Friday, August 13, 2010

The Israeli Attack on USS Liberty


  1. Yep, just like imaginary numbers.


    I take it you have NOT bothered yourself with the NSA & CSS documents.

    You won't mind if I find and foist off as authoritative a pro-Israeli piece of propaganda?

    This is the best you have? Good grief...puny and phony on so many levels...

  2. “We investigated these two incidents. It is clear to us beyond any doubt that in both incidents a cell of Hamas’s military wing in Gaza surreptitiously fired the missiles,” Netanyahu said.

    “I want to be clear: Using the territory of a third country — a peaceful one — in order to launch missiles against Israel won’t help Hamas escape responsibility.”

    Though Egypt initially denied the rockets were launched from the Sinai, it later changed its tune and affirmed that they had, blaming militant groups in the Gaza Strip for the action, which they said had infiltrated via smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.

  3. sam,

    Unless Israel is guilty, there must be some flaw in that report.

  4. A BELGIAN man has become the first reported person to die from a drug-resistant "superbug" originating in South Asia.


    According to a report on Belgian TV channel RTBF, it was the second reported case of the bacteria in the country this year.

    Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

    End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

    British medical journal The Lancet reported this week that bacteria containing the ATM-1 gene had been found in 37 Britons who had received medical treatment in South Asia, while three cases have been reported in Australia.

  5. sam,

    I bet that youtube has some video showing Israelis launching those rockets. That's the wonder of propaganda and the big lie: you never have to say you're sorry.

    Best, and Shabbat Shalom

  6. I will post anything anyone wants from any side. We can fight this out for as long as all of you please. Then we will put it away for say maybe another year or so.

    We can do this as an annual event. If the timeline and weather reports are correct, it is difficult to explain.

    Is there a video that refutes this? I could not find it. Refer it to me for a rebuttal Post.

  7. Deuce,

    Sane people do not spend money trying to refute nonsense. This has been adjudicated. The antagonists have lost at each bar, other than this one, apparently.

  8. i believe in the fog of war. just as i believe the Tillman incident was an accident as are almost all fratricide incidents.

    in those videos the people keep relying on the flying of the American flag as proof the israelis knew they were Americans. as if the enemy they were fighting weren't capable of this kind of deception (flying a false flag). if it is true that the israelis were told that there would be no American ships in the area, then one must consider the fog of war as a very legitimate conclusion.

    "The propaganda emanates from a small but well-funded and very vocal group of people and organizations principally supported by Saudi Arabian money. The groups include the American Educational Trust (AET) operated in Washington, DC by former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Andrew I. Kilgore, and a circle of others whose agenda is to attack the present excellent symbiotic relationship between the United States and Israel. It includes: the Americans for Mideast Understanding (AMEU) which was reportedly founded with money from Arabian American Oil Company, ARAMCO, and has former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins, who was dismissed by the U.S. State Department in 1975 "for being too compliant to Saudi demands" and former congressman Paul Findley serving on its National Council; and the Liberty Alliance operated by Tito De Nagy Howard, who is described as "a man at war with the Israelis" by Anthony Pearson. Howard met Pearson in Dubai and upon learning that Pearson was considered by the PLO to be pro-Palestinian, gave him "an idea to resurrect the Liberty incident as a whole new story."

    It all started with former Illinois congressman Paul Findley (who was defeated for re-election after he announced his support for the terrorist organization, the PLO) and former California congressman Paul "Pete" McCloskey, who speaks regularly at meetings of Holocaust denial organizations in California and Washington and was defeated for re-election. Findley and McCloskey were the moving force in founding the Liberty Veterans Association. Findley served as its advisor and McCloskey incorporated the association and served as its attorney. They continue to manipulate and distress Liberty survivors and their families by prodding this old wound and preventing its healing – all for their own political agenda. And what is that agenda? Findley and McCloskey are also the founders of the Council for the National Interest (CNI), whose publicly announced purpose is to be the anti-Israel lobby."

  9. i believe in the fog of war. just as i believe the Tillman incident was an accident as are almost all fratricide incidents.

    in those videos the people keep relying on the flying of the American flag as proof the israelis knew they were Americans. as if the enemy they were fighting weren't capable of this kind of deception (flying a false flag). if it is true that the israelis were told that there would be no American ships in the area, then one must consider the fog of war as a very legitimate conclusion.

  10. I also believe in people dedicated to destroying the relationship between israel and America.

    "The propaganda emanates from a small but well-funded and very vocal group of people and organizations principally supported by Saudi Arabian money. The groups include the American Educational Trust (AET) operated in Washington, DC by former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Andrew I. Kilgore, and a circle of others whose agenda is to attack the present excellent symbiotic relationship between the United States and Israel. It includes: the Americans for Mideast Understanding (AMEU) which was reportedly founded with money from Arabian American Oil Company, ARAMCO, and has former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins, who was dismissed by the U.S. State Department in 1975 "for being too compliant to Saudi demands" and former congressman Paul Findley serving on its National Council; and the Liberty Alliance operated by Tito De Nagy Howard, who is described as "a man at war with the Israelis" by Anthony Pearson. Howard met Pearson in Dubai and upon learning that Pearson was considered by the PLO to be pro-Palestinian, gave him "an idea to resurrect the Liberty incident as a whole new story."

    It all started with former Illinois congressman Paul Findley (who was defeated for re-election after he announced his support for the terrorist organization, the PLO) and former California congressman Paul "Pete" McCloskey, who speaks regularly at meetings of Holocaust denial organizations in California and Washington and was defeated for re-election. Findley and McCloskey were the moving force in founding the Liberty Veterans Association. Findley served as its advisor and McCloskey incorporated the association and served as its attorney. They continue to manipulate and distress Liberty survivors and their families by prodding this old wound and preventing its healing – all for their own political agenda. And what is that agenda? Findley and McCloskey are also the founders of the Council for the National Interest (CNI), whose publicly announced purpose is to be the anti-Israel lobby."

  11. It appears Deuce merely went to Youtube and plugged in U.S.S. Liberty and pulled three of the first videos.

    The videos are short and intended to cary specific messages. Some of the comments in videos posted seem to be mere speculation such as the thought that Johnson was setting up false-flag operation the intend of which was to have the Liberty sunk.

    There are other videos if you like that media that provide a fuller picture of what happended. There is a documentary put out by the BBC called "Dead in the Water". It's about forty minutes long and is available on Youtube in as I recall 8 or 10 ten minute segmants.

    If anyone is interested.


  12. Anon,

    Glad to have you back. I have the suspicion that Quirk and DR attempted to hijack your spot earlier. Neither are that bright.

    You have, I believe, drawn the correct conclusion: people here want to destroy the US - Israeli alliance.

    Frankly, Anon, I want to see an end to the alliance. However, I believe the parting need not be predicated on a lie such as the Liberty. Instead, I believe that Mr. Netanyahu should carry out his promise and get Israel off the American dole. The bigots prefer a contested divorce; not only do they not accept the outcome of 13 hearings on the Liberty matter, they cannot accept the verdict of WWII: Hey, the Nazi lost.

    Anyhow, best to you, and again, Shabbat Shalom.

    PS: Do have a look at my links yesterday to Dr. Norwicki (he is the gentleman misrepresented by Quirks author, who had the foresight to keep the emails on file) and the NSA & CSS files.

    As to the cartoon about Mr. Johnson and his desire to start a war, what bunk. These fools do not remember that Mr. Johnson could not finish the war in Vietnam and resigned as the result.

  13. The BBC, arbitor of all things American and as objective as the New York Times. Give me a break. Let's just get to the Duke videos (although the first might have been one such).

    Quirk, when was the BBC version done? I ask because you seem to hold yourself out as an authority.

  14. Q ,pls provide the link and I will make a substitution.

  15. The alliance had been able to keep Turkey under control thanks to military coups in the past. The better the alliance was able to weaken the democratic structure in the country, the less they had to worry about the illegal things that have happened in Turkey.


    In short, the problem is with the Zionist romantics. Today’s Israeli government is engaging in the same -- even worse -- brutality that Hitler’s Germany perpetrated, but on the innocent Palestinian people.

    That is why many are prompted to ask, “Could these people be the children of Hitler?”

  16. Gee Anon that kinda sounds like a "conspiracy theory".

    Also you are stuttering again.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anon,

    You must have hit pay dirt, Quirk took a cheapshot. Did you mention him by name in your posts today? I didn't think so.

  19. holy shit allen, give your head a shake. What kind of fantasy world do you live in where you think any ole stoopid video posted on youtube reflects in any way on a BBC documentary?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Ash,

    Having had the pleasure of BBC productions concerning both Israel and the US while living in Europe, I know of what I speak.

    Since you question my judgment, do feel free to post a postive BBC production about either the US or Israel.

    Ash, people by the millions believe the stuff I've posted. That does not make it true. That does not make it provable. That does not make it evidence. Why, Ash, you of all people should be questioning the content of any video that makes claims without producing (slowly and clearly) supporting documentation. That's downright unAmerican.

  22. your copious postings of youtube conspiracy videos says absolutely nothing about the particular conspiracy theory in question nor does it say anything about the veracity of BBC documentaries or any particular BBC documentary. All it does is say something about you.

  23. Background

    Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae with resistance to carbapenem conferred by New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) are potentially a major global health problem. We investigated the prevalence of NDM-1, in multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in India, Pakistan, and the UK.


    Enterobacteriaceae isolates were studied from two major centres in India—Chennai (south India), Haryana (north India)—and those referred to the UK's national reference laboratory. Antibiotic susceptibilities were assessed, and the presence of the carbapenem resistance gene blaNDM-1 was established by PCR.



    We identified 44 isolates with NDM-1 in Chennai, 26 in Haryana, 37 in the UK, and 73 in other sites in India and Pakistan. NDM-1 was mostly found among Escherichia coli (36) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (111), which were highly resistant to all antibiotics except to tigecycline and colistin.

  24. What parts of these three videos did not happen?

    Was it a six hour event from 6AM to 12 PM?

    How many aircraft were involved? What types?

    What was the visibility?

    What were the radio communications?

    What was Johnson and McNamara talking about?

    Is there a video that credibly refutes what is shown and those eye witnesses who were actually there?

  25. Allen, you've kinda struck a nerve here and I'd like to pursue it.

    Before yesterday I used to be included in the nameless "They" and "Them" category in your posts. Yesterday, I was elevated to rat status in the pantheon of anti-Semites, bigots, and all around bad fellows.

    I'd like to pursue that theme since perhaps I do lack a measure of self-realization and in fact am really anti-Semitic.

    This seems to be a good time since I see you have brought your mini-me alter ego Al-anon as back-up and moral support this morning. (Apoligies for Al-anon. Just trying to keep the various Anonymi separate.)

    I expect you can help me out here being well versed in identifying all things anti-Semite. (Kinda like the Spanish Inquisition rooting out sin ) And remember, as an alumnus, I needn't tell you that having made a claim, you are obliged to provide your documentation...".

    Not sure what that last part meant but it sounded appropriate here.

    Before we get into the analysis of what it takes to be an anti-Semite, I’d like to make sure that you’re calling me an anti-Semite isn’t unduly influenced by the following:

    • Our dislike of each other which is all too evident

    • That the accusations of anti-Semitism, bigotry, etc. aren’t merely rhetorical tools that you use when you lack real arguments on a given subject

    • That you just like to occasionally vent and the words come so naturally to your mouth

    The status of these things should be put on the table before we start our real discussion. We really need to define our terms and establish boundaries ahead of time.

    I think this discussion will be helpful for all the closet bigots out there who need to realize the truth

    I'm sure you will agree.


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Ash,

    Yes, Ash, the posts do say something about me: I think an evidentiary proceeding should precede the hanging. Sorry...I'm an American and a Jew.

    Also, Ash, there is the issue of fairness. How many time must Israel be cleared before she is cleared? I think for you and others the answer would be "never". We Americans have the legal concept of double jeopardy. What do you call 13 times to the trough.

    And, Ash, since you hold yourself out as a fair minded man, tell me what you think about the second set of documents in my NSA & CSS linkagae from yesterday? I'm sure you will be able to get back to me in say, 5 minutes.

  28. Quirk,

    Re: Anon as mini-me

    You are nuts and you are projecting; now, go stand in the corner.

    After reading the "mini-me" junk, I stopped reading. That seems like a path worth pursuing.

  29. For those interested, when you accuse my family and friends of murder, vampiristic organ harvesting etc, without bothering to make an evidentary linkage when challenged, you are an anti-Semite.

    Hebrew has three basic froms of "enemy".

    1) This is the guy doing all he can to bring you harm in every way

    2) This is the guy who will not dirty his own hands but will lend other support to "#1"

    3) This is the guy who will stand by mute while #'s "1" and "2" do their worst

    I'll leave it to you all to sort it out.

    But if a Martian landed and read this blog, he would be impressed by the influence of DR and the apathy of whit.

  30. Correction:

    In my last I forgot to mention "colleagues".

  31. allen, I have little interest in the Liberty attack and no inclination to examine the evidence regarding what 'actually happened'.

    But simply judging by the various comments here your histrionics lead me to doubt the efficacy of your position. You get so shrill and uptight at the hint of a perceived slight that I get the impression you are full of shit.

  32. WiO: The death of those 34 Americans was the direct FAULT OF THE ROUGE NSA STAFFER THAT ORDERED THE BOAT, INTO THE WAR AREA.

    “At the time of the attack, the USS Liberty was flying the American flag and its identification was clearly indicated in large white letters and numerals on its hull. … Experience demonstrates that both the flag and the identification number of the vessel were readily visible from the air…. Accordingly, there is every reason to believe that that the USS Liberty was identified, or at least her nationality determined, by Israeli aircraft approximately one hour before the attack. … The subsequent attack by the torpedo boats, substantially after the vessel was or should have been identified by Israeli military forces, manifests the same reckless disregard for human life.” -- Secretary of State Dean Rusk to the Israeli Ambassador, two days after the attack.

  33. a small bottle of Ketel One vodka that will be mixed with a half-gallon of organic cranberry juice.

    With ice, of course, that sounds excellent to me. Cranberry juice has some excellent medicinal qualities.

    Here's a recipe for Picon Punch I picked up at the Basque Festival but failed to post.

  34. The need and the responsibility of every individual to donate organs was the reforming message driven to society at large at the Organ O'Cultural Fest organised by MOHAN Foundation on 09 August 2010 at Seminar Hall, Madras Medical
    College, Chennai. This was a celebration to start off the “Organ Donor Week 2010”


    The evidence of sincerity cut sharp through on the mention of 'silent revolution' where Chennai, the city that once notoriously peaked the charts on organ trafficking has become the 'leading- by- example' city in legal and ethical organ transplantation. Chennai is also getting ready for a prospective simultaneous organ transplantation of both heart and lungs.


    Dr. Palani, the Deputy Medical Superintendent of Government General Hospital elaborated on the current system that makes 'brain-death declaration' mandatory in all government hospitals.. A large number of those injured in road traffic accidents (RTA) are brought to the government hospitals and it is a well-established fact that one of the major causes of brain death is severe injury sustained in RTAs.

  35. allen, I have little interest in the Liberty attack and no inclination to examine the evidence regarding what 'actually happened'.

    Well then, shut up, go get yourself a bottle of vodka and some cranberry juice, get on that golf cart and go hit a little white ball around.

    That was a neat video of that golf ball hitting steel, Sam

  36. It has been documented that the Liberty was a spy ship..

    Spying during a war....

    It was not a regular naval vessel, it flew a flag (a GIANT ONE) of the USA.

    It was not listed by the USA as an active vessel in that area by the USA to the Israelis..

    The Liberty was sailing under it's own accord, not the DIRECTION of the President or Congress.

    It has been clear that the NSA was going it alone...

    It was KNOWN that the spy ship (whose ever it was) was transmitting an electronic data map via Cyprus's listening post via the Brits to the EGYPTIANS

    The Israelis attacked said ship, concentrating on the radar and listening antenna..

    then came back and shot a torpedo specifically into the electronics zone of the ship..

    One can glean the follow facts:

    There was a ship called Liberty and it was a spy ship.

    It was in the middle of a war zone (active, very active)

    The Israelis KNEW that information was making into the Egyptian High Command (what you dont KNOW that Israel had SPIES?????)

    Israel KNEW there was a spy ship recording the electron battle map and needed to take it out...

    The Liberty was, at the time of the attack, not on official USA business, it was a rouge NSA operation, helping Egypt.

    The reason this was covered up?

    IT was an act of war by the USA on Israel.

  37. "After reading the "mini-me" junk, I stopped reading. That seems like a path worth pursuing.

    Come on Allen we both know that’s not true.

    Were it true, remember the truth will set you free.

    As a truthful man, I’m sure you want to promote that theme. This could be a teaching moment. I don’t see what objection you would have in participating.

    We can follow your argument to its logical conclusion.

    For instance, let’s look at the Liberty incident.

    If we put it in its logical form, the syllogism might look like this:

    Major Premise: Anyone who believes Israel knowingly attacked a US ship, the Liberty, is in fact an anti-Semitic David Dukoid huckster.

    Minor Premise: Quark believes Israel knowingly attacked a US ship, the Liberty.

    Conclusion: Quark is in fact an anti-Semitic David Dukoid huckster.

    This would be a legitimate argument as long as all of the terms are true.

    However, the first premise is likely not true since you have also posted ”Others do not agree with me on the Liberty. Only you and DR have been of accused by me of neo-Nazi leanings and Dukoid tendencies.”

    So it evidently was not our specific argument over the Liberty that was the cause for you calling me anti-Semitic. It must be something else.

    You have provided a list of things that help define anti-Semitism in general terms. However, when throwing ad hominem bombs at someone you should be prepared to provide specifics.

    Is it something I’ve said about Israel’s foreign policy? Logically, I find that hard to believe since half the Jews in the world are arguing with the other half over what is the correct course for the Israeli foreign policy. Is the half of the Jews that disagree 100% with your views on correct foreign policy anti-semitic?

    On the Jewish religion, are the Reform Jews anti-Semitic because they don’t agree fully with you?

    Here you have a guy seeking to gain a little enlightenment and you refuse to provide him specific examples of where he has proven himself to be anti-Semitic.

    Help me out here Allen.


  38. A light hearted breather--

    Swede faces world-record
    $1m speeding penalty The Swede was driving a Mercedes SLS AMG - which has a top speed of 317km/h A Swedish motorist caught driving at 290km/h (180mph) in Switzerland could be given a world-record speeding fine of SFr1.08m ($1m; £656,000), prosecutors say.

    The 37-year-old, who has not been named, was clocked driving his Mercedes sports car at 170km/h over the limit.

    Under Swiss law, the level of fine is determined by the wealth of the driver and the speed recorded.

    In January, a Swiss driver was fined $290,000 - the current world record.

    Local police spokesman Benoit Dumas said of the latest case that "nothing can justify a speed of 290km/h".

    "It is not controllable. It must have taken 500m to stop," he said.

    The Swede's car - a Mercedes SLS AMG - has been impounded and in principle he could be forced to pay a daily fine of SFr3,600 for 300 days

  39. Ash,

    Like Quirk, you never disappoint. I do appreciate your candor, however, while pitying your ignorance. You too have reached your common denominator.

    I take your huffiness signals that you have no intention of actually looking at actual evidence?

  40. Your argument makes sense. I don't agree with your conclusion but most of the rest is plausible.

  41. T: “At the time of the attack, the USS Liberty was flying the American flag and its identification was clearly indicated in large white letters and numerals on its hull.

    And the ARABS NEVER EVER used PAINT to disguise a ship before?

    ANd really a real FLAG?

    now that's proof!!

  42. "The Liberty was, at the time of the attack, not on official USA business, it was a rouge NSA operation, helping Egypt."

    On this point you are delusional Wio.


  43. T,

    Would this statement be from the Dean Rusk of Vietnam infamy? Care to give us some other of his Jew/Israel/Zion quotes?

    Watch that philosophy stuff, T, Neitchze was grossly misused.

  44. Quirk,

    Re: we both know that's not true

    There you go again, projecting. It is most certainly true. Who do you think you are that I care a wit what you think, when it should be obvious, even to the village idiot, that I do not think you think at all.

  45. Anyone with any sense of history knows some shit about the 6 day war..

    What led to the Six Day War in 1967?

    Terrorist Attacks on Israel

    From early 1965 to the Six-Day War in June 1967, the PLO through Fatah pursued a consistent policy of border attacks, particularly along the Jordanian and Lebanese borders. Criticism of these activities by the Arab governments and by local public opinion persuaded Fatah leaders to adopt a new approach known as "the entanglement theory." This involved using sabotage to force Israel to adopt an offensive position, which in turn would force the Arabs to step up their military preparedness. This cycle of action-retaliation-reaction would lead to a gradual escalation of tension on the borders, and eventually to the Six Day War in 1967.

    In 1965, 35 terrorist raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched.

    The number of dangerous incidents on the Syrian border increased following Israel’s activation of the National Water Carrier from the Sea of Galilee to the Negev in 1964. Syria and the other Arab countries opposed the National Water Carrier project and tried to destroy it by diverting the tributaries of the Jordan river located in their territories; Israel bombed the diversion works in response. This tension came against the backdrop of the on-going border clashes along the demilitarized zone between Israel and Syria, as Syria resisted Israel's attempts to increase use of the DMZ for Israeli agriculture. (The DMZ was the result of the terms of the Israel-Syria armistice signed on July 20, 1949.) Syria launched attacks on Israeli farmers cultivating land in the demilitarized zone and on Israeli fishing boats and other craft in the Sea of Galilee, shelling from the commanding Golan Heights that rise dramatically to the east of the border areas.

  46. Military Provocation By Arab Countries and Soviet Disinformation

    While Israel consistently expressed a desire to negotiate a peace with its neighbors, there was no matching sentiment on the Arab side. In an address to the UN General Assembly on October 10, 1960, Foreign Minister Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement. Nasser (Egypt) answered on October 15, saying that Israel was trying to deceive world opinion, and reiterating that his country would never recognize the Jewish State. Nasser's rhetoric became increasingly bellicose; on March 8, 1965 he said:

    We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand. We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood.
    A few months later, Nasser expressed the Arabs' goal to be:

    ... the full restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. In other words, we aim at the destruction of the State of Israel. The immediate aim: perfection of Arab military might. The national aim: the eradication of Israel.
    Other Arab leaders from Syria, Jordan, and Iraq joined in the rhetoric and preparations for war, increasing pressure on Egypt's President Gamal Nasser, perceived as the leader of the Arab world. Syria's attacks along the DMZ grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966. Syria's attacks on Israeli kibbutzim from the Golan Heights provoked a retaliatory strike on April 7, 1967, during which Israeli planes shot down six Syrian MiGs. Israel followed up by re-introducing military forces to the DMZ.

    At the same time, and unknown to the Israelis, the Soviet Union mounted a disinformation campaign pushing Egypt to join Syria against Israel. At that time, the Soviets were providing military and economic aid to both Syria and Egypt. On May 13, 1967 a Soviet parliamentary delegation visited Cairo and informed the Egyptian leaders that Israel had concentrated eleven to thirteen brigades along the Syrian border in preparation for an assault within a few days, with the intention of overthrowing the revolutionary Syrian Government. This was a complete fabrication designed by the Soviets to destabilize the Middle East. Similar false information may have been given to Egypt by the Soviets as early as May 2.

    The build up and aggressive intent were denied by Israel. UN Secretary General U Thant reported that UNTSO observers on the Syrian border:

    ... have verified the absence of troop concentrations and absence of noteworthy military movements on both sides of the [Syrian] line.

  47. Nasser probably correctly interpreted the Soviet information as an indication to him that the time was ripe for an attack on Israel and that he had their backing. With the United States deeply distracted by the War in Vietnam, the Soviets had reason to think there would be no US intervention. Nassar then abandoned his former cautious policy and took the lead for new aggression against Israel. Syria and Iraq eagerly joined Egypt's preparations, increasing the momentum toward war.

    On May 15, Israel's 19th Independence Day, Egyptian troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared for battle along the Golan Heights.

    On May 16, Nassar requested the withdrawal of the UN Emergency Force, stationed in the Sinai since 1956. Egyptian forces moved up to the UNEF lines and began to harrass the UN positions. Without bringing the matter to the attention of the General Assembly, as his predecessor had promised, Secretary-General U Thant complied with the demand. This was a direct violation of the conditions under which Israel had returned control of the Sinai to Egypt after the Sinai Campaign. The UN force was supposed to safeguard Israel from Egypt again closing the Straits of Tiran or launching terrorist attacks from that quarter.

    Blockade of the Straits of Tiran

    In 1956, the United States gave Israel assurances that it recognized the Jewish State's right of access to the Straits of Tiran. In 1957, at the UN, 17 maritime powers declared that Israel had a right to transit the Strait. Moreover, any blockade violated the Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, which was adopted by the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea on April 27, 1958. Nonetheless, on on the night of May 22-23, 1967 Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel's only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

    Nasser was fully aware of the pressure he was exerting to force Israel's hand. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defiantly:

    The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war.

  48. Final Blows Lead to War

    There is evidence that Egypt was warned by the US and the Soviet Union in late May 1967 that war should be avoided, but by then the momentum to war was unstoppable.

    King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30, 1967, under which Jordan joined the Egyptian-Syrian military alliance of 1966 and placed its army on both sides of the Jordan river under Egyptian command. He had little choice since Jordan housed 700,000 Palestinian Arabs whose rioting in November 1966 almost brought down Hussein's government. On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq added these words to the mountain of provocation:

    The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear -- to wipe Israel off the map.
    Armed forces in the Arab countries were mobilized. Israel was confronted by an Arab force of some 465,000 troops, over 2,880 tanks and 810 aircraft. The armies of Kuwait, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq were contributing troops and arms to the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian fronts.

    Israeli forces had been on high alert during the three weeks of tension which began on May 15, 1967 when it became known that Egypt had concentrated large-scale forces in the Sinai peninsula, an alert status Israel could not maintain indefinitely. The country could not accept interdiction of its sea lane through the Gulf of Aqaba. Israel had no choice but preemptive action. To do this successfully, Israel had to achieve surprise, not wait for an Arab invasion, a potential catastrophic situation. On June 4, the Cabinet authorized the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence to decide on appropriate steps to defend the State of Israel.

  49. With that said...

    the UN screwed Israel

    The USA screwed Israel

    THe arabs were calling for the GENOCIDE of Israel a scant 19 years after the end of ww2

    and all the focus is one ONE liberty ship spying on Israel that was feeding the egyptians intel?

    get a freakin life

  50. Repeatedly over the years, have I provided a score of links leading to "evidence" on the friendly fire incident concerning the Liberty. In response, people like DR and Quirk provided selected excerpts from books detailing the feelings of those aboard the Liberty, David Dukoids and hucksters. These "feelings" and/or "prejudices" they equate with "evidence".

    This matter has been investigated not less than 13 times, on each occasion because of "new" information availability. Well, at the end of the day, the outcomes have all been the same: Israel did NOT knowingly attack an American vessel. The score, for those counting, is 13-0, or about a perfect football season.

    - allen

    Repeatedly over the years I have ignored your links to the Liberty incident, as I have those of everyone else. As I stated, I have had no interest the matter.

    DR has, of course, firmly established the fact of his comprehensive animus toward Israel and its passionate defenders here, whom he seeks to poke and belittle at every opportunity. That is why no one listens to him on the subject but merely notes his continued obnoxious behavior. He's warped. He provokes and harasses and torments.

    I have not observed Quirk indulging in the same aggravated manner nor noticed him giving anyone here reason to believe that he harbors a like animosity toward Israel or more generally toward Jews.

    You seem to make this leap: one who takes issue with the official findings of the Liberty incident harbors a poisonous ill will toward Israel and toward Jews. The one and the others must naturally coexist.

    Or maybe it's this leap you make: one who has developed a personal dislike of you harbors a poisonous ill will toward Israel and toward Jews.

    I do not know how you make either leap.

  51. LBJ started the war by throwing Israel under the bus...

    Israel had a treaty with the USA and the USA simply told Israel to go fuck themselves...

    The UN had agreements with Israel and they told Israel? Go fuck yourselves...

    The Arabs? were already celebrating the destruction of the IDF before it happened...

    Every Israeli KNEW that any Arab victory would be the genocidal end to Israel...

    And where has any of this gotten us?

    Today, the arab world is insane.

    they murder hundreds of thousands of each other..

    Iran is about to go HOT with nukes...

    and the UN is probing the killings of 9 terrorists on a boat...

    all the while Turkey uses poison gas on the kurds...

    Iran murders it's own citizens...

    and American apologizes for her being America...

    and we're wasting time on a ROUGE NSA ship that was spying on Israel, in violation of every treaty we every had with Israel.

    What kind of ally wimps out and allows a dictator like Nasser to block the Straits of Titran?

    What kind of ally spies on Israel and turns the collected data over to egypt DURING a HOT war for it's survival?

    The reason the NSA ship Liberty was no rescued? IT was ILLEGAL... IT was Rouge.....

    It was done by a shadow government led by the NSA.

  52. Deuce said...
    The US screwed Israel?


    By allowing Nasser to block Straits of Titran.

    Blockade of the Straits of Tiran

    In 1956, the United States gave Israel assurances that it recognized the Jewish State's right of access to the Straits of Tiran. In 1957, at the UN, 17 maritime powers declared that Israel had a right to transit the Strait. Moreover, any blockade violated the Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, which was adopted by the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea on April 27, 1958. Nonetheless, on on the night of May 22-23, 1967 Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel's only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

    Nasser was fully aware of the pressure he was exerting to force Israel's hand. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defiantly:

  53. If LBJ had sent ONE Frigate, flying under a USA FLAG with Israeli ships behind, the blockade could have been breached and avoided the entire war...

    But the USA did not live up to it's treaty obligations.

    and thus...

    the 6 day war....

  54. and thus...

    the USS Liberty sailing under NSA cover, illegal that is, not ID'd by the USA to Israel, in an area that the USA claimed there was no USA Naval boats, Israel saw and electronically heard the ship...

    And when Israeli Mossad learned of the transmissions coming in a live feed to the Egyptian High command of the electronic war map of the israelis from the sinai to the golan....

    Israel acted...

    after all, why would the USA be transmitting a electronic war map to the brits on Cyprus and then sending that intel to Nasser?

    Unless whomever on that ship wanted to see Israel DESTROYED....

    I feel for the loss of the 34 American sailors wasted by a rouge NSA operation...

    But the blame here?

    Arabists within the NSA and State Dept...

    The same ones that are still there to this day....

  55. And how many American lives have been murdered by the Arabs in the last 60 years?

    ANd how many Americans have been kidnapped by the arabs in the last 60 years?

    Remember the Arabs were on the side of Hitler during ww2....

    Next time you are in NYC make sure you make the opening of the PARK51 Mosque, slated to open on 9/11/11

    Yea, the Liberty?

    What a load of distraction and crap

  56. This is good. I wish I had some Popcorn.

    The only thing missing is Rufus trying to insert an ethanol solution to the argument. Please continue.

  57. As I suspected Allen, rather than inform you’d rather spend your pitiful life sitting around looking of opportunities to take offense over any slight (real or imagined) and then toss around the ad hominem bombs.

    And how do you explain it? By providing examples? No, now you assume the Potter Stewart rationale, (Uh, I know anti-Semitism when I see it). Unfortunately, you see with a jaundiced eye.

    You are a petty man who takes offense at anyone who doesn’t agree with you 100%.

    I don’t dislike you because you are a prick. I dislike you because you are small man whose primary occupation is sitting around waiting to be offended.

    In other words a waste of my time.


  58. I have to say, you're putting a new light on it for me, WiO, that is very interesting.

  59. WiO seems to forget that the Six Day war was in the middle of the Cold War and that Russian ships and planes were all around that area.

    His conclusion, the US should have come to Israel's aid and attacked Egypt.

    The fact that doing so could have led to a broader confrontation involving the US, Russia, and nukes, not part of the calculation.


  60. Gag, surely you've figured it out by now; Ethanol IS the solution.


  61. As an aside:

    I became far more sympathetic toward Israel while in Bogota. Due to Colombia's position as a US ally among South American nations to varying degrees hostile to client and sponsor both. Due to Colombia fighting a long and costly insurgency. Due to the concrete difficulties a US ally faces when having to balance its immediate interests with the wishes and demands of a far off (and always nervous) DC. Due to many believing, ardently, in the essentially malign nature of your host country.

    It can be a hard row to hoe, being an ally - and a very successful one - that has to find some way to dispel the worst myths and political smears daily trafficked by a determined opposition. Very hard indeed.

    Now this:

    "O, and Trish's Maj. Hasan has still not been tried, convicted and executed. I guess the carpet baggers are just to overwhelmed with porn viewing to get around to something as trivial as dealing vengence to the murderer of 13 alleged brothers/sisters in arms. Hey, when you claim to have yours, who really needs anyone else."

    You have a problem with colorful language (the Mother Tongue of the USMC) and would so seem to want a level of decorum upheld, while at the same time you revel in personal attacks like these.


  62. That's good. I see you are lurking as I am. Rat is too, unless he is out riding his horsey.

    I will not enter into this fray.

  63. Quirk said...
    WiO seems to forget that the Six Day war was in the middle of the Cold War and that Russian ships and planes were all around that area.

    His conclusion, the US should have come to Israel's aid and attacked Egypt.

    The fact that doing so could have led to a broader confrontation involving the US, Russia, and nukes, not part of the calculation.


    the USA could have lived up to her treaty obligations and forced EGYPT to either attack the USA or back down in the blockade of the straits of titran.

    Very simple and easy thing to do...

    sail a USA flagged warship in international waters...

  64. To learn about the middle east and all of it's currents has taken me decades of study...

    One thing is fur sure..

    the Islamists respect a strong horse...

    not a pussy...

    By the UN's Thant rolling over and removing troops from the sinai and the USA not calling Nasser's bluff?

    We (collective we) caused the 6 day war...

    Few will remember that the Israelis CAPTURED the SINAI TWO TIMES..

    One returned by the Americans forcing Israel to with drawl for "peace" (land for peace anyone?)

    And the 2nd time, Israel returned the entire Sinai, destroying settlements, dragging out Jews by the hair, giving the Egyptians DEVELOPED oil fields (that the Israelis found & developed)

    All for PEACE...

    And to what aim?

    Egypt is one food (wheat) riot away from total anarchy with the moslem brotherhood ready to take over...

    Land for peace?

    what total shit...

  65. MOSCOW – Russia announced Friday it will begin the startup next week of Iran's only atomic power plant, giving Tehran a boost as it struggles with international sanctions and highlighting differences between Moscow and Washington over pressuring the Islamic Republic to give up activities that could be used to make nuclear arms.
    Uranium fuel shipped by Russia will be loaded into the Bushehr reactor on Aug. 21, beginning a process that will last about a month and end with the reactor sending electricity to Iranian cities, Russian and Iranian officials said.
    "From that moment, the Bushehr plant will be officially considered a nuclear energy installation," said Sergei Novikov, a spokesman for the Russian nuclear agency.

  66. Russian S-300s in Abkhazia block possible Israeli air route to Iran

    Russian S-300 interceptors now in Abkhazia
    US and Israeli military sources told DEBKAfile Thursday, Aug. 12, that a threat from Georgia was not the reason why Russian posted advanced S-300 interceptor batteries Russia in Abkhazia and air defense weapons in South Ossetia on the northern shore of the Black Sea -as Moscow officially maintained, but rather possible moves by the US and/or Israel against Iran and its nuclear facilities.
    Georgia's armed forces do not run to the sophisticated warplanes, missiles or drones that would warrant establishing the high-powered S-300 interceptors for defending the breakaway Abkhazia and South Ossetia.Ordinary air defense batteries would do for deterrence.
    Therefore, US military sources believe Moscow placed the sophisticated batteries on the Black Sea shore more as a counterweight for the US Sixth Fleet warships present in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the two big American bases close to the latter waterway - the Mikhail Kogalniceanu Air Base near Constanta, Romania, and the Bezmer Air Base used by the US Air Force just 50 kilometers from the southern shore of the Black Sea.
    Their location gives the US Air Force the freedom to operate over both the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

  67. Libya falsely arrests and imprisons a duel nationality Jew for taking pictures of a synagogue. This is how the Arabs play...

    Libya says Palestinians freed in deal for Israeli
    (AP) – 1 day ago
    TRIPOLI, Libya — The son of Libya's leader said Thursday that part of a deal to free a jailed Israeli photographer involved the release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
    Seif al-Islam Gadhafi told reporters that the Israeli-Tunisian dual national was not a spy and corroborated the man's story that he was in the country to photograph heritage sites connected with Libya's vanished Jewish community.
    "This person was naive ... he is not a spy and I made use of this issue in favor of our Palestinian brothers in Gaza," he said. "Palestinian prisoners were released in exchange for releasing the Israeli."
    Gadhafi would not say how many Palestinians were released for Rafael Rafram Chaddad, who was freed Sunday after five months in jail.
    Libya bans Israelis from entering the country, though Chaddad was traveling on his Tunisian passport at the time of his arrest.
    On Monday, Israeli officials said the deal involved delivery of 20 prefabricated homes from a Libyan charity to the Gaza Strip. They said the agreement was arranged by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and an Austrian-Jewish businessman, Martin Schlaff.

  68. Nor I, Gag. We all know "what" happened, but we'll Never know "why." I can't see much reaon to argue over what can't ever be more than a "guess."

  69. You may be right about the Six Day war WiO. Unlike you I haven't spent decades researching the Middle East.

    It just seems there was little chance of avoiding war at that time. Delaying it maybe.

    Would a US escort of Israeli ships have prevented war or created conditions for the eventual war to escalate to one involving the US and Russia?

    We'll never know. You have your opinion but I'm not so sure.


  70. Egypt is one food (wheat) riot away from total anarchy with the moslem brotherhood ready to take over...


    Wheat Price Rise Prelude To Chaos?

    I should follow my intuitions, but I'm a finacial coward, can't really afford to make any big mistakes, and like to sleep well at night, when I finally get to sleep. But I knew I should have bought futures earlier this year.

    My wife would have loved me had I been right, crucified me had I been wrong, dear illogical lady.

  71. The Middle East and North Africa, particularly Egypt, are regarded as particularly vulnerable, as are emerging and southern European countries where discontent has already been fuelled by harsh cuts in public spending, benefits and pay .....

    "My top pick for potential trouble would be Egypt where tensions are already high with elections coming up and concerns about succession. Egypt has a long history of food price riots -- but my guess is the main impact will be on the deficit as the cost of subsidies go up."

    Food prices and subsidies have always been notoriously political in Egypt, which faces elections next year with little clarity on whether 82-year-old President Hosni Mubarak -- in power for almost three decades -- will stand again.

    from the article

  72. Trish,

    Cross my heart and hope to die
    Stick a needle in my eye

    I DO NOT believe, think, feel or know that everyone who disagrees with me or who has issues with Israel is an anti-Semite. In all the years we have shared this blog, you know very well that I have been savage in my criticism of specific fellow Jews and Israel domestic and foreign policy.

    For example, I believe the recent ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court forcing Ashkenazi schools to admit Shepardic girls was right on. I believe the jail sentences handed out in mass to those who obstructed justice were right on. The religious fanatics were wrong and were treated as they deserved.

    If you believe my behavior otherwise than stated, prove it. As for as I know, Deuce and Whit allow free access to the archive. That archive has helped me blow the doors off forgetful miscreants on several occasions.

    As to Quirk, he began posting here with a shot at me, to which I responded "Nuts". The issue was tangential to the Liberty as I recall, but definitely Jewish. For my part I think Quirk is a very bright man who runs the risk of developing a very dark soul. We did not kill gentile babies for blood for the matza in 11th C England and we did not attack the USS Liberty with malice aforethought. We are irritating, without doubt, but our track record strongly suggests that we are not suicidally stupid. At the time of the Liberty accident, we were flying French airframes. The US Navy and US Air Force would have made short work of us. Think about it. Goodness, Trish, at the time of the engagement the US had up a spyplane monitoring us and we had no idea!

    Churchill once said (more or less), "The truth can be so valuable that it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies." You of all people should understand this. The general public, however, given what I find on youtube, does not. Indeed, everything is a conspiracy. Lyndon Johnson was a man who will have much to answer, but LBJ did NOT order the attack on any US vessel; albeit, it had the nasty habit of sending grunts across the Ben Hai and abandoning them.

  73. Anonymous said...

    "I also believe in people dedicated to destroying the relationship between israel and America."

    There are also those who are interested in a rethinking of an alliance that, as with others, may not be in the best interest of the US as presently constructed.

    That is a legitimate foreign policy debate.

  74. Trish,

    You accuse me of leveling personal attacks. Review your remarks about me over the past month. Does that make it right? No. My apologies, SINCERELY!

  75. The pain and suffering brought about by Pakistan’s worst-ever floods that have killed 1,600 people and affected over 14 million call for massive international effort. Overseas Pakistanis, especially those living in the United States, will surely do their best to help their countrymen.

    These were the words of Dr. Meher F. Tabatabai, a renowned physician in the US and a well-known philanthropist.


    “They are generally viewed as terrorists and extremists. But the Americans have not seen the true face of Muslims who are peace-loving, progressive and have a positive outlook.

  76. "If you believe my behavior otherwise than stated..."

    Explain your "Trish's MAJ Hasan" post of last night.

    That along with other recent remarks is not indicative to me of a luminous soul.

  77. WiO:And when Israeli Mossad learned of the transmissions coming in a live feed to the Egyptian High command of the electronic war map of the israelis from the sinai to the golan....

    Israel acted...

    I suppose this means you withdraw your request to have Jonathan Pollard released from prison. After all, when the NCIS learned of the leak of classified information, America acted...

  78. Trish,

    In your comment to Anon, you remark that a rethinking of the relationship between Israel and the United States is fair game.

    If you will look at my comment to Anon on this issue, you will find that I agree.

    A discussion based upon interest is fine; attacking the legitimacy of the Jewish state through lies and misinformation is not.

    To save you time, I think the alliance (such as it is) should be sundered on good terms. Israel needs off the dole and the US needs to rediscover how valuable was the relationship it lost. Dell and Microsoft, among others, will.

  79. Trish,

    Have another drink; I'll be gone shortly for Shabbat.

  80. Well this is interesting today I have to admit. Damn, I should have bought those wheat futures.

    Things are so intertwined---the weather is politics

    We farmers are a bunch of assholes, always coveting the other man's wife, land, cattle, and hoping for a drought everywhere but here.

    Some of us are at least honest about it. If it weren't for the complications in the Middle east, I'd hope the drought in Russia lingers on, and on, and on on on.

    Throw in a drought in China, too.

  81. Trish,

    Here's a clue, since I gather you did not get my last one.

    If you cannot link to "evidence" in your criticism of my family, friends and colleagues, you have made the matter personal. As far as I am concerned those statements that border or cross into "blood libel" are as anti-Semitic today as they were in Medieval Europe.

    Now, you started out by claiming my hair trigger on "anti-Semite", prove it lady or go back to your knitting.

  82. "Review your remarks about me over the past month."

    About you being creepy?

    I find people who would irrationally hold me in some way personally responsible for whatever fault they find in the actions and policies of the USG and its various institutions honestly disturbing.

    I am not the personification of my government and its myriad organizations and functions. I do frequently seek to defend these, however poorly - and maybe that's where the confusion enters - but that's because I do not have an overridingly dark or natively suspicious view of same.

    I can be reflexively defensive but as surely you can understand this does often arise from very human and heartfelt loyalties.

  83. But I also find you condescending and overbearing.

    Wouldn't want to leave that out.

    I shall accept the fact that your purpose wrt to me is simply to level insults which provide for an amusing dialogue between yourself and Anonymous.

    And because this is so, I shall simply return to ignoring your posts.

  84. he sure is a piece of work that allen.

  85. T: I suppose this means you withdraw your request to have Jonathan Pollard released from prison. After all, when the NCIS learned of the leak of classified information, America acted...

    Pollard spied for Israel, for cash...

    He spied and turned over information that the USA had promised to share (by agreement) that listed PLO operatives in Libya and Tunisia.

    Hardly the same issue...

    Pollard put no American assets in danger.

    Should Pollard get a sentence that is greater than what AMerica gave to others that spied for UN-Friendlies? Like Walker, Hansen etc...

    Those guys got scores of FRIENDLIES MURDERED..

    Pollard got UN-FRIENDLIES killed....

  86. Why We Can't Get Along With The Muzzies And Never Will

    It all seems so simple to me. It's been going on since the beginning, and here we're about to allow a Victory Mosque to be built at Ground Zero.

    And we introduce wolves into the heart of elk country in Idaho.

    I'm beginning to agree with Rufus, we may well be the dumbest people on the planet.

  87. Bob: Palin Leads GOP Field Among Republicans Who Say They've Smoked Pot

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it, WiO.


    Just did... and I'd still vote for her...

    She may not KNOW all the answers? But she is a Patriot and she does have good common sense...

  88. Ash said...
    he sure is a piece of work that allen.

    Now that is like the Pot calling the kettle black

  89. trish said...
    But I also find you condescending and overbearing.

    Many find that I am that as well...

    But under that I am also quite the prick...

  90. Funny thing about blogs?

    many people would never say or act like they do on the blogs as they do in real life....

    Me? I am the same...

    TRUST ME....

  91. "Many find that I am that as well...

    "But under that I am also quite the prick..."

    I have not noticed either.

    Be this the case, however, you at least have the world class brisket to redeem you.

  92. Trish,

    I find you meddlesome, ill-informed (it is the only logical rationalization for your reticence to follow up on your opaque oracles) and crude (one does hope that this is not the norm for those representing us overseas - if that is condescending, get over it and clean the toilet).

    (Amazing, I am being lectured by a woman whose middle name, apparently, is "Fucking"; will wonders never cease.) But thanks for giving me a humorous Shabbat send off :)

    Do note, I do NOT consider you an anti-Semite.

    Creepy is so beneath someone of your purported credentials.

  93. Just did... and I'd still vote for her...

    She may not KNOW all the answers? But she is a Patriot and she does have good common sense...


    That's what I think too. Plus I love the fact that she's come up all by herself, there's no big money, at all, in her background. No Harvard, no Yale, just a father that's a high school teacher, and her good heart and good spirit.

  94. Allen,

    I am crude....

    I am rude...

    I picture myself as the Lenny Bruce of Jewish - Islamic relations.

    I find that as per the Rambam that ridicule and mocking should be used specifically and for only a select few topics...

    Islamic Jihad & Jew haters fits the bill...

    I seek people to listen to me INSPITE of my gruff-like asshole persona

    I find it amazing in the world today that slick snake oil salesmen can say to you nicely "i am going to slit your throat, rape your wife and eat your kids" are allowed to speak freely and in fact seem to be held in high esteem.

    Myself? I always seem to want to drive those people away, looking for those that look beyond the lenny bruce but with the facts I produce.

    shabbat shalom, and have a fuckin fun shabbos...

    Makers Mark here I come...

  95. Who was that Anon and why am I so harassed while I'm away?


    High comedy is more like it.

    I got the foxy pussy by the tail, allen told me so, it must be true.

    He is a Semite, you know.
    Both him and the Saudi King, too.

    I am given to understand that they are kissin' cousins to the goats of Jordon.

    As well as the Simians of the Sahara.

  96. Did all of the masochists finish the Story of "o"?

  97. High literature, that Story of "o"

  98. ************TROLL ALERT**********************
    Anonymous said...
    Who was that Anon and why am I so harassed while I'm away?
    High comedy is more like it.
    I got the foxy pussy by the tail, allen told me so, it must be true.
    He is a Semite, you know.
    Both him and the Saudi King, too.
    I am given to understand that they are kissin' cousins to the goats of Jordon.
    As well as the Simians of the Sahara.

    ************TROLL ALERT**********************

  99. The last two comments weren't by bob the farmer from Idaho.

  100. To be able to move to build the Islamic centre by demolishing the old 1850s warehouse at 45 Park Place, Imam Rauf and his team had to wait for a decision from the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission, which was deliberating whether the building should be preserved as a historic landmark. A Christian legal rights group, American Center for Law and Justice, had appealed to the commission that the building should be considered a landmark because of the landing gear that fell through its roof.

    New York waited for the decision. On the morning of August 3, a few hundred people filled a university auditorium near the trade towers site.

    Nine members of the Landmarks Commission took turns to speak and unanimously declared that the Italian palazzo building on Park Place did not have a special architectural or aesthetic character and thus did not merit a historic status. Stephan Bryns, the Landmarks Commissioner, argued that being damaged in the 9/11 attacks and being close to Ground Zero didn’t give it historic landmark status, either.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. WiO,

    Ash made what he thought was an insulting comment. Yes, I am a piece of work. When you come to class, you had better be prepared; I care less what you "feel". Ash wasn't about to read the material offered for his purvue; it might have burst his bubble.

    Best, friend, see you next week

  103. Watch that philosophy stuff, T, Neitchze was grossly misused.

    Nietzche is pietzche, but Sartre is smartre.

    I do wonder why you asked me to reveal my religion, though. Were you going to turn me in to my pastor for making comments that don't support the Judeo-Christian narrative?

  104. WiO,

    Shabbat beverage: Glenmorangie

    I'll be the Peres, you play the Begin. They won't know what hit them.

    As to the coitus part, the rabbis have spoken :)

  105. FDA approves the week-after pill.

    What's next, the nine-month after pill?
