Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dying Because a Fool Smuggles Crocodile on a Plane

Let L-410 Turbolet

Aircraft crashes after crocodile on board escapes and sparks panic
A small airliner crashed into a house, killing a British pilot and 19 others after a crocodile smuggled into the aircraft in a sports bag escaped and started a panic.

Published: 5:53PM BST 21 Oct 2010

One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag Photo: AP
The plane came down despite no apparent mechanical problems during an internal flight in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It has now emerged that the crash was caused by the concealed reptile escaping and causing a stampede in the cabin, throwing the aircraft off-balance.

A lone survivor apparently relayed the bizarre tale to investigators.

The crocodile survived the crash, only to be dispatched with a blow from a machete.

Danny Philemotte, the Dutch pilot and 62-year-old owner of the plane's operator, Filair, struggled in vain with the controls, with Chris Wilson, his 39-year-old First Officer from Shurdington, near Cheltenham, Glocs.

The plane was on a routine flight from the capital, Kinshasa, to the regional airport at Bandundu when the incident unfolded, on August 25.

It crashed into a house just a few hundred feet from its destination. The occupants of the property were outside at the time.

According to the inquiry report and the testimony of the only survivor, the crash happened because of a panic sparked by the escape of a crocodile hidden in a sports bag.

One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag, from which the reptile escaped as the plane began its descent into Bandundu.

A report of the incident said: "The terrified air hostess hurried towards the cockpit, followed by the passengers."
The plane was then sent off-balance "despite the desperate efforts of the pilot", said the report.

The plane was a Czech-made Let L-410 Turbolet, one of more than 1,100 produced as short-range transport aircraft and used mainly for passenger services.


  1. Man driving down road.
    Woman driving up same road.

    They pass each other.
    The woman yells out the window, PIG!

    Man yells out window, BITCH!
    Man rounds next curve.

    Man crashes into a HUGE PIG in middle of road!

    Thought For the Day: If men would just listen.

  2. :)

    if he hadn't been a "Jack" follower it might have worked out better.

  3. Step Away From The Alligator One Armed Man! « The Friggin Loon

    Sometimes being a friggin do gooder just doesn’t pay.Take for instance Alexander Alcantare, he lost an arm after falling on an electric fence trying to rescue some baby birds and now he nearly lost the other one trying to save a pissed off alligator with an arrow in its head.Sheez, some people.

    The latest drama involved a alligator which was obviously injured in water near his Miami home. Alcantare thought he could trap it and then get it some medical attention. Hmm, the whole plan backfired when the guy who was helping him got scared, let go of the rope and kaboom, arm in mouth.

    Oh and the saga only gets worse after Alcantare rang police, not only did he get fined for being in possession of the alligator, the bastards friggin euthanized the reptile because the fool got bit. Another Chicken Soup For The Soul fail!

  4. 99. buddy larsen
    Obama has turned everyone in the country into the Guy Who Went Fishin’.

    The guy who Saturday morning got up early, dressed quietly, made lunch, slipped quietly into the garage, hooked the bass boat up to the truck, backed out into a torrential downpour, changed his mind, pulled back into the garage, went back into the house, quietly doffed his clothes, slipped back into bed, cuddled up to his sleeping wife and whispered:
    “Weather out there is terrible.”

    And she mumbles
    “Mmm…and can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?”

  5. Dying 7 Year Old Girl Taunted By Neighbors In Trenton

    Well That’s Justice!
    Well there is a god.
    Remember Jennifer Petkov the woman who taunted a dying 7 year old girl on Facebook? Well guess who has just lost custody of her children?
    Hmm, as you sow so shall you reap. The children will be moving in with their father until further notice.

    (is father the coffin builder?)

  6. Welcome to a World Gone Mad

    "A cafe owner in England has been ordered to remove an extractor fan because…wait for it…the smell of bacon offends Muslims. Beverley Akciecek who owns the cafe said she has had the fan for three years and has never had any complaints.
    Ironically her hubby is a Turkish Muslim.
    Welcome to Nanny State."

    ...more like Dhimmi State.

  7. Get that friggin thing away from me!

    WTF is that? Jeremy Wade, the extreme angler and star of River Monsters, has managed to hook a 5ft long Goliath Tigerfish in the Congo. Everybody, feet up!!!!

    Sheez, move over piranha, this friggin 32 toothed beast has been known to chew on humans and crocs.

    After netting the nasty assed fish, Wade returned the friggin thing back to the river (WTF were you thinking?) . Note to self…never, ever, skinny dip in the Congo!
    Psst Oh and if you wondering what he used for bait, it was a catfish!

  8. ...and now we know why Doug should not watch videos.

  9. EPA: Outreach critical to mitigate E15 misuse

    Following its Oct. 13 decision to allow E15 to be used in 2007 and newer vehicles, the EPA said consumer outreach will be critical to prevent misfueling and ethanol producers will be expected to lead education programs. “The potential for E15 misfueling incidents exists because consumers tend to choose the lowest priced fuel, and E15 may cost less than E10 since ethanol currently tends to be less expensive than gasoline,” the agency stated in its proposed E15 label rule.

    Ethanol producers, refiners, automobile and engine manufacturers, fuel distributors and state and federal government agencies will be expected to participate in an industry-led education and outreach effort, the agency stated. Possible programs could include creating a central clearinghouse to answer technical questions related to E15, promoting best practices and developing educational materials for the public. The EPA said it has also received suggestions to create an informational website that would warn consumers of the potential impacts of E15 on older vehicles and other unapproved vehicles, such as motorcycles and heavy-duty trucks. If a website is created, it was suggested the address should be printed on E15 labels.

    The EPA’s proposed E15 label states that the fuel contains 15 percent ethanol maximum and that it should be used only in 2007 and newer light-duty vehicle models. The agency said it anticipates determining whether 2001 and newer vehicles will be allowed to use E15 before it finalizes the proposed labeling rule, therefore it also included a sample label stating that E15 should only be used in 2001 and newer vehicles.

  10. So as of now, the vast majority of the fleet cannot use 15% safely.
    Not good.

  11. Ford touts amazing fuel mileage in next Focus

    But former Ford partner Mazda today touted its own small, direct-injection, high-compression (14:1) engine that will power the Mazda2 in Japan, saying it gets 70.5 miles per gallon. The Mazda2, smaller than a Focus, is a corporate sibling of Ford's new Fiesta.

    The new 2-liter in the Focus is unlikely to come near that high number. Its compression ratio will be 12:1 and it is going into a heavier car -- but it shows the potential for these advanced, non-hybrid engines:

    The current 2011 Focus with a five-speed manual transmission gets 25 miles a gallon in the city, 35 mpg on the highway, government figures show.

    How do they get away with 14:1 compression ratio?
    Usta be impossible for a non-diesel.

  12. My nephew had an alligator. He kept it in his bathtub. The damn thing was cute at a button at 6 inches. Don't ask me what he did with it when he got too big to take care of.

  13. The vast majority of the fleet, doug, can run on E30, what you have in that E15 story is misinformation.
    Only diesel fueled vehicles cannot.

    Just so you know.

  14. Anyone in the US can sue anyone else that they want to. That some would sue fuel distributors for 'mislabeling', to be expected, whether or not any actual damage was done to a vehicle.

    Just as McDonalds was sued, and lost, for serving hot coffee.

  15. Another example of how Islam is not monolithic, nor the driver of the violence in and across the Islamic Arc.

    A fight for political power, draped in religious robes does not make it a religious battle. We must rip off the camouflage to see the reality of a classic fight for political power.

    CNN International -

    By the CNN Wire Staff Islamabad, Pakistan(CNN) -- Bombings rippled through northwestern Pakistan Friday, killing six soldiers in the tribal region and two people outside a mosque in Peshawar, authorities said.

    Unless it was Christians that set those bombs, outside a mosque.

  16. We had a hunter take a shot at a Fish and Game chopper today, over the mountains. Hit it too. People are pissed about the elk.

  17. Presence Of Wolves Allows Aspen Recovery In Yellowstone

    ScienceDaily (July 31, 2007) — The wolves are back, and for the first time in more than 50 years, young aspen trees are growing again in the northern range of Yellowstone National Park.

    The findings of a new study, just published in Biological Conservation, show that a process called "the ecology of fear" is at work, a balance has been restored to an important natural ecosystem, and aspen trees are surviving elk browsing for the first time in decades.

    The research, done by forestry researchers at Oregon State University, supports theories about "trophic cascades" of ecological damage that can be caused when key predators -- in this case, wolves -- are removed from an ecosystem, and show that recovery is possible when the predators are returned. The results are especially encouraging for the health of America's first national park, but may also have implications for other areas of the West and other important predators.

    After an absence of 70 years, wolves were re-introduced to Yellowstone Park in 1995, and elk populations began a steady decline, cut in half over the past decade. Also, the presence of a natural predator appears to have altered the behavior of the remaining elk, which in their fear of wolves tend to avoid browsing in certain areas where they feel most vulnerable. The two factors together have caused a significant reduction in elk browsing on young aspen shoots, allowing them to survive to heights where some are now above the animal browsing level.

    "This is really exciting, and it's great news for Yellowstone," said William Ripple, a professor in the OSU College of Forestry. "We've seen some recovery of willows and cottonwood, but this is the first time we can document significant aspen growth, a tree species in decline all over the West. We've waited a long time to see this, but now we're optimistic that things may be on the right track."

  18. Bring back the wolves to Pennsylvania.

  19. Valley Forge Park Plans Huge Deer Kill

    VALLEY FORGE, Pa. - Valley Forge National Historical Park officials plan to begin killing more than 1,000 deer at the park over the next four years.

    The park wants to reduce a deer population now estimated at 1,277 to around 175. The sharp-shooting operations could start as early as next month.

    Opponents say the park is ignoring more humane options, like contraception.

    Officials at Valley Forge, site of the Continental Army's 1777-78 encampment, say the herd is gobbling so many plants, shrubs, and saplings that the forest cannot regenerate.

    "We believe we've reached a good scientifically-based effective decision to really address what has been an issue at Valley Forge for a number of years," says Superintendent Mike Caldwell of Valley Forge National Park.

    The shooting would be conducted by federal employees or contractors firing high-powered, silencer-equipped rifles, mostly at night. The deer will be lured to areas baited with apples and grain.

  20. White Tail Deer Damage

    Despite liberalized hunting regulations designed to reduce their numbers, whitetail deer continue to cause significant damage in Pennsylvania's state forests, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources said last week.

    A study last year by DCNR's Bureau of Forestry showed three quarters of the state's 2.1-million-acre state forest system have moderate or severe deer damage, with nearly half of surveyed areas showing no new growth at all.

    DCNR Secretary Michael DiBerardinis called the study results ''troubling'' and said they provide a strong warning against efforts to increase the size of the state's deer herd.

    ''It would be premature to draw any conclusions that would support an increased deer herd, even in areas where we observed relatively low-browse damage,'' DiBerardinis said. ''Across the entire state forest system, less than 25 percent of?plots showed desirable regeneration, and almost 45 percent of the plots lacked any new, woody growth.''

    The study indicates damage from deer browsing, or eating, young trees and other plants is most severe on state forest land in the Poconos and the ''Big Woods'' region of north central Pennsylvania. Deer damage is least severe in the southcentral region.

    The study began with field surveys last spring on 41,657 study plots across nearly 90 percent of the state forest system. In addition to gathering general information about forest regeneration and the amount of deer browsing in each area, foresters also compiled details on the types and percentages of woody plants being browsed. DCNR officials then used the data to create a ranking system of the deer's preferred foods.

    The top 10 choices on the 45-plant list include greenbriar, black gum, hawthorn, white oak, aspen, elderberry, red oak, winterberry, sassafras and chestnut oak. The five least desirable plants were teaberry, spruce, sweet fern, barberry and mountain laurel.

  21. 3 people killed in small plane crash in Agua Dulce; 3 horses also killed [Updated]

    Cirrus SR-22s are equipped with a large parachute that will slow the plane and lower it to the ground in case of emergency, but it was not reported Thursday evening whether the chute had been used.

    Two of the horses were killed by flying debris and a third had to be euthanized because of serious injuries. Another horse was hurt but is expected to survive, according to Los Angeles County coroner’s officials.

    Agua Dulce, which is known for the Vasquez Rocks Natural Area, is north of Santa Clarita and about 45 miles from Los Angeles.

  22. To shoot at people, because of elk, just shows the misplaced priorities of the folks in Idaho.

    Putting animals above people!

    Shame on Idaho hunters, if the miscreant that attacked that Fish & Game helicopter is not surrendered to authorities.

    It is a story that shows a corruption of society, worse than allowing rapists to roam freely amongst the people.

  23. The elk herds of Idaho had grown unnaturally large. Out of balance with the natural nature of things.

    God bless the people of the Idaho Fish & Game Department.

    Fuck those that would use those people as targets, or would even benignly encourage such a thing.

  24. If the government did not insist on government shooters for deer control, deer control could easily be achieved by free citizens.

    ...if the government were to free citizens.

  25. If only people were free to arm bears!

  26. Large elk herds only are a benefit to lazy hunters.

    They do not benefit the ecosystem.

    They are not a natural occurrence, but one created by man's interference in God's natural selection process.

    To shoot at the Game & Fish personnel, revolutionaries in the woods!

  27. WSJ contends 1 pilot cockpits in future jetliners would not be a problem.

    Maybe air travelers should have a voice in making that decision?

  28. another comment by our resident Israel hater/Jew hater on why Islam is great...

    desert rat said...
    Another example of how Islam is not monolithic, nor the driver of the violence in and across the Islamic Arc.

    Notice how he asks and answers his own argument that no one else makes about "monolithic" nature of Islam?

    The Bar has long recognized that Islamic peoples regularly murder one another as easily as they wipe their asses with the correct left hand...

    The peoples of Islam have always been violent, this does stem from the the Islamic people Arab (Ishmael) violent nature/culture.

    To somehow excuse the 100,000's of islamic terrorist acts that have occurred as sectarian misses the point..

    Islam preaches and teaches JIHAD, Jihad against the infidel, Jihad against the fellow Molsem that doesnt live up to the standard of the minute...

    Rat loves to find anything that will make Islam look better than what it is... A 7th century death cult.

    Let's all remember that RAT hates Israel and Jews with all his fiber, and never let's a tread go by without trying to make an excuse of why his actual people, the moslems, are really Capt Kangeroo and how America and Israel are really intolerant.

    I wonder how the families of the people Rat murdered in Central America (Self confessed many times) feel that a person of such low morals is allowed to walk free?

    Life aint fair... we all know that...

    The good die young and the mean, murderous jew haters sometimes die old...

  29. Everyone already knows that "b" is a sociopathic revolutionary.
    ...or a pathetic sociopath.

  30. The passengers always have a say, doug.

    To not fly if they do not feel safe.

    For the Government to dictate the number of pilots in private aircraft, why that is Socialism!

    It just drives up the costs of putting those planes in the air. Technology, auto-pilots, makes the second pilot redundant and obsolete.

    Like a "fireman" on a train.

    The regulations that require co-pilots are just Federal "feather bedding".

  31. We should free the airlines from excessive Federal regulation and "feather bedding"!

  32. "To somehow excuse the 100,000's of islamic terrorist acts that have occurred as sectarian misses the point..

    Islam preaches and teaches JIHAD, Jihad against the infidel, Jihad against the fellow Molsem that doesnt live up to the standard of the minute...

    Thanks, WIO, I couldn't figure out the point of that post.

    Are we to achieve enlightenment by "recognizing" that Islam does not represent a threat?

  33. Does the 'Rat dismiss the threat inherent in Islamic Jihad?

  34. Rat reminds me a lot of Obama. He thinks he is an expert at everything. Now it's Idaho's elk population.

    I have bowhunted elk for years in Idaho, and taken a few. But it wasn't because there were too many of them.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. No, the point is that 100,000 terrorists do not provide cause for an indictment of 1.2 billion people.

    Any more than the terrorist tactics of Irgun and the Lehi was not cause to indict all Jews in the world.

    Just the specific terrorists.

  37. I did not say there were "to many" elk, gag, just that the numbers were out of God's natural balance.

    This is quite evident, when the wolves were reintroduced, the elk population declined to the more natural level.

    A population level that caused disgruntled hunters to attempt the murder of Game & Fish personnel.

    Revolutionary terrorism in Idaho is now the order of the day. Exemplified by armed attacks on government personnel.

  38. lol...

    What comparisons...

    the Irgun...


    Rat you are a fucktard....

    100,000's of thousands of terrorist attacks in every city in the world, thousands of mosques preaching Jihad and you can ONLY comeup with ONE tiny group of Jews in ONE specific place at ONE specific time as your comparison?

    rat your a nitwit.

  39. Rat says:
    Just the specific terrorists.

    Yep, that's what you are...

    a specific terrorist in central america...

    not an indictment of America...

    BUT OF YOU..

  40. Not at all.

    The Story of "o" is filled with inconsistencies and holes of logic.

    When these are addressed the author of the Story of "o" retreats to libel and misdirection.

    Every time.

    The Story of "o" rages against the Romans of 72AD, but refuses to address the slaughter of 700 Jews at Ein-Gedi by their Sicarii brethren that occurred contemporaneously with the siege at Masada.

    Currently it rages against modern terrorism, except when it is carried out by Jews.

    He refuses to acknowledge the similarities between the piracy and murder on the Achille Lauro and the Israeli piracy perpetrated upon Turkish shipping in the Mediterranean.

    When the two incidents of piracy and murder are equivalent.

  41. Wolves were re-introduced in the area at the insistance of bunny huggers inside the beltway who have more than likely never seen a wolf or an elk or even been to Idaho for that matter. It had nothing to do with the population.

    They think wolves are cute little puppies in some Disnesque way. Wolves are killing more cattle in the area than elk.

    Go back to something you are better at, like Jew baiting.

  42. Yet I do not indict all Jews, not even all Israeli, for the piracy and other acts of terrorism that the Government of Israel perpetrates in its foreign and domestic policies.

    Nor for the 43 years of war crimes that the Israeli government has performed while violating Article 4 of the Geneva Accords, in Gaza and Jerusalem.

  43. Wolves are part of God's dominion, he knows better than man how important they are, to his scheme of things.

  44. rat the jew hater says:

    He refuses to acknowledge the similarities between the piracy and murder on the Achille Lauro and the Israeli piracy perpetrated upon Turkish shipping in the Mediterranean.

    When the two incidents of piracy and murder are equivalent.

    crack, yep that is what rat is on...

  45. The discussion,, gag, revolves around attacks made upon State employees, over land and resource management policy differences.

    That those that disapprove of the reintroduction of the wolves held political power for decades, and lost it. That the response was armed aggression against Game & Fish personnel.
    Not political action.

    Are you defending the shooting of Game & Fish employees?

    Putting hunters and elk before both State workers and wolves?

  46. Go bait someone else, Rat. They don't even know if the incident even happened as they are investigating what a couple of lazy civil servants reported.

    In your spew, you mentioned too many elk, lazy hunters and cute little wolves, and now God. You are on a roll.

  47. E15 is 85% gasoline, and 15% Ethnol, Doug. Any car that can run on E10 (basically, any car made since 1978) will run just fine on E15, E20, or anything up to E30.

    Most cars do just fine on E50 (a few will get a check engine light because the O2 sensor thinks it's running too lean.

    This is all big-time, power politics from the Cattle/meat guys, and the oil companies, both of whom hate ethanol. Also, the small engine guys have built their engines so pitifully that the average guy can't just turn a screw and adjust the fuel mixture.

  48. I've had lots of disagreements with both the BLM and the Forest Service, have gone to Federal court to force the Federals to obey their own Laws, Rules and Regulations.

    But I have yet to shoot at their workers, because of those policy differences. Nor would I support anyone who did, shoot at them, overtly, covertly or benignly.

  49. Also, this administration has been pretty unsupportive of biofuels. It's totally "ate up" with "Global Warmeners" that have got it through their heads that everyone should, And Will, drive electric cars with a seventy, or eighty mile effective range, powered by Windmills.

    Most think E15 will be approved for all cars 2001, and up by the end of the year.

    It doesn't matter to thee, and me, though. We won't see any of it until "Blender Pumps" start showing up in our area. Very, very, very few retailers are going to go to the expense, and trouble of carrying both E10, and E15.

  50. I would not make excuses for those that shot at Fish & Game workers because of policy differences.

    The current powers that be see more benefit from wolves and aspen trees than they do from giant elk herds.

    Now one may dispute that perception or agree with it. Matters little to me what benefits the folk in Idaho decide to obtain from the management of those Federal lands that the elk and wolves roam upon.

    But the land, the elk, the trees and the wolves are all the property of the State, either Federal or Idahoan.
    They are property of the social collective, and the management of those assets is political, not practical.

    Learn it, Live it, Love it.

  51. The fact that 63% of Idaho is Federal, well, that puts the bunny huggers that control DC large and in charge, in Idaho.

    Which is just how the big b wants it to be.

    He is getting the fruits of his land management policy preferences.

  52. Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up is the new mantra regarding wolves in those Western states where calves are getting killed by the hundreds.

    The Feds should concern themselves with more pressing issues, like taxing tanning bed users or regulating how loud a commerical can be. Suits them better.

  53. ;-)

    A better remedy than shooting at Game & Fish workers, gag.

    Those fellas never leave the road, anyway.

    Better still, privatize those Federal lands.

  54. This fella, Robert Fisher is wanted for the murder of his wife and children. His vehicle was found in the northern end of Pleasant Valley.
    Real rough country.

    There is a substantial reward for his capture, dead or alive.

    There are reports of an armed person fitting his description roaming that area. It would take a concerted effort to track that person and bring him in.

    The Scottsdale Police privately advised the SSS method, until a DNA match could be made. Just in case the fella that is in those canyons is not Robert Fisher.

    Ten years in that back country, that fella would be meaner than me, today. If it is him.

    More fun than hunting either elk or wolves, though.
    Maybe a tad more profitable, too.

  55. I am, gag, an expert on what I think God's intentions are.

    Each man's God is personal.

    Unless one believes that a church is needed to interpret God's will and intercede on their behalf.

    In which case there are others that get to interpret God's will, for you.
    I reject that notion, entirely.

  56. rufus said...
    E15 is 85% gasoline, and 15% Ethnol, Doug. Any car that can run on E10 (basically, any car made since 1978) will run just fine on E15, E20, or anything up to E30.

    Most cars do just fine on E50 (a few will get a check engine light because the O2 sensor thinks it's running too lean.

    This is all big-time, power politics from the Cattle/meat guys, and the oil companies, both of whom hate ethanol. Also, the small engine guys have built their engines so pitifully that the average guy can't just turn a screw and adjust the fuel mixture.

    Fri Oct 22, 09:27:00 AM EDT

    So it has nothing to do with ruining rubber tubes, seals and such?

  57. ...our 93 Ford Escort has a rubber connection between the filler tube and the gas tank.

    Which we have to replace 'cause it's leaking.

  58. You have to find the right church, Rat. The Bible encourages assembly, done in the right way. I disagree with the notion that each man's God is personal. There are not separate Gods, there is only one, according to the Bible, though He does encourage a personal relationship with Him, according to the Bible. That is why he made us, according to the Bible, for fellowship and communion, with Him.

    I will be glad to share those Scriptural truths with you, if you wish.

  59. That probably doesn't have anything to do with the fuel, Doug. I just had to replace the cap on my brake fluid reservoir. The rubber was bad. I guess, sometimes they just get a bad batch of rubber. All 93 Fords are supposed to have ethanol-compatible rubber, and seals.

  60. desert rat said...
    I am, gag, an expert on what I think God's intentions are.

    Each man's God is personal.

    Unless one believes that a church is needed to interpret God's will and intercede on their behalf.

    In which case there are others that get to interpret God's will, for you.
    I reject that notion, entirely.

    Rat believes in nothing but himself and what he wants to believe when it suits his argument.

    He equates a Civilian, in a wheelchair, who is 75, unarmed and in no way shape or form a combatant, simply chosen to DIE by being dumped into the sea because he was a JEW as the SAME thing as the DEATHS of 9 armed islamic SELF CONFESSED MARYTR WANNABES (by their own in advance videos) using a ship to RUN a MILITARY BLOCKADE OF GAZA to bring AID and SUPPORT to a TERROR Group (as defined by even OUR CURRENT GOVERNMENT)

    Rat is scum...

    And yes the issue aint the merits of his arguments.

    The issue is he is a Jew hating, Israel hating, western hating, apologist for Islam.

    IF he tells us the truth, he is also a murderer from the Ollie North days and has liquidated people in Central America and a "contract killer"


    Rat believe in G-d?


  61. Did I make my point?

    Yeah but you're wrong.

    Right, maybe, about the deer.

    The elk in the Lolo never caused any damage that I know of.

    We're going Yellastone, as she calls it, I'll check it out.

  62. I am, gag, an expert on what I think God's intentions are.

    Honest to "Jack".

  63. "The shooting would be conducted by federal employees or contractors firing high-powered, silencer-equipped rifles, mostly at night. The deer will be lured to areas baited with apples and grain."

    Sounds like the way we used to hunt in Maine growing up, minus the spotlight and beer.

  64. Each man's God is personal.

    Unless one believes that a church is needed to interpret God's will and intercede on their behalf.

    And what if the Inner Light turns into a Raging Fire?

    What then?

  65. Gag's right, even at their height the elk were plenty hard to find.

  66. Notice to any elk hunters headed to Idaho this year, remember to bring a good camera.

    That will always get some use.
