Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Flying high in April, shotdown in May

Dubai World opens talks with small creditors

DUBAI (Reuters) – Troubled conglomerate Dubai World (DBWLD.UL) has begun talks with small creditors, not included in the coordination committee of banks on its restructuring plan, to avoid any lawsuits, a UAE newspaper said on Sunday.

The company, which has $14.4 billion in outstanding bank debt that it said it will be able to repay, has started negotiations with the smaller group after lending banks approved its restructuring plan, Arabic daily Al Ittihad said, citing banking sources familiar with the matter.

Dubai World is prepared to sell prized assets, including ports firm DP World (DPW.DI), in a bid to raise as much as $19.4 billion to repay creditors, a document obtained by Reuters showed on Wednesday.


  1. US Imam says Ground Zero Mosque issue has been politicized. Ya think? How not, since Islam combines religion & politics into one tyrannical ideology.

    Two men taken off a flight from Chicago to Amsterdam were charged with "preparation of a terrorist attack", ABC News reports. The libstream media, meanwhile, blames Islamophobia for the controversy over the GZ Mosque. We're such silly 'phobes.

    The House has flipped five times since WWII: '46, '52, '54, '94, '06. Every time it did, the Senate flipped too.

  2. Funny timing..

    Got a call yesterday from a guy in Dubai who wanted to buy from me for resale there...

    I told him he doesnt want to go to jail, since 50% of what i sell is made in Israel.

    Maybe someday when Dubai doesnt support the illegal boycott of Israel we could sell to him without him having to go to jail...

    I haven't laughed so hard in months...

  3. As I understand it, the Banks have been recapitalized and Big Business is sitting on $1.8 trillion in cash.

    Now, I'm hearing that the talk of double dip is nonsense because we never got out to of the first "dip." Some gloomsters say that within two years, unemployment will be at historic levels in the low to mid twenties.

    No one knows. Even the Fed is openly divided about what to do or what not to do.

    One thing that I know...That is; If wages remain stagnant and unemployment stays high, the cost of goods and services will fall.

    That's Life.

  4. Funny thing? out of the 3,300 items i sell..

    nothing is made in israel...

  5. That's not good business.

  6. whit: That's not good business.

    It's not good business?

    Not all business is good...

    By not selling my products to those that support the boycott of Israel? I deny them the life extending qualities of my products. Lift the boycott? Then they can buy my treats!

  7. Off topic:

    It's interesting who buys from us (retail not wholesale)...

    We ship a ton to Canada, Italy, England, Australia

    Almost nothing to the Mexico, Arab world, Africa, Russia, China or South America.

    Without being specific about what and why, it proves to me that the USA is still the dominate internet market out there.

    Even other channels we sell thru that have international reach, the good old USA is 92% of the market....

  8. My interest is in the US economy.

    Construction greatly distorted investment and employment for a long time. There is no immediate revival to anything close to the previous of levels in either residential or commercial.

    That leaves two opportunities, infrastructure and manufacturing. Manufacturing reduces the trade deficit and should be given priority. Change the tax code to allow for immediate expensing of capital infrastructure and manufacturing facilities and that would help.

  9. Funny thing? The internet doesn't work like it used to.

  10. the only constant is change baby!

  11. I suppose that's true.

    Forgot to capitalize The.

  12. I'm the front end of the "baby boom" generation. No one is going to make any money building me a new house. No one is going to create economic activity building me any new furniture.

    When I shuffle off this mortal coil the same flexfuel Chevy will probably be parked in the garage.

    My laptop is five, or six years old, and it suits me just fine; ditto the TV. I haven't bought a new suit in a lotta years. Hell, my "dress shoes" are 15 years, or older. I buy milk, and bread, and a steak every now and then.

    I am Wrecking the Economy!!

    I used to spend more in a year, than I spend, in "real" terms, in two or three, now.

    Did I mention Social Security? They forced me to put a few hundred thousand in that, credited me with some 2% interest in my "fund," and then pissed that money away on whatever it was the government at the time wanted to piss it away on.

    Now, buckaroos, it's time to "pay the piper." Starting next year, you got yourself a "creditor" with a palm, outstretched.

    So, you folks got a "problem." His name is Rufus. Your worst nightmare just showed up on your doorstep, and he's not "buyin any alibis." He wants "paid back," and, you know the worst thing? He's going to put the money in "bonds."

    You're going to really hate ol Rufi in a couple a years.

  13. And, for you whining, sniveling little Gen X'ers out there, or Gen Y'ers, or metro-queers, or whatever you're calling yourselves, today, Fuck Off!

    It was "My" Soc. Sec. money that the government gave you in your unpaid student loans, and your mortgage tax credit on the houses you flipped, and, ultimately defaulted on.

    It was My soc sec money that financed the Wars for Oil that gave you cheap gasoline, and allowed you to cruise around in your gas-guzzling Mercedes, and 4x4's.

    So, have a nice day, nitwits; and, oh yeah, don't be late with the check. I wasn't allowed to be late with mine.

  14. If this the same outfit that Team Bush was going to have manage US ports of entry?

  15. Shades of 1994.

    Over the last three weeks, 30 candidates have signed the Contract from America, including Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), Rep. Bill Posey (FL), and Rick Scott (FL). In addition, we have our fingers crossed for CFA signatory Joe Miller (AK), who is about to make history by beating RINO Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary.

    1. Identify constitutionality of every new law: Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.

    2. Reject emissions trading: Stop the "cap and trade" administrative approach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants.

    3. Demand a balanced federal budget: Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax modification.

    4. Simplify the tax system: Adopt a single-rate tax system; eliminate the internal revenue code and replace it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words.

    5. Audit federal government agencies for constitutionality: Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in an audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities.

    6. Limit annual growth in federal spending: Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth.

    7. Repeal the health care legislation passed on March 23, 2010: Defund, repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

    8. Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy: Authorize the exploration of additional energy reserves to reduce American dependence on foreign energy sources and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation.

    9. Reduce Earmarks: Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark.

    10. Reduce Taxes: Permanently repeal all recent tax increases, and extend permanently the George W. Bush temporary reductions in income tax, capital gains tax and estate taxes, currently scheduled to end in 2011. (53.38%).

  16. Good morning, Ruf.

    Looks like it's going to be a good day.

    And Trish is back.

    "She walks in, the air goes out."

    Wish I could stick around. Looks like the day is building.


  17. The one and the same, Rat. :)

  18. Would have to vote against anyone that signed on to the Ms T litany.

    Just to unAmerican. What with those super-majorities required and the support for the continued addiction to oil.

  19. All pizza places of USA http://pizza-us.com/texas/San%20Antonio/Pizza%20Hut/78224/

    Find your best pizza.

  20. Whit:

    I won't be around. Please post Rufus Tue Aug 31, 09:07:00 AM EDT, Tue Aug 31, 09:16:00 AM EDT
    on next post.


    I thought all good men's shoes lasted 15 years.

    I am down to my last pair of combat boots, not worn yet, manufactured in 1967. Good in winter. Have had a few youngsters ask me where I got those cool boots.

  21. Good mornin, Q.

    Yeah, you don't wanna miss, Today. My daughter got "T-Boned," and I spent the whole day yesterday driving her around, helping her get her "business" taken care of. I'm too old for that shit. I would ask for a DNA test, but I seem to be a couple of decades too late.

    Go ahead; just fuck with me today.

    Go ahead. I'm waiting.

  22. So I take my Tony Lamas to the shoe repair man, time for heels and soles.

    He tells me that he does not see boats like mine much any more. When I ask why, he tells me they cost about $500 a pair, new.

    I've had 'em thirty years.
    Wouldn't even think of a getting new pair, at that price.

    I just oiled those babies up, again.

  23. Why not let her borrow the car, rufus?

    Or call Budget, Hertz or Rent-a-Wreck?

  24. Quirk said,

    Maybe that’s why they won’t let you play over at the BC.

    Hmm…”they”…Why must there be a “they”? Your every comment is a revelation. No, Quirk, there is no “they”.

    Actually, my ill-informed, possibly coprophagic, canine friend, I can play anytime I like at the BC. You see, I didn’t defecate on the carpet on the way out.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The first on the list:

    1. Identify constitutionality of every new law: Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.

    Already exists and no one even tries to challenge a single piece of legislation with it.

    It is the called the 10th Amendment.

    Until those that care begin to challenge the Laws with the existing Constitution, there is no reason to add more to it.

    It is just gratuitous, election year babbling.

  27. Aw, she's getting a rental, today. She was just kind of banged-up, and I was "helping out" a bit. She's a good kid, but it took her ten minutes to go in the quick stop for an ice cream sandwich. No shit.

    She likes to talk a lot. Cain't imagine where that came from. :)

  28. While there are others that were invited back, and would not demean themselves in such a way.

  29. Every piece of suspect legislation would and has been justified with the Commerce Clause.

    The only time, that I am aware of, that the Commerce Clause failed to carry the day concerned firearms and having them in proximity to school yards.

  30. DR,

    Re: invitation back to BC

    Sorry, DR, but I think you are story telling again.

    Of course, if you can prove this, say, with a link, I will gladly apologize.

    Were you invited back?

  31. Teresita:

    I've noticed, over the last couple of years that your posts have improved a lot. They are well written, coherent and, generally, timely. The number of times that you overreach has been greatly reduced.

    You have a sharp mind and your comments are often quite incisive and display a talent for wit.

    Good work.

  32. Just as I did not save Buddy Larsens'.

    As I did not save "allen'" posts at the BC, back in the day. When he complained about the costs of maintaining his and his wife's deployment kits.

    It was just another day.

  33. DR,

    Re: [invited back to the BC] years ago


    ...the ubiquitous, indispensable man...Yes, I can see Wretchard imploring your return :)

  34. DR,

    Re: his deployment kit

    My former spouse had one at the ready; I did not.


    But you do fit right in.

    Whit, still waiting - like the energizer bunny...

  35. The "allen" that was posting at the BC, back in the day ...
    He certainly complained about his deployment kit.
    It was all about unneeded expense.

    I noted it at the time and still recall it because it was, well, such a petty a thing for a Marine Corps officer to discuss.

    Both for himself and his wife.

  36. DR,

    Re: allen

    I am the only allen to appear at the BC and here. You are a liar!

  37. Hey, Arab, how would you know what a Marine Corps officer would discuss? You could not comprehend were to you hear. Moreover, your hearing would be compromised by your open ululating mouth, buffered by your burka.

    By the way, on the previous thread you posted 29% of the comments on the previous thread. Uncle Sam's own, talking about the Federal dole.

  38. Only 29%, damn, maybe I can up this time.

    Married to looter, Did she leave you after the physical or verbal abuse?

  39. I wonder, as you have told us that a lack of civility while blogging is an indicator of spousal abuse.

    And you do lack civility.

  40. Did someone say trish is back? I can't wait to hear that psychologist's assessment.

  41. DR,

    My ex-spouse was not a "looter". She was for years a USAF officer. While serving closely with USA medical staff, she was awarded the Army Commendation Medal by Brigader General R. Many young men owe their lives to her and her team.

    Why we divorced is none of your business. However, I can say that she and I maintain contact nearly weekly. We are very good friends.

    Again, you prove yourself a liar and slanderer. One does hope that some observant VA doc will recommend the reduction of your non-service connected pension.

    bob's daughter and now my ex-spouse...Hmm...How many young women are missing out your way, I wonder?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. DR,

    It is. I am not. You remain a liar and cheat, who takes shots at women unattached to this site.

  44. You brought up the BC and you brought her there.

  45. You brought up incivility and spousal abuse.

    You are the most uncivil poster we have.

    The projection connection is easy to make.

  46. Wasn't it Quirk who called you a "piece of shit"? He overrated you, Arab.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Wait a while, I have to go get some more hoops

  49. By the way, Arab, there is nothing you could say that could rattle my cage. For example, I have a daughter. Take your best shot.

    O, and here's a flash: even if everything you said were true, you would still be a liar and cheat. What I am is irrelevant to that calculus.

    I will say, you are about par for the course here. Can't wait to get that response from whit so I can get fumigated and move on.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Palestinian kills four Israelis

    It is being reported as an attempt to stall peace talks. In fact, the fault lay entirely with the four Jews: They were alive.

  52. 2 Arab teens suspected of killing man over cigarette
    08/31/2010 14:16

    Police believe the Arab youths, aged 13 and 15, were drunk when they hit US citizen over the head with a wooden plank.

    An American-Israeli man who had been living in Israel for a decade was beaten to death last week by two Arab teenagers from north Jerusalem for refusing to give them a cigarette, police announced on Tuesday, following the lifting of a court-imposed media gag order on the investigation.

    The Arab teens were arrested on Thursday following an undercover investigation, and were formally charged with manslaughter on Tuesday at the Jerusalem District Court.

  53. VS: I've noticed, over the last couple of years that your posts have improved a lot. They are well written, coherent and, generally, timely. The number of times that you overreach has been greatly reduced.

    Yet it's a bar after all, and Melody's (bra?) content has more demand.

  54. New Mega Mosque to Be Build in Beslan!

    MOSCOW. (Maxim Krans, RIA Novosti political commentator) - On September 1, 2004, The North Caucasus town of Beslan became know to the world for a tragic reason. A terrorist group took hostage 1,128 people who gathered at a local school on that day; two days later, 319 hostages including 187 children were killed in the storming of the building. Hundreds of schoolchildren and their relatives were injured.
    The predictable blamestorming resulted in an administrative change. The Kremlin reached out to local Islamic groups and promised to donate land close to the scene so that an Islamic Community Center could be built for mutual respect and diversity. Imam L H. Mohammed was reached for comment stated that the building of this new Islamic beacon of tolerance was welcomed as the Russia people have been quite insulting to the rights of all Islamic peoples within Russia's traditional borders.

    The Imam specifically stated the brutal rape and murder of over 1268 men, women and children was not reflective of Islam and that the Northern Caucus Region of Russia was prime for a teachable moment of learning to tolerate Islamic ethics and law.


  55. Teresita:
    "Yet it's a bar after all, and Melody's (bra?) content has more demand."

    Not from me, though, I can assure you. However, I hasten to add, I'm sure that she has many excellent hidden qualities.

  56. "Yet it's a bar after all, and Melody's (bra?) content has more demand."

    I highly doubt that, T. I can assure you that the content of my postings are of no interest to anyone here. Unless it's a late Friday night drunken frenzy and only then are the patrons equally intoxicated. There may be one or two but there is no comparison. You're a smart woman. Take the compliment.

  57. Well, the killing of Jews has begun right on time. Everytime some Israeli PM is goaded into talking with the scum, Israelis die. Arafat's turn on the dance floor claimed about 1200 Israeli lives, as I recall.

    Hamas is claiming credit for today's killing of four Israelis, whose story I linked earlier.

  58. Endless Consciousness

    This book is about consciousnes; about endless consciousness; about experiences of an exceptionally lucid and enhanced consciousness that may follow the loss of all brain function; about the brain and consciousness; about quantum mechanics and consciousness; about non-local consciousness; about being conscious.

    But what is consciousness? The term is extremely difficult to define, because it is often used to decribe many different forms of consciousness. Someone in a deep and dreamless sleep usually experiences no consciousness, whereas someone who is awake can be said to be conscious. This is known as waking consciousness. Waking consciousnss requires an observing subject, a person who is aware. People can be aware of thoughts, feeling, emotions, and memories, all of which are known as objects of consciousness. A person's ability to perceive or experience an object in waking consciousness depends on selective intention and attention. People can be so lost in thought that they are barely aware of themselves or their surroundings. The fact that they are not aware of "being aware" does not mean that there is no consciousness at the moment. The awareness that we exist, the experience of a sense of subjectivity (our self awareness),is another aspect of consciousness. But in my opinion consciousness encompasses more, and this is what I want to look at in this chapter.


  59. Mel, is right T.

    You a are clever girl. Quick and with wit. I've been saving some of the short quotes for something I'm doing. I especially liked that one about 4'33" the other day.

    Good stuff.


  60. Yes, T. Take the compliment. You've earned it.

  61. As mentioned, consciousness is subjective and not scientifically verifiable. The ability to experience consciousness is different from the nature or intensity of any other subjective experience. Physicist and psychologist Peter Russell compares the ability to experience consciousness with the light of a film projector. As the projectror throws light onto the screen, the projected images change constantly. All of these projected images, such as perceptions, feelings, memories, dreams, thoughts and emotions, form the content of consciousness. Without the projectors light there would be no images, which is why the light can be compared to our ability to experience consciousness. But the images do not constitute consciousness itself. When all the images are gone, and only the projector's light remains, we are left with the pure source of consciousness. This pure consciousness without content is called samadhi by Indian philosophers and initiates and can be experienced after many years of meditation. It is said to bring enlightenment.

    During an NDE, the encounter with the 'light' is felt to be the most intense and most essential part of the experience. This encounter is always accompanied by an overwhelming sense of unconditional love and acceptance. At this point NDErs feel completely enveloped by the enlightening and all encompassing consciousness.


  62. There may be one or two but there is no comparison.

    You need to be more discriminating and enjoy what you've got, Mel.

    You're one of the 'Looters of the EB' and the Looters look out for their own.

    The Looters love you. The rest? A nit, not to be bothered with.



  63. Why and where consciousness originated will probably remain a mystery forever because I think the answer to this question is unknowable. Consciousness is not visible, not tangible, not percerptible, not measurable, and not verifiable. And yet consciousness is what each living being draws on to give form and meaning to life. Without consciousness there is no living body. Down to every last cell, life appears to be an expression of the will of (unconscious aspects of) consciousness. Without consciousness there is no perception, no thought, no feeling, no knowledge and no memory. Consciousness is all encompassing; reality as we experience it here exists only in our own consciousness.....Reality around us is unknowable, unlike the physical and visible aspects of reality that we experience in our consciousness. This view was shared by Kant, who argued we can only know reality as it appears to us and not reality as it is in itself. True reality, the thing-in-itself (Das Ding and Sich) according to Kant, is unknowable.

    Pim van Lommel

  64. T knows here Huck Finn that's for sure. On the other hand she's fallen for Susan Blackmore.

  65. Which certainly doesn't compute with the Tao.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. "This book is about consciousnes; about endless consciousness; about experiences of an exceptionally lucid and enhanced consciousness that may follow the loss of all brain function; about the brain and consciousness; about quantum mechanics and consciousness; about non-local consciousness; about being conscious..."

    Hey, Bob.

    What's this book about?


  68. allen said...
    Well, the killing of Jews has begun right on time. Everytime some Israeli PM is goaded into talking with the scum, Israelis die. Arafat's turn on the dance floor claimed about 1200 Israeli lives, as I recall.

    Hamas is claiming credit for today's killing of four Israelis, whose story I linked earlier.


    tell you what...

    I'd love to see the IDF cluster bomb Hamas's HQ with no warning...

    Hopefully kill about 300 men, maybe their wives and kids...

    then announce with full straight face..

    We support the peace process, can't wait for tomorrow's meetings, then smile and walk off camera...

    It's time to take off the gloves...

    no more paint ball guns...

    no more leaflets...

    just 500 pound bombs, with no notice, for every home made rocket....

    time to fight back...

    how about cutting off all power, food and water to the gaza strip and announce that all supplies can come in thru egypt...

    If any more violence is claimed by hamas?

    start targeting gaza's apartment buildings..

    drive the palios into the sinai...

  69. In summary, DNA seems to be more than just a complex molecule that encodes proteins on the basis of hereditary information. Approximately 95% of DNA is called junk DNA and has an as-yet-unknown function. However, there is increasing evidence that this part of our DNA plays a significant role as interface between nonlocal consciousness and the body, thus enabling eqach individual cell to function as interface. I see heredity as a form of memory. Heredity is the preservation, via DNA, of physical possibilities and conscious and unconscious properties (individuality). In addition, DNA could play a coordinating role in the collaboration of cells, cell systems, organs, and the living organism as a whole throught the reciprocal information exchange regulated via DNA (biocommunication).

    The fact that the DNA in each cell has an interface function and facilitates the exchange of hereditary information from nonlocal spcae and with nonlocal consciousness may explain the continuity of our ever-changing body. Additional analysis of living DNA is needed to elaborate and confirm this hypothesis.

    van Lommel

  70. Thanks, Q, no one likes you either, eh? Does this make me a jackal, too. But still...

    I'm proud to be a looter
    I'll stand right next to you
    I won't forget the others at the EB
    Who didn't do right by me....

    You're really pushing for that plaid skirt.

  71. don't forget the pigtails and the penny loafers

  72. I'm so ashamed of myself.

  73. There can only be one The Jackel, Mel.

    And I'm getting better (or worse?), I only think about that plaid skirt a couple times a day now.


  74. Only one, The Jackel, sorry I didn't mean to rain on your parade.

    Would you prefer boots or open toed summer pumps with that skirt?

  75. Seventh grade book bag, lunch box with peanut butter and jam, jello and milk with straw, pigtails, penny loafers and knee high socks. I know Quirk.

  76. Maybe a blouse with a school tie, and school pin.

  77. I went to catholic school 1st and 2nd grade. I wore a maroon, black and gray wool plaid jumper with black and white saddle shoes. Talk about ruining my fashion image, ugh...

  78. I love the idea of the boots.

    But though I am reluctant to admit it Bob does know me.

    I like the images to be consistent. Forget the pigtails and lunchbox, but he has the shoes and kneehigh socks about right.

    Make it a white blouse.

    Of course, I will settle for anything I can get.

    While you can't be The Jackel you could be my sidekick, my partner in crime (or in fighting crime if you like, I'm easy).

    The Jackelette


  79. I know I'm not involved, but could I plead for the pigtails?

    I remember my first girlfriend did that to me once, shit I was embarrassed to stand up.

  80. I went to catholic school 1st and 2nd grade. I wore a maroon, black and gray wool plaid jumper with black and white saddle shoes.

    Cut it out.

    Now you're really screwing with me.


  81. There was a Jewish girl in one of my Shakespeare classed, looked about 4 years younger than everyone else---those penny loafers really got to me. I asked her out, no deal, she had a Jewish boyfriend, she said.

  82. No, I'm serious. Are you doubting I went to catholic school or what I wore?

  83. :)

    We've all been there Bob.

    (It's why it was always a good idea to wear a baseball cap. Something that could be used as camouflage in an emergency.)


  84. This Jewish girl, she was smart, smart as hell, so young looking, dark hair, and those damnable penny loafers....

  85. No doubt at all.

    It was just that I was doing so well.

    Down to thinking about it just a couple times a day.



  86. I'm glad you went to Catholic schools. I had my daughter in one for as long as I could. Had to pay out of parish tuition too. The shit started to hit the fan after she got out of there. Catholics by and large make good moms and grandmoms.

  87. Trust me it's not like today's uniforms.

  88. That's pretty good, like the tie.

  89. This Jewish girl, she was smart, smart as hell, so young looking, dark hair, and those damnable penny loafers....

    You know this will show up in your horoscope in a couple months, Bob.

    Probably also in the psyche report.

    (You were Scorpio as I recall.)


  90. I haven't been a catholic since 5th grade when our priest wouldn't give my father his last rights because he didn't attend church. Talk about a hot headed Irish you should have seen my mom.

  91. I go by Logos School in Moscow to get to my condo and alfalfa. They all wear uniforms and the boys have suits and ties.

    I actually think it's a good idea to have them dress up like that.

    I think they tend to take things more seriously.

  92. You know this will show up in your horoscope in a couple months, Bob.

    Trish says I'm to do the Scorpio horoscope, it needs a Shakespearean touch, you are not capable.

  93. Well, that wasn't exactly the look I was thinking about.

    On the other hand, one could learn to live with it.


  94. Well you can become a Lutheran, we wouldn't treat you that way.

    We're the priesthood of all believers.

  95. By the way Zsa Zsa is in the hospital again, but seems to have rallied a bit, and is in no immediate danger today. No word on the Prince.

  96. I'll just stick to the non practicing Methodist that I am.

  97. "...his last rights because he didn't attend church..."

    We share similar experiences. Glad I was raised Catholic. Glad I'm no longer tied to the bureaucracy’s bullshit.

    (That being said, when the time comes, I will likely be saying my rosary and looking for a confessor. Doesn’t hurt to cover all the bases.)

  98. You're a Methodist?

    Jeez, my wife's a Methodist.

    Though she never goes to church.

  99. the bureaucracy’s bullshit.

    That's one thing I like about the Lutheran Church, it's all from the bottom up. The pew rules.

  100. The thing was his mother was a devoted catholic. She went to church twice a week and handed in her envelope WITH HER NAME ON IT. Because if your name isn't on it and you give every week you won't be counted as going, and he still wouldn't come.

  101. "Trish says I'm to do the Scorpio horoscope, it needs a Shakespearean touch, you are not capable."

    You said the other day, you were a Scorpio.

    How could you be more objective than me?

    How could anyone be more objective than me?

    Besides you know Trish is always picking on me.


  102. My father survived his near death experience which killed him 17 years later from contracting hep c from the blood transfusion he needed at the time. They never new he had it.

  103. Sorry to hear that Mel.

    You've seen the statistics on how many people die from stuff they pick up at hospitals.

    It's ironic that that hospitals are some of the unhealthiest places to be.


  104. Speaking of Trish, I wonder where that little pirate went.

    I saw she was here for a couple posts this morning and then disappeared.


  105. They didn't test the blood back then for Hep C.

  106. Maybe Trish took my comment ""She walks in, the air goes out" the wrong way and is pissed.

    True Blood


  107. Quirk, don't worry, I don't do horoscopes. I don't read fins either. Horoscopes are your job. Just go easy on me.

    I had a friend named Madge for awhile that is a strong
    Catholic, but she was always telling stories like that too. Some priest put his tongue in her mouth when she was a kid. Though according to her, some are great too, she was always talking about a retired older Irish priest in her parish that she really liked.

    Course I think they ought to get rid of this male only clergy stuff.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. As a practical matter in my church it's the same old group that seems to run things year after year. They keep getting elected, cause they are basically the only ones that seem to want to run. Works out pretty well, they do a good job. I was on the Parish Education Committee for awhile, blieve it or not. One of the better days of my life when I got out.

  110. Trish wouldn't be pissed and walk out. She would be pissed tell you about and then walk out.

  111. How old was your dad when he died Mel?

    (Not trying to get too personal. If I'm getting there just don't answer the post and I'll pull this one.)


  112. Sorry to hear. The tests today are pretty good, mostly done by machine I think. My sister used to dab blood on a slide and use a microscope. But they're not perfect, because they don't know exactly what causing my white blood cells.

  113. ... Just go easy on me...

    Can't do that Bob. You, me, and Sam, the three amigos.

    This will be the worst ever (at least as bad as I can make it.)

    Gotta be done.


  114. He was 62, seventeen years ago.

  115. Anything new with you Bob?

    I assume you haven't been back to the doctor yet.


  116. Okay, my moon sign is a Scorpio.

  117. Nothing new, a little fishing. I go to the doc next Thursday. Got my clock cleaned by the City Council over a traffic light, but I knew that was coming. Going to another Shakes play in Boise soon.

    It's cooled off, the insects died by the millions.

  118. Way too young, Mel.

    Sometimes it's a shit world.


  119. I've never understood how criminals and saints can all be born on the same day, same hour, same stars.

  120. Okay, my moon sign is a Scorpio.

    I knew you had a little pirate in you.


  121. He's ok. He'll be there to meet you. That's what I believe.

  122. I've never understood how criminals and saints can all be born on the same day, same hour, same stars.

    That's because you are not a trained astrology.

    You lack the necessary insight and training.


  123. He was the healthiest man ever until the last test for a liver transplant when they found something wrong with his heart, and I forget what it was, and was denied for the transplant.

  124. One of my friends was on a list for a heart lung transplant for the longest time, she finally got it, and the surgery went well, then she died of an allergic reaction to pollen in her garden. That was quite a few years ago, there's many things I can't explain.

  125. Damn, gotta bail for a while.

    It was 92 and ungodly humid here today so I didn't take the dog for his walk.

    Since 8:30 he has been coming up every 10 minutes and giving me "the look".

    My consecience has gotten the better of me. I gotta go.


  126. See ya. I'll probably hit the sack early again we go to Moscow tomorrow, early.

  127. Bob, you should be interested in astrology. The two signs aligned with the full moon this month, Pisces and Virgo, With Virgo's energy being healing and health issues is a good time you chose to take care of yourself.

    Just sayin'

  128. What happened to the fenced in yard where you just open you back door and let him go?

  129. Ditto, I didn't sleep the last two nights so it was a full dose for me tonight.

  130. I'm glad to know I chose the right time.

    Goodnight, Melody.

  131. What happened to the fenced in yard...

    My dog is a free spirit.

    He sneers at your fences.


  132. Is your dog a Capricorn or an Aquarius?

  133. Capricorn.

    And a bit of a bitch even though he is male.



  134. Am I ever serious?


  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. We got him from a shelter when he was about one. So how would I know.

    He says he wants to be a Scorpio just like daddy.

    I call him The Mini-Jackal.


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