Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Four Turks Amongst the Killed. Israel Orders Diplomat's Families out of Turkey.

Israel Orders Families of Diplomats Out of Turkey
Published: June 2, 2010

Filed at 1:14 a.m. ET

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli media say the Foreign Ministry has ordered the families of its diplomats in Turkey to leave that country because of the uproar over Israel's deadly naval raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

State-run Israel radio and other stations and newspapers say the diplomatic mission itself will remain in Turkey.

A ministry spokesman would neither confirm nor deny Tuesday's reports.

At least four Turkish activists were among the nine killed by Israeli naval commandos in the raid Sunday on an international flotilla bringing aid to Gaza.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of a ''bloody massacre'' and thousands of Turks have protested across the country.



  1. Just some thoughts on the ongoing mess in the Middle East:

    Regardless of your opinion on the fiasco in the Mediterranean, all would have to agree that events are dangerously slipping out of control.

    The confrontation between Turkey and Israel was inevitable because it was planned. The instigators wanted to embarrass Israel and they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

    Israel fell into their trap. Israel did not show strength or proper preparation. Events proved the ineptness in planning and execution. It was Carteresque.

    The Israeli military played into the hands of the enemies of Israel.

    It was a diplomatic and public relations train wreck.

    The US lost control of Turkey, under Bush, leading up to the the US assault on Iraq.

    Internal secular control of Turkey has weakened. The Islamists are in ascendance and Obama cannot even bring himself to utter the word.

    Turkey, still a NATO member, is openly hostile and reactive to this event. Turkish public opinion is toxic. The US is wed to Turkey by treaty.

    Israel is more estranged than ever from Europe.

    This is a time when strong American leadership is necessary. It is unfortunately a time where there is no strong American leadership.

    How is it possible, that a planned military action, by Israel, against a NATO ally, Turkey, would happen on the day before a visit by the Israeli Prime Minister to a US President?

    Turkey is a naval power. Will Turkey step up her naval presence in the Mediterranean? What is the plan if Turkish naval forces clash with Israeli forces?

    If Israeli military planning was so poor at engaging a few raggedy civilian ships, what would happen if the Isrealis launched an attack on Iran?

    Obama had better get a grip on this and fast.

    That is the reality we confront and the American people have chosen Barack Hussein Obama to lead the way.

  2. But then again business is business:
    In Turkey, a visibly angry prime minister told parliamentary deputies that Israel should "definitely be punished" for its "bloody massacre" of the activists.

    "The time has come for the international community to say 'enough'," said Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who demanded the immediate lifting of "the inhumane embargo on Gaza".

    There were signs, however, that the long-term relationship Israel has had with Turkey – arguably its most important Muslim ally – would endure.

    Ehud Barak, Israel's defence minister, spoke to his Turkish counterpart, Vecdi Gonul, on Tuesday, and they agreed the raid would not affect weapons deals – among them a planned delivery to Turkey of $183m in Israeli drones this summer - defence officials said on condition of anonymity.

  3. I am sure someone will assure us that this is all part of a plan.

  4. Meanwhile Obama believes that the best way to stop the oil leak is to criminalize BP, investigate and prosecute.

    Now let me see if I am getting this right.

    BP is doing all that can be done to stop the leak, because they know more about oil leaks than anyone else and they have the resources, which the US does not.

    The US, even after siphoning off untold billions in taxes, has a Department of Interior, EPA, Department of Energy and an Army Corps of Engineers, that in total cannot do much of anything.

    The US also has a petroleum industrial force that went half way around the world to put out a thousand oil well fires in Kuwait.

    Obama, while on vacation came up with a new strategy.

    The Obama solution to this problem is to use the US Dept. of Justice to financially wreck BP.

    Maybe he should consult with Netanyahu

  5. Imagine the world with the combined genius of Obama and Netanyahu leading the way.

  6. None of our business.

    One more time,

    None of our business.

  7. This time, rufus, you're not correct.

    It is our business, now. An ally of the United States was attacked on the high seas, by the Pirates of the Mediterranean.

    That makes it our business, if the Turks request our assistance, in dealing with those Pirates. We are legally, morally and duty bound to assist the Turks in cleaning up the Mediterranean.

    The Israeli could not drive to the Litani river, in Lebanon. But were held up by the light infantry that HB fielded in their defense of Lebanon.

    The vaunted Israeli military machine, now just a piece of prized propaganda.

    Performance counts and the Israeli military, they perform poorly., against civilians and irregular troops.

    The Turks are the real deal.

    War may be coming, the Israeli are, have been, coming up short.

    They best be careful of what they wish for. They just may get it.

  8. Criminal negligence, Deuce.

    doug-o has made that case, convincingly, against BP.

    The EPA could fine BP $4,300 per barrel spilled, if that was found to be the case, in a US Court.

    That would amount to over a $10 billion USD fine. It would 'bust' BP. It should be the least that Team Obamerica does.

    BP should cease to exist, it should go down, like their oil drilling platform.

    Hopefully the managers of BP will do some jail time, too.

  9. trish is correct when she says "This will end badly".

    It will.

    The price the Israeli are going to have to pay, may be extreme, before it is over.

    With no one to blame, but themselves.

  10. The Federals, Deuce, cannot, do not, do anything "well". Never have.

    Even the US military is not cost effective or efficient. That pudding proved by the tasting in both Iraq and Afpakistan.

    Do not expect more, it is not in the nature of the Federals.
    It is not who they are.

  11. The Obama criminal strategy is going to turn the innovators within BP, who are trying to find a solution, into timid, cautious and frightened children.

    Better to play it safe and not take a chance to stop the oil leak. That's what happens when you send a rookie law professor to do a journeyman's job, but there are more important things on Obama's mind:

    Obama has a party planned for Paul McCartney, The Jonas Brothers, Faith Hill, Stevie Wonder and Jerry Seinfeld.

    Allare part of an all-star lineup that will honor Paul McCartney during a concert Wednesday at the White House. McCartney will receive the third Gershwin Prize for Popular Song from the Library of Congress.

    Other performers will include Jack White, Dave Grohl, Emmylou Harris and Elvis Costello.

    That is chnage you can believe in.

  12. Quirk,

    I am seldom wrong about Israel.

    I leave it to guys like you, rufus and Ash to calculate and report on how much of the media, banks and entertainment industry we have within our knarly grasp. Goebbels turned that into an art form.

    As soon as we can enslave enough blond Aryan beauties we are out of here on the mothership.

    Have a nice day.

  13. Turkey, a Nato ally...

    Who has embraced Iran and Syria (War games with Syria this week)

    WHo refused an ally (USA) to land on a hostile nation (Iraq)

    Turkey, who has butchered HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Kurds....

    Turkey who squats on another NATION'S land Cyprus

    Turkey Who MURDERED a MILLION Armenians

    Turkey who has ethnically cleansed every other faith but Islam to the tune of 99% islam now. WHo claims to be a secular democracy but in fact has been hijacked by radical islamists

    Turkey PLANNED an illegal blockade breaking floatilla using hundreds of terrorists as proxies bears the responsibility of this illegal action

    Did Israel handle it well? No, not on the surface.

    The entire world had already made it's position clear when it comes to Israel but it's behavior in lebanon and UN 1701.

    Israel understands it's back is to the wall. If the blockade of gaza is lifted within months, gaza will have rockets like Hezbollah has...

    War is here...

    As for the assertion that Israel cannot handle the task of destruction of it's enemies?

    Drive through southern lebanon....

    But the enemies of Israel dont care the pain and suffering of their people they seek genocide...

    And now with America lacking any spine of any kind, Israel will be attacked by several American allies again.

    But this time, Israel will not govern their response to America's needs as it did in BOTH Gaza and Lebanon, Israel understands America has thrown her under them bus and will have to deal with a re-armed hezbollah, hamas, syria and Iran

    It' aint going to be pretty and if you dont like 9 dead terrorists on a boat?

    you will not be happy....

  14. Lots and lots of dead folks, on both sides of the equation, Kosher Porker, will make my day.

    To watch Tel Aviv burn, along with Gaza and Beirut, gonna be a blast to talk about.

    Lots of entertainment value.

    Whether or not I like it or not.

    Not even part of the equation.
    Because, Porker, it is not about me, never has been. never will be, about me.

  15. desert rat said...
    Lots and lots of dead folks, on both sides of the equation, Kosher Porker, will make my day.

    That says it all....

    You love death...

  16. As to the "innovative minds" at BP. Their recent behavior in regards the Deep Horizon has been criminal, perhaps it's been innovative, too.

    Leaving BP in control of the spillage situation is like leaving the US banking crisis in the hands of Goldman Sucks.

    Compounding criminal behavior with Federal duplicity.

    The Gulf Coast is to important, for that scenario to replay itself.

    BP's innovation, reaching beyond their technological capacity, is what created the worst environmental disaster in history. The folks at BP do not have a monopoly on either innovation nor technological capability.

    They do have a monopoly on criminal culpability.

  17. Everyone dies, Pork Rind.

    No one escapes, that.

    The entertainment value, of watching the sanctimonious get what they truly deserve, priceless.

    I do not shed tears for either Eurotrash or Arabs.

    You have stated, many times, that you think higher body counts amongst the Arabs in the Levant is the right course of action for the Israeli to pursue.

    I think that is deplorable, but if that is the course that Israel chooses, for itself, well...

    There will be more than enough dead bodies to go around, on both sides of the equation.

    Civilians on both sides will die, not just amongst the Arabs.
    Fair is fair.

    Let the games begin.

  18. As we have been told, numerous times, the Lebanese militias have been armed up, by the Syrians and Iranians, that they have missiles that can reach Tel Aviv.

    I think that is true.

    I know that the SAS and US recon teams could not find Saddam's mobile SCUD launchers, during the Gulf War.
    I know that the Israeli could not locate the smaller versions that HB used in their last 'dust up'.

    Your many reports lead me to believe that the Lebanese have reached a modicum of MAD capacity, visa a vie Israel.

    That you do not evaluate your own cut and pastes, from a neutral perspective, obvious.

    If there is a war, Tel Aviv WILL burn. Israeli civilians WILL be amongst the dead, along with many Arabs, too.

    Since I have no skin in the game, it's just entertainment, as seen from here.

  19. rat predicts: There will be more than enough dead bodies to go around, on both sides of the equation.

    Civilians on both sides will die, not just amongst the Arabs.
    Fair is fair.

    Jewish civilian deaths at arab hands great outnumbers any arab deaths by Jews...

    However recently, in the conflict the Jews cheat..

    They build BUNKERS for their civilians whereas the arabs? they build bunkers inside of homes for their rockets.

    In the end? MANY MANY MANY more Arabs/islamists will die than Israelis. America has proven that on the battlefield when fighting the Islamists...

    America shoots of a drone strike every week, killing islamic civilians without fail, the relative America civilian deaths in small in comparison.

    Israel has spent billions on civil defense, the arabs? spend billions on gold plated facets, private swiss bank accounts and bribery.

    Jews have tasted the death of the majority of it's people many times over the centuries. The arab/islamic world has not. One must wonder a world where the current enemies of Israel have never tasted true defeat?

    Maybe that is the ticket rat, time for a catastrophic defeat for the islamic forces...

    If the Israelis were as bad as you say they are the flotilla would have simply been sunk, in the middle of the night, with no warning...

  20. "To watch Tel Aviv burn, along with Gaza and Beirut, gonna be a blast to talk about."

    Spoken like a true jihadi. It's that élan that makes you guys such good suicide-murderers, trash talkers and cannon fodder.

    The real entertainment, DR, and of the sort that makes you haters groan, will be the heroic victory of Israel.

    While you experts moan and groan about how screwed up is Israel, in the past few months 1) a self-confessed murderer of Jews has been extra-judicially executed [this, while your Major Hasan, the murderer of 13 Americans , was finally given his first hearing yesterday and the Gitmo Kids remain in limbo] 2) your gal-pal Cynthia has been "detained", 3) large scale North Korean and Iranian weapons shipments have been captured on the high seas [this while pathetically equipped Somali pirates have free rein], and 4) the Gaza "Flotilla" floats no more.

    The only thing you carbuncles are right about is the uncouth execution of the Gaza Flotilla mission. Mr. Barak can be thanked for that. It is hoped that he will be out of the loop next time.

    Are you going to go for your all time best today? It will be a real challenge to do more than 15 fascist posts in 60 minutes. With a little luck, your pals may pitch in and lend a hand.

    As to the BC, Wretchard probably breathes a sigh of relief everyday you addled rummies are gone. As to echo chamber, anyone taking a look at recent threads here would be deafened.

  21. rat: If there is a war, Tel Aviv WILL burn. Israeli civilians WILL be amongst the dead, along with many Arabs, too.

    I do not doubt that Tel Aviv will be struck with missiles. None whatsoever. That will be the legal letter that will be crossed to allow Israel to respond without restraint.

    But then you will scream about disproportionate response.....

    because in the end, you do take sides, you are a jew hating, zionist hating, israel hating criminal.

    So when you start screaming how big and bad the Israelis are, we will, as usual see your pro terrorist leanings...

  22. Wrong again Kosher Pork.

    For the past 40 years, the Israeli response has been 'disproportionate'.

    They have maintained their violations of the Geneva Accords, because they had a monopoly of force in the Levant. Allowing for the disproportionate behavior.

    They no longer have a monopoly on death dealing.

    That is easy to see, from your many reports.

    You continue to advocate for sectarian war.
    Be happy with the results of your advocacy.

    Lots of dead civilians, on both sides, not just amongst the residents of Gaza.

    Fair is fair.
    That's Entertainment!

  23. What happened to that little mouse, Ash?

    Yesterday, I called him out as a coward for his failure to admit that Hamas was governing Gaza illegally according to DR's "Law of Nations" and he disappeared into his Cannuk knock.

    Hamas fought its way to power over the bodies of the legally elected government. It has refused to purge its charter and propaganda of their "Death to the Zionist Entity" clauses. Therefore, it has been ostracized by the "World Community", blockaded by both Egypt and Israel.

    Come on, Ash, admit the truth. It will hurt, initially, but you will recover to fight again for Allah. Why, Ash, in publically denouncing Hamas you even will appear to be a person of integrity.

  24. So if Israel pulls a rabbit out of the hat, and dispatches the majority of Rat's friends, the Islamists's rockets in a preemptive strike rat will scream unfair...

    But I have a newsflash for ya Rat.... Israel is not a paper tiger like you seems to enjoy proclaiming. And Israel has not used for the last 40 years enough disproportionate response.

    Sadly Israel has not sought the complete destruction of those that seek her complete destruction.

    But I get the feeling times are changing...

    Already the PA is screaming for war, jihad and a state from the River to the Sea. Abbas, seeking street cred, is moving closer to hamas on a daily basis.

    Yep the west is at war with Islam, the sooner it wakes up the sooner if can fight...

    One can only hope that within some of the thousands of illegals invading AZ some of those Hezbollah fighters find your shopping center to target when your loved ones are there...

  25. The Israeli have already gone and killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of women and children, in Gaza and Lebanon.

    It did not gain them any extra security. Not at all.

    It just worsened the situation.

    Which is why the US cut off the arms shipments. Stopping the Israeli from killing any more civilians, in Gaza.

    Good on US, for that.

  26. DR,

    Re: monopoly on death dealing

    You silly, lying fool!

    During your most recent Intifada, thousands of innocent Israelis were killed and maimed by your "freedom fighters".

    While I do not recall your having ever criticized the killing and wounding of Israelis by Muslim terrorists, you squeal like a stuck pig when Israel surgically strikes back. That Hamas uses women and children as human shields is not the fault of the IDF. The death of these human shields is the fault of Hamas and your enabling UN.

    Hoping that Israel's politicians have not been completely forthcoming to their American counterparts, the next war may see the wholesale execution of Syrian, Hezbollah and Iranian leadership nodes.

  27. '...Goebbels turned that into an art form.

    As soon as we can enslave enough blond Aryan beauties we are out of here on the mothership."

    Gee, Allen, we'll miss your unctuous mewling.

    Don't forget to say goodbye to your buddy wretchard on your way out.


  28. The Turkey that slammed the door on the 4ID is an "Ally?" Naaaah.

    If Unca Sugar declines they'll cancel the "Party."

  29. What is "Occupation" said...
    Let's review...

    Turkey sponsors an Illegal group of ships trying to supply a terror group with supplies...

    It's far, far worse than that WiO. The financiers of that flotilla are known terrorists themselves, as my link last evening shows. They are on all the main terrorists’ lists, both foreign and domestic. Turkey supplied the cover of flagging the ships, while terrorists supplied the funding and personnel. Needless to say, our good friends the Saudis figure large in this.

    So, WiO, why do we care about the Turkish response?

    Why, wouldn't you think the true patriots here would be incensed that supporters of a'Q (those were the guys responsible for 9/11, unless, of course, you believe that was a Mossad mission, ala David Duke), the Taliban and Iranian "specialists" (these are the guys that build the high-tech explosives that kill American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan) motivated this spectacle.

    That they are not outraged speaks volumes as to where their true sympathies lie: They will permit any indignity and outrage so long as Israel's reputation is sullied.

    I am confused, though, WiO. If as Quirk and company imply, we (Jews) control so much of the media, why the bad press? One would think the Elders would have brought our guys into line with the program.

  30. re. BP and criminal behavior -

    Jon Stewart did an interesting bit on it last night (he beat on Obama pretty hard as well). He cited statistics of something like 760 egregious violations of safety regulations where other companies, like Exxon, had 1.

  31. Quirk,

    Whatever you miss about me will not change what you are.

    Should you decide to post at the BC, don't plan on being there long. Wretchard has little patience with closet fascists.

  32. BP is little more than a "continuing criminal enterprise."

    They, probably, should be banned from American Territories.

  33. Israeli Force, Adrift on the Sea
    By AMOS OZ
    Published: June 1, 2010

    ARAD, Israel

    "FOR 2,000 years, the Jews knew the force of force only in the form of lashes to our own backs. For several decades now, we have been able to wield force ourselves — and this power has, again and again, intoxicated us.

    In the period before Israel was founded, a large portion of the Jewish population in Palestine, especially members of the extremely nationalist Irgun group, thought that military force could be used to achieve any goal, to drive the British out of the country, and to repel the Arabs who opposed the creation of our state.

    Luckily, during Israel’s early years, prime ministers like David Ben-Gurion and Levi Eshkol knew very well that force has its limits and were careful to use it only as a last resort. But ever since the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel has been fixated on military force. To a man with a big hammer, says the proverb, every problem looks like a nail.

    Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip and Monday’s violent interception of civilian vessels carrying humanitarian aid there are the rank products of this mantra that what can’t be done by force can be done with even greater force. This view originates in the mistaken assumption that Hamas’s control of Gaza can be ended by force of arms or, in more general terms, that the Palestinian problem can be crushed instead of solved.

    But Hamas is not just a terrorist organization. Hamas is an idea, a desperate and fanatical idea that grew out of the desolation and frustration of many Palestinians. No idea has ever been defeated by force — not by siege, not by bombardment, not by being flattened with tank treads and not by marine commandos. To defeat an idea, you have to offer a better idea, a more attractive and acceptable one.

    Thus, the only way for Israel to edge out Hamas would be to..."

  34. "I am confused, though, WiO. If as Quirk and company imply, we (Jews) control so much of the media, why the bad press?"

    The fact that Jews appear to be self-flaggelating at times is of little concern to me.

    My question on media ownership was directed in response to WiO's earlier question as to why Israel was so often in the news.

    Frankly, I don't know how much of the media is controlled by Jews. I assumed he would since you two guys imply you are the experts on all things Jewish.

    As to your being confused Allen, surely you've grown accustomed to that state by now.

    Accept it.

    Move on.

    Perhaps to the mothership.


  35. Demand for Beef is surging (up about 20%.) That is an actual, real time indication that we really are coming out of recession.

    Trucks, also, are beginning to roll. A slightly lagging indicator.

    Achmaimafuckingnutjob lost his shirt moving into the Euro a couple of months ago. What a shame.

    Decent week shaping up.

  36. Ash,

    "Gaza has been under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade since Hamas militants seized power in a violent takeover of the seaside strip in 2007. Egypt's opening of the border was believed to be temporary, although the government did not say how long it would last."

    Israel to expel all activists by day's end

    So, you unctuous little mewler (HT to Quirk for the use of a Thesaurus), are you ready to say that Hamas gained control of Gaza through a bloody coup and has, since, been blockaded?

    PS: To prove that Quirk knows unctuous mewling when he sees it, I give you... Quirk responding to WiO’s - "Ask yourself WHY does Israel get the press it does...", with
    Journalism is big among you guys?
    Tue Jun 01, 07:18:00 PM EDT

    Quirk, take a look at that David Duke link. He will mentor your inner, albeit cowardly, fascist. One day, you too can say what you feel without resort to pusillanimous subterfuge.

  37. "Should you decide to post at the BC, don't plan on being there long. Wretchard has little patience with closet fascists."

    After seeing the place, I'm not interested. As for wretchard, what would he do, verbally abuse me.


    You've had little luck along those lines.

    But then, never send a minion to do a man's work.

    What suprises is that you don't spend more time over there. What is it, the "small fish syndrome"?
    You would merely blend in there as part of the monochrome wallpaper?



  38. Buffet, also, I guess lost a couple of Bill on the Euro bet. Always happy to see that old asshole lose a bunch.

  39. As long as it's not on something I own.

  40. "Why, wouldn't you think the true patriots here would be incensed that supporters of a'Q (those were the guys responsible for 9/11, unless, of course, you believe that was a Mossad mission, ala David Duke), the Taliban and Iranian "specialists" (these are the guys that build the high-tech explosives that kill American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan) motivated this spectacle.

    That they are not outraged speaks volumes as to where their true sympathies lie: They will permit any indignity and outrage so long as Israel's reputation is sullied."

    simply, its a darwinian game that pseudo-patriots play (smaller and weaker will not survive). similar to the euros who ingratiate themselves with the apparant enemy. the bond of westernized ways of thinking is not at strong at the bond of hate.

  41. Quirk,

    Re: experts on all things Jewish

    ...nonsensical lie...

    Other than in the minds of people like you, who take it as given that Jews control media, including, persumably, journalism, there is no relationship between journalism and Judaism outside the norm.

  42. Yeah, all those "Al Queda" guys got on a boat they knew the Israelis were going to intercept.


    I get "outraged" by very little that I read in the International (or National) press. Mainly, because I believe very little of it (until it gets "fisked" and verified.

  43. "Quirk, take a look at that David Duke link."

    I'll leave that to you Allen.

    Let it feed you victimhood.

    Petty insults (addled rummies, cretins, Goebbels, fascists, et al) the last reguge of the small mind.


  44. trish is correct when she says "This will end badly".

    - Rat

    Except that I was referring to the Admin.

  45. yes, it will end badly.

    The Schofield Kid: Yeah, well, I guess he had it coming.
    Will Munny: We all got it coming, kid

  46. Move the palis to occupied Arizona, they are used to immigrants and the weather is mush the same.

  47. Send them Palestinians on over, we will integrate them and they will become Americans.

    That is if they have the balls to come, which I doubt they do.

    They will self-select to stay where they are, more than likely.
    Most folk do.
    Like our piece of Kosher Pork.

  48. Here I thought you were referring to everyone involved in this sordid affair, trish.

    To my eyes, they're all going to come up losers.

    US least of all, though.

  49. desert rat said...
    Send them Palestinians on over, we will integrate them and they will become Americans.

    Actually Obama 1st act as president was to sign: HR 1388

    Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA. This is the news that didn't make the headlines...

    By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza.

    The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

    Now Obama is relocating more Palios to LA.....

  50. To me this whole flotilla situation has 3 silver linings....

    1. 9 dead terrorists and/or supporters of terrorists

    2. The world shows it's true colors once again

    3. Turkey's linkage to terrorists is clear, thus showing the west how Turkey is not really reliable.

  51. "To my eyes, they're all going to come up losers."

    Nah. Israel's actually playing this very well.

    And we just look like major league chumps.

  52. Fortunately most of us in the world don't accept your silly notion of what constitutes a terrorist WiO because if we did terrorism would be not so bad.

  53. That is not how it is seen, from here, trish.

    But then, again, I'm no Federal Socialist. Not part of the "inside game".

    Thankfully so.

  54. The real terrorists, are the Pirates of the Mediterranean, not their victims on high seas.

    Besides Israel was founded through terrorist attacks upon Arab civilians, maintains itself through terrorist acts, as exemplified by this latest attack on NATO shipping.

  55. rufus said...
    Yeah, all those "Al Queda" guys got on a boat they knew the Israelis were going to intercept.

    Are you just pretending to be stupid or is it something you drank?

    Have Quirk read the post to you. With effort, he may be able to help you grasp its meaning.

    What I wrote, bozo, was that the the "funding" was reportedly from known terrorist organizations, among whom were supporters of a'Q, Taliban etc.

  56. ya think so trish? I think it has made and continues to make the case painfully obvious that Gaza is essentially one big prison run by the Israelis.

  57. That was some "funding." Bought'em some "metal rods," and "pocket knives."

    And, don't call me a Bozo, you supercilious, Supremacist, racist cur.

  58. DR wrote to trish:

    But then, again, I'm no Federal Socialist. Not part of the "inside game".

    Right...You're merely the recipient of transfer payments, therapy and drugs from VA, would be my guess.

    As to political affiliation, you're just a run-of-the-mill fascist,i.e. a has-been wannabe with too much free time on his hands and a keyboard in one of them.

  59. You guess wrong.

    I take no funding from the Federals, none from the VA.

    No need for that.

  60. Re: supercilious

    Being supercilious is easy when looking down on miniture pup such as you. Indeed, unless I lowered myself to your level, it would be impossible for it to be otherwise.

    You still purposefully misrepresented what I wrote. So, I must revise my point of view: you are a lying bozo and by extention a supporter of terrorists.

    Yeah, I had that "learned from the best" down pat.

  61. WiO:
    3. Turkey's linkage to terrorists is clear, thus showing the west how Turkey is not really reliable.

    Sure, that's why Obama asked Netanyahu to release all the remaining passengers without delay. Why would he do that if he thought there was anyone linked to terrorist organizations on those ships? Why, they are just fuzzy-headed college student do-gooders.

  62. "The Israeli military played into the hands of the enemies of Israel."

    That is very VERY perceptive. Probably more than you realize. Much of the constant media brouhaha against Israel and the constant media hyper-critical hyper-focus on Israel is manufactured to order by the American CIA and British SIS with their MSM propaganda outlets. This has been going on for a very long time now, and directly relates to pressure tactics designed to draw continuous concessions from Israel.

    Personally, I have very ill feelings towards Netanyahu. For a long time now I have suspected Netanyahu to be a US agent who has sold out Israel's legitimate territorial claims to the interests of the Ango-American petro-dollar imperialists. You'd have to be a moron to approve this kind of an approach, or you'd have to be working in concert with the Ango-American petro-dollar imperialists so as to allow their propaganda tactics to produce maximum effect. Netanyahu is not a moron, and this is just another confirmation in a long series of actions by Natanyahu that informs me that he's really a US agent.

    Just a word of warning to my US friends. This kind of behavior by the US and the British is leading many Jews and Israelis to rethink their attitude towards the Ango-American empire. I don't think we are that far off where most Jews and Israelis finally recognize the truth regards the US, WWI, WWII, the holocaust, the constant Middle East wars, and become openly hostile towards the Ango-American manipulators and their imperialist designs. Once this happens, it will be a VERY fast slide downwards for the Ango-American empire and for the US in particular.


  63. well, well, well, if it ain't ole mat's/mika popping in for a visit. Have you met allen yet? allen, Mətušélaḥ aka mika, Mats, allen.

  64. "I think it has made and continues to make the case painfully obvious that Gaza is essentially one big prison run by the Israelis."

    Run by Hamas.

    And just what the fuck are Israelis supposed to do about that?

  65. Ash said...
    ya think so trish? I think it has made and continues to make the case painfully obvious that Gaza is essentially one big prison run by the Israelis.


    Egypt controls the border and can open it if and when they CHOOSE to!

    The Blockade is lifted, Egypt now has the responsibility for Gaza

  66. Ash said...
    Fortunately most of us in the world don't accept your silly notion of what constitutes a terrorist WiO because if we did terrorism would be not so bad.


    Ash I hope these people that I call terrorists live next to you...

    Dont bitch when they cut your head off...

  67. T: Sure, that's why Obama asked Netanyahu to release all the remaining passengers without delay. Why would he do that if he thought there was anyone linked to terrorist organizations on those ships? Why, they are just fuzzy-headed college student do-gooders.

    Obama doesnt think the Bill Ayers is a terrorist, nor Hamas, Hezbollah, why would he think otherwise?

    The doesnt think there is something called Jihadist terrorists...

    Nothing new here...

  68. Well, please, Massa, send back our latest welfare check ($3,000,000,000.00 was it?) before you "Destroy" the U.S. "Empire."

  69. Ash,

    What's new pussy cat?

    Still waiting for you to address the terrorist gang, Hamas, which runs Gaza illegally.

    Yep, pussy cat


    What happened to that oath not to communicate with me again?


    Good to hear from you. Start stomping at will, the cockroaches are getting out of hand.

  70. Real war is needed...

    The population of the Gaza strip and majority of the west bank arabs should be driven into the sinai and jordan, respectfully...

    Kurds should throw off the yoke of occupation by syria, turkey, iran & iraq

    Iran should be split into several nations...

    Arabs should be driven from north africa back to arabia where they should join their brothers from the USA, Canada & Europe (not excluding New zealand and austraila)

    Turks should be thrown out of Germany.

    Pakis thrown out of england...

    yep that would be a good start...

  71. Oh turkey out of cyprus...

    china out of tibet

    and russia out of ossetta

  72. Jews?

    Well they pretty much have been murdered out of Europe...

    So maybe Israel should also get rid of it's arab population and transfer them to Jordan...

    Let the Arab world throw out it's Jews in a population swap...

    Oh that's right SILLY ME... they did that DECADES AGO...

  73. trish, like any prison there is an internal hierarchy usually brutally run. The Hamas gang are brutal religious fucks but the Israelis, and to a lesser extent, the Egyptians, have a very tight control on all that goes in and out of Gaza. Israel tried to relinquish responsibility in Gaza by leaving the place but they still retain much of it. This incident over the blockade highlights it and I see little in the way of good outcomes for Israel given their present approach to the issue.

    "And just what the fuck are Israelis supposed to do about that?"

    It is a tough nut, I grant. Amos Oz in that article I linked above offered concrete actions that can, and should, be taken.

  74. "It is a tough nut, I grant."

    Yes. It is a tough nut.

  75. Methuselah:I don't think we are that far off where most Jews and Israelis finally recognize the truth regards the US, WWI, WWII, the holocaust, the constant Middle East wars, and become openly hostile towards the Ango-American manipulators and their imperialist designs. Once this happens, it will be a VERY fast slide downwards for the Ango-American empire and for the US in particular.

    So we have to sit here and let Israel get away with any provocation from attacking the USS Liberty to recruiting Jonathan Pollard to developing a clandestine nuclear weapons program to embarrassing the VP by announcing 1,600 more housing units over the green line the same day he was there to get peace talks started up again. And we can't say anything negative because that would be a curse, and oh, look, right here in Genesis 12:3 G-d says "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" so you better watch out or your empire will be supernaturally deflated.

    Nice gig.

  76. Kakistocracy: Government by the most unscrupulous or unsuitable people, or a state governed by such people.

  77. Ash:
    It is a tough nut, I grant. Amos Oz in that article I linked above offered concrete actions that can, and should, be taken.

    No it's not..

    All members of Hamas should be executed without delay.

  78. T: So we have to sit here and let Israel get away with any provocation from attacking the USS Liberty to recruiting Jonathan Pollard to developing a clandestine nuclear weapons program to embarrassing the VP by announcing 1,600 more housing units over the green line the same day he was there to get peace talks started up again. And we can't say anything negative because that would be a curse

    No, but does Israel have to allow America to spy on it? (the USS Liberty) and pass an electronic war map to the Egyptians?

    The Pollard case? Giving the Israelis information about the PLO that America promised to supply? And then getting 4 times the penalty that we gave to spies for the USSR that actually cost the lives of whole networks of USA spies across Russia?

    WHen Israel developed it's program in 1948-1967 was before there was even a NPT so to IMPLY Israel was doing something 'pejorative" is snide at best, specious at worst ( i would have given you more credit then cheap shots)

    And for announcing housing in Jerusalem when ole Joe was there, why should it be a PROBLEM for Jews to BUILD in Jerusalem, after all America PROMISES To MOVE it's embassy there, decade after DECADE.

    Just as Blacks have a right to live in Boston, Jews have even more of a right to BUY land and BUILD HOMES.

    No one thinks that bullshit written in the Torah is true in any way shape or form...

    AND Christianity and Islam are MEANINGLESS AS WELL...

    Face facts, If JEWS dont have a right to LIVE in Israel, the the MOSLEMS have even LESS rights to claims... As well as all that Jewish Messiah shit...

  79. T said:

    Nice gig.

    a) Wrong on Liberty

    b) Right on Pollard

    c) Wrong on Biden

    d) Half right on Genesis

    a) Liberty
    Israel fully accepted responsibility for its errors and paid the families millions in reparations.

    b) Pollard
    Last I heard, Pollard was still in jail, serving a life sentence. Fortunately, since US espionage agents in Israel do little harm except the occasional incident at topless beaches, they are harmless and remain unharmed.

    c) Housing starts in Israel are none of Mr. Biden's business. If he wants to advise Abbas's Fatah to stop game playing that is his call.

    d) Curse & Blessing
    Grossly misused by some, rightly applied by others. As long as your criticism of me and/or Israel does not degenerate into "you people" or "your people", followed hard by a vicious profane, racist rant, every topic is fair game.

    Your trying to appear clever makes you appear silly. You know very well the buttons that get pushed to bring the charge of Jew baiting. To your credit, you have avoided them and on occasion have pointed them out.

    I have no idea what your religious affiliation is this week. Mine remains the same. Consequently, I have no need to critique the religious beliefs of others. Perhaps you will return the courtesy.

    To be sure, I have poked fun at DR's "Zoronasty" nonsense as well as his summary of "Abrahamic" religions. I do not consider making jest of comedic relief anti-religious.

  80. Ash, aka Pussy Galore

    I was speaking to and sometimes disagreeing with Mat when you were nothing but an irritating hairball.

    You are still a coward. And your purposeful evasion of the truth about Hamas makes you an agent of Hamas' propaganda and liar as well.

    Not to worry, Ash, as long as you are not a Jew or side with Jews, you will find plenty of fellow travelers here.


    I find most Israeli leaders wanting - Olmert's mishandling of the 2006 war comes instantly to mind. For this observation, some will say I am cursed, Biblically speaking :) Some are fools and some are closet fascists (until you wind them up, whereupon they become saluting little NAZIs).

  81. Obama's Bay of Rigs, heh, Bay of Rigs, Bay of Pigs, heh. BP had given the dems bucks in exchange of easing of some enviro or safety precautions, or regulations, so my engineer tells me. Don't expect much to happen for while. Maybe a miracle. Perhaps if the gazans go to Arizona, the west bankers can go just north of Detroit. It's government by incompetence, top to bottom.

  82. IDF: Hamas stops flotilla aid delivered by Israel

    ...cutting off the nose to spite the face...

    This is going to be all over the worldwide media empire we command.

  83. Hey, still hyperventilating Allen?

    Shouldn't you be out smiting enemies or something?


  84. "...the west bankers can go just north of Detroit..."

    Oh, we've got our share of Muslims here Bob. Up here, north of Detroit, we find most of our trouble is caused by horny Swedes looking for chicks.

    We usually just hose them down and send them back west.



  85. Although the wisdom of Israel's actions in stopping the Gaza flotilla is open to question, the legality of its actions is not. What Israel did was entirely consistent with both international and domestic law. In order to understand why Israel acted within its rights, the complex events at sea must be deconstructed.

    First, there is the Israeli blockade of Gaza, which included a naval blockade. Recall that when Israel ended its occupation of Gaza, it did not impose a blockade. Indeed it left behind agricultural facilities in the hope that the newly liberated Gaza Strip would become a peaceful and productive area. Instead Hamas seized control over Gaza and engaged in acts of warfare against Israel. These acts of warfare featured anti-personnel rockets, nearly 10,000 of them, directed at Israeli civilians. This was not only an act of warfare, it was a war crime. Israel responded to the rockets by declaring a blockade, the purpose of which was to assure that no rockets, or other material that could be used for making war against Israeli civilians, was permitted into Gaza. Israel allowed humanitarian aid through its checkpoints. Egypt as well participated in the blockade. There was never a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, merely a shortage of certain goods that would end if the rocket attacks ended.

    The legality of blockades as a response to acts of war is not subject to serious doubt. When the United States blockaded Cuba during the missile crisis, the State Department issued an opinion declaring the blockade to be lawful. This, despite the fact that Cuba had not engaged in any act of belligerency against the United States. Other nations have similarly enforced naval blockades to assure their own security.

    The second issue is whether it is lawful to enforce a legal blockade in international waters. Again, law and practice are clear. If there is no doubt that the offending ships have made a firm determination to break the blockade, then the blockade may be enforced before the offending ships cross the line into domestic waters. Again the United States and other western countries have frequently boarded ships at high sea in order to assure their security.

    Third, were those on board the flotilla innocent non-combatants or did they lose that status once they agreed to engage in the military act of breaking the blockade? Let there be no mistake about the purpose of this flotilla. It was decidedly not to provide humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza, but rather the break the entirely lawful Israeli military blockade. The proof lies in the fact that both Israel and Egypt offered to have all the food, medicine and other humanitarian goods sent to Gaza, if the boats agreed to land in an Israeli or Egyptian port. That humanitarian offer was soundly rejected by the leaders of the flotilla who publicly announced:

    "This mission is not about delivering humanitarian supplies, it's about breaking Israel's siege on 1.5 million Palestinians."

    The act of breaking a military siege is itself a military act, and those knowingly participating in such military action put in doubt their status as non-combatants.

    It is a close question whether "civilians" who agree too participate in the breaking of a military blockade have become combatants. They are certainly something different than pure, innocent civilians, and perhaps they are also somewhat different from pure armed combatants. They fit uncomfortably onto the continuum of civilianality that has come to characterize asymmetrical warfare.

  86. allen, I'm not sure why you would interpret "The Hamas gang are brutal religious fucks" as an endorsement of them but I really don't expect you to read anything with much understanding anyway.

  87. The Elephant Bar, where contentious folk gather!

  88. Finally, we come to the issue of the right of self-defense engaged in by Israeli soldiers who were attacked by activists on the boat. There can be little doubt that the moment any person on the boat picked up a weapon and began to attack Israeli soldiers boarding the vessel, they lost their status as innocent civilians. Even if that were not the case, under ordinary civilian rules of self defense, every Israeli soldier had the right to protect himself and his colleagues from attack by knife and pipe wielding assailants. Less there be any doubt that Israeli soldiers were under attack, simply view the video and watch, as so-called peaceful "activists" repeatedly pummel Israeli soldiers with metal rods. Every individual has the right to repel such attacks by the use of lethal force, especially when the soldiers were so outnumbered on the deck of the ship. Recall that Israel's rules of engagement required its soldiers to fire only paintballs unless their lives were in danger. Would any country in the world deny its soldiers the right of self-defense under comparable circumstances?

    Notwithstanding the legality of Israel's actions, the international community has once again ganged up on Israel. In doing so, Israel's critics have failed to pinpoint precisely what Israel did that allegedly violates international law. Some have wrongly focused on the blockade itself. Others have erroneously pointed to the location of the boarding in international waters. Most have simply pointed to the deaths of so-called peace activists, though these deaths appear to be the result of lawful acts of self-defense. None of these factors alone warrant condemnation, but the end result surely deserves scrutiny by Israeli policy makers. There can be little doubt that the mission was a failure, as judged by its results. It is important, however, to distinguish between faulty policies on the one hand, and alleged violations of international law on the other hand. Only the latter would warrant international intervention, and the case has simply not been made that Israel violated international law. (Article by Alan Dershowitz at his website)

  89. Quirk,

    Try something original. Try something mature and thoughtful.

    And thus I clothe my naked villainy
    With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ,
    And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

  90. Ash,

    Re: Hamas

    Ash, I am a legalist. I want to see you write that Hamas illegally seized power from the lawfully elected government and has no more legitimate authority to speak for the Palestinians than you.

    Calling them names, e.g. "fucks" proves nothing.

  91. "Try something original. Try something mature and thoughtful."

    Damn, Allen I thought I was just quoting Jack Bauer.


    Mature and thoughtful.


    "Ash, aka Pussy Galore"

    Yeah, that's the ticket.



  92. Who was that famous Medici general, who bluffed so well, he never really had to fight a fight, but he cheated everyone all along, and towards the end of his life, giving up the sword, put on the holy clothes, went to a monk's retreat, thinking he was so good he could bluff God too, but when his dying day arrived,, and he expected to arrive in Heaven, alas, he found himself confused, and in some circle or other of Dante's Inferno, being cheated by one and all alike.

  93. Allen: I have no idea what your religious affiliation is this week. Mine remains the same. Consequently, I have no need to critique the religious beliefs of others. Perhaps you will return the courtesy.

    I don't care about anyone's religious beliefs, but at the same time I don't think any country should get a free pass just because someone believes a political alliance with them will be insurance against divine judgment in the "end times", which is what I interpreted Metuselah's threat against the "Anglo-American Empire" to be. To your credit, it's not "your people" who are playing that card, but US Evangelicals.

    As a libertarian I would immediately cancel all taxpayer subsidies to the whole Levant; Egypt, Jordan, Palestine & Israel. If that means the state of Israel can no longer survive as an ongoing concern, that's tough.

  94. Sorry, Gag.

    When Allen's on a roll it's almost impossible to not egg him on.

    Kinda like not being able to turn away from a traffic accident.

    You know you should but you can't help yourself. He just keeps feeding you straight lines.


  95. "Who was that famous Medici general,.."

    Have you tried googling it Bob?


  96. I'm not sure if he was even Medici, but that was the basic story, I can find it tonight, I think I know where. Right now, I'm doing the exciting task of the dishes. Still raining here, and the alfalfa looks superduper.

  97. Your, lucky.

    I'm helping my wife get ready for a garage sale.


  98. Knowing you as a sharp marketer, you should do ok tomorrow.

    "We see this in a beautiful example from the Inferno, where in the circle of the fraudulent we encounter Guido da Montefeltro, . Guido's martial prowess as a Gibelline general had largely been due to his mastery of what he called the "arts of the fox." He was highly successful in his scams, and never called to account. In short he was a true Machiavellian. And late in life he donned the robes of a Franciscan friar... in an attempt to fool God and make it to heaven. "And oh, to think it could have worked!" he says in one the great lines in the Commedia

    from "Life After Death" by Dinesh d'Souza, a good book, as is his "What's So Great About Chrisitanity" both recommended.

    Don't cheat those garage sale buyers now......

  99. Mass shootings in England by a taxi driver. 12 dead 25 wounded. Holy cow, this means they will make guns illegal there. WAIT THEY ALREADY DID.

  100. Swedish driver, I'll betcha, right off the bat.....

  101. Cheat them, Bob?

    I usually pay them to take the big stuff away.

    Then I throw some money in the pot and tell my wife what a great job she did.

    My wife is the great shopper. Evertime she comes home loaded up from shopping she tells me how much money she saved me.

    I'm saving so much money I'm going broke.


  102. Quirk,

    You are no doubt comfortable with Ash's take on what is happening in the ME.

    I repeatedly asked Ash to declare the true nature of Hamas's rise to power in Gaza. He would not. He would not, because to do so would have undermined his anti-Israeli foundation.

    By the time I got to Pussy Galore, Ash had run out of his multiple opportunities to speak truth. He is a moral coward. Pussy Galore seemed about right descriptively.

    But, Quirk, I can see how you might be philosophically offended. I'll try to keep your response to my post out of our worldwide spider's web of POWER...uHHH

  103. Quirk My wife is the great shopper. Evertime she comes home loaded up from shopping she tells me how much money she saved me.

    Funny how dinging accounts payable is somehow "saving" you money.

  104. Allen you say "Pussy" like it's a bad thing.

  105. I scored Churchill's entire WWII (and earlier) speeches on records, never opened, at a yard sale for five bucks. Top that if you can. Big fancy binder, too.

  106. I saw a nine hundred dollar piano go for 150 bucks. It was already gone, when we arrived, early, seller had realized he'd made a big mistake, and was about ready to shoot himself. Who bought it? I asked. "Some guy called himself Quirk, or something." he answers.

  107. T,

    I'm pretty sure Israel could survive without the subsidies. Netanyahu promised an end to the dole. He has yet to deliver.

    With that said, on the day Israel cuts the umbilical cord, I never want to hear a complaint about its economic/IT/military dealings with others. In the open market, we will do just fine - always have, always will.

    Since I think G-d will judge and has specifically forbidden me to do so, I'll leave the end of the world in Its capable hands.

  108. Biggest mistake of my life Bob. It was after my first (well only) divorce and I was living in a two-room walk-up.

    Ended up eating most of my meals off it. No room for anything else.

    Hell of a thing.


  109. Bob I scored Churchill's entire WWII (and earlier) speeches on records, never opened, at a yard sale for five bucks. Top that if you can.

    Your finest hour.

  110. T,

    Re: Pussy

    Ahh..."Pussy" lends itself to a number of definitions. As an avid consumer, I like pie.

  111. "Your finest hour."


    We miss you around here T.


  112. Re: Georgia politics

    “Lee Scott, who is black and the only Republican running for the District 4 County Commission seat , said the reason he is running is because Clayton is a majority black county and ‘people want people who look like them to represent them’”

    ___Atlanta Journal Constitution – Tuesday, June 1 2010, B6

    How fortunate for Mr. Scott that he is black.

  113. Quirk said...
    Sorry, Gag.

    When Allen's on a roll it's almost impossible to not egg him on.

    Kinda like not being able to turn away from a traffic accident.

    You know you should but you can't help yourself. He just keeps feeding you straight lines.


    Wed Jun 02, 04:13:00 PM EDT

    You flatter yourself (but what's new).

    You have utility value, nothing more. Emotionally, you have no impact. I use your need for attention (like I do DR's) to make comments and prove points I believe useful, hoping that others browsing will be encouraged. Your small step over the line yesterday, using David Duke's stereotypical neo-NAZI commentary, provided one such golden opportunity.

  114. Bob said:Their can be little doubt that the moment any person on the boat picked up a weapon and began to attack Israeli soldiers boarding the vessel, they lost their status as innocent civilians.

    Bob, the Israeli soldiers were not exactly boarding. They were assaulting the vessel from a helicopter drop.


    Why not send in a warship and announce to the crew that they were to halt and that the vessel was under Israeli control?

    A shot across the bow is usually sufficient. This was not a hostage situation.

    They could have disabled the engine or props if necessary and towed it away.

    The Israeli soldiers were poorly led, poorly trained and the tactics were moronic.

    What is the big picture mission that was moved forward. How has Israel been strengthened by this bone head operation.

    Does anyone think Ariel Sharon or Moshe Dayan would have ever signed on to anything so foolish?

    I doubt it.

  115. It sounds as if you experienced the sounds triumph and tragedy, Quirk, eating on a piano.

  116. For some reason the Israelis so wanted this to be done at night, and out of sight, that they chased the flotilla around in International Waters to board it before Daybreak.

  117. Those were the words of Alan Dershowitz, not me., deuce. I got no idea what happened, but I think he's probably right about the law in a confusing situation.

  118. The drink's on me, Quirk.

    Nice Yuengling lager.

  119. rufus said...
    For some reason the Israelis so wanted this to be done at night, and out of sight, that they chased the flotilla around in International Waters to board it before Daybreak.

    I thought you didnt give a shit?

    And now your talking about it still...


  120. " Your small step over the line yesterday, using David Duke's stereotypical neo-NAZI commentary, provided one such golden opportunity..."

    No idea of what imagined slight you're talking about. Sounds like you're drifting off into Allen-world again. Did someone hurt your feelings? Did someone do you a disservice?

    Good lord don't you ever get tired of throwing around terms like neo-Nazi and fascist.

    Try developing a simple logical argument sometime and maybe we'll have something to talk about.


  121. Yes, the Israelis bungled it and the now the whirled goes to full howl in high dudgeon.

    Oh well, the fog of war and all that. Screws up happen. It's the Human condition.

    The bottom line is that we are at war with a growing fundamentalist Islam. The Human Rights stooges were used by Islamists and the Israelis enforce their legal right to blockade an enemy. It's too bad that the world along with our very own Cliff Claven has drunk the koolaid and delight in their upside down ass-backwards view of the situation.

  122. Thanks for the offer, Trish.

    It's stopped raining and I gotta try to get a dog walk in.

    I'll take you up on it later though, if your not smashed by then.


  123. "With that said, on the day Israel cuts the umbilical cord, I never want to hear a complaint..."

    And you never will.

    Israel doesn't wanna be on its own. And you know what? I don't blame her.

  124. It was all a matter of 'courageous restraint'--they deserve a medal...from AT---

    "Joel B. Pollak
    Many describe the clashes aboard the Mavi Marmara as a botched operation by the Israel Defense Force. Critics on the left say Israel should never have stopped the ships on their way to Gaza. Critics on the right say Israel should never have dropped soldiers one-by-one into a combat situation armed with paintball guns. In one respect, however, the navy commandos executed their mission with utmost precision and near-perfection.

    This was a textbook example of what President Barack Obama would call "courageous restraint." The U.S. Navy Times revealed last month that American troops would now be eligible for a new medal recognizing them for outstanding conduct in "situations where they refrain from using lethal force, even at risk to themselves, in order to prevent possible harm to civilians." Rush Limbaugh jokingly called it the "Yellow Heart."

  125. With five months to go before the general election, a new poll finds that Republicans have opened their widest lead yet when it comes to which party voters prefer this fall. Gallup's generic congressional ballot finds that the number of voters who say they will vote GOP has jumped to 49 percent, compared with 43 percent for Democrats. That's not only the biggest lead Gallup has recorded for the GOP this election cycle, it's the largest lead Republicans have ever had in the poll, which Gallup has run since 1950.

    Why are Republicans surging?

  126. Drinking Water

    Is that Kieran Chetry?

    As in Fox 'n Friends Kieran Chetry?

  127. Hi Allen. Hello to all.

    To understand the dirty game being played I recommend this book as a must read:

    The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People

    As regards the USS Liberty, Tes, it is now well documented and very clear that the US was passing military information to the Egyptians (Israeli troop movement, supply chains, position of military bases, etc) and one of the means by which they were acquiring this information was thru the use of the CIA spy ship the USS Liberty. That's documented in the book.

    Having learnt what I now know, it's my opinion that the continued friendship the leadership of Israel has offered the Anglo-American imperialists is a grave mistake. Israel should look to make alliance with Russia Europe China India Brazil Iran (yes, Iran), to put an end to the petro-dollar and the Anglo-American empire.

    Btw, this would probably be best for the US, as Rufus will no longer have to worry about all that Saudi oil rebadged as US Fed Reserve Notes being sent to Israel. With the demise of the petro-dollar will follow the demise of Fascist/Corporatist America. Perhaps then the American people will get a real chance at democracy and not this orchestrated corporate sham and swindle passing itself as a government and a democratic process.


  128. Um...Go Flyers?

    Actually it was a very good thread today. I prefer reading what people really have to say rather then reading their copy and paste articles. How boring is that? I can honestly say I read every comment and it was good learning experience for me.

  129. Spc. Channing Moss was hit by a live rocket-propelled grenade in Afghanistan. For medics there was only one choice.

    All, violated rules, to save a life...
    The story is about Channing Moss, who was impaled by a live RPG during a Taliban ambush while on patrol.

    Army protocol says that medivac choppers are never to carry anyone with a live round in him. Even though they feared it could explode, the flight crew said 'damn the protocol' and flew him to the nearest aid station.

    Removed From Soldier

  130. Gosh, just like curs to attack at night...No...wait a minute...The USA carries off many of its attacks at night...absent media...Does that make the USA a cur?...
    "O, what a tangled web we weave,
    when first we practice to deceive!"
    ___Sir Walter Scott

    Possible correction - Ms. McKinney may not have been aboard the flotilla it is now being reported.

  131. Quirk,

    Good lord don't you ever get tired of throwing around terms like neo-Nazi and fascist.

    First, my friend, it would be "Good Lord".

    No, never...because there are so many opportunities and most are so darned the one about a night shooting fish in a barrel...or DR posting anti-Jew comments at the rate of 1 per 4 minutes...or Ash's inability to simply say that Hamas is a terrorist regime which overthrew the duly elected government and has been, therefore, blockaded by BOTH Egypt and Israel...etc

  132. Melody wrote:

    "I can honestly say I read every comment and it was good learning experience for me."

    And this from a lady who says she hates all things foreign policy... shucks!

    I must say that what attracts me to this place is the diversity of opinion. It makes for lively discussion. The belmont....ugggg!

  133. This blog was originally a colony of Belmont misfits you know.

  134. sorta like Australia, almost, maybe?

  135. cut 'n paste ain't so bad, sometimes--while scrolling past Ash 'n rat, I came across this by Raymond Carver, an my daughter's book---and it is a bar---


    Reading a life of Alexander the Great, Alexander
    whose rough father, Philip, hired Aristotle to tutor
    the young scion and warrior, to put some polish
    on his smooth shoulders. Alexander who, later
    on the campaign trail into Persia, carried a copy of
    The Iliad in a velvet-lined box, he loved that book so
    much. He loved to fight and drink, too.
    I came to that place in the life where Alexander, after
    a long night of carousing, a wine-drunk (the worst kind of drunk–
    hangovers you don't forget), threw the first brand
    to start a fire that burned Persepolis, capital of the Persian Empire
    (ancient even in Alexander's day).
    Razed it right to the ground. Later, of course,
    next morning–maybe even while the fire roared–he was
    remorseful. But nothing like the remorse felt
    the next evening when, during a disagreement that turned ugly
    and, on Alexander's part, overbearing, his face flushed
    from too many bowls of uncut wine, Alexander rose drunkenly to his feet,
    grabbed a spear and drove it through the breast
    of his friend, Cletus, who'd saved his life at Granicus.
    For three days Alexander mourned. Wept. Refused food. "Refused
    to see to his bodily needs." He even promised
    to give up wine forever.
    (I've heard such promises and the lamentations that go with them.)
    Needless to say, life for the army came to a full stop
    as Alexander gave himself over to his grief.
    But at the end of those three days, the fearsome heat
    beginning to take its toll on the body of his dead friend,
    Alexander was persuaded to take action. Pulling himself together
    and leaving his tent, he took out his copy of Homer, untied it,
    began to turn the pages. Finally he gave orders that the funeral
    rites described for Patroklos be followed to the letter:
    he wanted Cletus to have the biggest possible send-off.
    And when the pyre was burning and the bowls of wine were
    passed his way during the ceremony? Of course, what do you
    think? Alexander drank his fill and passed
    out. He had to be carried to his tent. He had to be lifted, to be put
    into his bed.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Teresita said...

    This blog was originally a colony of Belmont misfits you know.

    Ash said...

    sorta like Australia, almost, maybe?

    Complete with the public floggings, even.

  138. Let it be known that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wanted a book to be written about the company he founded.


    This is a story about how deals were made, how executives were hired, how internal disputes ebb and flow. It's fascinating.

    It's well-written and masterfully reported.


  139. But during the campaigns, opposition politicians contended that Mr. Lee’s hard-line approach to North Korea, which ended a decade of improving ties with the reclusive and impoverished North, had helped provoke the North to lash out in an attack.

    “This is the people’s verdict on Lee Myung-bak’s arrogance,” said Woo Sang-ho, a spokesman for the Democratic Party.

    He also said that the election results gave his party a mandate to push for “peace and cooperation with North Korea,” contrary to Mr. Lee’s conservative policies.

    Surprised by Election

  140. THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. (Applause.)


    I also want to acknowledge your outstanding mayor -- who doesn’t look any older than the last time I saw him -- Mayor Luke Ravenstahl. There he is, right there. (Applause.)


    I noticed a couple of people said they were rooting for the Blackhawks, which tells me something about the rivalry between Pittsburgh and Philly.


    But at the same time, we’re continuing our efforts to recover and rebuild from an economic disaster that has touched the lives of nearly every American. That’s what I want to talk about today -- the state of our economy, the future we must seize, and the path we chose to get there.


    An economy that was shrinking at an alarming rate when I became President has now been growing for three consecutive quarters. After losing an average of 750,000 jobs a month during the winter of last year, we’ve now added jobs for five of the last six months, and we expect to see strong job growth in Friday’s report.


    In the immediate future, this means doing whatever is necessary to keep the recovery going and to spur job growth. But in the long term, it means recognizing that for a lot of middle-class families -- for entire communities, in some case -- a sense of economic security has been missing since long before the recession began.

    Carnegie Mellon University

  141. Armando Galleraga throws a perfect game for the Tigers against Cleveland.

    First base umpire blows call on 27th batter.

    No perfect game.

    You gotta feel sorry for Galleraga.

    Heck, you also got to feel sorry for the ump.


  142. Hot dogs, popcorn, soda pop, get your soda pop here, can't kill da ump without a pop bottle!

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. For those that don't like the c word, the b word, the f word, try this


    A night of love
    exquisite as a
    concert from old Vienna
    played on exquisite instruments
    Healthy as a
    buttock of a little angel
    Wise as an
    Garish as air
    blown into a trumpet
    Abundant as the reign
    of a royal Negro couple
    seated on two thrones
    cast in gold.

    A night of love with you,
    a big baroque battle
    and two victories"

    Anna Swir


    That Alexander the Great could throw one on, couldn't he?

  145. I'll take one of those pops T.

    Looks like Trish left with my beer.


  146. "That Alexander the Great could throw one on, couldn't he?"

    I wouldn't invite him again Bob.

    Doesn't bring a dish and then drinks up all the wine.


  147. Always wants to take over your city, your province, your very empire too, just another Hell's Angel on horseback.

  148. Well I don't like to make judgements myself, but dammit, the invitation said "Bring a Dish".


  149. Hey, T.

    Just saw your new avatar.

    Went blond eh?

    Looks good.


  150. I, absolutely, agree with Mika. Israel should drop all alliances with the U.S. and join up with Russia, China, Brazil, et al.

  151. I have NEVER made an anti-Jewish comment.

    Not one.

    I have chastised the Israelis, but to conflate Judaism and Israel, well, that is just stupid.

    There are about a million Arab Israeli, if one does not count those in Gaza and the West Bank as Israeli, which I do.

    So there are maybe 4 million Arabs in a country with a population totaling 10 million.

    40% of the residents of Israel are not Jewish but Arab Muslims.

    If those 4 million folks are not Israeli, Israel should renounce its' Administration of those lands.

    Which it refuses to do. So those folk are Israeli, by birth and custom.

    The government of Israel is certainly sectarian, it has developed a Jim Crow system of discrimination against their Arab citizens and residents, but that is a problem with the structure of their government, not one that represents any particular religious sect. As far as I know.

    I have a similar problem with sectarian Muslim governments that the US has sponsored, too.

    That the US sponsors sectarian government of both the Jewish and Muslims sects, I find objectionable and have often protested. To no avail.

    The US should not sponsor or provide loan guarantees to any sectarian government, anywhere.

    Especially the
    Pirates of the Mediterranean

  152. Mat is just pissed, the magic batteries have failed to materialize, those Israeli engineers, not just as smart as he thought they were.

    Those recharge stations that were to dot the Israeli landscape, no where to be seen, they have not even broken ground and it is almost 2011.

    Well past the prophesied launch date.

  153. There were supposed to be over 100,000 of those subsidized electric cars on the Israeli highways and biways, by today.

    According to the scenario that mat supplied us, before he departed for Haifa.

    Hope he did not invest his hard earned tooth fairy money in that scam. A scam that Bernie Madoff would not have been involved with. To small a potato, for Bernie to have even bothered.

  154. Actually, with a little Google search, it seems that there are 5 million Arabs, in Israel, a country with a population of around 11 million, total.

    So, just shy of half the residents, of Israel, seem to Muslims.

    Ain't demographics a real bitch.

    Little wonder that Israel wants to export as many of them as possible and Mr Crown's bought and paid for President is willing to oblige them.

  155. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon charged that the mission was simply an attempt to provoke the Israelis. That was certainly the case.


    In the 1950s, an author named Leon Uris published a book called "Exodus." Later made into a major motion picture, Exodus told the story of a Zionist provocation against the British.


    The Palestinians have long argued that they are the victims of Israel, an invention of British and American imperialism. Since 1967, they have focused not so much on the existence of the state of Israel (at least in messages geared toward the West) as on the oppression of Palestinians in the occupied territories.

    Public Opinion

  156. "First, my friend, it would be "Good Lord".

    Well, this comment would indicate punctilious superciliousness.

    You see it a lot in guys suffering from Napoleonic complex.


  157. desert rat said...
    Actually, with a little Google search, it seems that there are 5 million Arabs, in Israel, a country with a population of around 11 million, total.

    Actually, you moron, the population of Israel is about 7.4 million, with about 1.7 million being Arab.

    You can get accurate demographic info from the CIA Yearbook. Although I know Duckians such as you and Quirk will find the information hard to believe, with Jewish infiltration of the highest levels of government, media, finance, entertainment, etc.

    As I told Quirk last evening, hitting you guys is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel or a NAZI at Kursk. You guys are just too kind.

    Yes, DR, demography is a "bitch", as you so quaintly put it. Now, if you only knew anything about demography...

  158. If we then add the Arab Israeli that are living in Lebanon, that the government of Israel will not allow to return to their homes in their own country, that being Israel, we add another half of a million Arab Israeli to the total Israeli population.

    That does get the Arab Muslim population of the Land of Israel to about half of the total number of residents of the country.

    So certainly, to conflate Israel with Judaism, well, that just denies the demographic and legal realities of the situation. Which the sectarian governors of Israel continue to do.

    For that government to claim to be "democratic" while more than denying its' residents the vote, it denies them citizenship, well that is not "democratic" but an authoritative, sectarian farce of a democracy.

    More apartheid than Jim Crow, but the US government would did not want to rile the sensibilities of the Friends of Israel, in the US with that rash reality.

  159. Your Israeli government's edifice of lies is collapsing, allen.

    That's the reality of the demographics of the Levant.

  160. Further proof that conflating Israel to Judaism is a false construct is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

    They do provide an other example of how the immigrants to Israel are Eurotrash, though. Nearly 250,000 Eastern Europeons immigrated to Israel, though they were not Jewish, but merely Russian sympathizers. Welcomed with open arms by the Eurotrash running the Israeli government.

    By Jessica Steinberg

    This article is reprinted with permission of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency ( JTA) and may not be reproduced without its permission. For more information about JTA, visit .

    JERUSALEM, Sept. 11 (JTA)--A renewed call to change the Law of Return, which guarantees Israeli citizenship to anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent, is turning the spotlight on immigration from the former Soviet Union.

    Nearly 1 million immigrants have moved to Israel from the former Soviet Union since the floodgates opened in the late 1980s--and as many as a quarter of them are not Jews according to religious law, experts say

    Not my opinion, but the opinion of experts on Judaism, in Israel.

    More confirmation along with vindication of my position on that matter.

  161. Quirk,

    Re: Napoleon complex

    ...oft used...reliably impotent (as was Napoleon and those who use his name lightly)...diagnostically null…

    No, I am more like David Hume, with about a 10 inch height advantage and about a 12" smaller waste.

    Like Napoleon, I have been in battle often. During my entry into service, you were still toddling and doing then what you do best now, booping and playing with the product with delightfully, blissful abandon.

    To each his sufferings: all are men,
    Condemned alike to groan;
    The tender for another's pain,
    The unfeeling for his own.
    Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
    Since sorrow never comes too late,
    And happiness too swiftly flies.
    Thought would destroy their paradise.
    No more; where ignorance is bliss,
    'Tis folly to be wise.

  162. Further proof that the Government of Israel is more interested in being a Europeon colony, rather than a free and fair homeland to the Jews of the whirled, found in the treatment of the immigrants to Israel from Ethiopia, that happen to be black people.

    Ethiopian community hit hard by discrimination

    Examples of racism in Israel in 2007: a school that prides itself on its low number of Ethiopian students; parents requesting Ethiopian children be removed from their children's kindergarten; a teacher that says 'the student is a nuisance not only to Ethiopians but also to the Israeli students in the class.' Organizations looking out for Ethiopians unveil the true state of racism in Israel

    Yael Branovsky
    Published: Israel News

  163. "Mr. Blagojevich’s fellow Democrats in Illinois, in particular, are worried about what will be revealed over the course of a trial that could last until close to Election Day. They do not want voters reminded of the venality of politics — especially when voters have made clear their rage over politics as usual."

    Rolling Towards November

    Lessons unlearned.

    It's funny how little things can sometimes snowball and hit you in the ass.

    The Sestak issue should have gone away by now. Instead, after initially stonewalling on the issue, the administration in an especially arrogant display of Orwellian wordspeak is having Gibbs continue to stonewall reporters on the subject.

    Now it turns out there were multiple offers over multiple times to Sestak. In addition, another politician has come forward to say he was offered a job to get out of a race.

    Add to that the Blago case which will run to election day.

    There are less than six months to the election. It could be the little things that make a difference as much as the big ones.


  164. I know some Ethiopians, immigrants to the United States, I have nothing but respect for them.

    I do not know their religious affiliation, never even thought to ask.

    It makes no difference, to me. Neither their skin color nor their religion. All that really matters, to me, the content of their character.

  165. "No, I am more like David Hume, with about a 10 inch height advantage and about a 12" smaller waste."

    Gee Allen, I believe the term "Napoleonic complex" in general use doesn't need to indicate anything about height (or girth). In fact it's often used to indicate the hysterical overcompensating bluster of the thin skinned and defensive.

    Since I'm not a professional I wouldn't want to speculate on what it is your compensating for (although you did mention something about a small dick recently). However, even in the absence of the Napoleonic complex, the term punctilious superciliousness is apt.


  166. "To each his sufferings: all are men,
    Condemned alike to groan; ..."

    A little artsy fartsy for me Allen.

    I prefer the simplicity of Shakespeare. You know the "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" stuff.


  167. desert rat said...
    If we then add the Arab Israeli that are living in Lebanon...blah...blah...blah

    Why sell yourself short? Why not throw in all the Miss America losers, "Red Sticks", some unicorns and Martians? For that matter, you may stipulate that all the girlfriends of Muslims (they are the ones saying, "Baaaaa") should also be counted.

    You bring a smile with every post. I'm becoming operantly conditioned: My morning tea is just not the same without your buffoonery and a cookie. The other day, when you broke your previous posting record by scoring 15 anti-Jew hits in 60 minutes, you nearly had me rolling in the floor. Who needs Peanuts and Major Hasan when we have you?

    Like your Muslim brothers, you just cannot get your head around the fact that Israel is a COUNTRY, legally constituted.

    Israel will remain a country for the foreseeable future; no matter how angry that makes you jihadis, Cynthia McKinney, and the drones of David Duke.

    If there weren't so darned many Jew journalists, well, you, Quirk, Ash, and Rufus could right the world. But we do have the power, and we will keep it until we have assimilated every adult natural blond woman in the Western world – resistance is futile.

  168. The Government of Israel, discriminating against black Jews from Ethiopia, while bending over and spreading their cheeks, for secular Eurotrash Russians.

    Tasty pudding, that.
    As seen from here.

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. All men are my brothers, allen, if the content of their character allows it.

    You, amigo, are no brother.

  171. But, still again, allen wants to discuss me, not the true state of the State of Israel.

  172. Brick by brick the Israeli government's edifice of lies is being dismantled.

    The real proof is in the tasting.

    Their treatment of those Ethiopian Jews and their allowing 250,000 secular Eurotrash Russians into their "Jewish Homeland".

  173. Quirk,

    Actually, "Napoleon Complex or Syndrome" has a well established colloquial definition. Ordinarily, the term is used to describe small men with large egos. But far be it from me to interfere with creative mindlessness.

    I will leave the measurement and classification of "dicks" to you. In that you may show some competence; it's hard to go wrong with a Playboy and a ruler - proclivity also helps, I should think.

    You have much in common with a former lady friend. She too thought me thin skinned. She was a slut.

    As to literature, you bring to mind -

    “The lights burn blue. It is now midnight. Cold fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh. What do I fear? Myself? There’s none else by. Richard loves Richard; that is, I am I. Is there a murderer here? No. Yes, I am. Then fly! What, from myself? Great reason. Why: Lest I revenge. Myself upon myself? Alack, I love myself. Wherefore? For any good that I myself have done unto myself? O no, alas, I rather hate myself for hateful deeds committed by myself. I am a villain."

  174. “The lights burn blue. It is now midnight. Cold fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh. What do I fear? Myself? There’s none else by. Richard loves Richard; that is, I am I. Is there a murderer here? No. Yes, I am. Then fly! What, from myself? Great reason. Why: Lest I revenge. Myself upon myself? Alack, I love myself. Wherefore? For any good that I myself have done unto myself? O no, alas, I rather hate myself for hateful deeds committed by myself. I am a villain."

    It appears your indulging in too much self-analysis Allen. As for speculation on the male member, consider you may be spending to many nights in Atlanta.


  175. DR,

    "...bending over and spreading their cheeks...Tasty pudding, that.
    As seen from here."

    Hmm...I can see how you could go readily from copulatory bestiality to goat rimming (giving a whole new meaning to "stinky cheese")...all perfectly natural to desert dwellers - so says the Koran...hard sell to Westerners, though; although I did read in a journal of a guy who appeared at the ER with a crotch-full of porcupine quills...Are their porcupines in Arizona or Gaza?

  176. Quirk,

    Re: Atlanta gay scene

    I will defer to your expertise.

  177. Go finish your tea and cookie, Allen.


  178. Again, allen refuses to address the content of the thread.

    Typical of Eurotrash.

  179. DR,

    I attack your lies. That you are additionally a moron is icing on the cake, so to speak.

    You begin this morning by making a bold face lie about the population and demography of Israel. When caught in your deception, you then attempt to magically incorporate other populations and nationalities into your figures. You are an ignorant, ego-centric, fascist imbecile - most akin to another half-wit propagandist, Julius Streicher.

    Yes, DR, some Jews do discriminate against Jews of African origin. And?

    Some 120,000 Ethiopian Jews now reside in Israel. 68% of these were brought into Israel at great expense. A guy of your racial sensitivity will appreciate that Israel was the only country in the world willing to take them in when the rulers of their ancient homeland behaved in the usual jihadi fashion.

    Since arriving, several Ethiopian Jews have served in the Knesset. Thousands have served in the IDF. Thousands more have earned degrees and advanced degrees. All are fully enfranchised. None have been lynched. I could go on dismantling your idiotic "Jim Crow" meme, but I needn't; the facts speak for themselves.

    Re: Eurotrash (me)

    Even if I were "Eurotrash" (whatever that may be in the fetid swamps of your Reich-mindset), I would still be superior to you. You see, I have never considered the possibility of licking a goat’s butt; you clearly have. What you think about pedophilia and the teachings of your prophet would be of interest.

  180. To the best of my knowledge, the first reference to rats leaving a sinking ship was in The Tempest, Act I, Scene II, but I bet someone could find an earlier reference somewhere, old themes go deep.

    Pro. Well demanded, wench:
    My tale provokes that question. Dear, they
    durst not,
    So dear the love my people bore me, nor set
    A mark so bloody on the business; but
    With colours fairer painted their foul ends.
    In few, they hurried us aboard a bark,
    Bore us some leagues to sea; where they prepaid
    A rotten carcass of a boat, not rigg'd,
    Nor tackle, sail, nor mast; the very rats
    Instinctively have quit it: there they hoist us,
    To cry to the sea that roar'd to us; to sigh
    To the winds whose pity, sighing back again,
    Did us but loving wrong."

  181. His name was not Francis Xavier Vincent dePaul McGillicuddy.

    American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

  182. dRat,

    It's really sad to see what you've become. A compulsive liar and a provocateur in the service of hate. That disease will eat you alive. I really feel sorry for you what you've degenerated to.

    Three quick simple examples:

    1/ The date given for electric cars was 2012. This date was given on multiple posts, and in fact one of your criticism was that is was all a fantasy in the far off future. So there's no way you can forget this.

    2/ Re: Judaism and being Jewish and Israeli. Belonging to the Hebrew tribe is not about religion. Most members (probably 80-90%) of the tribe are secular and downright anti-religious, myself included. It's about having REAL blood ties and REAL cultural and emotional ties to the Hebrew tribe and Hebrew national identity. If these criteria don't apply, then obviously you don't qualify. I've already gone over this with you previously on several other occasions, so again, there's no way you can forget this or be unaware.

    3/ Academic discrimination is not racial discrimination. Israel is a high-tech society and advanced education is an essential requirement. Some Ethiopians academically are simply too far behind and it is perfectly understandable where some schools would refuse to accept them. I know from personal experience that when my parents wanted me to go to a better school, I had to work very hard to improve my grades. Having blond hair and green-grey eyes did not give me a free pass to that school, and neither should black skin and black eyes.

    Ok, this is where I sign off. Best regards to you all.

