Sunday, August 08, 2010

The Cordoba Mosque?


  1. Go build'em a road, Newt.

    Go sit on the couch with Nanzy Pelozi, and talk about "global warming."

  2. Gateway Pundit has an article up on Who's funding Mosques all around the world.

    Have you figured it out, yet, Bubbas, and Bubbettes?

    T'is you Chilluns.

    Your Tax Dollars at work.

    Newt, baby, ain't talkin about that; is he?

  3. I swear to freakin Heaven. If Rand Paul runs I'll vote for him.

  4. So, who's flying the asshole around the world to find investors for his "Victory" Mosque?

    Do You Really Have to Ask?

    We're the dumbest motherfuckers in the history of the Universe.

  5. The motivation for adopting solar-charged electric vehicles comes from a Navy directive to have a fleet of more than 2,500 SMV’s, as part of a goal of achieving a 50% cut in petroleum use by 2015 (based on 2009 usage).

    50% Cut in petroleum use by 2015 -

    What does the Navy know that you don't know?

    Navy goes Solar for slow-moving vehicles

    Remember the Joint Operations Evaluation that I pointed out? You may not believe in "peak oil," but the Navy sure as hell does.

  6. We are the world, allied with Islam, joined at the hip.

    Love it or leave it!

  7. I brought this up in conversation a couple of days ago with someone I occasionally listen to rather than merely talk at.

    I said that I think the furor regarding the proposed cultural center/mosque is a lot of turned up goofiness. I mean, I'm not offended by it; why should anyone else be?

    "It's deliberately provocative."

    "You don't believe that."

    "I do. The location is important. To them."

    "So you don't think it should be built?"

    "I think they should build it somewhere else. Because there's no good reason to build it there."

    Back and forth for a few more minutes and I could tell by the tone there would be no joy on that topic. I just moved right along to the next thing...

    To what extent do I dismiss this as a genuine controversy due to assclowns like Newt flapping their gums over it?

    Probably a good bit.

  8. A little Inside Blogging.

    Balloon Juice:

    Late night open thread

    by DougJ

    This blog used to be a place where open-minded commenters puzzled through the front-pagers’ substantive arguments, where principled conservatives and thoughtful progressives engaged in respectful debate without resorting to name-calling or epithets. Now look at it.

    If I knew whose fault it was, I’d name them and shame them, but right now I can’t decide whether to blame you or the other front-pagers.


    "This blog used to be a place where..."


    But even with the very recent introduction of E. D. Kain at BJ, that blog's always seemed to me a Girl Scout Troop meeting in contrast to the Bar.

    I mean that in a good way.

    I go over, look in the windows, and happily note the absence of severed limbs and sucking chest wounds.

  9. Dr. Pim van Lommul is now explaining ti "Pam Reynolds Story'
    hope you are listening if not you missing a lot.

  10. If they own the land, that's reason enough to be able to build it, in the United States of America.

    Where all men are created equal, with liberty and justice, for all.

    Prove the owners of the land committed a crime, that they were knowledgeable and were part of the conspiracy to bring down those Twin Towers.
    In a US court.
    Under US rules.

    Then there'd be reason to stop them. But short of that, they own it, they should have the right to do with it as they please, within the bounds of the established law.

  11. principled conservatives, and thoughtful progressives . . . . .

    We got Those.

    Right Guys?



  12. "If they own the land, that's reason enough to be able to build it, in the United States of America."

    Just to be clear: the argument was not in any way against their legal right to do so. That needs to be upheld.

  13. Well, they're going to build it. And, the Republicans will win another three, or four seats Nov. 2.

  14. As long as the additional 3 or 4 seats do not push them over the top.

    I'm not ready for that.

  15. Nothing wrong with that, rufus. Not at all.

    That's how we roll, here in the USA.

    Not that electing Republicans will make any difference, it won't, not at all.

    It is the Republicans that solidified the US alliance with Islam, on 13SEP2001.

  16. Simply exemplified by the family Osama going wheels up, on their way back to Saudi Arabia.

    While every other civilian aircraft in the United States was grounded, by Federal decree.

  17. Those Republicans, they bake a tasty pudding.

  18. Never vote for another one, for as long as I live and breathe.

  19. "Never vote for another one, for as long as I live and breathe."

    Never say never.

  20. You'll just have to turn read this for yourself. China goes "energy efficient."

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. That's for James Bond, trish, not a simple old cowboy, like me.

    Never is never again, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    The Republicans will never have the opportunity to fool me again.

  23. No, Rat, there's not a nickle's worth of difference between'em. Anyone that thinks there is hasn't been paying attention.

    The penny's worth there is is only in who they want to tax (with a lot of overlap, of course. How ya like being "overlapped?")

  24. "That's for James Bond, trish, not a simple old cowboy, like me."

    It's just a recognition of the potential of the GOP to find its proper footing.

    Given, "proper" is in the eye of the beholder. Even so.

    It could happen.

  25. I wouldn't vote for a Democrat, either, rufus.

    That was decided quite a while back.

    Voting my conscience and principles, from here on out.

    With the Republicans, even when the folks I voted for won, I lost.

    If I'm going to lose, may as well be voting for what I believe in.

    Not for a penny's worth of difference.

  26. If the taxes in the United States were to become unfair and inequitable, there is a simple solution, to that.

    Incorporate in Panama.
    Bank in Belize.

  27. The United States of America, love it or leave it.

    Easy enough to do either.

  28. This place is a fuckin enemy camp!

    Just because Islam is a political movement, not a religion.

    Just because it is funded by terror sponsors, and promotes jihad.

    Just because they espouse Sharia and enslavement of women.

    No big thing.
    Carry on.

  29. What do you want us to do, Doug? Go shoot'em?

  30. How long would any Evangelical Church remain open if it preached as much political activism as the mosques?

    Not very damn long at all, until the ACLU moved in a closed their damned doors.

    Some "religions" are more equal than others.

  31. Mosque Used by 9/11 Attackers Closed

    BERLIN (AP) -- German authorities say they have closed a Hamburg mosque used by the Sept. 11 attackers as a meeting place before they moved to the United States.

    A statement by Hamburg officials says the Taiba mosque was shut down and its cultural association was banned on Monday.

    The prayer house, formerly known as al-Quds mosque, used to be a meeting and recruiting point for some of the Sept. 11 attackers.

    Weekly news magazine Focus cites a report by a local intelligence agency branch in saying the mosque has again become the city's ''main center of attraction for the jihad scene.'' It says some members who belonged to the Taiba group and prayed at the mosque have moved on to a radical training camp in Uzbekistan.

    Officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

  32. The Mayor of New York thinks it's a swell deal. The Governor isn't objecting. Those 800 and something Thousand Millionaires don't seem to mind. What the hell would I do? Bitch?

  33. The Islamic enemy is funded by the $Billion USD the US sends to the Wahhabi Semites of the Persian Gulf, doug-o.

    Nothing else counts.

  34. The place will not be built, Rufus:

    New York Union members being better patriots than the dhimmifiexd sots at the EB.

  35. Doug, I hope those Union Guys do block it. I think the whole deal sucks. But, the Big Money in New York ain't saying "boo." I'll leave it up to them.

    Hell, I don't like New Yorkers, anyway.

  36. Proven criminal activity, as I said, is reason enough to shut it down constructing that mosque.

    There has been no criminal activity proven, in US courts, against the owners of the land upon which the mosque is to be built.

    That's the US standard I swore to defend. Against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
    A simple standard, treat everyone the same, unless you can prove wrong doing, by the individuals involved.

  37. They'll bring in non-Union workers.

    Simple as pie.

    Money will talk. Always does, especially in NYCity.

  38. But, I buy my fuel from Mississippi, not from Saudi Arabia, and I burn it in an American car, not a Japanese, or German rig. Besotted traitor that I am.

  39. Bush was led around by Karen Hughes, Condi Rice, Momma Bush, and of course, the wife.

  40. Swear whatever you want to swear, 'Rat:

    The same behavior that would close down a Christian Church should close down all the mosques.

    Equal treatment under the law.

  41. So what, doug-o?

    It makes no difference who had GW Bush by the balls.

    He did not operate in a vacuum.
    He had a Republican Senate, a Republican House and the vaunted US military on his side.

    He gave US "The Long War" and Barack Obama. Blame whomever was in the room, they were all true blue Republicans.

  42. Bush did put us on a course of American ethanol, something Bill Clinton, the New York legislators, and 90% of the Republicans did Not like.

    He tried his damnedest to get congress to ratify the Colombia FTA, which Trish seems to overlook. Her newfound idols, the dems, fought that one off (with some Republican help, of course.)

  43. What Church in the United States do you advocate closing, doug?

    Which congregation would you not allow to be build a Church, in the United States?

  44. What crime was committed, by the owners of that land?

  45. He fought hard for, and got "Missile Defense;" and then decided it was a good idea to finance mosques all around the world.

  46. When was criminal activity proven and in what Court of Law?

  47. There is a greater proven criminal conspiracy by the Catholic Church, protecting pedophile priests than has been proven, in US courts, against the Islamics.

    Do you advocate closing Catholic Churches and schools, to protect the children from further abuse?

  48. I don't think anyone has even gone to court in New York to stop it, have they?

  49. Perhaps "Civil" conspiracy is a better term, than criminal conspiracy, as it relates to the Catholics.

    But the US Courts have ruled, often, against the Catholics, as a matter of fact.

    Millions of dollars have had to be paid, in restitution to the victims, by the Catholic Church.

    Where has a legal case been made against the Islamics?

  50. Come on, doug-o, enlighten me, please.

  51. Well, we done got the pineapple head stirred up; I think I'll go to bed. He's "all yours," Rat.

  52. There is every right to stop them building a mosque at ground zero, just as there is a right to stop them building a Walmart.

    The difference is the Muslims have conviction, righteousness, and determination in their jihad.

    How can we protect our civilization if we do not even understand it? We think our strength is in diversity. We cannot even get the fundamentals right.

    I watched that asshole Ted Olsen talking about gay marriage on Fox and thought has everyone lost their mind?

    The US is indecisive about the cornerstone of civilization, marriage, the union between a man and a woman, a union that builds the elementary structure of human society. Robins and ducks have more sense. We look at the aberration and consider it the norm.

    We can tolerate diversity, not worship their feet or grovel to a resurgent political Islamic cult.Society has a right and say duty to say no. If you don't think do, you lost.

  53. The Local Catholic church up the street has a for SALE SIGN on it, the result of shenannigans in Spokane, and lawsuits. Poor old miss Rodgers, recently broke he hip, and now doesn't have a church to go to.
    If you didn't watch Coast rto Coast to tonight you missed a good show. Can can still catch it on streamlink though, or better buy and read the guy's book.

    into something rich and strange---beats farnubg

  54. It's a Victory Mosque, pure and simple Simple solution is, zone it out. Stuff like that happens around here all the time. Like, no big box stores, changes the character of the neighborhood. If you think owning the undying land is the biggest consideration, you have another think coming. In fact, you may have no enforceable rights at all.

  55. The folks that bob has told US are the smartest in the world, the corner stone of Western Civilization, those private citizens and elected politicos that embrace Judaism as their personal religion, support the building of the mosque, in NYCity.

    Golly, they could be wrong?

    Now anti-American Judaism is running rampant amongst the pseudo-Zionists.

  56. For years now bob has complained about the government interfering with his land use plans.

    He has decried those planners as being unfair and unAmerican.

    Now he embraces them, for others.

    The hypocrisy abounds.

  57. The land use planners and local politicos APPROVE of the mozque, it does not violate their planning.

    You fellas want the City to change their standards, to specifically stop this project, one that is well within the bounds of the City's approval process.

    You want to use government to discriminate against a religious group you disapprove of.

    But that the Local, State and Federal governments all approve and promote.

  58. It goes to the core of the propaganda falsehood, that the United States is at war with Islam.

    We are not at war with the Islamists, not at all.

    We are allied with Islam, joined at the hip with the Semites of the Persian Gulf.

    Have been since 13SEP2001, at least.

  59. "He tried his damnedest to get congress to ratify the Colombia FTA, which Trish seems to overlook."

    I certainly do not overlook it. But nor do I consider it the happy centerpiece of his time in office. Were it only so.

  60. The United States will continue to be allied with those Semites in the Persian Gulf, until there is a replacement for the million barrels of oil we buy from them, each and every day.

    We have had almost ten years to address that challenge.

    We have not done so. It was easier to remain allied with Islam than to distill ethanol.

    Learn it, Live it, Love it.

  61. The BJ blog?

    From Trish's description the name sounds appropriate.


  62. They can do whatever they want in NYC. Besides me not giving a shit, I have no more business telling them where to build a terrorist hideout, then they do commenting on illegals here in Texas.

    There are apporximately 78,000 lawyers in Manhattan. Let them sort it out and live with it.

    NYC is breakoff area is far as I am concerned.

    Except for the occasional Yankee gaem, I won't go there.

  63. " Robins and ducks have more sense..."

    I lIke That.


  64. "Never say never."

    We got a major shift towards the Dems in 2006. It appears there will be a major shift back towards the GOP this year.

    The result will be significant yet negligible at the same time.

    Significant in the sense that it will stop the abuses apparently inherent in one party rule of the Congress. It will be negligible in the sense that the same leadership will be in place in both parties, Pelosi and Reid et al for the Dems and McConnell and Boehner et al for the GOP.

    Those who complain about Dem overreach forget about the job McConnell and Boehner did for us under Bush.

    The only way these guys are going to "get it" is if the electorate keeps shaking things up until the rot is gone. I expect that will take a minimum of a couple of more election cycles involving major shifts.

    More reason to complain about the election of Sharon Angle as the GOP candidate in Arizona. Another missed opportunity.


  65. That would be "NEVADA" quirk.

  66. Islamic supremacist Ground Zero Imam Rauf traveling to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar for State Department

    Besides being an open advocate for Sharia and restrictions on the freedom of speech in his book What's Right with Islam, Rauf has refused to denounce Hamas. He has lied about his commitment to religious dialogue. He has lied about whether the Islamic center planned for the Ground Zero site will contain a mosque or not. And he has lied about whether or not the project is getting foreign funding. He is involved with a group that helped fund the jihad flotilla against Israel.

    "News Flash: Ground Zero Imam Heading to Saudi Arabia, UAE ...,"

    Neither Rauf nor the State Department seems eager to publicize his summer trip to Saudi Arabia and points nearby, though his tour appears imminent -- as in, he'll probably be touching down in the Middle East this coming week, and he's not due back till early September. My source for this information is the New York office of his Cordoba Initiative foundation, and his wife and co-director at the Cordoba Initiative, Daisy Khan. But they didn't exactly volunteer the information unbidden. Rauf himself came briefly to the phone last week, at his Cordoba Initiative office in Malaysia, when I tracked him down there on a hunch -- after his New York office said he was traveling, not feeling well, and could not be reached. As soon as I asked about funding, he said he was in an "important meeting," and got off the phone.

    Since then, Rauf has been "unavailable" at his Cordoba Initiative office in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. When I phoned there and asked for him earlier this week, one of his assistants told me: "All media requests have to go through his office in New York." At the New York office, I was told they were giving no more interviews, and for questions about the Malaysian office, I was referred back in a circle to the Cordoba Initiative in Malaysia. Finally, uninvited and with no appointment, I called the mobile phone of his wife and work partner, Daisy Khan. In answer to my specific questions, she said that Rauf was about to visit Saudi Arabia, etc., on a trip hosted by the State Department. In response to further questions, she allowed as how the State Department was sending her, as well, on a trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi later this month. She said there would be no fund-raising on these trips. But no one at the Cordoba Initiative seems ready to rule out the possibility of taking large sums of money from these places, should it at some point happen to be offered.

    As for the State Department: After three days of my repeated questions and phone calls, State by Friday's close of business had yet to provide any response to my request for confirmation of Rauf's trip, Khan's trip, or details about their State-sponsored summer outreach excursions to the Middle East. Apparently, it takes quite a while at State to get "clearance" for disclosure to the American public of such basic details as who, exactly, is engaging in public outreach at our expense and on our behalf....

    Read it all.

  67. Good morning, Herr DR,

    I see you are priming the pump already (Zion/Jew baiting). Perhaps we will soon see whether Deuce and Whit were serious about cutting off fuel to your jets.

    It was my opinion that the US would not move against Islam in 2001, as needed. I based this belief on the regurgitations of people like you and your little friends here at the EB. Had you all been in authority in 1941, German and Japanese would be the prevailing languages...gutless whinners...typical boomers - always finding a reason for inaction...

    DR, thinks about an escape to the south. Our Founders, warts and all, made the choice to stick it out and fight...but you just cannot take the boom out of the babies.

  68. doug, the Saudis fly F-15s and their pilots are trained at Luke Air Force Base, here in AZ.

    The Sauds are our allies, not our enemy. If the State Department wants to send a New Yorker to visit them, what of it?

    If the Sauds want to take their US dollars and fund a building in NYCity, so what.

    The Federals encourage foreign investment in the US, don't you know.

  69. Going south is as viable an option for me as moving to Israel is for you, or anyone else that qualifies for a resident visa, there.

    I'd rather stay in the Americas, than to move to a locale that allows those that trade in human body parts to go unindicted.

  70. Sorry Doug, didn't mean to get your BP any higher than it is normally.


  71. DR,

    Re: unindicted traders (Jews) in human body parts

    Put up or shut up, Sport.

    I'll bet you and your little friends here have bought into the grotesque myth accusing the Israeli medical teams sent to Haiti of harvesting organs for sale on the black market. It is a story big in the Mussie media.

    Again, put up or shut up.

  72. Deuce and Whit,

    I hope that you challenge DR to put up or shut up, as well. It is about time that this liar face the consequences of his anti-Semitic diatribes. Those consequences should include public chastisement and humiliation.

  73. Old Bob's Planing and Zoning Hyprocricsy---but I'm not try to build a Victory Mosqueby another name. My issues are more mundane, the positioning af a access street, how much boot goes to the City(extortion) for a park, etc. We're got parks we can't possibly develop and fund for years ahead, yet we are voting on whether to go ahead with a fancy new basefield. It will fail. The current on sits unused.

    People of Islamic sympathies would naturally be in favor of a Victory Mosque.

  74. "Those consequences should include public chastisement and humiliation."

    He should also be flogged, his monuments defaced, and his name stricken from the histories so that no trace of his existance be seen upon the earth for time immemorial.


  75. I think Rat and Allen should have a "meet and hug."

    Allen: care to list those who you refer to as Rat's little friends?

  76. Makes as much sense to vote for a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor.

    The original fall wasn't the origin writing about the origin of the internet, which put the damnable tool in the hands of the average incapable man.

  77. Makes as much sense to vote for a Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor.

    The original fall wasn't the origin writing about the origin of the internet, which put the damnable tool in the hands of the average incapable man.

  78. RE: This year's annual report by the Medicare Actuary

    This year's report, issued last week, has more than the usual political meaning because Democrats are hailing it as validation of their claims that ObamaCare will save taxpayers money. The trustee report shows "how the Affordable Care Act is helping to reduce costs and make Medicare stronger," the White House said in a statement...

    "But then comes the report's final appendix, where Mr. Foster disowns the previous 280-odd pages. Mr. Foster has been Medicare's chief actuary for 15 years, and as such he is required to evaluate the law as written. But as he notes in his appendix, the law as written bears little if any relation to the real world—and thus, he says, the trustee estimates "do not represent a reasonable expectation for actual program operations in either the short range . . . or the long range."

    "In an unprecedented move, he directs readers to a separate "alternative scenario" that his office drew up using more realistic assumptions..."

    Healthcare Reform

    The WSJ editorial board is a bunch of dick's. I would normally avoid using them as a reference. However, since they are referring to the Medicare actuary whose opinions I do respect, I am posting them. (Also, the same points have been made in a number of other publications.)

    One point not mentioned in the article is the fact that the cuts associated to premium insurance plans were delayed to 2018 to placate the unions but they are still considered to go into effect after that date. It's is difficult to believe those cuts will ever be imposed on the unions.


  79. Q,

    Since your family and friends are not being slandered or put at risk and because you sympathize with the bigot, I expect no better from you. Of course, I doubt your clever attitude with change if any of the above were true.

    O, Q, feel free to put up or shut up. And do try to find reputable source material.

  80. The post regarding the Medicare Actuary Report points out the fallacy behind the Pelosi/Obama claim that healthcare has extended the life of Medicare by 10 years.

    A specious argument. Since Medicare payments go directly into the general fund, they along with the expenses are fungible. There is no lock box. Medicare benefit outlays, like those of Social Security, are dependent upon economics and the political calculations of Congress. If Congress decided to do so they could cut off payments tomarrow. The only considerations: political.

    Saying the life of Medicare has been extended 10 years, is like the carny barker pushing three card monty. The "savings" to Medicare are dependent upon cuts in benefits of $500 billion (cuts I say will never happen). Even if the savings occur, its all coming out of the same pot. There are no savings associated with Healthcare Reform.


  81. Gee, Allen, and I thought I was supporting your position.

    I'm like a voice crying in the wilderness.

    I just can't win.


  82. I think Angle with win over Reid by an inch, with unemployment in LV at over 15 per cent.

    Say, whatever happened to the Desert Debtor? That's the kind of project any Senator worth his grime is supposed to bring home.

    At last report the orginilly planted and targeted 300 wolves has now takes off to over 1700. You might as well cancel out that hunting trip here, Ladies and Gentlemen there's nothing to hunt. We do have "Othello" coming up as the final offering in out Shakespeare run, that's in September. You can find it at Idaho Shakespeare, or something. No cameras, though, Union Shop rules.

  83. The current situation in the world is beginning to gather steam...

    With a President in America, who has FRIENDS that hail from Fatah, Hamas & the radical fringes of the world it is no wonder the far left progressives and islamic jihadists are emboldened...

    Why should they not be?

    This wave of anti-semitism, coupled with anti-colonial westernism has brough out all the dogs...

    They smell blood...

    They are not wrong in smelling it...

    They see and claim victory...

    From a President (who the majority of Americans now DOUBT his qualifications to serve) who has been in illegal contact with Hamas before even being elected (a crime) less than 10 years after 911 a Mosque being built directly 600 feet north of ground zero, the term "jihadist" is removed from our government's vocabulary, terror attacked labeled as "isolated incidents", allies thrown under the bus, Crucial UN votes by the USA dissing Israel, broken treaties with Israel, Poland and others...

    There is a list so long i could spend all day compiling it...

    But the jihadists, Marxists and their supports feel emboldened...

    WHy would they not?

    Do you hear the UN forming a commission to investigate the MURDER of the IDF officer that was in Israel?

    Do you hear the UN forming a commission to investigate the MURDER of 10 Doctors in Afgahistan?

    DO you hear the UN forming a commission to investigate the illegal occupation of Kurdistan, Tibet?

    What you do hear is a non stop list of Israeli, Jewish crimes..

    How the west needs to pony up 4 billion a year for global climate change...

    While China is exempt from any and all standards of behavior (illegal organ harvesting of political prisoners, summary executions, copyright theft, pollution, expansionism of borders, repression Israel is singled out to a new standard...

    When there is ONE standard for Israel and no standard for anyone else?

    Welcome to today...

    Well folks I got a news flash for you...

    It's coming to a village, town, suburb near you..

    1st they do the Jews... Then it's your turn...

    Sharia laws, honor kills, laws to prevent the insulting of Islam.

    Dont believe me? Ask Theo Van Gogh... Oh that's right, he was stabbed 54 times in the chest in Amsterdam...

    Israel build a fence... War crime

    Israel bulldozed empty TERRORISTS homes, a war crime

    Rat points out the illegality of Israel's actions... Except that it's a Kangaroo Court filled with Jew hating, Israel hating, self hating appeasing pussies...

    One standard for Israel, No standard for anyone else..

    To engage and argue with these types is useless...

    It's going to get worse before it gets better...

    Last week we had Omar the grieved, 2 time bank robber, african american beer thief that felt justified in murdering WHITEY because he faced "racism"..

    The comments on Yahoo, by his fellow peeps, was instructive...

    To all those that think it will end with the Jews/Israel?

    We are the canary in the mine...

    and the mine surely stinks...

  84. Don't feel bad Q after the things I've be called.

    I just can't win.

    I join you in losing company, different subject matter.

    Time for the daily crossword puzzle. I can always get that 100% right, without using the dictionary either, though sometimes I have to ask my wife the name of some band or singer.

  85. Yeah, Q, they just pull the "hypocrisy" strings, and watch us dance.

    An ex: There is about $2.8 Trillion in the SS Trust Fund. Yet, this year, when an incredibly tough recession might cause us to dip into the "Fund" for $4 or maybe $5 Billion, the screams of "Social Security is Going Broke" are heard throughout the land.

    Then, in the next breath, they turn around and lump the "debt" to the SS Trust Fund in with the "Legal" Debt, represented by "bonds sold to the public" in order to get the biggest number possible for Demogoguery purposes.

    They are ALL scum, and crooks; and they Don't have Your best interests at heart.

  86. At last report the orginilly planted and targeted 300 wolves has now takes off to over 1700.

    Bob, you gotta stop reading Field and Stream and Gig-em and Gut-em magazines.

    The elk herds were disappearing long before the wolf was introduced. I suspect enlightened management and "harvesting" might have had something to do with it.

    You want something to hunt? Come and take about a 100k of our white tails. Not as big as the elk but hell all these hunters typically want is to shoot something anyway.

    I had two ten-point bucks standing next to my driveway when I got home the other night. They are the biggest cause of traffic accidents here in Oakland County.
    If you have your dog on a lease they won't even bother to run off.
    You can have all you want.


  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. And while you're at it how about taking about a million or so Canadian Geese.

    Filthiest animals alive.

    They don't even migrate south anymore. Just hang out around lakes and ponds.

    Don't get me started.


  89. "Gee, Allen, and I thought I was supporting your position."

    Or at least moving it in the direction you were proceeding.


  90. We got some moccassins you can have. They're not much trouble, and they're great for target practice.

  91. Perhaps defacing the monuments was a bit extreme but we could at least consider blackballing him and running him through the gauntlet before running him out of the bar on a rail, tar dripping and feathers flying.


  92. In December 2009, a 2000 interview with Hiss was released, in which he had admitted taking organs from other corpses, including from Palestinians, without the families' permission. Israeli health officials confirmed Hiss' confession but stated that such incidents had ended in the 1990s and noted that Hiss had been removed from his post.

    The report appeared to confirm Palestinians' allegations that Israel returned their relatives bodies with their chests sewn up, having harvested their organs.

    Removed from his post, but not charged with a crime, not indicted.

  93. THE TALMUDIC RABBIS who were arrested included Saul Kassin, chief rabbi of Shaare Zion Synagogue in Brooklyn; Eliahu Ben Haim, chief rabbi of Congregation Ohel Yaacob in Deal, NJ; Edmond Nahum of Deal Synagogue; Mordechai Fish of Congregation Sheves Achim in Brooklyn; and Lavel Schwartz, Fish’s brother. View A List Of The Jewish Accomplices Here.

    Besides doing business with the informant, the rabbis used their charities linked to their synagogues to launder money for countless others. Money from illegal goods such as fake Gucci handbags passed into the rabbis’ hands.

    The rabbis were charged with laundering money that often was sent to Israel. Rabbi Kassin, accused of laundering more than $200,000 through Dwek, used intermediaries in Israel and Switzerland to provide funding.

    Rabbi Eli Ben Haim’s source for the cash was an Israeli who, for a fee of 1.5 percent, supplied the cash through intermediary cash houses run by a host of Talmudic accomplices. Rabbi Ben Haim remarked that at one time he had laundered between $8 million in one year, and earned $1 million as his cut.


  94. Bob, you gotta stop reading Field and Stream and Gig-em and Gut-em magazines.

    The elk herds were disappearing long before the wolf was introduced.

    I never do reach such magazines. I'm reading Pim van Lommel, right now, have ordered all his books.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The wolves were gone long ago, hunted out by the early ranchers, they used to poison them too, saves a bullet, and coupled that with the massive fire of early century, swepping all the Salmon up to Kelloge and beyond and leading to some of the best elk habitat ever, beyond anything before, no predators, cept us, and brush a booming. Clearcutting too, actually helped the elk, through with coming of better forestry practices, like helicopter logging and no clear cutting, the the amount of brush began elk.

    Put elk t-bone in mouth before speaking, kemosabe.

  95. hmmmm, Jew's doing bad stuff - does that mean we should ban the building of Synagogues in the US?

  96. Minister of Health Nessim Dahhan said in response to a question by an Arab member of the Israeli Parliament that he couldn’t deny that organs of Arab teenagers killed by the Israeli forces were taken out for transplants for scientific research:

    “I couldn’t say for sure that something like that (taking out the organs) didn’t happen,” said Dahhan. —

  97. From the results of a simple Google search I could keep this up for hours, if I wanted to.

  98. Ash said...
    hmmmm, Jew's doing bad stuff - does that mean we should ban the building of Synagogues in the US?

    The USA already is pushing for a BAN in Jerusalem, Hebron & Bethlehem.

    Jews are not allowed to build Synagogues in over 50 nations in the world. In fact, just for taking a picture of a Synagogue in Tunisia, a Jew got 5 months in Jail.

    Let's look to Europe as an example, just how many Synagogues were destroyed? 10,000 of thousands..

    Let's look at the arab/islamic world, ok, let's not...

    So Ash wants to compare Jews doing bad stuff with the 911 bombers...

    Ash, I hope and pray tonight, someone spits in your coffee.......

    fucking retard...

  99. Let us all have pity on the rat, after all his father was killed in the holocaust..

    His father, fell to his death from a guard tower...

  100. "Leges Sine Moribus Vanae"

    Morality is not a luxury, a pretty addition to life. Morality is life. That's a fact that EVERYONE, including the underground Reich and anglo-american petrodollar imperialists, one way or another, will eventually learn.

  101. I was just thinking of those rabbis in New Jersey, but it seems that the body part theft story is much deeper than that.

  102. rat and his two bit lamo conspiracey theory websites. to think he would try to sneak this past the readers at the bar as legite shows his ignorance or lack of respect for the e-bar. his link for the conspiracy in jersey was made up of culprits with mainly italian sounding last names and a rabbi from syria?? i am sure that syrian rabbi was really pro israel, right.

    rat is a complete and utter inciter of hate towards jews/israel.

    regarding the cordoba house, if the purpose is to bring people to gether, as its been stated, its not working so why is it still being so fervantly pursued? other motives perhaps?

  103. Not one of the Zionists addresses the issue.

    No, they want to talk about me, instead.

  104. Their typically comical response to realities that are not part of their propaganda playbook.

  105. Did somebody say something?


    Do not feed the TROLLS..

    Do not discuss the baiting issues they talk about...

    Feel free to insult them as they get a lift in their shoes know we spoke about them, give them that..

    Fuckin Retards...

    Feel better Rat and Ash? you were mentioned...

    must give you a true sense of worth...

  106. "his link for the conspiracy in jersey was made up of culprits with mainly italian sounding last names..."

    An appeal against bigotry and stereotypes. Thank you gumba.


  107. issues??? it's made up bullsh*t. its meant to do what the elders of zion was meant to do, that is incite hatred and killing of jews.

    never forget that this nonsense is coming from a mussolini type figure that plainly states he would bring in murderous illegals into our country to satiate his appetite for revenge. He is not going to kill jews himself but would be pleased if others did.

  108. And they continue to rant, about me.


    It's been real fun, later.

  109. Mr Hiss, the unidicted body parts harvester

    Nov 22, 2009 ... Hiss was found to have taken organs or body parts from 125 corpses, ...

    125 cases and he was not indicted or charged with a crime.

    Vindicated, again.

  110. "An appeal against bigotry and stereotypes. Thank you gumba."

    nope, not your gumba. but to claim a jewish conspiracey and have 95% of the names mentioned not be, makes one think logic always gets trumped by lies.

  111. "Wolves all trough literature, of whatever culture, have usually been a symbol of the monstrous, and indeed they are, just teeth, a gut, and an anus...

    You insult my brother the wolf Bobbo.

    Remember what happened last time.

    (We need an emoticon that replicates that two fingers to the eyes gesture that says, "I'm watching you.")


  112. "but to claim a jewish conspiracey and have 95% of the names mentioned not be, makes one think logic always gets trumped by lies."

    I haven't read any of rat's links on this subject so I can't talk to any one specifically. However, in reading the above comment I can comment to the point of saying your comment on logic is childessly illogical.


  113. women for sale in Russia, and many other places, too---In good ol' Russia you can buy the whole unit, functional, and I don't see a big too doo about this.

    Further though I haven't looked into it much, I imagine it's blown way way out of proportion. The sale of body parts may actually be legal in America, though I don't know sure.

    I'f I needed a new kidney, I might be willing to pay for it

    You insult my brother the wolf Bobbo.

    Least you recognize the kinship relationship.

    I'll believe you Quirk, when I see you convert one, ala St. Francis, and sit down to a glass of ice tea, and watch the elk graze.

    Until such a day, I willing to put out the poison.

  114. Karma, Bob.

    Your transgressions against the natural order will be punished.

    (Got to go shopping with the wife, but when I get back I will begin contemplating your doom.)


  115. Romulus and Remus are Rome's twin founders in its traditional foundation myth. They are descendants of the Trojan prince and refugee Aeneas, and are fathered by the god Mars or the demi-god Hercules on a royal Vestal Virgin, Rhea Silvia, whose uncle exposes them to die in the wild. They are found by a she-wolf who suckles and cares for them. The twins are eventually restored to their regal birthright, acquire many followers and decide to found a new city.

    by the god Mars or the demi-god Hercules on a royal Vestal Virgin....and suckled by s she-wolf

    Well! And he's brother to a wolf. Now we now where Quirk gets his penchant for raoming.


    I got to finish the crossworld, myself. And I think I've going to have to, under necessity, steal a little help from my wife.

  116. Did you bring us some batteries, Matt?

  117. Gee, Quirk, if you want to support the position that Jews are NOT harvesting organs for the black market and that Jews do not support the harvesting of organs for the black market, say, from Haitian victims, you just step right up like an adult male and say so need for impish wit or juvenile evasion...

    Of course, if you do harbor some deep, mysterious, inner "feeling" of uninformed doubt on the issue, say as that of the USS Liberty, you and DR will just keep truckin' as usual.

    I also seem to recall your having insinuated that Anon and I are one and the same. That too was, no doubt, based upon one of your deeply spiritual readings of the stars, if not rectal polyps.

  118. DR,

    The complaint is about you and this:

    I'd rather stay in the Americas, than to move to a locale that allows those that trade in human body parts to go unindicted.

    Mon Aug 09, 10:03:00 AM EDT

    What "locale" would that be?

    Have the attorneys general of any of the United States made the case for indictment, either here or abroad?

  119. Makes no difference about what the US would do or has requested with regards organ harvesting by Israelis, in Israel.

    I do not know if there were any US citizens that had their body parts harvested, which would be the only situation that would interest the US government.

    Now I do know that a Scottish citizen died in Israel and was returned to his family, minus his heart.
    The Scottish government did protest.

    Mr Hiss, of Israel, admitted to 125 cases of harvesting body parts, while employed by the Israeli government.

    He was not charged nor indicted by the Israeli government for that harvesting of human body parts.

    That is a locale I would not care to either visit nor relocate to, especially if such organ harvesting is not considered a criminal enterprise.
    Which it seems it may not be.

    By the lack of indictment, of Mr Hiss, it seems clear unauthorized organ harvesting is an accepted practice, by the Israeli government.

    I'll skip on that locale and legal system as a possible destination for relocation. That is all I said and I stand vindicated.

    125 bodies were violated by organ harvesting that was not authorized by the families of the deceased and the Israeli government stood by, not taking legal action.

    I consider that to be barbaric, to say the least. I'll pass on living with such an uncivil and barbaric people that would allow such a thing to be a seemingly accepted and legal practice.

    There has been documented organ harvesting, by Israelis, in Israel and the harvester was not indicted.
    Just removed from that job posting.

    Vindication stands.
    Case closed.

  120. So now I get it...

    Israelis/Jews are organ harvesters...

    Israel is a pirate nation

    Israel has no right to any lands

    An Illegal nation that should just slit it's throat to please the dogs of the world..

    Sorry Rat, we have learned...

    Don't care if you like us..

    Don't care if you hate us..

    Better than you have taught us that your type is real.

    And thus we say "never again"


    Every time I get to thinking that the evil in men's hearts is just my imagination, I see your posts and it reminds me why I buy ammo....

  121. Rat likes to practice his "Rules for Radicals" techniques and he is becoming quite the propagandist. He seems to aiming for gigs with the Obama administration and the Wahabists.

    I think he is nearly ready for the professional circuit.

  122. As to the Cordoba House fiasco, I'm afraid the horse is already out of the barn. We've already gone too PC multi-culti. We're entering a period of "anything goes" when we mustn't pass judgment or be discriminant. Forget about the "melting pot" nowadays we're all in a crock pot and that's what we'll slowly stew in until something happens to blow everything all over the ceiling.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. As Mr Bush said, and made famous: "Bring it on"

    There is no doubt that Mr Hiss violated 125 bodies, without family authorization.

    There is no doubt that he was not held accountable for that organ harvesting by the Israeli government.

    Either it was not considered illegal, under Israeli law, or the Israeli wanted the entire episode to just "fade away".

    That they held the confession for a decade, without making it public or even privately known to the families of the violated, basically barbaric. Now that it is commonly known is seems to exemplify the fact they were hoping it would "go away" with their standard stonewalling practices.

    To say the least.

    Poor allen, he protested when he had no reason to. The reality of the Israeli organ harvesting was even worse than I had previously thought.

    I had originally thought the most egregious crimes were centered upon money laundering and US tax evasion, as related to the income derived from sales of harvested human organs.

    But Mr Hiss, his case and the Israeli actions with regards his harvesting human organs, well, that proved otherwise.

  125. You would think 9/11 would have been a wake-up call but it could well be that nothing could happen to blow the lid. Maybe we're already too fat and decadent; too intellectually lazy and amoral.

  126. Open borders, libertarianism, legalized drugs, bigamy, polyamory, incest, whatever.

    They're all coming to a neighborhood near you.

  127. What, too fat, decadent, lazy, and amoral to give up individual liberties and the right to worship as one chooses? No, whit, I think it is the other way around - it is the fat, decadent, lazy, and amoral whom want to run a Xenophobic Nativist fascist state.

  128. The Republican response to 11SEP2001 was to solidify the US alliance with the Wahhabi Semites of Saudi Arabia, empower the Shia of Iraq while displacing the secular government there and increasing our sovereign debt to Charlie Chi-com.

    The Democratic response was to go along with the Republicans, with escalating protest, over time. Then proving, with the election of Mr Obama and his policies, that they were were just being politically hypocritical, as Mr Obama has not change a single policy with regards the foreign policy he inherited from Mr Bush, but to enlarge the military footprint in Afghanistan.

  129. it is the fat, decadent, lazy, and amoral whom want to run a Xenophobic Nativist fascist state.

    Well, at least we seem to agree on the fat, decadent, lazy and amoral part.

  130. "It appears there will be a major shift back towards the GOP this year."

    It so fucking pains me to consider this the likelihood that, just so I don't have to go into the bathroom, shut the door and weep for an hour, I think happy thoughts. Like: Plenty of time left for Republicans to somehow auger in and fail to recapture the House.

    I get the whole divided legislature thing. I do. I'm just not yet in the mood to see the Party concretely rewarded with a chamber of Congress.

    More time in semi-exile. Improves the character.

  131. I guess you aren't showing much faith in the American people trish.

  132. Open borders, libertarianism, legalized drugs, bigamy, polyamory, incest, whatever.

    They're all coming to a neighborhood near you.

    - whit

    You need to lay off your Collapse of Civilization reading list for awhile.

  133. Recall, trish, that the "outs" always poll well in the months prior to an election.

    During the early phases of the 2002 & 2004 cycles the Democrats were always out polling the incumbent Republicans, until the final days of the campaign.
    Then the power of incumbency would raise its' head.

    The GOP will make some gains, the outs always do in the first cycle after a Presidential election, they may even capture a small majority in the House.

    But without an intellect of a Newt to guide the Republicans, they'll flail about.

    Which is what is being seen with the Tea Partiers elevation in many of the several States as the spokes folk of the GOP.

    Mr Obama not the only politico who is ill prepared for "Prime Time".

  134. If a vote were taken between

    and say Palin/Romeny

    7 or eight for Palin

    and about the same amount for Obama

    I may have left some out, and there are a couple of mysteries

    a close call

    an I thought we were an Elephant Bar

    and really not a thing has really been done, yet

  135. "...they may even capture a small majority in the House."

    And that's my point. To the extent I even possess one.

    I do not want them to take the House. I want them to fall a few shy.

  136. It's collapsed already, just slowly enough you get used to it.

    We used to be first in the world in education, for instance, when we are now 7th or 8th.

    Much more of this and we will be 'the dumbest people in the world' as Rufus says, and really mean it.

    Maybe Camaroon is ahead of us.

  137. They may well do just that, trish.

    With so many of the candidates yet to be chosen, there is no way to tell, today.

    Generic national polls do not capture the personalities involved in the local races. And Congressional politics, that's primarily locally driven, not Nationally.
    Always has been, by design.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. "It's collapsed already, just slowly enough you get used to it."

    This would be a lot more compelling if people hadn't been making the argument since Cotton Mather's time.

    I know I've mentioned it before, but we're rather like the ancient Greeks in believing that our Golden Age is invariably behind us. Something lost. Forever a thing of the past.

    All that follows is deterioration and decay.

  140. WiO,

    We should quit now, G-d has spoken.

  141. I certainly want Maxine Waters vindicated, and my old friend Charlie Rangel, too. Since this is mostly a spectator sport, at lest within the country, what would life be like without these two perpetual yokels? They are there to remind me to never take democracy too seriously. Or seriously at all. Trish, you're wrong, the pubs take the House. You are just showing the upbringing of your mother by such sentiments.

    By the way, don't by drywall frol Lowes, it make in China and stinks like rotten eggs. If you got some, join the class action suit.

  142. "You are just showing the upbringing of your mother by such sentiments."

    Marvelous woman. It's the least I can do.

  143. That's the things about Golden Ages, but the myth is very oppimistic, in the long run, as it leads to renewal, after the disastrous(seemingly) plunge to the creative deep., chaos. Since the Golden Age is nearest to new rising from that, the newest upward surge, it is called 'the Golden Age'.

    Walt Whitman was more easy temperted. He said there never was any more increase or decrease, than now.

  144. WiO,

    We should quit now, G-d has spoken.

    Well, if you do, you'll have turned this place into The Elephant Bar of the Aryans Nations, Propaganda Division, cause I'm never talkin' to him again, and I'm about the only other guy really argued with him. Nobody else ever takes him on much.

  145. Dinner time, spagehhti and brocoli, and cranberry juice.

  146. "That's the things about Golden Ages, but the myth is very oppimistic, in the long run..."

    I think it becomes a problem when it blinds people to real, contemporary progress and achievement. I mean, if you can't recognize these, how could you ever properly identify the real elements of a true unraveling?

  147. ...sorry... :) ...My manners deserted me, or I them...DR has spoken, which to DR and the peanut gallery is the same as that flying god thingee they have going...comes from the Pentacostalists and ultra-omniscient-knee ner - knee ner Orthodox, I think...


  148. ...cause I'm never talkin' to him again...

    If only Babble weren't such a liar, this would be blessed news. Coming from him? Hardly worth reading.

  149. "...and I'm about the only other guy really argued with him. Nobody else ever takes him on much."

    What a load of crap, bob. We've all argued with him - to precisely no avail - and I've been pressed in the past to beg that no one engage him. "Don't pull Chucky's string."

    Pressing buttons has long been his hobby. His entertainment.

    It's galling and painful when someone persistently maligns, for self-amusement, those things we hold dear.

    That's when it's best to remember that the things we hold dear are not in reality subject to the torturous entertainment of anyone here.

  150. AP: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says tough economic times require the elimination of jobs throughout the military.

    Seems he is proposing cutting the Joint Forces Command from the defense budget.

  151. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  152. Wonder is this will increase the number of Russians exfiltrating to the Levant.

    Daily death toll at 700 in Russian heat wave: Los Angeles Times

  153. You know, I've read this whole thread, and I'll be damned if I can find a single thing the Rat has put up that isn't certifiable.

    Ad Hominems are no defense against the Truth.

  154. Trish said...

    "I think it becomes a problem when it blinds people to real, contemporary progress and achievement."

    Please enlighten us with your short list.

    I'm amazed at what repulses you, but have come to accept there will be no explanations given for such reactions.

  155. Ad Hominems are no defense against the Truth.

    That's rich.

  156. It's galling and painful when someone persistently maligns, for self-amusement, those things we hold dear.

    I couldn't have said it better.

    Just how I feel to hear Rush and Mark Levin constantly bashed, Sarah Palin dismissed as some political aberaton, yadda, yadda.

  157. Trish, you're right, you have, just like you say, one tends to forget.

    I think I ought to send Liner a good book about the elk herds, I think he would enjoy it. There are many influences, rain, cold winter, clearcutting, fir trees, tall timber, brush growth, even hunting, but by far the biggest like 10 to 1 is this reintroduction of the wolves. They have accomplished in a few short years what the other influences couldn't accomplish in decades. Just don't expect to see any real elk hunts in the coming reals. Wolf hunts maybe, got to sell those tags, but as the professional hunters stated this fall, "that tough county to hunt in"

    Poison, always worked in the past

  158. Well, no one disputes the facts as presented, whit.

    I was told I should put up or shut up, so up it went.

    Easy pickings, really.

    The Zionists like calling me names, when they're called on the facts.

    Then they agree that silence is their best defense. Then that tactic always seems to fall apart rather quickly, too.

  159. I and the wife just went down and signed a petition to recall all the country commissioners. They are trying, because the are broke, to come up a way to raise money. Lest scheme is a 61/2% value added on your property for rain water runooff. Besides the fact it hardly ever rains here, and we have little property where the rain actually runs into the street, the whole thing seems of desperation. I'd actually like to move to the farm, but never get it done.Then you don't have to deal with these mf's. It's the Wal-Marts, the Costco's etc that are passing off the water, that and the city streets themselves, and are pushing water into the river. The government is always a begger.

  160. They're really funny folks, when you get right down to it.

    But please, if there is a counter argument, any counter factual statements as regards Mr Hiss and his harvesting of human body parts, hearts , kidneys and such while an employee of the Israeli government, please post it.

    Put it up or shut it up, as allen expressed to me, and would again, I'm sure, if he was still posting.

  161. By the way, don't by drywall frol Lowes, it make in China and stinks like rotten eggs. If you got some, join the class action suit.

    Are you sure they're selling it? I doubt it. They'd be fools to sell it now that the dangers are known. I think the bad stuff was sold about five years ago.

  162. boob always is that far ahead of the curve, whit.

  163. Rufus is scimpy on the use of ad hominems.

    I think so too Whit, but it takes awhile to fire a class action suit up, first you got to identify a class with an action, then haul in the people that want to complain.

    I'm in a Class Action againt Northwestern Mutual Life, have been for years, I never hear about it, and will get next to nothing out of it, without dying, of course.

    They were misplacing dividends, I think, and the argument now, is how the lawyers divide up the pie.

    By the way, under ObamaCare, how are we to sue the doctors for malpractice, a very necessary procepure for any well run medical system. Keeps them on their toes, and up on the latest research.

  164. I don't think they are selling it now.

    I had something put in an unit, but don't know what i got. If I heard right this bad stuff comes from China, but mine doesn't stink yet. The kid that put it in knew his stuff and he said it wasn't the same. One of my dotter's friends, who worked some big projects, Campus Crest, for instance.

  165. Hey, Whit, I just finished browsing Mein Kampf and I cannot find anything that DR said today that isn’t “certifiable” :)

    They're killin' me, I tell ya - "certifiable" - it just doesn’t get better!!!!!!

    ... :D))))))))))



  166. DR,

    Where are your links, leading to proof?

    ...wasted enough time, Gas Bag...

  167. As for my home county, I've never thought of Sweden an my old home county, I don't speak of word of it, though our exchance student in high school, from Stockholm Sven Obert, died recently, I was told, England, France or Germany due as well. I've only been back there once, to any of them. I kinda think of occupied Idaho as my home county. Judao/Christianity is more the home county of my mind.

    Time to do the laudry, with biodegradable soap, of course.

  168. Maybe if you amd Whit offed coupons for posts we do better.You know, a 100pt coupon for a polite post, a 50 pt coupon of a regular post, a 10 pt coupon for nasty one, and, a redemtion, mail in, no doubt. center located some place

  169. bob said,

    and, a redemtion, mail in, no doubt. center located some place

    May I suggest with the body parts?

  170. When He Pressed His Lips

    When he pressed his lips to my mouth
    the knot fell open of itself.
    When he pressed them to my throat
    the dress slipped to my feet.
    So much I know—but
    when his lips touched my breast
    everything, I swear,
    down to his very name,
    became so much confused
    that I am still,
    dear friends,
    unable to recount
    (as much as I would care to)
    what delights
    were next bestowed upon me
    & by whom.

    after Vikatanitamba

    Always best to end a long day on a topic all can appreciate.

    from dotter's Book of Illunitated Things

    good night, we go to Moscow to work tomorrw, the football plays can's seem to work a weedeater, than it's there sesponsibility

  171. There's a sure fire business for ya, Babble. Open the redemption center in Idaho. Earn a little cash while you wait for your subdivision to take off. Hundreds of blogs out there, just praying for such a service. What an idea!

    You could deal in carbon credits on the side.

  172. Well, I still haven't seen where anyone disputes any of Rat's Assertions. All I've seen, so far, is invective against the Rat for having been so "unkind" as to post them.

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. ”Of course, if you do harbor some deep, mysterious, inner "feeling" of uninformed doubt on the issue, say as that of the USS Liberty, you and DR will just keep truckin' as usual.”

    Allen, I am an agnostic on the issue of Jews harvesting body parts. I saw the story about the guys in New Jersey a while back and kind of ignored it.

    Could it have happened? Of course, I spent time in China and there were constantly stories and allegations from NGO's and humanitarian organizations about them harvesting organs from prisoners.

    Did it happen? I don’t know but I expect we will eventually find out. I assume it’s being investigated. And lord knows, if they were cleared of the charges, you would have pulled that tidbit from your vault of all things Jewish and shared it with the bar.

    Unlike rat, who looks at a crime by an individual Jew and assumes automatically it is a projection of Israeli policy, or you who considers any negative question or suggestion about a Jew’s motivation as an anti-Semitic attack on Israel, I can wait to see how this thing plays out.

    As a matter of fact I wouldn’t have answered to your question except you linked it to the U.S.S. Liberty.

    You continue to throw out references to the U.S.S. Liberty in your posts ever since our last discussion on the subject. At that time I made you look rather silly. Revisiting the details is unlikely to make you look any better. The only reason I can assume you keep bringing it up is that you are a masochist or that by merely mentioning the name of the ship you expect to change some minds. Delusion.

    I have avoided getting back into the subject because in that last discussion I posted pages of documentation to support my position and I hate to put the bar through that again.

    To summarize, as I recall, to prove your position you pulled some lines from the Wiki article indicating there were 13 separate hearings on the Liberty and they all found that it was a terrible accident. You also made a huge point of the fact John McCain’s father said it was an accident.

    In rebuttal, I presented documents describing the said hearings as pre-determined whitewashes not hearings. I presented articles, columns, books, documentaries, affidavits from the crew of the Liberty (remember we are not talking about fly-bys here, the action took hours) and other officials involved directly with the hearings. With regard to Adm. McCain I pointed out a number of reasons he would support the party line as laid out be his Commander-in-Chief. Also to offset McCain, I provided the opinions of a long list of prominent people including trial lawyers (prosecution and defense if that’s how you would term it for a hearing), cabinet secretaries, naval officers, and ambassadors. I pointed out that the outcome of the hearings was pre-determined as proved by the telegrams sent out to the relatives of those killed on the Liberty, telegrams that were sent out the day before the hearing started but that indicated that the sailors died because of a “tragic accident”. I also pointed out that Israel held a ceremony later to honor at least one on the Israelis involved in making this “tragic mistake”.

    I also pointed out a number of instances where the government of the U.S. has been involved in cover-ups before, cover-ups they were eventually forced to admit to and for which they are now paying reparations to those citizens they injured.

    Your response: conspiracy theory.

    I don’t know if you are just painfully naïve or just can’t bring yourself to the realization that Israel could take this premeditated and callous action. If the latter, I hope you come to someday realize that that is a dangerous assumption to make about any nation.



  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. Come to think of it, I've got some pretty enthusiastic "body parts collectors" in my family tree. :)

  177. There are about 700,000 physicians in the USA. Approximately 14% are jewish. That means there are 98,000, undoubtedly some of the finest and from my personal experience exemplary not because they are Jews but because they were damn fine dedicated professionals.

    98,000 Jewish Physicians that practice their healing arts puts things in perspective.

    Clearly they are more representative than a handful of deranged sociopaths.

    Let's get real.

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. rufus said...
    Well, I still haven't seen where anyone disputes any of Rat's Assertions.

    Why waste any effort?

    He'll change the subject and make new claims of Jewish war crimes....

  180. blogger is having trouble maintaining the posts on this thread.

    Who'd have thought it'd become so selective on the posts and links that stayed up.

    That Google ...

  181. ya, rat, something messed up is going on with posting here!

  182. and the billion or so Muslims in the world are represented by the fundamentalists are they?

    Questions for Yehuda Krinsky
    The Rabbi
    Interview by DEBORAH SOLOMON
    Published: August 6, 2010

    Why are ultra-Orthodox men so regressive in their treatment of women? You wouldn’t ever shake my hand, would you?


    Why not?

    That’s the custom. It’s a matter of modesty, the sexes not mingling.

    Let's see if leaving the link out allows it to stay...

  183. A duplicate posting, out of the 10 or 12 times I've posted that piece from the Australian.

    Google sure is acting up, strangely.

  184. hmmmm, seems that might be a problem for blogger at the moment:

    a link, any link seems to make the post disappear.

  185. Then both duplicates disappear!

    Blogger is going off the deep end!

  186. JERUSALEM: Israel has admitted that in the 1990s its forensic pathologists harvested organs from dead bodies, including Palestinians, without their families' permission.
    ... has now released it because of a huge controversy this year over an allegation by a Swedish newspaper that Israel was killing Palestinians to harvest their organs. Israel hotly denied the charge, saying it was anti-Semitic.

    Parts of the interview were broadcast on Israel's Channel 2 TV at the weekend. In it, Dr Hiss said:"We started to harvest corneas. . . Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family."
    The Channel 2 report said in the 1990s forensic specialists at Abu Kabir harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from relatives.

    In a response to the TV report, the Israeli military confirmed the practice took place
    Some details in the interview first came to light in 2004, when Dr Hiss was dismissed as head of the forensic institute because of irregularities over use of organs there. Israel's attorney-general dropped criminal charges against him, and Dr Hiss still works at the institute. He had no comment on the TV report.

    The Australian - December 22, 2009 12:00AM

  187. even a copy and pasted link will make it go.

  188. JERUSALEM: Israel has admitted that in the 1990s its forensic pathologists harvested organs from dead bodies, including Palestinians, without their families' permission.
    ... has now released it because of a huge controversy this year over an allegation by a Swedish newspaper that Israel was killing Palestinians to harvest their organs. Israel hotly denied the charge, saying it was anti-Semitic.

    Parts of the interview were broadcast on Israel's Channel 2 TV at the weekend. In it, Dr Hiss said:"We started to harvest corneas. . . Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family."
    The Channel 2 report said in the 1990s forensic specialists at Abu Kabir harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from relatives.

    In a response to the TV report, the Israeli military confirmed the practice took place
    Some details in the interview first came to light in 2004, when Dr Hiss was dismissed as head of the forensic institute because of irregularities over use of organs there. Israel's attorney-general dropped criminal charges against him, and Dr Hiss still works at the institute. He had no comment on the TV report.

  189. Think it is those Saudi Semites behind it?

    Trying to keep talk of alternative energy from going anywhere.
