our alliance with the Wahhabi there will be no end to their influence in the US prisons and in the halls of power, in Washington DC.

    Until the the US is no longer reliant upon Saudi oil, we are not in control. Little matter what goes on in Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan.

    Growth Energy is the answer, not a continuation of the "Long War"

  41. Imperial Japan, and Wahabbist Jihad, a result, not a cause.

    ...at least in that center of enlightened thought:

  42. desert rat said...

    The occupation of Iraq will not effect the goings on in US prisons, one way or the other, doug.


    That was my point.


  43. "Until the the US is no longer reliant upon Saudi oil, we are not in control. Little matter what goes on in Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan."


    Closing the Mosques and cleaning up the prisons does not have to wait until we become energy independent.

    ...it must await until/or if we regain our senses.

  44. The enemy is in Pakistan and in Saudi Arabia.

    They are not in Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan.

    Until that lesson is learned, we are spinning our wheels.
    Wasting blood and treasure, protecting the financial interests of the Saudis.

  45. Those issues, Islam in the US and US occupation in the Islamic Arc, are not connected, doug, and must not be conflated.

  46. ...talking past each other:
    I already conceded that.

    I am not W nor HBO.

    Nor am I a spokesperson for them.

  47. BHO on HBO,

    don't miss the show.

  48. Well, al-dougo, I've known that for years. As we both have pointed out on numerous occasions we are bogged down in a hard Wahhabi slog.

    The Wahhabi are now are allies, have been since 9-12-01 when the family Osama was allowed a free pass out of the United States, back to Saudi Arabia.

    The only people allowed to fly the US skies, on that day, the Wahhabi going home, to sanctuary.

    That single act well exemplifying the depth of the corruption within the US government.

  49. Hedge

    Bloomberg reports that “the Treasury sold $10 billion of five-year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities at a negative yield”.

    Yes, you heard that right. The New York Times writes:
    Bizarre as it sounds, that is correct.

    In an auction of a special kind of five-year Treasury bond, investors paid $105.50 for every $100 of bonds the government sold — agreeing to pay the government for the privilege of lending it money.

    But these aren’t just any bond, they’re bonds insured against inflation. The securities, called TIPS or Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, “are indexed to inflation in order to protect investors from the negative effects”
    The NYT explains:

  50. "That single act well exemplifying the depth of the corruption within the US government."


    I heard it was an act of compassion.

    Conservative, ya know.

  51. Osama allowed to escape Tora Bora, with the explanation that 800 Rangers would be to large a footprint for the US to have, in Afghanistan.

    Another act that exemplifies the perfidy that exudes from the elites in Washington DC. Both in the political and military leadership, there.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Still no bob?

    The Law of Unintended Consequence strikes, again.

  54. Betcha he is foaming, at the mouth!

  55. Cum on now:
    One man's foam is another's...

  56. "allen"..."ass"..."pedantic"...etc

    Allen hit pay dirt, proving his point.

    "The sting of insult is truth"
    ___B. Franklin


    PS: It's still Israel 13, Trogs 0

  57. 14, allen, our Israeli pirates killed another US citizen in the Med, just this past summer.

    Let's not forget him, now.

  58. Dr, your new-found concern for Bob's welfare is a touching change. It gives one hope.

  59. The Brits use "trog" to mean "stroll". Perhaps you meant to say "troll"?

  60. He joins us all in our concern.

  61. DeFazio talks about impeaching Chief Justice John Roberts

    Rep. Peter DeFazio says he is investigating articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for his role in a decision opening the doors to more corporate involvement in political campaigns. Full story »

  62. That's cousin Abraham that is concerned, Deuce.
    He being the one that set the Land Grant program in motion, still has concern for those that benefited from Federal largess.

    Abraham being a Welfare Sugar Daddy, knew how to gild the lily, as it were.

  63. Dr Hiss said...
    14, allen, our Israeli pirates killed another US citizen in the Med, just this past summer.

    Let's not forget him, now.

    Was not that a wonderful KILL?

    An American Terrorist.... Just like Major Hassan and that other terrorist that Obama has put a hit on..

    All Moslems and Americans, and all 100% terrorists...


    It aint the American part that makes them terrorists.. Maybe it's the Islamic stupidity part...

    Either way, when you were a civilian hired gun in Central America capping anyone you wanted, you were not a pirate, just a murderer...

  64. Doug: In an auction of a special kind of five-year Treasury bond, investors paid $105.50 for every $100 of bonds the government sold — agreeing to pay the government for the privilege of lending it money.

    But these aren’t just any bond, they’re bonds insured against inflation.

    Heads investors win, tails taxpayers lose.

    The interest rate that these TIPS are going to pay will be 0.55% less than the Consumer Price Index’s rate of increase between now and 2015.

    TIPS’ payoff is asymmetrical: Its yield grows in the event of higher inflation, but does not decline to the same extent in the event of deflation.

  65. Speaking of killing and murder, does anyone know how many civilians, Christians mostly, that were killed by Clinton and Nato during the bombing campaign on Belgrade, to save the Muslims from the beastly Christian Serbs?

  66. Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.

    Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.

    "Something's not right," Ferrara said. "One person that's a fluke. Two, that's strange. But several within a five minute period of time -- that's wrong."

  67. Doug: In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

  68. Civilian casualties as a result of Operation Allied Force were significant. Many of the people killed in the NATO airstrikes were widely reported to be civilians, both Serbs and Albanians. Human Rights Watch confirmed ninety incidents in which civilians died as a result of NATO bombing. It reported that as few as 489 and as many as 528 Yugoslav civilians were killed in the ninety separate incidents in Operation Allied Force. [1] According to Yugoslav Committee for Cooperation with UNICEF, the Yugoslav civilian victims are more than 1,200.[2]

    Just a tad over the number of women and children the Israeli Army killed during the incursion into Gaza, during the Israeli Civil War, there in 2000.

  69. List of Islamic terror attacks in the last 5 days

    Date Country City Killed Injured Description
    2010.10.25 Thailand Narathwat 1 15 A farmer is murdered in one of a series of bombings by Islamic separatists.
    2010.10.25 Afghanistan Khost 3 10 Three people are dismembered by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
    2010.10.25 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 Taliban bombers blow two civilians to bits.
    2010.10.25 Algeria Boumerdes 2 3 Fundamentalist bombers send two Algerians to Allah.
    2010.10.25 Pakistan Punjab 7 15 Three women are among seven innocents killed by Sunni bombers at a Sufi mosque.
    2010.10.24 Iraq Mosul 5 19 Mujahideen take out five civilians with a car bomb.
    2010.10.23 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Three women and one man from the same family are murdered when terrorists invade their home.
    2010.10.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills a passerby.
    2010.10.23 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 12 A local cop is taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
    2010.10.23 Somalia Boondere 12 20 A dozen civilians are killed during a series of al-Shabaab attacks.
    2010.10.22 Pakistan Peshawar 5 22 Sectarian Religion of Peace rivals toss a bomb into a mosque, killing five worshippers.
    2010.10.22 Afghanistan Nangahar 3 0 Hardliners murder a district governor and two others with an IED.
    2010.10.22 Nigeria Bauchi 1 0 Boko Haram Islamists shoot a government official in the head and body at his home.
    2010.10.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Two Islamists assassinate a rival imam at his mosque.
    2010.10.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A government worker is shot twice in the head by Muslim 'insurgents' on his way to work.

  70. If the high end number of 1,200 civilians deaths is used.

    The Israeli killing more civilians in Gaza if the lower numbers of 489 or 523 are accurate.

  71. The Israeli Army killing:

    An Israeli human rights group says many more Palestinian civilians were killed in the Israeli military's campaign in Gaza than the army admits.

    B'Tselem said detailed research with careful cross-checking showed 1,387 Palestinians died, over half of them civilians and 252 of them children.


  72. The case for equivalency mounts!

  73. Although most of the killings that are cited in the Story of "o" are Muslim on Muslim violence.

    Where both the perpatrator and victim are Muslims.

    Not indicative of a "War on the West" but exemplifying a War for Political Dominance, within that religious sect.

    Fratricide, as it were.

  74. Ramadan Scorecard 2010

    In the name of The Religion of Peace

    Terror Attacks

    In the name of All Other Religions

    Dead Bodies caused by Islamic terror 2010 since Ramadam

    Dead Bodies caused by all other faiths in terror attacks 1

  75. Dr Hiss said...
    If the high end number of 1,200 civilians deaths is used.

    The Israeli killing more civilians in Gaza if the lower numbers of 489 or 523 are accurate.

    One standard for all...

    In the war in Iraq, America has caused or killed 400,000

    Iran/Iraq war? Millions...

    One standard for all...

    Gaza's so called civilian deaths?

    MEANINGLESS, there are still MILLIONS alive and well, and many getting food, water and medical care from those Israelis...

    Might I suggest that a good scale of jew verses moslem value is about a 1000 to one...

    This is of course the Palestinians OWN argument for value...

    ONE Israeli kidnapped Soldier?

    Hamas demands thousands of Hamas in Israeli jails in exchange...

    so even if 500 innocent arabs of gaza were killed?

    not worth a hang nail to get upset over, BY THE ARABS OWN STANDARDS

  76. Yep, that Civil War raging in Islam is a high cost affair.

    But it does not affect US, all that much. Certainly not worth the blood and treasure we are expending across the Islamic Arc.

  77. Dr Hiss is right, Israel needs to ramp up the killing to give it's haters a fair treatment...

    I suggest to be more Ratlike?

    Israel should kill off about 525,000 Gazans.

    Then we can discuss how bad Israel is...

    But darn, those Israelis are not helping, they just dont murder like arabs or islamists (or hired murderers like rat)

  78. Let's hope the Israelis learn the curve...

    Start actually killing those pesky cockroach like breeder Hamas guys...

    Yep, Israel can BE just like America was in the 1800's and put a bounty on the Hamas, JUST like America did to the Injuns...

  79. American History...

    One Standard for all

    Bounties were sometimes paid as rewards for killing Native Americans. In 1862, a farmer received a $500 bounty for shooting Taoyateduta (Little Crow). In 1856 Governor Isaac Stevens put a bounty on the head of Indians from Eastern Washington, $20 for ordinary Indians and $80 for a "chief". A Western Washington Indian, Patkanim, chief of the Snohomish, obligingly provided a great many heads, until the Territorial Auditor put a stop to the practice due to the dubious origins of the deceased.[

  80. The US should not be involving itself in the internal political affairs of foreign lands.

    We should be withdrawing, not getting in deeper.

    Especially since we are not going to intercede in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, to seek out and destroy the infrastructure that supported the 11SEP01 raids upon US.

    Without that as cause, we have little business to be involved militarily in the Islamic Arc.

  81. Let put a bounty on all Moslem terrorists..

    World wide...

    Kill em all.

    20 bucks a head...

  82. This site, Deuce puts the number of civilian deaths caused by NATO raids in Yugoslavia at 2,000.
    It seems a tad biased, though.

    They do link to stories that cite the 500 civilian deaths claimed by Human Rights Watch.

  83. One standard for ALL

    Not ONE standard for Israel

    While Rat bitched about a dead terrorist killed on a ship trying to break a naval blockade in the time of declared war, America (under his hero Obama) has killed scores of civilians using predator drones...

    And there is silence...

    Rat drones about 500 so called civilians in Gaza killed by Israel and yet doesnt talk about the 8000 rockets that those same people shot at Israel for over 7 years....

    Rat seeks equality!

    Fact is that the arabs and moslems do view it that way...

    They view ONE JEW life as equal to as many as 2000 arab children

    Let's use the Arab/Islam standards for life from now on...

    If one infidel is murdered by a moslems?

    1000 moslems must be executed. (we can use the moslems already in jails across the world)

    I remember a star trek episode that touches on this very thing....

    The best way to fight the islamic arc?

    Destroy the Black Keeba..

    Nuke the rock, once and for all..


    new game...

    Go on, kill a rock...

    save the planet

    Nuke a rock...

    Maybe the moslems will be so pissed they will hack each other to death..

    But their lives really dont count...

    The admit that themselves. The love death as we love life (except for rat, he loves death)

  84. That is a really good question Deuce - How does that lady get so many ribbons??? Maybe it is simply ribbon inflation and that shit really doesn't really have much meaning anymore...

  85. desert rat said...
    This site, Deuce puts the number of civilian deaths caused by NATO raids in Yugoslavia at 2,000.
    It seems a tad biased, though.

    They do link to stories that cite the 500 civilian deaths claimed by Human Rights Watch.

    Rat downplays the death by American hands WHEN IT SUITS HIM...

    Fact is?

    War sucks...

    How many did Stalin starve?

    Estimates of how many people died in Stalin's engineered famine of 1933 vary. But they are staggering in their scale -- between seven and 11 million people.

    One standard for all....

  86. NUKE it!
    The Black Stone (called الحجر الأسود al-Hajaru-l-Aswad in Arabic) is a Muslim relic, which according to Islamic tradition dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient sacred stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.[1] The Stone is a dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims, that has been broken into a number of fragments cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. Although it has often been described as a meteorite, this hypothesis is now regarded as doubtful.[2]
    Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba as part of the Tawaf ritual of the Hajj. Many of them try, if possible, to stop and kiss the Black Stone, emulating the kiss that Islamic tradition records that it received from the Prophet Muhammad.[3] If they cannot reach it, they point to it on each of their seven circuits around the Kaaba.[4]

  87. Say no to Islam...

    NUKE the Rock


  88. Free Gaza now!

    israel needs to treat the palestinians with complete freedom...

    But the fun side of this?

    ANY violence coming from Gaza needs to be treated as an act of war...

    Thus completely destroying the Gaza, and driving it's population into the Sinai.

    Once the Gaza is empty?


  89. Just like the Romans did!

    You remember those fun loving Jew loving Romans that Rat looks up to?

    the Roman general Scipio Aemilianus Africanus plowed over and sowed the city of Carthage with salt after defeating it in the Third Punic War (146 BC), sacking it, and forcing the survivors into slavery.

    Spain and Portugal also did this

    In Spain and the Spanish Empire, salt was poured onto the land owned by a convicted traitor (often one who was executed and his head placed on a picota, or pike, afterwards) after his house was demolished.

    Stone memorial to the Duke of Aveiro's punishment in Santa Maria de Belém, Lisbon.
    Likewise, in Portugal, salt was also poured onto the land owned by a convicted traitor. The last known event of this sort was the destruction of the Duke of Aveiro's palace in Lisbon in 1759, due to his participation in the Távora affair (a conspiracy against King Joseph I of Portugal).

    SO why not do this to GAZA?


    Or maybe Israel should HAMA the HAMAS

    The Hama massacre (Arabic: مجزرة حماة‎) occurred in February 1982, when the Syrian army bombarded the town of Hama in order to quell a revolt by the Muslim Brotherhood. An estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people were killed, including about 1,000 soldiers,[1] and large parts of the old city were destroyed. The attack has been described as possibly being "the single deadliest act by any Arab government against its own people in the modern Middle East".[2]

  90. ONE standard for all... Not just one higher standard for Israel

    Who gives a shit about a fake claim of civilian deaths in Gaza in a WAR they started?

    They Gazans love their kids? To pieces MAYBE, they bred them to blow them up..

    They publically celebrate their kids own marytrdom...

    now that is a sick society..

    So really do we really care how many die in Gaza?

    Maybe if Israel was more Rat-like we'd see 10,000 killed in the densest place on the planet..

    I find it amazing that Israel ONLY killed 500 innocents in a major war!!!!

    Bad shooting israel

    Next time dont aim so much...

  91. Ash, the ribbon count is almost as inflated at the Pentagon budget. Look at Gen. Eisenhower. He is wearing five stars and has three rows on a class"A" uniform.

    The career of Eisenhower is staggering. He commanded every allied army except the Russians. He won WWII in three years. He commanded over 10 million troops.

    A twenty something female USAF E-5 reading news for AFN wears five rows of campaign ribbons.

  92. I do find it baffling. Maybe Trish can explain such a thing.

  93. I'll tell you this: Replace Israel for NATO, Replace Teheran for Belgrade, start the bombing, kill 500-2500 civilians, hit the Chinese embassy for good measure and listen to the howls.

  94. The Israeli have martyred 500,000 infants in the 21st century.

    In the US, well over 12,000,000.

    That we in "West" do it in the shadows, and do not celebrate it as an achievement of our civilized ways, telling.

    It goes to the heart of the equivalency standard.

    ONE STANDARD for infanticide and the celebration or lack there of, all around.

  95. aw shucks Dr. Hiss, no infants were killed just a few clumps of cells removed - a bunch of zygotes. Not worth getting your panties in a bunch over false equivalencies.

  96. I mean think about how many sperms, (half persons) you murdered every time you jerked-off.

  97. Panties get starched in a bunch after a dry hump.

  98. Limbaugh reports some voting machines are acting like a Simpsons episode I recently linked:

    "I shoved my card in, and the screen was already checked for Harry Reid."

    Early voting sucks.

  99. WiO: Say no to Islam...

    NUKE the Rock


    Typical armchair general.

    What about these millions of male humans?

    And even if you say the Hajjis are not innocent, what about these millions of female humans across the street from the rock?

  100. Selah said...
    WiO: Say no to Islam...

    NUKE the Rock


    Typical armchair general.

    What about these millions of male humans?

    And even if you say the Hajjis are not innocent, what about these millions of female humans across the street from the rock?

    You tried this false argument BEFORE.

    Hit the rock with a small nuke, do it when t's un occupied.

    Warn the civilians to evacuate...


    NUKE it...

    and as for your innocents that are too stupid to leave?

    TOO BAD...

    Your lame argument could apply to EVERY combat mission that blows up a target.

  101. and your 'high value target' WiO is a rock. Laughable!

  102. ...and start a religious war - brilliant!

  103. .
    ...and your 'high value target' WiO is a rock. Laughable!...


    We have seen how successfully this has worked before as recently as 2001.

    Look how successful the Taliban was in destroying the statues of the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

    It certainly coelesced public opinion on the Taliban. And it sure showed those pesky Buddhists.

    The thinking of WiO and the Taliban. All of a piece.


  104. Ash said...
    ...and start a religious war - brilliant!


    It started JUST after Mohammed stop fucking camels and switched to Jewish Gals..

    Learn HISTORY you moron

  105. The islamic hoards across the globe do not fear death...

    They fear dogs, tampons and bacon...

    They fear the destruction of their black rock (at least most of them)

    Use what they fear, not what we fear...


  106. It is insane.

    I'll trade 10 of your Hatfields for 10 of my McMCoys.

    What you are calling for is a final solution. How did that work out for Germany? They got to kill 6 million Jews and it only wound up costing them 8,000,000 of their own dead and the destruction of their economy and most every major city.

    Move on to plan "B".

  107. Mass murder just ain't what it used to be.

  108. See, that is where you are deluded and your opinion not worth considering WiO. We are simply not at war with Islam. The Crusades ended long ago. There are over 1 billion Muslims in the world and we've had problems with a small minority of them, a very small minority. If you want to go down that path we can start crunching the numbers and see if we can start blaming Catholics for our pedophile problems.

  109. Ash said...
    See, that is where you are deluded and your opinion not worth considering WiO. We are simply not at war with Islam. The Crusades ended long ago. There are over 1 billion Muslims in the world and we've had problems with a small minority of them, a very small minority. If you want to go down that path we can start crunching the numbers and see if we can start blaming Catholics for our pedophile problems.

    Spoken like a true Dhimmi...

    Islam is at war with everyone.. Including other moslems...
    Don't want to believe it?

    Your choice...

  110. Kill the Rock!

    If you dont? You will be dealing with 10,000 islamic terror attacks a year forever... OR MORE...

    Wake up and pulverize the pillar...

    Off the boulder

    Kill the rock.

  111. Better to knock off a ROCK that mass genocide...

  112. LOL, and if that rock were actually nuked do you really think those nasty muslims would slink back to a cave or would they pick up the tempo a bit?

  113. WiO: You tried this false argument BEFORE.

    Let me see if I got this straight. WiO is complaining about me plowing over old ground?

  114. The lad really is not at all self aware. He's been writing the SAME THING over and over and over for years. What are the themes - no double standards, muslims bad - jews progressive, right to 1/649th of middle east, arm up, and nuke the rock.

  115. For nearly a decade, Americans have been waging a long war against terrorism without much serious public debate about what is truly motivating terrorists to kill them.

    Sort of similar to the progressive confusion over why USA heartland clings bitterly to their guns and religion? We just don't understand the obsessive attachment to Koran and kaboom technology?

    Or might we be better advised to assume said attachments do not easily deconstruct under superficial analytics, not to mention presumptions of superiority (there must be another reason!!), that preclude conclusions having any relation to 'they really really mean it - no misunderstanding.'

    Returning to an earlier point, say and debate what you want/will in public. The important conversations, I assume, are being conducted in private and include statements to various Saudi royalty to get your MF'ing radicals under control because the next group of jumpers from an exploding skyscraper won't be Americans. I assume that message is being conveyed, repeatedly while we genuflect in tea rooms about parts and wholes.

  116. Selah said...
    WiO: You tried this false argument BEFORE.

    Let me see if I got this straight. WiO is complaining about me plowing over old ground?

    No I was pointing out that your argument, the merits of your idea was a false construct.

    Mecca's rock can be destroyed, nuked or vaporized without killing millions.

    That is a FACT.

    The fact that you point to INNOCENT millions that might or might not be destroyed by the destruction of that cursed rock is not a fact.

    You simply post your bullshit over again like the last time, hoping that something would have changed.

    A small tactical nuke on the rock will not kill 6 million people, nor will it level all of mecca

    Choosing of a battle time is possible, but you are arguing that somehow it would be at PEAK populations...

    That's nonsense.

    It's old water.

    Take out the Rock, solve the issue of the Haj.

    One of the 5 unchangeble pillars of islam.

    Force reform

  117. ash:
    He's been writing the SAME THING over and over and over for years. What are the themes - no double standards


    ash: muslims bad - jews progressive

    No ISLAM bad, Jihadist bad

    ash: right to 1/649th of middle east

    No, Right to 1/650th, but you get points for trying.

    ash: arm up, and nuke the rock.

    Yep ash!

    you are learning...

    Jews should be allowed to have their state in 1/650th of the middle east.

    Islam is a faith of war.

    Jews and all those that seek freedom should arm themselves

    And the destruction of a cursed ROCK will make Islam change

  118. Ash said...
    if that rock were actually nuked do you really think those nasty muslims would slink back to a cave or would they pick up the tempo a bit?

    I think it would shatter their confidence that ALLAH is blessing them...

    Look at it from THIER POV...

    They build mosques across the globe and no one stops them, many times ON TOP of other faith's temples

    Allah protects them and doesnt hurt their MOST holy sites!

    They are blessed with oil & land

    They have almost 1/3 of the world under their control and many parts of the BEST parts of the west are falling under shria as we speak!

    From London to Bali, From Paris to the USA the House of Islam keeps expanding, they even are going to build at Ground Zero!

    They got the WEST to stop calling it islamic terror

    They are getting the UN to call it a crime to DRAW a picture of MOHAMMED

    Why should they not think they are on a roll?

    Nuke the ROck, Kiss their ass....

    Make them reform...

    Or dont?

    ANd you will see moslems being killed by the millions across the globe very soon...

    MARK MY WORDS, the world is about to feel the straw that broke the camel's back.

    It's about to happen...

    Or Nuke a Rock...

    I choose to destroy a boulder...

  119. The good news?

    The conversation to destroy Islamic holy places in Mecca is taking place...

    So any and all Moslems listening?

    The Mossad is in Mecca RIGHT now, all wearing burkas....

    Be warned, we are there, we are dropping bacon bits everywhere we go!

    Mecca is contaminated with bacon!

    We wear burkas to hide who we are!

    In fact, I personally dropped 15 pounds of bacon bits on selected islamic holy sites in Mecca myself!

  120. .
    I choose to destroy a boulder...

    Erwin Rommel: “Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.”


  121. Quirk said...
    I choose to destroy a boulder...

    Erwin Rommel: “Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.”

    Much is to be gained by destroying the rock..

    one of the 5 pillars of islam to be exact...

  122. How to defeat Islam

    Figure out what moslems fear the most...

    Do it...

    Kill the ROCK in 2010

  123. The EB feels like a United Nations Annex these days.

  124. I'd like to teach the whirled to sing ...

  125. The censorship of music in Afghanistan

    by Dr John Baily
    Freemuse (Freedom of musical expression), London, April 24, 2001

    The people of Afghanistan under Taliban rule are subjected to an extreme form of music censorship. The only musical activity permitted is the singing of certain types of religious song and Taliban "chants".

    The report traces the gradual imposition of music censorship since 1978, when the communist government of Nur Ahmad Taraki (the correct name is Noor Mohammad Taraki -RAWA) came to power in a violent coup d'etat. During 14 years of communist rule, music in Afghanistan was heavily controlled by the Ministry for Information and Culture, while in the refugee camps in Pakistan and Iran all music was prohibited in order to maintain a continual state of mourning. The roots of the Taliban ban on music lie in the way these camps were run.

    In the Rabbani period (1992-1996) music was again heavily censored. In the provincial city of Herat, which the author visited for 7 weeks in 1994, professional musicians had to apply for a licence, which specified the kinds of material they could perform, songs in praise of the Mujahideen and songs with texts drawn from the mystical Sufi poetry of the region. This cut out a large amount of other music, such as love songs and music for dancing. The licences also stipulated that musicians must play without amplification. Music could be performed by male musicians at private parties indoors, but Herat's women professional musicians were forbidden to perform. While in theory male musicians could perform at wedding parties or Spring country fairs, experience had shown that often in such cases the agents of the Office for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, religious police, had arrived to break up the party and confiscate the instruments, which were usually returned to the musicians some days later when a fine or bribe had been paid.

    There was very little music on local radio or television in Herat. Broadcasting time was anyway severely curtailed, to about two hours per day. If a song was broadcast on television one did not see the performers on screen but a vase of flowers. Names of performers were not announced on radio or television. Instrument maker had re-opened their businesses, and the audio cassette business continued, with a number of shops in the bazaars of Herat selling music cassettes, some of locally recorded Herat musicians.

  126. If a rational person does not see and understand that there is a difference between sperm and a fetus ...

    Then political correctness has permeated the entire culture. The industrialization of death has won the day.

    The power of the State over the status of an individual is beyond question or debate.

    Body part harvesting and soylent green will be the order of the day.


  127. There are Jews in the world.
    There are Buddhists.
    There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
    There are those that follow Mohammed, but
    I've never been one of them.

    I'm a Roman Catholic,
    And have been since before I was born,
    And the one thing they say about Catholics is:
    They'll take you as soon as you're warm.

    You don't have to be a six-footer.
    You don't have to have a great brain.
    You don't have to have any clothes on. You're
    A Catholic the moment Dad came,


    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite irate.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite irate.

    Let the heathen spill theirs
    On the dusty ground.
    God shall make them pay for
    Each sperm that can't be found.

    Every sperm is wanted.
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed
    In your neighbourhood.

    Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
    Spill theirs just anywhere,
    But God loves those who treat their
    Semen with more care.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,...
    ...God get quite irate.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    BRIDE and GROOM:
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed...
    ...In your neighbourhood!

    Every sperm is useful.
    Every sperm is fine.
    God needs everybody's.
    MOURNER #1:
    MOURNER #2:
    And mine!
    And mine!

    Let the Pagan spill theirs
    O'er mountain, hill, and plain.
    God shall strike them down for
    Each sperm that's spilt in vain.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed
    In your neighbourhood.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite iraaaaaate!

  128. Rat loves life..

    Hates Jews...

    Loves fetuses...

    Hates Israel

    Loves Obama

    Hates America

  129. Seems like the industrialization of death is what "Western Civilization" is all about. That is was brought to us, according to the Story of "o", by Judaism still may be debatable,

    Regardless of the fount, it is the hallmark of the culture that has been created.

    The application of industrialized death is what our local Zionist calls for, incessantly, in a word, genocide.

  130. Our old friend Spengler writes:
    Last week, I heard a prominent conservative commentator brag to a conservative gathering (off the record) that the surge reduced American war deaths in Iraq in July 2008 to only one, while the military's monthly average rate of accidental death was three. What about Iran?, the conservative sage was asked. The American public simply isn't ready for the consequences of bombing Iran, he explained: if we were to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, the result would be a terrible outbreak of terrorism, along with a spike in oil prices.

    I stared into my souffle. How did it come to the point that America had to fear retaliation by Iran? In effect, this conservative opinion-maker conceded what I have alleged since 2004, in this publication and elsewhere, that Washington had a de facto agreement with Iran: do not make trouble in Iraq, and we will let you build up your nuclear capacity as well as your terrorist capabilities elsewhere.

  131. A little more Spengler:
    The chairman of President Barack Obama's Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, admitted as much in a March 16, 2009, interview with Charlie Rose: "What I worry about in terms of an attack on Iran is, in addition to the immediate effect, the effect of the attack, it's the unintended consequences. It's the further destabilization in the region. It's how they would respond. We have lots of Americans who live in that region who are under the threat envelope right now [because of the] capability that Iran has across the Gulf. So, I worry about their responses and I worry about it escalating in ways that we couldn't predict."

    In return for a temporary truce in Iraq - a truce that is now crumbling as Iran inserts its military proxies into the Baghdad government and the Sunni fighters defect - America allowed Iran time to possibly produce weapons-grade uranium, stock Hezbollah in Lebanon with advanced missiles, and deploy terrorist networks wherever it wanted.

  132. What is funny, is that I read what Israeli politicos write. Read the JPost online, even Haaretz on occasion.

    When I read what Moshe Arens wrote, last June, it struck a cord. Here was a famous Israeli, a former immigrant to the US, a past US citizen, the Israeli ambassador to the US and one of its' Defense Ministers.

    Certainly not a hater of Israel, nor an anti-Semite.

    Yet what he writes presents itself as the first step in a long term solution. It makes sense.

    He does not advocate for genocide.
    No, he advocates for inclusion of Arabs into Israeli society, an end to Jim Crow policies, there.

    Israel's biggest challenge: Integrating its Arab minority

    Not a final solution, by any means.

    The biography of Moshe Arens, he provides real food for thought and the first step in a way forward.

    The government seems to show little interest in Israel's Arab citizens, who represent nearly one-fifth of the country's population. Rarely does a cabinet member or the prime minister visit Arab towns and villages. Minority Affairs Minister Avishay Braverman's proposal to grant financial assistance to some Arab municipalities represents a modest beginning in dealing with the challenge of integrating Israel's Arab citizens into society.

    But this only scratches the surface. Should the government seriously consider the subject, it must adopt a two-pronged policy. It needs a long-term program that will benefit Israel's Arab citizens, one that would include improving Arab schools, affirmative action for the Arab community in employment, incentives for doing military and national service, and an emergency program to deal with the Negev Bedouin, the most disadvantaged sector of Israeli society. At the same time, legal measures need to be taken against seditious and subversive organizations preaching violence and support for Israel's enemies. It is late, but not too late.

  133. Now Rat calls for my KILLING of a Rock as GENOCIDE..

    Rat's a real murderer... A so called MAN that pulled the trigger, as a private contractor, to murder people in Central America, and says I advocate genocide because i want to destroy a rock...

  134. 20% of Israel already is Arab...

    Non-citizens need not apply...

    there are 21 other islamic arab nations to choose from..

    Israel need not commit suicide to please rat...

  135. ... in addition to the immediate effect, ... it's the unintended consequences.

    Where's bob?

  136. It is not just the "rock" but the people that live around it that you propose nuking.

    Guess they are considered less than sperm, in the Story of "o".

  137. Abraham is correct, we've been through this all before. The are hundreds of thousands of people in the impact area and even more in the fallout area.

    Beyond that, spreading the rock's dust around the Globe, just like the KT boundery layer, would give the Islamoids the idea they had rightful title to the entire whirled, given to them by the presence of Allah's rock, everywhere.

  138. Good news on two fronts!

    Wall Street Journal -

    BP PLC will likely have to shut down a natural gas field in the North Sea that it jointly owns with Iran, a sign that tough new European sanctions are beginning to affect the Islamic Republic's oil and gas sector.

    Takes a slice out of the Iranians and BP, in the same swipe.

    Great news!

  139. A typical Tea Partier politico?

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - Alaska Republican Senate hopeful Joe Miller admitted to improperly using three government computers over a lunch break to participate in a political poll, then cleaning the caches to try to cover up the activities.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. So, in the Story of "o" even Moshe Arens is a Jew hating Nazi that advocates for mass suicide by Israelis.

    When will the comedy end?

    Perhaps "o" is really just a Jihadi, creating a public mockery of Israelis and Judaism, both.

  142. One person is dead and nine others are in stable condition after a small plane carrying employees of BP Canada crashed Monday morning near a remote northern Alberta airstrip.


    "Mother Nature is always the boss when you're flying and sometimes she does things no one expects."


    Monday's crash follows two recent fatal crashes involving Beechcraft King Air 100s.

    Plane Crash

  143. Israel must integrate its Arab citizens but Jews mustn't settle in the West Bank. And never mind that Christians have been driven out in the past 15 years.

    The fact is that prior to the Intifadas, Palestinians enjoyed a much higher standard of living as they coexisted relatively well with the Jews. They crossed the borders back and forth daily as they worked in the building trades and other occupations. Unfortunately, they were seduced and coerced by Arafat and the thugs of the PLO. They brought misery upon themselves and where their suicide bombings failed they now rely on lies, propaganda and waxing Islam to promote their cause which in the extreme is the destruction of Israel.

  144. Nuke the rock, Vaporize it, kidnap it and bury it in bacon...

    You choose..

    War is dirty

    Notice the only concern here is what we do to the collateral damage, no possiblity of warning the people of mecca to flee?

    Just maximum carnage...


    I suggest we inform the people of Mecca to flee

    Leave at once...

    Sometime in the future the Black Rock will be destroyed...

    That aint genocide...

    That's war...

  145. Let' resettle all arabs in Arizona...

    Rat's got the place...

  146. 649/650th of the middle east is for all practical purposes Jew free...

    Rat feels that Israel, that has 20% non-Jews as FULL citizens, doesnt do enough to be proper and just...

    Rat is silent on the 1 million Jews driven from their lands that the Arabs, the current occupier, threw the Jews out from. Rather Rat obsesses about Israel destroying it'sself by allowing millions more arabs to settle into the only jewish state in the world, and the 1st one in 2000 years.

    There are no Jim Crow laws in israel, in Jordan, Palestinian lands, Arabia and any and all of the other 21 arab nations? It's down right evil it's treatment of minorities..

    Sudan? Arabs murder 100's of thousands and rape just as many africans, but that's ok for Rat...

    Israel is the pirate...

    One standard for Israel, no standards for anyone else...

    israel has people as citizens from every nation on the planet..

    the rest of the 649/650th of the middle east?

    Arab PURITY is the standard...

  147. desert rat said...
    So, in the Story of "o" even Moshe Arens is a Jew hating Nazi that advocates for mass suicide by Israelis.

    When will the comedy end?

    Perhaps "o" is really just a Jihadi, creating a public mockery of Israelis and Judaism, both.

    Talk about rat on CRACK, he talks to himself and creates several personas, bashes Israel to no end, and now? calls me a Jihadist...


    gets weirder by the day..

    perhaps we have judged rat wrong, he aint a murderer...

    He Cliff Claven from Cheers...

    Ex-postal carrier, full of wisdom and though, enough to fill the head of a pin....


  148. Whit wrote:

    "The fact is that prior to the Intifadas, Palestinians enjoyed a much higher standard of living...

    ...They brought misery upon themselves..."

    Yes, and No. It takes two to tango and the Israelis and Palestinians have been involved in a mutually destructive death dance.

    It is a real dilemma. The Palestinians are locked up, oppressed, in a boot to head kinda thing with a superior more potent force, the Israelis. Yet the Israelis are no angels - they relentlessly pursue their own agenda, seek their own gain. The Palis continually lose at that game. They are outmatched and outwitted BUT they exist, penned up in ghettos with little to look forward to but revenge. They are both, the Israelis and Palestinians, architects of their own destruction.

  149. .
    You got to love it.

    You got one fruit that wants to blow up a rock and one nut with a split personality having one of his personas talking about another.


    I love this bar.


  150. Dennis Miller has a brilliant idea.

    He says that any small businessman who is forced to lay off employees due to Obama tax policies should go out into the company parking lot and fire the employees who have Obama bumper stickers on their cars.

  151. Ash: Yes, and No. It takes two to tango and the Israelis and Palestinians have been involved in a mutually destructive death dance.


    The Palestinians used suicide bombers, the Israelis build FENCES..

    There was a time when the Palestinians were successful in murder and Israel would level a suicide bomber's empty home, my to the anger of the world...

    Ash: It is a real dilemma. The Palestinians are locked up, oppressed, in a boot to head kinda thing with a superior more potent force, the Israelis.

    The Palestinians had all kinds of freedom UNTIL they started murdering Israelis on an hourly basis...

    ash: Yet the Israelis are no angels - they relentlessly pursue their own agenda, seek their own gain. The Palis continually lose at that game. They are outmatched and outwitted BUT they exist, penned up in ghettos with little to look forward to but revenge.

    The palestinians have been offered a state 4 times, they have turned it down... remember history not myth...

    ash: They are both, the Israelis and Palestinians, architects of their own destruction.


  152. Glad you get some enjoyment, Q.

    This is all about entertainment, mostly self entertaining, but if others can get a chuckle, all the better.

    Pity bob, locked out of the Echo Bar. All he can do, now, peek through the window. Perhaps that was not an unintended consequence of the policy change.

    What the good Admiral was also saying, whit, was that bombing Iran would just be the beginning, not the end of the troubles.
    It would be the start of a real war.

    There is no telling what the consequences of it would be.

    But that the Iranians would retaliate, a given.

  153. That there is little, nay any, reason for the US to go to war with Iran, also a given.

  154. iran is already at war with the USA

    they kill Americans on a daily basis...

    if people are to stupid to understand that, well they are too stupid.

    But if you listen to Iran, anytime in the last 32 years? they will tell you they are at war with us...

  155. Obviously the Story of "o" has no idea what war really entails.

    If it did, it would not call the relationship the US has with Iran a war.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    "o" is a happy fellow.

  156. Jamal Uddeen Waitakarie, a spokesman for Wearaloud, said he thought his products were “acceptable,” adding: “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” He described the suicide bomber headbands as “an identification of faith” and said: “I suppose suicide bombers wear them.


    A spokesman for City Police said: “We spoke at the event to raise awareness of we were doing to work with the Muslim community, and to raise awareness of fraud against hajj pilgrims.”

    The organisers of the event declined to comment.

    Terrorist Accessories

  157. As far as the Iranians killing Americans, "on a daily basis" goes, the falsehood of this statement can be found in the Story of "o".

    Tue Oct 26, 10:18:00 AM EDT

    Not one listing of an Iranian killing an American.

  158. The Islamic Republics that the United States has founded, two of the four most corrupt places in the whirled

    At the bottom of the 178 countries Somalia scored 1.1, just below Afghanistan and Myanmar (1.4) and Iraq (1.5).

    Yep, we're going to show the folks in the Islamic Arc how to "Westernize".

    Tasty pudding we serve up, aye?

  159. .
    At a Democratic fundraiser in Newton this month, offering what he called “a little bit of perspective from the Oval Office,’’ President Obama gave this diagnosis of the American political scene:

    “Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. And the country is scared.’’

    The smug condescension in this — we’re losing because voters are panicky and confused — is matched only by its apparent cluelessness. Does Obama really believe that demeaning ordinary Americans is the way to improve his party’s fortunes? Or that his dwindling job approval is due to the public’s weak grip on “facts and science’’ and not, say, to his own divisive and doctrinaire performance as president...

    Smug Democrats

    In the Quirkster'd Nine Circles of Hell, the Elists inhabit Circle Number 5 right between hypocrites and those who can't merge properly.


  160. Robert Rapier, and Sam Avro conduct an interview with the guy in charge of the Navy's transition to 50% Biofuels for the Fleet by 2020.

    Between the lines he makes it clear; there just isn't going to be enough oil. In fact, he hints that 2015 is looking pretty "shaky."


    It's short - Q length. :)

  161. .
    Ruf, my last post on the subject, while phrased as if I was joking was more or less serious.

    Some of the articles I've seen lately do make me nervous.

    I don't need that at my age.


  162. Oh! I have been meaning to ask what is your age?

  163. .
    I've been wondering about your age too but I was raised in a time when it was impolite to ask.



  164. Oh, I see. But it is okay to indirectly ask about someone's weight as you so nicely put it, "Would you consider yourself a fit women."

  165. .
    Actually, it had more to do with athleticism and aura than being fat.

    It was a reference to the post directly above it.

    My attempt at being cute.

    As usual, not a very good one.


    As far as my age, I'm old enoigh to be your father (and I wouldn't have let you wear the miniskirt either).

    I Was a Highwayman


  166. .


    (Never, know when Trish may look in.)


  167. "It was a reference to the post directly above it.

    My attempt at being cute."


    Except I got your joke. You didn't get mine.

  168. .
    All women are a mystery to me.

    Anything I do know about them has been learned strictly in self defense.


  169. .
    But I don't consider the 'mystery' a bad thing.

    For my entire life I've found women much more interesting than men.

    At parties, I may joke around with the guys for a while but by the end of the night I'm always sitting with the ladies. Give them a drink, search around for a subject to get them going, and then sit back and enjoy.

    My wife, my daughters, and my sisters are some of the funniest people I know once you have them rolling.

    My nephew's wedding is this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it for just that reason.

