Sunday, July 04, 2010

Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue



  1. That's his holiday message.

  2. Where liberty dwells, there is my country. (Benjamin Franklin)

  3. Fucking Dork
    If only that was all he is.
    Had an "International House" @ Berkley.
    We called it,
    The Zoo

  4. Ringo and George join Tom.

    Ringo's Cousin, Joe Starkey, announced for the Forty Niners

    NO team was ever as exciting as Joe and Jerry's Niners.

    Ricky Waters has most amazing run in this clip, tho.

  5. Joe Starkey, the World's Greatest Bad Announcer

    What Starkey did have was a voice that could double as a foghorn on the Staten Island Ferries and the giddy enthusiasm of a model airplane nut let loose in the Air and Space Museum (after downing a thermos of espresso).

    He was also clearly a quick-thinking man with a mordant wit who apparently felt no need to toady to management - during one recent dismal 49ers season, Starkey read off a standard promo about how a sponsor would donate $5,000 to needy Bay Area children for every San Francisco touchdown.

    After a pregnant pause, he expertly ad-libbed,

    "There's going to be a lot of sad kids."

  6. If only Bob knew REAL Poetry:

    "I believe that "Road House" is, quantifiably, the best bad movie of all-time.

    It stars Patrick Swayze as a legendary bouncer brought in to clean up a bar whose owner never thought to institute a "no mullets, no flannels, no sleeveless apparel" policy and features Shakespearian dialogue such as

    "Pain don't hurt,"

    "Calling me 'sir' is like putting an elevator in an outhouse, it don't belong," and the immortal

    "I used to fuck guys like you in prison.

  7. "At a meeting to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in May, the United States yielded to demands by Arab nations that the final document urge Israel to sign the treaty — a way of spotlighting its historically undeclared nuclear weapons."

    tightening the screws, one by one.

  8. Does that make you happy?

  9. I would never throw eggs of Whit's door.

  10. Nuclear proliferation is the greatest danger to humanity, that there is, today.

    So, yes, bringing the Israeli into the community of natins, even if they are kicking and screaming as we do, is a good thing,

    The Israeli have operated against the best interests of the United States for 43 years, if the US can force Israel to behave in a civilized manner, now, that'd be good thing.

    Almost worthy of the price we've paid, in honor, treasure and blood protecting Israelis from themselves.

  11. I just watched a blue jay dine on wasps, eat their larvae and pick apart the nest.

  12. It's a beautiful morning here in TN. It's nice having coffee by the pool and all you hear is splashing of the water as the frogs jump into the pond and the slight jingle of the chime above it.

  13. Frogs where I live don't look like this or sound the way they do.

    I guess it's time to get ready and do nothing today. Two nights of alcohol and hot tub until 3 am will make anyone do nothing on the third day. Except relax in the pool to get ready to do it all over again.

    Peace out.

  14. Since Israel is already a nuclear power, it is hard to argue that she has a position different from The US, France, Russia and China. Pakistan and India certainly have established themselves as nuclear powers and I doubt that anything other than a treaty could stop Turkey from becoming a nuclear power should Iran get the bomb.

    It seems to me that Israel would strengthen itself by joining the western allies in adhering to the treaty.

  15. "'on..." in the words of Lexi Rae.

    It's a holiday. No need to talk politics. Have a drink and relax.


  16. On behalf of your federal government and this fair city, I'd like to wish you all a happy Fourth.

  17. Did you ever consider getting cosmetic surgery around your eyes, MLD?

  18. Comment #17
    Leo Linbeck III on mediating institutions.

    For those who don't know of him, Leo is a rather smart, and very productive dude who has actually had a positive impact on Houston area public schools, one of many of his projects.

  19. Last Week's Key Polls, Rasmussen

    As the United States prepares to celebrate the nation’s birthday, concerns about the economy continue to grow and the stock market has turned decidedly sour.

    This holiday weekend, the majority of Americans think the Constitution is fine just as it is. However, a plurality believes that the nation’s governing charter doesn’t place enough restrictions on government. Fifty-four percent (54%) believe the United States is truly a land of “liberty and justice for all.”

    Consumer and investor confidence grew significantly in the early months of 2010 before peaking in May. Then, the doubts began. Now, the Rasmussen Consumer Index shows that confidence has fallen even lower than it was at the beginning of the year. Just 11% rate the U.S. economy as good or excellent while 53% rate it as poor. Only 26% believe it is getting better.

    The Rasmussen Employment Index also fell last month...

  20. Republicans have held the advantage on the economy since May of last year.

    Democrats still hold a slight edge over the GOP on another top issue, government ethics and corruption. While 33% of voters trust Democrats more on these issues, 29% trust Republicans more. However, the plurality (38%) is not sure which party to trust more. Democrats have held modest leads on the issue for five months after the parties were tied in January.

    Government ethics has twice edged out the economy in the past two years in terms of importance among voters.

    However, a Rasmussen video report shows that 40% of voters see the Obama administration as being less ethical than past administrations.

    More than 50% of voters nationwide trust the GOP more on the issues of national security, taxes and health care.

  21. Can Rufus really be that stupid?

  22. ...or is he just a progressive in "conservative" drag?

  23. Saudi King: Halt to Oil Exploration to Preserve Wealth

    Translation: All those Reserves we were claiming? Sorry 'bout that.

  24. ...about that light at the end of the tunnel...

  25. Doug, I don't let "Polls," or "Pols," tell me what to think.

  26. Yeah, it ain't "daylight."

  27. The Most Subsidized Industry on Earth

    Exxon made $39 Billion last year. Paid No U.S. Income Taxes.

  28. The Washington Power Structure is Rallying around "Their War" in Afghanistan.

    They say it's "Our" War. They're dicks.

  29. For the cost of a year in Afghanistan we could put One of These on every school system in America.

    We're fucking morons.

  30. Looks like everyone took my advice and I hope you all had a good fourth. I know I did. I will also have a good 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.

  31. Thanks, but I'd rather drive. :)

  32. Duece: It seems to me that Israel would strengthen itself by joining the western allies in adhering to the treaty.

    Seems to me that Israel should not trust it's western allies for it's survival

    Just look at the UN for an example,

  33. I remind you, it's a holiday for federal employees. Not for Bar proprietors.

  34. NEW DELHI - Protests against a recent hike in fuel prices shut down markets, schools, airports and businesses across India on Monday, and thousands of people were arrested as violence flared in some cities.

  35. I guess the high point of my life is never having traveled to India.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.
