Saturday, August 21, 2010

Colombian Prison Beauty Contest

Now we move on from the girls in the hood to the chicas from the neighborhood.


  1. Those girls don't need any surgery, born with all the beauty they'll ever need in life.

  2. I say flaunt it if you got it and have surgery if you need it.

  3. That's a good outlook.

    My darling Zsa Zsa Gabore has taken the last rites. Zsa Zsa

    She never did need any surgery, except maybe some little stuff. I always did like her.

  4. Um, very often they start with the surgery at 16. It's a very competitive market. And a sometimes deadly one.

    That said, Colombian women are beautiful. Colombian men are...troglogytes.

  5. Yep, 93, didn't know she was a Catholic.

    When she got arrested for assaulting a cop, I think it was, she demanded 'a jury of my peers' from Beverly Hills. :)

  6. Yup, sounds that way. She's turning down surgery, going home.

    May the Lord grant her a jury of her peers in the other world.

    If I was a Catholic, I'd throw a Mass for her.

  7. I think it's okay to say that.

    It's an appallingly chauvinistic culture that ironically leaves the men somewhat emasculated.

  8. But she may rally--

    The story of Zsa Zsa Gabor’s last days just continues to go on and on, and her poor husband, Prince Frederic von Anhalt, has finally collapsed from the stress of it all. According to the LA Daily News, he fainted from exhaustion and has been ordered to bed rest.

    “They’re both bedridden now,” Zsa Zsa’s publicist said. “He’s not taking any calls.”

    Apparently he hasn’t been sleeping ever since Zsa Zsa fell out of bed on July 17, and after she was given last rites, then refused any further medical treatment and asked to go home…he just became so exhausted he actually fainted. When he fell, he bruised his shoulder.

    On the positive side, Zsa Zsa is doing better at home says the publicist. She is drinking Ensure, speaking a little bit and sleeping well. Maybe she’s going to pull through after all…we certainly hope so!

  9. Maybe the Prince Frederic von Anhalt, who isn't really a prince, will be the one that dies, and Zsa Zsa will rally, and need a new husband, quick.

  10. I'm talking to myself, aren't I?

    Well, off to other things.

  11. No I was listening, the Columbian men are emasculated pigs.

  12. And by surgery I don't mean starting at 16 with a nose job like the girls I went to school with and then continue like an addiction gone badly.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with a little nip and tuck in certain places where needed.

    And for the record I have had no surgery what so ever. I work very hard to stay in the shape I'm in.

  13. I had ear surgery once. I have a new eardrum that doesn't work, at least very well. Got infected in the surf in Hawaii.

    Godmomma Linda had some blubber removed, and nearly died of septicemia or something.

  14. I'm listening. Colombian women are beautiful. Colombian men not so beautiful.

  15. "I don't think there's anything wrong with a little nip and tuck in certain places where needed."

    I don't either. Latin America, bless its corazon, takes the female and turns her into something cartoon-ish. I have stories.

    But the men are often like small children. The thoughtless, obnoxious kind.

    It's just not, any way you look at it, a culture of equals.

    That bugged me.

  16. It has other things to recommend it.

  17. There is something dysfunctional about the Macho culture...

  18. I think it might be rooted in a nutritional deficiency.

  19. And yet they're not macho like American men are. I mean, they're not really macho. It's a hard thing to explain.

    And I actually feel guilty for having brought it up.

    ; )

  20. I've just turned in the DIP passport. I guess I'm good.

  21. Metro sexual, pussy, wimp, coward, I close?

  22. DIP passport is short for Diplomatic Passport, I just looked it up. Sometimes I have to do this five, six times a day when reading Trish.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. It all comes from not wading cold streams when they're young.

  25. ....they're not really macho.

    That's why they have to make such a big deal of it.

  26. I think it can also result from skinny dipping with your sister...

  27. "Metro sexual, pussy, wimp, coward, I close?"

    Maybe going a little over the top.

    But you and my son could have an interesting conversation along those lines.

  28. But, but...I used to skinny dip with my sister, many times, late at night, when the Dipper was low, the Pleides danced, and the northern lights shimmered....

  29. Time for another Cipro, and bed.

  30. Although, I like my men strong and aggressive, I have a soft spot for those who dabble a little in being metro sexual.

  31. Nothing wrong with a little hair color and buffed nails, right? Oh and don't forget those pedicures.

  32. You're a character, Mel...


  33. Nope. Nothing wrong at all.

    Incidentally, a friend - 50 yrs old - had a breast lift and...I don't know what you call it...a thigh suck, maybe...while down there. (Well, a lot of people availed themselves, as they do here.)

    Honest to God, she was the happiest woman on earth.

    So was her husband.

    : )

  34. No, her husband is not a woman but a very happy man.

    Sorry, Rene.

  35. How were the prices, down there, Trish?

    Comparatively speaking..

  36. About a third to a half less.

    And no, I had nothing done.

    I say that as a total snob.

  37. Need recommendations, let me know.

  38. If we ever decided maybe we can get a "two fer"

  39. I'm sure a deal could be worked out.

    We must not lose contact.

  40. The New Healthcare Plan. Read the next two paragraphs and tell why anyone would want to become a doctor here after 2014.

    "Starting in 2014, whenever Medicare’s projected spending exceeds a target growth rate, the board of 15 members (drawn from a range of backgrounds, appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate) will have to recommend reductions in payments to doctors and health care providers to bring spending back to target levels.

    "These recommendations would become law unless Congress — not known for its political courage in such circumstances — passed an alternative proposal that would achieve comparable savings.

    "None of this poses any real threat to Medicare beneficiaries. The law prohibits the board from making proposals that would ration care, increase taxes, change Medicare benefits or eligibility, increase premiums or cost-sharing, or reduce low-income subsidies for drug coverage. It cannot call for a reduction in payments to hospitals before 2020..."

    GOP Seeks to Eliminate Independent Payment Advisory Board


  41. A rather astonishing thread. Not really, that is not totally astonishing, considering some in the archives, but still and all...

  42. I get nervous when Bob wades into the cold water.
    Zeus and Hera, Titan and Theia come to mind.

  43. "I get nervous when Bob wades into the cold water."

    Is that why you're up?

  44. You know, when you lead off a thread with a video of a Beauty Contest in a Colombian Women's Prison, well . . . . . .. . .

    you may not get "totally astonishing," but you'll probably get, at minimum, interestin.

  45. I'd like to point out that Hera had Zeus by the balls and generally got her way in most things.

    as above, so below
