Thursday, September 16, 2010

Heidi Montag, another reason to go to Costa Rica

hat tip: Daily Mail

I actually saw the story on Drudge of the lovely Michelle hating her job as first lady. That does not surprise me. However I did get diverted by a real lovely, Heidi Montag. She has very lovely hands, does she not?


  1. Just a minor detail, she shouldn't be bending her knees, my aunt could bend over and touch her toes with the legs rigid up until her seventies. But she sure is lovely.

  2. I actually saw the story on Drudge of the lovely Michelle hating her job as first lady

    And we hate for her to be doing the job.

  3. Anyone who can't touch their toes without bending their knees really isn't all that.

  4. Nonsense.

    I think she is doing just fine.


  5. Maybe if she didn't have all those physical alterations she wouldn't have trouble bending over.

  6. Definitely fuckable.

    Oh, wait . . . . . wrong thread?



  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Maybe if she didn't have all those physical alterations she wouldn't have trouble bending over.


    Why is it the good looking girls that are the most catty?


  9. Talking to my engineer this morning we got on the topic of our prostates. He doesn't really have any trouble with his, but on the way out from his exam his doctor wrote him a prescription on one of those official prescription forms "Have sex three times a week for prostate health".

    Give that to your wife, he says.

    He did.

    "Did it work", asks I.

    "For awhile".

  10. Why is it the good looking girls that are the most catty?

    They aren't, there are lots of kinds of beauty, and lots of kinds of girls. You just never grew up from your beach party blanket days.

  11. Well I do of course, judging by those legs.

  12. And the toes from earlier on.

  13. Your Government At Work, Rufus

    Breitbart strikes again. Squeeze put on lobbyist for $$$$, by democratic committee head. Audio clip.

  14. Who says I'm good looking?

    Good heavens.

    You get a compliment and now you are trolling for more.



  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I read somewhere that Christine O'Donnell has raised almost $1 Million.

    I think the Senate might get a whole lot "hotter."

  17. I also noticed the horrible tan lines, the red blotchy skin on the back of her legs, the light colored nail polish and the beastly black roots that surround those gorgeous blonde locks.

    She really should take better care of herself.

  18. Quirk everyone needs more of something. You need more sympathy. The government needs more money. Rufus needs to get laid. WiO needs glasses.

  19. Chris O'Donnell is kinda cute.

    That being said,

    O'Donnell Who?


  20. Einstein said:

    "More Sympathy = More Compliments"

    It's kind of symbiotic.


  21. but, but, Quirk, she's HOT, especially in that MTV bit where she talks about "lust in the heart" but you shouldn't masturbate.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I noticed most of the women in that video looked pretty darn good, Ash.

    Those darn Christians.

    Reminds me of laying around on the beaches in Lauderdale trying to sober up from the night before and having these cute little 'Jesus Freaks' come up to you and try to convert you, or get you to accept Jesus into your heart, or maybe get you to come to one of their 'meetings' that night.

    If it wasn't that the bars along the beach were filled with cute little 'non-Jesus Freaks' they might have gotten a few more converts.


  24. What have you got, a magnifying glass or something Mel?

    I ran the magnification on the page to 150% and she still looked pretty good.

    (The only thing that bothered me a little is that her calves look out of proportion to her thighs.

    Maybe it is just the camera angle.

    I am after all a leg man.



  25. Now you've got me looking for flaws Mel.

    That Seinfeld episode about 'man hands' keeps popping into my head.

    You are good.


  26. Now I see all the other photos I don't think she's much. Tits are too big for one thing. I bet her brain is a blank slate too, nothing written on it but the latest popular culture crap. Probably vain, unforgiving, bitchy, and a total slut.

    In short, she's no Sarah Palin.

  27. Yes, but all the things I mentioned make up the beauty of a women.


  28. Agreed. Hopefully they compliment that most important thing of all, the heart.

    I got to go to the accountant this afternoon now I got the figures from Jack the engineer. Since I'm dedicating park land I want a tax write off, the only good thing about this planning and zoning extortion racket the city is running.

    Unca Obama isn't getting any of my money this year, I think. Hope.

  29. And she has red spots on her elbows probably some kind of dermatitis, eczema or something.

  30. Why don't you take those boots off, and wiggle your toes a little?

  31. Could be some Central American fungus.

    How much you think she got paid for this photo shoot? A couple hundred bucks?

  32. Maybe about the cost of a day in Quirk's scream room.

  33. WiO:M, the difference between you an dI? I am a lesbian, I only noticed the beauty of the lady.

    If a man can be a lesbian then Palestine can be a nation.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Wake up Bob.

    Melody is playing with our minds.

    I said she is good.

    Don't fall for it.


  36. And, she's got pre-mature wrinkle lines on her forehead.

    In short, she needs one of those Philly total body makeovers along with some acupuncture to limber the limbs up. My standards are high though.

  37. Don't fall for it? Now you tell me?

  38. Christine O'Donnell just went over $1,000,000.00.

  39. And if you zoom in her nose looks kind of funky.

  40. Christine O'Donnell's nose looks funky?

  41. I got to take the wife to Cd'Alene a little later this afternoon, Quirk, then I got the house all to my own for 4 or 5 days. She's going to Bellingham to visit a friend. We were going to the football game, but no, friends first, football last. Least I'll have the Casino to keep me company.

    And if you zoom in her nose looks kind of funky.

    She'll a hell of a mess, let's admit it.

  42. Christine O'Donnell just went over $1,000,000.00.


    Maybe she will be able to pay her rent now.


  43. Rufus get with the program one post one topic.

  44. In the second photo down on the original post she's got some kind of line running under her top across her ribs. What the hell is that, a surgery scar?


  45. I notice before all this criticism started, Mel took down those pictures of her in Blogger.

    Kind of hard to criticize a pair of boots.

    Just saying.

    For instance, if she had one up in a plaid skirt, say, and maybe a white blouse...

    Well I just mean it would be easier to judge.


  46. Plus she's got too big an indentation tween her upper lip and her nose.

  47. I notice before all this criticism started, Mel took down those pictures of her in Blogger.

    She's had pictures in Blogger? Give me the link.

  48. Blogger changes everything to the last avatar picture even the old posts.

    Pretty shitty.

    I was hoping enough would be posted where I could organize a scrapbook or at least a calendar.


  49. How do you like this line, Quirk--

    ...and death twisted in my guts like a river, and I transformed into the evening star...

    No context needed, I'm really asking about 'death twisted in my guts like a river'---does that sound ok?

    Duty calls again.

  50. Three guys do lunch. Shit-for-brains, Dweeb-boy and Fatso have a great time. Three girls do lunch and Betty, Sue, and Mary have a nice chat.

    The $40 check arrives. The three guys each throw down a $20 and walk out. The girls whip out their calculators.

    This gal, Heidi doesn't do it for me. Looks like a souped-up stretched-out steroidal version of Brittany Spears, Jessica Simpson and Pamela Sue, with a little pouty LiLo thrown in. She's no Catherine Zeta Jones or Halle Barry or Harris Faulkner (CNN info babe) let alone Liz Taylor when she was young.

    And I say that as a straight person.


  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I have never posted any pictures of me except for my toes. And those are my boots.

  53. Seeing as the Catholic Issue and I are adorning the mast head lets explore the legal case against the Pope for the widespread sex abuse problems within the Church:

    "Criminal Charges

    Rape and molestation of children committed on a widespread and systematic scale could amount to crimes against humanity. Heads of state – which the Pope is – who fail to punish perpetrators or who protect them from justice could bear “command responsibility” under international law. The International Criminal Court takes cases where states are unwilling to investigate and genuinely prosecute their own nationals. The Pope, as “king” of the Vatican, will never prosecute himself. In addition, the Vatican never ratified the ICC treaty. However, Germany did, and the Pope is also a German citizen.

    Civil Liability - Suing the Pope:

    Sexually abusing a child is not only a crime, it is a tort, a civil wrong, for which the victim can sue to obtain financial compensation. In the case of the church, the direct perpetrator – the priest , who by definition has taken a vow of poverty – is unlikely to meet a damages award. Thus his employer, the bishop or diocese for which he works, can be held vicariously liable as a “joint tortfeasor.” In some cases, however, the diocese becomes unviable as a defendant by declaring bankruptcy, in which case the only one left with deep pockets is the Pope. But if the Pope is a head of state, he cannot be brought before a civil court. States, on the other hand, can be held civilly liable in the courts of several nations for acts resulting in negligence. Thus, there would be no bar to a civil action against the Vatican and its government (the Pope) if a causal connection could be plausibly alleged between negligence and Vatican directives – or lack of directives.

    State of the Vatican:

    The Vatican does not meet the definition of a state, and if he’s not head of a state, Benedict has no immunity from criminal or civil prosecution. Although it was granted sovereignty by the fascist Italian government of Benito Mussolini in 1929 in exchange for church and papal support, the grant of sovereignty was not pursuant to international treaty. Rather it was a unilateral declaration of one sovereign state through an agreement with a non-state entity. Erroneously called a treaty (the Lateran Treaty), which is between sovereign states, it should be called a concordat. The Lateran Treaty specifically said the Vatican was “a new creation,” not a vestige of the former papal states that ceased to exist in 1870. The Vatican does not qualify as a state under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) nor meet two of the four conditions for statehood in the Montevideo Convention of 1933. It has no permanent population (it’s 806 “citizens” are almost all clergy of various ranks employed by the Vatican or diplomats serving it abroad) and no real defined territory (it is a 44-hectare castle with some gardens and a church).

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. You people are Nuts.

    Did you see them Tits?

    Did you see that Ass?

    Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone?

  56. Hey, my name and a Catholic post sit right at the top of the main page. Wouldn't that suggest the proprietors desire more?

  57. If they desired more of anything I don't think it would be you sitting at the top of the page but rather someone on the lines of Heidi Montag.

  58. yet they got me up there - go figure?

  59. ---does that sound ok?

    Sounds good Bobbo.

    But we'll have to come up with some context if you're looking for commercial success.


  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Three guys do lunch. Shit-for-brains, Dweeb-boy and Fatso have a great time. Three girls do lunch and Betty, Sue, and Mary have a nice chat.

    My. My. My.

    Do I sense a little hostility here?

    Just get divorced CL? Or merely a recent bad experiance?


  62. No. Not at all.

    I'm out the door so I have to be short.

    Just intended as a humorous example of the gender divide. Men can be much better friends - possibly related to their ease of communication.

    Female communication can be a nightmare.

  63. Hot diggity, the wife just told me Green Acres is on TV again. You don't know what that means to me.

  64. Those earlier this year, with the striped leg warmers and the other one by the stairs with the shadows weren't you?


  65. CL, you got that one wrong. It's much easier to communicate with women.

    Why do I have a woman doctor and woman lawyer? Ease of communication is a big part of the reason.

    Try talkin' to Rufus sometime about your intimate problems. :)

    He'd just say fuck bob grow up, exactly what I don't want to hear!

    I want momma gdammit for two hundred an hour!

  66. How much for the info, Quirk? :)

  67. Couple days at the Scream Center?

    What I've heard embarrassing things about. I'd have to send one of my men over to negotiate.

  68. She denies it Bob.

    I must be wrong.



  69. I'd wouldn't a told anyways, just angling for a down payment, before the meet, trunk to trunk.

  70. Bob, anything you came up with would be thrown out of court.

    Ever heard of the term 'non compos mentis'?


  71. I don't have any idea what pictures you're talking about, I always tell the truth in the end. I was just trying to scam you, friend.

    In my world even relatives scam one another. :)

  72. You just like to look at their tits, Bob.

    Which is, absolutely, the best reason I can imagine for going to a Doctor, or a Lawyer. In fact, it's the only "good" reason I can come up with. :)

  73. non compost mentis?

    don't ring a bell

    And this from an ASTROLOGER

  74. There's that too Rufus, I admit.

    Kinda a composite of the romper room, the Oedipus complex, and pornography.

  75. I had to have a colonoscopy a couple of years ago. The first visit to the office I saw the PA who was a woman. She stared at my tits the whole time I was talking to her. She couldn't have cared less about my asshole.

    At first, I thought I was at the wrong doctors.

  76. Non compos mentis: this term can also be used metaphorically or figuratively; i.e. when one is in a confused state, intoxicated, or not of sound mind.

    That's like half the fucking population at one point or another.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I've been trying to talk my wife into such things, she's damn impossible. It might really get her one of these days, it pisses me off.

    We had a guy here whose family I knew well, an eye doctor, a client of my old Jewish lawyer, who told the women he had to examine their breasts, it told him a lot about their eyes, no shit. Of course some women turned the pervert in, but old Andy got him off on some reduced charge or other. What a hell of a good lawyer.

    But he's basically 'out of business' now, the eye doctor.

  79. Quirk, you're spooky nosing around like that.

    Don't you have a horoscope to do?

  80. You're right I did use photos but they are not me.

  81. Truthfully, I take horrible pictures.

  82. If I recall I made that clear then.

  83. No shit, and Quirk all the time, searching the web for old pictures like he does.

  84. You did make it clear, I remember it well.

  85. I wish I looked that good. And besides that girl looks half my age.

    But I'll take the compliment.

    I don't want to act all defensive and have people read to much into it.

  86. Truthfully, I take horrible pictures.

    I doubt that, that's what everybody says.

    My aunt wouldn't let her picture be
    taken, when she got older, though I secretly got a few.

    Some of the old photographs are neat, they really dressed them up for them.

  87. One hour till the accountant then off to CdAlene. I'm thinking of flying over to Bellingham when she's ready, then driving back with her. The North Cascades will be pretty this time of year.

    I've had coyotes yipping nearly outside my window the last couple of nights. I love listening to them.

    With this recent wet, the garbanzo beans have had it.

  88. If I recall I made that clear then.

    You probably did Mel.

    I screwed up again.

    Bob's not the only one 'non compos mentis' here.

    (That's why I like the guy.)


  89. I've had coyotes yipping nearly outside my window the last couple of nights.

    Sure it wasn't "The Jackal"?


  90. Don't you have a horoscope to do?

    Thanks for the reminder Bobbo.


  91. Nay, Jackals grunt.

    The Nez Perce have a special word for coyotes yipping. They got special words for all kinds of sounds. Kinda a neat language I think.

  92. No shit, and Quirk all the time, searching the web for old pictures like he does.

    It's what I do Bob.

    Remember, December 15, 7:00 pm, The Boscos.

    Big. Really big.


  93. Well I knew, the bad ass guy sent us a check--to be cashed a month from now. His days are number, wife calling him now.

    His check says, "Prime Investment Engterprises"

    heh, he's looks like such a fine young man, that's why he had three wives fall for him, but he always beats 'em up.

    He's met his match in my wife.

  94. Bob's not the only one 'non compos mentis' here.

    In truth, there's no one compos mentis' here at all.

    I might as well get going.


  95. They awarded the X-Prizes, today. The Main Prize ($5 Million) went to the E85 Car

    100 mpg in four-seater

  96. BusinessWeek -

    The number of Pennsylvania homeowners falling behind on mortgage payments and the number of homes repossessed by banks hit five-year highs in August, according to new figures out Thursday from foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc.

  97. And if you zoom in her nose looks kind of funky.

    She's got a nose clip on.

    Something Similar to This but with Less Opaque Plastic


  98. but does she shave her pudebda?
