Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Russia, 'Acting like their Forefathers' Make Pirates Disappear


The freeing of the Moscow University tanker

The alleged deaths of a group of Somali pirates who were set free after hijacking a Russian tanker near the Gulf of Aden have sparked heated debate in the Russian media.

Ten pirates were captured and one killed in an operation on May 6 to free the Moscow University tanker, captured on May 5.

A top-ranking source in Russia's Defense Ministry said on Tuesday the pirates had been disarmed and set adrift in a rubber boat without navigation equipment. The Russian military concluded that the hijackers perished as their boat disappeared from radars an hour after they were released.

Editor-in-chief of the Maritime Bulletin magazine Mikhail Voitenko told Russian daily Gazeta the pirates had obviously been "killed."

"When they [the military officials] realized there would be difficulties, they invented the story about the release. And now, to bring the story to a close, they added this information about the pirates perishing at sea," Gazeta quoted Voitentko as saying.

"If they did perish at sea, that would also be murder, just in a more sophisticated form," he said, adding that fighting pirates off the Somali coast has become a kind of "safari" for the military, "with zero danger and the chance of rewards and glory."

According to the Defense Ministry source, the Russian military officials were forced to release the pirates as there is no international legal base to carry out prosecution procedures against hijackers and the nationality of the detained pirates was not allowed to be revealed.

Russian daily Nezavisimay Gazeta said the story left many unanswered questions, especially surrounding the repercussions of the incident.

"It is known that so far pirates have been trying to leave captured sailors alive. Now, it cannot be ruled out that they will take harsher and, God forbid, crueler action, especially if there are Russians among the crew of captured vessels," the paper said.

It added that many Somali pirates will be aware of the fact that the Russians knew the pirates would perish after being sent adrift in a rubber boat without navigation equipment and other pirates are likely to try to avenge the deaths of their comrades.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pledged last week to punish pirates who take vessels hostage off the Somali coast "with the full force of maritime law."

Until a legal system allowing hijackers to be punished is created, "we will have to act as our forefathers did when they met pirates," he said.

MOSCOW, May 12 (RIA Novosti)


  1. How do you say "smoke them" in Russian?

  2. Russian daily Nezavisimay Gazeta said the story left many unanswered questions, especially surrounding the repercussions of the incident.

    "It is known that so far pirates have been trying to leave captured sailors alive. Now, it cannot be ruled out that they will take harsher and, God forbid, crueler action, especially if there are Russians among the crew of captured vessels," the paper said.

    It added that many Somali pirates will be aware of the fact that the Russians knew the pirates would perish after being sent adrift in a rubber boat without navigation equipment and other pirates are likely to try to avenge the deaths of their comrades.

    Sure, great conclusion, the Somsali pirates are going to declare war on Russia.

  3. I bet That slows down the old Piratin' Biz just a little bit.

  4. "According to the Defense Ministry source, the Russian military officials were forced to release the pirates as there is no international legal base to carry out prosecution procedures against hijackers and the nationality of the detained pirates was not allowed to be revealed."

    Instead of trying to get laws passed to punish piracy on the high seas, the UN spends its time trying to pass laws suppressing free speech.


  5. "I bet That slows down the old Piratin' Biz just a little bit."

    I suspect when the US snipers took out the three guys holding that ship's captain it was more of a deterrent.

  6. Sounds fine...

    I hope when Russians are captured in places they act like pirates the same thing happens to them...

  7. They call that the Levant, misdirection, where Russian expats act like pirates.

    Those Russians, they'll get all they deserve, better believe it.

  8. And ...

    There was no deterent value to either the Russians putting those folks adrift, nor the US poppin' those other three, in the head.

    Somali pirates seize Greek ship
    BBC News - ‎1 hour ago‎

    Pirates have seized a Greek-owned ship with 23 people on board in the Gulf of Aden, the ship's managers say. The Eleni P, which is managed by Eurobulk, was carrying a cargo of iron ore from the Black Sea to China.

  9. Metropolitan Phoenix, which already has suffered convention cancellations because of Arizona's new immigration law, risks losing as much as $90 million in hotel and convention business over the next five years because of the controversy, according to city estimates.
    Phoenix city and tourism officials have compiled a "watch list" of about 20 events, said David Krietor, a deputy city manager tracking the issue.

    The list consists of four organizations that have canceled events and more than a dozen others that have booked events but have expressed concerns about the new law.

    Those watch-list events would affect city-run venues, such as the Phoenix Convention Center and the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, as well as hotels and resorts around the Valley.

    "We have an image and public-relations problem of what might be unprecedented proportions," Krietor said.

    The $90 million figure represents the estimated amount that those groups' members would spend in the region. Some events are scheduled this year. Others are booked as far out as 2015.

    People who attend Phoenix Convention Center events alone spend about $350 million each year, officials have said.

    Recent cancellations include the oldest African-American Greek-lettered fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., which was supposed to hold a July meeting at the Sheraton. The fraternity's annual convention was expected to draw about 5,000 attendees and as many as 10,000 visitors, a fraternity spokesman said.

    Organizers will now hold that event in Las Vegas.

    Other cancellations, all for 2012, are the National Association of Black Accountants, the International Communications Association and the National Urban League.

    The city did not have attendance estimates for all of the groups, but they represent about 16,000 room nights in local hotels, Krietor said.
    At today's meeting, the city is likely to discuss strategies to help retain tourism, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon said.

    But he worries that the impact of the immigration debate is already creating a ripple effect.

    Some conventions that have decided to stay in Phoenix don't want to publicize that fact because they fear being boycotted themselves, Gordon said.

    He also has heard that conventions that have decided to stay in Phoenix are getting fewer attendees and fewer sponsors.

    "It's a near economic crisis," Gordon said.

    The watch list does not include the Republican and Democratic national conventions in 2012. Phoenix is being considered for both, but both parties are under pressure to avoid metro Phoenix.

    Democratic leaders were in Phoenix a few weeks ago, but are in the early stages of the selection process.

    Phoenix is one of three finalists for the GOP gathering, along with Salt Lake City and Tampa.

    Millions are at stake. The convention where President Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination generated $266 million in economic spending in the region, according to a Denver study.

    Read More

  10. Well, we'll see how the fearsome Greek Navy responds.

    Gateway Pundit says you missed a step, Deuce. Says the Pirates was "room temperature" when they were loaded onto the rubber raft.

  11. desert rat said...
    That the vaunted Isreali Air Force attacked their own troops, no excuse for them killing Americans.

    Yes, DR, that’s right: The Israeli Air Force is awesome – 82 kills without the loss of a single Israeli plane or air crew. No high altitude drops on unsuspecting ground targets or impersonal drone attacks; nope, the Israelis meet their Syrian adversaries in the air and fought it out. Like you, your Syrian cousins weren’t up to the task.

    That this same air force inadvertently attacked its own troops and armor just proves the point that in battle accidents happen and no one is perfect (other than you, of course).

    And just to be perfectly clear, no matter how many nutters write books defaming noble institutions, Pat Tillman was not murdered by his Ranger comrades and Gazan women and children (if killed by the IDF) were human shields for your brave Muslim warriors.

    You have to be paranoid beyond relief to believe that every single person serving on each of the 10 US boards of inquiry were in the pockets of the Israelis. You would also have to have no confidence whatsoever in your country, making a move to Panama or elsewhere advisable.

    Israel did attack the Liberty. It also quickly made the only restitution possible in such a case, monetary and a sincere apology.

    I would bet that you and those who support your twisted view of reality cannot name in the next five minutes the officer who commanded US naval forces in the region where the Liberty was attacked. The clock starts now.

    As to picking scabs, nothing is further from the truth. This is an open putrid wound that has the potential to affect the relationships of two historic allies.

    That the majority of American Jews foolishly voted for Mr. Obama has no bearing on the Liberty argument.

  12. The majority of the Jewish US voters merely voted for Mr Obama, they did not buy him.

    That was done by the ex-CEO of General Dynamics. A fella that fronted an untested author over $3 million USD, for books that were unwritten, Lester Crown, Mr Obama's money man and the foremost "Friend of Israel", in Chi-town.

    He well exemplifies those that influenced the results of those Navy reports, as to Isreali motives, for attacking a US ship on the high seas.

    As well as those that killed the F22 program.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. As ti US allies, the Turks have stood shoulder to shoulder with US, in combat.

    The Israeli NEVER have.

    They have never stood with the US, anywhere.

    We have protected their sorry asses since the founding of their sectarian State. A blight upon our history and the principles found in our Constitution, that support.

  15. They would have gone home, broke, from here, rather than Vegas.

    Supporting our two GOP Senators, one of whom most of you fellas supported, for President.

    Instead Mr Reid and the labor unions of Vegas get that economic bump.
    Instead of us, in Arizona.

    Real clever.

  16. Support for
    "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot"
    kind of logic, typical of modern Republicans.

    Now that the GOP is just a bunch of retreaded Democrats.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. WIO, I don't appreciate the racist comments. I, for one, would gladly use a black accountant if he/she was hard-working, and was up on the law.

    Deuce, I think that racist comment needs to be taken down. We don't want to be associated with that type of thing.

  19. Shows us all just who the real "haters" are, rufus.

  20. desert rat said...
    As ti US allies, the Turks have stood shoulder to shoulder with US, in combat.

    The Israeli NEVER have.

    They have never stood with the US, anywhere.

    We have protected their sorry asses since the founding of their sectarian State. A blight upon our history and the principles found in our Constitution, that support.

    Ah the Rat the Israel hater takes a new yet un-impressive rant....

    Well Rat makes the claim that the Turks are America's ally fighting shoulder to shoulder and Israel NEVER has fought with America..

    Yep the Turks fought in the Korean conflict...

    and Yep the USA did NOT ALLOW the Israelis to fight with them in Iraq (or respond to direct attacks by iraq)

    But maybe the more important point that Rat want to forget is that Israel doesnt want American boys and girls to fight it's battles... It only want America not to arm it's enemies and stand in it's way when it fights for it's survival..

    America did not stand up for Israel when it had the chance to do so, in 1967 with Nasser when America broke it's treaty obligations (with an ally) and did not sail a ship through the Arab blockade.

    Oh didnt those trustworthy Turks actually commit genocide in 1917? and murder 1.5 armenians? (compare that to the 400 women and kids in gaza) Last i checked Israel didnt rape and stab and quarter using horses the chilren of gaza, your friends the Turks did...

    And didnt the Turks refuse Bush and America in letting our troops go thru Turkey in the Gulf War?

    And how many hundreds of thousands of Kurds have the Turks murdered?

    Oh yea, and Israel is the genocidal criminal nation?

    what a hoot...

    As for standing with the USA, Israel, in the UN, voted with the USA more than any other nation, PERIOD

    As for standing with the USA, Israel trains, shares and helps American police, swat, special forces, medical trauma team and more...

    I guess Rat you really dont have a CLUE about the SHARED values of Israel and America, thousands and thousands of Americans Go to Israel for advanced training in fire fighting, emergency room management, medical science, IT development and more...

    Nothing said to me that better than listening to the Head of the Police Chiefs of America speak of the invaluable cooperation that Israel gives to it's dept's around America.

    America and Israel share values, share friendships and share the same enemies...

  21. Re: USS Liberty and other notorious conspiracies

    Today, there are countless numbers of elected public figures, bureaucrats, tenured professors and the general public who believe that AIDS was a bio-weapon misused by the CIA to bring genocide to American Blacks and the world’s Negroid people. Books by the shelf-full have been written and speeches and lectures given routinely hammering home this homicidal “fact”. Nonetheless, it is not true and all the books and hate speech will not make it so.

    JFK conspiracy theories are infinite, it would appear.

    President Roosevelt has been accused in print and from the floor of the US Congress to have known of the Pearl Harbor attack beforehand, allowing it to proceed without warning in order to have justification for American entry into WWII.

    People believe what they need. Sometimes these needs are abnormal.

  22. Allies, that is not the same as "friends".

    More misdirection.

    Allies supply blood and treasure for combined operations.

    That the Israeli NEVER have done. They have been the foremost parasite amongst those that live under our security blanket.

    Taking, but never giving.
    No blood spent to promote US values, because Israel does not possess or promote US values, either. Not in Jim Crow Israel.

    Where race and creed quotas are the law.

  23. The same Federal government, in the US, that pronounce the Israeli cleared of fault in the USS Liberty episode, has stated, unequivocally that:

    1. Israel violates the Geneva Accords
    2. Israel is a Jim Crow society.

    Must be true.

  24. rufus said...
    WIO, I don't appreciate the racist comments. I, for one, would gladly use a black accountant if he/she was hard-working, and was up on the law.

    Deuce, I think that racist comment needs to be taken down. We don't want to be associated with that type of thing.

    Rufus, it's racist to have a group called "black accountants"

    that was my point....

    You dont have an association of jewish Accountants...

    The WHOLE notion that racial groups place themselves into group by RACE is racist...

    SO my point that someone ID's themselves that way?

    Screw em...

    My Accountant is a WASP...

    Last time i checked he doesnt advertise that he is "christian accountant" nor a "white accountant"

    Accountants should have a group called " Ass kicking number crunchers assoc"

    But to HOLD themselves up as legit group BASED on RACE and them DECIDE to boycott AZ because of RACE?

    Screw them they cant take the heat...

  25. Rat continues on his crack smoking rants...

    going ever deeper into nonsense....

    Rat, really, stop smoking the pipe, check under your bed for Jews and take a nap...

  26. WiO: National Association of Black Accountants, again, what fool would use a BLACK accountant?

    They made fun of Dan Quayle because he couldn't spell words, but Barack Obama can't add figures.

  27. Shows us all just who the real "haters" are, rufus.

    stormfront tactic:

    to blame the hated for the hatred by the haters.

  28. African-American Greek-lettered fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

    Screw them... I will never support them.

    National Association of Black Accountants, again, what fool would use a BLACK that is so WEAK of an accountant that he or she has to JOIN a RACIST group like the BLACK ACCOUNTANTS to get street cred's with the peeps in the hood to get business??

    International Communications Association?? just who are they??

    Welcome to the International Communication Association (ICA). ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. ICA began more than 50 years ago as a small association of U.S. researchers and is now a truly international association with more than 4200 members in over 80 countries. Since 2003, ICA has been officially associated with the United Nations as a nongovernmental association (NGO).

    Screw them too...

    and the National Urban League.

    Really who gives a shit?


    Hope they all go to Vegas and gamble and go home broke...

  29. Fuck you, WIO. Those people were shit on, and enslaved. They, also, helped build this country.

    No fucking Israeli racist ever did a fucking thing for us.

    You people may be able to get away with your racist bullshit in that bigoted, thieving piece of shit country you call Israel, but you can't do it with AMERICAN citizens.

    Go find yourself a nice "Confederate" blog. The internet is full of them. You'll be right at home.

  30. rufus said...
    Fuck you, WIO. Those people were shit on, and enslaved. They, also, helped build this country.

    Gee Rufus... I see your so sensitive... Let's examine your pain... Really..

    Blacks were sold as slave by Blacks sold to whites and shit on..

    Yep.. When was that?

    And didnt America have a CIVIL (uncivil) war to end Slavery? Didnt tens of thousands of white Americans die freeing the slaves? Did not America create Liberia to allow those who wanted to go back to Africa to be free? Didnt America have the 40 acres and a mule law to give land to former slaves? Did not America pour trillions into education programs?

    And now Blacks self segregate themselves (along with the chicanos, gays, and other self described groups) into special exclusive groups all based on skin color or race, NOT BELIEFS

    Rufus: No fucking Israeli racist ever did a fucking thing for us.

    Correct, MOST Israelis are not racist, so it would be difficult to find one to do anything... IF you are trying to say that Israelis never have done anything for America? well that's just stupid..

    Rufus: You people may be able to get away with your racist bullshit in that bigoted, thieving piece of shit country you call Israel, but you can't do it with AMERICAN citizens.

    Now that's a fun filled mouthful! I wonder did you learn that at the White Power Rally?

    Israel is not racist, there are people of every color there that hold jobs, own property and hold office in every way, my guess you have actually never been there?

    As for "thieving" if Israel is a THIEVING nation, what is America? Israel (the people) was founded 3000 years ago and has various nationhoods for 5 times longer than America ever has... IF you dismiss historic claims then at the turn of the century the League of Nations gave FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA the entire area to the Jews as their homeland.

    The arabs occupy 649/650th of the middle east, Israel has 1/650th with 20% arabs as population, the arabs on their account have ethnically cleansed all arab lands of almost every jew, so again, "thieving"

    It seems it's you that is the bigot not I....

    Rufus: Go find yourself a nice "Confederate" blog. The internet is full of them. You'll be right at home.

    Naw, I was pointing out the Racist nature of a "BLACK" only professional groups. The same flies for Hispanic Professional Groups, Asian Group and such...

    Now I have no problems with groups defined by faiths....

    But by the color of their skin? SO no Martin Luther king....

  31. You're a racist piece of shit, WIO. You said, "What fool would hire a Black accountant?"

    Well, I got news for you, Bozo. Most Americans would. We, as a country, did wrong. First, Slavery, and then Jim Crow. We have corrected our shortcomings.

    You, obviously, haven't.

  32. Nice... bring on the next scab to pick.

  33. WiO: National Association of Black Accountants, again, what fool would use a BLACK accountant?

    National Association of Jewish Educators

    The Jewish Teachers' Association

    The National Association of Jewish Legislators

    Association of Jewish Golf Clubs

  34. Rufus: You're a racist piece of shit, WIO. You said, "What fool would hire a Black accountant?"

    Well, I got news for you, Bozo. Most Americans would. We, as a country, did wrong. First, Slavery, and then Jim Crow. We have corrected our shortcomings.

    You, obviously, haven't.

    Rufus you are ONE stupid moron...

    I said IN CONTEXT as PART of a SMART ASSED remark "What fool would hire a Black accountant?


    I guess your sense of humor is quite limited, judging how my smart assed remark provoked such racist, radical hateful comments by you, it does seem that you hold deep racist feelings...

    When you were raised did you use the term "nigger" "wop" "kyke" often? Was your father or mother racist?

    I was raised in a home where we didnt use those terms, nor am I against Blacks as a race....

    However when a bullshit racist group called "black accountants" form to segregate themselves and tout their skin color to advance themselves BEYOND their innate ability and the go on to USE that group's color based name to boycott the good people of AZ, well that calls for a comment AIMED at BLACK ACCOUNTANTS, that is why I deleted my original post and changed it..

    It now reads ( i am sure you missed that point)

    National Association of Black Accountants, again, what fool would use a BLACK that is so WEAK of an accountant that he or she has to JOIN a RACIST group like the BLACK ACCOUNTANTS to get street cred's with the peeps in the hood to get business??

    But all that goes back to your own vile, racist comments...

    dig deep rufus...

    it seems you protest to much

  35. Ash said...
    WiO: National Association of Black Accountants, again, what fool would use a BLACK accountant?

    National Association of Jewish Educators

    The Jewish Teachers' Association

    The National Association of Jewish Legislators

    Association of Jewish Golf Clubs

    As stated, being Jewish is a FAITH not a color...

    I have no problem with Catholic, hindu, atheists, wiccans, moslems, jews having group

    I have problems with RACE based GROUPS

    What part of RACE do you not understand?

    Jews come in all colors...

  36. What part of being Jewish do you not understand WiO? It is both a race and a faith.

  37. Rufus:
    Association of Jewish Golf Clubs

    Besides not knowing what a Jewish Golf Club is...

    (drum roll/off)

    Jewish Golf Clubs were formed after Jews were prevented from joining the wasp dominated golf clubs.

    Historically Jews were on the vanguard of fighting for Blacks to be accepted in America as equal citizens...

    From the founding of the NAACP (jews were on the board) to the 3 civili rights workers that were murdered by the klan (2 JEWS and a Negro) Jews have always fought for equality...

    Now Black America has embraced the likes of Farakkan, Rev Wright, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and yes Obama, who have a racist agenda against Jews in Israel.

    It's is Obama's policy to deny Jewish people the right to live in Jerusalem

    The USA is now monitoring Jewish settlement is Jerusalem and has very publically scolded Israel for it, and yet, that very same government ignores 450,000 illegal mexicans in AZ. An d now the BLACK Accountant Assoc weighs in and will boycott AZ...

    Aint that hypocrisy?

  38. Ash said...
    What part of being Jewish do you not understand WiO? It is both a race and a faith.

    It's a tribe, it aint race ash...

    geez you get dumber by the day.

  39. No, WIO, I don't aim to embarrass myself by being surrounded by fools, and racists.

  40. Ash


    do you actually believe the stupid things that come out of your mouth?

  41. You're just another "supremacist," WIO; and I have no time for you.

  42. rufus said...
    No, WIO, I don't aim to embarrass myself by being surrounded by fools, and racists.

    Since you dont even KNOW that BEING JEWISH aint a race you DO embarrass yourself

  43. rufus said...
    You're just another "supremacist," WIO; and I have no time for you.


    I think it's you that have the seeds of being the jew hating racist...

    but as for time?

    I aint inviting you to my next pig roast...

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. WiO wrote:

    "Jewish Golf Clubs were formed after Jews were prevented from joining the wasp dominated golf clubs."


    Blogger What is "Occupation" said...

    Aint that hypocrisy?

    How so, we want as a group to be able to have over charged green fees and wear ugly clothes just like all the white people...

    And since the nice wasps didnt want us? we opened our own clubs, (and no you dont HAVE to be Jewish to join)

  46. WIO, don't you fucking understand. I didn't say "Jews" were racist. I said YOU are Racist.

    I, also, believe "Israel, as a Country is a Racist enterprise."

    It's not "Jews" I dislike, WIO. It's YOU. And the Government of Israel.

  47. Rufus and Rat, sitting in a tree
    K I S S I N G

    1st Come LOVE


    Then comes an Israel hating baby in a baby carriage...

  48. At least I can read. WIO, you're confusing my posts with Ash's posts.

    I have NO idea what it takes to be "Jewish." I certainly don't care. I don' care where Jews play golf, or "if" they play golf.

    I don't care what they eat, or where they shit. I DO care if the blog I write on becomes a depository for Racist Comments.

  49. rufus said...
    WIO, don't you fucking understand. I didn't say "Jews" were racist. I said YOU are Racist.

    I agree, I heard you say that, but it's real easy to say you dont think Jews are bad, just the racist government of Israel...

    That's a crock of shit...

    rufus: I, also, believe "Israel, as a Country is a Racist enterprise."

    yep, that's bullshit....

    Rufus: It's not "Jews" I dislike, WIO. It's YOU. And the Government of Israel.


    I could give a shit if you like me... as for you dislike of the Government of Israel that you see as racist?

    If your standard of dislike is not the same for every other nation INCLUDING OUR OWN, then you are a racist....

    If you think Israel is racist and you don't like her, then apply that racist test to every arab nation, america, mexico tell me WHAT NATIONS ARE NOT RACIST by your standard?

    gohead smartass...

    name me ONE NATION that is LESS racist than Israel

    Japan? nope

    China? nope

    21 Arab Nations? nope

    Mexico? Nope?

  50. I deleted the comment WiO because I had left out the citation of you poo-pooing rufus idea that Blacks had set up their association because they had been discriminated against. You then offer the same argument for Jewish Golf Clubs. That is hypocrisy.

  51. Unlike, yourself, WIO, The United States of America is my Only concern. We have made great strides with our National Racism.

    I could give a shit if Mexico is racist. Or if Saudi Arabia is Racist. Or Japan. But, I LIVE in America. My Children, and Grandchildren will LIVE in America. I don't want their lives complicated by Supremacist/Racist assholes like yourself.

    And, I don't want to be associated with a blog where Racist statements are allowed to stand.

  52. And, I climbed all over Bob's ass for that type of statement. Does that mean I'm Racially Prejudiced against Swedish-Americans?

    Fucking Bozo.

  53. I'm looking at the Boeing 737 assembly line on CNBC. It's the same plant where "Rosie the Riveter" worked(?)

    Anyway, they turn out one a day. $75 million a copy. Very few people on the factory floor. In WWII when they were building bombers there would have been a thousand workers in that building.

    How Is the average guy/gal going to "make a living?"

    Or, is that the wrong question.

  54. Ash said...
    I deleted the comment WiO because I had left out the citation of you poo-pooing rufus idea that Blacks had set up their association because they had been discriminated against. You then offer the same argument for Jewish Golf Clubs. That is hypocrisy.

    Ash, Many black organization were set up to respond to prejudice.

    However in my experience MANY Black associations are being formed not because of exclusion of the minority but rather by the minority to segregate from the majority.

    It was the Black Accountants that made a public statement to boycott AZ, that is what i was responding to.

    I do not have detailed knowledge of every single historic reaction to prejudice however in was in the 70's when a movement broke out in America to form BLACK groups, Black Studies, Black History, Black Student group, this is self imposed victim mentality

    There may or may not be a legit reason for "black accountants" to be...

    But as rufus loves to say, America has fixed alot of its faults

    and today, it would be a crime to prohibit a black man (or women) to join the National Assoc of Accountants

    Now if you want to take golf as an example, there are still racist issues there concerning women, blacks and jews....


    give me a break...

  55. rufus said...
    Unlike, yourself, WIO, The United States of America is my Only concern. We have made great strides with our National Racism.

    I could give a shit if Mexico is racist. Or if Saudi Arabia is Racist. Or Japan. But, I LIVE in America. My Children, and Grandchildren will LIVE in America. I don't want their lives complicated by Supremacist/Racist assholes like yourself.

    And, I don't want to be associated with a blog where Racist statements are allowed to stand.

    Your racist remarks are far worse than anything I said..

    you said: No fucking Israeli racist ever did a fucking thing for us.

    You people may be able to get away with your racist bullshit in that bigoted, thieving piece of shit country you call Israel,


    Look in the mirror numb nuts...

  56. Turkey and Russia signed agreements on Wednesday for the construction of Turkey's first nuclear power plant and the development of a pipeline project to carry Russian oil from the Black Sea, through Turkey to the Mediterranean.


  57. Rufe

    thanks for changing the subject.

  58. YOU PEOPLE = You Supremacist, Racist Assholes.


  59. Jew isn't a race, simply because race is an artificial construct, just like when Hitler invented the Aryan "race". Jew isn't even a tribe, because a tribe is a cohesive unit larger than a clan that lives in a certain geographic area. When the Jews were dispersed worldwide in onesey-twoseys following the burning of Jerusalem in 70 AD and Masada in 132 AD, the Jewish tribe ceased to exist. Even their language, Hebrew, disappeared from the face of the earth and had to be reconstructed from scratch by the Zionist project. So who are those folks in the Levant these days? Revivalist nutters.

  60. "Israeli immigration laws will accept an application for Israeli citizenship if there is proven documentation that any grandparent—not just the maternal grandmother—was Jewish. This does not mean that person is an "ethnic Jew", but Israeli immigration will accept that person because he or she has an ethnically Jewish connection, and because this same degree of connection was sufficient to be persecuted as a Jew by the Nazis. See Jewish ethnic divisions."

    Jewish ethnic divisions refers to a number of distinct communities within the world's ethnically Jewish population. Although considered one single self-identifying ethnicity, there are distinct ethnic divisions among Jews, most of which are primarily the result of geographic branching from an originating Israelite population, and subsequent independent evolutions.[1]

  61. Why is it that liberals are always so concerned about violence against pirates or jihadists will make them do more mean stuff to us. I think that if the pirates are killed, each and every one of them, they will probably become farmers or something.

  62. race 1 (rs)
    1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
    2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
    3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
    4. Humans considered as a group.
    5. Biology
    a. An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
    b. A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
    6. A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.

  63. WiO,

    You clearly have hit pay dirt, and I do mean dirt :)

  64. personally I could care less if some accountants want to form and association because they are black or some golfers, or teachers, want to form an association because they are Jewish. WiO appears to be offended by one but not the other.

  65. Teresita said...
    Jew isn't a race, simply because race is an artificial construct, just like when Hitler invented the Aryan "race".

    There several established races on the planet

    You may not like it, but it's true, to use the "Aryan" invention to prove your argument is childish.

    T: Jew isn't even a tribe, because a tribe is a cohesive unit larger than a clan that lives in a certain geographic area.

    Being displaced doesn't break up my tribe.

    But thanks for your input

    T: When the Jews were dispersed worldwide in onesey-twoseys following the burning of Jerusalem in 70 AD and Masada in 132 AD, the Jewish tribe ceased to exist.

    When talking about Jews, do not use AD please, it's BCE and CE. As for our dispersal from our historic lands, we say the ten tribes have ceased to exist, not because they moved, because they liquidated themselves from the tribe. But there is a tribl identity still that exists, even if you dont recognize it or approve

    T: Even their language, Hebrew, disappeared from the face of the earth and had to be reconstructed from scratch by the Zionist project.

    Only as an active national language and in no way compares to a dead language like latin.

    t: So who are those folks in the Levant these days? Revivalist nutters.

    Now that's insulting...

    I'd tell you to go fuck yourself for that one, but I just dont have the energy to deal with such stupid ideas

  66. Ash said...
    personally I could care less if some accountants want to form and association because they are black or some golfers, or teachers, want to form an association because they are Jewish. WiO appears to be offended by one but not the other.

    Your grasp and wiggles about the issue prove your a dope....

    It's simple....

    you want to confuse everything...

    Jews aint a Race...

    Black accountants dont NEED an association to prevent being excluded from national accountant groups and Arizona has every right to enforce reasonable efforts at controlling a wild invasion of illegals...

  67. Ash said...
    race 1 (rs)
    1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
    2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
    3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
    4. Humans considered as a group.
    5. Biology
    a. An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
    b. A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
    6. A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.

    wow, i guess I have been pooned...


    That's the be all and end all of all knowledge...

    Does Obama approve with that source?

    Jews come in many colors...

    The context of our discussion was about BLACK people groups...

    Race BASED groups...

    Jews do not consider ourselves a RACE...

    We are a people, but not one who deserves our own homeland in Jerusalem, where we settled 3200 years ago according to rufus, ash, teresa & rat...

    We settled thousands of years ago when the collective peoples of rat, rufus, ash & teresa were still worshipping goats and thunderand now they are the judges as to whether Jews are allowed to build in Jerusalem...

  68. WiO, what is the difference between a Race and "A People" in your view?

  69. when the collective peoples of rat, rufus, ash & teresa were still worshipping goats and thunder

    Well, that just about 'splains it all, doesn't it you Supremacist asshole?

  70. "I think that if the pirates are killed, each and every one of them, they will probably become farmers or something.

    That would be quite a trick.


    Just joking with you Timothy. Good to see you joining in.


  71. I guess one could say fertilizer is a farmer :)

  72. Well, that just about 'splains it all, doesn't it you Supremacist asshole?

    yep, you're a simpleton...

  73. Ash said...
    WiO, what is the difference between a Race and "A People" in your view?

    For the purposes of discussions in America?

    Ya got your census form...

    use it...

  74. rufus said...
    when the collective peoples of rat, rufus, ash & teresa were still worshipping goats and thunder

    Well, that just about 'splains it all, doesn't it you Supremacist asshole?

    I may be an asshole, but it's you that is the bigot...

  75. Yep when rufus, teresa, rat and ashes people were pagan numbrods, embracing child sacrifice and dealth cult stupidity, my people were settling Hebron, Jerusalem and the Galilee

    But you folks think that Israel is not entitled to liberate and have a tiny fraction of their historic lands...

    Only everyone else is entitled to nationhood...



  76. WiO you wrote:

    "The context of our discussion was about BLACK people groups...

    Race BASED groups...

    Jews do not consider ourselves a RACE...

    We are a people,"

    You are using "people" and "race" interchangeably yet you assert there is a difference. You are writing nonsense.

  77. To make it real clear for you WiO you write "Black People" and you say "Jews are a People".

  78. "I guess one could say fertilizer is a farmer :)"

    Timothy, I probably shouldn't have been joking around with you since you are a newbie here.

    It was perfectly clear what you were trying to say.

    However, I should have waited till you've posted a few times before getting on you.

    Hope you will continue to post here.



  79. Quirk is a pussycat, really, he is.

  80. WiO said :Yep when rufus, teresa, rat and ashes people were pagan numbrods, embracing child sacrifice and dealth cult stupidity, my people were settling Hebron, Jerusalem and the Galilee

    Okay WiO, let's talk about human sacrifice. Follow along in 2 Samuel chapter 21.

    "There was a famine that ran for three straight years. King David made his inquiries, and the LORD answered, "It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites."

    The Gibeonites were all that remained of the Amorites. And Saul was only doing what the LORD told the Israelites to do in Deuteronomy 20:

    "But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee"

    Nevertheless King David called the Gibeonites in and asked them what he could do to make them whole again.

    They didn't want any gold or silver from Saul's estate. Instead they said, "The man that consumed us, and that devised against us that we should be destroyed from remaining in any of the coasts of Israel, let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah of Saul."

    David saw that he wouldn't have to worry about these sons of Saul intriguing for his throne as sons of deposed kings are wont to do. And this whole thing about God sending a famine until they were killed was a very convenient excuse.

    "So the king took the two sons of Rizpah and the five sons of Michal, which they bore unto Saul, and delivered them to the Gibeonites. They hanged them on the hill before the LORD and were put to death in the beginning of the barley harvest.

    And after David took the bones of the hanged men and buried them with the bones of Saul and Jonathan, God was "intreated for the land".

    In other words, God accepted seven human sacrifices as atonement for Saul carrying out his own commandment to bring total genocide to the Amorites.

    The only difference between my ancestor Lapo Lapo killing Magellan, and WiO's ancestor David killing seven sons of Saul was that David was able to put a "sacred" sheen on it by attributing a famine to YHWH which could only be satisfied by sacrificing seven human beings to that deity.

  81. Man, there must not have been a Corporation in America that made money last year. But, they ended up with a record amount of cash on hand.

    I don't think we have to worry about Corporate taxes being "too high" in America.

    There goes my sub-$Trillion Deficit projection. Yikes.

  82. "Quirk is a pussycat, really, he is."

    Deuce is already all over me about spelling. Next, he will be accusing me of driving away new posters merely becasuse I am a smart ass.


  83. Okay WiO, let's talk about human sacrifice. Follow along in 2 Samuel chapter 21.

    Did I say anything about human sacrifice?

    Oddly enough I didn't...

    Nice deflection....

  84. If you have ever been ejected from a bar, you can sympathise with this story:

    Utrecht, Netherlands (AHN) - An international team of astronomers has observed a supermassive black hole being ejected from a galaxy based on an X-ray catalog of the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory.

    Undergraduate student Marianne Heida of the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands spotted the black hole with a mass of about one billion suns, located 500 Million light-years from Earth. It is moving out of the source galaxy at high speed.

    Heida compared hundreds of thousands of sources of X-rays in the Chandra catalog with the positions of millions of galaxies to find the black hole.

  85. Gag! Hurry! Before it's too late!

  86. WiO: Okay WiO, let's talk about human sacrifice. Follow along in 2 Samuel chapter 21.

    Did I say anything about human sacrifice?

    Oddly enough I didn't...

    Nice deflection....

    You accused my ancestors of child sacrifice, I provided evidence from the Sacred Scripture that King David sacrificed seven sons of King Saul to Yahweh to make it rain again.

  87. Trish, now I know why you can't leave the bar because if I had been drinking anything it would have been spewed all over my screen. I needed that laugh out loud, thanks.

  88. The Zionists revived Hebrew as an everyday spoken language.

    Liturgical Hebrew, as only one example, has always been used at least 53 times per year. ceremonially. Every wedding and funeral likewise had its Hebrew component.

    The great, 11th C commentator Rashi, whose observations became integral to every Tanakh used Hebrew.

    The Aleppo Codex, the earliest complete manuscript of the Tanakh dates from about 930CE.

    The death and resurrection of the Hebrew language has been greatly exaggerated.

  89. Given WiO's explanation of his statement, I would say that there was a huge overreaction which became the usual anti-Jew, anti-Zionist bashing pile-on.

    That's how I read it.

  90. It reminded me of a flock chickens pecking at the blood of one of their own until the unfortunate victim is dead.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. "It reminded me of a flock chickens pecking at the blood of one of their own until the unfortunate victim is dead."



  93. Judge Temporarily Bars Furlough of State Workers

    "ALBANY — A federal judge temporarily blocked on Wednesday a one-day furlough of state workers scheduled by Gov. David A. Paterson for next week, reversing a plan that Mr. Paterson has said is necessary to keep the state from running out of money at the end of the month.

    "Judge Lawrence E. Kahn of United States District Court issued a temporary restraining order against Mr. Paterson, after unions representing state employees and public university teachers filed a lawsuit alleging that the furloughs, approved by the Legislature on Monday, were illegal..."

    Public Sector Unions

    Unions have played a big part in improving the status of the middle class in this country. In some areas it can be argued that they were allowed to go to far. But overall I view them as being a positive in the US.

    That is private sector unions. The worst they can do is drive themselves out of a job. The company has to balance union demands against stockholder demands and company survivability.

    The public sector union is another cat entirely. They negotiate against government officials who end up giving up other peoples money. There is no offsetting competion to temper demands. The taxpayer is the one on the hook.

    The recent growth in the size of government at both the federal, state and local levels; the uncompetitive nature of public sector salaries, tenure in the case of teachers; and the unsustainable nature of long-term benefits, pensions and healthcare, have convinced me that we can't afford public sector unions.


  94. Wow…

    Having grown up on a chicken farm, Whit's description accurately describes the situation.

  95. Quirk, you may be too young to recall the constant strikes of the unions. Just as the economy was developing a head of steam, bam!, another union strike.

    Since Reagan, though their memberships have dwindled, their legacy has had a crippling impact on Detroit's bottom lines.

    They can take some of the responsibility for a move towards globalism.

  96. "Wow…

    Having grown up on a chicken farm, Whit's description accurately describes the situation."


    I doubt our Jewish brethren here would discribe themselves as victims. (If they did that would lead to an entirely different conversation).

    I would describe what transpired on the blog today as a group of fighting roosters doing what they do. Hardly a band of rogue chickens tracking down and attacking some poor pullet.

    No. It was just the same boring cock fight we've seen here a hundred times before.


  97. "They can take some of the responsibility for a move towards globalism."

    True enough. But you can't blame it enrirely on the unions. In fact, the larger companies would have continued outsourcing jobs as long as there was marginal profit involved in doing so.

    An example, with regard to union benefits in the private sector:

    The guaranteed income benefits with the auto companies.

    Until recently, UAW members when they should have been laid off instead were placed in pools where they were paid up to 96% of their regular salaries. Any time auto unions where discussed this was always brought up and roundly criticized.

    However, what is not mentioned is that it was not the unions that asked for this. It was GM in a year they were designated the target company by the UAW. They offered it up to the union because at the time they thought it would give them a competitive advantage over Ford and Chrysler. Once GM bought into this it set the table and established a pattern for negotiations with Ford and Chrysler.

    What was the UAW going to do? Say no we don't want that. It wouldn't be prudent.


  98. A different approach to taking on terrorists: Europe vs. US

    Europe's antiterrorism agencies favor human intelligence over technology

    "PARIS -- The tip from Spain was only a vague warning. But it was enough for France's domestic intelligence agents to go to work, tapping phones, tailing suspects and squeezing informants. Before long, they rolled up a group of Muslim men in a provincial French town who, beneath a tranquil surface, were drawing up al-Qaeda-inspired plans to set off a bomb in the Paris subway.

    "The plot, described by a source with firsthand information, was one of 15 planned terrorist attacks by jihadist cells in France that have been thwarted in recent years, according to a count by the Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence (DCRI), France's main antiterrorism force. One was a bomb plot directed against the directorate's own headquarters.

    "The antiterrorism policing -- it is a not a "war," specialists here emphasized -- has been conducted for the most part in the dark, and in a style that sets France and other European countries apart from the United States. As U.S. officials seek to understand what may have led a Pakistani immigrant to try to blow up Times Square, and how he boarded an airplane at John F. Kennedy International Airport despite multiple computerized watch lists, Europe's specialists have pointed to their own approach as an example of how to proceed..."

    European Techniques


  99. whit said...
    Given WiO's explanation of his statement, I would say that there was a huge overreaction which became the usual anti-Jew, anti-Zionist bashing pile-on.

    That's how I read it.

    Wed May 12, 05:37:00 PM EDT

    You are too kind.

  100. whit,

    Today's may be the most disgusting piece of work ever put up on this site. But you already know that...sorry...

  101. Whit, you're wrong. WIO came right from the shoulder saying, and I quote, "You would have to be a fool to have a BLACK Accountant."

    You let that type of racist statement go unchallenged, especially given the wont of a few commenters toward "Supremism," and you will have a steady stream of such racism.

    Is That what you want?

  102. Then, when called, he tried to claim "Jew bashing." It wasn't "Jew" bashing; it was "WIO" bashing.

    And, then, he had the gall to inform the patrons that while they were descended from "goat-worshipping," "child-sacrificing" pagans (his words) His "People" were Nobly doing something or the other high thing in the Levant. That would, promptly, get your ass kicked in ANY bar I've ever been in.

  103. CBO: Health Care Bill Will Cost $115 Billion More Than Previously Assessed

    "The director of the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that the health care reform legislation would cost, over the next ten years, $115 billion more than previously thought, bringing the total cost to more than $1 trillion.

    "The revised figure is due to estimated costs to federal agencies to implement the new health care reform bill – such as administrative expenses for the Internal Revenue Services and the Department of Health and Human Services -- and the costs for a "variety of grant and other program spending for which specified funding levels for one or more years are provided in the act..."

    Will Dems Cut Spending in Some Other Area?


  104. Rumors that Mullah Omar has been captured, but of course they want to save the news for an October Surprise.

  105. And, then, he had the gall to inform the patrons that while they were descended from "goat-worshipping," "child-sacrificing" pagans (his words) His "People" were Nobly doing something or the other high thing in the Levant.

    Yes, all the sons of Saul that David sacrificed to end the famine were adults, not minors like my ancestors sacrificed.

    At least that's what I gather when WiO said, "Did I say anything about human sacrifice? Oddly enough I didn't...Nice deflection...."

    Human sacrifice is okay, but child sacrifice is not.

  106. "Rumors that Mullah Omar has been captured, but of course they want to save the news for an October Surprise.".

    I suspect it wouldn't be much of a surprise to much of America, those that have neither the time or inclination to participate in blogs.

    Now if they were to announce they had captured OBL, that would be a surprise that would shake up the country.


  107. T: Human sacrifice is okay, but child sacrifice is not.

    Turning over guilty parties to a crime to be executed is not the same thing as sacrificing your 1st born son to a pagan god...

    I, as a practice do not discuss Torah with those that place alien points of view into the discussion.

    T, your entire approach to learning what is called the Hebrew scriptures is not to learn what the people who wrote it and lived it meant, you choose to inject your own pagan points of view when it fits your arguements..

    I do not proof text Torah quotes with gentiles. Torah is not for you. It is not yours to learn. The only thing that you should learn from the Torah is the 7 laws of Noah. Commonly called the 7 Noahide Laws. Period

    To study Torah and interject pagan thoughts on rational and explanations is like cooking a fine stew for hours and in the end, dumping just 1/5 of an ounce of horse shit in it...

    No matter how same the pagan ideals, when interjected into a Torah discussion, it's shit into the mix..

    To discuss "sacrifice" in the Torah as what you described as an example is pure shit. It is so off base in so many ways it really shows a lack of understanding of Jewish thought, law and Torah.

    Reading some lines in a Torah doesnt give you Talmudic insight... It just makes you look like anyone of millions of people who reject the Torah, it's meaning from the original point of view trying to impose a pagan pov into the fray...

  108. lordy, WiO, if you substitute in Koran for Torah you'd think it was some Islamic radical preaching.

  109. WiO: Turning over guilty parties to a crime to be executed is not the same thing as sacrificing your 1st born son to a pagan god...

    In this case, the seven sons of Saul were only guilty of being the children of the former king. They were sacrificed by hanging them on a hill, and Yahwah was "intreated for the land" and allowed it to rain again.

    I, as a practice do not discuss Torah with those that place alien points of view into the discussion.

    That's good, WiO, but I'm talking about the historical books now, not Torah. 2 Samuel.

    T, your entire approach to learning what is called the Hebrew scriptures is not to learn what the people who wrote it and lived it meant, you choose to inject your own pagan points of view when it fits your arguements..

    My approach, rather, is to actually read what they say rather than sit on them with a self-satisfied hand-wave.

    I do not proof text Torah quotes with gentiles. Torah is not for you. It is not yours to learn. The only thing that you should learn from the Torah is the 7 laws of Noah. Commonly called the 7 Noahide Laws. Period

    You will not find me bringing Torah up for discussion with you. We've been over this before. However, from Joshua to Malachi, fair game.

  110. Ash said...
    lordy, WiO, if you substitute in Koran for Torah you'd think it was some Islamic radical preaching.

    If the Queen had balls she'd be KING...

    And your knowledge of the Koran and Torah, for you to make such an statement, shows your stupidity.

  111. China's military objectives reach far beyond Taiwan

    "China delivered a wake-up call to its neighbors last week, making it clear that Beijing has decided on a course of military assertiveness as its capabilities increase.

    “We kept silent and tolerant over territorial disputes with our neighbors in the past because our navy was incapable of defending our economic zones, but now the navy is able to carry out its task,” Xu Guangyu, a retired general, said in response to Japanese protests over Chinese ships chasing out a Japanese survey vessel in a disputed area.
    General Xu termed China's previous naval absence “an abnormal historical accident” that is being rectified.

    "This suggests that previous Chinese actions and declarations made while in a state of relative military weakness no longer reflect Beijing's current intentions now that it has achieved much greater capabilities..."

    China Naval Capabilities


  112. WiO:And your knowledge of the Koran and Torah, for you to make such an statement, shows your stupidity.

    Of course WiO knew all along that Torah refers only to the first five books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. He knew all along that the historical books and the prophets and the writings are not part of Torah. It's Test Day, he just wants to make sure we're not slacking off.

  113. Which is why I NEVER discuss religion, but nationalities.

    The scum Eurotrash in Israel have caused a whirled of discontent, with their Jim Crow techniques of ethnic discrimination.

    They'll soon go the way of the promoters of that pathetic apartheid in South Africa.

    They'll soon lose control of that resort, on the Eastern Med.

    We'll be well rid of that racist and sectarian State.

  114. A touching end to a beautiful day.

    Lordy. Lordy. Lordy.


  115. "I needed that laugh out loud, thanks."

    So did I, Melody. So did I.

    De nada.

  116. The Best laugh of the day was Teresita "schooling" the Chosen One on the contents of his own "Book."

  117. "It seems almost as if someone had reprogrammed or hijacked the probe, thus perhaps we do not yet know the whole truth," the author of UFOs - They Are Still Flying told Bild.

    Hijacked by Aliens

  118. rufus said...
    The Best laugh of the day was Teresita "schooling" the Chosen One on the contents of his own "Book."

    She didnt...

    But then again, I doubt seriously she really has a clue about what Torah means, aside from the Reader's Digest version she uses to look up her answers in...

    And I doubt you have a clue how clueless she is...

  119. desert rat said...
    Which is why I NEVER discuss religion, but nationalities.
    The scum Eurotrash in Israel have caused a whirled of discontent, with their Jim Crow techniques of ethnic discrimination.
    They'll soon go the way of the promoters of that pathetic apartheid in South Africa.
    They'll soon lose control of that resort, on the Eastern Med.
    We'll be well rid of that racist and sectarian State.

    America will sooner be rid of you....

  120. I'll be in America, misdirection, even if I leave the United States.

    Breath deep.
