Thursday, September 02, 2010

Change or Close? The same is not an option.

Whit and I have been unhappy with the boring bickering and single note response regardless of the topic. I would like to hear some suggestions about where we go from here, if anywhere. Things end and maybe that is the answer, but boring is tedious. I would like to hear from of the lurkers as well. We will decide how to proceed but would appreciate your input.


  1. Been reading y'all since the Belmont days.

    Always enjoyable, but lately it's become tedious and repetitive.

    I've seen enough condemnation of the rogue state of israel to last several lifetimes.

  2. Just make Israel, Jews, Palestinians, and Zionism off-limits.

  3. Along with Islam, of course.

  4. I've had, probably, hundreds of thousands of drinks, in thousands of bars, and I've never been in One that encouraged "Religious" Discussion.

  5. You obviously haven't been in Ireland. :)

  6. Another Oil Rig in the Gulf of Mexico has 'Sploded, btw.


  7. I suggest no posts about back pain, sleep problems, sleep habits, white blood cells, prescription pills, or fishing. And no poetry.

  8. Mos' specially, "No Pottery."

  9. Whit and Deuce:

    The first thing you need to do is realize that you are not barkeeps; you are editors and publishers.

    You need to exercise more editorial control. Simply delete comments that you believe are boring.

    This not a matter of censorship. Only the government can exercise censorship. That is to say: Only the goverment can prevent people from exercising free speech. People who have their comments deleted are free to comment elsewhere or even open up their own blogs. But you are in no way obligated to provide a venue.

    Then there is the matter of editorial direction. You need to decide just what is the purpose of the site. If commentary is all over the map it is because there is no clearly defined editorial policy.

    Neither one of you would run a business the way you run the Bar. It's OK to want a friendly environment in business but that cannot be the primary objective.

    Set your objectives, pick your daily topics carefully and patrol the comments. That's basically all that is necessary.

    I would add a personal note here, if I may. I would like to see both of you write more of your own editorials. It ain't easy and will take up more of your personal time. If you can't afford the time to do this right then maybe the doors to the Bar should close.

    I would encourage you to stick with it, though. You will lose some old patrons who cannot adapt but you will gain many more, of that I am sure.

  10. I suggest Rat talk about anything except Israel, Zionism or jews.

    I think, as everyone knows, that his opinions on that collective topic are toxic.

    He adds nothing, on those topics, except Jew baiting, hatred and propaganda.

  11. Yep, and the same goes for Me, Bob, Wio, Allen, Trish, Doug, LT, Victor Silo, Teresita, Quirk, Gag Reflex, Melody, Whit, and the cleaning lady.

  12. In a tardy response to someone who attempted to foist the credentials of the BBC to carry an argument, I give you

    BBC had "massive bias to left:" director general

  13. Of course, it should always be permitted in discourse with or about others to say, "fucker", "motherfucker", cocksucker", "fucking cocksucker", "motherfucking cocksucker", "piece of shit", "POS", "fucking piece of shit", "motherfucking piece of shit", "asshole", "fucking asshole", "motherfucking asshole", "dick", "prick", "son-of-a-bitch", "fucking son-of-a-bitch"...

    I wonder what can be done when people will use that kind of language against others.

  14. Allen,

    I don't believe "prick" should be on your list..

    it has such wonderful descriptive narratives to the person I apply it to....

    But in all seriousness.

    Yelling fire in a theater is not permitted as it causes a stampede..

    Throwing firebombs is even more not permitted.

    Maybe the Bar's management should tell the person throwing firebombs to stop.

  15. When I first came here I said I liked the place because I liked to argue.

    However, the same argument everyday? Not so much.

    As usual, it appears you will do what you will do with no consideration for how it will affect me. This thoroughly trashes my plans for the big extravaganza.

    You don't remember?

    Of course not.

    Well, back in April of this year, I had a swell idea as outlined in the following post.

    Quirk said...
    Speaking of taking the conversation in a different direction, I am proposing that we have an annual EB awards ceremony. Maybe in mid-January and covering the previous year. In this case 2010.

    For some reason the name Bosco popped into my head.

    The Bosco awards.

    Maybe in the shape of a small bear. Of course, any details like that would have to be developed or approved by Deuce and


    As a time line we would have to get going pretty soon. Within the next couple of weeks we would need to solicit a list of categories for the awards such as;

    "The Best Comic Video Post"


    "The Deuce Life-Time Achievment Award"

    You know, stuff like that.

    Once we have a list of the categories, we can start taking note of the posts here. By say December 1, we could start nominating posts for the various categories and then hand out the awards in January.

    And what response did I get?


    No acknowledgement whatsoever to my brilliant idea.

    Any acknowledgement from the proprietors, positive or negative?


    Absolutely nothing.


    Well thank you all very much.

    I can sympathize with our Jewish friends here at the EB and the fact that they don’t get any expression of gratitude from you guys for all the wonderful gifts their people have given to you barbarians over the millennia.

    Yes I too feel the pain caused by your indifference.

    (Sorry, I had to get that out.)

    But I am a big man.

    I can put the rejection and the indifference behind me. I decided to put on the awards show myself.

    You scoff.

    You snicker.

    You ask how could one man take on such an immense project by himself? The man must be mad. No one man could do it.


    This is the Quirkster you are talking about (The Jackal to his friends and fellow Looters and Pirates.) There is nothing I can't do.

    I had illuded to this previously in a post to someone. Had the show half completed already.

    Planned to do it the evening of December 15.

    Had posts pulled from the entire year. (None too confrontational. Well even if a little confrontational on occasion, at least funny. At least to me.)

    We all know what the problem is here. I would suggest a warning and trial period but it likely wouldn't work. Some have invested the majority of their blogging in one subject. As long as they are here, together, things are unlikely to change. Besides with the president holding a peace conference right now how do you rule out the subject of Israel?

    I would hate to see the EB shut down, especially because of any part I played in it. I recognize I have been a bad boy at times. (I do try to be good. I'm just not very good at it.)

    At any rate, it's your decision.

    (Don't worry about me or the Bosco Awards Show. As if you ever would)

    What would be nice if you shut the doors (which I sincerely hope you don't) is that for for some brief time period you let us send in a contact address to the e-mail address so that any of the current participants interested in it may get in touch with anyone else with the same inclination. (You know a list of persons you would like to contact and those you don't. If there is a match, on the plus side, fine. I need to update my Xmas card list.) Just to track which next bar they drift off to.

    Damn, it's tough finding a bar you like.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. He can do "Anything,"

    except hit "publish," once, that is.

    I mean, to do that you would have to be able to count to . . . er, one.

  18. If Trish could hold her "fucks" to one a day (oh man, this thought is going to be hard to control,) I'll try to hold my "cocksuckers" to once a month.

  19. If the decision is made to shut down the EB, I would suggest a little grace period just to make sure the word gets out to all the lurkers and those regulars away on business at the moment.

    I remember when Kudlow's cut off comments. I went away for vacation came back and it was gone.

    My first thought was "What the fuck Have I done now?"


  20. Rufus, you dick.

    (Sorry, about the 'fuck' in the last post. I didn't realize we had moved on to a new subject.)

    I find it amusing that anyone would think the EB is shutting down because of bad language.

    I love this bar.


  21. Rufus, you are one of the guys I want on my plus list.

    I want to follow you from blog to blog throughout eternity to punish you.


  22. I love Trish's fucks...

    Every time she shares one with me?

    Well you finish the thought.

  23. oh great, trish fucks once a day and rufus sucks cock once a month...


    Blogger Teresita said...

    "He's been through five or six conspicuously costly hard drives."

    Linux is free, never gets a virus, and never trashes your hard drive. But no, people want to keep giving money to Microsuckware.

    ummm, Linux isn't what one would call, ummm, user friendly. Personally I prefer Free-BSD in the unix world.

    trish, anyone who has lost 5 or 6 hard-drives due to virus infections would NOT be someone I would want to consult. That's a nasty failure rate. I would be interested in hearing what your brothers proposed attempted solution is. In general, try a bunch of things as long as you don't have to pay. It is really tough to tell what the solution is without knowing which virus you actually have.

  24. I too have been around since the old Belmont days.

    It would be a shame to see the doors close. The endless hammering on one theme gets so boring. Makes me feel glad I don't have to live in that skin. Explaining, asking, threatening doesn't amount to a piss-hole in a snowbank it seems, in trying to get through to the perp(s).

    I'll just say thanks Deuce and Whit for the years of entertainment and check back periodically.

  25. oh, on topic:

    You don't want discussion pertaining to Israel to occur anymore?? The 'peace talks' have just begun and that conflict resides at the center of the Middle East Gordian Knot and we shouldn't talk about it? Oh. my.

    melody, oh melody, tell us more about that light switch.

    oh, and by the way allen, it is not a "lie" to be mistaken. I would have thought you would have supported anti-hate legislation.

  26. Maybe a limit of four or five posts per person on any thread would help.

  27. Or, if it didn't cut out Sam you could just restrict it to posts from the US.



  28. Hey, Bobbo, I for one will miss your poetry and rustic misadventures.

    I had planned to send you a Xmas card this year with a Detroit theme. Mine have a picture of Eminem on them.


  29. I'd miss you too, Quirk. sniff

    I was thinking of sending you a Christmas card from my colonoscopy pictures. :)

  30. Maybe a limit of four or five posts per person on any thread would help.

    Come on Bob. You know you would game the system by cutting and pasting whole sections of the Bibliotheque de Philosophy..


  31. I guess that leaves me out. Although, I really don’t think that my single off topic comments are the root to all evil. As far as boring comments they are to most of you. But actually I find myself quite amusing but that’s just me. And a PAY preview well then that just says it all. I ain’t paying for nuttin. I like the new look, though.

    My opinion, I wouldn’t punish the whole bar for the select few who can’t have the respect for the Bar’s hosts. It doesn’t matter what you change there is always going to be an argument, a disagreement and some off topic down time just to chill out which usually occurs on weekends and some week nights. That’s it have an after-hours club. You could have politics during the day and bull fucking shit after a certain hour. But the constant name calling on a daily basis is pathetic. My granddaughter is more mature than that. And she listens better, too.

    Oh and the no swear rule...uh uh.

  32. Let me know where y'all end up.

    I need the job.

    The Cleaning Lady

  33. Ash said...
    oh, on topic:

    You don't want discussion pertaining to Israel to occur anymore?? The 'peace talks' have just begun and that conflict resides at the center of the Middle East Gordian Knot and we shouldn't talk about it? Oh. my.

    Ash and the Bar...

    Maybe it's much simpler than we all understand.

    In Israel, if 4 palestinian laborers, illegal, (one being 9 months pregnant) were executed in cold blood by Jews with any variation of weapons, the entire country would be in an uproar and seek hard justice and wrath on any Jew who could do such an act.

    There would be no mass rallies passing out candy, no naming of summer camps after the murderer, the parents of the murderer would not get "parent's of the year" awards..

    As long as the world gives support, funding and assistance to national movements that WOULD and DO support those types of murderers?

    you will not have peace.

    It's not borders.

    It's not refugees.

    Its not sharing a city as a capital.

    It's the fact that Israel is the Historic Jewish Homeland and it's called Israel.

    Until the arab and islam world can accept that?

    no peace

    maybe lulls....

  34. I too have been coming here since you guys split from the Belmont Club.
    This was always my next top from the Belmont club. I enjoyed the postings by the two hosts but not necessarily all the comments, which is rarely on topic. I was slowly drifting away from the Bar exactly for the reason Deuce mentioned. If you want to refresh the Bar may be some new rules need to be applied for the comments,namely stay on topic. I will continue to check back periodically. Good luck to you Deuce and Wit

  35. Since Melody is the kindest and wisest one here maybe we all ought to just follow her lead, as I've been trying to do, with some success, and the help of some drugs.

    If you concentrate on the bad it's just going to eat you up.

  36. I always seem to drift off topic, it's a failing of mine, I should try to correct.

  37. Quirk,

    Here's your problem, neatly wrapped.

    "I can sympathize with our Jewish friends here at the EB and the fact that they don’t get any expression of gratitude from you guys for all the wonderful gifts their people have given to you barbarians over the millennia."

    Sport, you came into this bar looking for trouble and have entertained yourself by causing plenty. When you leave here, I expect to see you elsewhere causing trouble. It will not be at the BC, however.

  38. Why wouldn't Quirk have fun at BC if he chose? It isn't like they'd ban him or anything. I don't think I ever had a problem posting at BC other than the tiresomeness of the boors in the comments. I popped over there the other day when it came up and I noticed Whiskey is gone. What happened to him? He was a prolific poster there for a long time.

  39. Whiskey's Place

    If I cut out the philosophy and NDE stuff, the fishing, the health issues, and the decline of the elk, I'd have nothing to say, Quirk.

    By the way, an article in the paper today talked about the county commissioners and the Governor getting really pissed by the situation.

    Fish and Game wants another big wolf hunt, but in the Lolo, the only way is poison, in the winter.

    They're not going to hunt them out of there.

    By next summer, the elk herd will be finished.

  40. :)

    Gee Allen,

    I must have really gotten inside your head.

    I would like to say more but I have promised the proprietors I would try to be a good boy. To do so, I feel the first step requires that I fail to respond to assholes.

    This will be my last post directed at you.

    Unlike some drama queens here, when I say I am going to do something I usually do it.


  41. Here's the quote here that I wrote down and put in my wallet--

    I want you to enjoy life for what it is because if not the bad will just suck you up into nothing.

    Put that up on the blog's letterhead.

  42. I urge you don't do that quirk and, to the proprietors, I suggest that the conflicts are what add spice to the place. I'm sure you remember the restrictive polices that led you to create the place. I hope you don't choose to do what you fled.

  43. Quirk,

    At long last you have used a word you can understand "boy".

    No, you have not gotten into my head. You just provided a big fat, juicy target that summarized the problem. It's not like you intended to, boy.

  44. If I cut out the philosophy and NDE stuff, the fishing, the health issues, and the decline of the elk, I'd have nothing to say, Quirk.

    Exactly my point Bob.

    I like the sharp pithy repartee on a wide variety of your favorite subjects.

    If it was restricted to 3 or 4 posts per stream you would find some way of making up for it (probably to the detriment of the


  45. Fish and Game wants another big wolf hunt,...

    Let them come.

    We'll be waiting for them Bobbo.


  46. Another lurker from the first day the bar opened. I used to read every day, then once a week, every two weeks.....
    Great topics, comments have become worse than tedious. I would hate to see the bar fold.

    My .02 cents

  47. Just make Israel, Jews, Palestinians, and Zionism off-limits.

    That's going to be real fun when they attack Iran, with all the implications of that. Meanwhile the EB will be sitting here dinking around with NDEs and IEDs and IUDs.

  48. Hell, Deuce has been known to go "off topic" on the first comment on his own post. :)

    WIO, please son, find something else to comment on, or don't comment.

    We're going to have to drop this topic, or Deuce is going to shut this puppy down.

  49. The problem is not religion, per se. It is the abuse of A religion that leads to much angst.

    Good grief, you have a regular who routinely puts up 30-50% of the comments. When he is on a roll, most of those will be some rendition of the evils of Israel/Jewish organ vampires/Zionism etc. under the pretext of freedom of expression. He was into the same gig at the BC.

    Now, both WiO and I have been chastised and had opinions taken down by management. DR just keeps on rollin'. That may say something, as I have thought for a long time.

  50. Rufus just lectured WiO because of WiO's comment about something Jewish.

    Rufus was conspicuously absent when Quirk had this to say,

    "I can sympathize with our Jewish friends here at the EB and the fact that they don’t get any expression of gratitude from you guys for all the wonderful gifts their people have given to you barbarians over the millennia."

    So, let's see: The Jews are to take it on the chin, quietly. Good work if you can get it, which is apparently the case here.

  51. We're going to have to drop this topic, or Deuce is going to shut this puppy down.

    If Deuce shuts the puppy down, he will be called anti-Semitic for closing a venue for the Zionists to present their side of the case.

    If Deuce does nothing, he will be called anti-Semitic for allowing Desert Rat to present his anti-Zionist point of view.

    It's a lose-lose situation.

  52. If Deuce, and Whit, prohibit "Religious" discussion I am sure it will apply to me, and Rat.

  53. Okay, Q, no more referring to Jews.

    Or, hillbillies, either.

  54. While we're cleaning house, I think we could all do without hearing too much more about Bob's balls.

  55. And, Trish, that stuff about making Chili with "turkey," and washing it down with "wine" . . . . . well, you know, that was probably unnecessary.

  56. And, Doug needs to quit picking on "commie rednecks." We got feelings, too.

  57. Have I used up my 4 or 5 posts, yet?

  58. Toyota Planning 20% Production Reduction As Hybrid Subsidies Subside

    Subsidies Cuts = Production Cuts

    Other Japanese auto companies including Honda will also be affected and are planning on cutting production.


  59. Mr. Speaker,

    I wish to yield one of my posts to the right honorable member from Mississippi, Mr. Rufus.


  60. Guv'nor Rufus to you, rase-bater.

  61. Another example of why religion will be writ large -

    Tax Dollars for Muslims


    Re: barring religious commentary

    You are correct about the bad timing. Israel may well be at war with Syria et al by year’s end. Something tells me that a special exception will be made in the event.

    The reality here is that WiO and I rock the boat because we are unwilling to allow Jews and there sundry institutions and history to be slandered.

    Simple solution: WiO and I must go.

    I’ve been trying bug out for close to two weeks. All that is required is the answer to a question.

    Eventually, even a hardy soul like WiO will tire of screaming into the void and will depart.

    Problem solved.

  62. Pardon me, Guv'nor.

    Did you just call me a rase bater?

    Now I've seen an alligator.

    I've heard a macerator.

    I've eaten mashed potaters.

    But a rase bater...

    Up Up And Away


  63. T said,

    If Deuce does nothing, he will be called anti-Semitic for allowing Desert Rat to present his anti-Zionist point of view.

    You are kidding...Right!

    Would you be so kind as to tell me what organ harvesting in Haiti and elsewhere has to do with Zionism?

  64. No, T, don't answer that. please?

  65. I heard, Q, that you wuzn't only a "bater," but that you wuz a


    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    heh heh heh heh heh

    Ya git it? A Master batur!!!!!!

    Whoowee, man, that was a good'un.

    A Master Bater

    Whooo boy.

    master bater.

    a good'un that was.


  66. "trish, anyone who has lost 5 or 6 hard-drives due to virus infections would NOT be someone I would want to consult."

    You mean my son?

  67. Yea, yea, yea.

    Enjoy it Ruf.

    It could be you last.


  68. Although I have to admit, it was pretty good.

    As my good friend Billy is wont to say:

    “I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
    Sinners are much more fun.”

    I'll take the Looters anyday.


  69. T,

    Re: organ harvesting by Jews

    You don't have to answer the question, as you have been advised by counsel. You were so firm in making your non-specific point, I thought the question fair...apparently not... :-)

    For your information, Deuce addressed and slapped down this grotesque slander the day after it first appeared in numerous renditions. As I recall, he was the only one to join WiO and me in outrage.

  70. As a matter fo fact, it was excellent, Ruf.

    It would have no doubt got an award in this year's Bosco Award Show.

    Did I tell you I was going to do the show entirely by myself (and that a lot of notables were invited to the show and the after-party)?

    Not that you give a shit.


  71. Well, you can ask your son why he's lost so many drives to virus's and then inquire as to what virus protection he's been (or not been) using. Really, to lose so many drives suggests one has not been, ummmm, careful, errrr, reckless even, when interacting on the net. There are just basic things you shouldn't do such as open attachments on emails from people you don't know, don't run .exe files unless you know what that .exe file should be doing. If you've got basic virus protection, such as MSE running (which is actually a very good virus protection0 even if you are downloading subtitled chinese films, or even Porn torrents you should not lose many drives to viruses. Losing a drive to a virus is kinda like taking a nuke, it should be pretty rare.

  72. oh, I might add, you don't really lose the drive you just have to re-format it and re-install the operating system.

  73. Dr Hiss did what Dr Hiss did.
    He admitted to 122 cases of organ harvesting without the permission of the families of the deceased. He was not criminally charged.

    That was all I ever had said, that the Israeli allowed such a thing to occur, without indictment.That is a reality, not a lie or libel.

    As is the case with each of the posts I have ever made.

    That it does not fit into allen's and "o"'s preconceived ideas of what is right, is the reason for the discussion.

    That those that take the Israeli side cannot discuss an issue without attempts at libel and character assassination, well, there is little that I can do, about that.

  74. Fuck it, Deuce, Ban'em both.

  75. Civility and the lack of it, seems to me to be the challenge. Not the subjects of the posts, but the conduct and civility of the posters.

  76. Should have been "It could be your last."

    I see Trish finally got here.

    I hope Deuce and Whit decide soon so I can be free (or not).

    I hate to be constrained by spelling and grammar but I don't want to do anything that gets her pissed off if we are going to be around here.


  77. and I slighted her son - UH OH!

  78. da Mamma Grizzly dun gunna cum afta me.

  79. Naw, Rat, you gotta quit stirring that pot. I find it kind of funny, and entertaining; but everyone else is sick of it.

    For what it's worth, I promise to do the same.

  80. There's the two of them, the one of me.

    I am polite and civil, they are not.

  81. "Well, you can ask your son why he's lost so many drives to virus's and then inquire as to what virus protection he's been (or not been) using."

    My son has an Alienware gaming computer. Although almost all the innards have been switched out so many times over the years that it's probably incorrect at this point to call it an Alienware except for the big damn plastic tower it sits in.

    He has regular meltdowns because an always-running anti-virus operation "slows down the computer." So sayeth he.

    I assumed the drives were replaced due to viruses, but I actually didn't quiz him on this.

  82. Q's done gone "gracious," and I'm "caught out."

    Now, I guess I'm supposed to respond with reciprocal "graciosity."

    Well, uh, . . . . . .

    . . . . . .

    dam, this is hard.

  83. "Civility and the lack of it, seems to me to be the challenge. Not the subjects of the posts, but the conduct and civility of the posters.".

    Come on rat. If it's the end of the line at the EB it's time to drop the bullshit.

    Your cries for civility ring like those that cry for an end to blue language. As if either of those were the real problem here.

    You guys keep poking at a sore wound and then say "Hey, it's his fault."


  84. It don't matter, Rat; we gotta let it drop. This is good blog, and a good group of folks. We don't wanna mess it up.

    too bad, anyway. :)

  85. Now, I guess I'm supposed to respond with reciprocal "graciosity."

    I challenge that word.



  86. If you'll think about it, this is just about as interesting, and eclectic a group of folks as you've ever seen on one blog. We'd be nuts to "blow it up" just because we can't leave one topic lie.

  87. oh, ok, so he's gaming. Ya, he'll want to cut all overhead down by not running unnecessary to gaming apps and I'll bet the hard drive loses were not due to viruses.

    The little you've said about what is happening on your computer is browser redirects. Often that is got rid of pretty easily and only involves the browser. That being said the computer in the kitchen, which wasn't running MSE but rather Norton, got a root-kit virus on it (wife and daughter use it primarily) and the folks at Microsoft have given up trying to get rid of it. The primary use of that virus is browser re-directs but it also opens up the computer so folks can install key logging apps and other nasty things. It's original incarnation was the screen being taken over giving notice of a virus infection and offering links to places where you could buy the remedy. Microsoft thinks the original infection came through an email or facebook attachment. My daughter and wife both shrug their shoulders not having any memory of something funny happening. In short MSE should have been running on that machine (even though it is behind a router/firewall) and, maybe, when the nasty file was opened it would have been scanned first - or not. It's a wild and woolly world out there on the intertubes.

  88. Graciosity is just dandy.

    Well, thank you one hell of a lot.

    The EB is closing.

    My plans for a gala extravaganza are down the tubes.

    And now, you side with my long time nemesis.

    I am undone.


  89. trish said...
    Graciosity is just dandy

    Anything else,


  90. Your hard drive is in the mail, Trish. :)

  91. Challenging the wordiosity Champeen of Mississippi - is he Crazee?

  92. "Anything else..."

    Yeah. This entire blog was set up with me in mind?

    I find that a little astonishing.

  93. The little you've said about what is happening on your computer is browser redirects. Often that is got rid of pretty easily and only involves the browser. That being said the computer in the kitchen, which wasn't running MSE but rather Norton, got a root-kit virus on it (wife and daughter use it primarily) and the folks at Microsoft have given up trying to get rid of it. The primary use of that virus is browser re-directs but it also opens up the computer so folks can install key logging apps and other nasty things. It's original incarnation was the screen being taken over giving notice of a virus infection and offering links to places where you could buy the remedy. Microsoft thinks the original infection came through an email or facebook attachment. My daughter and wife both shrug their shoulders not having any memory of something funny happening. In short MSE should have been running on that machine (even though it is behind a router/firewall) and, maybe, when the nasty file was opened it would have been scanned first - or not. It's a wild and woolly world out there on the intertubes.

    Did you copy this out of Google?

    The only one that can understand it is T.

    You'll never be one of the Looters Ash.

    I'll put in the black ball.

    Damn nerds.


    Computer Illiterate (aka The Raven)


  94. I was getting tired of The Jackal


  95. ya, I've spent too much time around damn 'puters...mind you it's been useful.

  96. MSE - Microsoft Security Essentials. It is free and it works pretty darn good taking up only a small portion of your computers resources. Y'all should have it running on your Windows computers.

  97. Challenging the wordiosity Champeen of Mississippi - is he Crazee?


    I challenge that word.



  98. I get the Norton Suite free with Comcast.

    Is MSE compatible?


  99. So, how much difference is there, wind-wise, between 80 mph and 80 knots?

  100. I don't think there would be any problem running both. I've chosen to dump Norton and only run MSE myself.

  101. 1 Knot = 1 nautical mile which is about 1.2 statute miles I believe.

    google gave me

  102. Quirk said...
    Challenging the wordiosity Champeen of Mississippi - is he Crazee?


    I challenge that word.


    ahem, Hard Drive, Trish. Hard Drive.

  103. oops 1.15077945 miles in a nautical mile

  104. "ahem, Hard Drive, Trish. Hard Drive."

    Yes, I believe you've said that.

    I just don't know what your point is.

  105. 1/1.2 = .83

    .83 X 80 knots = 66.4 miles/hr.

    I think.

  106. One should be "rewarded" for supporting their friends (and, Q's betters) Trish.

    You know, by getting "hard drives" in the mail, and stuff?

    you know?


  107. So, how much difference is there, wind-wise, between 80 mph and 80 knots?

    Not much if you are in a sailboat in a narrow strip of water heeled over on your side heading for land at a rapid pace.

    Actually, I think it's a little over 10MPH.

    Eighty knots would probably be a little over 90 mph.

    Another funny story involving the same river, the same boat, the same driveshaft, the same Coast Guard station, three young Coast Guard guys, a twelve pack of bear, and us being towed most of the length of the Detroit River back into Lake St. Clair.

    With the EB closing,may never get a chance to get into it.


  108. So, it would be 1/1.15 = .87

    .87 X 80 = 69.6 mph.

  109. Whoops, Ash got it right.

    I was going from knots to MPH.


  110. 80 knots = 69.6 mph.

    I think.

  111. I already quit that, Rufus, last time I moaned about the Moscow City Council I said they had me by the hair under my armpits.

  112. No, rufus. I do not fucking know.

    I was up all night. I am still very tired although having had a lengthy nap. Normally somewhat dense and confused, I find myself completely lost.

    And disturbed by Ash's spelling of 'come.'

  113. By the way, that was a twelve pack if 'beer' not a twelve pack of 'bear'.

    Although the other way would have made for a much more interesting story.


  114. You weren't upset by his 12 pack of bears?

  115. And just where exactly are the proprietors?

    Odd they are MIA.

  116. I don't think even Rat's frinds have ever roped a 12 pack.

  117. No, rufus. I do not fucking know.

    Man, can you imagine waking up to this girl in the morning?


    Way too much caffiene (just a guess).


  118. I don't think even Rat's frinds have ever roped a 12 pack.


    Yea, what about Rufus' 'frinds'?


  119. This place can't close before Nov. 2, we got a world historical election coming up, EB has to be open for that.

  120. It's an old Drill Instructor trick, Trish. to wit:

    You F'n Maggots are going to scrub this barracks all night until I find out who ate that apple. (referring to apple core found in trash can.)

    It wuz me, btw.

  121. Rufus' frinds never roped no bears. Not in "ones'ies, twos'ies, or twelve packs'ies."

  122. They have, on occasions, roped a few "beers." In 12 packs'ies when broke, and cases'ies when working.

    Or, when the stealin was good. :)

  123. Odd they are MIA.

    No one is tending the bar?

    I'll just leave a note on my way out for the the drinks I'm having.


  124. Had a cousin claimed to have "raped" a bear, once.

    I don't think she "fought back" much, though.

    She was kind of a slutty bear.

    Had a bad rep.

  125. Hey, rat's story about the bear roping was pretty good.

    The one's about polo were pretty good too. Sorry I had to leave when he was in the middle of them.

    The good thing is most stories get better over time.

    I'm sure rat remembers them correctly just like I do mine but there is nothing better than a good story, true or not.

    Glory Days

    <a href="

  126. And where is Melody for that matter?

  127. If I had not seen that film, I'd have never believed it.

    Beyond country, they were over the top insane, bear roping.

    Those fellas were tough, had some real bark on 'em.

    Like when that NASA diver supposedly ran off the airplane taking a bunch of other passengers with him. All because some Muslims, in full dress, got on board.

    Those boys I know would have been running to the loading gate, hoping for a chance to get on that plane, hoping for an opportunity to get some.

    Not cowering in the passenger lounge, afraid of some folks dressed in sheets.

    Guess that's the difference 'tween those living in the East and them out West.

    Men vs boys.

    Those that stand up, opposed to them hiding in the rain barrel.

  128. Well, technically, I'm from the South; although having lived in MI most of my life, I guess you could say I'm from the Midwest.

    But to your point, yea, I really dispise those pansies from out East.


  129. "Had a cousin claimed to have "raped" a bear, once."

    THAT was funny.

  130. Dotter was talking about smashing pumpkins when she was here.




    One's a lot noisier than the other.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Come on, Rat. Leave the "rain barrels" out of it.

  133. Certainly EB can't miss this--

    September 2, 2010 4:00 A.M.

    Caddell on the Midterm Elections
    The polling figures paint an astounding picture -- and not just for Democrats, but for the political class as a whole

    In Jimmy Carter’s White House, Patrick Caddell was, in the words of Teddy White, the “house Cassandra” — an all-too-candid pollster whose prophecies spooked the president’s other advisors. Three decades later, Caddell again is warning his fellow Democrats about electoral doom. As he sips an iced tea over lunch in midtown Manhattan, Caddell sighs and tells me that the lessons of the Carter years appear to be all but forgotten by the current crop of Democrats in Washington.

    “President Obama’s undoing may be his disingenuousness,” Caddell says. After campaigning for post-partisanship, Obama, he observes, has lurched without pause to the left. “You can’t get this far from what you promised,” Caddell says, “especially when people invest in hope — you must understand that obligation. The killer in American politics is disappointment. When you are elected on expectations, and you fail to meet them, your decline steepens.”

    In 1979, as Carter’s poll numbers slid south amidst a sagging economy, Caddell drafted a memo to the president urging him to recognize that the nation was “deep in crisis.” Gazing upon today’s electoral landscape, Caddell paints an even bleaker picture. “We may be at a pre-revolutionary moment,” he says, unsmiling. “Everything is in motion.” This November, he predicts, “will be more of a national referendum than any [midterm election] since Watergate.”

  134. Obama, he observes, has lurched without pause to the left.

    Not so. Obama didn't lurch anywhere. He's going in the same direction he was going as an Alinsky acolyte Organizer. While running for President he moderated his rhetoric but since becoming POTUS has been working hard to advance his agenda.

    Some people were simply blinded before the election.

  135. Ja, you're right, all that was needed was a little research about the man. What with his upbringing, Wright's church, and all. It was there for anyone to see that wanted to see.

  136. Whit, do you think posting that story is a good idea?


  137. The issue (and problem) is not the news. The problem is the continual bait and response.

  138. If I want to talk about religion, I will but if I go on and on about it I become a bore.

    If I dig up everything article I can find to condemn you and your beliefs, I become boorish.

  139. That was an interesting rape and child abuse story, rufus.

    Fella allowed his wife to be raped, while hiding in a rain barrel, then abused the resulting child.

    Goes to personal character.

    The power of the individual, or lack there of.

    Not to nationality, race or religion, but the character of the coward.

  140. A non controversial topic--

    Paris Hilton Lied About Her Purse

    The cops didn't give her a drug test. There she's got coke in her purse, but they don't give her a drug test. Marijuana smoke like a smoke plume out the window of the limo, but no drug test. heh

  141. Well, Whit, if you post an anti-Hamas comment, how can you say anything to Rat if he comes back and posts an anti-Zionism comment?

  142. Go ahead all you ruff necking looting pirates get it all out of your system because come the new post it will all be over for you.

  143. And if I buy my Mac before Tuesday not only do I get a student discount but I get a free IPod touch. Valued at 229.99 I might add.

  144. heh

    In Montana you'd pay no sales tax.

  145. That is the real source of the debate, individual responsibility v group think.

    Whether an entire race, religion or nationality is guilty of the crimes of the individual or small sub-sect of the greater group.

    Whether advocating nuking an ally, a Saudi city, to destroy a meteorite is an attempt at justification of mass murder to be slapped down, or just "a thing" to be ignored.

    If Abracadabra's calls for "Map Wiping" is ample justification for a neutron bombing of Iran, than what is the proper response to those that call for attacking Saudi Arabia, for no reason other than mythological mysticism?

  146. That heh was for Thu Sep 02, 06:33:00 PM EDT

  147. Now?

    Makes no difference Rufus.

    With some of the things going on right now in the news Israel will come up anyway.

    The issue isn't Israel or talking about it. It isn't having everyone offer their opinion on the subject for a post or two and then dropping the subject once their point is made.

    It's a few stating their case, and making their point and then making the same point again, and again, and nauseum.

    Then both sides calling the other guy a liar, again, and again, and again, nauseaum.

    My opinion on Hamas. They can be handled. The Muslim Brotherhood might like them, Egypt doesn't. Syria allows their offices there but Hezbollah doesn't even really like them. With the rise of Iran, key players in the Middle East are real nervous and support for Hamas suffers. In the end if the peace talks were successful, Hamas could be talked into the process or eliminated. Their choice.

    That's the way I see it. Not much more to say from me on the subject.


  148. Germany is not conflated with Lutherans. England not conflated with Anglicans. Italy and Ireland not conflated Catholicism.

    Countries are countries, religions are religions. I speak to the subject of countries and governments, or specific individuals like Dr Hiss.

    That and I speak loudly in defense of US foreign policies, policies that are not well received by many here, but are US policies none the less.

  149. Hey that's a good idea I could go to Delaware. There's no sales tax there either.

    Just have to make sure there's an Apple store close enough.

  150. $299.99 is exactly what I paid for my Toshiba, I think, I didn't get any use out of it at all, it's back at the factory getting 'fixed.'

    Don't anyone buy a Toshiba.

  151. If we have something big to buy we usually drive to Missoula.

  152. I only speak of lies when they speak of me with libel.

    You have read most of what I've wrote over the years, have I ever called for the genocide of Jewish people, as has been claimed, relentlessly?

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. Have I ever called for the destruction of Tel Aviv?

  155. The dismantling of the Wailing Wall?

  156. Put two or three big things together you can actually come out a little ahead, and have a mini vacation.

    Idaho plays North (South) Dakota tonight in football.

    Why on a Thursday night I have no idea, strange scheduling.

  157. Don't anyone buy a Toshiba.

    I only buy Ford's Bob.


  158. Well, the fact is the man that put this blog together, that works hard to keep it going, and that puts up 90%, or so, of the Posts is Pissed.

    He's tired of the bickering, and, probably has many, more rewarding things to do, anyway.

    If we want to keep it running, I recommend we all put our egos in our pockets for a few days, and let things cool off.

    Besides, there's a hell of a lot of interesting things going on in the world outside of the Levant.

    Focus people. :)

  159. Blogger rufus said...

    1/1.2 = .83

    .83 X 80 knots = 66.4 miles/hr.

    I think

    no, no, no. A nautical mile is bigger than a mile so 80 knots of wind would be 92.062356 mph.

    for a calculator

  160. Who's family, Q?

    It was a story of a Cossack raping an innocent, in Eastern Europe. A story about a coward that hid rather than fight to defend his family.

    Dishonor before death.

    Not of any named individual poster that I recall.

    It's a story about a coward.
    Then the subsequent abuse meted out to the child.
    A story of the human condition.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. That it is a story that we all recall, going to the core truth of the human condition.

    As all good literature does, according to bob.

  163. That's the problem Rufus they put it aside for only a few days and its right back where they started.

  164. I agree with Rufus.

    I certainly want to see the results of the voting here on Nov 2.....we could just turn it over to Melody for a couple of months. Would be like an out-of-body experience or something, a new, purer view of reality.

  165. GACK!!!

    I cain't read no more. I turned it backward. Mea Culpa.

    I gotta start wearing them glasses.

  166. Apologies rat.

    I misread the post.



  167. I'm gonna go work on an unpostable poem. Later.

  168. I just dont get along with with nazis, even if they seem to be polite..

    Same goes for murderers, rapists and all around crooks..

    I just dont get along with those types...

    If the BAR can? well, that says alot about the people at the bar.


    I call out the fascists, baiters and general all around evil people in our midst and tell them to their faces...

    "they are evil, they are scum"

    Nothing polite about that...

    Nothing civil about it either..

    But it's honest...

    and honest is as honest does...

    as long as the patrons can sit and converse like normal with someone who fits that mental profile?

    it really makes the bar one low class joint...

    I really thought otherwise...

    But I am being proven wrong...

  169. We all remember, Rat. It was a "Jew" in the barrel.

    And, you've used this story against Bob for a decision he made with his family (one that he should NOT have shared, btw.)

  170. Mel, Trish was asking about you earlier.

    Sounds like she is having a bad day.


  171. Then, by all means, WIO, leave.

    Don't let the door hit ya, where the Good Lord split ya.

    OR, be "civil" like everyone else.

  172. We're all Nazis, he even said that of Richard Nixon.

    Provocative and personal.


  173. I respond with Story of "o".

    Which is a cute and value based response to his pornography.

  174. I'm going to have a drink.

  175. Both of you, "Quit it."

    Take it Outside.

  176. .....we could just turn it over to Melody for a couple of months

    Yup, that would be the answer because then you would be getting posts like this one.

  177. bob deplored the state of our society, rufus, blaming the "others" for it.

    When his stories show that he is as much a cause as effected.

    I never referenced his daughter, only him and his behavior.

    allen brought blogging technique and its' relationship to spousal abuse into the discussion, not me.

    I just drew it out, after being baited.

  178. Well, hell, you ain't no beaver; don't take the bait.

  179. Dear Mr. Thatcher

    I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the Leak Guard Core or Dri-Weave
    absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts.

    But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads
    be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16in my pants.

    Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from
    now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call 'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.'

    Isn't the human body amazing?

    As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customer's monthly visits
    from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women.

    The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants....Which brings me to the reason
    for my letter. Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.'

    Are you fucking kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness --- actual smiling, laughing happiness,
    is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak, there will never be anything 'happy' about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock
    yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.

    For the love of God, pull your head out of your ass, man! If you
    have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like 'Put down the Hammer' or ' Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong.'

    Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad

    business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bullshit. And that's a promise I
    will keep.


    Wendi Aarons
    Austin, TX

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Bob got out of line, and had a few posts taken down, and spent a little time in the broom closet.

    He's been doin pretty good, lately. (as long as he stays away from the "long" pomes.)

  182. I'd be happy if we stay on the subjects of countries and policies.

    I only counter punch after the personal ad hominem attacks.

  183. :)

    That was great, Mel.

    Best thing I've read in awhile.

  184. He's been doin pretty good, lately. (as long as he stays away from the "long" pomes.)

    I think it's due to my positive influence.


  185. I often let it slide, but not always.

    Since I'm not nearly as cultured or civilized as they are, or so they've told me, ad nauseam.

  186. You know, Q, I wuz thinking the same thing.

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. Rufus..

    OR, be "civil" like everyone else.

    What a crock of shit you ladle...

    There aint a "civil" bone in Rat...

    And from your defense of him?

    I have doubts about you...

  189. Mel, all that technical stuff is just too confusing.


  190. desert rat said...
    I'd be happy if we stay on the subjects of countries and policies.

    I only counter punch after the personal ad hominem attacks.

    complete and utter nonsense...

  191. Well, if we're going to salvage this deal, we're going to have to bring an end to "this particular" argument. And, the last I seen, it's impossible to have an argument with someone who refuses to argue.
