Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hitler's Jewish Roots

Auto-phobia is a psychological term used to define the process of self-loathing or hatred of one's self or kin. It is thought to be a motivator but not a particularly strong one. Well, maybe not but it can certainly be a motivator with profound consequences to your kin and others.

One need not look very far in history to find other examples of self-loathers that had wide consequential affects on humanity; St Paul and Muhammed come to mind.


Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA tests show
Adolf Hitler is likely to have had Jewish and African roots, DNA tests have shown.

By Heidi Blake Telegraph
Published: 6:25AM BST 24 Aug 2010

Saliva samples taken from 39 relatives of the Nazi leader show he may have had biological links to the “subhuman” races that he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust.

Jean-Paul Mulders, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermeeren, a historian, tracked down the Fuhrer’s relatives, including an Austrian farmer who was his cousin, earlier this year.

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.
"One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised," Mr Mulders wrote in the Belgian magazine, Knack.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.
Knack, which published the findings, says the DNA was tested under stringent laboratory conditions.

"This is a surprising result," said Ronny Decorte, a genetic specialist at the Catholic University of Leuven.
"The affair is fascinating if one compares it with the conception of the world of the Nazis, in which race and blood was central.

“Hitler's concern over his descent was not unjustified. He was apparently not "pure" or ‘Ayran’.”

It is not the first time that historians have suggested Hitler had Jewish ancestry.
His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man called Frankenberger.


  1. I was kinda under the impression that we All had "African" roots.

  2. Me too.

    That's what we were led to believe...Is that not true?

    Or is this story more bravo sierra?

  3. jimeny crickets, is rat in charge of this blog now?

  4. Hitler died on April 30, 1945.

    Sixty-five years ago. Still within the lifetime of many who are old enough to remember WWII. I heard an old Brit on BBC the other day. He was a pilot during the Battle of Britain.

    Also recently heard young Brits who had no idea when the Battle of Britain occurred or what it was about.

    When I was a young man growing up in the old south, we actually had living widows of civil war veterans. We sang Dixie at our football games and held Confederate Balls. Honor and chivalry were inculcated.

    Sometimes, it takes a long time to forget.

  5. We have too many anonymi these days.

  6. An hour for a half-year of the Eight Grade should be dedicated to "Nazism." An hour, the second half year shoud be dedicated to the Holocaust.

    These were "modern" humans in the middle third of the 20th Century.

    Those who forget are doomed to repeat.

  7. Of course, you could chop a couple of weeks off the Nazis, and spend them on Stalin, and his 50 Million "Starved."

  8. Might even save a couple of weeks for Boxer Rebellion (its causes,) the Rape of Nanking, and good ol' Mao, and his twenty, or so, million dead.

  9. Young people should definitely be warned/taught where Utopians, demagogues and despots will take them.

  10. Hitler was a secret Jew. Did Desert Rat get a gig writing topics for the EB?

  11. I think we're all having the same reaction to the post.

  12. "Those who forget are doomed to repeat."

    Surely the vast majority of American children is not unaware of Nazism and the Holocaust.

    They are probably, however, unaware of the depth and prevalence of anti-Semitism more generally across Europe and in the United States at the time. That continued to be the norm in places until well into the 60's and 70's.

  13. The Americans have killed over 50 million of their own.
    Rivaling the death tolls of both Hitler and Stalin.

    The Israeli have killed 50,000 of their own, each year since 1979. Well over a million Jews have been murdered by Israeli hands.
    Friends of Efrat

    More than all the Jews killed by the evil Muslims since 1949.

    Let's speak to these truths.

  14. Achtung--"However, Hitler had no verifiable ancestor that was Jewish. The
    Holocaust History site states:
    " Few, if any, of the reputable historians on the Holocaust believe
    that this is so. It is more likely that Hitler tried to keep the murky
    history of his family quite secret because there was a high incidence
    of insanity and feeble-mindedness in his ancestors."
    (SOURCE: The HOlocaust History Page,

    That's the usual response to the question. DNA evidence is something else, however, so, who knows for sure.


  15. The Israeli ---is a signiture of the rat.


  16. That's their "Civilization" for you.

    The Jews are the basis of "Western Civilization" they tell us.
    Let's look at it, closely.

    The Industrialization of Death.

  17. You might be a little 'low' on that Mao figure, Ruf. He may have done twice that. The figures vary, but you might be on the low end there.

    Hot potato of a topic, going back to bed.


  18. bob of Idaho searches for an author to blame but does not dispute the numbers.

    Cannot dispute the truth. Come on bob from Idaho, defend the American Holocaust, your version of Civilization.

    19 Muslims killed 4,000 Americans no doubt.

    American doctors kill that many Americans every 32 hours.
    Have for over 30 years.


  19. bob from Idaho now denies the medical science that is the hallmark of "Western Civilization"

    DNA testing is no longer adequate proof, if it dispels his prejudices.

    bob of Idaho denies scientific facts.

  20. As the host here mentioned on time. 19% of American doctors are Jewish.

    19% of 50 million equals ... ?

    Far more than 4,000.

  21. Talk about twisting facts:

    As the host here mentioned on time. 19% of American doctors are Jewish.

    The host was responding to idiotic comments about a few criminals, that happened to be doctors, and were Jewish, who illegally harvested body parts.

    The host used the statistics to point out that there was a vast amount of good done by the disproportionate representation of gifted doctors who were Jewish.

    The host does was objecting to a crass and fatuous statement probably made by you.

  22. Rufus said:

    I was kinda under the impression that we All had "African" roots.

    Maybe we all have some Jewish roots, maybe you do, maybe you are a self loathing person. You certainly are fixated and allow your discourse to be obsessed with seeing Jews as being at the root of all evil.

    It may make you feel good to write what you do, but it is not making any converts to your personal vendetta.

    That you seize upon this story to come to the wrong conclusion does not surprise me, but there is a worthy conclusion.

    Try and task yourself to reach it.

  23. It is not the first time that historians have suggested Hitler had Jewish ancestry.
    His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man called Frankenberger.

    If your mother was a Jew, then you are a Jew. So neither Hitler's father nor Hitler were Jews. Ancestry and DNA doesn't mean a hell of a lot.

  24. Recovery Summer is almost over, the Faltering Fall is ready to begin, to be followed by the Wasted Winter.

  25. I don't like the title of the thread...

    It could read:

    "Hitler's DNA not pure Aryan Blood contains traces of African and Semitic origins"

    The current title is baiting...

  26. HEH

    Speaking of ancestry--

    My wife sends me This cause her ancestry traces back to this fellow Wallace.

    And you wonder why I live in fear of my wife.

    I says, "I got no illustrious in my background" she says "You've got Robert W"

    She never could stand my father.


  27. T says

    Hitler was a secret Jew.

    Then takes it back

    If your mother was a Jew, then you are a Jew. So neither Hitler's father nor Hitler were Jews.

    I think the concept of being inhabited by an evil spirit explains things as well as any. After all I remember reading his Prist telling him he was one of the lost ones, very early in life. That's what I read, anyway.

  28. Priest

    One thing my wife had against my father was he never went in a grocery store in his entire life. That ticked her off for some reason.

  29. Is Gingrich Wrong To Talk About Sharia?

    Creeping sharia.

    The people in the comments section seem mostly awake.

  30. St Paul as a self loather.

    He seemed proud enough of his Jewish identity, but he had that danged thorn in the flesh, that is he may have been a kind of closet gay, a no no, and may have been struggling with that, according to some recent ideas.

    1 Timothy 2 11-15--

    11 Let a woman learn in quietness with all subjection.

    12 But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness.

    13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve;

    14 and Adam was not beguiled, but the woman being beguiled hath fallen into transgression:

    15 but she shall be saved through her child-bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety--

    that Doug mentioned the other day, and that I used to quote to my wife during an argument to tick her off, simply can't be by St. Paul, as it conflicts with too many other things that are by St. Paul.

  31. Deuce, what was that 08:36 all about? Other than not liking "religion" in general, and Zionism in particular, I've been pretty much trying to stay out of the "Jew" threads.

    Are you mistaking me for someone else?

  32. Historian Says Apostle Paul May Have Been Roman Spy

    The head of the history department at Virginia Military Institute suggests that the Apostle Paul may have been spying for the Romans.

    LEXINGTON, Va. (AP) - The head of the history department at Virginia Military Institute suggests that the Apostle Paul may have been spying for the Romans.

    Rose Mary Sheldon, the co-author of "Operation Messiah: St. Paul, Roman Intelligence and the Birth of Christianity," presented her thesis last week at the International Spy Museum in Washington.

    She suggests that Paul may have faked his conversion on the road to Damascus so he could infiltrate Christian congregations and report to Rome on suspicious elements in synagogues across the empire.

    Sheldon says Paul's interaction with Roman officials seems to have been remarkably friendly, and she notes that in his letter to the Romans, he urges Christians to obey them.

    Seems unlikely to me, but I'm no longer in argumentive mode here.

    Besides these sleeping pills have really mellowed me out--couldn't argue even if I wanted to. I think I'm getting hooked on 'em.

  33. I think Deuce was just using your quote Ruf but was aiming at Anon, not you.

  34. bob: I think I'm getting hooked on 'em.

    Switch to advil and prime rib of beef at once...

  35. I can't give 'em up, Wio. I won't worry about the Advil, but I will do the prime rib beef, they have that at the Casino.

  36. OT

    Chinese Traffic Jam Enters 9th Day

    I've been following this story. It's a hell of mess.

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  38. Deuce,

    You wrote this,

    Maybe we all have some Jewish roots, maybe you do, maybe you are a self loathing person. You certainly are fixated and allow your discourse to be obsessed with seeing Jews as being at the root of all evil.

    It may make you feel good to write what you do, but it is not making any converts to your personal vendetta.

    to me.

    Personal Vendetta?


    seeing Jews as being the "root of all evil?

    Because I don't want my tax dollars to go to "settlements in Palestine?"

    That's the way you see it?

    That's bizarre.

    I think I'm owed an apology.

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  41. "...presented her thesis last week at the International Spy Museum in Washington."

    Spies. Sheesh.

    Occam's Razor would suggest the reason Paul got along well with the Romans was that he was a Roman citizen.

    There was the story of the Roman Tribune who was arresting Paul for causing trouble and instigating a riot. The Tribune was scared shitless when Paul proved to him he was a Roman citizen.

    Under Augustus, the ordinary Roman had more individual rights than he did under the old Roman Republic (of course he did give up his political rights to Augustus).

    Just as an aside, the tax rate under Augustus was 2%.


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  44. Rufus: Because I don't want my tax dollars to go to "settlements in Palestine?"

    That's the way you see it?

    That's bizarre.

    I think I'm owed an apology.

    Your tax dollars do go to settlements in palestine..

    It's called GAZA and aid to Fatah...

    I am not for that either...

    the USA funds and supports the terrorists that squat in the historic Jewish lands of the West Bank.

    Send your displeasure to the Obama Whitehouse.

    The small amount of aid that goes to Israel for military support is paid back many times over back in the good ole USA. It provides 10's of thousands of American jobs..

    Maybe if the USA didnt give 673 billion a year to the camel fuckers in the middle east we would not have to help the Jews from genocide (since we fund the camel fuckers in their genocidal ways)

  45. There is no evidence that the Nazis followed Halachah. Therefore, whether Hitler's mother was Jewish was irrelevant. The Nazis took the position that one drop of Jewish blood from any source was sufficient cause for arrest, deportation and execution.

    Jews have known for 70-80 years that Hitler had Jewish genes, as did Marx and Freud - self-loathers all.

    Yep, Jews know lots of things, say, the great sign of G-d's existence found in the first verse of Genesis.

    As for an earlier comment implying that anti-Semiticism is a thing of the past - either purposeful propaganda or ignorant rubbish.

  46. Occam's Razor would suggest the reason Paul got along well with the Romans was that he was a Roman citizen.

    There was the story of the Roman Tribune who was arresting Paul for causing trouble and instigating a riot. The Tribune was scared shitless when Paul proved to him he was a Roman citizen.

    Yep a Roman Citizen...

    There might have been some Jews that were citizens of Rome, but the Jews of Jerusalem were not Roman citizens.

    So Saul was in fact a spy, or traitor, either way?

    A 1st class shit...

  47. Bob:
    T says

    "Hitler was a secret Jew."

    Then takes it back

    "If your mother was a Jew, then you are a Jew. So neither Hitler's father nor Hitler were Jews."

    The first was my one-line synopsis of the topic, not an affirmation.

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  55. Frankenberger = Joo

    McVeigh = Christian

    Muslim call to prayer = One of the most beautiful sounds on Earth.

    As it is written, let it be done.

  56. Having trouble posting large post.

    Takes the first post, but when I submit subsequent posts, the first one disappears.

    Blogger sucks at times.


  57. I've never watched a Muzzie Snuff Video, but Ingraham mentioned blood coming out of eye sockets in the recent stonings.

    Must be nice.

    Build more Mosques!

  58. Odd that women's libbers can't work up any enthusiasm about burying women up to their necks and then having at them with boots and rocks.

    Good that Barry thinks they are our betters.

  59. A few comments now from those here preaching mindless tolerance would be nice.

  60. G-d bless blogger, our cyberspace saviour.

  61. <a href="http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2010/08/24/conway-us-withdrawal-deadline-boosts-taliban-in-afghan-war/
    arine General--Obama Boosts Taliban</a>

    Since he's about to retire he must feel free to mouth off. It's going to be a sad thing if all goes bad for the women of Afghanistan, again. They can't seem to ever buy a break.

  62. Quirk, can't you just give us kinda a synopsis of these sun and moon signs, like in the newspaper?

    When I read fish fins, that's what I do. All they really want to know is whether they're going to score, or not.

  63. Having trouble posting large post.

    Blogger pays you back for all the bandwidth you've wasted with your self-absorbed quadruple-spaced ending-with-period narcissistic commentary.

    Even blogger gets it right occasionally.



  64. quirk (kwûrk)
    1. A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy: "Every man had his own quirks and twists" (Harriet Beecher Stowe).
    2. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.
    3. A sudden sharp turn or twist.
    4. An equivocation; a quibble.
    5. Architecture A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.


    Talking to my engineer today he was telling me about a transformer station he got the job of engineering, 45 acres of transformers over in Washington to handle the windmills. He said some of the lines in this station handle 500,000 volts, and when the guys walk under, their hair stands on end.

    I thought of Melody and her hot tub.

    Why are there only three blades on these windmills, rather than many like on the old farm windmills?

    Less damage to the birds.

    The gear box below speeds up the rotation enough to create energy.

  65. Gen. James Conway is the current Commandant of the Marine Corps and is near retirement.

    He said:

    Obama’s Afghan deadline “Gives Sustenance to the enemy”

    Let's translate what the General said:

    Obama's Afghan deadline "Gives aid and comfort to the enemy."

    Am I reading too much into this? If not, then what the General has said is that what the President has done is tantamount to treason.

    Bob's link doesn't work

  66. ...45 acres of transformers over in Washington to handle the windmills.

    Paid for by hidden costs passed on by the utilities to the rate payers while the greenie boosters trumpet their bogus claims of clean energy efficiency, propaganda also mandated and paid for by the rate payers while the rent seekers plan their next boondoggles.

    Hair standing on end is old stuff around any hydro complex and transmission lines. There's good reason why the boys and girls who know what they're doing wear plastic hardhats under the buss bars at substations. A few heads have exploded unexpectedly.

  67. I was not refering to real quirks.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. And the abuse continues.

    Just a simple guy trying to get by and this is the abuse I get.


    That is where the term "scroll" comes in Bobbo.

    All they really want to know is whether they're going to score, or not.

    Hint and Preview: In your case Bobbo, the horoscope confirms that big "No!" that keeps popping up on the Magic 8-Ball.


  70. Blogger pays you back for all the bandwidth you've wasted with your self-absorbed quadruple-spaced ending-with-period narcissistic commentary...

    Merely trying to get my share, LT.


  71. What? I don't rate a smiley face?

    Anyhow, scroll controls around the whirled breathed a brief sigh of relief during blogger's punishment of your commentary.

  72. Hey, Doug.

    Does your wife have one of those

    Beware of Doug

    signs posted outside your house?


  73. What? I don't rate a smiley face?

    Sorry, LT.

    I was trying to conserve space.


  74. Shit,

    I forgot again.



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  77. :)

    ...Presa Canario...

    Isn't that native Hawaiian for "Big Bird"?


  78. Knoller's husband and law partner, Robert Noel, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for leaving the dogs with Knoller, knowing she could not restrain them.

    That seems a little of a stretch to me but I know 'hang 'em high Doug' wouldn't think so, and he might be right.

  79. U.S. Economy
    Existing-Home Sales Plunge in July

    Recovery is Losing Steam, Fast

    Fed Split on How to Boost Economy


  80. More importantly, I still can't get that first one to stay posted.

    Though ill-equipped for the task, I may have to get clever in addressing this situation.

    But first, gotta walk the dog.


  81. And you were the one telling me how poor I was with a computer.

    Nifty Moving Graphic of the Recession


  82. Quirk, there may be some code hidden in text which is interfering.

    Take the post and paste into Notepad first, then copy from Notepad and paste it into blogger.

    It might work.

  83. "More importantly, I still can't get that first one to stay posted."

    Then post it last.

    ; )

    Better yet just email it to the Deuce and he can just post it from there.

  84. Notepad?

    (Also, that wasn't a criticism Bob. I enjoy a little company while sitting here among the computer illiterate.)


  85. MIAMI (AP) Former state House Speaker Marco Rubio wins Republican nomination for Senate in Florida.

  86. My daughter did finally get Toshiba to take the lap top back, supposedly I'm to get another one from them one of these days, or they're going to fix that one. I didn't think I'd screwed it up. This one yes, but that was a dog from day one.

  87. An Australian soldier has been killed in an "intense firefight" with Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan, the Defence Force says.


    SAS Trooper Jason Brown was killed a week earlier in a gun battle in Kandahar province.

    The first mentoring task force is involved in mentoring, reconstruction and security operations in the country's southern Oruzgan province.

    Soldier Dead in Afghanistan

  88. HOROSCOPE – VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

    [Lawyer’s Exception Statement: If you are a Virgo please remember that the following paper titled HOROSCOPE – VIRGO reflects an amalgam of general tendencies and characteristics of a large sample of Virgos. It does not reflect the tendencies and characteristics of any particular Virgo attending the EB. We, the lawyers and management, firmly believe that any Virgos at the EB likely have all the positive characteristics of the Virgo while demonstrating few if any of the negative traits. We would change the names to protect the innocent but we are unaware of any innocents at the EB. However, if you would like to sign an affidavit stating that you are in fact an innocent, we will be glad to change your name.

    All that being said, talk-show host Nancy Grace, a lawyer and author, states that if you are a Virgo and born between the offending dates of August 23 and September 22 then you are as guilty as sin and should be locked away like the rancid cur you are. (Note: Nancy Grace’s opinions are hers alone and do not reflect the opinions of the management of Souls-R-Us, L.L.P.C. nor its affiliates.)]

    Origin – Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. The sign has always been represented by a young woman, a maiden, imbued with purity.

    Controlling Body – Mercury

    Lucky Day – Wednesday

    Color – Blue

    Element – Earth

    Symbol – Maiden

    Lucky Number - Five

    Compatible Signs – Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus

    Incompatible Signs – Aquarius, Libra, Aries

    Famous Virgos – Margaret Trudeau, Sean Connery, Buddy Holly, Gag Reflex, Leo Tolstoy, Goethe, Oliver Stone, Lyndon Johnson, Trish, Greta Garbo, Agatha Cristie, John McCain, Yassar Arafat, Michael Jackson, D. H. Lawrence, William Howard Taft, Walt Whitman, Samuel Johnson

    Virgo Quote (Male) – Craig Kilborn: “A telephone survey says that 51 percent of college students drink until they pass out at least once a month. The other 49 percent didn't answer the phone.

    Virgo Quote (Male) – Johann von Goethe: "The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything."

    Virgo Quote (Male) – Charlie Sheen: “I fell for you like a blind roofer.”

    Virgo Quote (Male) – Damon Hill: “Winning is everything. The only ones who remember you when you come second are your wife and your dog.”

    Virgo Quote (Female) – Trish: “I didn’t say it was going to be easy.” (Commenting on Whit’s observation that given current demographics it would be difficult to achieve her aim of reclaiming the world beer drinking title from the Chinese.)

    Virgo Quote (Female) – Liz Carpenter: “I am 56 and still a Virgo.”

    Virgo Quote (Female) – Barbara Ehrenreich: “Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favours not only the clever but the murderous.”

    Virgo Attributes – Methodical, intelligent, meticulous, dependable, industrious, practical, efficient, thorough, observant, analytical, satirical, studious, reliable, down-to-earth, skeptical, over-critical, picky, petty, worry wart, shy, reserved, self-centered, and melancholy


  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. We are the illiterati, you and me, Quirk.

    I don't know what notepad is either.

  91. VIRGO cont’d)

    The typical Virgo is not easy to get to know. Intelligent and observant, they value their personal space and are jealous with their time. To some, the Virgo appears aloof and mysterious. The Virgo is kind in a cool and calculating way. However, they are willing to invest a lot of time taking care of those they love. They are sensitive to the emotional needs of others and are willing to listen and offer advice. They usually have good taste, subtlety, and wit. They value knowledge and are proud of their accomplishments.

    On the other hand, while capable and efficient, their discrimination can manifest itself on the negative side. They are the critics of the Zodiac. They can be harsh and cynical, their rebukes sarcastic, cutting, and vicious. This shrewishness can turn off some of the other Zodiacal signs. While opinionated, Virgos typically reserve their harshest criticism for themselves.

    Virgos are usually very organized. They like to categorize, chart, classify, organize, label. They are also the obsessive-compulsives of the Zodiac. Don’t go changing things around in their neat little color-coordinated closets or in their ordered and articulated minds or they could just freak out taking collateral victims with them.

    Virgo women like to chat and gossip; some can talk endlessly. They can also be deeply emotional and sensitive, and upon hearing something that upsets them, sometimes will slip away unseen to have a quick cry before returning to the battle with a scathing rebuke. To the Virgo, to err is human to forgive unusual. They love you for your faults and failings primarily because these can someday be used against you. Love for the Virgo consists in telling you why you are sorry.

    The Virgo is not a gambler. They like security. Usually in choosing a career they will choose a job with a steady paycheck as opposed to one that carries risk. They prefer to be the second-fiddle, the power behind the throne. Cardinal Richelieu was a Virgo. Because of this risk aversion, they sometimes end up in jobs where they feel stifled and bored. Virgo’s quiet demeanor, specialized knowledge, and inclination to serve people suggest appropriate jobs are in medicine, writing, the military, and teaching. They also do well as geishas, masseuses, and greeters at Walmart.

    Relationships are usually difficult for Virgos. They tend to be shy, reserved, and self-contained. It is true that they are kind and sensitive and willing to attend to the wants and need of others: however, their cool analytical veneers and self-control can be infuriating to passionate types. The male is usually no Don Juan. When presented with a romantic situation, he is likely to start by carefully removing and hanging up his coat and then carefully folding his tie before getting down to business. He eschews public displays of affection. He is likely to have a sex manual with diagrams and instructions regarding the erogenous zones. The female also tends to thinks too much. Though sentimentally romantic deep down, she is too self-conscious. The Virgo would likely be better off skipping the analysis and instead concentrating on the sensual and emotional. They usually wait for someone to say “let’s get down” before actually getting down.


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  93. VIRGO – cont’d)

    Appropriate Virgo Pets – Virgo pets should reflect the personality of their owner. They should be somewhat edgy, perhaps a little irritable at times, neat and clean. Not particularly affectionate, they dislike sharing toys or food with anyone. Generally they ignore other animals in the household. Typically appropriate pets for the Virgo could be sea urchins, certain types of jellyfish, and clams. Non-aquatic pets might include the porcupine.

    [Caution: When purchasing your next pet, make sure it is one your friends like as it will likely outlive you by some nine years. This caution applies only to Virgos living in Marist County, Wisconsin.]

    -Your 2010 Horoscope (Virgo)–

    This year is expected to offer a mixed bag for the typical Virgo.

    • Within a few months your whole world will change. Your days will grow darker. Things will take on a distinct chill. It will be more difficult getting around. This darker period should only last three or four months.

    • A homeless person will approach you and ask for any change you can spare. You will immediately start to quiz him on how he will spend the money. You will then begin to share your views on self-reliance and the need to show initiative. After 15 minutes, the homeless person will sigh weekly, turn, and leave. You will continue to follow him for a short distance explaining that he needs to dress better.

    • On September 3, there will be a rare conjunction of heavenly bodies in the constellation of Virgo as Mars, Venus, and Jupiter all approach each other in a dazzling celestial display. Only one person will recognize the significance of this event and the fact that this is a sign and a remembrance of an extraordinary birth that took place approximately forty odd years ago. Unfortunately, that one person will be a dyslexic AP reporter traumatized by the recent elections in Colombia whose story explaining the celestial conjunction will be so marred by typos, and spelling and grammatical errors as to render the significance of the event meaningless to all who read the story. Some people will call this poetic justice others will call it Karma.

    • On September 13, you will return home after a romantic dinner featuring wine and dancing. Your significant other will then turn down the lights, turn up the fire, and put on some Barry White music. She will sit down beside you, offer you a drink, lean close letting her perfume waft over you, and seductively whisper in your ear, “Let’s go to bed.” You will reply, “Why?”

    • In February, you will be reported missing in Afghanistan which will show just how far you are willing to go to avoid Doug.


  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Well you made up for it, you posted the first part twice. The Keystone Horoscope.

  96. Rufus, Bob had it right. My comment was directed at anon. I used your quote because it was on the mark. I have not read through the entire thread,



  97. VIRGO – Cont’d)

    Next Month: Libra (monthly personalized horoscopes available by request)


    Product of the Month at Souls-R-Us ©: Acupuncture

    That’s right, Acupuncture. Do-It-Yourself Acupuncture. And we at Souls-R-Us © have all the tools you need to bring this ancient oriental healing art home for you and your friends.

    Want to do a little acupuncture? Great! Want to have a little Bar-B- Q? No problem!

    For a small nominal price you can now have this Souls-R-Us DIY Acupuncture/Bar-B-Q Kit.

    This amazing kit contains everything you need to entertain your friends at a Bar-B-Q or an oriental health getaway. You’ll love it.

    Each kit contains:

    • (10) stainless steel combination acupuncture needle/shish-ka-bob skewers
    • (1) 8 oz bottle of isopropyl alcohol
    • (1) 8 oz bottle of Uncle Tim’s Bar-B-Q Sauce (available in mild, medium, and hot)
    • (1) Secrets of the East Acupuncture Guide
    • (1) Secrets of East Texas Bar-B-Q Guide and Cookbook
    • (1) DVD titled The Acupuncture Needle and You
    • (1) Average size cutout of human figure (male) showing meridians and acupuncture points
    • (1) Average size cutout of human figure (female) showing meridians and acupuncture points
    • (optional) (1) blowup human figure (male) showing meridians and acupuncture points
    • (optional) (1) blowup human figure (female) showing meridians and acupuncture points
    • (1) bag of charcoal.

    [Note: Optional blow-up figures, male and female, are anatomically correct.]

    Be the first on your block to get this kit. You will love it! (And your friends will too.)

    What a deal this is. But wait folks. This is Souls-R-Us © not some dollar store.

    We are going to make a great deal even better.

    Everyone who orders one of our Souls-R-Us DIY Acupuncture/Bar-B-Q Kit within the next 24 hours is going to receive a free bottle of Lo Bach Pang’s Mystery Oil. Do you have lumbago, scabies, Tourette Syndrome, narcolepsy, a poor golf swing, tire wear? Do you need to be protected from radio waves? Then you need Lo Bach Pang’s Mystery Oil, a secret combination of the visceral fluids from the Arizona diamondback rattlesnake, the Tennessee cottonmouth, and the common garden snake, plus a super-secret ingredient developed produced by CERN of Switzerland.

    This is the deal of a lifetime folks. Don’t miss it.

    [A little housekeeping for some of our subscription members. We would like to apologize for the e-mail sent out yesterday indicating we would soon be offering fortune telling by one who could “tell the future from the fins of a fish”. As noted, the e-mail was sent in error. Our legal department has ruled we will not be able to offer these services at this time. Evidently, there were some olfactory issues associated with the proposed guru. We are attempting to find a more acceptable practitioner of this art and also to determine whether the customer has to bring his own fins or whether they will be provided (or sold) directly from Souls-R-Us ©. Thanks you for your patience]

    • As always, discounts on our full range of services are available to the Rosicrucian brotherhood (secret handshake required).


  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Twice every time, you must have a double barrel.

  100. Looks like the Notepad did it Whit.


    (Although LT and some of the other barbarians in the bar will likely hold it against you.)

    Hey Bob. If you push the little blue ball with the four colored thingees in it at the bottom of the screen, a menu comes up.

    About halfway down there's something called Notepad. I understand they put it there in case you get some code (?) hidden (?)in your text.

    Devilishly clever these Windows guys.

    But it's still complicated and it gives me a headache. Let's face it, you and I are artists not technicians.


  101. The way he's going, Obama could lose all 57 states in 2012.

  102. I don't know if I got that thingee, though I pushed something colored and Google Desktop came up.

    I've backed out.

    I was ordered not to push any buttons but the ones with the nail polish on them unless my daughter is here.

  103. Rossi seems to be ahead in your fair state, Miss T.

  104. Polls have shown Gillibrand with commanding leads. A Siena College poll released last week showed Gillibrand leading each of the three Republicans by at least 25 percentage points.


    Gillibrand also reported $7.2 million in campaign funds last month, more than double her three Republican competitors combined.

    Gillibrand faces a Democratic primary challenge from New York City lawyer Gail Goode, who has little party support, name recognition or campaign cash.

    Bashing Gillibrand

  105. Well the judge has ruled against the Idaho transportation Dept and Energy independence.

    They were made in Japan, (I think) these huge drums bound for Alberta, shipped up the Columbia and Snake to here, then the plan was to take them up Highway 12, a two lane, to Montana, then north.

    They had it figured out for the middle of the night, stopping every half hour or something, for the traffic. Where they could pull off I don't know.

    But the judge says Idaho Transportation Department violated their own rules in approving this procedure, something about only 10 minutes if there are cars behind.

    I went down to the port and looked at these drums, they are huge. I don't have any idea what they are going to do now. All this brought to us by the enviros and the Nez Perce.

    Here they are, right here in our port

  106. All these guys are sitting around in the motels here wondering what to do next, while the Port of Lewiston collects rents for hosting the drums.

  107. I was ordered not to push any buttons but the ones with the nail polish on them unless my daughter is here.


    Your daughters a genius. Why didn't I think of that?


  108. But concern about AQAP has risen sharply in the aftermath of the failed Christmas Day attack.

    U.S. officials cited recent indications that AQAP has shared its chemical bomb-making technology with other militant organizations, including Somalia-based al-Shabab.

    Because Yemen is an Arab country and the ancestral home of bin Laden, some analysts fear that it could be more difficult to dislodge al-Qaeda there than in Pakistan.

    al-Qaeda in Yemen

  109. The Nez Perce will have an attitude adjustment when their palms are greased a bit, is what will happen.

  110. Thanks for the clarification, Deuce. I was more than a little "confused,"

    not to mention, "dismayed."

    my wittle feeling was hurt (:=(

    sniff, sniff

  111. This story is mis-guiding.

    Hitler was not of any Jewish origin infact the DNA claiming is not even Hitler's nor is it exclusive to Jews or Africans not does it name the 39 relatives.

    The Jew Frankenberger story: Hans Frank, who became Govenor General of Poland from 1939 to 1945, is responsible for the false story, with the help of an American army chaplain Sixtus O’Conner, written before Frank was put to death by the Nuremberg IMT [International Military Tribunal]. He concocted a story that Maria Anna Schicklgruber worked as a cook in the household of a Jewish family in Graz, Austria at the time she gave birth to her son. In his ‘report,’ this family had a 19 yr-old son. [Remember, MAS was 42 years old, a fact of which Hans Frank was probably ignorant.] Further, he said the family, named Frankenberger, paid a maintenance allowance to Maria Anna for 14 years [which makes Jews look responsible and honorable]. But the story is false from start to finish. Some of the main reasons are:
    A) From the end of the 15th Century until a decade after Maria Anna died, no Jews lived in Graz. They had been expelled by Emperor Maximilian I in 1496 from the province of Styria, which included Graz. In 1781, under Joseph II, they were allowed to re-enter, but only for a few weeks at a time, during Lent and at the Feast of St. Giles to the annual Fairs, after paying a fixed sum. Two years later, these rights were again curtailed, and it remained enforced until 1860 that no Jews whatsoever could even enter the province.
    B) No resident by the name of Frankenberger is listed as having lived in Graz at that time.
    C) Records from 1821 to 1838 pertaining to Maria Anna’s money in the Orphans’ Fund showed no change of address in 1836 or ’37. Moreover, as a subject of the “Lordship of Ottenstein” she could not have absented herself for any length of time without it being noted.
    D) Frank wrote in his report that Adolf Hitler told him in a conversation that he knew there were no Jews in his family because he had talked with his father and grandmother about it. But Hitler could not have said that—his grandmother had been dead since before he was born! This shows that Hans Frank’s story is made up out of whole cloth—including the part about “investigating the matter for Hitler.”
    12. The Rothschild in Vienna story: This is debunked for the same reasons. Maria Anna Schicklgruber did not visit or live in Vienna, and there is no record of who these Rothschilds were, their address or other necessary information.
    13. Patrick Hitler: Another rumor of an alleged newspaper article in the Paris-Soir in which Hitler’s nephew [by his half-brother Alois, Jr.], Patrick, described his uncle Adolf as the grandson of a Graz Jew called Frankenreither. Maser dug up this issue of that defunct newspaper while on a trip to Paris and found it carried two pages and six illustrations of Patrick Hitler’s story, but no allusion whatsoever to any Jewish antecedents.

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