Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Carl Paladino: Still "Not Intimidatable", In striking distance of Cuomo

Poll shows a surprisingly tight race for Governor between Cuomo and Paladino
By Dave Bullard/WRVO (2010-09-22)

WRVO (WRVO) - Surprising. Shocking. Amazing.

Those were the reactions to Wednesday's Quinnipiac University poll that shows Democrat Andrew Cuomo holding only a six point lead over Republican Carl Paladino.

In fact, those were the reactions of the pollster.

Quinipiac's Mickey Carroll told reporters that when he first saw the numbers, he asked the staff to check them again.

The poll shows each man carrying his party's voters easily, but showed Paladino doing better than Cuomo with independent voters.

"People might have sort of inferentially thought, 'Hey, he's the incumbent'", Carroll said. "They know he's not but he had the aura of an incumbent. And the one thing you do't want to be in a throw-the-bums-out year is an incumbent"

Carroll believes Paladino will keep on trying to get under Cuomo's skin with intentionally provocative remarks and insults and thinks Cuomo is smart enough to figure out how not to fall into a trap.

Siena College's Polling Institute issues its poll on the Governor's race tomorrow. Marist College is also preparing a poll.


  1. We may be in for some interesting governors.

  2. Paladino faces backlash over racist emails, anti-abortion remarks

    CBS/6... a coalition of pro-choice and women's organizations released its own email blasting Paladino for his remarks on CNN last Wednesday in which he said he opposed abortion even in the cast of rape and incest. [CNN]

    "New York is an overwhelmingly pro-choice state and Carl Paladino's victory in the Republican Primary is deeply concerning for the women of New York," reads the open letter, signed by various Planned Parenthood leaders and CEOs, state Senators, state Assembly members and other activists. "During his interview it became clear that Mr. Paladino is one of the most anti-woman candidates for governor - either Democrat or Republican - that the state has seen in a generation."

    Carl Paladino is against legalized abortion in ALL cases, including rape and incest.
    Pro-Life, the corner stone of the Tea Party movement.

    CNN -Paladino: No mosque, abortion or gay marriage

    The interview referenced above, by the "activists".

  3. CBS 6 Staff / Associated Press

    Bloomberg backs Cuomo

    NEW YORK -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has endorsed Democrat Andrew Cuomo in the New York governor's race, and Cuomo says he is taking a new poll with "a grain of salt."

    Bloomberg says that Cuomo, the state attorney general, is best equipped to fix problems in Albany. The popular billionaire mayor is a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned independent.

  4. Lazio mulls GOP leaders' pressure to quit

    ALBANY -- State Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long says he's discussing whether Rick Lazio, the party nominee, will drop out of the governor's race to consolidate forces behind Carl Paladino, the tea party Republican who won last week's primary.

    Long says he doesn't know if Lazio will announce his decision Wednesday when he speaks at a gathering of newspaper editors during the New York Associated Press annual meeting near Albany. He says he expects more discussions with Lazio later in the day before they decide.

  5. Meanwhile Kurdish terrorists strike in Iran. More Muslim on Muslim violence, exemplifying one more time the fragmented nature of the Islamic whirled.

    TEHRAN, Iran - A bomb exploded at a military parade in northwestern Iran on Wednesday, killing 12 spectators in an attack that one official blamed on Kurdish separatists who have fought Iranian forces in the area for decades.

  6. Young Cuomo was daddie's campaign man in olden days...

    Came up with this gem:

    "Vote for Cuomo, not the Homo!"

  7. Tancredo,
    etc etc
    Myself before country, no matter what the cost.

  8. Minnesota Exports Soar 19%

    Pawlenty was criticized for his "trade missions."

    He's my Number One for Prez. Got no chance, but he's still my numero uno.

    Oh, their number one export category - Computers, and electronic.

  9. Somebody at TNR calls Palin our McGovern.
    Not sure about that, but think she represents BHO's best hope if she chooses to run.

    Dell is doing well again, also, Rufus.

  10. well bob I'm semi-retired but I'll send some roses.

    [more of an excuse for a great tune by a great band. Also, Judas Priest doing Johnny B Goode]

  11. Christian Science Monitor -

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski angered GOP colleagues by reentering the Alaska Senate race as a write-in candidate. But they didn't have the heart to strip her of a leading role on the energy committee.

  12. "The conduct of the Israeli military and other personnel towards the flotilla passengers was not only disproportionate to the occasion but demonstrated levels of totally unnecessary and incredible violence. It betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality. Such conduct cannot be justified or condoned on security or any other grounds. It constituted grave violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law."

    The panel concluded that there was "clear evidence" of wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment and wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health – all crimes under the Geneva Convention.

  13. "But they didn't have the heart to strip her of a leading role on the energy committee."

    Meet the new GOP, same as the old GOP.
    Heart, my ass:
    Balls are missing in inaction.

  14. Gaza flotilla attack: UN report condemns Israeli 'brutality'

    A UN-appointed panel said today that Israeli forces violated international law, "including international humanitarian and human rights law"

  15. Israeli commandos acted like Somali pirates:

    ... the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to issue another strong condemnation of how Israel dealt with the flotilla.

    Erdogan likened the behaviour of Israeli commandos, who shot dead nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists, to Somali pirates.

  16. And thank you Miss CL. I am sitting here in dotter's apt. parking lot listening to the great 1080am goldie oldies station, so that hit the spot. Some of the tamaracks on the way up are just beginning to change a tiny bit in the higher elevations. Some burning of blue grass fields here today. We produce much of the blue grass for the nation's lawns. Dotter must be at class.

    Sympathies for your back Rufus. That makes three of us now. We don't need stools at the bar, we need Lazy Boy Recliners.

  17. The most important election is O'Donnell's. She would take her seat immediately.

  18. (CNN)- According to a CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday, 55 percent of likely voters in Delaware say that they are backing Democratic Senate nominee Chris Coons, with 39 percent saying they support GOP nominee Christine O'Donnell.
    Among the wider pool of registered voters, Coons' leads O'Donnell by 25 points.

  19. ... a new survey venture begun by Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports, and one of the findings is that 6 of 10 Delaware voters don't believe GOP nominee Christine O'Donnell is qualified to be a senator.

    Rasmussen has been the most accurate of the pollsters, in the last few cycles.

  20. FOX News:
    The new Fox News poll of the Delaware Senate race shows Democratic nominee Chris Coons continuing to enjoy a double-digit lead against Republican Christine O'Donnell.

  21. The numbers: Coons 54%, O'Donnell 39%. The survey of likely voters has a ±3% margin of error. There is no previous Fox News poll of this race.

  22. My first girlfriend is now on her fifth husband, according to latest reports.

    And in heaven, just whose husband shall she be?

    Perhaps mine? As I had her first? Even though unmarried. What a chukar she was.

    There is no marrying or giving in marriage there, Jesus said, but rather they are like the angels in heaven.

    Blake however contradicted this, and maintained that relations there were not like here, in this fallen world, where a Pompous High Priest enters by a Secret Place, but rather sex is a comingling from head to toe, face to face. I like the sounds of that. These old tunes bring about such thoughts.

  23. She was a longshot from the start, then fucking Rove, and Krauthammer spent a week pounding on her AFTER she won the fucking primary.

    fucking assholes

  24. "Embraces are cominglings from the head even to the feet, and not a pompous high priest entering by a secret place."


  25. Yeah, Bob, I wouldn't last long on a bar stool right now.

  26. I pulled muscle in my lower back the other day. I did that once before and it knocked me off my feet for three days. This time not so bad, just crippled.

    At times though, the pain can be a bear.

  27. Early in her career Whitney Houston was criticized for her lack of 'vocalization'. In her case, she has a powerhouse voice but sterile, lacking in The Spark. Last I heard the jury is still out, but Houston has made progress. She'll never be Frank Sinatra, but progress.

    Anyway here's the group that made Last Kiss a hit:

    J Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers

    The original is not bad, but I think Pearl Jam wins on vocalization - and musicality.

  28. I remember lying flat on my back at the bottom of a sailboat with my first real bad experience with back pain. All these old folk (I was at a yacht club) came up full of pity and with a mitt full of pain killers. I was astounded by 1.) the reflexive sharing of prescription drugs and 2.) the "Only those who have experienced the debilitating pain of a bad back can really appreciate the grief you are going through" meme.

    Quirk, I'm guessing, is off receiving treatment for his fall. Just my guess, but there ya go.

    p.s. My primary defense to back pain is to really work hard on core strength - sit-ups (well crunches) being my first attempt to fight the first glimmer of lower back pain/strain. Ideally one does regular exercise all the time. Oh, ya, tight hamstrings also contribute mightily to lower back troubles.

  29. Y'all gonna spend the rest of the night listening to Eddie Vedder aren't ya?


    Good for what ails you.

  30. Dotter says Eddie Vedder is ok, that means he is, so I go with that.

    All that tire squeeling and screaming wasn't in the original, IIRC.

  31. With Whit that makes four of us stove up.

  32. More complete explanation to our question here, Whit. more of that unique Larsen insight.

    100. buddy larsen

    Stabilty, doug –the lower the plug, the less chance of expanding gas migrating upward and at some point in the future possibly contaminating lower pore-pressure permeable strata above, or even erupting again in the vicinity.

    They could have produced it, but no production infrastructure was in place or even planned yet –indeed, the rig was in process of a p&a when it blew. The system of transpoirt to shore on a wildcat can’t be determined in ocean offshore drilling until one or several offset wells are drilled and the strike is confirmed a ‘field’ and the reservoir is ‘mapped’.

    Takes years, often.

    That’s the point the lefty don’t get –they think the whole process is like an on-off switch, with all the heavy talent and experience needed just standing around in a union hall waiting. Hint –they ain’t.

    The dispersant, a surfactant and penetrating solvent named “Corexit 9500″ or somesuch –is scaring the living daylights out of a lot of coastal residents. Reports of skin lesions, Morgellon’s Disease, all sorts of crazy stuff. The company that makes it, Nalco, from a Chicago burb, was started up only in 2005 or so, with the far and away two biggest investors, Berkshire and JPM, also far and away the biggest beneficiaries of the financial crash of 08, –friends of Obama, warren buffet and jami dimon. I dunno what’s far fetched anymore, but the Nalco bit probably qualifies –but the point is, the stories are going around in the GOM zone, destroying trust, destroying trust in the ‘English’ –as the old cajuns call us.

    September 22, 2010 - 3:48 pm

  33. What were the circumstances of "Quirk's fall?"

  34. Sorry I seemed to have missed your Wed Sep 22, 08:30:00 PM EDT Cleaning Lady.

    That doesn't make me a dick, necessarily. My back was killing me, and I was talking to my daughter, planning tomorrow.

  35. He fell off the roof into a bush or something.

    Doc looked him over, sent him home with some pain pills.

  36. Now he's off on a secret mission. I am guarding his stool.

  37. If you're asking why he fell off the roof, it's because he wanted to.

  38. I'll tell you something else--I'm damned tired of buying Special K Fruity and her eating just the strawberry bits out it.

  39. Maybe Quirk Got Caught Out In What Was Once His Place Of Refuge, His Tree House

    heh, remembered due to the world famous 1080am goldie oldies

    look at those kids, not like today

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. One-Point Office Dare

    While going in an elevator, gasp dramatically each time the doors open.

    Three-Point Office Dare

    Every time you get an email, shout ''email''.

    Five-Point Office Dare

    At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce, 'As God is my witness,I'll never go hungry again!'

  42. God yes Quirk, I recall everything you taught me, like it was yesterday.

    I am leaving false clues around concerning your absence, as you requested.

    Looking forward to secure communications, your faithful servant, bobbo

    P.S.--None suspect yet that Miss Marion is in on the conspiracy....she will have the horses ready tomorrow, p.m.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. The whores have always helped it is true.....but damned if I know how to delete Quirk, you never taught me that.

    thex, nex, it's not all about sex,
    if you don't believe that
    you're doomed to die
    hinx, minx,
    along with many winks
    and the fat is about to fry
    there's nobody home
    but Miss Marion
    The Quirkster, the gnome and I

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. dammit where's that delete button?

    thex, nex, it's not all about sex,
    if you don't believe that
    you're doomed to die
    hinx, minx,
    the old witch stinks
    along with many winks
    the fat is about to fry
    there's nobody home
    but Miss Marion
    The Quirkster, the gnome and I

  48. I got no trashcan, double promise, triple hope to die.

    I vaguely recall one however, months ago.

    Have we blown our cover?

    Think, Quirk, THINK

  49. ah, hell, not to worry, nobody's up this late anyway, cept Sam, and we can probably buy his silence.

    And there's always Contingency B, if needed.

    g'nite, we'll do ok

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Q, I just had a brainstorm, it's what you pay me for.

    Go ahead and take all your posts down, from mine they'll get no further than figuring out the sound of one hand clapping. And we won't have to pay Sam.

    Quirk, it's already done, I'm posting this on the run. But before tomorrow's main event, I'm going to eat a huge bowl of lentils. If it's going to be possibly my final meal, I must eat what I love best. Though they make one fart like a pack mule. For the lyingsine, I eat, during danger, which steals my nerves, sharpens my eyes. Quirk, if the gas is passed it may be my last....the horses will be at roundevouz 284, repeat 284.

  52. "According to a Quinnipiac University survey, 49 percent of likely voters in New York State support state attorney general Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic nominee for governor, with 43 percent backing Republican nominee Carl Paladino"

  53. Thanks Susan, you're confirmed as the contact.

    Are you certain Quirk has the money and the Thompsons?

    I've the ammo, the passports, the poisons and the rum.

    But we must have the money to bribe the ministers. And the Thompsons for the fighting withdrawal.

    The trawlers will be the beach. After the crossing, the Sierra.

    Liberty of Death!

    Arriba Aruba

    Abajo Azerbaijan

  54. "The poll found that men were about evenly split between Cuomo and Paladino, a Buffalo developer.

    Cuomo had 54 percent of the support of women to Paladino’s 34 percent.
