Monday, October 11, 2010

David Cameron Admits .Aid worker Linda Norwood Killed by American Grenade not insurgants


  1. Daughter is into three weeks of the English saddle next week. It's getting cold, and I'm heading north, to hang with my daughter, read some books and speak with Miss Marion.

    I'm taking her (daughter) to the big salmon and trout feed at the Hagedone's Resort.

    Life can be good, sometimes, when you are an old dude, have a lovely daughter, and a good horse teacher.

    I bet we have a little snow soon.


  2. The funny thing?

    She was KIDNAPPED...

    ALL the blame goes to the Islamic terrorists that KIDNAPPED HER...

  3. As for the previous thread: I think ol' Ambrosia is overthinking the whole deal just a little bit. The Fed is trying to force the Nation's (and, the world's) investors to invest in "business," and not U.S. Securities. They're, also, trying to force a little inflation.

    A reasonable thing to do in light of $1.3 Trillion surpluses, I believe (of course, I'm not saying that $1.3 Trillion surpluses are "reasonable - just that we have them, and decisions have to be made.)

  4. The Geneva Convention is clear.

    If you are a terrorist or an army, and you surround yourself with kids, women and old men, it's YOUR fault if any are killed, killing you.

    One standard for all...

    The Islamic barbarians that have declared war on the world must be not be "talked" to, they need to be killed. This should never be put off due to "collateral damage" or whether "innocents" will die or not.

  5. .

    Obama was on TV today pushing for an expansion of infrastructure spending.

    He looked and sounded good.

    It obviously would have been a lot better if some of the initiatives he has started pushing in the last couple months had been pushed a year or 18 months ago.


  6. The Geneva Accords are clear as to the rules regarding occupations. When those Conventions are ignored, those that are occupying the land, in violation of the Accords, have nothing to complain about, when their people are killed.

    The Equivalency Standard.
    Shit Happens.

  7. .
    ...Social Security was the primary source of income for 64 percent of retirees who got benefits in 2008, according to the Social Security Administration. A third relied on Social Security for at least 90 percent of their income.

    A little more than 58.7 million people receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income. The average Social Security benefit is about $1,072 a month.

    Social Security recipients got a one-time bonus payment of $250 in the spring of 2009 as part of the government's massive economic recovery package. President Barack Obama lobbied for another one last fall when it became clear seniors wouldn't get an increase in monthly benefit payments in 2010...

    Social Security


  8. .
    Bob once again provides anecdotal evidence in support of the original derivation of the word lunatic.

    Ya just gotta limit how much time you spend looking at that damn moon Bobbo.

    Enjoy the trip to...

    Whoops, it's gone.

    Enjoy the trip to wherever you were going.


  9. .
    When WiO and rat agree that "shit happens", I would assume we can all agree that shit happens.

    I agree with WiO that the bulk (probably all) of the blame for the death goes to the kidnappers.

    However, while I'm amittedly no military expect, strictly on common sense grounds throwing grenades while trying to save a hostage sounds a little counterintuitive.


  10. OK Deuce, you'
    re the boss.

    I'll be gone tomorrow.

    But Rat pisses me off.

  11. .
    I'll be gone tomorrow.

    You'll be gone where?

    For that matter, where are you right now Bobbo?


  12. A group of people like the Jewish people are, that have suffered so much, so much, that have put up with everything, that have contributed so much, to so many, and many that I have known personally, my lawyer, my savior, my financier, my father's partner, it just pisses me off, big time, and I can't help it, gaddammit it. What a great group of people!

  13. I is in Lewiston, Idaho, thinking about what a great group of people the Jews are, going to Couer d' Alene tomorrow, to see the daughter, and drinking a little wine.

    O Quirk, my friend.

  14. You bastard.

  15. Initial reports were that one of the kidnappers suicided and both the kidnapper and kidnapped aid worker died in that blast.

    Initial reports are often wrong, as Mr Rumsfeld often told US.

    That the criminal element that kidnapped the aid worker is responsible for the crime of kidnapping, well, that goes without saying. That they could be charged for the death of the victim, in the commission of their crime, true in the US.

    Whether or not they could be held responsible in an Afghan court, not something I am familiar with.

    Is the death of a kidnap victim, during the commission of that felony, as serious a crime as converting to Christianity, in Afghanistan?

    I do know that conversion to Christianity is a death penalty offense, there in Afghanistan. The only defense that has been held viable, pleading insanity.

    Were the grenades used by US troops concussion grenades, flash bangs, or were they fragmentation grenades? That would be pertinent in the after action debriefing, I'm sure.

    Were the kidnappers operating as part of a military force, or were they just criminals?

    What with the President of Afghanistan, an Islamic Republic that was established by the US, in discussions with the Taliban it is obvious that being a Talibanista is not, in and of itself, a crime.

    Not in Afghanistan anyway.

  16. Why in the whirled would bob from Moscow, the capital of communist ideology during the 20th century, bring the Jewish religion into the discussion?

    No one else has.

    Who is this "Rat" he is speaking of?

    Is he someone that harvests and sells body parts like they were tomatoes off the vine?

  17. They have continued their way of life, for generations, have contributed to every thing, have suffered, and have lasted.

    What a good people they are, the Jewish people.

  18. Karzai drew a sharp line between Taliban that should be rehabilitated into Afghanistan society, and members of Al Qaeda or other groups who "cannot be accepted."

    The Taliban, those of whom who are Afghans and the sons of Afghans soil who have been driven to violence by various factors beyond their control... we want them to come back to their country.They are like kids who have run away ... from the family.

    But those who are a part of Al Qaeda and the other terrorist networks who are ideologically against us or who are working against Afghanistan knowingly and out of the purpose of hatred and enmity - those of course we have to work against.

  19. If you had your Jewish lawyer lend you $250,000 thousand dollars, you would appreciate it too.

    When you are begging.

    With no collateral.



    Cause he knew I was right.

  20. .
    You in the 'Red Lion', one of the bars, or stretched out under a tree in the town square waiting for the moon to come up?

    I'm just trying to re-calibrate the GPS coordinates on the satellite camera so we can keep an eye on you.

    By the way, Why are you in Lewiston when Moscow is only a few miles away? Freedom or fear?

    They had an article on Sandpoint in the 'Travel Section' of Sunday's paper. Looks like a nice place.


  21. The Fed announced last week that it plans to move ahead with $1.2 trillion dollars of debt monetization and there's hardly a peep about it in the media.

    I see one Canadian paper says all Americans will be billionaires by 2020.

    Hot diggety, dayum!

    I'm movin' to Beverlee.

  22. I am surprised rat hasn't tried to convince us that the aid worker was part of a heroin protection agency conspiracy run by our government again.

    Here's a little clip for rat to stroll down memory lane with

    it's just like crop dusting right rat?

    moulinyan is the word that is used isn't it??

  23. Poppy eradication is just like crop dusting.

    Defoliants are grand chemicals, as the US exemplified in Vietnam.

    Agent Orange the herbicide that was favored back in my era.

  24. If the US was concerned about poppy eradication, that is.

    Which it does not seem to be.
    No, the US having built the irrigation system for those poppies, now is protecting them. The Taliban having reduced poppy cultivation to record lows, during their period of control, in Afghanistan were taken out of that position.

    Power over the poppies transferred to the Brothers Karzai.

  25. U.S. now focused on getting rid of Taliban instead of opium crops ...
    Apr 8, 2010 ... A multimillion-dollar U.S. program that was started last fall to persuade ... last year to stop alienating Afghan farmers by eradicating poppy fields and to ... In Helmand, where half of Afghanistan's poppy is grown, ...

    While the Karzai government is negotiating with the Taliban.
    re:Mon Oct 11, 04:50:00 PM EDT

  26. Add it up and what do you get?

  27. You get some American kid doing twenty to life for heroin traficking.

    This deal is more corrupt than Vietnam.

  28. Dr Hiss said...
    The Geneva Accords are clear as to the rules regarding occupations. When those Conventions are ignored, those that are occupying the land, in violation of the Accords, have nothing to complain about, when their people are killed.

    The Equivalency Standard.
    Shit Happens.

    Dr Shit said:

    Well Dr Shit is a Jew hating Israel hating nazi and the Geneva Accords are not being used in one standard for all with Israel

    Nazis like Dr Shit apply one standard to Israel and none to anyone else..

    So his opinion on Israel?

    Is worthless...

  29. China occupies Tibet...

    Turkey occupies Cyprus

    There are many examples around the world of brutal occupations...

    Israel and Gaza aint one of them

    It's just the same bullshit...

    One standard for Israel and no standards for anyone else...

  30. Dr Hiss said...
    Why in the whirled would bob from Moscow, the capital of communist ideology during the 20th century, bring the Jewish religion into the discussion?

    No one else has.

    Who is this "Rat" he is speaking of?

    Is he someone that harvests and sells body parts like they were tomatoes off the vine?

    Dr Shit is Rat of course.... He is an antisemite...

    A nazi...

    A self confessed murderer...


    A troll...

    One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love...

  31. Wio, you're an idiot.

  32. The International Laws of Belligerent Occupation

    by Professor Francis Boyle
    Professor of International Law, University of Illinois

    Belligerent occupation is governed by The Hague Regulations of 1907, as well as by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and the customary laws of belligerent occupation. Security Council Resolution 1322 (2000), paragraph 3 continued: “Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and its responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in a Time of War of 12 August 1949;...” Again, the Security Council vote was 14 to 0, becoming obligatory international law.

    The Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the West Bank, to the Gaza Strip, and to the entire City of Jerusalem, in order to protect the Palestinians living there. The Palestinian People living in this Palestinian Land are “protected persons” within the meaning of the Fourth Geneva Convention. All of their rights are sacred under international law.

    There are 149 substantive articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that protect the rights of every one of these Palestinians living in occupied Palestine. The Israeli Government is currently violating, and has since 1967 been violating, almost each and every one of these sacred rights of the Palestinian People recognized by the Fourth Geneva Convention. Indeed, violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes.

    So this is not a symmetrical situation. As matters of fact and of law, the gross and repeated violations of Palestinian rights by the Israeli army and Israeli settlers living illegally in occupied Palestine constitute war crimes. Conversely, the Palestinian People are defending themselves and their Land and their Homes against Israeli war crimes and Israeli war criminals, both military and civilian.

  33. Mr. Cameron added:

    General Petraeus has since told me that review has revealed evidence to indicate that Linda may not have died at the hands of her captors as originally believed. That evidence and subsequent interviews with the personnel involved suggest that Linda could have died as a result of a grenade detonated by the task force during the assault.


    The statement added:

    Initial reports indicated the explosion was caused by a detonation triggered by one of the captors who was in close proximity to Linda Norgrove. Subsequent review of surveillance footage and discussions with members of the rescue team do not conclusively determine the cause of her death.


    The newspaper added:

    It was agreed that U.S., rather than British, special forces, should be involved because the Americans knew the area better. Asked if he had considered using British special forces to rescue Norgrove, the prime minister said: “Of course I asked a huge number of questions.”

    Captive in Afghanistan

  34. Mustard Gas attack on the Red Cross

    "Defoliants are grand chemicals, as the US exemplified in Vietnam.

    Agent Orange the herbicide that was favored back in my era."

    why do you hate America so much?? Your country of origin seems to be heading towards fascism, maybe it would be a good time to move back, no?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. .
    Google thinking Big and Broad.

    Offshore Wind Power Line Wins Praise, and Backing

    WASHINGTON — Google and a New York financial firm have each agreed to invest heavily in a proposed $5 billion transmission backbone for future offshore wind farms along the Atlantic Seaboard that could ultimately transform the region’s electrical map.

    The 350-mile underwater spine, which could remove some critical obstacles to wind power development, has stirred excitement among investors, government officials and environmentalists who have been briefed on it...

    The concept being developed by Google and its partners and laid out in this article is interesting.

    However, what I also found interesting was the political battle between the East Coast states and those of the Great Plains over who will be allowed to build the transmission lines to power the expanded grid.

    Nearly all of the East Coast governors, Republican and Democratic, have spoken enthusiastically about coastal wind and have fought proposals for transmission lines from the other likely wind source, the Great Plains.

    “From Massachusetts down to Virginia, the governors have signed appeals to the Senate not to do anything that would lead to a high-voltage grid that would blanket the country and bring in wind from the Dakotas,” said James J. Hoecker, a former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, who now is part of a nonprofit group that represents transmission owners...

    Wind Power


  37. .
    Clash of Generations: The Old West Meets the Modern Suburbs

    Free-range cattle roam widely across the West, protected by centuries-old laws that give them the right of way while grazing and force landowners to fence them out. But as urban sprawl has extended into what used to be seemingly endless pasture land, cow-friendly open range laws are under fresh scrutiny, criticized as anachronistic throwbacks to the Wild West days before Interstate highways and tract homes.

    “People have been killed in collisions with large cows,” said Daniel Patterson, an Arizona state representative from Tucson who is pushing to scale back the rights given cows and their owners in his state. “We need to get rid of this antiquated law from the 19th century. It’s important for ranchers and other livestock owners to keep their cattle where they belong.”

    ...“A big black steer in the middle of the road in rural Arizona, you’re not going to see it,” said Mr. Patterson, the Arizona legislator. “Under open range, it’s your fault. There have been cases where the survivors have to pay not only for a funeral but for the dead cow.”


  38. The unequal application of the law by Dr Shit.

    The misapplication of the Geneva Convention by Dr Shit

    One Standard for Israel, none for anyone else, by Dr Shit.

    Dr Shit has a point, he is a Nazi.

  39. .
    Likely the beginning of a trend: Humanities on the way out

    Some colleges cutting humanities programs.

    That’s O.K. It’s not their job to value the humanities or even to understand them. But it is the job of presidents and chancellors to proclaim the value of liberal arts education loudly and often and at least try to make the powers that be understand what is being lost when traditions of culture and art that have been vital for hundreds and even thousands of years disappear from the academic scene. President Philip cries crocodile tears. Real tears are in order.

    To my mind, this is just one more step towards a coarser U.S. I blame it to a large degree on the progressives in the baby boom generation and the self-realization courses they pushed in the 60's and 70's. People just got tired of paying money for what appears to be 'basket-weaving' courses.


  40. rufus said...
    Wio, you're an idiot.


    But Dr Shit?

    A Jew hating Nazi troll...

    Someone who you defend all the time..

    hmmm that makes you a nitwit...

  41. Let name all the nations of the world that "occupy" lands in dispute (we all ready know about Israel)...

    let's see






    Now without going any further?

    How many resolutions have been about those nations as compared to Israel...

    almost ZERO..

    To quote the Geneva Convention against Israel and Ignore every other nation in the world, that actually OCCUPIES other people's lands, is in fact anti-semetic.

    Gaza, a land that Egypt shares a main border with, is not occupied by Israel, the only Israeli citizen that lives in Gaza is a kidnap victim.

    Egypt is the historic holder of Gaza and has an closure on it's border and yet Dr Shit and his trolls never call Egypt an occupier...

    There is no nation called "gaza".

    The people of Gaza are in fact Egyptians.

    They may call themselves "Palestinians"

    But there is no "P" in arabic....


    Gaza needs to be taken over by Egypt.



    Dr Shit? Is a true criminal calling the kettle black.

    Panama Ed, Desert Rat aka Dr Hiss?

    Jew hating Nazi troll...

  42. WiO is a good guy, one of my favorites around here.

    Where are Trish and Melody?

    Where is our lady from Seattle?

    Where have all the girls gone?

    Did I scare them away?

    Or was it Quirk, most likely.

  43. Dr Shit squats in AZ, maybe his standard for those who "occupy" others lands is held to him...

    AZ is America to me, but not to millions of the Palestinians of Mexico.

    One can only hope that "SHIT" will happen to our self confessed murderer....

  44. Rat has never published an interest in bad things happening to "your" family, Wio. I consider such actions, coming from a grown man, to be beneath contempt.

  45. That doesn't even make any sense, Rufus.

  46. That was bob, fucked up again, with the anon.

    But I don't see how that makes any sense.

    At all.

  47. Day after day we listen to rabid bullshit from Rat.

    WiO fights back.

    Bless him for doing so.

  48. Wio wrote:

    One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love...

    Now, Bob, even as fucked up as you are you can't agree with that.

  49. rufus said...
    Wio wrote:

    One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love...

    Now, Bob, even as fucked up as you are you can't agree with that.

    Why not?

    Rat excuses the murder of Israelis and Jews on a DAILY basis...

    Why should I not hope that his own is touched by the very people he defends on an hourly basis.

    What Rufus, you dont respect Islamic LOVE?


    Is there something WRONG with the way Islam treats it's women?


    Night I suggest that Rat is infact a troll, a Jew hating nazi...

    So Karma baby...


  50. rufus said...
    Rat has never published an interest in bad things happening to "your" family, Wio. I consider such actions, coming from a grown man, to be beneath contempt.

    Sure he has....

    My FAMILY is just extended a tad bit bigger than you or Rat can understand..

    Rat is evil.

    And as HE judges Jews he deems it ok for them to be picked off like bugs.

    I stated "One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love..."

    It's YOU that is projecting anything BAD about Islamic LOVE...


    I said "nice moslem guy" "treat her with islamic love"

    maybe the elephant aint at the bar, it's in the ROOM...

    Islam (and it's defenders ((rat)) ) is evil...

    You KNOW it, we KNOW it and Rat defends it...

  51. The Elephant Bar - Home to the Crazed, and the Feeble-minded.


  52. Rufus has his panties in a knot cause I wished for Rat's daughter to marry a NICE MOSLEM GUY who would give her some Islamic LOVE...


    Rufus takes that as a death threat...

    But Rufus is silent to every post that Rat posts with his anti-jew name of Dr Hiss...

    Rufus, your a hypocrite.

    One standard for all

    Not just one standard for me...

    Rat holds Israel to a standard of behavior that no other nation is held to.

    Rufus holds ME to a standard that no one else is held to...


  53. rufus said...
    The Elephant Bar - Home to the Crazed, and the Feeble-minded.


    Looking in the mirror so early in the morning ruf?

  54. If My "extended family" was "being attacked, and picked off" I would pick up a rifle, and go help out.

  55. Every time that Rat uses the "handle" Dr Hiss, it shows he is a jew baiting troll...

    and no one objects.

    I do.

    Rat is Jew baiting.

    If the people here will not say anything about it and allow the rat bastard to post without comment? I will

    I will not stand by quietly as a Nazi, and I dont use that term lightly, posts here using a Jew baiting name.

    When the Rat Bastard was "desert rat" and did not comment on all things Israel or jewish i said nothing. When the Rat Bastard would comment about his favorite subject, how delegitimize Israel I will expose him for being the self confessed murderer that he is...

    Now he posts using a new handle.

    Everything he says needs to be exposed for the rat bastard that he is.....

  56. rufus said...
    If My "extended family" was "being attacked, and picked off" I would pick up a rifle, and go help out.

    Good for you!

    Go have some eggs and toast and pat yourself on the back.

  57. .
    Why should I not hope that his own is touched by the very people he defends on an hourly basis.

    You want to bitch and complain about rat it's fine with me, but I I have to agree with Rufus with regard to bringing family in to this.

    You are one sick puppy, no doubt about it.


  58. opec says oil demand is up, up 6% last month and are going higher

  59. quirk...

    You want to bitch and complain about rat it's fine with me, but I I have to agree with Rufus with regard to bringing family in to this.

    You are one sick puppy, no doubt about it.

    What did i write that was bad?

    Do you have a bias against islam?

    I think you are projecting....

    Read what I wrote not what you project what I wrote...

    I said of Rat: One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love...

    quirk, what are you saying?????

    be honest....

    what is WRONG with: One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love...

    go on tell us....

    Rat tells us all the time that Islam is a great faith

    please explain yourself...

    why am I a sick puppy?????

    "One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love..."

    what is hateful about that statement, unless....

    Rat is the evil troll I say and Islam and it's jew murdering faith IS as evil as I claim...

    then am I really a sick puppy????

  60. .
    please explain yourself...

    This isn't the first time you've brought rat's family into the discussion. And you were called on it the last time.

    It's the same with the rat. I've called him out a couple times when he has done the same thing. So have others here.

    Yea, I call it sick when you have to stoop to bringing in another bloggers family into a personal fued.

    You two want to bitch and complain about each other that's fine. Nobody really gives a shit.

    Rat's still complaining about being censored by the management.

    You complain about no one challenging rat. That's true. We also don't challenge you. Why should we? It's a waste of time.

    When I first came to the blog, you were both challenged all the time. How many times and in how many ways can you you repeat the same shit.

    Both of you assholes are obsessed. Don't ask the rest of us to act as enablers for you. Also, don't ask us to ignore it when you act like a prick.


  61. .
    And your fucking hypocritical bullshit about "Aw gosh, what did I say. You must be projecting" is as pathetic as the rat saying "Aw gosh, I didn't say anything about the girl, it was all about the farmer."

    You don't even have the guts to come out and admit that you are only bringing rat's family into this as one more step in escalating the fued.

    You guys make me sick.


  62. Quirk...

    Got your panties in a knot have ya?

    to bad...

    I may be an asshole, but Rat is a Nazi.

    And again, all I said was ""One can only pray that someday his daughter marrying a nice moslem guy who will treat her with islamic love..."

    It's you who ignores the true evil shit here...

    Do so at your own peril.

    Calling me an asshole?

    I can live with that, I dont take offense even if you were trying to offend me...

  63. Quirk,

    Funny thing?

    You have moral relativism here...

    All I do here is shine a mirror up Rat's asshole and you think the two are equal...

    No Rat's ass is evil, my shining the light up it for the world to see is unseemly, not the same thing...

    But that goes over your head...

    So tolerate Rat's evil bullshit and I'll still point it out and gain the distain of moral upright people like you and Rufus...

    Now that's a standard to low to crawl under...

  64. Quirk: You don't even have the guts to come out and admit that you are only bringing rat's family into this as one more step in escalating the fued.


    and you dont have the gut to call Rat out for "dr Hiss"

    As for "escalating" that's more cycle of violence bullshit...

    Moral relativism

    Or as I like to call it...


    Rat is a self confessed murderer.

    Rat defends Islam as a faith of PEACE.

    Rat advocates the murder of Jews.

    Rat uses a "name" that is Jew baiting and you are silent..

    so a nice big FUCK you this am to you quirk!

    Enjoy it...

    Fuck you!


    Now go out there tiger and kiss some ass....

    Take a towel to wipe your lips

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