Friday, July 09, 2010

Catch and Release in Costa Rica

My personal best in Costa Rica was a 335 lb blue marlin .


  1. Tomorrow I leave for Reno, two days in Tahoe and that should be enough travel for this month!

  2. So, Deuce, what is your intention, what is the purpose of that last post of yours? You start by posting the info about the transit officer found guilty of manslaughter and then post that bit about the black mofo. Are you trying to suggest that we should feel sorry for the transit officer because of that other sorry piece of shit? Seems like a weasel post to me. Another example of your 'non-racism'? An example of your rational arguing skills?

  3. oh, wait, I know, it exhibits how you knew that Rev. Wright revealed all that we should know about Obama. I got it now!

  4. Listen we really don't need to hear about your wonderful paradise, regardless of the rainy season, while some of us, well, um...aren't in it.

    Although, the last week was heavenly intoxicating, for me it's over and I'm still....well, intoxicated. Thanks to my wonderful daughter and her bar tending experience, I still feel like I'm on vacation.

  5. No Ash, the racists are in the White House that listened to Reverend Wright for fifteen years.

    The president, on his blog, who talks in black code words on his for political gain.

    The racists are black Americans that support a man as president by 91% because he is black.

    The racists are the Congressman that have established a Black Caucus, the television network that defines itself as Black Entertainment Network, the fools and phonies that encourage and foster a Black History Month.

    They define themselves in terms of race, they seethe in racialism.

    My post is about a black president and a black AG who in the same week passed on prosecuting Black Panthers intimidating white voters when if the opposite happened you and your ilk would blather and wail about white racism.

    Justice was given to the cop and he was found guilty of a crime. Blacks did not like the verdict and riot and pillage.

    Two white cops killed by a career black criminal and there is no call from DOJ to investigate why this racial hate crime took place and the system that allows it.

    I post what I think Ash. I am not afraid to tell the truth as I see it. If that bothers you, that pleases me.

  6. No,I have a catch and release program over a certain weight.

  7. naw, your post was about some transit cop who shot and killed someone, and folks rioted, and some black sonofabitch in florida who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REST OF THAT SHIT.

    A tad disingenuous.

  8. and, yes, you do post what you think. I wouldn't try denying that!

  9. Folks rioted? Danes, Swedes, Germans Italians, Vietnamese, Chinese, were they Ash or just plain folks? No Ash I don't have to look , nor do you and neither does anyone else have to look, but whatever you do please don't mention it, lest you displease and be called a racist.

  10. I, frankly, don`t have a clue who rioted or why. Let us assume that they were all black and that they were rioting about the the fact that a white transit officer shot and killed an unarmed black guy and only got manslaughter because he claimed `oh, shucks, i was reaching for my taser and grabbed my gun instead`. What the fuck does that have to do with a black stupid son of a bitch in FLORIDA, or the black panthers, or Rev. Wright or Obama

  11. How about, is that racist? Would "" be racist.

    Please let us folk hear your draw on it Ash.

  12. Blacks certainly can be racist, so can Jews. I guess that means racism is ok and we should all classify so simply.

  13. I have to agree with Ash, I was little confused on how the two articles were related but I'm also confused on your catch and release program, too. I guess it's just a confusing night.

  14. Geez, Ash, after a perfectly reasonable explanation you still refuse to "get it."

    You got more than you deserved with your knee jerk liberalism.

  15. This should be interesting:
    NEW YORK (Reuters) – Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) was sued by Liberty Mutual Insurance Co, which accused the Wall Street bank of fraudulently misleading it into buying preferred stock of mortgage financier Fannie Mae (FNMA.OB) that would become "virtually worthless."

    In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Boston federal court, Liberty Mutual said it deserves to be reimbursed for losses on the $62.5 million of Fannie Mae preferred stock it had bought in late 2007 through offerings underwritten by Goldman.

    Liberty Mutual, one of the nation's largest insurers, said Goldman knew of "significant problems" in subprime and other risky mortgages in late 2006 and throughout 2007, and generated large profits for itself by betting against the market.

    It also said Goldman falsely stated that the purpose of the offerings was to let Fannie Mae raise excess capital, when in fact Fannie Mae "was severely undercapitalized" and needed to raise money to stay in business.

  16. "Blacks certainly can be racist"

    Certainly. CAN. Be. Racist?

    Don't you mean certainly ARE racist. At least most of them in one way or another. Living in a neighborhood which was prominently Jewish and Italian until the last 2or 3 years we were there my daughter was never exposed to so much racism, against who she is, in her life, from teachers and from students. So much so that I had to make a trip to the school to confront what my daughter was making accusations about.

    I had to confront the teacher (black) and then the principal (white) Who do you think won?

  17. ...and didn't you post that catch and release post once before?

  18. I have made over 3000 posts. It is possible that I have repeated myself, probably more than once.

  19. I guess it depends on what you're repeating.

  20. o daddy is so fired up about going fishing on the Tucannon and I'm sitting here in the sun thinking about things twigling my toes and how we girls can make them melt like butter in the sun I've known so many men some are shits most of them are all right and I put the cream on my shoulders and chest and the sun shines down and I don't know why daddy gets so upset about some judgment in southern California it means nothings to me but he's always fired up about some stupid things that mean nothing and he grumbles and rumbles about nothing really and I know his mind is on a girl back east and some of these older men are so silly when they put there shorts on their legs are so white though daddy's legs are strong and he's handsome and his voice is very deep and authoritative and I like that specually at the kitchen table he rumbles and I think it's silly but I do love him


  21. Catch and release is the rule up on the headwaters of the St. Joe.

    It's a beautiful stream, and the fishing has come back.

    It flows into Coeur d'Alene Lake, but up higher it's just a mountain stream, very beautiful.

  22. Amen on the black racism. If the theme connecting those supposedly disconnected articles had been Tea Party racism, Ash would have made the connection immediately, without the need for an explanation (which I'm guessing he gets, Whit, but simply refuses to accept).

    Ash isn't stupid (although he may be an economic knucklehead); he's just a liberal who refuses to see the elephant in the room - Obama and his administration are racial activists exercising their power for payback against whitey. Sadly, such behavior just perpetuates the cycle - no different than the Middle East. The cycle will only stop when all cease to use race as a means to an end of any sort, which may be outside the realm of human capabilities.
