Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Obama and Holder Further Divide America

Our Ass-kicking president kicks some Democratic ass.

Illegal immigration is civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is breaking the law. Civil disobedience is a left wing euphemism for an unlawful act.

Obama and Holder, sworn to uphold and defend the US Constitution, empowered by law to protect US citizens, have turned the power of the federal government against a US State.

Obama and Holder are attacking Arizona for trying to protect itself and enforcing the law.

Obama is turning out to be the political suicide bomber of the Democratic Party. Why he chose this fight at this time is startling. As if Democrats did not have enough problems, Obama, has decided to create another reason for Americans to look at what they have chosen to run their country.

This should put an end to Democratic control of Congress. This should end the calamity of the affirmative action presidency of Barack hussein Obama.

Obama cannot control unemployment, housing prices continue to decline, individual wealth diminishes and Obama has decided that the American public is ready for more illegal immigrants to be given legal status and entitlements at the federal feeding trough.

American citizens do not want amnesty for illegal immigrants.

The radical left will take to the streets over illegal immigration. They will be emboldened by Obama's support of their cause. Obama will be treated to a Nixonian silent majority, who have had enough of Obama and the Democrats.
Americans, the real ones, will decide that enough is enough.

A Zogby Interactive poll of 2,108 adults conducted from April 16-19 found broad support for major immigration reform and immigration regulations that are more restrictive. “79 percent do not agree that illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights and basic freedoms as US citizens,” said the poll.

Nice move boys. Keep it up.


Feds sue to stop Arizona immigration law
Washington Times
By Stephen Dinan

The Obama administration sued Tuesday to stop Arizona's new immigration law in a move that escalates President Obama's involvement in the thorny issue and stacks him against a majority of Americans who support the law.

The challenge, which had been expected for weeks, drew harsh rebukes from Republicans and even some Democrats who said it is "distracting" from the more serious issues of border security and could upset Mr. Obama's call for Congress to act on a broad immigration bill that would legalize illegal immigrants and rewrite the rules for legal immigration.

In the challenge, Justice Department attorneys said Arizona's law violates the Constitution by trying to supersede federal law and by impairing illegal immigrants' right to travel and conduct interstate commerce. They argued that only the federal government can write immigration rules.

"Diverting federal resources away from dangerous aliens such as terrorism suspects and aliens with criminal records will impact the entire country's safety," Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in announcing the lawsuit. "Setting immigration policy and enforcing immigration laws is a national responsibility. Seeking to address the issue through a patchwork of state laws will only create more problems than it solves."

Immigrant rights advocates praised the move as the only way to head off civil rights abuses, but opponents said Mr. Obama should forgo the lawsuit and instead focus on securing the border.

"Washington failed us on this issue again today, and Arizonans have had enough," said Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona Democrat, who said the lawsuit will distract from real immigration challenges. "The White House and Congress need to start developing a better approach to border security and immigration reform, working with us instead of against us."

The government is asking a court to block the law from taking effect July 29.

The law requires police to check the legal status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally whom they encounter while enforcing other laws already on the books. It says race may not be used as a factor for determining who should be questioned, but opponents, including Mr. Obama, say they fear it will lead to racial profiling nonetheless.

In a broad speech last week calling for immigration reforms, Mr. Obama called Arizona's new rules "unenforceable."

Still, with five other lawsuits pending against the law from civil rights and immigrant advocacy groups, the administration could have simply filed briefs arguing for its position in one of those cases. Instead, the Justice Department brought the lawsuit itself, elevating the controversy even further.

"If they're not going to add anything new, then why are they bringing the lawsuit?" said Kris W. Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri at Kansas City who helped craft the Arizona law and who said the Justice Department lawsuit doesn't raise any new questions of law. "The only explanation that makes any sense is they're doing this for political reasons."

Mr. Kobach also said the lawsuit was curious in that it made no mention of Mr. Obama's fears about an increase in racial profiling or other violations of civil rights.

"Obviously the Justice Department attorneys have read the Arizona law now and have come to the conclusion they can't make that argument without blushing," Mr. Kobach said.

Mr. Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano faced ridicule earlier this year after they acknowledged they had not read the text of the law, even though they had publicly criticized it.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said that if the Obama administration was consistent in its argument over patchwork immigration laws it would sue to stop so-called sanctuary cities, which generally protect the identities of illegal immigrants.

"The truth is the Arizona law is both reasonable and constitutional," she said. "It mirrors substantially what has been federal law in the United States for many decades. Arizona's law is designed to complement, not supplant, enforcement of federal immigration laws."

The move even has irked some who otherwise would have been allies with Mr. Obama in his push for a broad immigration bill.

Tamar Jacoby, president of ImmigrationWorks, a coalition of businesses pushing for immigration reforms, said the lawsuit will damage chances of completing a bill.

"An administration lawsuit will only fan the flames of that debate," she said. "It will baffle and anger the 60 percent of Americans who support [Arizona's law]. It will inject immigration into midterm campaigns from coast to coast. Perhaps worst of all, it will alienate key lawmakers, from Arizona and elsewhere, without whose help the administration can have little hope of advancing comprehensive immigration reform."

But the move does buy the president some breathing space from immigrant rights advocates, who have been bluntly critical of Mr. Obama for not moving fast enough to win an immigration bill.

"The only responsible path for the president, now that the Department of Justice has filed this suit, is to redouble his efforts to ensure that there is a federal solution to our nation's broken immigration system," said Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum.

Polls show a majority of Americans support Arizona's actions, but a vocal minority, lead by increasingly powerful Hispanic rights activists, has protested every step of the way.

They led a vigil outside the White House on Tuesday, and the Associated Press reported that some activists are making plans to protest Mrs. Brewer when she attends the National Governors Association meeting in Boston this weekend.

Justice Department attorneys cited three grounds for blocking the law: They argued it is pre-empted by federal law, violates the supremacy clause that makes national laws take precedence over state laws, and that it restricts commerce between states in violation of the Constitution.

Mrs. Brewer, a Republican who is running for election this year, has hired outside attorneys to defend the law rather than rely on Terry Goddard, Arizona's attorney general, who had opposed the law and who is likely to be the Democratic challenger to Mrs. #Brewer in November.

Judge Susan Bolton, a Clinton administration nominee, has ordered all five of the other lawsuits to be transferred to her courtroom, and attorneys on both sides said they expect her to ask that the Justice Department's lawsuit be transferred to her court as well.


  1. New Mexico voter regisgtration is 3/4 Democrat!

    Hispanics represent 45% of the population.

    Gov Bill Richardson increased state govt. 50% in the last 7 years!

    Susana Martinez, conservative Republican leads Democrat Denish by 3 percent:
    New Mexico Governor - Martinez vs. Denish

    Martinez's first generation American parents from Mexico despise the lawlessness and corruption around the "immigration issue."

    Some damned folks just don't realize how uncool it is to assimilate and become Americans.

  2. Th integration of Mexico into a political union, within North America, is of the ighest priority for the Federals.

    More important even than protecting the heroin trade flowing out of Afpakistan. Where US soldiers and Marines are dying to obtain a monopoly on that trade within Afghanistan, for US proxies within the Afghan Government.

    The previous Mexican President went so far to admit, on US television, that he and Mr GW Bush had even agreed on the need to unify the two countries currencies, into one.

    Mr Obama is maintaining the course and speed set by his predecessor.
    He is maintaining Federal policy.
    There is, has been, no change.

    That is the reality of Mr Obama, he truly exemplifies the Federal status que. Never was, could never have been, an agent of change.

    That the Federal Government, on a bi-partisan basis, does not represent the position of most Americans, well, it does, really.

    Or the rate of re-election, for Federal incumbents, it would not be over 85%, as it is.

  3. "That the Federal Government, on a bi-partisan basis, does not represent the position of most Americans, well, it does, really.

    Or the rate of re-election, for Federal incumbents, it would not be over 85%, as it is.


    79 percent do not agree that illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights and basic freedoms as US citizens,” said the poll.

    Yeah, right:

    All of us realize that our elections perfectly reflect the will of the people.

    None of us have ever heard of incumbent privliges and advantages, gerrymandering, payoffs and buyouts, gerrymandering, and etc.

  4. Land coral: Mediterranean stone architecture -

    Most ordinary buildings in the world use wooden beams to sustain the roof. Domed roofs, which use only stone, are more expensive and so are usually reserved for large buildings, cathedrals and the like.

    But wood may be so rare and expensive in some areas that stone domes are the only possible kind of roof. One such area is Apulia, in Southern Italy, where we can still find the kind of ancient Mediterranean building called the "trullo" (pl. "trulli").

    The picture (made by the author) shows the central area of Alberobello, the only town in the world showing such a concentration of trulli. It looks like an accretion of limestone, a man-made land coral...

  5. Slate Magazine:
    When Kagan Played Doctor
    Elena Kagan's partial-birth abortion scandal.

    Kopf, like the rest of us, was apparently unaware that after the ACOG task force formulated its proposed statement, the statement was politically vetted and edited. Kagan's memos and testimony confirm that ACOG consulted the White House and altered its statement accordingly. As a result, the statement reframed ACOG's professional findings to support the policy views it shared with the White House.

    All of us should be embarrassed that a sentence written by a White House aide now stands enshrined in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, erroneously credited with scientific authorship and rigor.

    Kagan should be most chastened of all.
    She fooled the nation's highest judges.
    As one of them, she had better make sure they aren't fooled again.

  6. Trish, I should have made a better answer about the crops.

    Basically, you can't get too much rain with spring crops. They will just drink it up. Barley thrives, for instance.

    With the over winter crops, you can get foot rot, particularly on the low lying ground. Foot rot is too much moisture for too long on the roots, and some kind of virus gets going. It's really not a big problem.

    If my wife hadn't parked my books out in the garage, I could sound like a scientist on this stuff, and name names.

    There are also some stem and leaf diseases that can get going with too cool and too wet, though basically we always welcome the rain.

    On alfalfa, I don't think it means a damn, other than, more rain the better.

    With spring crops, all of them I know of, the more rain the better, if you can get it planted.

    The only problem might be with winter wheat, or winter barley, but really, not even that is much of a problem, more of an irritation than a real problem.

    Let it rain.

  7. Yes, doug, there are advatages to being an incumbent.

    Always have been.

    If the electorate was/is dissatisfied, the incumbent can be replaced.

    This has been well exemplified by Thomas Andrew Daschle, Max Cleland and Tom Foley.

    Even powerful incumbents can lose, when the electorate is energized. As was also exemplified in 2008, when it was GOP incumbents that were shellacked.

    But even when shellacking occurs, the incumbent re-election, and in that reflection, voter satisfaction with the incumbent, well of 85%, continually.

    The electorate is well satisfied, with their Government. As they express themselves over and again in a two year cycle, in the privacy of the voting booth, or by mail.

  8. Thank you, bob, for the further explanation.

    "If my wife hadn't parked my books out in the garage..."

    Hopefully she did so with your consent.

    I say this merely as a book lover.

    As for your incredulity, Quirk, regarding my thoughts on the style of a David Brooks: As opposed to a certain type of conservative (or liberal, for that matter) that resorts to feverish language, gross hyperbole, and what might be called the paranoid and apocalyptic rhetoric of the day, there is indeed something to be said for a writer who eschews all of these.

    Shoot me.

    On the subject of Obama and Holder further dividing America, I'm not sure how much further it *can* be divided, as a practical matter.

    Wasn't Bush supposed to be a uniter?


  9. Both parties seem for some time now to have things divvied up pretty well.

  10. "The integration of Mexico into a political union, within North America, is of the highest priority for the Federals."

    Of course it is.

    The second highest priority is guarding the truth about Roswell.

  11. A Hatred That Resists Exorcism

    Anti-Semitism isn’t just a matter of asserting unpleasant or reprehensible attributes. It sees the Jew as an antinomian threat, overturning all ethical laws. The Jew works in secret, creating invisible alliances, pulling elaborate strings, undermining society’s foundations.

    Anti-Semitism is a metaphysical passion, not a materialist one. It doesn’t even require a Jewish presence.

    It is easy enough to discern when responsible criticisms of Israel veer into something reprehensible: the structure of anti-Semitic belief is not subtle. There is a wildly exaggerated scale of condemnation, in which extremes of contempt confront a country caricatured as the world’s worst enemy of peace…

    “Israel is the only state in the world whose legitimacy is widely denied and whose destruction is publicly advocated and threatened; Israelis are the only citizens of a state whose indiscriminate murder is widely considered justifiable.”

  12. "'Climategate' inquiry mostly vindicates scientists .

    An independent report into the leak of hundreds of e-mails from one of the world's leading climate research centres on Wednesday largely vindicated the scientists involved, saying they acted honestly and that their research was reliable.

    But the panel of inquiry, led by former U.K. civil servant Muir Russell, did chide scientists at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit for failing to share their data with critics.

    “We find that their rigour and honesty as scientists are not in doubt,” Russell said. “But we do find that there has been a consistent pattern of failing to display the proper degree of openness."

  13. The second highest priority is guarding the truth about Roswell.

    And I know the truth about Roswell, I haven't listened to Coast to Coast for years for nothing.

    Many people think there are alien bodies on ice at Area 51.

    That's not the truth. There are alien bodies on ice, but they are back east at some Air Force base the name I can't remember, and not at Area 51. Ike had 'em taken back there, when he was President.

    I swear.

    Meteorological balloons?


    What happened was the alien craft got hit by lightning and crashed by that old man's ranch.

    They were made out of some material much stronger that steel, but bendable, a technology we haven't come close to mastering.

  14. bullshit Ash, it was a panel of peer reviewers, you moron

    goddamn you're naive

  15. Anti-Semitism is a metaphysical passion, not a materialist one. It doesn’t even require a Jewish presence.

    There is still anti-Semitism in Poland, and there are no Jews there, except maybe a handful.

  16. boobie droppings all over this blog. turds, turds, and more turds!

  17. Well, trish, look at the results of the Federal effort, over the past decade.

    The increase in all types of cross border traffic, increased beyond expectations, with the traffic flowing both ways.

    Products and people moving too the north, cash heading to the south.

    While the NYTimes had to find a Mexican billionaire to save it from bankruptcy. So that US currency is certainly circulating, in North America.

  18. boobie droppings all over this blog. turds, turds, and more turds!

    Ash, you are a moron.

    I've loved you ever since you wanted to close down the Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley, California.

    What a fool that would want to close down the very Recruiting Center that is in the business of keeping your stupid ass safe.

    But then, your daddy is a professor, so he must know some shit.

  19. I've known a alot of men but crappers like Ash I can't abide (that's a word daddy taught me) he's such a slimey little bastard i like the football players a lot better they got something to say and better yet they know what's up and they're in great shape and don't mind to take a hard hit i love 'em but I'm goin' to school now but if the professors are like Ash fuck it i'm droppin' out


  20. "Well, trish..."

    Don't even bother.

  21. What happened to Memee? Not that I am asking for her back...or Svetlana either for that matter.

  22. I think we should change the name of this joint to the "Elephant Bizarre."

  23. "What happened to Memee?"

    : )

    You snooze, you lose, whit.

  24. "I think we should change the name of this joint to the "Elephant Bizarre."

    I like it!!

    Of course, that is on first blush.

    There is something to be said for tradition and consistancy. You wouldn't want to be like one of those restaraunts that closes down each week and opens up the next with a different name.

    The Shining Toad one week, the The Tasty Taco the next, and Bits and Pieces the week after that.


  25. it's still a bar...

    and still has it's usual crowd

    and it also pulls in some bizaros

    but this is now a country where Racists run the show...

    The foxes are in charge of the hens...

    Looters verses Producers...

  26. An Anti-Incumbency Wave — in Mexico

    Mexico City

    PERCEPTIONS, once firmly established, can often obscure the truth. The homicide rate in Brazil is twice that in Mexico, but it is my country that is portrayed as lawless and violence-ridden. So it is important to note some sudden good news: On Sunday, in 14 of Mexico’s 32 states, millions of citizens went to the polls and, defying the threat of violence from drug cartels, decisively consolidated our young democracy...

  27. Could you South America experts school us about Brazil's murder rate?

  28. trish said...

    ""The integration of Mexico into a political union, within North America, is of the highest priority for the Federals.""

    Of course it is.

    The second highest priority is guarding the truth about Roswell.


    More news from Roswell:

    "The electorate is well satisfied, with their Government."

  29. "Could you South America experts school us about Brazil's murder rate?"

    Well. I'm not a South America expert but I can play one.

    Lemme see...It's really high.

  30. The story via Drudge today is that 7 Mexican Governors threatened to boycott the Border Governors Convention scheduled in Arizona.

    I am not unsympathetic to the plight of our southern neighbors, but they seem to think that they have a God-given right to come and go as they please.

    I am becoming less sympathetic.

  31. From the CDC:

    During 1980--2002, the homicide rate in Brazil more than doubled, from 11.4 per 100,000 population to 28.4. In São Paulo city, the rate more than tripled, from 17.5 in 1980 to 53.9 in 2002 (Figure 1). In 2002, a total of 49,570 homicides were documented in Brazil. Firearms and sharp objects were the weapons used in 34,085 (68.8%) and 6,728 (13.6%) of all incidents, respectively. In 2002, the homicide rate was 53.1 among males and 4.3 among females, and adolescent (aged 15--19 years) and young adult (aged 20--29 years) males accounted for 52.2% of homicide victims. By age group, the homicide rate was highest among young adult males (121.0).

  32. Russia has offered a Cold War-style 'spy swap' deal to the U.S. - in a bid to bring home 10 of its operatives caught recently in the States.

    The deal could see up to 11 convicted spies for the West - allegedly including a Russian colonel - exchanged for 'femme fatale' Anna Chapman and her co-accused.

    The swap could begin as early as tomorrow, with Britain playing a pivotal role.

    The deal is reportedly being hurried through to minimise the diplomatic fallout between Washington and Moscow, and it means the U.S. will avoid sensitive intelligence techniques being made public in court.


    So the question seems to be: Why swap the small fry?

    Why even bother to round them up? They were network administrators, maintaining dead drops and whatnot.

    They are virtual nonentities.

  33. One possible answer is quite cynical: The administration blew a decade of of CI work in order to be able to say, "Hey, look! We're on the ball! We are serious people after all!"

    Do they care about the larger operation?

    Not in this instance.

  34. You deny your lyin' eyes, doug.

    Or would be if you were here, on the continent, to see what is really transpiring.

    Our Government, whit, is the same one it has always been, doing the same kinds of things it always has done. Just that now, it is doing those things to you, instead of the "others".

    Perception and perspective, to important things to keep in mind, when looking for the "Real America" and the "Real Americans" that inhabit it.

    You wouldn't want to be caught outside, looking in.

  35. "Do they care about the larger operation?"

    Given all the negative things the Obamamama is dealing with and with elections coming up in a couple months, the cynical take seems to make sense.

    However, with regard to the "larger operation" I'd have to question what they are actually giving up.

    If I understand it correctly, we have been tracking some of these guys since the 90's. True the operation has cost the Russkies millions, but I would imagine it cost us a pretty penny to monitor and track them.

    Do we consider these assets sunk costs?

    Could our guys be employed on something more important? After all, some of the Russians have been here twenty years and as far as we know they haven't provided Moscow Center with any real intelligence.

    Probably better to get rid of them, save some money, and get some of our agents back in an exchange. If you get any political advantage, well, that's just gravy.

    (I'm no security expert but I have seen all of the Bond films.)


  36. Ann Coulter channels Rufus:

    Bill Kristol is an asshole.

    Okay, maybe I changed the quote just a little bit.

  37. "The electorate is well satisfied, with their Government.

    As usual rat you offer a simplistic explanation and as usual you are again wrong.

    When 20% of the people say Congress is doing ok, or 45% say they approve of how the president is doing his job, it hardly bespeaks of a happy electorate.

    There are so many factors that go into why we are in the situation we are in it is hard to know where to begin. A big part of it involves the factors Doug pointed out. Likewise, it is the system itself.

    For instance, changing the elections of senators to a direct vote rather than have them elected by state legislatures contributed to this. One can now argue that that change along with the gerrymandering Doug mentioned makes the Senate more "democratic" than the House, the opposite of what the founders intended.

    One can argue that more democracy is a good thing. It may well be, but it feeds into another problem, parochialism. Here in Michigan we have Levin and Stabenow, Dingell and Conyers, all dicks; however, when it comes to supporting the auto industry (and jobs) or trying to stop Asian Carp from getting into the Great Lakes we can count on their votes. Are we "happy" with them. Not likely, however, replacing them gets one to a new problem.


  38. (voter "satisfaction cont'd)

    As judged by voter participation numbers it's easy to say that Americans either don't care about the political process or are "satisfied" with it. Again a wild simplification and probably wrong.

    It's like the phenomenon where people who have been laid off for lengthy periods stop looking for work.

    It is frustration and hopelessness with a stacked system.

    Likewise, people who do not vote have many reasons for not doing so.

    Some are young and just don't give a shit yet. Some are on the fringes and just hanging on and feel the system is stacked against them. For a huge number of people it's just a matter of priorities. They have enough trouble just keeping a job, working what OT they can get, and trying to get the kids through school and soccer practice, to spend much time getting up to speed on the major issues of the day. Politics are normally an afterthought for these people. Not many of them have time to sit around on a blog all day solving the problems of the world.

    During normal times, it's the activists and a certain portion of the electorate that is making the decision on who we have in office.
    However, in times of stress (when people are looking for change) your theory is most wrong.

    While it doesn't seem so on this blog, and while it may be rapidly changing with the proliferation of cable news networks, the internet, and political blogs, I believe a good proportion of the populace is still disassociated from politics. There is just too much that is more important.

    However, in times of stress, when 15 million are out of work, when there are 5 people looking for a job for every job created, when the government bails out the big guys on Wall Street but refuses to extend unemployment benefits for people put out of work through no fault of their own, the majority of the people of the country start to wake up and want to take action.
    And what are they then faced with?

    The politicians and the system.

    One wonders if it is the system that corrupts the politicians or the politicians that corrupt the system. A good philosophical argument for Bob.

    One can ask the question, in a country of 320 million, why is the quality of our political class so poor? Is it merely because qualified newcomers either don't have the will to take on the partisan shit they have to put up with or that they don't have the cash to pay for the millions it takes to run a national campaign?

    At any rate, when the people do get frustrated enough to seek change they are presented with choices like Angle vs. Reid, Hayward vs. McCain, Rand vs. some dick Dem, or no choice at all, Incumbent vs. Green Socialist Free-Love Party. Some might ask, "What is the Point?"

    I could go on but why bother. My point is that your statement that the voting public is satisfied is silly.


  39. "Could our guys be employed on something more important? After all, some of the Russians have been here twenty years and as far as we know they haven't provided Moscow Center with any real intelligence."

    Quirk, domestic CI cases regularly run for looooong periods of time before payoff. Years, decades, what have you. It's a line of work requiring the patience of Job, and with few rewards. Far between.

    We have an enormous, untackled foreign intelligence operations problem in this country. It's a known known.

    And doing much about it is not primarily a question of resources. It is very much a question of will.

    Everybody spies on everybody. We have just got to be the easiest country on earth to do it in.

  40. People understand that All politicians, and wannabee politicians are dicks.

    The electorate has to be pretty disgusted, or ticked off, to throw out an experienced dick for a wannabee dick.

  41. "Everybody spies on everybody. We have just got to be the easiest country on earth to do it in.

    Time for your nap Trish.

    (Oh, did I mention I also saw all three Bourne movies.)


  42. I stick to my speculation regarding domestic political payoff as the central motive.

    These guys weren't worth the show. They're just too low on the food chain.

  43. "Everybody spies on everybody. We have just got to be the easiest country on earth to do it in."

    You have a problem with that statement?

  44. Shit, Trish, we have the sorriest security agencies in the world.

    That big, gaping hole in the ground in NY will attest to that.

  45. Ann Coulter channels Rufus:

    Bill Kristol is an asshole.

    Three dicks dicking around with themselves.

    Bill Kristol a neo-con nutjob.

    Ann Coulter the biggest dick of them all.

    And Rufus... Well...

    And what was that about Steele?


  46. What did ol' "slam-dunk" Tenet say? "I hope this isn't connected to those guys taking flying lessons down in Phoenix?"

  47. "Shit, Trish, we have the sorriest security agencies in the world."

    Well, now you're getting personal.

    Rather, we just don't have the political wherewithal to take care of our domestic espionage issues.

  48. "These guys weren't worth the show. They're just too low on the food chain."

    And yet you question my question as to whether it wouldn't have been better, regardless of political considerations, to pack these guys up and send them home in order to free up our assets for use on bigger fish.


  49. You keep the little fish in order to get to the big fish.

  50. And I, too, have seen a Bourne movie.

    So there.

  51. We leave tomorrow for Bobal country, two nights in the Flathead Valley, hike in Glacier Park, on the way home Saturday we visit Kootenai Falls, Sand Point, Hayden Lake, and other points of white interest.

  52. "Everybody spies on everybody. We have just got to be the easiest country on earth to do it in.

    You have a problem with that statement?"

    Sorry, after rereading it and seeing your post to Rufus, I see I read it wrong.

    I thought you were comparing our intelligence services to other countries' services in a negative way. I was going to argue with that.

    On the other hand, you have to admit we have had some major failures (projections of Russian superiority prior to the collapse of the USSR, weapons of mass destruction and nuclear capability in Iraq, the Twin Towers.)

    Even so, given the constraint of being a democratic nation, we are as good as any and better than most.

    I'm not sure what "political wherewithal" means; but most of the problems I see has been with the analysis of the data that was available.



  53. "You keep the little fish in order to get to the big fish."

    and yet

    "These guys weren't worth the show. They're just too low on the food chain."

    You give me a headache Trish.

    Time for my nap.


  54. Have a good trip T.


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. No, Q, when polled people say what they think is popular, when they go to the polls, they do what they think is right.

    Myself, I vote for change, and I'm always voting for a loser,

    But if over 85% of the Congress is reelected, folks are satisfied, or they'd "throw the bums out", which hardly ever happens.

    The real polls are held every two years, they are the only ones that really matter. The rest, liars talking to bull shitters.

  57. "You keep the little fish in order to get to the big fish."

    and yet

    "These guys weren't worth the show. They're just too low on the food chain."

    Yes. You let the little people continue on, unaware, until you have the network, for which they were simply low level worker bees, identified. Once you do that, you roll those guys up and exchange if you want.

    That would be the swap. The swap conveying something more than merely a sought after, short term political advantage.

    Sorry about your headache, though.

    Tomorrow you can cross dicks with rufus.

    And remain headache free. : )

  58. And I also wish you a most enjoyable little holiday, T.

  59. " have to admit we have had some major failures (projections of Russian superiority prior to the collapse of the USSR, weapons of mass destruction and nuclear capability in Iraq, the Twin Towers.)"

    You're bundling a few different areas of intelligence collection and analysis into one.

    Have we had some real whoppers?

    Oh, hell yes.

    But, you know, who hasn't?

  60. oh i love daddy how he rumbles and grumbles around the house today he was saying 'deep in the greens of summer live the lives i've come to love' which he says has cadence and alliteration too whatever that is and in the morning he's put a bell at the top of the stairs and he rings it and it's blueberry pancake time and i come running up in my skimpies and robe and he sits there like a god at the head of the table sometimes he just does the crossword other times we jaw jaw jaw for an hour or more now that Ashley is in school and Nick back to Ohio i've got the whole downstairs and dad sleeps with this wife once more and i can hear him snore a little it's comforting sometimes a boy or two will knock at the door i know i used to be a whore and daddy tells 'em to just go way and not come back and sometimes we go swimming where the Snake and Clearwater meet at tscemunicum 'where the two waters meet' and daddy says watch for the undertow and i do and it's always safe enough and i come up hair all a floating out it's lovely that feeling of cool water deep in the greens of summer the vireo wets it's wings and i love summer and when the sun goes down the geese flying by the sun and i'm going to school this fall and i'm going to make it i would like to have my own man and my own home sometime but it's not yet daddy says i can have a church wedding he will give me away i don't ever want to be away from daddy but i know i will one of these days daddy said the poet fought it out for all of us and i think i'm knowing what he means it's been hot here today and daddy's scandahovian farmers will cut the alfalfa soon


  61. We leave tomorrow for Bobal country, two nights in the Flathead Valley, hike in Glacier Park, on the way home Saturday we visit Kootenai Falls, Sand Point, Hayden Lake, and other points of white interest.

    You missed your chance to stay in my condo T I've rented it to one of my daughter's friends.

    I'm glad to hear "hike in Glacier Park"--I was going to suggest that, you being young, of good body. Take a pistol, and--


  62. T, as you're leaving for your trip, me, the gypsy will be leaving to go home from my trip.

    Have a great time.

  63. It sounds to me like you are going from the frying pan to the microwave, Melody, from the reports I've read, Philly sounds like a steam bath with extra moisture.

    Out here, the heat is on, but it is dry heat, not muggy at all. I just hole up in my room, read, and take my phone calls.

  64. Waiting for my daughter to get done with her Buddhism class, and her class in mythology, which I didn't know she was taking, but very glad to hear.

    Then we got a month off to go to

    What scares me to death is she has signed up for a horseback riding class in the fall. She is looking forward to that, but I'm not, as I know when she graduates the heat will be upon bob to buy her a damn horse, and I just don't want to do it, it's just too much trouble, but I know I will, if she insists, as she will, then I know what will happen, she'll run off with the Basque guy she is dating, and bob will be left holding the feed bag. Mark my words.

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    Is this possible?
