Sunday, May 02, 2010

Jews Missing George Bush

Heck even Obama misses George W. Bush

Lame Cherry

Shhhh, I have another secret, you already know, but it just has not registered yet in you have noticed that Barack Hussein Obama and Axelrod Inc. have finally shut up about blaming George W. Bush for everything in life.

Logic dictates that Obama found in their massive polling that over the past months, every time he bashed President Bush it only reminded voters how good they had it under George W. Bush, and what a draconian, dictatorial disaster everyone is existing under the Hutatree gun of Obama.

Just remember the worst days of President Bush, in Al Gore trying to steal Florida, Valerie Plame being the mole to bring the impeached promise of Bush as payback for the Clinton impeachment, Soros in his meddling MoveOn, that poor Cindy Sheehan being funded and used by the lunatic left with that anarchist mob and the entire array of Obama benefactors staging Abu Gharib, korans in toilets, death counts..........and in all of that there were no spontaneous mass rallies, no Orin Hatch being voted out of office like Teddy Kennedy was due to draconian Obama, and no need to send out the federal police to slap around the Citizens or no need to go microwave the Jews.

It has gotten so bad for Obama that he has resorted to leading around Mrs. Ed on the White House pasture by holding her hands. Their walks in the Carolina woods were supposed to invoke Hillary on the beach passions to soothe the savage breast of liberals, but all Obama looked like was the Sasquatch herd roaming through the dark forest scaring the bamuhammed out of the campers.

George W. Bush never once used his wife, the lovely and beautiful Laura, as a political slut the way Mr. Obama has now resorted to.

Just imagine the gagging meeting where Emmanuel and Axelrod sit down with the Obama couple and say, "OK your poll numbers are in the crapper. But we found in our liberal, loveless, lovelorn, loons, that they will not hate you so bad if you hold Mrs. Ed's hand and go for a run in the woods as a "middle class couple".

Honestly, who would not frown at that if you were normal and say, "What the hell Maxwell, I am not using my wife like a whore nor my relationship with her to gain political points."

Yet we see that is exactly what Barack Hussein Obama has sunk to.

Obama really has a problem in his resort area as even the Jews have jerked Chuck Schumer's chain in having him come out and rant at Obama concerning making the Israeli state a microwave oven ala Ahmadinejad.

Ed Koch has been on a tear which is very welcome and he is but the tip of the iceberg as Jews are going to rally in mass in New York protesting Obama bashing around Jews.

For all of this to be happening means, there is a Jewish resistance forming. I will make the point that if liberals Jews had not drunk the Obama kool aid that none of us would be in this situation, but then Jews let in the Edomites to help defend Jerusalem in 70 AD and that really turned out bad, so letting Obama in the bastion gates makes the mistakes the Jews make whoppers, and Obama is one whopper of a mistake.

Consider this though in how amazing Providence is to George W. Bush still. Mr. Bush is searching for answers yet in Christ, but who could have thought in a year's time that after the drubbing the President took, that God would turn this around in the people's hearts to have them inclined like a romantic tale to fondly remembering President Bush and in irony, it is the perfect satire in "MISS ME YET".

It reminds the beastly left of the horrid things they did and even they are more and more each day feeling shame as the reality of the Obama they whored themselves for, as the ends do not justify the means.

All of this is fast approaching a unanimous mob decision in buyer's remorse in the dead in hell are feeling the heat for ACORN voting for them all for Obama.

If one has not noticed, besides Obama abandoning Iraq, Obama is moving record time to evacuate Kuwait in spending a fortune accomplishing it to be all done by 2010. With Benjamin Netanyahu dumping Iran back into Obama's dithering hands for a year as Jews do not want to be stuck dealing with an Obama nuclear mess, it all seems like Jews protesting in fond remembrance of the peace which George W. Bush brought the civilized world by making effective war in the uncivilized parts, that there is going to be an exclamation point on "MISS ME YET!", as Obama has lost his legs in leading the world, had to give American nuclear superiority away to con leaders to his summit, and while the Navy is running Pacific policy, the Air Force just launched a killer space shuttle that they are not saying when it is ever coming back.

Allot of people are missing George W. Bush, and allot of people are about to start missing him a great deal more.


  1. No, wait. Don't tell me.

    You were sitting next to an empty bottle of wine as you typed that.

  2. Oh no you di'ent!

    Good lord, Deuce.

    It's not like it's a slow news day.

    (I suspect this will end up as one of the EB misses in the 2010 Bosco awards)



  3. I volunteer my emergency services as copy editor.

    Just send all your posts to me for close inspection and minor correction.

    Preferably early in the day.

  4. As usual, excellent job with the cover picture though.


  5. I am somewhat relieved.

    It was Lame Cherry who drunk-authored the entire thing.

    My copy editing offer still stands. Entirely as a means of gleeful sabotage, of course.

  6. "Allot of people are missing George W. Bush, and allot of people are about to start missing him a great deal more."

    Allot? What the fuck??? That tells you "allot" about the intellect behind this post!

  7. Well this Jew NEVER supported Obama...

    And alot of folks, are getting pissed..

    Hey ash, might i suggest you stay in Canada and learn to speak french or arabic.

  8. wow, c'mon WiO, help us all understand the beauty of this article, the pertinence of its arguments - from the 'slut wife' (what's that say about Palin?) to the staging of Abu Gharib. I'm sure you can demonstrate the power of your intellect here!

  9. Thanks for noticing i did not write it.

  10. Meanwhile, over at the BC, Lifeofthemind is concerned about the race loyalty brigades and violence enthusiasts jeopardizing the Club's reputation as a stronghold of sagacity.

  11. There was too much news today, but that was noted this morning.

    I was hoping for a Greek collapse and not a bail-out.

  12. i am glad the Times Square bomb was a dud, I am hoping the perp came in through Arizona.

    I am hoping he is not Scots Irish from Wilkes Barre

  13. It appears this Lame Cherry is an inspiration to you. One of your mentors?

    "The lame cherry, the mystery of life's experts coupled in the mind of ignorance too much the enigma to understand"

    Forget Schopenhauer, Plato, Hume and Descartes Deuce offers us Lame Cherry!

  14. I have my reasons, you'l have to read St. Augustine of Hippo.

    Here is a hint:
    " Lame Cherry probably writes the way he or she does — in cryptic, hard-to-understand riddles and opaque prose — because he or she most likely wants to hide his or her real voice in whatever he or she posts.

    People are surprisingly adept at figuring out who a writer is by listening to him or her, and remembering the “voice” of what they write. There have been an interesting number of times when we’ve either been out in Boystown, or have spoken at some event around Chicago, and people listening came up and asked. “Are you HillBuzz guys?”, clandestinely whispering so they could keep our secret. It’s amazing to us that people can pick up turns of phrase and connect them from the page to the spoken word like that, but they can. Remarkably well, too.

    So, when reading Lame Cherry, we get the feeling what’s said there is written so awkwardly because the person writing it deliberately wants to throw people off their trail.

  15. I wanted to learn something and have.

  16. "So, when reading Lame Cherry, we get the feeling what’s said there is written so awkwardly because the person writing it deliberately wants to throw people off their trail."

    Worked on me.

    I stopped reading after a couple paragraphs.


  17. I see Deuce highlighting Lame Cherry and it tends to make his views equivalent with 'its'.

    Blogger Deuce said...

    i am glad the Times Square bomb was a dud, I am hoping the perp came in through Arizona.

    I am hoping he is not Scots Irish from Wilkes Barre

    That is also a telling comment! God forbid it was a "white man in his 40's" that planted the bomb...or, *gasp* a 'good ole boy from Kentucky'.

  18. I liked because it reminded me that a week ago I saw a bill board exactly like this

    And of course, my answer was "Absolutely!"

  19. Have you seen the National Enquirer story on Obama's infidelity?

    Before you guffaw, remember who broke the story on pretty boy Edwards.

  20. No Ash, I just do not want to see another Tiim McVeigh for the left to host on. That probably includes you.

  21. yeppers, it does seem that your only care is the partisan fight.

  22. I enjoyed the rant.

  23. Actually, I think it was a bottle of Wild Turkey. Got it yet?

  24. I hear someone who sounds a lot like Christopher Hitchens. And, I don't even hardly ever read him.

  25. actually "partisan" might to too generous and kind given your apparent ideology.

  26. Lame Cherry isn't a native English speaker.

  27. No one's a "native" speaker on Wild Turkey. :)

  28. You can "dum it down," but you cain't "smart it up."

    I think it's a "Native" speaker trying to throw us off the track. Gee, this is a fun game.

  29. I jist got one question. How did he keep his hand off of that ass?

  30. Kinda surprising, to me, at least. Oil's not moving. Not an inch.

  31. "I think it's a 'Native' speaker trying to throw us off the track."

    Well, I've waded through that sewer for a good hour and disagree.

    It's not the so-called riddles or opacity either. It's the grammar. The speech pattern.

  32. Okay, it was written by a jew, right? Raised in . . . . . . but, educated at VMI?

  33. "It's not the so-called riddles or opacity either. It's the grammar. The speech pattern."

    Hey, Trish knows her English.

    She doesn't always use it, but hey.

    And she knows the riddles and opacity part even better than the grammar and speech patterns.


  34. The Butler in the Parlor with the Candlesticks?

  35. I think it was a "collaborative effort" between Deuce, and Ellie Weisel.

  36. Raised in Israel (maybe born elsewhere?) and educated in the U.S. (Highly intelligent, probably Wealthy enough to be Ivy League, but with a real, hard hillbilly edge.) "Mrs. Ed?" Whew.

    Almost have to be in his late fifties, right?

  37. "And she knows the riddles and opacity part..."

    My exceptional talents are so little appreciated.

  38. Can't comment Rufus.

    Suggest you drop it.

    Really. Suggest. You drop it.


  39. I was bein facetious, Q.

    I went over and read a couple of her posts. The woman is highly intelligent, and, also, STARK RAVING MAD.

    She knows a little bit about a whole lot of stuff, but when she wrote about something I knew something about she was all wet. Which leads me to suspect she's all wet on most everything else, too.

    But, she is a prolific writer .. .. . er, storyteller, whatever.

  40. I was reading the comments recently at some blog or other and expressed aloud my real surprise and dismay that something like twenty comments in a row seemed to have been typed by unselfconscious illiterates. Maybe those just recently dispatched here from an alien planet and given little time to peruse the Manual.

    So maybe what I deem to be other-than-native-English-speaker is instead just some bozo American gushing idiotically and at length from a rupture in a fevered mind.

  41. Oh, hell, of course it couldn't have been the EB.

    The EB would have been 120. :)

  42. "I was bein facetious, Q."

    So was I Ruf.

    (Although you might have been getting closer than you think with the Mr. Ed thought.)


  43. "Was it the EB?"

    The EB does not begin to approach the disintegration of the Mother Tongue that evidently is out there.

  44. That's gotta be Habu's wife. Man, she is a . . . . . .

    Hell, I don't know what she is.

  45. Deuce, how did you happen onto That blog?

  46. Shit, Ruf. You sit around googling cherry and stuff like that your bound to cum across it.


  47. Not one of your better ones, Q.

    I've been over there reading that wildness. Wow. Talk about your "fevered" whatever.

    I need an "intervention." I feel like I need an "exorcist," or a cold beer. And, I'm out of beer.

  48. Maybe I can go to sleep. It shouldn't be too hard; I think my last two brain cells just died.


  49. Actually, I think they were murdered. They were "conspiracided."

  50. (Reuters) - European shares fell in thin trade on Monday, with banks slipping on concerns a massive bailout package for Greece may face political problems and on doubts about whether Greece can sustain the tough austerity ...

  51. VENICE, La. - Another week of oil pouring from the seafloor. That is the best-case scenario for the Gulf Coast, where dead sea turtles washed ashore and a massive rust-colored slick continued to swell from an uncontrolled gusher spewing into the water.

  52. Deuce,

    As soon as your author intorduced the Jews in non-Shylockian terms you were bound to lose your otherwise steadfast T&A audience.

    Thank you for the effort.

  53. The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should get a load of through it.;u=60535
